Showing posts with label COVID university courses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID university courses. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Paying Bills, Pork Cubes & Plenty of....

Covid19 Headlines


September 1, 2020

Well what do you know? Everything still looks like it did last night when I logged off. I know I got an email today from google telling me about all these wonderful changes to do with adsense - which I couldn't care less about, but once again, they mentionned that we'd better get used to the new way of doing things as it'll become permanent later on this year. So I guess that goes for the blog editting features as well. 

We spent the day doing errands, paying bills, and butchering and packaging the meat we bought into the cuts we like, which in this case was a lot of cubes and a couple of roasts. We use pork cubes for souvlaki, as we make that quite often, along with stir fries,  and well roasts are good for a number of things, from feeding a crowd to making pulled pork or other dishes with.

Despite the fact, that I'm struggling to stay awake as my sleep wake cycle is totally messed up, and I  want to get it rectified as soon as possible - hopefully tonight, hence the reason I'm fighting to stay awake at the moment, I decided to try to see if the editor in the blogger is still the good old familiar one or if it was "upgraded" again like the adsense thingamabob that I got an email about. So that's why I'm adding headlines here now, even though I feel more like passing out than anything else. So if there's a  lot of typos, grammatical and spelling errors or what I say just doesn't make any sense to you, that may be why. 

Anyhow before I do actually pass out, I should begin posting the headlines so that there's some here....

Coronavirus in Kenya: How it turned classrooms into chicken coops Well at least they're making use of the empty classrooms. 

A Florida couple thought COVID was a hoax. They both got the virus, and the wife is dead. That's a shame that the wife had to die. But no it's not a hoax folks. But on the other hand I don't think it's nearly as bad as they're trying to lead us to believe either.

CanSino blames Chinese officials for failure of joint vaccine program with Canada: Globe and Mail   Good because that's where the blame belongs! Squarely on the Chinese officials shoulders!

How outdoor classrooms might — and might not — be the pandemic solution schools need They're not going to be able to use that option for very long here in Canada before the cold and snow sets in.

Lose Yourself in Eight of France's Most Beautiful Gardens  Maybe take a break from the gloom and doom of COVID19 for a little while to virtually visit some beautiful gardens in France. 

Misinformation online plays role in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: Tam   I wouldn't call it misinformation, so much as information. Especially information about all the vaccine efforts around the globe that Gates has his grimey paws in. That's not misinformation, but rather actual real information.

New Zealander sails through Arctic on custom yacht in violation of COVID-19 restrictions  Wow. Some people have all the audacity in the world it seems. 

I don't know as you'd need to enroll in that and waste good money considering there's all kinds of free resources all over the place with tons of info on the pandemic, from this blog for instance, to several cable TV channels that seems to be solely devoted to it.  But hey if you do enroll in that course, let them know about my blog, perhaps they can use it in the course. If they do, please let me know.

COVID-19 safety measures could keep influenza cases down, doctors say  This is an interesting side benefit of the safety measures for COVID19.  

Why predicting our future feelings is so difficult So with this in mind, you can see that it's hard to say how we'll feel about things after the pandemic has passed. The way we feel now and say we'll feel then is probably going to change drastically.

Anyhow that's it for the moment. Until next time take care & stay well.