Showing posts with label misplaced trust in Drs. & scientists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label misplaced trust in Drs. & scientists. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tons of Stuff to do With....



Sept. 23, 2020

My mother always used to say "there's no rest for the wicked", so I guess that means I must be wicked, given the fact that so many things are out there in the news in regards to this virus, I can't start from the usual place - which is where I left off in my bookmark file in the bookmarked headlines and instead have to start with the stuff bookmarked in the last 24 hours or so and then resume from where I previously left off, if I have time. 

I'll reserve my opinions and observations for the comments on the articles themselves, rather than posting them here, as it'll take way too long then and wind up probably being redundant in the end. 

So I might as well get started as I have a ton to get through and then some....

So I thought I'd start with sheite for brains address to Canadians that he made on TV tonight as a way of kicking things off on a really contentious note in this blog post.....

Followed by the 3 opposition party leaders subsequent speeches given after bozo brains' speech....


I agree with elements from all 3 opposition party leaders speeches and if those were the speeches guiding a platform in a as yet unannounced election, it would be hard for me to choose which one to vote for, but I can tell you one thing, that prosaic humdrum singsong of bozo brains wouldn't be getting any votes from me on it. Like Blanchet said, those in mine & my husband's age group was left out of Trudeau's help entirely. Like Singh said there are huge holes in our medicare services that should be offered to everyone like pharmacare and dental services that should've been addressed before and like O'Toole said we have to care about the entire country and not just certain regions and support everyone equally. 

 REALLY????? NOT THIS AGAIN !!!!! YOU ALREADY Wrecked Easter on us, you're NOT doing it to Thanksgiving too!!!! This time we're a lot more experienced in how to handle things and a lot wiser about all the shennanigans associated with this plandemic of yours and have more ideas about what's going on because of it, that I don't think I'll be listening to your over the top draconian dictatorship on this now. I want to have a Thanksgiving with my family primarily because of our age & NOT KNOWING IF WE'LL LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER YEAR OR NOT (DUE TO OUR AGE & NOT YOUR STUPID PLANDEMIC), that I INTEND TO HAVE A THANKSGIVING WITH MY FAMILY WHILE I'M STILL ABLE TO AND ABLE TO ENJOY IT.  And I want to see YOU OR ANYONE TRY TO PREVENT IT!!!!! Then I promise you I'll be suing the gov't for overreach, abuse of power, AND for letting this virus into the country in the first place and all the resulting deaths on account of it. Just try me because now I'm fed up and had enough of your BS Mr. Waterhole ash hole. Oh and BTW how come you didn't limit gatherings for Ramadan eh and only the Jewish and Christian holidays? 

This preceded the other speeches posted above and you can see what kind of BS this is. I hope an election is triggered, because we really need to get rid of that idiot.
Now coincidentally or perhaps preplanned (my gut goes with the preplanned scenario), these charts trying to scare Canadians into submission were released yesterday. Take a gander at them (you can enlarge them in here by clicking on them if you wish): 







As I said above you can click on each chart to enlarge, for easier reading.  

Now with all that out of the way, I'll resume the usual headlines crawl down my bookmark file...

I lost all trust in them, when none of them came forward at the beginning of this to contradict Tam and the WHO, based just on the news that came out of Wuhan in December of last year. There must've been an infectious specialist or two, who's hair stood on end when they heard that, enough so that they would've taken action if they had've been in the same position as our chief medical officer like Tam is, but didn't. I mean my gawd, I was only a nurse decades ago and my hair stood on end when I saw the female doctor on the news describing what it was like in her one clinic in one day in Wuhan where she said she treated 100 patients just herself just that day and she had 10 colleagues working in that clinic and they also must've treated that many, per doctor, that day too. Then there was a show-around in a room where medical staff have a break (break room or lunch room or whatever you want to call it) and there were doctors in there weeping and wailing and throwing their arms up in exasperation and desperation. Just that one glimpse into the whole thing going on in Wuhan should've been more than enough to raise alarm bells and then when they started building 1,000 patient tent hospitals in parking lots, that should've said all anyone with a medical license needed to know. Enough so, that when Tam said oh there's nothing to worry about they could've called her out on it and challenged her on and told Canadians what they thought needed to be done. Instead they all remained quiet, preferring instead to tow the line rather than to save lives like doctors are supposed to do, but failed miserably at doing, in this case.  They failed miserably to alert the Canadian public about her incompetance and negligence, so much so it's cost thousands of lives and wrecked our livelihoods and economies. So the Canadians that  say they trust them, it's only because they don't know any better. 
Family caregivers can return to Nova Scotia long-term care homes Oh now that the country is ready to close down again they can go back. For how long? A week? 2 weeks? Or perhaps a half a day? Or maybe a half an hour? Before they'll be forced out again?


Seems like they'll be getting the increases, or at least some of it, based on the throne speech today, but it also seems like Ottawa is going to designate how it's spent. Which is what Blanchet objected to in his televised speech.

Coronavirus: Ontario taking 4-week 'pause' on reopening, loosening COVID-19 measures Which will segue into a renewed lockdown which will take yet another 4 weeks for them to even reconsider letting up on it, if they do, which is doubtful. 

Saskatchewan education minister expects 'demand on substitute teachers' from pandemic I think all education ministers should be expecting a demand on substitute teachers.

Newsroom Ready: Review of health early-warning system welcome, Tam says Of course you welcome it if the review panel is stacked with all your cronies and sycophants, but if you had an honest doctor on the panel (and given that you're the chief health officier of Canada and probably hold seniority and sway over the medical establishment and thus can get anything you want enacted or person fired, there's probably not m/any doctors willing to go up against you because of the risk of losing their license if they speak out against you) who wasn't afraid of you and losing their license for being honest, you'd be terrified of it. Especially if they spoke the truth and said you were GROSSLY NEGLIGENT FOR FAILING TO PUT CANADA UNDER QUARANTINE THE MOMENT YOU KNEW ABOUT WHAT WAS GOING ON IN WUHAN - WHICH YOU PROBABLY KNEW ABOUT BEFORE MOST OTHER CANADIANS SINCE YOU SPEAK & UNDERSTAND CHINESE AND THUS COULD'VE LEARNT ABOUT IT SOONER THAN US THROUGH CHINESE MEDIA OR RELATIVES IN CHINA. YOU COULD'VE CLOSED OUR BORDERS THE MOMENT YOU KNEW ABOUT IT, BUT DIDN'T. And I knew about it, long before you did anything about it and I don't know Chinese, and it's not my job to keep abreast of potential epidemics and pandemics in the world. BUT IT IS YOURS!!!!!! So you wouldn't want anyone like that on the panel or you'd be hightailing it back to Hong Kong, in order to avoid rotting in prison for the rest of your miserable life, if you thought for a moment there might be someone like that on the panel that would expose you for the negligent genocidal beitche that you are.
Art in lockdown: Making anthotype plant prints Another way to pass the time, resulting in something of ethereal beauty, suitable for framing.


Get used to it folks! Anything fun or interesting is being cancelled this year thanks to your friendly neighbourhood plandemic and it's championed virus COVID19.
Trump acknowledged seriousness of COVID-19 privately to Bob Woodward in early February Well then that goes to prove he knows and the rest of it is probably being facetious or sarcastic, but the media is too dense, daft, biased or whatever is the case to pick up on and understand that. Though, the thing about the bleach was a little too much, given that there are a lot of gullible and mentally challenged people out there who'll do whatever someone in a position of authority says. So perhaps he should've thought about that, before uttering the bleach injection and drinking as a cure.

There's one minor piece of the equation missing here. How many people were originally at that cottage party? 1, 10, 50, 100, 150? How many? It's facts like this that are missing, which potentially makes things look scarier than they should be. For instance if it's a cottage party and there were 100 people there and 40 got COVID, well that says that that less than half co-mingled  together and as a result they are the ones that got the disease. But if there were only 10 there and there were 40 who got it as a result, then that says that even though 30 of those people didn't go to the party they still got sick on account of it then that's scarier than knowingly being in a room of 100 people and being one of the 40 that came down with it. At least the 100 participants had to have known they were putting their health at risk by attending such a thing, whereas those who contracted it as community spread, are basically innocent bystanders who unknowingly got sick from it too.


My top tip is don't wear any. That way there won't be a problem with comfort.


Since it's a fun activity, it'll be banned, no question about it.

As much as they order data to be hidden, I'm sure there are some states, that order data to be inflated, for several reasons, as a means of controlling people, perhaps if they get funding from governments if they have so many cases, that could be a reason, perhaps as an excuse to impose lockdowns or curfews.
Covid Is Turning Us All Into Hipsteaders It's not just in the US that mason jars are sold out. They are here too. In fact I had to make a choice between canning the green tomatoes or my rhubarb. As it was easier to chop the rhubarb and freeze it for later use in canning or baking, I chose canning the green tomatoes as salsa. Which is what I did yesterday. Now, I'll have to either settle for rhubarb pie, or perhaps be patient and wait for us to use some of the stuff already canned, so I can get the jars to reuse for making rhubarb jam. We'll see. 

School bus routes cancelled across Ontario as COVID-19 worsens driver shortage There's apt to be a lot of kids missing school then, unless they can take online classes (unlike here in QC).

Venezuela's Maduro proposes giving Russia COVID-19 vaccine to legislative candidates If it's safe, why not? And any government who wishes to prove the vaccines they want to foist off on their taxpayers, is safe, should take it first themselves to prove it to us. 

If he died in the UK in January, there most definitely was a coverup. And if anyone died of it in January in the UK, do you not think it's possible it was already spread pretty far and wide by then and not just in Wuhan, but basically world wide considering China and the UK are on opposites sides of the earth from each other!?!
Don't expect a coronavirus vaccine before the election — here's the likely timeline according to doctors, government officials, and analysts I have never seen such a politicized vaccine or any medical treatment besides for AIDS before in my life.




Well they have done studies on prisoners who've been sentenced to so much time in solitary confinement and they know that a lot of people aren't able to handle the solitude for very long and they eventually crack. Is that what this is meant to do? I mean in days gone by, when there were quarantines in effect it was for the entire household and not just for one person. There would be a quarantine sign tacked onto the door and that was it, whoever lived inside (all household members) were under quarantine until it was lifted.  Which usually meant more than one member of the family got the illness in question and may have died from it, but I don't think any of them lost their minds from being in solitary isolation for that period of time and killed themselves on account of it. Those who died under the other quarantine conditions were usually from the disease itself and not because they committed suicide. 

Good for her. That's what I was talking about above, where gov't officials and members in government should take the vaccines first, to prove to the people that they're safe. She's willing to do that on TV in front of a national  TV audience I guess. What more could you ask?


Anyhow, that's it for the time being.... Until next time take care & stay well.