Showing posts with label immunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immunity. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

Celebrations Amid the Confusion of.....



February 22, 2021

Having celebrated our son's birthday this weekend, with a cake very similar to the one shown above, filet mignon steaks, potato salad, ceasar salad and copious amounts of wine, all made by me (except the steak was taken raw to his place and cooked there by my husband, and the wine of course). As we couldn't go out to a restaurant and he wanted "a nice steak dinner" for his birthday, I decided to make whatever I could make here to take there as he couldn't come here with all the ice and snow and his cast that he still has on his ankle. So that's what we did and it was nice to see him and his wife again. She played some songs on the piano, including Happy Birthday for him. So it was quite a nice time, worth the risk of getting caught by the ticket happy gestapo out there. Anyhow we made it home with 15 minutes to spare before curfew kicked in, so it's alright. We just went there earlier in the day than normal, so we could have some time with them and it wouldn't be a rushed dine and dash kind of deal.

As a mother who's already lost one of her kids to cancer and has only this one left, I was quite happy to hear he was having second thoughts about getting back on his motorcycle again when he's able to walk properly (mainly because of all the problems he's having with his ankle and rehabilitation to get full strength and range of motion of his foot back again). So to me, when he voiced those doubts, it was good news, because up until now, he's been adamant that he's going to be riding again, going so far as to replace his helmet, buy new "armoured" riding gear (with a skeleton made out of some sort of material meant to protect riders in the event of a crash). He did have a jacket like that before but hasn't worn it for a while as he bought it when he was in his early 20s and now being in his mid 30s it doesn't fit anymore. So he bought a new one recently, which I guess he might wind up selling along with the bike and helmet and everything else he bought to go with it. Given his daredevil Evil Knevil tendencies I think that's an awesome idea that he gives it up. Maybe with any luck one of my kids will outlive me.

We also got what appeared to be a glimmer of hope as it was mentionned very briefly at the dinner table when we were talking about the virus and I called the nursing homes, seniors death camps. They both laughed and said that if they had anything to do with anything none of their parents will wind up in one of those. They'll do whatever they have to to make sure their parents no matter how feeble or senile they are don't wind up there and are well taken care of. Even helping them to stay in their own homes as long as is possible. So that's a relief knowing we won't be shuffled off to some seniors death camp to die alone, when we become old crotchety, feeble & senile. 

Now as for the confusion.... That relates to what's going on out there in the Coronavirus scene.... Where it looks like the numbers are going up, down and sideways and people here are proclaiming good news and the end of the virus, while people there are warning about a worse wave to come along and others are saying hold on there we need more data to know what's what.... 

So that being the case, I'll just post the headlines no matter how conflicting and confusing they are, and let you decide whether to be optimistic, pessimistic or just blase about the whole thing. So get your reading glasses, cup of coffee and blanket and get comfortable as there's a lot to get through again today. Hopefully, I will, but I can't promise anything....

What Will Our Kids’ Post-Pandemic Immune Systems Be Like? Nevermind our kids.... What about ours? After being told to wipe down everything with sanitizers, sanitize our hands, wear face masks, etc... We'll be lucky if we don't contract what would've been a harmless bacterial infection or virus before, suddenly is quite deadly to us now, because we've been devoid of contact with these viruses and bacteria for such a long time our immune systems won't be able to cope with them or the combined overload of them again once we re-expose ourselves to them.  Isn't that a possibility here too?


Should the rich pay for the pandemic? Argentina thinks so. Other countries are taking a look. Considering that it's mostly the business class and those with money who can afford to travel the globe and thus are mostly responsible for the spread of this virus through their international gallavanting, yes those with money should be held responsible for it. Since they're the main source of the spread to begin with.
Hurt by Lockdowns, California’s Small Businesses Push to Recall Governor I wish we could do that with provincial premiers.

A Year After Covid Crash, Pandemic Losers Are the New Winners  That's good that someone is winning something, I guess.

Yup some of these mega bills (here in Canada too) have some really nasty stuff packed inside them especially the ones with the biggest carrots dangling in them as well, in order to entice the MPs to pass them.
Director of care home with worst COVID-19 death toll in B.C. resigns Are they resigning before they get sued or prosecuted for derelict of duties or negligence or what? If that's the case, I don't think their resignation should let them off the hook that easily.

Starting in April???? What about now???? Who gets the shots that are available now???? Since you've basically put the entire province under age 75 in the 2nd phase. So who the heck is in the first phase if everyone is in the 2nd one????
Quebec's Opposition questions whether health orders are based on science or politics I think it's one big power and money grab myself. The orders appear to be based on how much money they can grab from the people for disobeying their power tripping orders. That's what it looks like to me and why I am happy to flout them every chance I get!!!!!
Race is on to ‘get vaccines into arms as quickly as possible’ I have no clue which province they are talking about here, but it's safe to say that Dr. Sutcliffe is not our public health person. Ours isn't even a doctor, it's a pencil necked ash hole that's an accountant by trade. He probably doesn't even know how to apply a bandaid properly but yet he thinks he's qualified to be our public health minister here in Quebec.... 

So says dubious Dube, our pencil necked medical moron posing as a health minister.
Quebec logs 769 new COVID-19 cases, highest number of vaccinations in a single day  You have to really dig down deep in the article to find the "highest number"  in a single day. Quoting the article so you can see the massive effort (tongue in cheek & rolling eyeballs) they made in that single day here - or since mid December 2020 for that matter:  
Health authorities said 15,386 doses of vaccine were administered on Friday — the highest single-day total since the province began its immunization campaign — for a total of 329,324.
At this rate we'll be vaccinated in year 3021, probably. I mean gawd, 15,000 vaccinations PROVINCE WIDE in one day. What kind of pathetic joke of a campaign is that anyhow???? Considering how many towns, cities, villages and thus vaccine sites they either probably have or should have up and running. So what they gave out 1,000 in Montreal? 1,000 in Laval, 1,000 in QC City, 1,000 in Sherbrooke, 1,000 in Drummondville, 1,000 in Gatineau, 1,000 in Granby, 1,000 in Gaspe, 1,000 in Trois Rivieres, 1,000 in St. Eustache, 1,000 in Mont Tremblant and like that province wide? Like 1,000 doses per region, is that it? Or was it 15,000 doses all in one region? I mean I find it incredulous that you're incapable of inoculating more people than that in a day given all the various regions of QC that have large populations that needs vaccinating. Or do you do one city at a time? Is that it? If that's the case it'll be the day after the end of the world that you finally finish inoculating all 8.5 million of us.
I mean are you purposely dragging your ashes like that or are you really that inept? If it's on purpose, WHY?????

OMG that's the EXACT OPPOSITE OF HERE IN QC where the gov't GRABS ALL OUR FREE MONEY IF WE DARE GO OUT & GET INVOLVED IN RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES, only it's usually a lot more than $20 of our free money that they grab from us. Usually it's $1,500 and upwards that they grab from us for enjoying recreational activities!!!!! Cornwall's not that far away from us, if there's no roadblocks to get into Ontario from this side of the border, maybe we should go and participate in some recreational activities ourselves.
COVID-19 outbreak declared over at Canim Lake That's one little bit of good news for people in that area.

Alberta well-poised for post-COVID-19 economic recovery Good! So maybe that help cut down on all the whining and complaining we hear from them all the time - especially since the price of oil took a nose dive. 

Union pressing Olymel on employee pay during outbreak as Prairie hog farmers worry I thought the Federal government had a program that did that, paid workers for staying home when they were sick or laid off even temporarily due to COVID 19. So if that's the case, why does the company need to pay them too?

Ontario begins testing asymptomatic students for COVID-19 Obviously this journalist has no clue about what they're talking about, because someone who's asymptomatic means they have the illness but don't show symptoms. Everyone else who has no symptoms are merely everyone else, the public, or symptomless people (meaning they could be asymptomatic, or just people who don't have the virus and thus no symptoms).

Pandemic makes prostitution taboo in Nevada’s legal brothels Oh no!!! 😱  How come????.... Seriously,  I don't think we needed a news story to tell us that. I think most people would've surmised it using their common sense.

Sounds like they might've all been Air Canada passengers...
UK urges UN resolution for pause in conflicts for virus jabs  A "pause".... What's a "pause" going to do? Allow you to vaccinate the people, so the military can kill them afterwards???? How does that make any sense to anyone???? Instead of a "pause" how about a total and unconditional cease-fire???? That makes more and better sense. Doncha think????


And yet more strains to worry about.... Wondering if the vaccines that are available now will be of any use to anyone by the time they get their injection as it seems the variants will have taken over and the vaccines weren't made to fight those variations off, so will they even be of use to us once we get the jabs?
Is Canada headed for a 3rd COVID wave?  Are we? The numbers are going down across the country for the most part. 

In the US. 

Good for them! Too bad Canadians are such sheeple.
Privacy faces risks in tech-infused post-Covid workplace That's why workers have to stand up for themselves and don't allow the massive invasion of privacy that's awaiting them upon return to the office.

I think if the offices remained empty world-wide that would pretty much resolve the homeless crisis world wide. It certainly should be used as a method to provide more affordable housing to the masses in the various cities where there's large vacant office buildings that could be renovated to accommodate residential tenants. 


Trudeau promises extension of pandemic benefits I guess that's good news for those who need it.

Finally!!!!! They got up on their feet and started calling the genocidal witch doctor out on her BS. It's about freaking time!!!!!
Canada logs over 3K new COVID-19 cases as feds warn of ‘strong’ variant-fueled resurgence The article just above puts paid to this one. Showing what kind of asinine idiots we have at the helm - the 3 genocidal maniacs are featured in this particular story, Tam, Mr. Dressup and HaggyDodo. NONE of them are qualified to diagnose a paper cut let alone a viral illness or gawd forbid an actual pandemic. Let alone how to treat it. They're just negligent genocidal maniacs is all they are.

We need more than a mere localized rally. We need a MASSIVE COUNTRY-WIDE PROTEST EN MASSE!!!!! Where everyone who can should go out and protest in their area on one particular day. If anyone in Canada wants to organize such a thing, let me know the dates you want to do that and I'll post in my blog for the Cdn visitors to inform themselves of the dates and places where the protests will be held. I have absolutely no problem with that.
Popcorn and other snacks will be allowed in Quebec's orange zone theatres: Health Ministry Euuuu that's almost enough to make me want to pack up and move to an orange zone! 😏

Nevermind the where.... When should be the priority question here, because at 15,000 shots a day, it could take an eternity for you to get one. 

 That's good I think, except that since then the numbers have started rising again. So was that just a blip on the screen or what? Wondering...

That we have a bunch of inept idiots at the helm? Because that's what it tells me.
Healthy as a horse? Ban on riding lessons has coaches feeling ill at ease Okay well we live near an equestrian ranch/farm and while they house people's horses for them all year long and some people who own horses might take them out around a yard to walk them for exercise, I don't think there's many people riding their horses in the snow and I know that there's definitely no horse back riding lessons given in the wintertimes plandemics or not. So what's this about anyhow? 

Very sad, but I'm sure she's not the only one who died on account of the asinine hospital policies. Like I said many times before, what difference does it make if someone dies of covid or heart problems or whatever problems? A death is a death and all patients no matter the causes of their problems should have equal chances at treatment and survival!  Same with her and everyone else like her!
Suggestions for city dwellers to stay active during Montreal's COVID-era spring break Crampons and snowshoes available at libraries eh? What the F would you need snowshoes for except maybe to try to negotiate the snowbanks along the sidewalks and the crampons.... Yup they would be useful especially for all the icy sidewalks and streets, but snowshoes???? hehehee.... Yeah I know there's the mountain but for the life of me the flake that runs Montreal seems to want to have the road to the mountain closed to traffic, so unless you're into hiking up a steep mountain road to get to the park to snowshoe.... I don't know where you'd use those.

Now for something completely different! 

Very sad and very sobering. 

Israel’s Speedy Vaccination Campaign Now Faces Key Test in Returning to Normal  I'm wondering if things don't work out as well as they hoped, if we'll know about it, or if they'll bury it out of deference to Pfizer? 

As millions of kids skip kindergarten, the learning gap widens – and schools may lose funding Is this part of the program to dumb kids down even further? If not, it seems like it's being used for that purpose anyhow.


He's been drinking too much of that genocidal witch's kool-aid, I think.
Things not trending locally in the right direction: Hajdu Haggydodo the art teacher is alarmed by what she sees in her riding of 200 odd cases and it rising and talking about the small healthcare system in Thunder Bay.... One problem there Haggydodo (as you SHOULD KNOW since you were declared to be our health minister, despite total lack of qualifications for such a posting - Thunder Bay is a part of Ontario and Ontario has a MASSIVE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM so petition them to help out in that respect as Thunder Bay is part of their jurisdiction or else being the FEDERAL HEALTH CARE MINISTER requisition some help from the Feds for that region) but stop acting like a total ash hole even though you are and you can't help it!!!!!!

I'm just waiting for the day that paper cuts, worse cuts, broken bones, bruises, sprains and strains and concussions are also included in the COVID list, because it seems like everything else is already.
Or shows how impotent, totally powerless and clueless some leaders are, like the idiot at the head of Canada's helm.
Hong Kong leader, other officials receive COVID-19 vaccine Of course all the leaders of the world ensure they're taken care of first before any of their taxpaying constituents are.

Lockdown blues: Zoo animals can't stop yawning Something different to put you to sleep. 

That's scary, considering most diseases don't affect several different species like this one does.
Experts urge Government to publish vaccine data All gov'ts and not just the UK gov't should do the same thing.


I don't get how he thinks that'll help anything. I mean really, the employers forced to pay that increase will increase the cost of their goods and services, which will in turn force the minimum wage workers pay more for those goods and services, which they wanted the increase to help offset for them. So it's a no win situation. 

Florida women disguise themselves as elderly citizens to jump vaccine queue I guess Thelma and Louise had nothing better to do that day except dress up as old ladies to try to score a couple of vaccine shots for themselves. 

 Very somber and scary number there. 

I wish officials around here would've given us a break on things like property taxes. But nooooo..... They wanted even more than we paid last year or the year before. 
LeBlanc 'very confident' provinces can handle ramped-up vaccine delivery I don't see why they wouldn't be able to unless they have ash holes and idiots like Tam, Haggydodo and Mr. Dressup giving them their guidelines and marching orders.

Political power..... 

It seems that whenever anything happens, no matter what it is, it's always the women and youth that are hit the hardest by it.
Sounds like echoes of the EU and Pfizer and Moderna all over again.
Vaccinations start without rush in Australia, parts of Asia Considering they have the virus pretty much under control they don't really need to rush like Canada should.

That's really nice of that doctor. I'm sure the patients appreciate it. 

I know we didn't get any help from the Feds nor the gestapo bootied gov't in QC and so our taxes went up.
COVID-19: More than 100,000 cancer patients in the UK struggling to pay for basic essentials, says charity That's horrible. I'm not sure the Cdn gov't is of much more help to such patients either and I know they'd be struggling with the same sort of things. 


Basically what I said above, in one of my first comments on this post.



It looks really nice.

Ummm hello.... If your visa was expiring it means you stayed too long as it was. So you should've come home sooner and then if you did you wouldn't be having this problem. So it's not the Cdn gov'ts fault but your own that you stayed too long to start with.

I don't know how people come up with such cockamamie theories.... Must've been dropped on his head as a child, either that or he's a natural born alarmist.
More COVID-19 cases in Wuhan outbreak than initially understood, says WHO scientist I don't know why it was misunderstood. I heard one doctor at one clinic crying and citing the fact that she alone treated over 100 patients that day with the same problem and that there were 10 doctors there and they had all pretty much did the same thing that did and had been doing that for weeks. So just at that clinic alone if you did the math they were treating 7,000 patients a week (assuming they were open 7 days a week) and if you multiply that by the 3-4 weeks she said it was going on  JUST in her clinic alone that would indicate that there were between 21,000 and 28,000 treated in that time period. So multiply that by all the other clinics in the area and you're  WELL ABOVE the reported 5,000 cases that China claimed. I mean all you had to do is do the math and stop being so gullible as to believe everything the lying communist gov't in China was saying. That was back in December 2019 too. Before China even broke the news about it going on in Wuhan. Just staying informed of what was going on in the world is all it takes - you don't need some big UN commission going there looking into things to find out they were lying and it was way under reported.

Just another dystopian jaunt down the side path of history....

Anyone not made with RNA is the best in my opinion. 
The disease-resistant patients exposing Covid-19's weak spots As I doubt I'll ever be able to prove whether I had Covid or not because we're not allowed antibody tests apparently, I'll never know to be sure. But I do believe I had it and recovered from it on my own. I do know though that ever since we (my whole family) got H1N1 none of us have had any flus or colds since then. So if I did have Covid and recovered from it on my own, is that maybe why? Because of the immunity that H1N1 provided us against such types of illnesses? So that when I did get it, it was only a moderate case and not as rough as it could've been had I not been exposed to H1N1 and as a result developed a super immunity against things? I call it a super immunity although the medical establishment may not. To me, being immune to just about every cold and flu going around out there is a super immunity. 

Just in case you need this information in the foreseeable future - if you're Canadian though, that's doubtful that you will, but in case...
This restaurant owner spent $2,000 from his advertising money to promote his competitors Wow! I've never seen someone spend money out of their own pockets to promote their competitors businesses! That's just totally selfless and awesome!

They make it sound like some kind of miracle that she lived through the 1918 pandemic. That's no big deal. All of my ancestors did. My dad, my aunts & uncles, my grandparents and great aunts and uncles all did considering they were all born in the early 1900s and late 1800s. That's not the big deal here. The big deal here is her age, so why don't they tout that instead?

See even the nuns flout the laws when it suits them! 
Like summer camp for grown-ups: The pandemic is changing the digital nomad scene Well hey if it's a nice place and you can afford to be there and work from there, then why not? Where I live is not tropical but it's beautiful with awesome neighbours and I love it and wouldn't want to live anywhere else even if it is in the gestapo power tripping ticket happy province.

Okay, well I'm not sure I understand the booing, considering most other countries are clamoring just to get a few vaccines and have nothing really to "rollout" yet.

Then by the time they've been made trialed and approved and put into production, new variants will come along and so on and so on, ad infinitum. So maybe it's best everyone's given the basic shots now as they are and then boosters with the new strains added later on when they're made. So that in the meantime people are at least protected from the basic virus, while medical authorities try to keep a cap on the variants and their spread until the revamped booster shots are available.


The way to circumvent that and for those who live outside the immediate vicinity of the 4 airports that are allowing international travellers into Canada, like say Halifax for instance, or Winnipeg maybe, just take a flight to the nearest US airport and then find a way to drive across the border and that way you'll only be subject to the rules for crossing the land border and not the insane rules for international flights.
I am so sick and tired of seeing the govts use this plandemic as an excuse to cage us, fine us and jail us, when the whole damned thing was their fault to begin with. It's them that needs to be caged, fined and jailed (forever for crimes against humanity and mass genocide) and not the general public. We should be the ones fighting aback against those abusive power tripping basturds and stop kowtowing to their threats and BS. So if there's a way to circumvent that, or fight back or flout them altogether, I'm all for it now. 
Don't get me wrong, I sincerely believe that we need to be vigilant against the disease and stop it from spreading. So wearing masks, physical distancing, and self isolating for 14 days upon arrival back in the country I have no problem with. It's the gouging BS the gov't is doing. There's nothing wrong with expecting people to quarantine for 14 days at home or in the hotel room they reserved for themselves for their visit here and having special officers check up on them to make sure they're staying in quarantine. I'm all for that, but this ridiculous BS of making them stay in quarantine hotels at their expense that's BS and if they do stay in one it should be at the gov'ts expense since it's their fault this disease got into the country in the first place! I mean NS could do that to the visitors to that province so why can't the rest of Canada (provincial gov'ts) or the Feds do that? Send officers to check up on recent arrivals to make sure they're obeying the quarantine laws.
Nova Scotia expands access to COVID-19 vaccine to people 80 years old and older Even in the 70s there were a lot of octagenarians, so I can imagine now. Now they're apt to have quite a few people 80 & over to inoculate.
Cops crash highrise condo party after bottles tossed to the ground  I guess the party guests weren't the brightest crayons in the box then...

Maybe I should find one or two of these classes to follow myself.... 

Hospitalizations up for the first time in weeks as Quebec adds 805 new COVID-19 cases It seems like our numbers are going up and down like a frigging yo-yo.

Quebec schools report thousands of active coronavirus cases among students and staff As this report was written in September and then recently updated, if you can make sense out of it and know which portion of the story belongs in September and which is more recent, kudos to you. 

Mmmmmmm.... I want to order a couple of those meals. I told my husband about it and he scoffed at me saying if I thought they were going to go bankrupt I was crazy as they were charging about $20 for a hockey puck sized chunk of maple sugar. I said it wasn't because of them going bankrupt or not, it was because in all the years we've lived in QC, I've always wanted to go to a sugar shack (when we had the kids at home I wanted to take them for the experience, they got the experience alright but not from us, from the schools they went to) but he never wanted to go. So he said "ah, okay, fine". As long as it saves him a hike in the muddy woods in March, I guess it's fine.

Just an ordinary person who used to be a nurse at one time, and now just an ordinary person who used to be a nurse at one time with a blog that's afforded me the opportunity to see what this BS is all about and as a result I'm now just an angry at the gov't person who used to be a nurse at one time. If I were younger I'd probably be a died in the wool anarchist or outright revolutionary, now.

That's all for now. In the meantime until next time, take care and stay well.




Wednesday, December 2, 2020

An Important .....

Covid 19 


December 2, 2020

First things first..... I think I'm going to give the old graphic I used in the slot above a break for awhile at least, if not retire it permanently and try to use mostly different graphics on a regular basis for each new post from now on if I can. All of the graphics will be from and I'd like to thank them for allowing the use of the graphics I've used up until now too.  So don't think you've accidentally wound up somewhere else while intentionally trying to come here, because the look isn't 100% familiar. 

While things haven't deteriorated that much here in QC since I put this blog on hold, there have been some developments and discoveries that I thought I'd post here. While it's nowhere near as thorough as it was before I put the blog on hold, I'm at least trying to get the most important news - which primarily affects us here in QC & Canada the most and maybe other areas of the world as well. 

So here it goes: 

Since this blog was set up for Canadian seniors with priority going to QC seniors, this story is at the top of the list here. Please heed and take care if you're in this category.
We now have the best evidence yet that coronavirus immunity lasts 6 to 8 months after infection, and perhaps even years I knew it. So now we need to be tested for antibodies so we know if we've had the disease or not (for those who aren't sure if they did or not), to know if we need the vaccines or not. 

I'm going to take a quote from this story and copy it here and comment on it afterwards - quoting: Canada, said Trudeau, "no longer has any domestic production capacity for vaccines" and it makes sense that the countries that do will prioritize their own citizens.  - Comment: That is total unadulterated BS that we don't have any domestic production facilities. How come we could churn out a bazillion doses of the H1N1 vaccine in 2009 but we can't churn out any of this vaccine????? We had vaccine production facilities then and STILL DO because Harper signed a contract with a vaccine production company that runs out in 2021. So technically we still have those facilities, so what's wrong with bozo brains renewing that contract and extending it longer in case we need it again? That guy is a consistent clueless idiotic liar as far as I'm concerned. He's so pathetic I don't even know how he got re-elected last year.  
Loneliness Is Hurting Everyone In The Pandemic, But It’s Killing Seniors  Oh? So you're finally starting to clue in now, after we've been talking about this since the beginning of the pandemic!?! Talk about slow learners - no wonder this country is in the mess it's in. None of the idiots in power can even take a second to listen to anyone else and they think they know it all, when in fact they're nothing but a bunch of clueless airhead idiots that can't hear for listening. It's a little late now to clue into that fact don't you think? Considering a vaccine is upon us and the first ones in line for it are seniors, ergo giving them an out to get out and about and start living again instead of just being warehoused in a seniors death camp or at home alone. Talk about daft idiots at the helm. Had to find a way to deprive us of freedom, life and liberty eh, while trying your utmost to infect and kill as many of us as you possibly could? Was that the gimmick?  To cut down on the pensions having to be paid and the "useless eaters" as Henry Kissinger called those he disdained - which included the elderly, amongst others including those that they call the front line workers today - the working poor - those holding minimum wage jobs to keep essentials open and running. I hope the old fart himself comes down with this and dies before it's over with, that'll serve that ultra-useless-eater right.

It's one thing telling us we'll be getting a gazillion doses from all different sources, but it's another thing telling us WHEN WE'LL BE GETTING THOSE DOSES! That I get the Trudeau Liberal gov't is too light in the brain dept to understand trivialities like that, but it's those trivialities that matters to everyone who has more than 2 halves of a brain cell to rub together, unlike the Lieberals in power. 

This story asserts that we have 2 contracts with companies to produce vaccine that's good until March 2021. So what's wrong with enlisting their help to crank out supplies of some vaccines for ourselves? And extending the contracts with those companies to last at least another decade if not more just in case....  So you can see what kind of bald faced lying scumbag our PM is from the quote I copied and pasted from another news story above. 
Almost 1,300 people exempted from coronavirus border restrictions: officials Annndddd of course, it's not possible that even 1 of those 1,300 people are or were potential covid carriers as either asymptomatics nor as those showing symptoms eh? 

Considering everywhere else has approved a vaccine already, I don't see why Canada can't. Oh yeah, I forgot the numbskull in charge of Health Canada would first have to attend med school and at least take a biology course, if not get a full on medical degree, in order to be able to understand anything to do with this let alone approve it. So that's at least another 4 year wait. That's what happens when you put art teachers in the Health Minister's portfolio.
Violence against women intensified since coronavirus outbreak: UN Oh geez, that's a news flash and a half - at least to some of us. Others though I'm pretty sure, knew this from the beginning what kind of abuse some women would be suffering at the hands of their sissy-men boyfriends/husbands. Those guys that think they're so big, bad, tough and strong, but would pee their pants if a man their size wanted to take them on. So the only way they can feel strong and powerful is to beat on women and kids, because they'd never be able to even take on a man even half their size, that's how weak and wussy they are.  That's what I personally think of men who beat on women & kids as chicken sheite men who like to fight but not with other men of their own size and strength so they have to pick on weaker people than them like women and kids. 

Really???? Seriously??? Now it's teeth falling out too eh? And not merely due to total lack of oral hygiene over the years???? That one I find ultra hard to believe and any doctor or nurse that does, needs to go back to med school for a refresher course.
Music Legends Eric Clapton, Van Morrison Team for Anti-Lockdown Single ‘Stand and Deliver’   I hope I remember on the 4th to look for their songs so I can hear them. This takes me back to when I was 17 and under age drinking in a bar in Montreal and Eric Clapton was in town for a concert (which I got to see). The night before the concert I was at a bar with a friend of mine. She left with her boyfriend and left me sitting at the table alone (but as any young girl at a table alone in a bar knows, she's not alone for long before the table is swarming with guys buying her drinks which is what happened in my case). But Eric Clapton was at the bar, drinking and occasionally looking my way. Finally after awhile the bartender brought me a drink and said it was on that fellow at the bar and he says his name is Eric Clapton. OMG my jaw almost hit the floor and I said to the bartender to say thank you but I didn't know what else to do and was too paralyzed from fear and awkwardness to even think about what to do, so I just sat there. I never understood why me until I recently saw his life story on TV and saw that I pretty much looked like his first love which I guess he was getting over at that point in life. But seeing what his life was like, I'm really glad I didn't go over to see him now.

Censorship on overdrive. 

 Yeah but the question is.... Will we have any vaccines available to us by then? 

'Don't take epidemiology advice from a BBQ owner': Toronto's Meat & Pie Co. restaurant challenges Adamson Barbecue's protest Why not???? After all we're expected to take it from a snowboard instructor, an art teacher and an accountant! Not one of them has even spent a half hour in med school. So what's the difference?????? 


Of course, got to find a way to staunch the protests, so maybe fines will do it, as they can't use jail as recourse.  


Apologize for??????? I think that beitche that has no qualifications to hold her post but insists on holding it anyhow despite everything that's gone down, needs to do more than just apologize. That lame brained airhead, needs to do mega time behind bars for 8,000 deaths caused by gross negligence and ineptitude. She should be charged with gross negligence causing mass murder. Her, Tam & Trudeau! All three of them need to spend the rest of eternity behind bars for what they did and let happen to this country ESPECIALLY TAM (as she was allegedly the only qualified one - according to her saying she's a doctor) and Haggydodo for being such an arrogant ash hole imbecile that she was too stupid and arrogant and full of herself to step down and let someone more qualified take her post and the snowboard instructor for being a total and complete idiot and following whatever the witch doctor and art teacher said should be done. 

In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020. And women have been impacted most  This is just such a sad sad story. It not only highlights the depression caused by COVID19 but by society's exploitation of women especially the vulnerable women who desperately need jobs no matter how lousey the pay & working conditions are. The pandemic is just making things worse for them.

Well! At least there's some hope for us after-all! Personally I'd rather have Moderna's vaccine or any other vaccine over Pfizer's considering Gates had his grubby paws in theirs. Must find out which other vaccines he had anything to do with, if I can.
DeepMind’s protein-folding AI has solved a 50-year-old grand challenge of biology This was the scientific conundrum that was supposed to take another 50 years to figure out, that AI managed to solve, which will not only help with the coronavirus but basically all sorts of things to do with biology. 

City Without a Pulse I think probably a lot of big cities around the world are like this now-a-days.

Even still what would that do considering that in a lot of areas, if the person doesn't live with you you're not allowed to see them. And forgive me for pointing out, with the exception of my husband and son, most men's phones conversations consists of uh huhs, grunts, yups, nopes, and okays, or in French bien bon, oui, mon hostee,  (or phonetically sounding beh bon,  y, mon ostee) and things like that, but not much conversation at all. Usually, it's the other person doing the talking if it's a woman, and if it's a man, it's a very brief few sentence dialog). If it's my son or husband though they don't seem to know when to shut up and hang up. Oh and my brother too. 

Because he LOVESSSSS THE CHINESE SO MUCH 💕  & he's such a f'n moronic pig 🐷 for punishment it's not funny. I mean gawd almighty they took 2 innocent Canadians hostage after we grabbed that Wahway beitche for the Americans AND THEN refused several shipments of various kinds of food products (which notably has a limited shelf life and will rot after awhile) that we sent to them under a signed international trade agreement we have with them. Not to mention all the various pointed threats they keep issuing specifically at Canada whenever they do something they know we won't approve of. I mean they're out and outright hostile towards Canada and Canadians now and the f'n idiotic airhead mental case we have in charge here in Canada is too f'n stupid to see or understand that. So of course he signs a deal that's not only vital but actually downright detrimental to the wellbeing of all Canadians, with the Chinese. The very people who take every opportunity they can find to screw us over and threaten us on top of that. I mean how moronic is that idiot at our helm anyhow? Anyone with a half a brain cell in their heads would've known by now not to trust the Chinese at all with anything to do with Canada or Canadians nevermind anything as detrimental as a vaccine that their lives could and probably does depend on. I mean that's akin to the Brits asking Hitler at the height of the 2nd WW to make vaccinations against some deadly disease in cooperation with the Brits in England. I don't think Churchill was that naive. 

That's a very sweet gesture, but it shouldn't only be limited to seniors. Lots of other people in this country are experiencing hardship and deprivation now. I think I saw a French news story that said there's a 43% increase in demand at food banks and charities this year here in QC, compared to last year and they can't meet demand. That's a whopping increase for sure! So it makes me even gladder that we gave what we did to a local organization that's collecting donations for food banks and families in need. I mean when we went there there was hardly anything in the baskets set up to place donated items in - maybe a couple of cans of soup and a few boxes of Kraft Dinner and that was about it. As it's one of our main (not only but main as in large all at once) donations usually around Christmas time, where we do a large grocery - figuring on feeding 2 families for a week (minus the perishables) or 2 family for 2 weeks and providing some Christmas goodies for the kids and pets, the girl that took in our donations was busy thanking us over and over again and even cried a bit. I just thought maybe it's a little early for other people to give in their donations but the girl said no, that we were only 3 days ahead of the donations acceptance being closed for the year, because they'd all be handed over to the organizations that do the actual distributions. ---- But yeah, everyone and not just seniors needs a little help and pick me this year I think. 

As I just talked about above....
COVID-19 : bilan du 29 novembre Leur tableau ne functionne pas, a cause de le format sur l'ecran.


Oh boy, then I practically have it made, having asthma, being on vitamin D megadoses, and having the right blood type.... That may explain why I was able to beat the virus so easily when I had it back in January.... 

For those who weren't aware, but need it.
America's New Normal - Silent, Obedient Consent They've just worn everyone down and made it socially unacceptable to go against the new norms. I mean some people like me (who has asthma) would just rather wear a mask no matter how hard it is to breathe through it, then fight with and answer to everyone all the time about why I'm not wearing one. I can't be bothered and so long as I can take a shot of my pump before leaving home to open my airways so I can breathe better, it's just easier to wear a mask than fight with every sanctimonious self-righteous ash hole out there. That's all. Not because I actually agree with and want to wear the thing, at all, because I don't, but on the other hand I don't want to fight with every person I see out there either.

This is just super sad and shouldn't be happening in this day and age and in one of the most affluent countries in the world.

I'd pay $75 in a heartbeat to know if I had the virus or not, like I think I did. When I asked my doctor about such a test she told me they're available but here in QC they're $200 or around there. I can't afford $200 for a blood test, but I'm sure I could find $75 for one, if they were the same price here in QC.
COVID-19 was silently infecting Americans before first cases emerged in Wuhan: CDC study Wow! That's a rather high ratio, almost 1 in 73 people who donated blood had indicators of COVID19, between Dec 13 - Jan 17th in the US. So, I finally feel vindicated in insisting I had it in January because there's no stretch of the imagination involved here when there's 1 in 73 people in the US walking around with it, given the daily cross border traffic we had back then between the two countries. I mean how many people in Montreal go back and forth to NY on a regular basis. A lot of Montrealers have been known to do weekend shopping trips in Plattsburgh, NY and a lot of people in Quebec regularly go back and forth across the border if they live in towns and villages along the border. So it's so easy to see how I managed to have it then, knowing what is divulged in this article.

Hopefully nothing, like what happens when parents refuse to have their kids inoculated against common childhood illnesses - even dangerous ones like measles. 
Britain OKs Pfizer vaccine and will begin shots within days The world would do well to pay attention and pay heed to the side effects and fallout from this, given Gates grubby paws being involved in it.


We've been married for 45 years and that's pretty much our attitude too. We do everything together and we don't want to miss out on whatever might be left of our lives so we try to find some enjoyment wherever and whenever we can - including going out to our favourite restaurants (when they're open or ordering from them when their dining rooms are closed). Staying home, bored and miserable isn't living, that's subsisting and even then, I wonder....

Those are the stories that weren't the redundant over and over again same type stories I felt were noteworthy and deserved to be posted here. Until next time, stay safe and take care.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Headlines Update For...


November 25, 2020
I know the last post in here was posted less than 10 days ago and I said I wouldn't be posting more on COVID19 until or unless things drastically changed.
Well in my part of the world that being Quebec, Canada, nothing really has. We're still averaging about 1,000 new cases a day, we're still under lockdown and the gov't are still being lying, conniving, authoritarian nazis. 
But there have been enough different stories of importance out there over the last 10 days that I felt I should at least do any update post, for those who still care about this whole BS plandemic of theirs.
Even my own doctor has the same opinions about the whole thing as I do. Only she was shocked to find out that the Gates Foundation and the WEF had a conference in Wuhan China, shortly before this pandemic started, specifically to discuss and plan for ways of making, marketing and distributing vaccines in the event of a world wide pandemic. What'd ya know!?! A couple of weeks later the very city where that conference was held obliged them with just such a pandemic. 
There has been a bit of good news (well a lot actually if you're American, British or German - because you can have a vaccine available to you in the next couple of weeks or thereabouts). 
However, if you're Canadian you might want to start hanging the nooses around parliament hill now so we can start stringing the criminally negligent genoicidal idiots that are in charge of this country up ASAP, since bozo brains let our one and only chance at a vaccine in a timely manner get taken out of this country by the Chinese and now we'll have to wait in line behind everyone else out there in the world (and I know Mr. Loosey Goosey the UN ash kissing pandering moron he is, will let all the 3rd world countries in front of Canada in the line for the vaccines produced in foreign countries, so we'll be the Bangladeshis of  the coronavirus world, like the Bangladeshis were when it came to eradicating smallpox from the population).  
I know capital punishment has been banished off the law books here in Canada, so that was only wishful thinking above, but they should STILL BE TRIED FOR THOSE CRIMES (and in Mr. Loosey Goosey's case, a lot more crimes can be added to the roster too).  
Anyhow without further ado here's the headlines I saved over the last 10 days that I thought would be of importance and interest to many out there:
Immunity to the Coronavirus May Last Years, New Data Hint   So if you've already had it, like many of us have or think we have, you're probably not going to have any problems whether the vaccines are available or not. 

If they mean by as in by the time 2021 gets here, then we - even us Cdns might have a chance at getting vaccinated before the end of this millennium. But if they mean by the end of 2021, then ho hum, half a billion could be dead by then or just plain not need it as they'll have acquired their own immunity to it by having had the disease.

While it's basically about the same and stable here in QC, I do see that the numbers are increasing in various areas across Canada and around the world, but it seems to me, it's hitting the areas that it hardly touched during the 1st go around. At least here in Canada. So given that scenario, it's not worse than ever, it's just striking different areas than before and in those areas, it's worse than it was, but is still comparable to how other places were hit by it before.
Heading into holidays, US COVID-19 testing strained again  Especially since the American Thanksgiving is this  Thursday - or technically tomorrow now.
One-in-four Canadians can’t afford Christmas/holiday season this year  Very sad. That's why those of us who can needs to try to help those of us who can't, have a better holiday than they'd otherwise be able to afford on their own, by donating food, toys, Christmas goodies (like candies, cakes, nuts and other treats), pet toys, personal care products and even things like hats, mitts, scarves etc.... to the various organizations across Canada that can deliver such things to those in need. 

Like I said above it's increasing mostly in areas where it didn't hit before. 

Oh now this is one humdinger of an article to say the least. Just about every symptom imaginable for every disease imaginable is listed here as being a symptom of COVID. Um yeah..... If you buy that one I have a few tropical islands and bridges I can sell you  too.  

It should've read when you're most contagious. Just in case you wish to know.
Ethiopian army accuses WHO chief of supporting Tigray leaders This walking lump of turd with hair on it, needs to held responsible for the pandemic killing millions and infecting millions more world wide, so that army can get behind any humanitarian court that would be willing to try to that piece of crap and put him out of our misery. 

Well let's hope the other 7-8 manufacturers get it together and get their stuff available soon. 

He's 100% right but on the other hand we need this. We NEED a time to celebrate to take the edge off of things and to see family & friends again even if it is only for a couple of days and for a few hours. I mean since about mid-March QC has been under one form of lockdown or another pretty much the entire time. Most of the time it was stringent lockdown where we weren't even allowed to socialize with a neighbour or an extended family member even at a distance. In the summertime when everyone wanted to get out and blow off steam they made sure we couldn't because they basically closed all the fun venues down and those that were left open their restrictions were so restrictive no one knew if they'd be allowed into the place or not, or if it was already packed, and so half the time didn't bother going.

I haven't been in quarantine, but I have spent most of the year under lockdown and while I'm not 100% alone as my husband is here too and we do get along for the most part, but like any other couple we have our ups and our downs. Fortunately for us we haven't had many downs together over the past several months, but even still life is so boring and monotonous, I'm beginning to wonder why I should even bother getting out of bed in the morning, because it's just going to be a repeat of the last couple hundred days again. It's starting to feel like that old Bill Murray movie Goundhog Day on a neverending loop. So while I haven't had suicidal thoughts, I have wondered what's the purpose of living anymore as we can't do anything, see anyone or go anywhere, so what's the use.
Un petit avant-goût de nos partys des fêtes  As the French title says "A Little Taste of Our Holiday Parties to Come" - it's a video and while I believe the video was in English originally, I can't be sure as my speakers don't work, but nevertheless, you can still watch it with no sound and enjoy it just as much. 

All countries should learn this lesson. 

Like I said, they're all working in collusion with each other. Why? I mean I don't understand why the least affected countries have to march in lock step with the most affected ones. Unless it has nothing to do with the virus itself & more to do with other things.
Covid: First Americans 'could get vaccine in December' And the first Canadians will get theirs in the year 3,000 on December 31st, just before 3001 is ushered in. Thanks entirely to Mr. Loosey Goosey and his gross negligence not to mention gross stupidity. Gawd, that clown should win the trophy for the universal idiot of our times. Nevermind the village idiot, he's too stupid to qualify in that category as he's an all-time winner of idiocy.

Annnnnndddd it starts, using this as an excuse to track our every movement. I thought that's what the stamps in passports were for - to show which country someone has been to and when. So what's this other BS about and what will it do more than a passport stamp already does? 


Oh no sheite sherlocke! Especially not after you let the Chinese abscond with our vaccine, leaving us high and dry. Sheite for brains idiot. You seriously need to be held for gross negligence causing mass deaths - you Tam and that art teacher of yours. 

BUT: What I wonder is, did the Chinese also abscond with the facilities that the vaccine was to be produced in too? Or are they still here? What's wrong with getting certain pharmaceutical companies here in Canada to produce it? I know that Sandoz Novartis is here in Canada, also Abbott Pharmaceuticals and probably a few others as well. Maybe that pharmaceutical company that lost it's founder and the founder's wife to murder a couple of years ago, wouldn't mind having a contract to produce so many phials of vaccine for Canada, in conjunction with the rightful owners of the vaccine's patent. I mean there must be a way to work this out rather than making us stand in line until everyone else in the world has had their injections. Even India will have it before us, because they are going to be producing the Oxford vaccine for their own country.  So if India can do it, I don't see why Canada can't unless we've fallen behind even previous 3rd world countries, under numbnuts and the witch doctor we have in charge of our medical & health care system.
A Homebound Nation Goes All Out With Lavish Christmas Decorations  Same thing around here. I noticed that we're still a month away from Christmas but yet we're seeing more decorations now, than we did last year even on Christmas Eve. It's beautiful out there at night now and I thank everyone who is putting those decorations and lights out for the rest of us to enjoy. 

I sure hope that's not the same case here, though I have seen and heard of a few people who have been tossed out of their homes and some are now living on the streets or in their vehicles. That's very sad.
Belgian Police Will Knock on Doors at Christmas to Enforce Coronavirus Rules So now Belgium is adopting the same gestapo policies we have here in QC I see.... I guess we were the test population for that policy and since it seemed to fly and the gov't got away with it, other govts around the world are adopting the same policies. 

Soooooo that explains why Mr. Loosey Goosey numbnuts doesn't want to allow rapid testing here in Canada, because we might be able to eliminate the virus altogether if we get those tests and we can't have that, because then Legault et. al. wouldn't have any excuses for all their draconian policies anymore then, and he'd have to abolish those laws.
Quebec's Christmas exemption 'dangerous,' Manitobans should plan for a virtual holiday: Pallister Finally one last headlines just to tell the meddlesome busybody in Manitoba to keep his nose out of our affairs. Quebec is the province in Canada that's been shut down the longest out of all the provinces since March.  We've been in pretty much total lockdown since March with the exception of mid-June to late September (but even then we were under such strict measures we couldn't go anywhere or do anything - UNLIKE MANITOBANS who UP UNTIL LAST WEEK could do pretty much anything they pleased - they could go to restaurants, shopping, have get togethers with family & friends in limited size groups - and pretty much live life as normal NOT QUEBECERS).  So IT'S OUR FEW HOURS IN THE COURSE OF A FEW DAYS WHERE WE CAN ENJOY OURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR POPULATION HAS HAD IT IN REVERSE WHERE THEY'VE ONLY HAD TO ENDURE A FEW DAYS & A FEW HOURS OF LOCKDOWN - so they're barely feeling the pain of it yet. Wait until they've been under lockdown for as long as we have and then take the advice of a meddelsome busybody premier from some other province saying you shouldn't let your citizens breath or move because that might spread the disease more. Watch what happens to you and your gov't if you're dumb enough to take that advice and from what I see, you probably are dumb enough, given people had to plant fake tombstones on your grounds in order for you to get the message your people were dying from your LACK OF MEASURES TAKEN!!!!!!!!!  So shove it!!!!!
In closing I thought I might let you know that I might (that's a very tentative might the closer we get to Christmas though - so it's probably more like might not) be posting the occasional update of headlines if I see there's enough and it's merited, unless like I said things change drastically either way. So far that's not happening really.  
So anyhow to all the American visitors have a Happy, Healthy & Safe Thanksgiving holiday!