Showing posts with label Gross Disproportionality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gross Disproportionality. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Enough is Enough!

I Have Had It....

April 11, 2020

This is the day before Easter Sunday 2020 and we are being told to "socially distance" and remain in quarantine and not spend it with family & friends, for the good of the seniors. 

Well I am a senior and as such I am being told I have to stay under house arrest for the foreseeable future and to socially distance myself, still even after everyone else is let out of house arrest and allowed to resume their lives, we still aren't being allowed that right, I was going to say "privilege" but it's not merely a privilege, it's a right.  Under the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms we have a right to liberty and that the way the government is using their quarantine measures basically against the seniors (since we're the ones being told to stay home indefinitely and not allowed to see anyone up close, or touch anyone ever again it seems), is, quoting the Wikipedia on this:


The "Principles of Fundamental Justice" require that means used to achieve a societal purpose or objective must be reasonably necessary.
"Overbreadth analysis looks at the means chosen by the state in relation to its purpose. If the State, in pursuing a legitimate objective, uses means which are broader than is necessary to accomplish that objective, the principles of fundamental justice will be violated because the individual's rights will have been limited for no reason." (R v Heywood at para 49)

Gross disproportionality

Gross disproportionality describes state actions or legislative responses to a problem that are so extreme as to be disproportionate to any legitimate government interest (R v Malmo-Levine at para 143)

And the way the government has gone about this whole thing, causing everyone to be under quarantine - which is in the 30 millions of us, for the few thousands that have the disease now, is by definition "overbreadth" and "gross disproportionality" to say the least.  Even by the government's own projections there's no where near even 1/10th of the population that would even be infected with it, let alone die from it. I have those projections here on this blog if you wish to see them. Just click on "charts & graphs" in the column on the right hand side.

But aside from that our right to liberty, as per Wikipedia again is:

Secondly, there is the right to liberty, which protects an individual's freedom to act without physical restraint (i.e., imprisonment would be inconsistent with liberty unless it is consistent with fundamental justice). However, the right has been extended to include the power to make important personal choices. The court described it as "[touching] the core of what it means to be an autonomous human being blessed with dignity and independence in matters that can be characterized as fundamentally or inherently personal". (R v Clay, 2003) That is, the concept extends beyond physical restraint by the government as it goes to the core of the human experience.

The government by virtue of their stupid laws/rules, whatever you want to call them, have taken away our liberty to choose. To choose whether we as senior individuals wish to remain couped up in our homes, for the rest of our natural lives, without ever going out anywhere again, not out for a nice dinner, not out to see relatives, not out for a game of cards with friends, not out to buy something the government wouldn't deem essential. Not being able to hug our kids, or grand kids, not able to invite them over to dinner, not able to go for walks on nice days because too many people will be out then too. I mean what's the point of life if we're not allowed to live it? Personally, I think if I hadn't already had the virus, I'd be willing to take my chances on getting it, if it means I can live my life until then. Then if I get it, I'll either live or die on account of it, but I won't be just sitting here waiting to die for lack of anything to do or anyone to do it with.

My husband and I are lucky we have each other still, but we also have a son and a daughter-in-law who we'd like to see once in awhile and not just on the iPad, but in real life. To be able to hug them, connect with them and do things together. To enjoy a meal together, or play monopoly or watch a movie together. You can't do those things via an iPad. So for the government to think that's an adequate substitute maybe they should try limiting themselves and their foreseeable future to the same 4 walls and an iPad for their only company.

Given that I have a right under the law to make my own personal choices and one of my choices is to live life rather than die a lonely slow death of boredom and loneliness.  I've pretty much had it with the asinine idiots in Ottawa that call themselves "my representatives" - they don't represent me and never have.

So if they don't stop their nonsense (as I've taken pains to do - pointing out all the surrounding nonsense about this whole disease), I'm just going to flout their overbreadth on their laws and hope I get arrested so I can make my case before a court and the media. That way others might wake up and smell the coffee and realize what's going on here too.  I'm tired of it, all. And well....

It's all starting to come out in the wash now, even the CBC the government's lapdog is starting to divulge things they're finding out about the mismanagement of this whole fiasco.  Guess maybe the CBC's head honcho is turning against the government now too for them to start going on a hunt for information on the government's mismanagement - I'd call it more like gross negligence, but then that's just me.

That's perhaps why all of a sudden Legault is softening his stance on quarantines and social distancing and Trudeau is sort of hinting at the same. I also found it funny that Paul Karwatsky on CTV Montreal news found a professor in some discipline or other who got together with professors in 30 other countries to see and study how the populations were responding to the various directives given on account of the virus and they released their study on Thursday I guess. And surprise surprise now the government is deciding to soften their stance on quarantines (but only for the portion of the population most likely to rebel - in other words those below 60). I guess that study discovered that not very many people like being couped up and told what to do and how to do it all the time and that people were starting to show signs of rebellion in some of those countries.

The government claims they're protecting me from the virus, but I'm sure I already had it, but they won't test me to find out. Nope, instead they want me to stay home until I die of other causes. Anyhow like I said I have rights and I intend to avail myself of them and they can go stick their laws that are meant "to protect me" where the sun don't shine. Let them arrest me, is all I have to say.

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks and feels like that. Probably. But then I've seen governments use psy-ops against their own people before, so I know if they're doing this on purpose this time, it wouldn't be the first time it's been done, nor will it be the last either, I'm sure.  I'm just not one who's going to be falling for it though.