Showing posts with label 2nd wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd wave. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Houseplants, Contractors, Groceries, Homemade Chinese Food &



October 20, 2020

Recently a neighbour gave me a couple of houseplants and wanting to ensure that I don't inadvertently kill them (because I'm good at that), I tried to find them on the internet based on looks at this site: Indoor & Tropical Plant Identifcation  
They even identify fruit, vegetable and berry plants along with ferns and flowers. All you need to do is click on the classification like if it is a houseplant a fruit plant or maybe a flower and then scroll through the pictures until you see it. Then click on it and it'll give you a bit of basic information on it.  With the names of the plants I was able to find more care information on them. So hopefully this time they'll survive awhile. 

I basically did that, while waiting for a contractor to call, but instead of calling he just showed up. He gave us a rough idea of how much it was going to cost us to get the work done that we have to do, but he doesn't know when he'll be able to do it. Hopefully it'll be soon, like between now and the end of the 1st week in November because it's starting to get cold outside. 

After he left I had to go get some groceries and we needed gas, so we took care of those things and when we came home we made a nice little Chinese dinner for ourselves using Chinese Rice, a wok "salad" that we mixed with cubed beef and stir fried before adding the sweet & sour sauce, and some store bought egg rolls, with plum sauce.

And now as per usual for this time of night I'm seriously trying to keep my eyes open and not fall asleep again. Maybe I'll make myself an espresso, if we have any. Got a double espresso. That should work. Hopefully.

Now for more headlines. Get yourself a double espresso too as you may need it by the time you finish reading all the stories. 



Coronavirus: Is the world winning the pandemic fight? The chart looked pretty scary there. So it's doubtful we're winning.

Coronavirus: 'The masks you throw away could end up killing a whale' It's certainly not my idea to wear masks, nor make anyone else where them either. So instead of putting the onus on the people being forced to wear them, why don't you stick that in the politicians faces huh? 
COVID-19 restrictions coming for Montreal, capital, as infections surge 28 Days my ash. It was never going to be 28 days. It'll be until the end of November then they'll let us have the holiday shopping period, Christmas and New Year's themselves and then January 2nd we'll be back under lock down again because whoops the vaccine hasn't been invented yet and maybe never will be, but we've got to be under quarantine until it is, or until we've had enough of this BS and just have a major all out revolution.

Elon Musk who is undoubtedly the world's smartest man at the present time, says he & his family won't get the vaccine, then it makes you wonder why on earth anyone would if he won't? 


Yep, this is definitely an issue we needed spelled out to us in vivid detail, because we are deemed, too stupid to figure it out on our own apparently.  
Antibody Cocktail Shows Promise; NYC Positivity Up: Virus Update  The original headlines was "Global Deaths Reach 1 Million", which sounded a lot more dire and alarmist then this new headlines.

Really???? What braindead scientist thought that, when it was obviously pretty contagious in Wuhan! 
Puzzled scientists seek reasons behind Africa's low fatality rates from pandemic This is my thoughts on it but I am probably wrong. They seem to be outside more often and for longer durations than people living elsewhere and so maybe they have higher concentrations of vitamin D in their system. They say vitamin D plays a large role in whether people get sick with it and how sick they get depends on how much vitamin D they have. Maybe this should be tested with other people who spend large parts of their lives outside, like fishermen, farmers, forestry workers etc.... And compare their findings. Also in people with various amounts of melanin in their pigmentation, to see if the darker their skin the more vitamin D they absorb from the sun etc. That may be why, because of the amount of time in the sun and the amount of vitamin D absorbed from the sun based on how dark their skin is.




Calgary hospital restricts visitors, postpones surgeries as COVID-19 infections grow Annnnnddddd here we go again. People with real problems outside of COVID19 have barely had time to see a doctor because there's been such a backlog, and now they're getting put on hold again. Some how as a former nurse I'm inclined to think that a person who's dying of a heart attack or cancer has just as much right to life saving treatments as someone dying of COVID19. I think this COVID19 BS is just a criminal excuse used by the medical establishment to not have to actually care for anyone unless they have COVID19. That's what I'm starting to think. Giving specialists in other fields of medicine time to go play golf or hop on a flight to anywhere their heart pleases for extended vacations. 

Waiting for a vaccine is costing lives too. Those lives that don't have COVID19 but some other problem that if treated their life could be saved, but probably won't be because they don't have COVID19 and so no one wants to treat them. Wondering how many lives those will wind up being in the end or if anyone is even keeping track of them or not?
How Quebec went from COVID-19 success story to hot spot in 30 days Oh this is a sensational fairy-tale too good to ignore. QC was a COVID-19 success story was it?????? When was that????? Care to refresh my memory for me???? Because I live in QC and I don't remember the success story and what's more my blog which has basically all the news stories from back then, in here, doesn't point that out either!!!!! So please enlighten me on when this supposedly occurred there dear fairy-tale author!!!!!!

Your questions on new restrictions in Quebec's red zones, answered If your friend is a colleague at work, or another student in your "bubble" in your school, they yup you can see them everyday at work or school, but don't dare socialize with them after hours because that's forbidden. As is having any kind of fun you can think of.

U.N. chief urges increase in funding for IMF to help pandemic-hit countries Oh this is rich.  The UN wants countries to give money to the IMF. The bloody vultures who descend upon financially struggling nations and dictate terms of rescue to them - making them pay it back with interest but also allowing them to take over valuable resources of their country for their own benefit. If anything some organization or mob should be paid to torpedo the IMF out of existance as they are a large part of the problem in the world today. 

How Canadians will benefit from the Liberal-NDP agreement Assuming the gov't doesn't fall before they can get any benefit from it, considering bozo brains has a minority gov't and just about every conflict or bill they want to pass they are hanging out as a "confidence vote" issue. So with that in mind they're apt to be taken down and we'll wind up at the polls voting in a new gov't. Hopefully if that happens the Cdn public will have learnt their lesson and not be voting in Mr. Corrupt Treasonous Lying Quick Change Artist Genocidal Santa Trudeau again. I hope they can remember all the hell and high water he's already dragged this country through and I don't know about anyone else, but I've already had more than my fill of it.


Canada snapping up COVID-19 vaccines at expense of poorer countries, experts say It's about frigging time Canada looked out for itself first. We've been looking out for poor countries more than our own over the last several years, at least as long as bozo brains Trudeau has been in office and probably a lot longer than that. If we had all the money our politicians have doled out and squandered on poorer nations (a lot of which that got hijacked and stolen by armed militia, the military or the dictators themselves) OUR OWN NATIVES WOULDN'T BE LIVING IN SUCH POVERTY & SQUALOR!!!!! Has no one heard of take care of family first? Well Canadians living in Canada are part of the Canadian family and they ought to be taken care of first. Not to mention all the other less fortunate groups like the homeless, poor, senior citizens, disabled, single mother parents, etc.... We have plenty of our own people to take care of FIRST! Before we start worrying about the poorer nations, because honestly if we keep letting things deteriorate here in Canada because we're so busying flaunting our wealth by giving it all away and being a bunch of Generous Georges for our own prestige and image in the world, WE WILL WIND UP AS A 3rd WORLD COUNTRY OURSELVES. Just take a drive through much of rural Atlantic Canada and in Raleigh Nfld in particular and then tell me we're a rich country. And I'll tell you you're an inbred idiotic lunatic who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Anddddd that's it for now. Take care & stay well until next time.





Saturday, October 17, 2020

Cleaning Up Messes, Fixing Shelves or At Least Trying To &


October 17, 2020
We spent the day cleaning up some of the appliances that were covered in cooking oil and trying to get the oil off the floors. It turns out that we may need to wash it more than once with Hertel, because it sure wasn't enough the first time we did it. Maybe the dishwashing soap Dawn might work, since they have that commercial about cleaning oil off of ducklings. Something's got to work, as I'm getting tired of sliding around in some spots and sticking to others when I walk. 
As for fixing the shelves we went out  to buy different standards and brackets to hold the boards in place, but when we got there there weren't any in the sizes we needed. So came back home discouraged. So today my husband decided maybe he could fix the ones we already have and make them more secure. So he's he did that. But I think he's did a better job at injuring himself than fix those as he's needed to have bandaids applied when he started working on them.
Meantime I took whatever I could (the covers, or parts to) of the appliances (some are manual with no electric parts) and put whatever I could fit into the dishwasher so they could get a thorough cleaning. There's still more covers and parts to do, but at least some are  getting done now. 
We cleaned the shelves off and reinstalled them. After cleaning the appliances, I put them back on the shelves. For some unknown reason we seem to have a lot more room on them now. Hmmmm 
I found and swept all the additional glass that my husband didn't see or vacuum the other day. 
I made room for and brought in the nice house plants our neighbour gave us earlier in the week that were still outside because we were  too busy with the shelf fiasco. I hope they survive here, because up until now there haven't been many plants I've been able to keep since we moved into this house, because of how the windows are. The only plants I've been able to keep for any length of time is my big aloe plant and one of it's babies that I transplanted earlier this summer. The other babies died almost instantly and the big plant didn't die but the leaves are drooping rather than standing up on end like they used to, before the babies tried pushing it out of the pot they were all in together. The reason there was a transplant in the first place.
Our daughter-in-law - ever the nurse heard about the shelf fiasco from our son, so called tonight to make sure we didn't get hurt in the initial accident nor since, from sliding on the floor or things like that. I told her not to worry it was just more of our adventures we were having, that's all.  But I'll be so glad when it's finished with so we can get back to normal here and do the things we had planned but had to put on hold because of that.
Now..... Crossing all my fingers and toes, I hope I can start to work on the rest of the food here before it goes bad, like the leftover turkey that I didn't have a chance to get to, did. 
Needless to say with all of that going on, I didn't really feel like, nor have the time to deal with the aggravating and neverending Coronavirus garbage, so I just didn't bother with it last night. Instead I'll be posting some headlines tonight and I wish I could say I'd make up for the ones not posted last night but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep awake long enough for that. So whatever I can manage is what I'll post. So more coronavirus headlines coming your way:
‘Shoot on sight’: Boston Dynamics robot dog spotted out on city street triggers fear — and defensiveness   Who's the brainchild that put that thing on city streets during a pandemic anyhow?

The Forgotten Front Porch Is Making a Comeback  That seems to be the only way you can see your neighbours and neighbourhood now. 


Pandemic Will 'Take Our Women 10 Years Back' in the Workplace From my perspective it looks more like it'll take them back 40-50 years - if you're talking about staying home and raising kids and not having any daycare to take care of them. 



We were recently given an air purifier, I wonder if that would help.
P.E.I. restaurants suffered the worst downturn in the country in July  Well hmmmm.... I wonder if that might have to do with your inhospitable attitudes towards people from other provinces??? 

Demand for sports equipment and home gyms booms as Canadians prepare for pandemic winter I'd love a rowing machine if we had the space for it. But I am of the belief that walking, biking, jogging etc should be done outside, rowing too for that matter, but not all of us live near water or have rowboat. 

Justin Trudeau: 'The World Is In Crisis, And Things Are About To Get Much Worse' If he has anything to do with anything, for sure it'll get worse.  
Could coronavirus be hurting your sex life? Doctors weigh in Well if they insist on you wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart all the time, then yeah....




Yikes! Maybe I ought to consider getting an exercise machine of some type then.

It's their stuff, so if they want to take the risk of using it, then it's up to them I guess.
COVID-19 outbreak in Laval CHSLD; positive test at West Island's Herron Residence Like the famous line in Poltergeist - They're Baccccck..... only it should be It's Baccccck.... It's just about the same - a frigging horror story, that just keeps coming back again and again.
COVID-19 Fitness: Some Gym Exercises To Do At Home These exercises are exercises you can do at  home without a machine of any kind. But I still prefer the rowing machine to any of these exercises.

As few as 247 travellers brought coronavirus to Quebec: study When all you really need is 1 sauntering through the airport lobbies, coffee & gift shops and then getting on public transit to go downtown, then out shopping and dining out and back onto public transit to go back home or to the hotel. 247 would be a lot! And despite what it says there about the 1st being at the end of January, there's a pharmacist's association report that puts it at the end of December. 

Because they have no bearings on economic realities. Those play the stock markets live in their own little fantasy lands. 
14-year-old 's Thanksgiving feast goes viral on Twitter with more than 787,000 likes Wow! I wonder how many people are going to be eating that meal! Because it definitely looks like more than would be allowed to enjoy it here in QC! 

Alyssa Milano reveals her coronavirus symptoms have lasted for six months I'm wondering at which point these symptoms that everyone is enduring for months will be declared a chronic life long condition that they may have to endure?

Yup, so see? If 7 people potentially exposed 1,700 people to the disease then how many people were exposed to it by the initial 247 people in Quebec? Especially back then when there was no masks, social distancing or even hand washing mandated to avoid the spread of it?

I don't know about Ontario, but since we went back into "lockdown" except for being the good little cog in the economic engine, but yet our infection numbers keeps rising here in QC, I'd say it's highly likely that social gatherings of any kind are no more to blame than any kind of gatherings - whether for work or for school, is.  

Party organizers fined for breaking COVID-19 rules If this keeps up, I can easily see certain well to do families factoring in these fines in the cost of their parties and weddings etc... So that they can continue living life to the fullest, as before. It's just the poor people who will be living the drudgery of being permanently grounded by the nanny state. And not being allowed to do anything other than go to work or school and come right back home afterwards, like a delinquent 14 old brat. Until they get brave enough to revolt en masse, that is.




That is definitely good news, if it continues to be the case.
Coronavirus: Half a million sharks 'could be killed for vaccine', experts warn So then don't waste the rest of the shark's carcas and sell the fins for soup and whatever else you can salvage out of it for use.

Canada's COVID-19 cases: Quebec, Ontario record largest spikes since May; 2,300 people potentially exposed at two Toronto bars Then I wonder how many of those went  to work the next day and exposed all their colleagues to it too? Not to mention all their family members - and whoever those other family members goes to school with or works with. Oh yeah, I forgot, people don't get the disease at work unless they work on a farm or as a meat packer and kids definitely don't infect other kids because after all they're immune. NOT.

Good! So when are we going to get to see for ourselves just how wonderful these vaccines are and not just constantly hearing about how wonderful they are! If they're so freaking wonderful, you'd think the gov'ts would start approving one or some of them for use, instead of sitting on them forever like they're doing. 
Nearly 1M Who Died Of COVID-19 Also Illuminated Treatment At least all those deaths weren't in vain. I would hope that the doctors and scientists treating this disease would learn something from all their mistakes (the lives they couldn't save). 




Thought there weren't supposed to be any parties now.....
Visits suspended after outbreak on floor of CHSLD in Laval Here we go again. Are they sure it's not the staff that's bringing the virus in, like last time?


The residents are in isolation after a STAFF MEMBER tests positive. Did you get that? I hope so. Because I think it should be the other way around if you ask me. In any case what can you expect when it's a pencil necked pencil pushing accountant that's the health minister here in QC? I don't know what Arruda is then if he's not the health minister. Since he's the one with the medical license you'd think he should be the health minister but apparently not. Instead we have a number cruncher posing as a health minister.
Ipsos poll shows 75% of Canadians support shutting down businesses in face of 2nd COVID-19 wave Well if that's where the disease is spreading from, then yeah. And here in QC considering our lockdown where we're not allowed to socialize at all and can only go to work and come home but yet the number of infections is increasing, it's definitely not from social gathering as it's been more than 14 days that we've been on "grounded after work & school" mode.

Good for them. Let's hope for their sake that it's near the end of it and they can resume normal daily life once and for all, like I hope we get the chance to do around here soon too.

Do they always have to squabble over everything? Can't they just put differences behind them and work together to get rid of this stupid virus once and for all?





Seems like he was just asking for it, as far as I can tell.




Covid-19: Up to £10,000 fine for failure to self-isolate in England Wow! But I bet you anything that when it was really crucial to self isolate - in the beginning - all they had to do was voluntary self-isolation. There was no oversight nor fines involved. They're doing everything bassackwards here and it's not just the UK, it's everywhere. Stringent measures like these should've been taken in the very beginning and it would've cut down on spread drastically and we probably wouldn't be going through this now.

Anyhow, that's about it for now. More later on maybe tomorrow.... In the meantime take care and stay well.




Friday, October 16, 2020

Leaf Blowers, Groceries, Crashing Shelves, Testing Appliances &....



October 15, 2020

Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! I wish for once in my frigging life things could go as planned instead of all kinds of other sheite happening like it did today!!!!!! (Please excuse my language but if I could string someone or something up right about now, I would, that's how angry I am).

Yesterday we had to go do errands, get groceries and a new leaf blower because our old one was beyond repair. So that's what we did and I thought today, I'd have plenty of time to work on some of the food I still have to work on, like the cranberries, turkey, raspberries, and apples and get at least some of that taken care of before it's no longer edible. But noooooooooooo......

Not on our frigging lives would anything go to plan even if our lives depended on it and my husband's life nearly did depend on it. Mine too if you want to count the near heart attack I'm sure I almost had when I heard the noise from it. I was sound asleep and I'm a sound sleeper - it's hard to wake me up with noises and I heard this ungodly noise - where I actually thought part of the house collapsed because there was all kinds of things falling and glass shattering and loud bangs and a sundry of other types of noises all happening together. 
So I jumped out of bed and ran towards the sound without even putting anything on my feet and as I got to the archway between the kitchen and livingroom, I found myself standing in a ton of broken glass (which I didn't even know what it was until I bent over to get a better look - because it was in the early hours of the morning and still not all that light in the house) and my husband standing there about 2 feet in front of me - where he was when it happened - as he had put his oatmeal in the microwave to warm it up when it happened - with all kinds of junk, with oil and debris and broken glass all the way around him. He was totally unscathed though, not a drop of oil, or shard of anything touched him.  Like as if someone or something shielded him - lucky him because he could've gotten hurt really badly or worse yet died if hit with the wrong thing the wrong way. 

What had happened is the shelves above where the microwave sits had a bunch of small appliances on them. Those shelves have been there for a long time - at least 15 years if not more, with the same appliances on them then as now - except maybe newer replacements of some that might've died over the years. And it's still a mystery as to what happened because the boards are intact, so are the brackets and the metal things on the wall that holds the brackets in place are fine too and not pulling away from the wall or anything of the sort. It's just like as if the shelves just decided to jump off the wall in my husband's direction at that time, for no apparent reason. The broken glass was from some of the covers of the things like crock pots and rice cookers and the oil from the deep fryer that was on the shelves there too. 

I tested everything there and so now I need to get a new crock pot a new rice cooker and a new blender. Those are all shot, the rest of the stuff there needs to be cleaned up but they all work. Thankfully.

Now to replace the shelves so we have some where to put them again....  I don't trust the brackets or metal things on the wall anymore, so we need to find another solution to the problem.

Anyhow, that was my day. How was yours? Better than mine I hope!  

One thing that doesn't care about how my day went is the coronavirus and I don't really care how it's day went either, but anyhow here's some of the backlog of headlines on it that I have to post. So get comfy and dig out your reading glasses for the headlines that are posted below:


Coronavirus has stranded 25 people from Easter Island in Tahiti for 6 months Lucky them! I'd love to be stranded in Tahiti for 6 months! That would be awesome!

Of course, more cancellatons. Sure, why not? Everyone else is doing it so they might as well too.
Queen Elizabeth II to trim costs as COVID-19 hits income So you mean she's going to have to give up on the gold edged stationary? And quite possibly the gold & platinum, diamond encrusted horse drawn carriage she wanted? Oh boo hoo for her. 

US-China feud escalates as American diplomat accuses Communist Party of turning ‘local epidemic into global pandemic’  Oh they had lots of help in that effort, starting from them maybe to Tedros at the WHO and all the world's governmental leaders and head of their health depts. They all turned it into a global pandemic, by all falling down on the job and failing to act to keep it out of their countries when it was time to.


The only way I'll know a vaccine is safe is when I see the gendocidal beitche Tam take it. If she won't take it, then I'd be suspicious of it. Trudeau et. al. (like him, his wife, mommy dearest, Haggydu etc...) are all too stupid and wouldn't know whether it was safe or not, they'd just take it because they were told it's safe or they wanted to impress on the rest of us, that it must be or they wouldn't be taking it.


Coronavirus: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says COVID-19 exposed problems, says action needed I hope he does get pharmacare and dentalcare taken care of. That would definitely help us seniors. 



U.S. records over seven million COVID-19 cases as Midwest outbreak surges  Again that number is the number of cases they've had since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of them have recovered and well sadly over 200,000 of them have died as well, but there's not 7 million current active cases there now.

You know I'm getting super suspicious of how they come up the origins of these community transmissions. How come none of these community transmissions ever comes from public transit where people are breathing down each others necks for the duration of their commutes? Or no one ever  gets it from a co-worker or another student in the same class and all the outbreaks stem from bars, restaurants and social gatherings only? I'd really like to know the answer to that one. 


Well once everyone's had it, they aren't likely to get it again. So that might be why.



South Africa lifts spirits with Jerusalema dance amid virus At least their gov't wants them to dance and to have a little enjoyment in life, unlike our slavemaster governments.


Of course not because that's too steep of a learning curve for Haggydu to figure out if those tests work or not. She's too stupid and daft for that and too proud to admit it, so we're in trouble fellow Cdns. It'll be one long miserable haul before this pandemic is over in Canada with the inept idiots and genocidal beitches leading us.

Newsroom Ready: Conservatives say Liberals have failed on rapid tests for COVID-19 That's because we have a kindergarten art teacher as the health minister and she's too stupid to figure out the best way to evaluate the tests.


Elections BC says 160,000 voters ask for mail-in ballots amid COVID-19 pandemic I suppose it is quicker and easier than standing in long lines waiting to vote. 


Drug reveals promising results as potential COVID-19 treatment Let's hope it lives up to it's potential.






Isn't he the hypocrite that was crying and screaming about there's no way they could have one ready before the election? Well I know November or December isn't before the election, but it's awfully damned close. 


COVID's real-life 'Romeo and Juliet' get engaged after falling in love from their balconies during lockdown I certainly hope they don't wind up like Romeo & Juliet. That's for sure.

Yes, and I think we really need to know it too.
Are we living at the 'hinge of history'?  Something for you to ponder on....

Until next time. In the meantime take care and stay well.