Showing posts with label Constitutional Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constitutional Rights. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2022

Has Canada Devolved into a Fascist Police State on Account of Draconian Measures Implemented by the Dictators in Charge Against....

Covid 19?


Feb   , 2022
Again I am starting this post a day or so before it will be posted simply because there is so much to delve into. 
Now as much as I hate to say "I told you so", I did tell you so. I've been telling you all along what should've been done and what was done instead. I talked 2 years ago about infringement of our constitutional rights. I've been calling the assholes in charge draconian dictators all along and now Mr. Dressup Shithead has proved me right. Only now, I'm adding FASCIST DICTATOR to that description because that's PRECISELY WHAT THE ASSHOLE IS. 
I told you that doctors should've stood up to the imbeciles in charge way back when it mattered, but they didn't, now one doctor at least is calling all the chicken shits in scrubs out. It's way way way too late for that now I think. They should've come out in the January of 2020 to tell them to SHUT THE BORDERS NOW AND NOT AFTER THE VIRUS HAS ALREADY ARRIVED!  But they didn't. They sat on their hands and watched and now ONE those ranks has finally found the guts to stand up against the tyrants in charge, but now it's MUCH MUCH MUCH TOO LATE. Because the only way this can end now is the protesters chicken out and go home, or face draconian repercussions or the chicken shit himself gets dragged out and attached to some rigs who use them as stretching racks. To see how much taller they can make him. That's the only way I can see this ending. 
For all of our sakes, I hope that NONE OF THOSE THINGS HAPPEN. What I hope is either that the little chicken shit is FORCED BY FELLOW PARLIAMENTARIANS TO DO HIS JOB AND TALK TO THE TRUCKERS TO TRY TO COMPROMISE WITH THEM OR THAT THE ARMY ARRESTS ALL IN PARLIAMENT THAT ENABLED THAT LITTLE DICKWAD & CO. TO PULL THAT BS OF IMPLEMENTING THE EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT! To say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree would be an understatement no matter if you believe that Pierre E. Trudeau was his father or Fidel Castro was his father.... Ummmm lessee see.... Maybe I'll try to find pictures of all 3 shitbags and put them side by side so you can decide who's dickhead's father: 

 Fidel Castro

Justin Trudeau

Pierre E. Trudeau

Ummmm I dunno but if you ask me he looks more like Castro's son than poor ole Pierre's. But either way it doesn't matter which one is his father, because obviously he has major Daddy issues and is still trying to live up to Daddy's expectations & image - even though both possible despotic contenders for that role are dead. What a pathetic moronic asshole we have for a PM. 
Daddy (PE Trudeau) implemented the War Meaures Act in response to the October Crisis - the FLQ gang/terrorists (if you want to call them that, you have to then ask yourselves if they were deemed to be such terrorists how come they got a private flight to Cuba, amnesty upon return to Canada and cushy jobs in universities, media and the gov't?) Yeah just google FLQ, Paul and Jacques Rose to find out how "terribly" these so-called terrorists were treated by PET after implementing the War Measures act and calling in the military. Which I remember. I was just a teenager then when I saw the army trucks filled with soldiers in the back of it, going up and down our streets where we lived. People were afraid to be seen mailing letters because they might be accused of putting bombs in the mailboxes. People were afraid to be out even a couple seconds after curfew. It was a whole atmosphere of fear even though everyone for the most part was innocent of all crimes. And that's just exactly what this little puke is trying to invoke right now using the Emergencies Act available as a PDF for download or can be read there online. You will note that the emergencies act stipulates that it's to be used for these purposes:  
National emergency

 For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that

  • (a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or

  • (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada

and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.

For the life of me, I do NOT see anything even remotely describing what's going on in Ottawa or even elsewhere in the country in relation to the Trucker Convoy protests or even all the other protests across the country at the moment, in that statement above. That's one thing. 

 Here's a description of the emergencies covered by this act: 

Public Welfare Emergency


Marginal note:Definitions

 In this Part,

declaration of a public welfare emergency means a proclamation issued pursuant to subsection 6(1); (déclaration de sinistre)

public welfare emergency means an emergency that is caused by a real or imminent

  • (a) fire, flood, drought, storm, earthquake or other natural phenomenon,

  • (b) disease in human beings, animals or plants, or

  • (c) accident or pollution

and that results or may result in a danger to life or property, social disruption or a breakdown in the flow of essential goods, services or resources, so serious as to be a national emergency. (sinistre)

 I'm sorry but I do NOT see peaceful protests, blockades, parties, supporting protesters as one of the reasons to implement this measure. So leave it to a fascist draconian dictator tyrant to come up with the idea of using such an act, against the reality of what's happening out there, which is what he allegedly invoked this act to deal with. 

This act starts off by saying this: 

WHEREAS the safety and security of the individual, the protection of the values of the body politic and the preservation of the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the state are fundamental obligations of government;

AND WHEREAS the fulfilment of those obligations in Canada may be seriously threatened by a national emergency and, in order to ensure safety and security during such an emergency, the Governor in Council should be authorized, subject to the supervision of Parliament, to take special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times;

AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;

And these are the ONLY punitive measures they can take: 

  • (j) the imposition

    • (i) on summary conviction, of a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding six months or both that fine and imprisonment, or

    • (ii) on indictment, of a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding five years or both that fine and imprisonment,

    for contravention of any order or regulation made under this section.

 You will note that for all intents and purposes there isn't any such $100,000 fine mentionned there. Nor is seizure of property or removal of licenses and insurances. More VIOLATIONS OF RIGHTS AGAIN.

And this is Part 1 of that Bill of Rights:

PART I Bill of Rights

Marginal note:Recognition and declaration of rights and freedoms

 It is hereby recognized and declared that in Canada there have existed and shall continue to exist without discrimination by reason of race, national origin, colour, religion or sex, the following human rights and fundamental freedoms, namely,

  • (a) the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law;

  • (b) the right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law;

  • (c) freedom of religion;

  • (d) freedom of speech;

  • (e) freedom of assembly and association; and

  • (f) freedom of the press.


 Under item a) The right to security of the person (violated by forced vaccine mandates) and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of the law (having banks freeze bank accounts without due process of the law is another violation). 

Item d) preventing peaceful protests is violating "freedom of speech" along with Item e) freedom of assembly (to get together to peacefully protest) and association (those trying to help truckers are being targetted as well, just by association) and here's one that's been violated since his second election (the one before the last) where he promised the media $600 million to report favourably about him. He's violated pretty MUCH OF OUR RIGHTS & BECAUSE WE'VE HAD IT AND DEMAND A STOP TO IT, HE'S ENACTED THE EMERGENCY ACT, WHICH STILL DOES  NOT GIVE HIM THE POWER TO KEEP ON VIOLATING OUR CHARTER RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!!!!!!!! 

And you wonder why I and so many people across Canada are supporting the Trucker Freedom 2022 Convoy here in Canada????? If after reading what I posted above, you still have to wonder..... I wonder about you.... 

But besides that, truckers have used convoys before for special purposes. Once in 2008 I think it was, they had a convoy to help raise money for the Special Olympians. Another time when there was a drought somewhere in North America (not sure if it was in Canada or the US or possibly both - but in the prairie region anyhow) there was a convoy of trucks carrying feed for cattle to the ranchers who couldn't find any food for their cattle due to harsh weather conditions. Neither of those convoys were deemed illegal. We had a convoy in Montreal in the early 80s, I forgot why, but I know it caused a major traffic jam for most of the day in question - no one was even fined let alone arrested for that.

I'm neither an Olympian on any level nor a rancher, but there's still a special place in my heart for truckers, stemming from when we were young and wanted to get out of Vancouver because we couldn't find work there, so as a consequence we had hardly any money. Rather than live on the streets like so many of the other people were doing, we decided to take whatever little money we had and get out of there. My husband was from QC originally and I was from NS originally. So we headed back east but with hardly any money we couldn't even afford bus fare. So the only thing to do was take a bit of that money and buy a knapsack (hiker's knapsack) and stuff all our belongings in it and stick our thumbs out to come back home. I guess we were pretty lucky as we made it from Vancouver BC to Yarmouth Co. NS in 7 days time, with all the awesome lifts we were getting from truckers once we got out of BC. For some reason in BC it was only private people in private vehicles giving us lifts, but once we hit Alberta it was pretty much nonstop truckers giving us lifts. They were all so awesome and nice to us. We had the money to buy our own meals at the truckstops, but even still many of them wouldn't let us, they not only insisted on giving us hundreds of miles long lifts, but also a meal. Many of them said they were just happy to have the company as they were alone in their cabs for a great deal of the time. All of them struck me as being decent honest hard workers.

 During that time there was one special trucker song playing on the radio that I liked and only just recently found it online at Yahoo: driving my life away eddie rabbitt  But recently a song from Smokie & the Bandit (Burt Reynolds, Sally Field & Jackie Gleason), has been adopted by the Freedom Convoy 2022 and it's here: Footage Of The Canadian "Freedom Ride" Put To C. W. McCall's "Convoy" . But there's a silly Weird Al Yankovic song, that a former trucker friend (he's a former trucker not a former friend) got us hooked on too (not meant to offend any truckers out there, it's just in good fun): Driving a Truck With My High Heels On  If you want more  Trucker tunes you can find them here at:  Mp3 Juice by copying and pasting these words into the search bar at that site:  Trucker songs best album     Then just hit enter to begin the search. 

 After watching several videos online about what's happening in Ottawa on all sides - the BS being spewed in Parliament, the BS being spewed by Cdn lamestream media, the stuff being shown on other channels around the world (US, Australia and even India) about what's REALLY GOING ON IN OTTAWA and SEEING FOR MYSELF, the partying and peacefulness of all the protests (well really one long protest) and then the cops coming in there today and BASHING PEOPLE WITH RIFLES!  I have literally had enough and my soul is crying out to God to rescue our country from this tyrant as the sycophants in Ottawa won't. Perhaps they have some kind of backroom deal between leaders - that if I support this tyranny, you'll never call an election again and we can stay in power forever and shred the constitution between us? That kind of deal maybe? I don't know. 

All I know is that out of sheer desperation I wrote an email to the Governor General, asking her to arrest the little prick in power. After all as the Queen's regent here in Canada it IS HER JOB TO PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION and up until now I haven't seen one iota of protection for our charter of right and freedoms from either our GG or our "Queen of Canada".  So I'm wondering when or IF they plan to do anything and if  not, why the F we bother providing them with any money or even a job? I mean what the F are they good for if they don't even do that and only want to go around to fancy galas to cut ribbons? Gawd I can do that too. Give me a pittance of whatever they get and I'll gladly go do that no problem. In fact, I think *I* have DONE MORE TO STAND UP FOR THIS COUNTRY & IT'S CHARTER THAN EITHER OF THOSE TWO HAVE SO FAR! So get on their cases. Write to the Governor General of Canada and the Queen too, if you want, but MAKE THEM DO THEIR JOB THAT THEY SWORE TO DO, WHICH IS UP HOLD THE CONSTITUTION!

I mean it's no good now to write to any complicit tyrant in Ottawa, as they're all in it together and those who aren't don't have the numbers to oppose the tyrant in power because that twisted moron who has his head rag wrapped so tight it's squeezing his single brain cell, and thus preventing him from thinking straight is as useless as tits on a bull. Maybe he's JT's extra tit. Sure seems like it. Two wanna-be dictators joined at the hip is all I see. The only recourse we MIGHT HAVE is if all the opposition MPs get badgered silly to have those two clowns and all their collaborators arrested for trying to usurp the constitution and the authority of the Queen (because that constitution was given to us by the Queen's authority). 

Just have the RCMP go into parliament and arrest every mother f'n one of them and drag them out in handcuffs and if they give the RCMP any lip or resistance they give them the same treatment they gave that poor protester in one of the videos you will see here. Bashing them with the butt of the rifle. That's what that parliament needs - is a good cleaning out and starting over with decent law abiding and upholding citizens and not self-entitled wanna-be dictators. 

I can think of a few provinces that need the same treatment of their politicians too. But maybe they'd smarten up and fly right if something like that happened to Justin Trudeau and his gang of thugs. I would sure hope so, otherwise maybe they should get the same treatment prescribed above too.

Now those are words I never thought I'd see in the sidebar here, "thuggery and skull bashing" but alas that's what this PLANDEMIC has driven us to now. And the "thuggery and skull bashing" are being done by the authorities, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Now let that sink in for a moment and then start to come to the realization of what I've been telling ALL OF YOU FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS..... 


Now for the headlines and videos so you can see what this is all devolving into and the lies and hypocrisy being spewed both by the liar at the helm and the Canadian media who were all bribed with a $600 million bribe a couple of years ago to go along with his party line and BS and report FAVOURABLY ON IT. This tells you how intelligent those lamestream media types are.... They are so f'n stupid they're promoting the VERY LAWS THAT CURTAILS THEIR VERY OWN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS TOO, ALONG WITH THAT OF ALL THEIR FAMILIES & FRIENDS!!!!! Talk about being dumber than a bucket of shrimp. I don't think there's one mainstream media outlet in this entire country that could muster a thimble full of brains combined. That's how well bought off they are - they're so blinded by the money they can't see what they're doing EVEN TO THEIR OWN PERSONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS. Talk about being f'n dumb. Well that's the best definition of it, if I ever saw it.

So THIS IS PROBABLY YOUR ONE & ONLY CHANCE TO END TYRANNY & STAND UP FOR DEMOCRACY HERE IN CANADA!!!!!  So other than sit on your hands and say "what can I do, I live xxxx amount of miles away?", you have a computer or cellphone connected to the net??? I know you do because you're reading this. USE IT TO SOME GOOD AND BADGER THOSE IN POWER SILLY - PROTEST VIA EMAIL & TXT MESSAGES. Send email to your MP and Turdeau and Sing telling them that YOU ARE A CANADIAN TOO AND YOU ALSO PROTEST THEIR GRAB FOR POWER AND FIND IT ABUSIVE & WANT IT DROPPED ALONG WITH ALL MANDATES TO DO WITH THIS PLANDEMIC. EMAIL THE GOVERNOR GENERAL ASKING HER OR THE ACTUAL QUEEN TO STEP IN & TAKE CHARGE. 

And please don't chicken out on us, because you're afraid of the authorities or because of some health related issue other than covid (because MOST OF US DO HAVE HEALTH ISSUES OTHER THAN COVID - AND WE DID BEFORE COVID CAME ALONG AND WILL LONG AFTER IT'S GONE & WE COPED WITH ALL THE BIG BAD GERMS OUT THERE). Those who required self-isolating because of immune issues did so, but they didn't expect the rest of us to do so as well, just because of their  immune issues. I mean you are the very ones talking about "well your rights doesn't give you the right to make me sick". Well news flash your rights don't supersede ours either. We have as much right to our freedom as you do to keep yourself safe from germs but it should NOT BE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DO THAT FOR YOU. Just the same as it's not your responsibility to make sure some stranger checks his blood sugar readings umpteen times a day unless you're his health care provider. So unless you want to live under a dictatorship for the rest of your lives, you have NO EXCUSES FOR WUSING OUT AND NOT SUPPORTING THIS MOVEMENT!

So that being said, I'll get on with it, but just note the differences in message and tone between what the Canadian media is saying and the foreign media and what the protesters are saying & doing and the pictures being painted by the Lieberals & NDP, the police and the Canadian media. As you will see all of those juxapositions in this post if you follow, read & listen to all the various links .....

Military Police Clear Trucks With AR-15's Smashing Windows The title of this video is self-explanatory as unbelievable as it might be. Betcha didn't see this on the CBC or CTV newscasts, eh?

Ottawa vs Police 💩Trudeau's Unlawful Dictatorship**

WOW!! As Police surround trucker to arrest , THIS is his message! 

Pierre Poilievre CALLS OUT Liberal power grab Of all the people in that tyrant's bunkhouse, this seems to be the only one that's trustworthy besides Andrew Scheer. At least he hasn't crossed the floor and backstabbed people like other members - even the interim leader of his own party did not long ago. At least he's been consistent in his message. 


POLICE ASSAULT CANADIANS  Bet you didn't see or hear nary a mention of this incident on CBC nor CTV newscasts as well, where a few cops have a protester, and one of the cops is bashing them with the butt of their rifle, while other cops try to shield the view from onlookers and cameras. Only in Canada - do PEACEFUL PROTESTERS GET THEIR SKULLS SMASHED IN WITH A RIFLE BUTT by so called "peaceful law abiding police officers who want to end that without any injuries". What they mean is they want to end that without any injuries to themselves or the tyrants in charge, but they apparently have no qualms about bashing skulls in with rifle butts if you're merely a peaceful protester. Oh, I'm sure they'll claim the protester had a nuclear bomb or something like that in their  knapsack and so that's why they had to take them down like that. They always find a way to "justify" their actions when there is NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THEM. 

Canadians will never view the legacy media the same again

🇨🇦OTTAWA UPDATE*** 🇨🇦MUST WATCH THIS MESSAGE If you can go, to support this fight for our freedom, your support would probably be greatly appreciated, by those already there on the frontlines of this peaceful demonstration against tyranny. 

Rob Moore debunks the need for the Emergencies Act

Andrew Scheer recorded live on the Emergencies Act and the suspension of Parliament If you can't physically go to Ottawa to support those already there, then I implore you to follow Andrew Scheer's advice that he gives in this video. It's imperative, no matter which side of the vaccine mandate coin you stand on. This fight is about more than that. It's about our constitutional rights and freedoms and to stop Canada from falling into a dictatorship. Or you can also inundate the Governor General and the Queen as well, since they're allegedly supposed to be protecting our constitution. So if that's the case, perhaps it's time they were roused to do so, because if it isn't protected from tyrants now, when will it be? After it's been shredded and burned and the tyrants dance on the cinders of it? Is that when? 

💩TRUDEAU💩 WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT Look at the opening screen on this video. And I have to say I agree 1001% with that sentiment and I hope the GG does call out the RCMP on the wanna-be dictator and has him and all his cohorts in parliament arrested and charged under the treason act. Then I hope they're forced to stand trial for crimes against humanity, genocide, senocide, and supporting terrorism (he's the only terrorist supporter I know of in this country when he gave Omar Kadhr and some other terrorists millions of our dollars). That's not to mention his more petty crimes of interfering with the SNC Lavellin case, the WE Charity bribe and kickback scandal, and all the other ethics violations and crimes he's accused of. He should have to answer to ALL OF THEM and each sentence given for each crime, tacked on to the back of the other one, so that he spends his next 100 lifetimes behind bars. And yes, Musk was VERY APT when he compared Trudeau to Hitler. No maybe Trudeau didn't use machine guns, gas chambers and bombs to kill thousands of people, he just opened the border to a lethal virus and let it in to do the job for him, all the while he made laws and rules that exposed more and more people to the virus with the genocidal witch doctor Tam's help, along with the art teacher Haggydodo (all 3 need to face those charges of crimes against humanity and genocide & senocide).  First telling people all they had to do was wash their hands which was absurd (when it was obviously a respiratory illness) then refusing to shut the international border at all (until Legault and Ford got on his case to do it) but it was so porous as to be ineffective anyhow. It seems to me that anyone high profile enough that wanted to get into Canada then could - I mean there is a report on my blog that listed I don't know how many thousands or hundreds of thousands of people (besides truckers and essential workers) were allowed into the country after the border was supposed to be closed down. Most came in without being tested to see if they had the virus (as there were no tests available then) and then allowed to traipse all over the country once they got in. 

Bank Run? Canada's Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline  Here's another story that wasn't on the CTV nor I bet CBC's newscast tonight, not even in the financial report.... Caused by the gov't over reach where shithead wants to arbitrarily freeze people's bank accounts. 

Standoff between protesters and massive police operation stretches into night

Nurses group asks court to halt federal use of Emergencies Act to end Ottawa protest Finally! Medical professionals are starting to stand up to the assholes in power! Too bad you couldn't have done it before they let the virus into the country to start with, then we might not be here today going through all this shit after 2 years of agony already! Yeah I know the international border would be closed and still be closed, but if it meant not having to go through all this shit for the last two years, and loss of life and liberties, then foregoing those foreign commodities like pineapples and Chinese made junk would've been worth the sacrifice and made our own economy stronger as we would've had to produce more goods and services to service our own country rather than relying on everyone else in the world. It would've made us healthier and economically stronger without any reasons for the tyrants to pull the shit they've pulled on us for the past 2 years. 

Varney: Here come the American truckers

Canada threatens to seize, potentially euthanize truckers' pets And you can support a gov't that would do that to someone's pet? What if it was your pet? Would you still support such tyrants or would you say that that's the straw that broke your camel's back? I know I would. That's another term I'd have never thought I'd see here in my side bar "pet euthanasia". That shows what this whole plandemic has devolved into. Totally insane tyranny! 

🔴LIVE🔴 Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022, ANARCHY in the streets!! Ottawa Feb. 18th The "anarchy" is being caused by the cops and their actions towards the protesters, as you saw in a video above.

🔴LIVE Ottawa - RAW Footage: Freedom Convoy 2022 Day 22 - Emergency Act - Friday Feb 18 I suppose somehow shit for brains in Ottawa will equate that Sickle & Hammer flag seen in this video with Stalin and his regime and try to say the person carrying it is for that type of gov't, when in fact he's probably carrying it to represent what he thinks Canada is turning into a fascist communistic dictatorship like in the USSR. 

Trucker protests: Freeland says invocation of Emergencies Act was “right thing to do” And do you believe anything that this cry baby two faced bitch lizard lady has to say? I don't and never have. 

Civil liberties group files suit over use of Emergencies Act against convoy protests Good and I hope they win! That side bar is starting to look totally weird for a covid19 blog, considering all the search terms put into it today.

Citizens group wins court-ordered freeze of convoy protest accounts, cryptocurrency Of course trample them any which way you can, as you don't want to let go of  your favourite  power tripping wanna-be dictator. And of course the judges who all want to sit on the Supreme Court someday (because it's a cushy for life job) will pander to the little puke's sycophants, because they all want an appointment when an opening becomes available there so they'll do anything the little puke wants in hopes of getting that opening assigned to them for life. Everything in Canada is corrupt from the top down, the way powerful positions are assigned to the way the gov't can rig all the laws in it's favour, without any hinderances or oversight. 

We were SUPPOSED TO HAVE 2 PEOPLE OVERSEEING & PREVENTING SUCH ABUSES, NAMELY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL & THE QUEEN. But I guess both are such crotchety old biddies they have a hard time standing up on their own two feet nevermind standing up for us and our rights. They both have the authority to deploy both the army and the RCMP any time they want, but obviously our problem isn't their problem so why should they care? As both are above the law. Maybe cutting recognition of them and financial support of them, might make it their problem after all. I mean why do we need extra high falluting welfare recipients to support who obviously don't need any more money as they have way more than enough, when we could save that money and give it to people who are genuinely in need! Rideau Hall would make an excellent low income housing building - divvy it up into apartments and let the poor people live there instead. I could think of so many more things to do with money that seems to be only going to gala attenders and ribbon cutters, that's way more important than those functions are.

Several provinces are dropping vaccine passports, but some businesses aren't on board That's their problem isn't it!?! Let them ask for vaccine passports if they want. People who don't want to go there (whether they have a passport or not) don't have to. They can teach the business what freedom is all about. They have as much freedom to boycott the place as that place has to impose dictatorial tools that could be used for tracking. I have a passport but I refused to use it while it was required to go to certain stores here in QC. I just didn't. I bought whatever I thought we might want or need at a particular store that was going to be covered by that law before the law went into effect and was good for the whole entire time it was in effect. I refuse to be tracked (whether I am or not, in case.... because I don't know what the assholes at the other end of that passport data is doing - whether they're collecting and collating it all, or if it's just a check and no collection is done - but KNOWING our gov'ts and the fact that they used apps to track people on their phones before, I wouldn't put it past them - so the less I use it the better I feel). So if a company insists on me showing it to get into their premises, that's where I turn around and walk away. There is nothing so precious in this world besides my health and family that I'm willing to let myself be tracked for.

How did conservatives come to be so attracted to extremism? How did Andrew Coyne the CBC shill come to have his head so far up his ass all he could see and think is shit?  What a f'n moron. If standing up for CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS IS EXTREMISM THEN I'M AN EXTREMIST TOO!!!!!!!  Guess you're another GUTLESS wanna-be dictator living vicariously through your wanna-be paramour Justin Trudeau. Oh don't bother denying it, I saw how you looked at him and wiggled in your seat when you were debating with Chantal et. al. everytime Justin was mentionned and his picture was shown. It was like you were all hot and bothered by him and didn't know where to put yourself.

Ontario court freezes millions in cash, cryptocurrency donated to Ottawa protesters

If COVID-19 didn’t clear the bar for the Emergencies Act, does this?  Well I'll tell you what should've cleared but didn't.... Litton burning to the ground last summer (natural disaster), flooded regions in Quebec & Ontario a few years ago (another natural disaster), taking a quote from National News Archives here: In the summer of 1996, the world watched as dams in the Saguenay region gave way in a wild storm, flooding dozens of cities and forcing 15,000 people to evacuate. Oh and what about the Lac Megantic derailment that blew up the downtown area killing people? None of those were qualifiers for this act, but a peaceful protest in Ottawa is? 

I mean gimme a break.... Tyrants are Us are just making a grab for power. And what do you want to bet that if they get it, that they'll relinquish it? Considering they can renew it every 90 days, just like the health emergencies measures that keeps getting renewed every time it's ready to expire.

 In fact Quebec just renewed ours for the 100th time since the plandemic began, the other night. So if Quebec can constantly renew it for a 100 times, what makes you think shitface in Ottawa won't do that if the measures pass????? It'll be a neverending nightmare for us, if that happens!

A state of emergency that some truckers don’t believe is real 

Live Aerial View of Protesters 

Ottawa crackdown: police arrest 100 after 3-week protest

'The time is absolutely right' for pandemic measures to lift, experts say  Oh but shithead et. al. won't listen to that, because that doesn't suit their agenda of becoming El Dictator of the Banana Republic of Canada. Dumbe here in QC won't listen to it either as he's as intent as Turdeau is on oppressing the population. He wants to merely LIFT the passport measures, NOT abolish them completely and until that's done, we do NOT HAVE OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS BACK AT ALL AS THOSE MEASURES COULD BE REIMPOSED AT THE DROP OF A HAT, BASICALLY ON A GOV'T WHIM, AS HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND AGAIN SINCE THIS PLANDEMIC BEGAN! So why should we trust them now?  NEVERMIND LIFTING THE MEASURES!!!!! ABOLISH THEM COMPLETELY NOW!!!!!! Because the measures have been lifted every couple of months (like I predicted at the beginning of my blog - where they would impose measures for so many days and then lift them for so many days and it would run in cycles like that and I was right then too) and then as soon as we figure we can get back to normal and start living life again, they reimpose the measures. And I am even starting to question whether or not we are having "new" waves of the virus or not, or if it's being made up in order to oppress our rights and freedoms again. I'm sorry, but I've never had such a high distrust and disregard for the government and Canadian media as I do now. Now I just don't believe a dammed word coming out of any of their mouths. And I seriously doubt that as long as we still have the same people at the helms of those organizations and the gov't that I ever will again.

More interim than expected: Police chief terminates contract after 2 days 

Health Canada authorizes the use of Nuvaxovid COVID-19 vaccine  Annnndddd now that you've forced us all to get vaccinated already, who cares????? What good does that do for most of us anyhow?

Health minister: Germany has crossed omicron peak 

Freedom Convoy Feb.17, 2022 Press Conference | IrnieracingNews You really ought to allocate the hour necessary to listen to this full video, as it's a video conference by lawyers explaining the constitutionality of this over reach called Emergency Measures Act and what it was really meant to do and what it's not allowed to do and your rights under it. Whether you go to the protests or not or support anyone or not. Because this act covers ALL OF US.


Police make arrests as Ottawa blockade members defy orders to leave 

CBC News: The National | Ottawa police action, Ending vaccine passports, Hockey gold This is last night's CBC National News (late edition) broadcast. I didn't watch it, but I'll bet bottom dollar they spent more time talking about the Hockey Gold and Olympics (too probably) then they gave to the Ottawa police action segment. I know CTV Montreal dinner time news tonight did. Maya spent more time - I'd say at least 3 times longer probably talking to Meeker about sports than was spent on the whole PLANDEMIC thing, Ottawa police action and all and of course they ignored the skull bashing with rifle butts altogether.  But hey we know which goalie picked their nose and which one scratched their ass and who of the NHL had the best smelling farts. That was covered in entirety. 

#Freedomconvoy2022 OTTAWA FREEDOM CONVOY LIVE thursday night hang

Ottawa Attorneys "calling on Police to stand with the People" Feb.17, 2022  We certainly didn't hear about this in the lamestream media either. 

Ottawa street jacuzzi becomes latest site for vaccine mandate protest Yeah like this just looks sooooooooo violent. OMG arrest him immediately!!!!! He might drown someone in there, maybe Justin Turdeau, you never know!

Canadian police arrest 2 leaders of protesting truckers Yeah the old "cut off the head" tactic. Someone should cut off a head alright but it's not the head of the convoy, that's for sure.

Is it the right time to lift Quebec's vaccine passport system? At the risk of repeating myself and thus sounding more senile than I actually am..... LIFTING IT WON'T CUT IT!!!!!!!! ABOLISHING IT WILL!!!!!! Capiche???? You thick skulled morons in charge....

Largest single Ontario convoy donation came from this London, Ont., businessman  See what kind of pricks and assholes are employed by CBC???? They even go so far as to PUBLICALLY NAME PEOPLE so they can be targetted with threats and vandalism and boycotts and whatever - like what was done to the shop owner in Ottawa. Maybe someone ought to investigate that journalist and if they've EVER DONE ANYTHING IMMORAL, REPREHENSIBLE, OR ILLEGAL & PUBLICIZE IT BROAD & WIDE and GIVE THE ASSHOLE A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE!!!!!  

Canada considers sending more troops to Europe as threat of Russian invasion of Ukraine persists Defence minister says enhancing military presence in the region is 'top of my priority list' Oh really???? Why???? Other than the big assed lizard lady, who has such important interests in Ukraine that it's your top priority????? What about that little puke in Ottawa???? Thought you were tasked with upholding the constitution???? If that's true, why the f haven't you hauled that little puke's ass out of parliament and thrown him jail for abrogating charter rights & freedoms for 2 years solid, genocide, senocide, supporting terrorism and crimes against humanity????? THAT SHOULD BE YOUR TOP PRIORITY NOW!!!!!! Take care of YOUR OWN COUNTRY FIRST BEFORE  WORRYING ABOUT LIZARD LADY'S HOMELAND! That's her and her country's problem  NOT OURS!!!!!

At least 137 Sudbury-area donors contributed to GiveSendGo convoy fundraiser  Yet another moronic media organization that can't realize that those truckers are/were fighting for everyone's freedoms INCLUDING THEIRS, but instead pander to the little wanna-be dictator in charge. I hope IF he gets his way he closes ALL THE MEDIA DOWN EXCEPT OF COURSE THE CBC SHILL THAT THEY ALREADY OWN. Then that'll teach you money grubbing imbeciles a thing or two about reporting the real news instead of being gov't shills.

Former police board member Rawlson King says public safety ‘should not be a wedge issue’  A wedge issue???? Public safety??? 'Scuse me but I didn't see any public safety issues in allllllll the many hours and hours of video of what was happening there in Ottawa. THE ONLY PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUE I SAW WAS WHEN POLICE STARTED BASHING HEADS WITH RIFLE BUTTS & SMASHING PRIVATE PROPERTY WITH THEIR RIFLE BUTTS. But before that, I didn't see one single act of violence in all of those videos. Lots of instances of fun  though. I guess singing on stage, walking around peacefully with flags, playing on bouncing castles, playing hockey, dancing, sitting in a hot tub,  sitting in trucks with motors idling is some how a public safety issue.... I suppose me sitting on my couch watching news stories that oppose Mr. Wanna-Be Tyrant's version of the truth is going to some how wind up being a public safety issue too. Right? I mean I wouldn't put it past this lying dictator scumbag. 

Vaccine policies ‘no longer necessary,’ Ontario top doc wants to remove them March 1 Oh how convenient his timeline coincides with his premier's Doug Ford's timeline.

Convoy protest organizers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, Pat King arrested in Ottawa This is a sad, sad day when peaceful protesters are being arrested. 

'Legal standard not met': Two court challenges filed over Trudeau's use of Emergencies Act Good. I hope BOTH OF THEM WIN!

People's Convoy - USA Trucker Details

FreedomConvoy: Daniel Bulford, Gyrcis, Cornell. Post Press Conference Feb.16, 2022 

Ottawa Freedom Convoy Canada Truckers 2022 -LIVE- #FreedomConvoyCanada Feb.17 Day 21

Freedom Convoy Live updates Feb 17th 

Will It Happen Here? As Trudeau Amps Up His Powers, Vaccine Protest Convoy Revs Up in USA

TRUDEAU VS. CANADA: House of Commons sitting gets heated! 

A power grab is what caused this crisis. Ain't that the truth for ALL OF IT - EVEN 2 YEARS AGO WHEN IT FIRST STARTED AS ANDREW SCHEER POINTED OUT IN HIS VIDEO ABOVE!!!!

Candice Bergen CALLS OUT NDP for attending pro-Communist marches This is the group of wanna be dictators propping up the currently wanna-be dictator at the helm.

Candice Bergen gives POWERFUL speech in response to Emergencies Act 

Coutts arrests: new details on the men and women charged in border blockade

The latest on protests against COVID-19 measures in Ottawa and beyond 

Quebec provincial police deployed to Ottawa to help clear protesters Oh the QC gestapo LOVE having opportunities to use their gestapo tactics on people - especially on peaceful people who aren't doing anything worse than having 1 extra person in their house, being out 1 minute past curfew,  or walking 2 inches too close to someone else. That just gets their juices flowing like crazy. 

'I Ain't Leaving': Ottawa Protesters Show Resistance to Official Warnings to Leave 

This farmer's truck was towed at a COVID-19 anti-mandate protest. He wants you to hear him out.

Convoy organizer Chris Barber released, ordered to leave Ottawa Another charter rights violation I see, being told to leave a city. I thought under our charter of rights and freedoms we were allowed to travel to any Canadian destination we chose.

Police make arrests as Ottawa blockade members defy orders to leave

In warning to U.S., COVID rates soar after Denmark lifts all restrictions Oh well yeah, this has to come out now.... Especially considering Canada is going through a MASSIVE STRUGGLE THAT STARTED OUT BEING BASED ON COVID MANDATES BUT MORPHED INTO RIGHTS & FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS CAUSED BY THOSE MANDATES THAT ARE STILL IN EFFECT THAT WE'RE TRYING TO GET LIFTED!!!!!! I'm wondering about the timing of this and who released such a report in the first place and the motives behind it.... Was it because of what's happening here in Canada and being copycatted around the world now? Is that why? Was it Bill Gates or Carl Schwabb that put that report out to try to give fuel to the various wanna-be dictators around the globe especially shitface here in Ottawa? I mean I'm finding it super suspect.

Unvaccinated truckers bringing COVID-19 vaccines, medical devices into Canada are exempt from border rules, Health Canada says  Oh oh, it looks like the hypocritical little dictator got caught with his pants down on this one.... Hmmm wondering why it's alright for them to be exempt but no other truckers or no one else for that matter???? And thinking about that as a former nurse.... Does that really make sense? I know we want/need the supplies but since it's to combat Covid19 does it really make a lot of medical sense to let those who might possibly have covid or be asymptomatic with it, handle and possibly as a result contaminate those very supplies we're importing in order to fight it? I mean it's like me having a contagious illness and sticking the thermometer in my mouth first to see if it's registering before sticking it in the patient's mouth. Yeah I know they have electronic ones now a days, but it's trying to prove a point here of the stupidity of it.

COVID updates, Feb. 17: With 'action imminent,' Quebec police head to Ottawa area as possible reinforcements 

As Quebec withdraws vaccine passport, Health Minister Dubé responds to criticism over mixed messages  Really we should be happy eh??? For what???? That you deigned to let us have a taste of our charter rights & freedoms for a few minutes before clamping down again???? Is that what we should be happy for???? You know what I'll be happy for!?! WHEN YOU OUTRIGHT ABOLISH ALL OF THOSE DRACONIAN MEASURES & MANDATES AND/OR ARE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE OR THROWN IN JAIL FOR YOUR VARIOUS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, SENOCIDE, GENOCIDE & VIOLATIONS OF OUR CHARTER RIGHTS & FREEDOMS, WHICH EVER COMES FIRST!!!!!! Right now, it's up to you. It's your choice. No matter what you choose I'm opting for ALL OF THEM.

Elon Musk Compares PM Justin Trudeau to Hitler  As I said above in my opening monologue I agree with Musk. Because even though Trudeau didn't use bullets, bombs & gas chambers to commit genocide and senocide and crimes against humanity he opened up the border to let the virus in and then refused to close it "because he didn't want to hurt the Chinese's feelings" (when they didn't give two flying F's about Canada and Canadians feelings as evidenced by the grabbing of the 2 Micheals and all the refusals of our traded goods for one excuse or another - that wound up hurting Canadian farmers, fishermen and businesses). But hey, I guess that's forgiveable because he's such a pretty boy with good hair. 

COVID Restrictions to Ease in Phases Starting February 21 


Peace Bridge - Canada Bound Truck Inspection 

Live From The Truckers Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Canada Doesn't this just look like such a threatening violent mob that the cops need to come wielding brute thuggish force against them? This video was from yesterday. 

Day 25 Convoy 2 Ottawa 2022 Canadian Trucker | Ask Me About My Haircut ✂️ 

Truckers in Canada prepare for police to move in, clear out area 

🚛*MUST SEE**🇨🇦 TRUCKER IS NEVER GOING TO LEAVE 🇨🇦  I think this is one of the trucks that the cops purposely damaged in one of the videos above.

Part 2 - Is Today The Day? | Police Presence RAMPING up - Get Here ASAP - Freedom Convoy Feb 17th 

Jonathan Turley: Justin Trudeau threw gas on the fire 



Trucker protests: Freeland faces divided Parliament after Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act 



🇨🇦TRUCKERS ARE HONKING NON STOP FOR FREEDOM🇨🇦 *WE ARE WINNING I wish we were winning. Maybe we would've won if the military were behind you or you all put your engines in gear and charged the parliament in unison. There wouldn't have been much that could've stopped you if you did that. Then you might've won as they would've gotten the message that when Cdns get angry enough there's no stopping them. But I know those rigs are expensive and the means of your livelihoods and no one else went there willing to risk their lives and property like that, so I commend you. I'm just saying what it probably would've taken. Either for the military to be there for the citizens they're supposed to protect. But I guess that doesn't include protecting us from tyrannical wanna-be dictators. That seems to be in our helpless hands as the raghead in Ottawa is backing the wanna-be tyrant against us and the 2 old biddies who are supposed to stand up for our constitution can't even stand on their own two feet unaided, so it's doubtful they'll be doing much for us either. So we're left at the mercy of the wanna-be dictator and all the judges in Ontario's court who all vie for a Supreme Court position to rule on our behalf - which they aren't likely to do. I can't remember any court rulings since Mr. Dickhead came to power, that were for the people and against him. 



Anyhow there's a ton more headlines and videos I could get to, but basically you get the gist of the picture now I think and the other headlines are older - as I've been working from the most recent backwards in my bookmark file again. As they may be so old as to be moldy by the time I post another post in here again (depending on what happens next in this plandemic fiasco), you may never see them. But you probably already saw or heard about them elsewhere anyhow.

Take care, stay well and stay safe (both from the disease itself & our overbearing gov't).









Monday, January 31, 2022


 Covid 19


January 31, 2022

NOW I AM TOTALLY ENRAGED & EXASPERATED WITH OUR CHICKEN SHIT DICTATOR DICKHEAD IN OTTAWA!!!!!!!! So much so that I will have NO SYMPATHY WHATSOEVER FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS TO HIM AS A RESULT OF HIS OBSTINANCE & REFUSAL TO MEET WITH THE TRUCKERS & PEOPLE WHO HE CLAIMS TO REPRESENT! THE ONLY PERSON THAT SLIME BAG REPRESENTS AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED IS HIS SELF CENTERED SELF ENTITLED SELF AND THAT'S IT, PERIOD!!!!!!!!! Whatever happens to him, is what he had coming - for a long long long time now. Like they say karma will get you in the end. And I have a feeling this is pretty close to his end if not THE END. Which is what I hope it is. 

So basically all my son is good for, for you, you mother f'n cretins in power is to pay taxes in order to cover your salaries, expense accounts and perks and pensions?????? IS that all he and all other young workers are to you bunch of F'D IN THE HEAD MOTHER F'ERS GOOD FOR?????? I hope they start to see and figure this out en masse for themselves in the not too distant future and then give you all what you deserve!!!!!!! Yesterday wouldn't be too soon either!
None of you morons seem to have a clue what your BS is doing to the population that you claim you're representing and trying to help.  For the most part all you've done is take away ALL OF THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS and trapping them in in steel cages, where they're afraid to move or breath (without a mask on) or do anything. Now it's getting so that after 2 years of this some people have come to the end of their ropes and deem that either you f'n draconian dictators go, or they go (as in check out of life period - and you wonder why there's so many suicides during this plandemic - it's not only medical personnel checking out, it's others too and usually it's because they see no point in living). Yeah I know this whole exercise is to cut down on population. But if that's the case, why don't we start with you and your families? That would rid the world of a lot of high class welfare bums and leeches.  We'd all be much better off without anyhow.  
Those are the useless money grubbing eaters. The greedy guts who do nothing to help or better society, only pass more and more laws that are nothing but  over the top authoritarian and draconian, and benefit no one but themselves.  We can live without more such laws, thanks. 
We've got enough. Now it's time for those lawmakers to go or be done away with, whichever method they prefer for their removal from public life and the taxpayers trough. Personally, either way is fine with me as long as it's NOW!!!!!!

For more about the abrogation of our Constitutional Rights you should watch, listen to and read everything on the following pages - direct articles, podcasts and news articles from Brian Peckford the ONLY SURVIVING "architect to our Canadian Constitution", so you can be sure if anyone knows what they're talking about when it comes to the constitution and our rights thereunder, it's him. 


Last living signer of Canadian constitutional charter of rights sues government over COVID travel ban This is how pathetic the Canadian news media has become after he bought them off with a $600 million grant before one of the more recent federal elections. They won't even report on it. The only way we can find out is from American news.

Brian Peckford's Speech, Trucker Convoy For Freedom Rally, Victoria, Canada, January 29 [Crowd View... for sure watch the last 30 seconds] This occurred today in Ottawa, but there was NO MENTION of it on the news tonight. Not one utterance. Obviously the media doesn't want us to know about our rights.  Maybe my speakers aren't good enough, or my sound card or something, but I had a hard time making out what he was saying most of the time. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did with this particular video. But I can imagine it was along the lines of this one recorded 4 months ago in a podcast:  Hon. Brian Peckford Interview: Why Democracy Is At Risk of Failure  There's other videos there by him as well, that you'd do well to listen to and heed his advice. Because it's no joke. You'll get a valuable lesson in not only the constitution but democracy as well. Which many Canadians probably need.
Honourable Brian Peckford, Nikkanen, Baigent et al. vs. Minister of Transport and Canada  Where if you follow the link at the bottom of the page, you'll be able to download the supplication he made to the court for this case.
Now on with the rest of the sad sickening stories called Draconian BS on account of this pLandemic :
Trudeau Moved to Secret Location as Vax Protest Grows  See the response of Captain Chicken Shit? He ran to hide because he's such a two faced chicken shit. He better hope none of the truckers finds out where his hideaway is, I think.  Because hard to tell what would happen then.

Thousands in Ottawa protest COVID mandates, many rebuked One particularly hypocritical tweet from Mr. Dressup, quoted in this story is: Trudeau retweeted a statement from The Terry Fox Foundation that said “Terry believed in science and gave his life to help others.”  - TERRY FOX BELIEVED IN SCIENCE BUT DICKHEAD DRESSUP CAN'T UNDERSTAND SUCH CONCEPTS and as evidenced by his cowardly stance of hiding from those who travelled across country to talk to him, proves he wouldn't give his life for anything or anyone. He's nothing but a cowardly gutless chicken shit who I'm ashamed to call my PM.



Trudeau seeks NDP, Bloc support to prevent Conservative 'obstructionism' Just as an example of what kind of dictator this little puke is read this quote from this story where he's trying to limit or outright avoid any kind of opposition debate on this in parliament and just ram his shit through despite the fact that more people in this country voted against the little puke, than for him. Just read this passage from that story and see what kind of little monsterous dictator that little puke is and tell me that he doesn't deserve to be booted out on his ear and into jail after this and everything else he's done to this country and it's people:

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is counting on the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP to help his minority Liberal government get things done in the face of what he anticipates will be systematic obstructionism by the Conservatives.

In an interview with The Canadian Press ahead of Parliament's return Monday after a six-week break, Trudeau made it clear he doesn't just want the smaller, more ideologically compatible opposition parties to support the passage of Liberal bills.

He wants them to support measures to cut off debate and force votes on bills if the official Opposition Conservatives resort to procedural tricks to stall progress on the legislative agenda, as they frequently did during his first minority mandate.

So is this a democracy or a dictatorship whereby everyone must do as he says including members in other parties????? It's time this little puke got his comeuppance for everything he's already done and not trying to subvert democracy like this. ASAP! I know this isn't COVID related, but it had to be posted as an illustration of what Captain Chicken Shit is all about.

'Tired of it:' Mayor in southern Alberta frustrated over border blockade by truckers Truckers in the rest of the country who couldn't make it to Ottawa should try similar tactics until the wanna-be dictators crumble to their knees and capitulate.

Thousands opposed to COVID-19 rules converge on Parliament Hill Enough is a freaking enough already and it's time the ass holes in charge got the freaking message. 

COVID-19 protesters demonstrate across Canada in support of truck convoy in Ottawa See? It wasn't just those who showed up in Ottawa that support them and their efforts. Canadians across the country support them and hope they force a victory for themselves and all of us. We've all literally had it and those politicians that are too blind to see the protesters or too deaf to hear our voices might wind up finding out the hard way what it's all about.

Trudeau tests positive for COVID-19, condemns 'hateful' rhetoric I'm sorry but this ass hole is the only one I've heard utter hateful rhetoric, when he basically called the unvaccinated racists and terrorists. The only terrorists I see in this country now are Trudeau, Tam, Hajdu, Legault, Ford, et. al. THOSE ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS BUSY USURPING OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS FOR THEIR OWN AGENDAS!!!!!

'The Canadian revolution': How foreign anti-mandate sympathizers are framing the trucker convoy  Gawd, I hope they're right and IT IS A REVOLUTION and that the protesters and truckers don't lose their nerve before their mission is accomplished. That would be so awesome to get rid of the ass holes in power and have all their draconian BS laws repealed and thrown out. And such a "revolution" might send a message to whoever takes over the reins from the currant riffraff in power, to watch their step and not cross the line because they can be taken out too, with or without elections. 

Anti-vaccine Canada truckers praised by Tesla’s Musk Even one of the smartest men on the planet praises the rally. 

Freedom Convoy: Why Canadian truckers are protesting in Ottawa To get a feel for the sentiments here in Canada watch the first clip and listen to what the man says in it - referencing the fact that we taxpayers PAY THE POLITICIANS SALARIES TO DO ***OUR BIDDING**** AND ###NOT### THE REVERSE - MEANING WHAT ###THEY WANT TO DO###!!! Then listen to the woman at the end of clip and what she says and I can PROMISE YOU MOST OF US FEEL THE SAME WAY. 


'Mark of the Antichrist': Greek holy men sow vaccine mistrust Personally I don't think it itself is the mark of anything, I think the vaccine passport might be a precursor to it though, as in the microchip - posted about in the previous post in here, which is touted to take over having to show the passport to anyone is the mark of the beast.  Because if you read the Bible it says it's either in your hand or your forehead.  A microchip can be inserted in the body wherever wished, whether that's in a hand or under the skin on the forehead. But while it's merely a QR code on your phone or in your wallet, it's no more a mark of the beast than your social insurance number or driver's license is. 

The REAL MARK OF THE BEAST is probably that microchip that was touted in an article linked to on my previous post - where you can go to read more about it.

As for the vaccine itself, I think if it is anything besides bogus BS, it might pose genetic risks down the line. Which is why I'm glad our son didn't get the vaccine, but because of that he's being ostracized and can't do anything except work and go home. 

I got the vaccine even though I am sure I had Covid in January 2020, because my husband has health issues and wanted us both to be vaccinated, but he's opposed to all subsequent doses after the first 2 main doses. So we won't be getting anymore doses at all (and just to prove how well they work - look at numbnuts in Ottawa who had his third dose but yet he's supposed to have tested positive for the virus - or did he? Maybe he's trying to use it as an excuse to hide out from the truckers and not talk to them?). 

That's my feeling considering he had no problems self-isolating in the spring of 2020 when he was busy going out on his front steps everyday to play Santa Claus to one group or another, except the seniors who he ignored altogether, despite the fact he said he had to protect and help them. Liar liar pants on fire.... That's what I think about that lying sheitehead. 

Ottawa mayor would like protesters to move on, but organizers say they're not going anywhere Good because as they say in trucker parlance I hope they're there for the long haul - until they win what they went there to win.

Small-business group calls on Ottawa to lift trucker vaccine mandate

After weekend of protests, Ottawa residents are feeling the effects Good so maybe they can start applying pressure to the moron in charge and tell him to come down off his "higher than mighty" pedestal and talk to the protesters and fix things. 

Quebec eases more COVID-19 rules, permitting indoor dining, private gatherings Oh whoopdie doo. They eased, by 50%. Big whoopie! Try REMOVING ALL RESTRICTIONS ON EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE! THEN THAT WILL BE PROGRESS! But knowing you power hungry gestapo types in QC City, that won't last long. It'll be another day and a half after removing restrictions that you proclaim a total province wide lockdown on everything & everyone including essential services. I can just see that coming too. I wouldn't put anything so draconian past any of you. But yet you'll be doing Boris Johnson type partying at home and in your backyards, like he did, while the rest of us won't be able to breathe let alone party.

Canadian Official 'Expects Police To Take Appropriate Action' As Truck Convoy Blocks US-Canada Border Crossing Take a look at the image at the bottom of this page. It's just priceless. I just wish I knew who it belonged to so I could ask permission to use it in my blog, but alas, I have to settle for directing traffic from my blog to see it. You don't want to miss this one folks!

Trucker convoy protest: 'I have never seen such a display of hate,' Canadians say as demonstrators crowd Ottawa for third day They're all probably consumed by the same rage, contempt and overall  disdain I have for the cowardly asshole that hasn't even got the guts to talk to people who've travelled across country to talk to him and chose to hide away with the new variant Coward 19. So of course they're venting their anger. Why wouldn't they? If someone goes to see you to talk to you and you refuse to talk to them, how do you think they're going to feel? Happy? Sad? Angry? Hurt? Hateful? I'd say all of them except the Happy one, most likely. So they are apt to react in kind. I mean what else do those half baked morons expect when they refuse to talk to them anyhow? I'm telling you after this and watching several episodes of "The Crown", I now KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT, that to be a ruler of any kind in this world you have to literally be a half baked imbecile. The Queen is, as I'm sure all her representatives and those she allows to govern on her behalf aka PMs in the various countries still under her control, are. So undoubtedly bozobrains is a half baked imbecile too. Precisely why he's so f'n clueless, I guess.

'We are not intimidated,' Trudeau says as convoy continues to gridlock Ottawa hehehehehehe.... So says the one hiding out from them!!!!! hehehehe.... What a f'n laugh! What a freaking moron if he thinks we're buying that line! 😂😂😂Don't think those are tears of joy, but rather laughing so hard I'm crying.... That's what those faces represents here. Like I said Idiots 'R' Us.....

RCMP say border blockade in southern Alberta no longer lawful, preparing for arrests Yup that's it. When you have everything on your side, it's EASY TO QUASH OPPOSITION & PROTESTS WITH YOUR GESTAPO FORCES!!!!! Canada has OFFICIALLY BECOME A POLICE STATE IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!!

Gawd I hope EVERY FREAKING ONE OF YOU POLITICIANS OUT THERE FROM THE LOWEST TO THE HIGHEST & ALL YOUR GESTAPO FORCES ALL GET STRUNG UP BY YOUR GONADS AND LEFT FOR THE BIRDS TO PICK YOUR EYEBALLS OUT WHILE ALIVE!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY, I am so f'n tired of being hit again and again and again with sledge hammers wielded by those we pay the salaries of. 


Now I beseech each and every Canadian visitor to read, watch and listen to all of the links to do with Brian Peckford above AND LISTEN TO HIM & PRACTICE WHAT HE'S SAYING TO DO. WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS UNDER THE CHARTER THAT NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY FROM US  ****** UNLESS WE LET THEM BY NOT STANDING UP FOR THEM OURSELVES IN THE FIRST PLACE*********. Let that sink in and realize that by doing nothing you are ALLOWING THE MONSTERS IN CONTROL TO KEEP ON BOXING US IN MORE AND MORE BY YOUR REFUSAL TO FIGHT BACK.  IF YOU FIGHT BACK YOU WILL WIN IF YOU SITE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS BEFORE  A COURT OF LAW. If enough of you do that, and there's enough precedences set in our favour the assholes at the helm will have NO CHOICE BUT TO BACK OFF!!!!!!! 

That includes me as an asthmatic, of not having to wear a mask out in public if I don't want to - or even as a healthy person. Not having to use a passport to go anywhere because that restricts my rights to freedom of  movement and association. Not having to forego anymore celebratory or other family dinners or dinner parties because that too infringes on my rights of association.  


But as long as the majority are chicken shits and don't want to go along with those methods of fighting back and only a minority do (ergo being more manageable numbers for cops, courts and jails to handle), it'll only continue. 

It'll only happen when everyone has had enough and decides all at the same time that enough is enough and all flout all the laws together.  I'm ready to start this minute, if I have to, but I don't want to be the only one doing it, I want ALL OF YOU & EVERYONE YOU KNOW TOO TO BE DOING IT TOGETHER!!!!!

Anyhow, I know this isn't likely to be the last post in here, going by what transpired over the past few days, so until next time take care and stay well and FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS - FLOUT THE BS MEASURES IN EVERYWAY & EVERYDAY THAT YOU CAN. 

Show them you won't be bullied into submission.  


And it won't be illegal either, since all of those rights they're trying to quash on you are protected under our charter as Brian Peck explains.