Showing posts with label Housing crash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Housing crash. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Last Post of Month and Here's Hoping I Can Continue....

Covering COVID19


August 31, 2020

When I posted my blog page for the end of last month beginning of this month, the next time I logged in to post a blog page here, I found out that Google had reworked everything, preventing me from linking the headlines titles to the actual web addresses for them, and so I couldn't continue until I found where they hid the "classic blogger" button. Which took nearly 1/2 a month as they had it well hidden or removed it completely and only put it back when they had enough people complaining about the new blog editor. So given that this is the end of the month (maybe it was a month of "grace") who knows what I'll face when I log in tomorrow to write a blog post. So this may or may not be the end of the COVID19 coverage from me, depending on what I find the next time I log in. If they've disabled the "classic blog" button again and made the new blog editor so I can't link titles to web addresses the way I do now, or screwed it up so bad that it's actually more difficult to use than it is now, this will be the end of it. Though I hope not, at least not yet. Just letting you know, in case....

So that being said, I'm going to try to post as many of the headlines as I can, so I won't be dilly dallying, nor making a lot remarks on them either, just so you can get as up to date on the headlines as I can get you before having to sign off for the night.  So strap yourselves in, and get ready to read.

De Beers Cuts Diamond Prices After Covid-19 Curbs Demand  Another surprising aspect of this pandemic.

'I could have suffocated': Peru's pandemic tensions burst with nightclub tragedy  People are risking their lives now just for a few hours of socialization and some fun. That's what the pandemic rules and laws are doing to people.

Jared Kushner made a deal with Russia for ventilators during the COVID-19 crisis, but every single machine was faulty, report says  What is wrong with politicians brains? Are they all that stupid? Like Kushner and Trudeau etc? I mean why on God's Green Earth would they believe or trust adversarial countries like Russia and China anyhow? I mean you'd think if they were going to buy ventilators, or partner with a vaccine developer they'd at least be in allied and or actual friendly countries and not countries that keep screwing them over all the time like Russia does to the US & China does to Canada.  I mean duhhhh.... How stupid do you have to be to do stuff like that anyhow?

UK will get first access to Oxford vaccine, No 10 says  I guess that's normal. Any sane rational leader that cared about their own voting taxpayers would put them ahead of everyone else on the planet too, except maybe Trudeau et. al.

Real Canadian Superstore and No Frills impose mandatory face masks for shoppers Here in QC, you have to wear masks in all public spaces including stores.

N.W.T. film kicks off Canada-wide, pandemic-themed documentary series  I don't know about anyone else, but that would be the last thing I want to see at this point in time. Maybe later on for historical purposes, someone would want to watch it, but right now? While we're in the middle of it and it already seems we're immersed in it up to our eyeballs and the end of it is nowhere in sight, I don't think we are interested in more of it. At least I'm not.

Visitors to some long-term care centres subject to COVID-19 waiver before seeing loved ones  This just seems to be adding insult to injury if you ask me. First they don't let anyone in to see their loved ones even while they're dying and then they let them in, but ask them to sign forms waiving the institution of any legal responsibility for them contracting COVID19 while there visiting loved ones.  So in other words those institutions are nothing more than breeding grounds for COVID19 and they have no intention of cleaning it up nor protecting anyone from the virus at all. If I had a loved one in such a place, I'd be removing them from there pronto and suing the institution for all harms caused to my loved one on top of that.

Rising interest in tiny homes for Albertans during pandemic  Yeah I felt the same way when we moved here, being close to nature and the water. Now we have huge mansions all around us and what looks like a used car lot across the street from (actually it's a private house where the couple owns a bazillion cars and they have to park them all outside blocking our view of the water - even though they have 2 huge garages). So um yeah. I hope she's still able to enjoy the view a couple decades down the road, because a lot changes over time that you have no control over, especially the view.

Bubble fatigue cited as mental challenge during NHL playoffs  Yup, I hear them. Same  here. Bubble fatigue, quarantine fatigue, lockdown fatigue, pandemic rules fatigue and all the rest of the related BS too, I'm just totally fed up to the eyeballs with. If I were 20-30 years younger, I'd probably be inciting an uprising or something, just to stop all this freaking oppressive BS. 

Truckers' fears of U.S. pandemic trip up a sector suffering amid recession   Yet another angle and aspect of this pandemic we don't know or think about.

'Nerve-racking': Staff talk about stress of first B.C. school to start this year Oh someone please shoot me and put me out of this BS misery would you!?! "Nerve-racking".... Come on, there's been flus way worse than this. Even the Hong Kong flu in 1969 was worse or about as bad as this and no one flipped out over it the way everyone's flipping out over this. Talk about melodrama and drama queens.... 

Danish journalist covering Indigenous opposition to Trans Mountain pipeline denied entry to Canada  I guess he hasn't heard.... Our borders are closed because of a pandemic. News doesn't seem to spread very rapidly amongst journalists then if he didn't know that already.

Man who believed virus was hoax loses wife to Covid-19 I don't know why he'd think it's a hoax. It's not a hoax by any means, but it's not nearly as bad as the media and certain authority figures wants you believe, either.

Health care worker may lose her hands because of Covid-19   Very sad. I wish her all the best.

Thailand floats plan to welcome back international tourists in October  Personally, I'm of the mind that countries should wait until the virus is gone and done with before reopening borders. 

Live coronavirus found on meat, seafood weeks later, researchers say  So now I'm wondering what's safe to eat, except what we grow, harvest and prepare ourselves? I mean how many people paw over the fresh produce at the supermarkets, nevermind stand near while coughing or sneezing? Then the virus still being present on frozen meat and fish after 3 weeks. I guess that goes without saying that that's also true for frozen produce (like corn, brussels sprouts etc) and frozen prepared foods too huh? What about preserved foods like jam and pickles? How about canned foods like peas and beans etc? Is the virus still alive and well in those types of foods too? Or has anyone done any tests on such things?

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine to market will be hard. Getting Americans to use it will be, too.  Maybe it wouldn't have been so hard if the authorities told Gates to keep his meddling and money out of the COVID19 vaccine venture altogether. Now no one knows which vaccines to trust or not trust because he's meddled in a lot of them, if not all of them.

China’s Economy Is Bouncing Back—And Gaining Ground on the U.S.   Yes, and as I asked before... WHY? Why are they doing so well now with no new cases and resurgences? After all when you look at it, they struggled with it from December until about the end of February, then it magically all disappeared and there hasn't really been any large reoccurances of it whatsoever there and they're just all magically virus free. So I suspect they have and have had even before the outbreak vaccines against it that they didn't tell anyone about, but used on their citizens after the subsidence of the initial outbreak in December. In less than 3 months (if you believe their late December timeline), they were able to over come it and not have any resurgence from it? Why? How come no other countries have been able to accomplish that? Not even NZ?

Fauci warns against emergency coronavirus vaccine approval before widespread testing   Of course he does, because he wants time to get his developed and in place for approval before anyone else's is. 

With headlines like that from the US, I'm happy to be Canadian and to have our good ole medicare coverage here in Canada. 

Van Morrison blasts Covid gig limits as 'pseudoscience'  And sir TB Sheets, ought to know all about that, since he's a pseudoscientist himself. Get over yourself there Van, it's not as if you have that many people who want to go hear you in the first place. You have maybe 2 hits out of all the garbage you've cranked out over the years, so I'd be surprised if you even had enough fans to fill the allotted seating now. 

COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act  Talk about slow learners. We know coronaviruses are cold viruses (that's the family of cold viruses). We know colds are transmitted via aerosols. We know that COVID19 is a coronavirus. We know it's a respiratory illness. So knowing all that we should also know that it too is transmitted via aerosols. The fact that it's taken this amount of time to figure the obvious out, tells me one of two things, either our "scientists" are unqualified idiots, or they're stalling for time. Which is it? 

Revved by Sturgis Rally, COVID-19 infections move fast, far  Everyone with a thimbleful of brains should've seen this coming. So it shouldn't be taking anyone by surprise.

Trudeau considered best to manage pandemic, revive economy, poll suggests  He and the Cdn media wishes but I for one can't wait to see him ousted and preferably thrown in jail for all the harm he's done to Canada and Cdns starting with him importing a half a gazillion Syrian "refugees" at our expense and then letting everyone in the world walk across our border at Roxham Rd and paying terrorists millions of taxpayers dollars and then the BS with SNC Lavalin. Then we have the black face scandal and the Mr. Dressup scandal in India, and the lavish vacations at the Kahn's island and then letting the coronavirus into the country. Not only letting it in but standing at the border with open arms giving it welcome kisses on each cheek, causing massive amounts of death and suffering (ergo qualifying for a mass murderer or genocide charge), destroying our economy by lockdowns and doling our money out to anyone & everyone every day on the front steps, except those he vowed to protect - which were the seniors, who got next to nothing. Then finally we get to the WE Charity and the BS going on there, where they felt compelled to redact most of the papers given to the commissioner who is investigating that BS. The only thing I think he should be managing if we have another election is the sheets on his bed in his prison cell where he'll spend the rest of eternity for all the damage he did to our country. 

Scotland's handling of virus boosts support for independence  Oh what? You think you did such a great job at handling the virus do you, that you think it's reason to separate from the UK huh? Why would you think that and what gives you the right to even think that to begin with? Considering the fact that they purposely took COVID19 patients and put them in the long term care homes? It's like the British did with the natives here in Canada - sent a bunch of blankets covered in smallpox over with the settlers to trade with the natives, knowing they had no immunity against it and it would wipe them out. So is that what they tried to do with the elders in the long term care facilities in Scotland? Wipe them out by putting COVID19 patients in amongst them? If that's the case, what makes you think you have the moral superiority here anyhow? I'd call that despicable and the person who was responsible for that decision should be held for mass murder if not genocide. That's what I think. But I don't think it gives you grounds for separation. If anyone should want to separate it should be the UK from reprehensible mass murderers such as yourselves. And I am of Scottish & Irish heritage myself, so it pains me to say that.

How Trevor Noah Brought ‘The Daily Show’ Into His Home — and the Future   He uses his iPhone to do the show? Really? How's he broadcast it from his livingroom though? Just the fact that he was able to do that with an iPhone blows me away.  I never watched his show while it was in studio, but when he started the Daily Social Distancing Show from his apartment, I started watching because I thought the concept was unique and interesting. 

I'm leaving it here for now and I hope I'll be able to continue blogging about this from here on in, but if I can't remember what I said at the top of this post, it won't be because I don't want to, but because the features I depend on to do the blog have been tampered with, or removed, if they implement their new blog thingamabob on me and I can't get back to the classic blog anymore. 

Stay well and take care until next time.