Showing posts with label Canada wide class action suit against Federal & Provincial governments is needed for violating MANY of our Charter Rights & Freedoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada wide class action suit against Federal & Provincial governments is needed for violating MANY of our Charter Rights & Freedoms. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

We NEED A Nation-wide Class Action Suit Against the Federal Gov't & All Provincial Governments For Violating Our Rights Under the Constitution on Account of....

Covid 19


February 2, 2022

This country NEEDS TO HOLD THOSE IN POWER TO ACCOUNT for several things to do with this plandemic. 
To start those who allowed the disease into our country "because they didn't want to hurt Chinese feelings", need to face charges of genocide and senocide. 
Then they need to be held to account for all the violations of our individual and collective charter rights - the right to travel, the right to associate with whoever and however many we wish to associate with, the rights to feel secure in our person (by forcing us to take untested vaccines and thereby consequences of such unknown) means we are right to feel insecure about taking such untried and untested injections into our bodies. I do believe we also have a right to work under that charter, so by forcing lockdowns and closures of businesses they also violated that right, not to mention our right to freedom which was severely curtailed and violated under all the lockdowns and curfews we've endured - especially the elderly who were told they couldn't leave home at the beginning of this plandemic. So I think there's plenty grounds there for a Canada wide class action lawsuit against the governments.
So all the citizens of Canada ought to band together as one big class action legal suit against the federal government.  Even if we all only gave 50 cents towards the lawyer fees that's $16 million dollars, that ought to cover even the most extravagant and expensive constitutional lawyers there are in the country's time and expenses and leave them with a tidy profit after all's said and done. I know we two wouldn't mind paying our share - the $1 that it would cost us for such a legal challenge (which should be a slam dunk considering all the evidence out there). I'll even give the same amount to another legal challenge, against the gov't of Quebec too. Hey, that would be cheap justice - $2 to bash both gov'ts at the same time. Worth every cent of it and then some, if you ask me.
Every citizen in every province that violated their rights and freedoms ought to do the same against their respective provincial gov'ts (including former premiers if there was an election since the beginning of the plandemic where that premier got ousted in favour of the current premier) - HOLD EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM TO ACCOUNT for all of their abuses of power and atrocities causing untold damage to people's lives and livelihoods. 
If they won't listen to the truckers that's what's got to be the next move because we can't tolerate such abuses anymore especially when people are expressing futility in living anymore as they just can't see the purpose of it and don't see anything to look forward to (ergo the hanged man who obviously committed suicide in the cartoon above courtesy of 

I know the whole purpose of this plandemic exercise was to cut down on population. But personally I think they're targetting the wrong demographics to cut down. Personally I think it should be the political classes that get cut down first as they're the most expensive and useless eaters there are on the planet. Not all those who contributed all their lives to society (aka the elderly) or those who are currently making contributions to society by the goods and services they're providing to it and not the sledge hammers and threats they're holding over it like the useless eaters in power are. That's what I think. I know most Canadians aren't as harsh on their leaders as I am as they still think that they're there to help and protect them, when I KNOW they aren't. 

We've been used as a guinea pig lab, since I don't know when. These vaccines aren't the first experiments we've been subjected to, by a so called benevolent gov't. No, ask the NB'ers living near Gagetown who had agent orange sprayed as an experiment in their area. 
Or ask the thalidamide kids about the experimental drugs their mothers were given while they were pregnant with them. You know the ones born without various limbs along with a whole host of other problems.  Those are just a couple of examples that date as far back as the 1950s. 
So don't think they're above using the population as guinea pigs for these vaccines and booster shots either. Because they aren't. Especially if they're getting kickbacks from the manufacturers or have shares in their companies or see some other potential for it later on down the line. 
Even the Canadian gov't hasn't always been so caring and compassionate as you might've thought.
 They're definitely no better than any other country that used unwitting citizens in tests, like the infamous American Nevada Nuclear Tests done where US military members were forced to watch from a small distance away. Or the Tuskegee Study done in 1932 on unwitting blacks who had syphillis. 
Or here in Canada with the help from the US of A, in the Allen Memorial Institute here in Montreal where they did all those cruel psychological "experiments" on people, while letting the families think that their family members who were patients there were undergoing genuine medically recognized & approved treatments for their problems when in fact they weren't, they were being used as guinea pigs for CIA mind altering control or torturing methods. So don't kid yourself folks. 
The Canadian gov't isn't as squeaky clean and compassionate as you might like to think it is. 
So don't worry about "hurting them" if you partake in a class action suit against them, because they're definitely not worried about hurting us - just look at all the constitutional rights violations they've done against us and trying to force us to take untested vaccines, should be all the evidence you need on that score for right now.
 But if that's not enough I've cited a few examples of their callous attitude towards their citizens as a demonstration of them not giving two flying F's about their own population and how things might affect them. So why should we care about how these suits affect them? Personally, I don't. In fact, I HOPE it means they not only have to reverse all the BS measures they enacted against us, but all the main players get held on criminal charges too for genocide and senicide (like Legault definitely ought to be for sure).  That's what I hope happens.

When you all figure out that they are all there for themselves and the power they can wield over us, while forcing us to pay for their salaries, perks and pensions, which every single one of them probably get way more of per year than the average Canadian citizen does. I know my pension certainly doesn't come close to equalling any of theirs. When I worked, my salary wasn't anywhere close to theirs either and I didn't just get to sit in a bench on the backrow and sleep all day long or stand for a couple of seconds when I thought I had something catchy or important to say about whatever was going on in parliament, to add my 2 cents worth. No, I had to work my butt off on hospital wards doing all sorts of hard and or unsavoury things that a lot of people out there would never do. It definitely wasn't a cushy well paid job like they had, that's for sure. I'm sure most of the rest of you have had equally demanding and hard jobs to do as well and didn't have the option of sleeping during working hours and still being paid for it. 
- As I was saying when you realize that most if not all of them probably don't give 2 shits about the rest of us, and are there solely for what they can get out of the job (which is to be well paid while doing SFA, basically), then you might not mind bringing them down a peg or two. I know our MP Shitkey doesn't deserve to be there as he can't even be bothered to answer citizens who have important concerns about things. In fact, all he does is ignore everyone and everything as far as I can see. So.... I have no qualms whatsoever about taking him down. NONE. And I hope he along with the rest of them DO GO DOWN. 

So isn't it worth your 50 cents per person to ensure you get your rights back and the wanna-be dictators holding the sledge hammer over your heads gets taken out of office at least if not thrown in jail? I'm certainly willing to pay the $1 for us for the suit against the Federal gov't and another $1 for the suit against the QC gov't too. Heck, I'd be willing to donate $13 - $1 for each of the provinces and territories if I had to. So that would be a total of $14 for the 2 of us to ensure each and every gov't in this country faced the music for what they've done to the people, businesses and economy of the country. 
IF it wouldn't bankrupt the country I'd even ask to sue for damages, but that would likely bankrupt this banana republic, so just having the jack asses thrown out of office (and those needing the remediation - into jail for their crimes against humanity) and all the excessive abusive laws repeals and all fines paid by "offenders" reimbursed to them with interest. To ensure that the gov'ts DID NOT PROFIT off this in any way shape or form.  I think that would be all we could reasonably demand, even though there are literally millions of people across this country where grievous harm was done to them, or their family or their livelihood and should have a right to damages too, but we'd never be able to afford to pay for as a nation, without going totally bankrupt I don't think.

But before there's more such abuses causing even more damage this has to be stopped and if the truckers protests doesn't do it, then we as a nation need to pull together and launch MASSIVE CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS AGAINST THEM.  
Either way IT HAS TO BE STOPPED NOW!!!!!