Showing posts with label Police State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police State. Show all posts

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tired of the Game Playing, Boggle Our Minds With BS and Outright Lies & Hypocrisy About

 Covid 19


August 14, 2021

I know I can be super dense and thick skulled at times, but pulease someone explain this twisted logic BS to me if you can. WHY, oh why do I NEED TO PROVE I'M VACCINATED to get into a place where it's NOT MANDATORY THAT THE EMPLOYEES BE VACCINATED, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THEY CAN STILL INFECT ME EVEN IF I'M VACCINATED AND I CAN GO SPREAD IT AROUND TO OTHERS EVEN THOUGH I AM VACCINATED!!!!!! (Oh and Mr. Dube I know you said you can't regulate that because "everyone has a right to work", well Mr. Health Minister - THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR JOB NO??? Doesn't EVERYONE also have a RIGHT TO LIFE and not to have that jeopardized by others????)  So please explain to me how that makes sense. I need to prove I'm vaccinated in order to go into a place where the workers aren't vaccinated so they can spread the virus to me, so I can leave and spread it to others unbeknownst to me. Great f'n idea, if you ask me ! 
I'm telling you they must spend all their f'n time trying to think up ways to not only kill us but track us while they're doing it. 
And why does it matter to an establishment where the employees aren't vaccinated, whether or not their customers are????? Especially since even the vaccinated customers can still get & spread the virus anyhow!!!! So what's the point of those stupid passports anyhow?????? They're obviously not providing any protection to anyone, not to the bearers of such passports nor to the unvaccinated! Since the unvaccinated are a danger unto themselves - they don't need anyone else putting them at risk, as they're doing it all on their own anyhow and willingly too, I might add. But they're putting the vaccinated at risk of catching it from them and then spreading it around to others (because the vaccinated may not even know they have the virus and might assume rightfully so, that they are immune and thus don't have it).  So what's the BS with that electronic passport anyhow? Other than to perhaps use it for other nefarious agendas, when a paper passport would've done the job to start with! 

Then finding out that Whoops maybe the vaccines the governments preferred and were pushing in the western countries (Pfizer) isn't all that great at protecting anyone from anything after all and as time goes by it's even less great than it was originally. Was that on purpose that the gov'ts pushed that one over Moderna because F faces Gates and Schwab and Fauci were behind that vaccine? Is that why? Just wondering why they spent so much time and effort pushing that one over the others. I know here in QC that if you had any vaccine other than Moderna for your first shot you were allowed to choose what you wanted for your 2nd dose, but if you had Moderna for your 1st shot you had to have it for your 2nd one too. Like as if Moderna was a second class vaccine. Well as it turns out it's top of the vaccine class when it comes to protection (both long term and against the various variants including Delta). So I'm glad I had Moderna, but I'm pissed that some of my closest friends were basically coersed into getting Pfizer by making them think it was the top of the line vaccine as far as what was available, when it turns out it's practically bottom of the line. Maybe Sputnik and the Chinese ones are worse, but I'm sure that Astra Zeneca and J&J's are even better than Pfizers. 

I seriously can't wait for all this BS to shake out in the wash and all those responsible for their parts in creating the virus, letting it loose, maybe modifying it to create variants & letting those loose, using it as an excuse to restrict rights & freedoms, enacting fines and punishments just because people walked a a half inch closer to someone else than they were supposed to, used it as an excuse to gouge the eyeballs out of our heads for everything from lumber, gas, food and anything needing computer chips in them (all electronics, vehicles, appliances, etc...) to forcing us to carry stupid passports that serve no purpose (as I demonstrated above) other than to perhaps track us and keep tabs on our activities, gets found out and gets strung out to dry in public (hopefully by their necks or gonads or maybe both and give a good tug at them from both ends). Because those SOBS needs to rot in hell for all the harm and hardships they've caused people the world over.  

And I am just 10,000% BEYOND TIRED of it now. The more I see of their unadulterated mind boggling BS and games they're trying to play and methods they're trying to use to persuade us to get vaccinated and to carry a tracking device with us (first it was the contact tracing app and now it's this vaccine passport BS when it could've merely been a piece of paper - laminated with an embossed gov't seal and signature over the top like they used to do to prevent forgeries, merely to be seen and acknowledged by the gatekeepers of those establishments like IDs for entering bars, are and not captured with an app on another phone). Now instead they want us to have that stupid QR code on our phone. Well who says no one can forge that huh? They already announced on the news here in Montreal a couple of weeks ago that the QR code was not only hacked by a hacker but read. So what's stopping some unscrupulous nightclub or greasy spoon joint from doing the same and selling the info to the highest bidder online on the dark web???? It's just another way to keep track of us and have our privacy and identities stolen from us as far as I can see, because it's intended use as I demonstrated above is useless as far as that goes. 
And the people who can't seem to see the twisted logic behind this BS, well all I can say is they deserve whatever they get if they're so ready to blithely and blindly do whatever the gov't wants without thinking about any of it and saying "whoa, wait a minute, if I as a vaccinated person have to have a passport to get into this place to protect the other patrons from the virus, WTF doesn't the staff have to, too"?  They're the ones more likely to cough on the other patrons food, or contaminate it or them by their proximity to them and their food than someone who's sitting at another table and doesn't even get anywhere near them, like the staff of that establishment does. So what kind of BS is that anyhow? 
So if they're so gung ho to get onboard the crazy passport gravy train without thinking about it or question, then if they get their whole identities and lives stolen out from under them, then all I can say is, they had it coming. And let the gov't collect more info on them then the gov't should be entitled to and as a result gets audited by the CRS or RQ because they seem to be spending more money then they make, or the cops pick them in their favourite bar that they tend to frequent every Friday night, for some past crime or infraction - like unpaid fines for walking too close to someone during the plandemic. Then they got what they asked for.  Period. End of freaking story.
Now that that's off my chest.... We've had a few visits to see our house and a couple of offers. We gave one a counter offer, but I think they rejected it. That's fine. They were a contractor anyhow and well as the saying goes, if you wanna make money you gotta spend money. So if he thinks we're giving him the place for a song and dance he's got another think coming.  Hope he got the message via our counter offer. 😁 I hate predators and that was one. That's why I said that. 
Like our son said, this is our house, we don't owe anyone anything, it's free and clear so no mortgage to pay on it and we can stay here as long as we want, we don't have to sell it to anyone least of all predatory people like that. But as we're literally the only property for sale with a view on the water in this whole community if that's what someone wants then they'll have to cough up the money for it, because we're not strapped for cash or desperate to sell. We just want to sell to get away from the neighbours from hell.  
He was at it again today throwing his crap all over our lawn, until my husband went out and threw it all back in his yard. hehehehe.... F'n ash hole. Gawd, I'll be so glad to get rid of the arrogant prick who thinks he owns the world because he has a rich & famous relative. Who I surmise is the one that gave him the money to buy the land and build there as the sheite face himself could never afford it on his own, I'm sure of that.

Aside from that I did have an enjoyable afternoon with another neighbour, getting my butt kicked while playing backgammon and crib with her. So there are still some good neighbours in the neighbourhood, regardless of the riffraff next door.

Finally, after all that.... I'll get on with posting some of the headlines accumulated since last time, but it won't be all of them as there's too many. So whenever I feel like doing it again or have the time to, I'll post more, but the way things are going there'll be yet a ton more to post on top of that, so it'll never end. But if we sell the house and move, it will end, because I won't have the time required to look after the blog, hunt down the headlines and post them, on top of the regular stuff, like eat, sleep, shower, sort, pack, clean, do all the necessary work to move (like the legal stuff, informing various entities that we're moving and to stop supplying their services to this address under our names etc., figuring out how we're going to get our stuff from here to wherever we move to, once there unpacking and putting it away etc...). That may be as long as 3-4 months (as we have 90 days after we accept the offer before closing the deal and moving), so by then I'll be so far behind in the headlines on this BS, that I'd never catch up to it again, so I'd just quit, or only resume from the point in time where I picked the blog up again. So say we got settled in and I could resume posting headlines in January 2022 (and I know this BS will still be going on then) then I would only start with the current headlines of that time and not all those that came out between the time I stopped and resumed.  That's IF I resume. I may not, because I want to get a place where I have room for my crafts and things I like to do besides surf the net and blog. If that's the case, I won't be spending much time on the net at all and more time making and doing things I enjoy doing. So that was a heads up to anyone who cares....
Sharon Stone threatened with job loss after insisting on vaccinated set This is another disease protected by law like HIV was, it seems. What the F is the matter with making getting this vaccine mandatory anyhow? 
It's a good thing the mindset of today didn't exist back when we had to get our smallpox vaccinations, or it'd still be around today. I still have my scar on my upper left shoulder from that vaccination. Faded somewhat but still discernible. 
Now imagine if my mother protested that shot along with almost all the other mothers of the time, how many of you snowflakes do you think would be alive today? I bet over half of you wouldn't be here, either because your parents weren't here because their parents died of it before they were born, or they died of it themselves before you were born or you yourself died from it, because they had the same mindset as you and didn't get you vaccinated against it. 
I'm sorry but some diseases if you want to stamp them out and rid humanity of them, you need to have EVERYONE VACCINATED AGAINST IT in order for that to happen, or it'll just keep going around in one form/variant or another until the end of freaking time. Look at how many millenia the smallpox virus survived until we started vaccinating people against it, it wiped out large portions of the population. 
You can ask the Native Americans and Canadians about that fact if you don't believe me. They can tell you about the Hudson's Bay blankets that were smeared with smallpox fluid allowed to dry and then traded to them for their goods and services at the trading posts, which pretty much decimated their entire populations. 
So yeah, let this virus keep on spreading, replicating into new variants and spread some more. Why enact a law against it? Afraid of some pansy ashed snowflake getting in your faces about "abrogation of their rights"????? Well if that's the case, why the F weren't you worried about them doing that over all the draconian BS abrogations you've done since the start of this plandemic? It didn't bother you then, so why should it bother you now, eh jackash lying gov'ts of the world!?! 
Does anyone see the hypocrisy and BS in this? They aren't worried about abrogating your right to see your mother or walk behind someone else by a 5 foot instead of 6 foot distance, but they're worried about abrogating your right to decide whether you want the vaccine or not????? I mean com'on folks.... 
It's just sheer hypocrisy, lame excuses and BS, because they want this virus to continue to propagate and spread to infect and kill more people as there's still too much population in the world according to them. Ergo the reason they were probably foisting Pfizer off on everyone as the "ultimate vaccination & protection", when it couldn't be further from the truth and I'm sure they knew all this ahead of time as they apparently did efficacy tests on these vaccines before they were approved. 

So I don't see anything wrong with her request/demand. I think those who don't want to be vaccinated should be the ones being let go as they're the ones most at risk of getting sick (and as a result being absent from work) and spreading it around to everyone else vaccinated or not and causing them to be off sick, ergo delaying the production overall, but hey what do I know? After-all,  I'm just a retired nurse.

Just some of my thoughts on that one....

Rising COVID-19 transmission in Sask. a 'troubling' trend: statistician Maybe because the gov'ts all insisted on using Pfizer as their main vaccine???? That might explain it...

Political violence related to COVID-19 could lead to 'unravelling of societies' worldwide, observers say Oh really???? Ya think??? I hope it unravels the crooked wanna be authoritarian gov'ts and the liars at the helms of the gov'ts world wide. That's for sure and that would not only be a good thing, it'd be an awesome thing! It would serve all the lying draconain mother f'n ash holes right!!!!!! They brought this all on themselves by themselves. They saw an opportunity to scare the living daylights out of people hoping they'd kowtow to every stupid mother f'n law they could dream up to muzzle, oppress, repress, fine, incarcerate and just other wise deprive people of their rights to freedom and liberty, using the virus as an excuse and exaggerating the death rates from it, by indicating the virus killed everyone including motorcycle accident victims on their death certificates and keeping everyone else out of the hospitals so they couldn't refute it. So yeah I think it would be awesome if this turned around and not only bit their butts but basically mauled them to death. The idiocy, BS, excuses, lies, etc and the sheeple who spend all of 10 seconds or less digesting what's been said by these ash holes and goes along with makes it even worse. I mean hello people please the next time you hear a gov't broadcast/announcement about anything to do with the plandemic, please don't just listen and go "oh okay, yeah" and then continue on with whatever you were doing. Seriously sit down and think about it. See if you can find anything about it that doesn't make sense to you, see if it contradicts with other aspects of what you know about this disease (like now how Wobby Eye Waterhole - the moron we have representing Canada aka our PM is letting the Americans in across the border even though the Delta variant is running rampant in the US and they have as much if not more disease and cases there now as they did back at the height of the plandemic before vaccines became available - but hey that's okay, they're allowed in even if they were vaccinated - mostly all with Pfizer though because that's what Fauci favoured - wondering why, could it possibly be because he's financially invested in Pfizer himself? um duh)....  The sooner the masses wake up and smell the coffee and take back control the better off we'll be. So I don't think society necessarily has to unravel, but that the people who consider themselves to be law authorities (cops, judges etc) allow themselves to start considering justice. What is really just here? And then arresting those who are breaching the justice.  Throwing those who are abrogating our rights and freedoms for nothing in jail and letting those who walked a half inch too close to someone out or off from their fines. THAT would be justice. What we see now are just gov't ash kissers with no form of justice in the equations. Like that police dept in Quebec and in Ontario that refused to follow the draconian laws being set out by their provincial gov'ts saying they weren't going to be the governments SS agents. We need more cops like them and more FAIR &  HONEST JUDGES (which seems to be a rareity in this country that's for sure).
A look at COVID-19 reopening plans across the country  Some are backtracking on those plans, others are stalling them while others are full steam ahead.

States race to use COVID-19 vaccines before they expire What difference would that make anyhow? The expired trash probably works as good as the non-expired trash they're injecting into people's arms over there, especially if it's Pfizer. 

Do I need to get tested for COVID-19 if I'm vaccinated? I rest my case about the idiocy and hypocrisy about the vaccines and passports.


Only half of Israelis want a third COVID-19 vaccine shot - survey  Since they had Pfizer they're probably going to need one anyhow. Wondering if Pfizer made their vaccine like that on purpose, hoping/knowing that the population would need another shot of it in the not too distant future and maybe another one and one every few months afterwards for as long as they can reasonably convince us that there's another strain of it circulating out there.

2 travelers to Canada who gave false COVID-19 vaccination information each fined almost $20K I'm not sure how Canadian customs agents can determine whether the US documents were false or not, considering there aren't any agreed upon standardized documents between each state let alone each international country yet. So this sound more like a made up "warning" story than an actual one. Let's call it what it sounds like "fake news" put out by USA Today and picked up and reproduced by Yahoo News. But if it's for real then hey why should they be allowed to get away with forged documents? If that's what they tried to use and they got caught then I'm glad they had to cough that much up to pay for the infringement.

A group of 500 San Francisco bars will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to drink inside One question for those bar owners.... Will you and your employees also have to have vaccinations in order to work in those bars? 

Why some experts recommend upgrading to N95 masks to help fight the delta variant Hey why not demand P100 masks with dual breathers on them? Or better yet the one that looks like an old wartime gas mask the MIRA safety CM-7M mask? Pretty soon we'll all be required to walk around in full biowarfare suits with face shields and gas masks, like Dustin Hoffman wore in the movie Outbreak.
10 COVID-19 Breakthrough Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore, According to Doctors hehehe.... Some of those symptoms just sounds like getting old, like the brain fog symptom, the joint pain is another and multitasking or focusing on a task. The rest sounds like ordinary cold or flu symptoms. So differentiate between a breakthrough case and just getting old or having a cold or flu.... 


Opinions | Vaccine mandates will backfire. People will resist even more. Seriously? You've got to be kidding! What ever gave you that idea anyhow???? 😉

French police clash with anti-virus pass protesters in Paris Well at least some people are rebelling somewhere on this globe instead of just rolling over and letting the wanna-be dictators walk all over them.

Berlin protesters decry coronavirus measures; 600 detained It looks like the populations have had enough and are now fighting back. Good for them. To quote John Lennon "Power to the People". 

The Latest: Arizona reports over 2,000 new COVID-19 cases So of course this epitomizes the exact perfect time to reopen our borders to the Americans with daily case counts like that in one state alone.

Florida Emerges As Epicenter Of COVID Outbreak: ‘Numbers Are Unbelievably Frightening’ Making what I said just above even more scary, when you think about the moronic bozo in power in Canada that did that - and he wants to be re-elected on the 20ieth of September? I think he should be thrown OUT of office and INTO JAIL. That's where he should go.


2 in 3 adults say summer gatherings are therapeutic — but 45% won’t allow unvaccinated guests in home When you have your house up for sale you have all kinds of people in and most you don't know about as you aren't there when the realtor takes them through it.

Nasal spray vaccine that uses nanoparticles fights all flu strains — and potentially COVID, too That is awesome. It would be super awesome if it's a one time inoculation and you don't keep needing booster shots or new vaccinations the following year everytime flu season starts again.

A tsunami of deferred debt is about to hit homeowners no longer protected by a foreclosure moratorium I think this is another thing the plandemic was for: to allow the elite to pick up businesses and properties cheap. 

Hungary: health care workers protest for higher wages That's what the nurses in QC ought to do too, as their wages are atrocious for the most part.



Canada could be seeing the start of a delta variant-driven 4th wave Oh there's no doubt about it, now that we've opened the border to the Americans where it's running rampant.

Mass. businesses now requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccine to enter Even though an incident in that very state earlier last month proved that not only could the vaccinated get the virus they could transmit it too. So the point of that is as stupid as the QC gov't passport is.

COVID-19: New deadlier coronavirus variant that could kill one in three 'a realistic possibility', SAGE warns That would be right up Kissinger's alley. Something that he's been fomenting for since the 1960s. 

Coronavirus transmission among vaccinated people could raise the risk of an even more dangerous variant Which is what I think caused the Delta variant in the first place. Too many different vaccines & types of vaccines along with strains and variants among the unvaccinated and the vaccinated alike. So something had to get churned out from a cocktail mix like that and of course it wasn't pretty.
Majority of COVID-19 cases at large public events were among vaccinated -U.S. CDC study  And this lends even more weight towards the stupidity and uselessness of the passports for the vaccinated. So you really have to ask yourselves why and WTF they are pushing those on us for if this is the case????

Old Montreal restaurant draws mixed reaction for policy requiring diners to have 2 vaccine doses Wondering if all the restaurant staff have their 2 doses as well? If not, what's the hypocritical point of this other than to pretend to be looking out for the public's health, when I've proven above that that's a pack of BS.

Australia's east coast battles rising COVID-19 cases They even have lockdowns going on there still.



Obama's mask-less ball: Ex-president risks super-spreader event by inviting 500 people to his 60th at $12m Martha's Vineyard mansion: Pearl Jam will perform and guests including Spielberg will be served by 200 staff When the ex-president who probably has the inside scoop on what's really going down behaves like this, then you have to wonder what's really going on here? Is it really all as bad as they're trying to make us believe or is there really nothing going on at all and it's all just a big ruse to try to remove as many rights and freedoms as possible, all the while bankrupting and bleeding the little guys to death, so that they (the elite) can pick up everything on the cheap? That's what I think it's really all about myself.

Billionaires Segregate Themselves On Luxury Private Islands As Ordinary People Told They Can't Travel Well as we've just seen from the headlines directly above this headline, the elite have a whole other set of rules for themselves apparently. So this shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone out there.

New mask guidelines trigger backlash New? Here in QC we've been ordered to mask up sometime last year and that has never been repealed, we STILL have to mask up even if we're fully vaccinated.

Fauci: More ‘pain and suffering’ ahead as COVID cases rise All the while he rubs his hands together dancing around in glee thinking of the bazillions more he'll make from getting everyone to get a 3rd and possibly 4th Pfizer shot. 


White House frustrated with ‘hyperbolic’ and ‘irresponsible’ Delta variant coverage, sources say Now I think they're trying to spin it the way the US gov't wants it rather than the way it is. But then again, I haven't personally seen that CDC report they're talking about, so I could be wrong about that and for once the media is admitting it's own BS tactics at spreading lies resulting in fear and confusion.

Cuomo asks businesses to go to 'vaccine-only admission' Now that he stepped down I don't know as this is relevant and if the businesses will actually listen to him.

CDC says 7-day average of daily U.S. Covid cases surpassed peak seen last summer Let that sink in for a moment. That's LAST SUMMER you know, summer of 2020 BEFORE THERE WERE ANY VACCINES AVAILABLE, OR ANYONE WAS ABLE TO GET VACCINATED. Now that there are vaccines available and a lot of people have had them, they are getting MORE CASES than they did in the pre-vaccine era! So think about that, before you rush out to get your vaccine for that useless tracking device called a passport.

Germany to offer booster against COVID-19, vaccines for children Like I said Fauci, et. al. probably Gates and Schwab too are all rubbing their hands together salivating over all the extra money they'll be making on all those extra booster shots that will be required. And required, and required, because they'll keep losing their efficacy or won't be good against the newer variants coming out etc... So they've literally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that will never run out of gold for them. 

Colombia town orders vaccine refusers to stay home or face fines, jail That's maybe because they're under the false belief that they actually work.

MA Outbreak of 900 COVID Cases Leads to Only 7 Hospitalizations: 'The Vaccines Are Working' When vaccines truly work the inculated person is IMMUNE to the virus. So an outbreak of 900 cases in a cluster of people that big means THE VACCINES ARE NOT WORKING or JUST BARELY WORKING. For 7 people to die because they contracted the disease AFTER BEING VACCINATED means it's basically a rotten vaccine with very little protection rates. I don't care what kind of numbers they're massaging in that article to try to make you believe otherwise. The truth is that that's a pretty big number of infections for supposedly fully vaccinated people. 

COVID SCIENCE-Delta infections among vaccinated likely contagious; Lambda variant shows vaccine resistance in lab Just freaking wonderful..... Another variant - one that the vaccines are totally useless against. Wonderful. 
COVID vaccines are working, data show. They’re designed to prevent death — not infection Then they were designed shoddily. If the smallpox vaccine was designed like that, it would still be making it's non stop rounds around the globe. I think those vaccine manufacturers ought to fess up to their botched vaccine supplies. That's what I think.

‘It just went boom.’ ICUs are being overwhelmed with younger — and sicker — patients People should've realized that once it did it's rounds of the elderly population and then the middle aged, it would eventually work it's way down to the younger crowd. I mean when an amoeba eats through this supply of food it'll go looking for the next until it's worked it's way through the supplies. Same with most contagious viruses. They'll attack anyone that's not immune, usually without any age or gender biases, but this virus seemed to have wanted to start with particular age groups and work it's way down to the younger ones. Almost like it was planned or designed like that.


Americans' Optimism About COVID-19 Dashed as Cases Surge That's going to happen here in Canada too as we get more and more cases and more come in from the US now that the border is open and they're already trying to use fake documents to enter the country with.

US employers ratchet up the pressure on the unvaccinated The governments have the power to remedey that by making the vaccines compulsory to go to work, school, or travel or to congregate together with others outside of your immediate family. So no get togethers with friends, no working, no school and you can't travel either. So you're pretty much remaining in strict lockdown where you're only allowed out for essentials. And if the governments truly wanted this plandemic to end once and for all, they'd all do something like that to make sure everyone got a vaccine (but hopefully one with much more efficacy than Pfizer's has, like Moderna maybe). But it seems like they don't have the will to do that, so there must be a reason why.... Probably because it doesn't fit with their overall agenda of what they want to accomplish with this neverending and always mutating virus.

Severe travel warning for US, Italy, France and Greece delayed Canada should do the same to the US border crossers, now that the Delta virus is blazing through their country like a cat with it's tail on fire.


Sydney's ticket out of COVID lockdown? Six million shots What for, I don't know because the Delta strain will still be running rampant even through the vaccinated population. 

US hits 70% vaccination rate -- a month late, amid a surge Despite that, it's still not stopping the surge in cases.



China's Wuhan to test all 12 million residents as Delta variant spreads I hope they all catch it and get horribly sick with it. It would serve them right for creating and releasing that virus.

The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online I honestly can't understand how anyone can even tolerate that place for longer than 5 seconds. I'm there 5 seconds and I'm totally bored out of my mind and have to leave and I seriously can't understand anyone who spends more time than that there let alone take anything they see there seriously.





US COVID hospitalizations surge as Delta variant spreads I don't know if anyone else sees the confusion and insanity with all of this. Hospitalizations are rising, but yet we're removing masks and restrictions. We're mandating vaccines, but they don't work and you'll need a passport indicating you've had your shots, in order to get in somewhere, where the staff aren't inoculated and could potentially be spreading the virus to you, which you'll get even if you are fully inoculated. Opening the border when there's a higher caseload now than there ever was in the US.  So um yeah, a whole lot of inconsistencies, incogruencies, a lot of hypocricy and lies. I mean what gives here anyhow? It looks, feels and smells like they're TRYING to kill us Canadians off, one way or the other. So long as we die, is all that counts.

Six New Cases of COVID-19, Three Recoveries  By all standards that's not a lot of cases, but I think NS counts it as a lot because I don't think they've had very many since the whole plandemic started.

COVID-19: Canada's Moderna vaccines risk expiring due to hesitancy and preferences And who instilled that preference in Canadian minds anyhow? Now they're finding out that the Moderna vaccine is the far superior vaccine of the 2. Too bad those shots are expiring. The gov'ts should've done more to use that supply because from what I've read it's the only vaccine that stands up to anything for very long.

Booster shots for coronavirus 'are going to become a reality,' doctor says Yeah well he's not going to be able to count on this boomer getting more shots. I've had enough already. 

COVID likely to lock India’s women out of job market for years Of course they'll be locked out and if they aren't, some enterprising men will find some sort of excuse to keep them out unless they're really needed (like the men can't figure out how to use sewing machines or sew a straight line), in those cases perhaps they'll find themselves locked out except under certain circumstances.
Anyhow, I can barely keep my eyes open now and I wonder if what I'm writing makes sense or if it's spelled right etc... So it's time to pack it in for the night. Until next time, take care and stay safe.






Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr & MORE Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr About....



May 5, 2021

This is a very apt and fitting picture in so many ways. Way #1 is it demonstrates perfectly how I feel about this neverending  drawn out BS plandemic. Way #2 is this is the twin of our daughter's dog that lived to be about 20 (human years) years old and was half blind, almost totally deaf and could hardly stand up when we had to put him down last year, but he never ever showed an attitude like that. At least not while we had him.  But I bet if he were still alive today and knew how I felt about this neverending BS called a "pandemic", he might be expressing the vibes he feels coming off of me, like this. 

I wasn't going to do any updates in here at least now, maybe a few weeks or so down the road from now, but not so soon after the last update. But after coming home from the doctor's today, I couldn't help it. Never in my life have I walked into a doctor's office before where the doctor was willing to just talk about the state of affairs of the world, like she did. She was literally bouncing off the walls expressing her anger and passion about what's going on out there in bozo brainland called Canada. OMG we discussed everything from the art teacher, snow board instructor, his parentage, and spouse aka Ms. Piggy (we've agreed that those 2 clowns remind us of Kermit the Frog and Ms. Piggy from the Muppets) Mental Mommy Margaret and War Measures act Fuddle Duddle Father, to Noam Chomsky and Rex Murphy and why oh why (head bangingly agonizingly WHY are Canadians overall such a bunch of daft lazy no good for nothing doormats????? That let's  themselves be used, abused and walked on like dirty old rag matts????). We even questioned whether the vaccines themselves actually really work or not, as well.
She was super angry at the gov'ts because of their asinine policies regarding this plandemic and everything to do with it. She was bouncing off the walls in livid anger because she had a patient that got immunized with the Pfizer vaccine back in January, but still didn't get their 2nd shot and in the meantime got covid and got very very sick from it.  She's originally from Eastern Europe where they had no protest rights at all for most of  her life, but yet they do protest things today, so she canNOT understand WHY a democratic country like Canada, that's always had so called freedom of speech and rights to protest, doesn't stand up to the crooked, idiotic, negligent, genocidal government? Why we let them walk all over us. She said even in the  Eastern Block under the USSR Regime she never saw such lie down and let them walk all over us attitudes even there, where it was dangerous to voice an opposition to the gov't. So she definitely doesn't understand Canadians. 
Nor do I for that matter. Nor does laid back take it easy Rex Murphry. Even he was wondering when or if Canadians were going get up off their lazy ashes and start protesting this BS, and stop letting the gov'ts walk all over us. 
She said she was getting disgusted with the gov'ts here and was thinking of moving to the US and she obviously had started checking it out because she was ennumerating the various benefits doctors had in the US as opposed to here in Canada. So I said, "no you can't go, we need you here, I need you here". So she smiled and said she wouldn't go but she was so flipping angery at the politicians in this country she didn't know what else to do. So I told her the next time there's a protest downtown Montreal to go join it and as she's also a professor at McGill she probably has an ear into the grapevine of all the happenings going on involving students and protests etc... So she said she will go to the next protest for sure.
Hopefully she drags half the medical staff there with her to the protests and they start adding their voices loud and clear to the backlash against the gestapo gov't. That would serve the lying basturds right. Especially if the medical profession came out deadset against the gov't and their BS.

As for me in the intervening time since my last post in here, I've been keeping plenty busy that's for sure. For one thing, I took an online Harvard Course and passed that by 100%, did a ton of paper work that needed to be done as I'm the world's worst procrastinator when it comes to taking care of paper - as in filing it and winnowing it out etc... I had a couple years worth of that to do, which I finally got around to doing, as I hate doing that and put it off for as long as possible if I can. Now that it's done I can maybe get away with not doing it again for another year or two. I did our income taxes and got that over with. We gave each other our quarantine hair cuts for the warm months (we may have to touch them up later on as they grow out).


But of course that's something else the Canadian doormats are going to let slide and not object to or fight back against. I'm probably going to be the only one you'll see in Canada raising an objection to it. Because for the most part everyone else is either ignorant about it or too lazy to care or bother, or maybe just too pathetic in more ways than one.

I got a beef brisket and decided to try my hand at making Montreal Smoked Meat   after spending a fortune on it in 2018 to drag some out to my brother in Regina. I decided for the price I paid for what I got for him, I could probably make a ton of it if I had the proper equipment. So the minute I got home and got better (had lost almost 2/3rds of my hemoglobin and needed 4.5 units of blood given to me), I went and bought a smoker. But it's only just recently I've seen any beef brisket on sale anywhere. So bought one and am now in the middle of the 4 day "marinade" process. So we'll see how that turns out. 

Now on with whatever headlines I've accumulated since last time. I don't know how few or many that might be, so can't say how comfortable you need to make yourself in order to make it through them, but I guess once you load this page, you'll be able to guage for yourself by scrolling to the bottom and back up again before starting to read. If you're like me though, you will probably need your blood pressure pills or a stiff drink and a rocket launcher & appropriate coordinates nearby (j/k about the rocket launcher & coordinates).
Worldwide COVID-19 death toll tops a staggering 3 million If what Henry Kissinger was promulgating is anything to go by, we're no where near the end of the plandemic as he wanted to cut down on 1/3rd of the population.  If there's 8 billion of us that means there's at least another 2.5 billion deaths to go before it ends.

Yes this is such a wonderful "marker" to be marking.... Only in the US...

I wish the gestapo bootied cops in QC, would refuse to do follow their draconian orders issued by Ms. Gestapo Barbie Doll.  

Checkpoints at all interprovincial bridges Monday in stay-home crackdown This sounds a lot like the former USSR where people had to have "papers" from the gov't or a valid reason to travel from region to region - not even from country to country or state to state, just merely region to region (like here with the orange, green, red, purple, yellow & pink polka dot zones the gov'ts have set up hither and yon in order to stymie travel between them).

Now can we string those PURPOSELY NEGLIGENT GENOCIDAL ASH HOLES UP?????? Seems to me now that we have their admittance to refusing to add screening to that group of people in writing we can use that to string those ash holes up from the highest trees in the land, since they're WILLFULLY & PURPOSELY LETTING THAT DANGEROUS & MORE LETHAL VARIANT INTO THE COUNTRY WITHOUT TAKING ANY EXTRA MEASURES TO TRY TO KEEP IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that's not the definition of purposely negligent genocide then I don't know what the F is!!!!!! Whoever made that decision needs to face a crimes against humanity tribunal, all the whoevers who came to that decision together, should be held accountable for all the ensuing deaths as a result of that decision. So in other words anyone contracting and succumbing to the Brazilian variant will be counted as a death on their heads, and they should be held criminally responsible for them. PERIOD END OF F'N STORY. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Where's the f'n rocket launchers when you f'n well need them anyhow???????????????
World heading into ‘very, very dark period’, WHO warns as India breaks COVID death record I feel so so so bad for these people, who, many of them could've probably had at least a 1st shot if their gov't hadn't had been so anxious to start giving the shots away to other countries before inoculating a large proportion of their own citizens first. While even though I didn't get an Astra Zeneca shot (which is what came to Canada from India), I am eternally grateful to India that they supplied some vaccine to us Canadians who were struggling to get even a few doses of any kind of vaccine for our citizenry when India stepped up to the plate to help us. I just wish though that they had've taken care of more of their own first.  But Canadian shots should not have come at the expense of Indian shots. At least as far as I'm concerned.
WHO experts voice "very low confidence" in some Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine data hehehehe.... If it's from China, no wonder.... Everything coming out of China is either total 100%  unadulterated garbage or second rate to say the least.  I won't even buy a candy if it's made in China nevermind anything else more expensive.
Ontario retracts COVID-19 restrictions after criticism from medical experts, police I wish the QC police would criticize gestapo Barbie's directives.

Watchdog: Media freedom has deteriorated during pandemic  Ohhhhhhh  I wouldn't know about that so much considering all the fairy tales and false news they planted out there about the plandemic and all. They're the biggest liars on the planet as far as I can figure. So how much more latitude does the media want anyhow? 

Not if you're the one that gets the blood clot.... 
New Toronto field hospital prepares to accept COVID-19 patients as ICUs overflow And Dube wouldn't dare set anything like that up here in QC, if needed, because then he wouldn't be able to triage people for death, like he wanted to do.

So then, what's the point of all these vaccines if the new variants are resistant to antibodies?

Like said above, I feel so, so, so bad for them. 
Trudeau on why flights continue to arrive every day in Canada amid concerns about COVID-19 outbreak Because he and all his cabinet ministers are total braindead moronic imbecilic genocidal ash holes, that's why. Now there are no other excuses for it. 

MIT researchers say time spent indoors increases risk of Covid at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study challenging social distancing policies What'd ya know!?! We've been lied to and strung along by inept idiotic gov't figures for the past year already.  These are things that should've been studied before being implemented in the first place.

So, it wasn't just me, seething over the hypocriscy of these so-called friends of ours. Who are only friends when they want something from us, but when it comes to helping us, they're could barely even be considered fair weather friends (as in only wanting to be friends when times are good, or there's some benefit in it for themselves). 
Boris Johnson said he'd rather 'let the bodies pile high in their thousands' than allow a 3rd lockdown, report says To me that is such an apalling statement for any leader to make, I can't even see why he wasn't thrown out of gov't the moment he said that. I mean how can any leader say that and get away with it? Maybe if the population threatened to bring a class action lawsuit against him and his gov't for any damages arising from his policies and a threat of a mass murder or genocide criminal case against him, might make him change his mind. Where are the rocket launchers that are intercontinental anyhow?

Gawd, he's such a 2 faced lying hypocritical POS. One minute he says one thing and the next minute it's something else. I know I have the headlines in this blog somewhere, where he said that those things wouldn't be used in Canada. Now he's saying "to be expected". 

Why don't they wait until the 3rd wave is over in the rest of the country before they start bragging and patting themselves on the back?
COVID-19 alters human genes, explaining mystery behind coronavirus ‘long haulers’ It's not only the virus that probably does that, but probably the RNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna probably do that as well - alter human genes I mean.

Exercise offers ‘tremendous protective effect’ against COVID-19 Someone should tell that to the imbeciles that wants to close all the gyms and keep them closed. Like Dube and Legault. 

No immunity? Or is it maybe the vaccines just don't work? Wishing I knew the case histories of those saying they were reinfected.

U.S. Tells Citizens to Leave India as Covid Crisis Deepens Smart move! For sure. Come on back to the US with it and make sure that if it's not running rampant in the US yet, that it does soon.


No pandemic end in sight with raging outbreaks in India, Brazil Oh grrrrrrrrrrr & more grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr just what I did NOT want to hear! But it doesn't surprise me.

That's horrible! And so, so, so sad.
A positive COVID-19 test allows travellers to skirt hotel stay: CBSA officer These "omissions" and "loopholes" etc... has to have been put there on purpose. I mean after you see all the other crap that's gone down before now in regards to laws and regulations surrounding this plandemic, both federally and provincially (all provinces), there is no way on Gawd's green earth that any nation on earth could make this many errors dealing with something. There's so many in fact, it seems to be the method of operation and standard procedure, that it looks like it was planned that way on purpose. I mean one or even a few mistakes here and there I can understand, but it's not one or a few here and there, it's one after the other after the other and on top of the others, so on and so on. So that it looks like standard operating procedure. It's like they look for the way that's going to cause the most problems and spread the virus the most in the country and that's the way they opt for. Or the one that's going to curtail the most rights and freedoms and they go for that one whether it helps curtail the spread or not, is irrelevant.

You should've seen the look on my doctor's face today when I told her that this "Health" minister is an art teacher. She was sitting behind her desk, she rolled her eyes, gave a zoned out look out the window leaned onto her desk with her arms totally stretched out in front of her across her desk, like she wanted lay down and cry. Because up until this point I don't think it dawned on her the gravity of the situation here in Canada in regards to political leadership through this crisis. I think she probably thought that it's Canada a G7 country, so they must be at least smart enough to make anyone to do with any authority over health policies in the country and provinces, to make sure they're a doctor. She knew Dube was an accountant, but she didn't know Haggydodo was an art teacher. I'm sure my doctor isn't the only one in Canada with that impression either. Maybe if they knew better they'd stand up to that fraud as well.  So you want this art teacher to give us guidance on what we can and can't do? Well in that case, why not my dachshund? I'm sure she could give as good guidance if not better. I know her preference would be for everyone to go maskless so she could give them kisses on their faces. Haggydodo though will probably want us wearing our masks for the rest of our lives no matter how long that is.
Hajdu says Canada will come up with 'certification' to allow COVID-clear Canadians to travel again They're already  travelling with or with the certification and with or without the virus. So what would they want or need that for anyhow?

Ontario had no plan to address pandemic or protect residents in long-term care, final commission report says Neither did QC.  And I'm sure a lot of it had to do with cutting down them on purpose - fewer pensions to have to pay out monthly, is what it's all about probably.

Canada should ‘join forces’ with U.S. to support waiving COVID-19 vaccine patents: expert hehehehehehehehehe..... This is so f'n hilarious, it's not even funny. Yeah Canada should definitely "join forces" with US to support waiving COVID 19 vaccine patents, especially considering Canada doesn't have any patents to waive the rights to. OMG talk about imbecility...... Yes Canada, make yourself look super magnanimous by waiving rights to something you don't own to start with. It's always easier to waive everyone else's rights to stuff. Isn't it? If this isn't par for the course for Canada, I don't know what is...

Montreal's largest anti-public health rules protest gathers outside Olympic Stadium, disrupting vaccine rollout I heard that it was THE LARGEST EVER PROTEST IN MONTREAL ABOUT ANYTHING. They said there were easily hundreds of thousands present. YES! FINALLY! SOME CANADIANS STOPPED LETTING THEMSELVES BE USED AS DOOR MATS!!!! Very proud of you Montrealers! Keep up the good work! 

Of course it didn't have to be this way. All we had to do was keep the borders closed until the cases in our countries dwindled down to nothing. Like the 3rd world countries that never opened their borders to begin with and NZ & Aust. 
LILLEY: Trudeau dismissive of border concerns as fear of fourth COVID wave looms  We DESPERATELY NEED A NON-CONFIDENCE VOTE IN THIS JERK & HAVE HIM THROWN OUT OF OFFICE & INTO JAIL NOW!!!!!!!!! He's an Ash hole with a capital A - well in his case ALL the LETTERS ARE CAPITALS!!!!

Good! It's about frigging time!!!!! Keep it up Montrealers!!!!!
Quebec reports 3rd case of blood clot linked to AstraZeneca vaccine out of 500,000 doses administered Considering there's supposed to be 1 out of every 100,000 doses, we still have 2 more left to go.

Personally I think Haggydodo should hold off on this one forever. It seems to be a lot worse than the Astra Zeneca one is. I don't think Canadians no matter how desperate they might be for a vaccine should be forced to take sub standard vaccines. No one should in fact. So I think J & J had better go back to the drawing board and reinvent their vaccine and dump these batches before issuing anymore vaccine doses to anyone.
Opinion: Canada should block a patent waiver for COVID vaccines Personally, I think that since Canada doesn't have any COVID vaccine patents to waive or protect, they should just stay out of it altogether and let those who have the vaccines decide what they want to do. But then again, what's the World Health Organization do besides give erroneous information that causes the disease to spread? Can't they as the head of the global organization demand that these manufacturers waive their rights or just out and out declare all patents on all covid 19 vaccines null and void and get on with it? I mean hello, there are other ways around the issue without getting countries who have no "skin in the game" getting involved in it.

World’s Most-Vaccinated Nation Activates Curbs as Cases Rise  This is precisely why my doctor & I were wondering if the vaccines actually work or not.


Canadians should wait for Pfizer or Moderna vaccine if they can, federal advisory committee says There's probably medical doctors on that committee and it's not composed solely of braindead snowboard instructors and art teachers, that's probably why.


Will Quebec and Canada ever reach herd immunity for COVID-19?  If we can keep the variants out we might be able to, but as long as Mr. Dressup is at the helm here in Canada, that's not likely to happen, because he's of the mind that he has to meet and greet all newcomers at the border with open arms and kisses on both cheeks no matter how many or the types of viruses and variants they're carrying.


Quebec eases COVID 19 measures in some areas, says wider reopening will have to wait Wondering if the easing had anything to do with the massive protest on the weekend?

Diane Francis: Lives are at risk because the Liberals refuse to follow the science  No sheite sherlock, I could've told you that last year. He's a gigantic ash hole and so are all the rest of the idiots on his team.

Most Canadians favour vaccine proof for domestic travel, sporting events: Nanos survey That doesn't surprise me considering most Canadians seem to be spineless, brainless, gutless wonders who don't mind being used as the dirty door mats the gov't wants to use them for. I'd be amazed if there were even a few who wanted to stick up for their rights and freedoms and protest this, as they haven't stood up for or against anything of any relevance to do with this plandemic and how it's being used against us, so far.

So the RCMP are going along with gestapo tactics too I see.... I guess the only police force in Canada that has any guts and can stand up against the gov't is the Ontario Provincial Police, because obviously the RCMP that polices the rest of Canada besides QC & Ont, won't and the QC police force won't so that leaves only the Ontario force. Maybe we should get them to defend us against the wanna be dictators taking over Canada. Too bad there's not enough of them to go around though....
And well's that the concise run down of COVID news since my last post in here.... Things just seem to keep getting worse and worse instead of better, despite the vaccines out there. That being said though I don't know when my next post in here will be, or if there'll be another one. So far there's been 2 more than I originally planned. 
As always I wish you all well and stay safe and healthy.  

P.S. The smoked meat turned out pretty good after all. But it's not Montreal Smoked Meat, it's a similar thing to it, but as far as I'm concerned this is way better than Montreal Smoked Meat is, my husband likes it a lot too, but he still likes the real thing better.