Showing posts with label vaccination passports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccination passports. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Neverending Saga that is....



January 15, 2021

Given today's events in the Ontario government, I thought this picture above would be very appropriate for today's edition of the covid headlines, given that Doug Ford expelled from the Ont. PC party one of his members that had the audacity to quote articles written by professional psychologists, the Ontario Ministry of Health, and other professional sources for his letter, which he provided several footnotes - linking to an extensive bibliography. But yet Doug Ford accused him of spreading "misinformation" and fired him. I'm sorry but exactly how is direct data and figures provided by the Ontario Ministry of Health misinformation? Along with all the other researched and seemingly valid references? Seems to me that he was fired because he wasn't towing the party line with the rest of the implicit silent backbenchers who will quietly acquiesce to the dictates of Ford whether his policies and laws are based on scientific knowledge or not - mostly not. But hey don't let those implicit to causing all those problems stop their compliance. Don't want to jeopardize their own salaries and standings in a party that's willing to crash the economy, and wreck people's lives for less than a 0.00X% of infected deaths. And we've absolutely got to exaggerate the amount of hospital beds and ICU units that are left, on the negative side, in order to try to scare people into compliance. 

Anyhow there's a headlines (actually 2) that I'll be posting dealing with this incident and I'll copy & paste the text of the letter in question into the blog just below those headlines so you can read it in it's entirety except for the footnoted bibliography which as I said was quite extensive so I didn't type that in as I had to use Windows' notepad in order to do it. But if you can get to the Lilley headlines pertaining to that letter, there's a link in that article to the full text of the letter including the bibliography, if you wish to see that for yourself. As I was unable to copy & paste it, or even take a screen shot of it to post in the blog, so I had to type it by hand myself.

This is just one prime example of the powers that be and the lamestream media and society wanting to silence those who are basing their thoughts, opinions etc on fact rather than half baked ideas and fictions about this disease, who are systematically being silenced, censured and censored. Because they refuse to go along with the espoused BS that the politicians rely on in order to use draconian measures against us, to keep us all under house arrest. BTW,  I  just wonder why they want to keep us locked up like that, anyhow?

The facts and figures he was able to compile for Ontario.... I'd like very much to know those same facts and figures as far as the stats here in QC goes and for all of Canada - broken down by province & territory and as a comprehensive whole, for that matter. Then we the people would be able to make our own choices based on actual facts and not just the hair'em scare'em tactics of the leaders. 

Given the announcement today of Pfizer's cut back on delivering vaccines to us and us only getting 4 million doses by the end of March from both Pfizer & Moderna combined, just blew my mind. Do they honestly think they'll keep us under some form of lockdown or restrictions for that much longer, without a major revolt on their hands???? Seriously???? Because right now, even being the age and gender I am, I'm willing to join a mass revolt against the ash holes in power in this country, nevermind by then, by then I might be the one trying to organize such a mass revolt, if there isn't one already underway. And hopefully there will be, because enough is enough already.
In any case, I'm beginning to wonder why I bother to wear a mask, given that I'm sure I've already had it and if I didn't have, then maybe I should get it and get it over with. That way they can drag their ashes for as long as they want over getting vaccines into this country and into our arms, as I won't give a flying F by then if I had it and KNOW I HAD IT, because then I'll be immune to it and know it. And since it's me and my body, I don't see how they can force me to wear a mask anyhow. If I have it, then I should be quarantining and not out running around spreading it around, right!?! If I don't have it, then I'm allowed out but with a mask on. But what if I don't want a mask on and want to catch the virus just so I can naturally inoculate myself against it,  since the gov't is doing such a bang up job of preventing us from getting inoculated in the first place!!!!! 
Even the major mainstream papers in the US are starting to notice that. That bozo brains "secured" more doses than we need, but he didn't actually get them  here and into our arms. No he's too idiotic for that, or cheap to cough up the balance due in order to actually take delivery of those doses. Or impotent as a leader. One that has no credibility and no clout and is a total laughingstock of the universe.

Anyhow enough of that..... Now on with the headlines that made me go on that tirade in the first place....

I don't blame them. Astra-Zeneca is the one I'm opting for if I can. 
Lower zinc levels linked to higher risk of death from COVID-19 It pays to have a healthy and varied diet, in more ways than one.
Where’s dad? Third of women are shouldering all child care duties during COVID shutdowns In today's day and age I just don't understand why this is still going on. Even in my generation most people I know agreed on a 50/50 split of household and child care chores even back then. I don't know why today's women tolerate that, all they have to do is grow a backbone and put their foot down and tell their husbands those are his kids too and he can help with them. That's all there is to it.

Most care home residents in Ontario unvaccinated as COVID-19 outbreaks rage That's good. So now maybe they can start vaccinating others and lifting restrictions instead of imposing more?


Good! I hope the ones in QC gets hit with a massive class action lawsuit too! Especially the The Heron Home in Dorval, where the staff abandonned the patients alone in their beds.
Shaw Communications says year off to great start despite pandemic Considering everyone's been reduced to remote this and remote that, it's little wonder communications companies are reaping the rewards of that. 

Medical staff need guidance on life-or-death triage decision as ICUs fill up: experts As you will see in Mr. Baber's letter to Doug Ford, this is all a bunch of contrived BS in order to keep everyone panicked and scared and thus compliant with the house arrest orders.
EXPLAINER: Vaccine push gains steam but many still face wait And we're going to wait even more now that Pfizer is cutting back on deliveries.


Yeah I bet. I bet it's as "extremely tense" as the Ontario hospital situation is, which is to say nowhere near as tense as it usually is on any given year at this time.





Government won't forgive CERB repayments over net-gross problem despite messaging mix-up Like I said before if we did something like that we'd have to swallow the losses, but if they do something like that we still have to pay for it, even though it was their mistake. They never pay for their own mistakes it's always us taxpayers who do.
Smaller cities suffer the economic brunt of Air Canada's pandemic exit It's always like that, the small communities who need these services the most are the first ones to lose them.

Well at least someone somewhere has some hope. So that's good.

Euuuu that ought to make a whopping dent in the disease given there's 13 provinces & territories and if each gets an equal amount that equates to:  76,923 doses per region. Divide that in 2 that means 38,461 people will get vaccinated (as there's 2 shots per person required) in that region. Euuuuuuu that'll surely cut back on the spread of the virus in a roaring hurry. Gawd, that's TOTALLY PATHETIC COMPARED TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!! For a country that "secured" the most doses per person, you sure wouldn't know it. Because they can't even get the required number of doses in in a timely fashion nevermind the excess they supposed secured. There's a huge difference between "secured" and "procured" and "brought into the country and thereby in our possession". You can "secure" gazillions of doses of everything, but if you don't actually pay for and arrange to take possession of those things, it's nothing more than a promise to buy, which depending on terms of the "securement" might be able to be broken by either party. So you might as well say Mr Bozo Brains told each manufacturer, I want and I want and I want, without signing anything or paying anything. Or did sign and pay a downpayment but is now refusing to cough up the remaining balance on the deal.  Or the companies decided since everyone in the world wants their stuff, they'd use that as leverage to raise the prices and terms and decided not to honour their previously lowered priced commitments. Which is also probable. In which case it's up to our gov't to pay the new higher prices, but use their original contract to sue the company's ashes off after they've gotten the doses we require from them. 
But Mr. Bozo Brains won't do that, because he'd rather F Canadians over than anyone else - just look at the 2 Michaels in China as an example of that and the other example that got us into this mess in the first place, by not shutting the borders down because he didn't want to offend anyone (namely the Chinese). But by gawd, he sure as hell didn't mind offending us, by causing us pain, misery and sorrow due to the infections and deaths of the disease he let into the country through total willful negligence.

As Quebec postpones surgeries, breast enhancements and butt lifts still a go How's this for double standards and hypocrisy for you, eh? 


Oh well, don't hold your breath there Mr. CEO, because at the rate that's going that won't be until about a decade from now at the earliest.
More than 30 international flights land in Toronto since start of 2021 with passengers who later tested positive for COVID-19 I still do NOT understand WHY we're still accepting international flights or anything incoming from any international originating point, via any means, IF our borders are CLOSED!?!?! If the borders are closed, shouldn't they be closed to everyone no matter the method of arrival????

So then QC'ers should refuse the 2 dose vaccines and wait for the single dose vaccines to arrive, because if they're getting them that far apart they might wind up proving useless in the way of protection and it's the people who are getting those vaccines who are going to be the ones suffering, not the pencil necked idiot Dube who only cares about the bottom line and not the actual human lives that bottom line of his affects.
PM Trudeau wants to serve for 'number of more years,' rules out vaccine passports Yup, because the longer he can stay in office the longer his jail term for all his crimes he's committed against this country and it's people, gets put off as he can't be tried for anything while in office. He has to lose his seat in parliament first. Hopefully, that'll be this year.

Do you see and understand how pathetically sad this is considering a few nations already have their entire population inoculated and others like the UK have made a substantial effort on that endeavour, while Joe Biden promises to have 100 million shots given in his first 100 days in office. We can't even get 10,000 shots given in 180 days, by comparison.

That would be nice for sure, except we need the actual vaccine first, in order to vaccinate anyone.

Dr. Bonnie Henry condemns B.C. businesses for refusing entry to Indigenous people due to COVID-19 fears Some people are just totally freaking braindead. That's all I've got to say.

'Spend as much as you can,' IMF head urges governments worldwide OMG, I can just picture the head salaciously rubbing their hands together & drooling, with glee dreaming of all the countries riches and resources they'll be able to plunder in return for helping them bail those countries out afterwards. Yeah.... Go ahead world spend yourselves into dept - the IMF will bail you out afterwards, in return for all your present and future wealth and resources - which includes human resources - ie: workers - or in the IMF's case better known as indentured slaves.

In LA, ambulances circle for hours and ICUs are full. Is this what Covid-19 has in store for the rest of the country? Here in Canada they don't circle anywhere. They just pull over on the side of the road and wait.

Again the optimal word in that title is "could". As you will see demonstrated in Mr. Baber's letter to Doug Ford these projection models are never exact and wildly exaggerate the predicted outcomes. So the same is probably true here too.




Because the idiots in charge, can't get their act together, the world's population may be decimated or worse yet annihilated. 

Canada and all other countries too, for that matter, should be doing the same thing.
Stay calm under pressure with lessons learned in the world’s most stressful careers  Yes, without a doubt they are high stress careers, but also too, without a doubt it's not a constant stress, since they work only so many hours per day and after that they get to go home and destress. Someone living in quarantine or lockdown in a pandemic, is under stress 24/7 with no time off to destress. So while there might be some useful tips here, the author completely forgot about the fact that there's a big difference between being stressed 8 hours a day and 24 hours a day.

Maybe this will help with destressing for those living 24/7 in a stressful situation.

‘There’s only one way out of this storm’: WHO’s stark warning we're in defining moment of pandemic This lump of excrement with hair on it, is the one who so blithely led us into this storm to begin with. So we're going to trust this lying corrupt ash hole to tell us how to get out of it? I don't think so. If I were the world's leaders I'd do the exact opposite of whatever this jerk says. Period.
There are no extra COVID-19 vaccines doses left to send to states, despite Trump's health officials promising to release more 3 days ago Oh but I bet the moment Joe Biden takes the oath of  office there'll suddenly be a couple hundred million doses at his disposal, for distribution across the US.

Ford ousts MPP from caucus over open letter pushing for end to COVID-19 lockdown I hope you DO notice that this article DOES NOT provide a link to the letter that is the center of this whole thing, in order for the readers to read it and make up their own minds. Nope the lamestream media has to try to hide it or at least stymy your efforts to see it, as much as possible. 

This is the story with the link to the original letter complete with all the footnoted bibliography etc. But because I don't know how long this story will be accessible via this link and if they'll keep that link to that letter active or not, I am going to copy & paste the copy I typed up in notepad in here, in case (because it is an important document and can't go missing in this whole Covid story). So here it is in it's entirety except for the extensive bibliography at the end of it, which you can see at the link above if you wish to see it: 
Roman Baber, MPP
York Center

Queen's Park Office
Queen's Park, Main Legislative Bldg., Rm.444
Toronto Ontario M7A 1A5
Tel: 416-326- 7114

Constitutency Office
830 Sheppard Ave. West
Toronto, Ontario M3H 2T1
Tel: 416-630-0080

January 15, 2021

Hon. Premier Doug Ford
99 Wellesley St. West. 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A6

Re: The Lockdown is Deadlier than Covid

The medicine is killing the patient. Ontario's Hospital and ICU Capacity are better than in the last 3 years. I write on behalf of my North York constituents and plead for the millions of lives and livelihoods ruined by Ontario's Publich Health restrictions.

The Lockdown isn't working. It's causing an avalance of suicides, overdoses, bankruptcies, divorces and takesn an immense toll on our children. Dozens of leading doctors implored you to end the Lockdowns. (footnote indicator)

The crisis is largely limited to Long Term Care homes (LTC). With all LTC residents in "red zones" to be vaccinated by January 21, Ontario should end the Lockdown & the catastrophic toll it's causing Ontarians.


"Hot zones" like Toronto and Peel have been in Lockdown since Thanksgiving without success. But the Lockdowns are objectively deadlier than Covid. For example:

(a) Cancer screenings at Princess Margret are back to 60% with Oncologist fearing a "tsunami of cancer". (footnot indicator)

(b) Ontario's overdose rate is trending 50% above normal. (footnote indicator) The growth in the number of Ontarians who died of overdose in 2020, may be higer than the number of people who died from Covid outside LTC.

(c) According to The Canadian Mental Health Association in September 2020, 10% of adults reported "recent thoughts or feelings of suicide" (4x normal). Among Canadians aged 19-35 the rate is 20%. (footnote indicator)

(d)SickKids is calling the increase of eating disorders in young people an "unprecedented crisis". (footnote indicator)

(e) Tens of thousands of businesses shut down. The unemployment rate is near double & 320,000 people have not regained work. (footnote indicator) We are faced with a catastrophic wave of bankruptcies and foreclosures.

(f) The Government is criminalizing normal human behaviour and putting law abiding Ontarians in legal jeopardy. Public Health can't change human behaviour. My heart breaks for family of Damien Moses. (footnote indicator)

Covid is real, but the fear of Covid is exaggerated. (underscored)  While every death is tragic, after 10 months we learned that Covid is not nearly as deadly as first thought -it has a 99.98% Infection Survival Rate. According to the CDC's latest estimates, Covid's Infection Fatality Rate by Age is as follows: (footnote indicator)

What follows is a small chart form display of the statistics but I am writing this in Window's notepad without any fancy wordprocessing capabilities, so I can't reproduce charts in here. But essentially it's the Infection Fatality Rate in the Following Age Groups:

 [0-19 - 0.00003%]  [20-49 - 0.0002%]   [50-69 - 0.0005%]  [70+ - 0.054%]

Regretfully since the start of the Pandemic about 5,000 Ontarians died from/with Covid. (footnote indicator)  Approximately 4,000 (~80%) of Covid deaths occurred in Group Living Settings. (footnote indicator) Of all 5,000 deaths, over 3,000 died in Long Term Care (footnote indicator) where victims were on average in their last year of life. (footnote indicator) We should focus on & fix LTC! (underscored)

Approximately 3,5000 (70%) of all Ontarians who died were over age 80. While we mourn every death, only 200 people or 4% of all deaths were under age 60 and ZERO children died from Covid in Ontario. (footnote indicator)


Ontario's hospital capacity is better than pre-Pandemic. On Jan 12, I was advised as follows by MOH* (Ministry of Health):

Ontario's Hospital Occupancy (Daily Average)

Following is another small chart detailing the time periods and hospital occupancy %, so I shall do as before and put the time period and the percentage in the same square bracket configuration as I did for the infection fatality rate figures above.

[December 2017 - 94.5%]  [December 2018 - 94.8%]  [December 2019 - 95.0%] [December 2020 - 84.4%]  [January 6, 2021 - 87.6%]

Ontario ICU Occupancy (Daily Average)

Another small chart follows indicating time period and ICU Occupancy rate percentages which I will handle in the same manner as the other charts above.

[2017 (1-16 Dec) - 86.66%]  [2018 (1-16 Dec) - 91.21%]  [2019 (1-16 Dec) - 83.51%] 

[2020 (1-16 Dec) - 80.84%]  [2021 Jan 1-13) - 81.60%]

On January 4,2021, the ICU Occupancy rate was 80.6%, with Covid taking up only 16% of total ICU beds. (footnote indicator) Today, there are 385 Covid ICU patients, (footnote indicator) that's less than one patient per Ontario's 492 Hospitals. Risk can be minimized with transfers and good management. Urban are hospitals are always above capacity at this time of year - that's why we campiagned on ending Hallway Healthcare.

The lack of Capacity is created artificially by raitioning healthcare resources in response to modeling by the Command Table, except that Table's modeling almost always wrong. (underscored) The worst projection was made in the Fall Prep Plan. On September 30 the Table warned us that if Ontario maintained Michigan's case trajectory, by end of October we will have over 250 patients in ICU. (footnote indicator) Although Ontario maintained Michigan's case trajectory, the actual number of ICU patients on October 31 was 73 or 3.5 times less than predicted. (footnote indicator) While the Table can't get Capacity modeling right, the hospital planning made and threatened in response to it's modeling is catastrophic. Ontarians are needlessly denied care & surgeries. (underscored)


The Lockdown is having catastrophic effects on Ontario's children. Constituents tell me that their children developed anxiety. We are scaring children even though they are 100% safe. The Government should also follow SickKids' advice against masking kids at school. (footnote indicator) The crisis is in LTC homes not schools.

Premier, we should stop scaring children. This generation of kids will grow up with an anxiety disorder and will be afraid of normal life. Kids need to be kids again, back in school with their friends. They should not believe that coming close to another child result in someone's death. It's false and unwarranted.


1. End the Lockdown and let Ontarians go back to normal life. That's the best thing for their health.

2. Focus on LTC and proper IPAC instead of imprisoning 15 million Ontarians. With vaccination of all LTC residents in Ontario's "red zones" by January 21, tehre's much less justification for the Lockdown.

3. Build addition Hospital Capacity such as the facility at Joseph Brant and train ICU nurses.

4. Restore healthcare by ending Emergency Protocols (except LTC). Ontarians need healthcare back.

5. End the spread of fear & panic. It's unjustified and causes considerable stress, especially on children.

The Lockdowns aren't working. They are killing lives instead of saving lives. I plead with you to accept this reality and end the Lockdown. I wrote this letter with my greatest respect to you and our colleagues.

Yours very truly,

Roman Baber, MPP

Followed by all the relevant footnotes. If you wish to see those I suggest you try to find the original document online. Perhaps the Lilley story in the Toronto Sun will still be available with a link to the original document, when you get around to reading this, and you'll be able to see all the footnotes and maybe follow up on more information there.

PC MPP Roman Baber's Letter to Doug Ford on lockdowns This is the link to the letter where you can read it with the bibliography etc. 

Newsroom Ready: Vaccine ramp up phase to start in April: Fortin By then most of the rest of the world will already be fully inoculated. So does that mean we're getting the dregs of the vaccine products? The leftovers that weren't used or sold elsewhere at bargain basement prices? Is that what this is about?


Police don't have power to randomly stop people over Ontario stay-at-home order It's only the gestapo here in QC that gave the cops total authority over us, even the power to enter homes when they figure there's too many people inside. Gawd it's good it's not the pre 60s era where French families were large. My husband comes from a family of 13 kids - he's the youngest. So imagine if it were during that time and a cop was driving by the house and noticed a ton of people in the living room watching TV together - I mean there were 15 people (including him, his siblings and his parents) in his family. Gawd Legault would have a problem with his 5 people maximum in a house at any one time in that case. It's draconian and over the top abuse of power here in QC if you ask me.

La glissade dans les parcs est permise, mais il y aura des surveillants Well at least something fun for the kids is permitted...

Quebec plans to use rapid tests days after health minister said they weren't needed What's not needed here is the "health" minister, since he knows SFA about health. He's an accountant and all that matters to him is the bottom line and what's it going to cost.

Turning Grandma's recipe into profit  Perhaps this is the chance you need to start your own small business. 

Livestream performances delayed or cancelled as Ontario tightens COVID-19 rules How come they can delay or cancel these events but not the NHL games????

Gawd, it's taken them long enough - more than a year to worry about something that should've been top priority in order to keep the virus out to begin with!
Ottawa promises to ramp up coronavirus vaccine rollout They'd better find a way to "ramp up" the roll out sooner than that!  Try approving more vaccines like Astra Zeneca for instance or Johnson & Johnson's or even the Medicago one, to give us more choice and hopefully more vaccines to use in a sooner period of time!

Coronavirus: Toronto hospital worker dies from COVID-19 This should be more saddening than shocking. 

Yup another high ranking gov't official flouting the rules. What's new?
Federal and provincial governments proivde $5 million for beef farmers Is that going to help the food prices stabilize if not go down? Or is this just another payout to a greedy group of people who'll take the money and pocket it but continue to gouge the eyes out of the consumers heads?

COVID-19 test requirement to enter Canada a burden for migrant workers, advocacy group says Too bad for them. If they don't want to comply they can go elsewhere for work. I'm sure there's some Canadian teenage boys who wouldn't mind a summer job on a farm, if they could get one. No all teenagers want to work at McDs or Wendy's.


There will be damage and scarring to the Canadian economy: Former BOC governor Now if it were Mark Carney that said that, I'd sit up and take notice, but Poloz.... mmmmm..... All I can say is my opinion about him was he had a hard time to chew gum and tie his shoes at the same time. Not the brightest nor best crayon in the box, to cover that job that's for sure. 

See what I mean? Even the Washington Post has noticed how incompetant our vaccine rollout has been. But what they don't seem to understand is that "securing" doses isn't the same as HAVING the doses on hand to do anything with. We might've put the word out that we want x amount of doses, but we haven't actually gotten them. So..... Kind of hard to administer what we don't have. Don't you think?

Soon? How soon is that? If it's April, that's NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!!!!

Good question! Why hasn't every country banned all international flights?
Coronavirus: EU anger over reduced Pfizer vaccine deliveries So we're not the only ones getting short changed by them. What was wrong with the CEO of this company that they were so short sighted that they didn't realize that they couldn't handle the production demands on the vaccine doses they promised? Was it sheer greed, or just stupidity and oversight? Either way it's not fair to their customers and questionnable to say the least. 

Now I'm going to beseech you once again to badger your MP silly to make them find, and acquire timely vaccine doses for the Canadian population by asking Moderna for more doses sooner, and approving Astra Zeneca's vaccine (if the UK and others can approve it for use on their citizens what's wrong with Canada approving it for use here?) and just in general doing whatever it takes to get more vaccine into this country sooner and into the arms of Canadians as quickly and efficiently as possible. So here's that address to look up your MP and badger them to death via email, postal mail and telephone too if you wish: 

Just click on "List of Members of Parliament" to be taken to the page where the parliamentarians are displayed with their picture, name, and riding. Click on their picture to get to their contact page. Then have at 'em and let them know in no uncertain terms we want a vaccination and we want it now. 
So have fun with that and until next time, take care and stay well.