Showing posts with label Plandemic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plandemic. Show all posts

Monday, July 5, 2021

Lotsa Food, Lotsa Pain & Lotsa Angst About.....

 Covid 19


July 5, 2021

Here I am again with a new entry in the blog, because that damned virus doesn't seem to know when to quit and just wither, die and go away once and for all.

There have been a lot of things happen in our lives since my last entry here. For one thing we celebrated our daughter-in-law's 32nd birthday with a lasagna and a birthday cake. 
That was followed by several days of cooking once again, because of the idiotic freezer. It did the same thing it did last summer, over froze so that the door opened on it and food started thawing up. Fortunately, a lot of that food was able to be used in one dish - a gigantic paella. We literally had just about everything required for that dish thawed up and ready to go except the calamari as we don't have that. But we did have crab's legs which I substituted for the calamari. We literally had the cooked ham, the cooked chicken, the shrimp, mussels, crabs legs and the various veggies required that thawed up. So I cooked some rice and found out what the seasoning consisted of (and fortunately I even had some of that on hand) and tomatoes and made a humungous paella. Enough to feed us and two neighbouring families, plus we still had some leftovers after we finished eating. Not to mention the chicken cacciatore, club sandwiches with some thawed cooked turkey breasts and bbq pork chops (using the rhubarb bbq sauce). Plus I had some rhubarb to take care of and red currants. The rhubarb I used to make like an upside down cake with, several jars of BBQ sauce, rhubarb sauce (like apple sauce), and a rhubarb crisp. The red currants were mostly used to to make a red currant liqueur with some sugar and vodka dumped in atop the muddled currants in a large 1 litre bottle (quick and easy way to use up a lot of them in a hurry). I still have some left over and I want to try to make a BBQ sauce with them - just to have different BBQ sauces on hand for the summertime grilling. It's good I didn't want a garden this summer, because I didn't want to spend a ton of time working with food and wanted to work on some crafts instead. Which I haven't gotten to do yet. We still have chicken wings that I cooked after they thawed up and some pork spare ribs that I also cooked upon thawing, to eat. I think the chicken wings will be bbq wings and the spare ribs will contribute to a homemade Chinese dinner. I had wanted to make southern style fried chicken wings when I bought them, but as I had to cook them as soon as I could, I don't think they'll be good as southern style fried wings, so will have to make do with the bbq wings.

We did get our 2nd dose of Moderna on June 29th and pretty much since then - up until yesterday I guess, I've felt terrible. The afternoon of the shot, I had a colossal case of head fog. If you were to have asked me anything even as simple as my name I'd probably have had to think about it for awhile and even then have been confused as to what it really is. It was terrible. I literally couldn't think straight and as for concentrating even enough to read a simple 1 paragraph article, forget it. By the time I was ready to go to bed my arm started hurting, but it wasn't too bad, but I guess it progressed to really bad while I slept because everytime I moved it, I'd wake up in pain. The next day I was groggy and tired and had barely any appetite and a colossal headache like as if someone hit me on the back of the head with a brick. On Canada Day my husband took me out to dinner, but I was rather queasy and so hardly ate any of my meal and had to bring it home to have later. But I didn't have it later. It wasn't until 2 days later that I had enough of an appetite to even think about it.  Even yesterday I was still sleepy and had a hard time to wake up and stay awake. While my husband had no side effects at all. 

Because of our neighbours from hell, we've been looking around for houses in various parts of Canada and are thinking of putting this one up for sale and moving. Maybe if the people who buy this place are richer than Mr. BigWig next door, that'll put a cramp in his style and he'll think twice about messing around with them. Let's hope. Anyhow before we move we'll inform the buyers about what those ash holes are all about and what they did to the tree. So that if the tree gets blown over in a storm onto their house (and since they cut it lopsided where there's less branches on this side but more on their side - the counter balance may be off and affect the stability of the tree in the high winds we get here), that it's their fault to begin with and not to pay them any damages. That the buyers here can maybe try to sue them for the damages they did to the tree which contributed to it's instability and thus falling over in their direction.

But this would be an awesome property for the right person/people. It has access to all amenities you can dream of - considering it's located just off the island of Montreal and near another growing city, with 2 golf courses nearby, a CEGEP 15 minutes away (depending on traffic), a historic provincial park that's wonderful to take the kids to or to have a picnic at on a nice summer's day, right of passage to the water, awesome sunsets (there was a picture of one that I took and posted on this blog sometime ago), on a dead end street with only local traffic - so usually very quiet and secure (for kids). Most neighbours are friendly and kind - with the exception of the ash holes from hell.  Lots of biking and hiking paths around off the road but running parallel to it (so very little danger of being hit by a motor vehicle). A community center, library and marina are all nearby as well. Near a commercial farm where you can "pick your own" (whatever that might be), actually there's also a commercial apple orchard nearby as well where you can also "pick your own". So you have the tranquility of the country side and access to fresh produce when in season, you could even have a garden or two right here on this property and grow plenty of fresh food for your family yourself, along with all the amenities the cities offer.  If you don't destroy the plants, I have several perennial vegetables and fruit growing, from raspberries, grapes and blackberries to rhubarb, onions, asparagus, lettuce, chives, mint, tarragon, kale, mustard, and strawberries. Those grow back every year if you don't disturb the area where they're growing. There's also goji berries and arugula as well. You wouldn't even have to plant those. Just maintain them and harvest them as desired. Fresh free food for the picking. Does this sound like a sales pitch to you? Maybe it does because I'm working through the sales pitch in my mind as I think this is a project we're going to try to handle ourselves with the help of one of those real estate companies that helps the owner sell their property themselves. Of course I wouldn't mention the neighbour from hell, nor all of those perennial plants either. 😉

In the meantime the virus from hell won't let go and keeps on raging as strong or even stronger than ever from the headlines I've been seeing. After reading some of the stories I'm wondering if those days of agony I just finished suffering through after getting my 2nd dose was worth it, considering it seems like the Delta variant doesn't seem to care if you were vaccinated or not, in some cases.  

So anyhow.... Getting on with the headlines now.....


I don't blame the Palestinians. I mean what's the point of accepting soon to expire vaccines anyhow? What good is that going to do? It might actually harm them in the way of causing a delay for them getting some fresh vaccines or any vaccines at all, as the international community will say well you got x amount of vaccines from Israel that should be more than enough for the time being and not give them any and instead give some other country that also has none what was going to go to them.
UK virus cases surge even as 8 in 10 have received shots Precisely what I was talking about above.
Thailand Once Shut Out Covid-19 but Is Now Pivoting to Living With It  I'm telling you Gates and that other schmuk Schwab from the WEF along with those from the Wuhan Lab all need to be strung up by their gonads, because this PLANdemic wasn't very well PLANned out in advance. In fact, it's causing everything to go to hell in a handbasket, if you ask me and so as far as I'm concerned all those who are directly and indirectly responsible for it, need to be held accountable. 
AP-NORC poll: Many Americans resuming pre-virus activities As long as there's very little possibility of a massive resurgence of the virus via  the Delta variant, why not? If however, there's more than just a slight possibility then I think some of the preventative measures taken earlier needs to be reinstated. 
UN warns of worst 'cascade of human rights setbacks in our lifetimes' Really???? Wow!!!! Sure took them long enough to figure that out! I think I along with a few others out there (most of whom were censored and called alarmists and conspiracy theorists) figured that out eons ago, back in March or April 2020 when all the draconian measures first started being implemented. But hey what did we know? We were all just a bunch of fake news alarmists and conspiracy theorists, apparently!
‘Jacket Required’ No More? How the Pandemic Changed Dress Codes  I'm wondering if being desperate for clientele doesn't have more to do with it, than some dress codes does. I mean after suffering over a year's worth of closures or off and on closures, when they get the chance to make some money to pay some of those bills that piled up, dress code or not, they'll take the opportunity to make some much needed money rather than worry about what everyone's wearing or not wearing. 

Britain’s longest-known COVID-19 patient dies after 15 months That is so sad. Condolences to his family.

What Quitters Understand About the Job Market Or maybe they also started to realize that there are other aspects of life that are equally important, like family, being able to enjoy life without always being so stressed out from work and other obligations and just wanting to spend more time relaxing and enjoying whatever time they have on this earth rather than always being under pressure to pay bills and work.  A lot of them may have come to the realization that they don't need fancy clothes or cars and outings to feel good - that they can relax and enjoy life with what they have already and not need more than that. Which is how it ought to be and probably was for most of human existance (those who were fortunate enough to have everything they needed to feel comfortable and secure).

Australia struggles to quash persistent coronavirus outbreaks They attribute the outbreaks to the fact that very few people have been vaccinated yet. 

Philippines' Duterte threatens vaccine decliners with jail, animal drug OMG.... If he weren't such a freaking nutcase and would do what he threatens here, I'd say this was hilarious, but it's not because he might actually act on his threats and that would NOT be hilarious. It would be atrociouly horrific if he did.

South America Is Now Covid-19 Hot Spot, With Eight Times the World’s Death Rate My friend in Argentina just got her first shot last week, at the behest of her sister. She wasn't going to get one at all, but her sister begged her to. She said she chose the Astra Zeneca one as the only other one they have to choose from is the Sputnick one from Russia and she doesn't trust it.

44% of Americans hit ‘lowest emotional point’ of their lives during pandemic I can certainly understand. Especially those who may have lost loved ones to the pandemic and had no way to say their final goodbyes before the loved one died. Or those who may have been young and alone (young adult) and had to self isolate or quarantine with the illness and after having had years of growing up with a family to rely on suddenly finding themselves alone with no one to help them or help them cope, I can understand. Or even the elderly who basically figured they'd be better off dead than enduring endless days, weeks and months worth of solitude and loneliness and wondered what the point of living was, if they couldn't see anyone or go anywhere or do anything. So I can imagine there were great numbers of people who were "down". 
Israel faces Covid surge as virus circulates even among vaccinated This is what I'm afraid of. Of being hit with the stupid variant even though I got both shots.


A scientist says he's found 13 Wuhan coronavirus sequences that were deleted from a US database - and claims they're a 'goldmine' for research into the virus' origins Hmmmmm curiouser and curiouser..... Wondering why they were deleted. Maybe because they were afraid they'd also link maybe Gilead Sciences or perhaps Fort Detrick to it too? Just wondering..... I mean if it all pointed to Wuhan and China you wouldn't think they'd delete it now would you? They'd only delete it probably if it could point back to an American party (company or military maybe) and make them look complicit in some way, wouldn't you think? 

Pooling society's collective intelligence helped fight COVID – it must help fight future crises too Oh that sounds wonderful! And will probably work for the first couple of years until it's deemed either too costly or cumbersome to manage and then is abandonned. Which is usually what happens with collaborative efforts like this.

Israel says the Delta variant is infecting vaccinated people, representing as many as 50% of new cases. But they're less severe. Phew, they are saying that 2 doses of vaccine appears to be protective against it, but that no vaccines are 100% protective against it. 


Nearly 5 out of 6 coronavirus cases were undetected in pandemic's early months That's because they didn't know about it and what they were looking for and a lot of them were being chalked up as being "the flu". I know because I had it in the first weeks of January 2020, but I didn't know what I had and it's only my nursing knowledge that probably saved me from winding up in a hospital on a ventilator, because I knew how to evacuate the fluid that was accumulating in my lungs via coughing and expectorants and how to lie in bed, so my lungs didn't fill with fluid while I slept.  It was only later on when I read a description of the symptoms (from a Chinese news report released early on where a doctor described everything to do with it), that I recognized my symptoms and what they called "wet lung" and realized I'd had it. But as I was never allowed to have an antibody test, I don't know for sure if I did or not, but if I had to bet on it, I'd say I did. Meanwhile everyone was thinking "oh it's not even here yet, so we don't have to worry about it". But there's been articles and reports proving that it was here - it was here in Quebec for sure in December 2019, so it's no stretch of the imagination to realize that if it was here in QC then, it was probably much wider spread across North America then too.
Habitat for Humanity struggles with high construction costs amid COVID-19 pandemic We've been hearing that a lot of construction material is 2 & 3 times it's normal cost and some just can't be had for love nor money due to shortages and backlogs.

US saw biggest drop in life expectancy since WWII due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic I'm sure it's not just the case in the US, but elsewhere as well.

The family of an unvaccinated woman who died from COVID-19 say they still refuse to get the jab, report says That may be due to the fact that they know what her underlying conditions (if any) were and feel that since they don't suffer from those conditions that they aren't at as much risk as she was.

China says no strings attached to vaccine shipments overseas They can't even give their sheite away now it seems. No wonder, no one wants them, as they don't work. They're probably nothing more than the polluted Yangzte River water in those phials that they're trying to pass off as vaccine anyhow. It wouldn't surprise me any. They're nothing but 2 faced lying crooks, hostage takers, murderers and dictators anyhow.

They Relied on Chinese Vaccines. Now They're Battling Outbreaks. Just goes to prove what I just finished saying above.


States hesitant to adopt digital COVID vaccine verification I don't know why it has to be digital anyhow. We simply have a piece of paper that was filled in when we got our shots with the name of the vaccine and the date given and by who, that we keep in our wallets. I know the QC gov't said they were issuing a QR code we could download as proof of our shots, but if you don't have or use a cellphone, what then? 


During Covid-19, Most Americans Got Ahead—Especially the Rich Really? Wondering if it's the same for rich Canadians too? 

Police rescue spooked nude sunbathers from Australian forest hehehehe.... One of the funnier plandemic stories and yup the cop's description of them was bang on!




COVID-19: all of Quebec heads to zone green as of Monday But we still have to wear masks in establishments, and socially distance at cash registers etc... 


Why feeling bad after your second COVID-19 vaccine dose may be a good sign Then I ought to be super protected according to this.

COVID-19: Manitoba offers wage subsidy to encourage hiring vaccinated employees So now rather than qualifications, hiring criteria is going to be based on whether someone is vaccinated or not? That's almost as bad as the race and gender based hiring qualifications of days gone by. No wonder we have such a bunch of pathetic idiots masquerading as professionals these days, when all it takes is being a certain gender, race, or now if you have a vaccination or not, to get the job, regardless of skills and qualifications. It's not as though I'm a man saying this because I'm not. I'm a woman, but I'm a woman who's been subjected to the care of physicians who clearly only qualified for the position they held due to their race, or gender and the crackerjack box diploma they held and nothing more. I question whether some of them even had the knowledge and skills to apply a bandaid to scraped knees. Even as a nurse I was able to diagnose and treat myself better than what half those quacks were able to do. I would've made a better doctor than 90% of the idiots I've seen in white coats strutting around the halls of hospitals pretending to play doctor. And I'm sorry but if you can't clearly communicate your diagnosis, prognosises and recommendations to me in 1 of the 2 official languages so that it's well understood by the patient then you have no business holding a license to practice medicine in this country. One of the most vital aspects of practicing medicine is being able to clearly articulate everything to the patient in a way that's thoroughly and completely understood by them, so that they can follow doctors orders as prescribed. If they can't even understand what the mouthful of marbles is trying to articulate how do you want them to be able to follow doctor's orders anyhow? 


Spread of delta variant prompts new restrictions worldwide  The variant from hell doesn't know when to quit.


Almost half of Aussie population under lockdown Wow.... Maybe they should start getting the population there, vaccinated, so they wouldn't have to be under lockdown like that.


Health Canada adds warning of very rare, serious condition as potential side-effect If you had an Astra Zeneca or Covishield vaccine you should read this.

Canadian COVID-19 death toll far exceeds official reports, according to analysis So we're going to do like the US did now? Count every single case that could even remotely be linked to covid whether it was the cause of death or not? Like because your uncle died in a motorcycle accident but he knew someone who had covid his death is now going to be covid related and not a motorcycle accident? Is that because the 20 thousand odd cases aren't high enough and so it makes it look no worse than a bad flu? But wouldn't really be a bad flu if all flues lasted as long as this virus has? I mean a flu that takes 5,000 lives in a flu season which maybe lasts 3-4 months, extend that by 5 (15-20 months - which is where we are now)  and we get roughly the same number of deaths from the flu as we do from covid19. So roughly the same amount of deaths for the same duration of time. Ergo no worse than a regular flu. So is that suddenly why we're saying that the death toll far exceeds official reports now? Because the official reported numbers aren't bad enough to make all those draconian measures seem worth it? Is that it?

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know on Wednesday Yup, well we definitely got our 2nd shot of Moderna alright and I felt it for days afterwards. I can tell you that.

COVID-19 changes the structure of blood cells, may explain ‘long hauler’ symptoms If that's the case, wouldn't everyone who's had covid19 be long haulers then? 

Border security and quarantines need to be common practice to prevent future pandemics, study warns Really????? Ya think???? What ever gave you that idea anyhow??? And why'd it take you so freaking long to clue in anyhow???? Like I said, certain "qualifications" rather than actual education and skills being the qualifications needed to get certain jobs is why we're in this idiot prone predicament to start with. I mean um f'n duh, this should've been a no brainer from the get go, but instead we're 19 months into this f'n plandemic and they've only just figured this out now??????


As a return to ‘normal’ seems achievable, adjustment disorders are the new elephant in the room It shouldn't be that hard to readjust to normalcy. It should basically be as easy and natural as breathing fresh air is.



Local officials sound the alarm over another possible wave of Covid-19 infections Of course.... This plandemic is even longer lived than the Engergizer Bunny.

'There's some anxiety': Alberta health minister and family swarmed on Canada Day This is another "health minister" that has no business being a health minister because he's a lawyer and has no medical knowledge about anything let alone how to handle a plandemic. So if he's like the infamous genocidal beitche art teacher we have as our Cdn health minister and our Gestapo accountant health minister here in QC, then I have no sympathy for him. If you have no clue about what you're doing then you have no right to be doing it. Period. It's like as if I as a nurse decided to practice law and pass precedences that regulated the whole province or country just because. He as a lawyer would find all kinds of faults with that and all kinds of ways of overturning it and declaring me an incompetant ash hole that ought to be tried for falsely practicing law without a license. Well same could be said about him and all the other ash holes who have no business regulating medical laws especially about pandemics and infectious disease controls.

J&J says vaccine works against delta variant; WHO pushes Western nations to accept travelers with Chinese vaccines: Today's COVID-19 updates And why the F should we listen to the WHO on this anyhow? Especially when it was them who pushed us to allow Chinese people into our countries even when they knew there was a very serious epidemic going on in Wuhan at the time!?! Now they want us to allow people who essentially have no immunity to the disease into our countries??? I mean that's basically what they are, if they've only been inoculated with the Chinese vaccines. Why the F should we? It's our country and our tax dollars paying for the health care of all these sick people NOT THE WHO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Experts question if WHO should lead pandemic origins probe No because they seem to be biased liars who'd do anything to protect China from any repercussions to do with this. Probably because they've been adequately and handsomely bribed by China to try to stymy all investigations into it and muddy all findings so as to obscure the origins as much as possible.

Boris Johnson conducting mass COVID experiment on young people, top scientist warns The entire population of the earth has been guinea pigs for the COVID experiment being run by the NWO and the elite.

As Biden prepares to host 1,000 for Independence Day, desire to declare victory collides with need for caution I don't know but after seeing what happened in Israel I think it's still really early to declare victory over the plandemic considering that the vaccines aren't stopping the delta variant very much.

Lab leak theory, once 'political dynamite,' gains credibility in new study I personally don't see how they can come to any other conclusion than that.

CBO sees supercharged recovery as pandemic dissipates, predicts severe inflation in coming months  I was in a grocery store today and I can tell you there's already severe inflation in the grocery business. 


WHO warns that coronavirus variants are spreading faster than vaccines can stop them Of course, this plandemic has to last much longer as all the plans and pieces aren't in place yet.

Oakland Zoo starts vaccinating animals against COVID Wondering when our pets vets are going to start calling us in to give our pets their shots too?

Israel data 'preliminary signal' Delta variant can bypass vaccine: expert If I had've known this last week and what the 2nd shot was going to do to me, I wouldn't have gotten it, as it would've been more trouble than it seems like it'll be worth.


Thousands in India Involved in Alleged COVID Scam, Injected with Salt Water Instead of Vaccine: Reports  Trying for the placebo effect or just plain outright fraud? My money's on outright fraud.

That's about it for this installment. Who knows when or if I'll make another one? In any case, stay safe and take care.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Amidst the Drenching Rain & Other Things....

Quite Possibly Catching Up to 

COVID 19 Headlines


July 29, 2020

Having gotten soaked while out doing errands, I'm trying to dry off here while writing this. Hopefully, today will be the day that I finally get caught up with all the headlines. I don't know if I will or not, but I hope I can.

First I'm going to go shove supper in the oven, maybe start some rice and a couple other things for supper and then I'll continue on while supper's cooking.

When will coronavirus cases peak? It's getting harder for experts to predict I don't know why they even bother to try because so far none of their predictions have been right to start with.

Local TV stations across the country set to air discredited 'Plandemic' researcher's conspiracy theory about Fauci  There is a link to the actual Plandemic video in my blog somewhere. There may be label to get there to it in my sidebar. If you wish to see the unedited original version of it. I don't know about  the "discredited" here, because I didn't see or hear of any discredits in what she said, other than the gestapo measures used against her to silence her from letting this information out.

Noses usually catch COVID-19 first, so keep them covered with face masks, experts say   This should be a no brainer and go without saying, but I get how there's a lot of people out there that are clueless airheads and couldn't think about even the simplest things without severely injuring themselves, as in causing their brains to start short circuiting and smoking.

Ancient teeth show that epidemics began much further back in history  As you can see from this article Mother Nature has had a history of trying to wipe us out, with one pandemic after another for a long time now. 

Why the World Worries About the Virus 2.0 Nuclear Option  Orrrrr they can do it the sensible way, by quarantining only those who test positive and those they came into contact with over say a 14 day period of time. That might wind up being a lot of people overall but it's still not the whole city, town or country. It's just a certain small segment of the population that have interacted with or been in close social contact with the infected individual and not everyone.

Sinclair says it will postpone and 'rework' segment featuring conspiracy theory about Fauci  Like I said the original Plandemic is viewable via a link from my blog (click on Plandemic in the  right side bar to be taken to the page with the link). So you will be able to gauge the "rework" and see what kind of subterfuge they're trying to pull here, versus what was really said. If everyone here knew who Paul Hunter was and listened to CBC news, and the debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during their last election, you'd know what I mean when I say "making it up as he goes along" - which is what Paul Hunter did to try to describe the debates on CBC news that night. If you listened to him, you'd think Hillary would've been voted in as not only the US president but Queen of the freaking Universe because she could say and do no wrong while all that Trump said or did was wrong. In a lot of what Paul Hunter said, he misquoted and took things totally out of context to prop Hillary up and kick Donald in the head. I know because I watched the debates and then the CBC National newscast that night. Bet the same will go on here. She'll be taken totally out of context or misquoted to besmirch her, while propping Fauci up. 

Warning, graphic video: Nurse attack on Chicago train  This is a sucker title, trying to lure you to watch it. You can watch it if you wish, I'm just going to say I've seen worse dust ups in highschool hallways. 

Quebec reports 169 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death At least now, there's fewer deaths, or so it appears.

Coronavirus: What would working from home in Barbados really be like? That sounds like a way better option than that idiotic option of working from a hotel for "just" $100 for 8 hours. If you're going to pay that amount of money to work, why bother to work at all? Obviously you don't need the money if you can afford $500 a week just for 8 hours a day. So you don't need the job.

No end to Covid-19 webcam shortage  I seriously don't know why anyone would want one unless it's required for work like for video-conferencing etc, because hackers love them and taking them over to spy on the webcam's owner/s. All the webcams that came without our computers etc, have been taped over when we first got the computers and that's the way they're staying. So I essentially don't even want the ones that came with our equipment, so there's no way we're going to go buy some more.

Traveling while Asian during the pandemic  First of all, regardless of your ethnicity, why are you travelling NOW, can't you wait until the pandemic's over before you start traipsing around the globe? Whether you have the disease or not.

Nearly 2 dozen lifeguards in New Jersey test positive for coronavirus after hosting social gatherings  Wondering how many beach goers they were all in contact with too?

Congress Was Already Broken. The Coronavirus Could Make it Worse.  I think that much is evident to most of the world already.

Coronavirus infections reach 60,000 in Israel as protests continue  The cops or military personnel in this picture aren't the brightest crayons in the box, wearing the masks to just under their noses. Hello, it's a RESPIRATORY DISEASE! And what is the most direct route to your lungs? The nose? So if that's the case, shouldn't that be covered? And with the girl screaming in their face like that, let's hope that girl isn't infected because if she is, so is that female officer.

Stompin' Tom Centre making music despite pandemic restrictions 'Course they have pictures to this article but not the minature therapy donkey article. 

Investors Set Aside Coronavirus Worries, Driving a ‘Melt-Up’ in Markets  I've never heard of a melt-up before, but what the heck...

Euthanasia Rates For Dogs 'Could Rise By 25% In Lockdown Fallout Awwww it'd better not. We already have one dog, but having put down a super senior citizen dog last month, we can take another one, so if anyone in southwestern Quebec has a small to medium sized dog (my husband said "or a Great Dane" - that's his favourite dog) that they got during the lockdown but don't want to keep upon return to work, please let us know and we might be happy to provide a forever home for the pooch in question. Use the comments section on here to let me know about your interest in giving them to a new loving owner, and I'll find a way to get in touch with you, but you might have to keep checking back in the comments section (on the post that you left the comment on) to see if there's a reply from me.  Just leave a comment describing the dog, it's age, breed, behaviour problems (if any), whether it's been socialized or not (gets along or not with other dogs & people) and medical history (vaccinations it's had, any medical problems it has and needs current or ongoing treatment for etc). Then when I read it (which will probably be within a day or so of you having left the message), I'll respond in the comments section to you on that same post (like today's post for instance) that you left your comment on. We would prefer (in a perfect world) a miniature male dachshund, but bigger male dogs are also welcome instead. This particular post will always be easily accessible in the right sidebar, using the "dog euthanasia rates" label. Just click on that and it'll bring you right here. Then scroll to the bottom of this page where the comments section is and see if I left a response for you.  As we're senior citizens we're here pretty much 24/7 except when we need to go out for errands, but we generally aren't gone longer than a couple of hours when we do go out like that. So the dog won't be left alone for long, well not at all actually because our little female dachshund will be here to keep it company.

Officers clear out "disheartening" Brampton house party with 200 attendees Like Ford called them.... Yahoos.... I can't understand where some people's brains are at, or in this case, do they even have any? 

Lawyer Cletus Flaherty discusses workplace rights, obligations and legislation for COVID-19  I'm not sure if the advice given by this lawyer applies only to Nfld & Labrador or if it applies Canada wide, but in any case, those in Nfld-Lab can probably use the advice given here, even if no one else can.

'We hugged and hugged': Families reunite at N.W.T. seniors' homes after COVID-19 rules loosen  Awwww, that's what I missed most about the lockdown too, was hugs from the kids. It felt so good to finally be able to get one and give one. 

Canadian woman dying of cancer will be able to reunite with American fiancé  I was going to say the headlines changed from when I bookmarked it, until now. Because the headlines originally said they were being kept apart because of the COVID19 border rules. Now it says they'll be able to reunite. Finally someone in  government grew a braincell and a heartcell. Perhaps we have hope as Canadians that our government isn't composed solely of heartless, spineless & brainless jerks, but that some of them actually have compassion and a working braincell or two in their head.

As it happened: Covid 'most severe health emergency' WHO has faced  Because for the most part the only other pandemic that's been through since the inception of the UN & thus WHO, is the Hong Kong Flu in 1969. The WHO wasn't around during the Spanish Flu, nor the Black Plague nor any of the other probably much more serious pandemics than this one.  It's the only healh emergency it's ever faced and given it's lousey track record on this one, let's hope they never face another one again.

Coronavirus: 'I killed my mother with my own hands'  How much more misery and anguish can this virus keep throwing at us anyhow?

Covid-19 is 'the most severe' emergency WHO has declared, the agency warns as number of global cases hits 16 million - a rise of one million in just FOUR DAYS  Like I said above, it's pretty much the only health emergency it's ever faced and it failed spectacularly at it. So we should just disband that useless institution and start practicing medicine the common sense way instead of the idiotic NWO way.

Chinese Doctor Alleges Covid-19 Cover-up, Says Wuhan Market was 'Clean Already  Well of course the market was "clean already", because it never came from there to begin with. It came from the Wuhan Biolabs - since it's anecdote was made prior to 2016 and completed in 2016 by the Wuhan Lab and Gilead Sciences. 

Even if there's a coronavirus vaccine next year, don't expect to throw away your mask and stop social distancing, a top vaccine developer says  So then what's the point of the vaccine then? Is it just to deliver the implantable chips that Gates is working on? Is that it? That it won't do anymore than that? If that's the case, take your "vaccine" and shove it, you know where. At least Moderna is saying that if theirs is 90% effective you'll be able to go sans mask and shoulder to shoulder with your buddies, pals and loved ones.

Travel bans cannot be indefinite, countries must fight virus at home: WHO Tedros there should be a travel ban on you! You should not be permitted to go anywhere except to jail!  But yeah there should be travel bans remaining until this virus is beaten into oblivion! 

Deluded Anti-Mask Tourists Swarm COVID-Plagued Puerto Rico

‘It’s really devastating us’: Beach towns fear they won’t survive a summer of COVID-19

Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Anti-Fauci Propaganda — This Time 

Diabetes highlights two Americas: One where COVID is easily beaten, the other where it's often devastating

Virus vaccine put to final test in thousands of volunteers

Red Deer hospital restricts visitors after COVID-19 outbreak

Quebec sees 'worrying spike' in COVID-19 infections among young people

Tensions rise over COVID-19 outbreak in Haida Gwaii

Aviva insurance faces class action lawsuit from hotels denied COVID coverage

Canada provides exception for U.S. students planning to study north of border   Don't know why they'd provide an exception, especially if most classes are going to be conducted online. If that's the case they can stay home and still take the courses. The US isn't providing exceptions I don't think.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Time For Another Installment....

Of COVID19 News

May 10, 2020

I don't know about you, but I was enjoying the rather protracted break from the Coronavirus news in here and the distractions posted instead. So in a way this feels a lot like Monday mornings used to feel when I had to get up and go to work, posting news links and comments about this neverending nightmare we find ourselves living through. But there will be more distractions later. I promise.

As death toll mounts, Quebec Seniors' Minister Marguerite Blais faces a reckoning Personally, I think from the very beginning the whole thing with the seniors residences and long term care facilities has been mismanaged (both the public & private ones), where seniors were just outright abandonned in those facilities and left to die on their own. Those who did that should be held criminally responsible but weren't. Instead there just sadness that this happened expressed and no indignant outrage that this was even allowed to happen in the first place, without legal repercussions being discussed at all. That alone is criminal in itself, I think.

There may never be a COVID-19 vaccine, warns WHO coronavirus expert And Trudeau doesn't think that we should open Canada up until there is a vaccine? So he's thinking that Canada should remain shut down forever, then? Would seem to me to be the case.

REVEALED: 66% of New York state coronavirus hospitalizations are people staying at HOME and NOT essential workers - which begs question: Does lockdown even work?  Considering we've been under lock down since this blog began in mid-March and we're approaching mid-May - hence 2 months, and it's still spreading, it doesn't look at all like it's working. At least not the way it was supposed to work as explained at the beginning. In the beginning we were told that because it had a 2 week incubation period that we'd know within 2 weeks how many people had it and after they were clear of it, if no one else developed it, we'd be let out of quarantine. Except that that's not how it worked because almost 2 months later (or 6 weeks after the viral spread was supposed to have been finally determined and over with), we're still under lockdown and it's still spreading despite that.

Months before Florida leaders had any clue, coronavirus was creeping through the state   Like I suspected here too. Considering that I am positive (though I'll never know as no one will ever test me for antibodies to find out), I had the same thing at the beginning of January here in the Montreal region.

Why Empty Planes Keep Flying Through the Pandemic  Well I suppose one excuse is as good as another for losing money. 

Coronavirus In Pittsburgh: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19, Pitt Says  That seems to be the American way, whenever someone is on a breakthrough to something significant, someone else has to murder them. Now in this particular case my question is why.... Was it a revenge murder suicide for something totally unrelated to the project he was working on, or was the researcher killed and someone offed someone else to make it look like a murder suicide, so that that would be the end of the trail and not look for who actually killed him? As in it's someone who either wanted to steal his work for their glory or to bury it, so that no one ever knows how close he came to the cure? When I see things like this and especially if they happen in the US or Russia, it gets my suspicions up about as high as they go. And in this case, they're super high.

Finland’s Landmark Trial Finds Basic Income Brings Happiness But Not Jobs   I think the clown in parliament is finding this out now, with his $2,000 a month payments and people not wanting to return to work while they're collecting that money.

High and dry: Icelanders inconsolable without their pools Hmmm, I don't know as I'd mourn the loss of an outside pool in wintertime, like that. But it would certainly be nice to have one in the summertimes around here. 

Stars and scientists call for world not to 'go back to normal' Yup all these mega stars with their mega millions don't want the world to go back to normal because they have all the money they'll ever need and all the things they ever wanted out of life already. Too bad if the rest of us don't. That's our problem apparently.

Federal aid package 'just too little' to help beef industry hit hard by COVID-19, association warns You know after seeing Trudeau dole out money everyday (except this weekend) on his doorstep to everyone under the sun, except the seniors who by default have an additional 21% cost of living they've had to incur on account of him demanding they stay home & order everything online or on the phone, but he hasn't had the decency to compensate them for that in any way, I start to see red when I see  whiners like this. At least they got something. The ONLY THINGS THE SENIORS ARE GETTING IS IGNORED AT BEST & KILLED BY INCOMPETENCY RUNNING AMOK IN GOV'T ADMINISTRATIONS & IDIOTS WHO NEED THEIR MEDICAL LICENSES YANKED. It's to the point where I am starting to think that calling in all these people to help the seniors and not needing testing beforehand to see if the people being called in are positive, is done on purpose, to infect and to cut down on the seniors in those facilities. And the imposed house arrest and segregation from society and even their families, IS MEANT TO HAVE A PSYCHOLOGICAL PURPOSE BAD ENOUGH THAT THE SENIOR EVENTUALLY KILLS THEMSELVES, OR THEY WIND UP IN DIRE SITUATIONS BECAUSE OF THE 21% COST OF LIVING INCREASE, THAT SEES THEM NOT ABLE TO PAY THEIR BILLS ANYMORE OR THEIR CREDIT CARDS MAXXING OUT ON THEM AND THEN NOT BEING ABLE TO BUY ANYTHING WITH THEM. SO STARVING TO DEATH OR FINDING THEMSELVES ON THE STREETS DUE TO NOT BEING ABLE TO AFFORD TO PAY THEIR BILLS ANYMORE.  I am actually starting to think this was all planned and orchestrated in advance to cut down on the senior populations, rather than protect them. And the cattlemen want to whine because they're not getting enough money eh? Well hello there cattlemen at least you're getting something while the seniors get nothing and on top of that it doesn't appear as though the gov'ts prime objectives are to kill you personally, like it appears that might be the case for the seniors. Where it looks like their own gov'ts are out to get them one way or the other. 

3 reasons the COVID-19 death rate is higher in U.S. than Canada I know one reason already and I've already posted links to the document that regulates how they determine COVID deaths and that is that the CDC demanded that any death that could even be feasibly related to COVID be determined as thus on the death certificates, although I honestly don't know how a head trauma leading to death can be attributed to COVID but apparently one was. Also hospitals get 20% more funding when they say they are treating COVID patients (maybe there aren't any and they're just pneumonia patients or people with arthritis - because now everything is basically covid related, but they'll say they're covid in order to get the funding). Even the new doctor that replaces Fauci in the US thinks that the CDC numbers are 25% higher than they actually should be.

Depleted national stockpile leaves Canada reliant on China for masks, gowns and other supplies during pandemic Of course it's depleted considering we sent them all to China in exchange for subpar equipment from them.

Coronavirus: Researcher on brink of ‘very significant findings’ killed in apparent murder-suicide Another story about that researcher, with different/added details.

Montreal hospitals running short on space, 2 weeks from reopening Wondering why? If being under quarantine for 14 days was supposed to expose all infected with it and that would be the end of it, as they said at the beginning of the lockdown?

Coronavirus survivors banned from joining the military They're going to be in trouble if eventually everyone or most everyone gets it. Guess the troops are going to be dwindling then. Then I guess they better drop their hegemony and antagonism from their operations manuals, if that's the case.

Why Coronavirus Is Punishing the Economy More than Spanish Flu  The one obvious factor the author failed to mention is total mass quarantine. Back then quarantines generally worked in reverse of how they're being conducted now and this that the sick & their contacts were under quarantine but the rest were allowed to continue on with their lives - to work, shop and play.

How Quebec's desperate attempt to fill staffing holes is spreading COVID-19 in hospitals and nursing homes Wow! It looks like they might actually be cluing in. Wonder if it'll make a difference though or not, or if they'll just continue those practices until the seniors residences are basically emptied?

'The Simpsons' Predicted Coronavirus And Murder Hornets. Sort Of. Now for some comic relief. Is it possible that the writer of the Simpsons scripts is prescient? I mean they did predict Trump would be president and seemingly even 9/11!

UK scientist who warned over virus quits for lockdown breach This makes you wonder just how serious this virus is, when the people who are avocating  lockdown decides they don't have to abide by the same rules everyone else does, especially when they're scientists.

Travel From New York City Seeded Wave of U.S. Outbreaks, Probably the same is true for here in Quebec, considering a lot of "snowbirds" from Quebec have to drive through NY state to get back home here to QC. So there's nothing stopping them from taking a side trip to NYC just to see something and then bringing the virus along with all their other souvenirs home with them.

Black Mirror creator not working on season 6 because we already feel depressed Have never heard of this show before, but if there's any signs of the times, this must be it, given the show's description.

A tale of two parks: Enjoying the sun in wealthy Manhattan, social distancing under police scrutiny in the Bronx That's almost akin to the Cdn police giving $1,500 tickets to the homeless. To me those tickets are nothing more than a money grab, putting those who issue them on insane power trips.

Trump says coronavirus worse 'attack' than Pearl Harbor Trump said to inject bleach to get rid of the Coronavirus too. Doesn't mean you should, just like you shouldn't maybe believe this newest quip of his either.

Fox News Host Calls on ‘Healthy People’ to ‘Have Some Courage’ and Get Infected With Coronavirus I don't think anyone wants to become infected but that's the only way (until a vaccine is developped if, one is) to acquire immunity from it. 

Gangs producing drugs to get around border closures: Vancouver police A new wrinkle on the virus forcing each nation to become self-sufficient. 

As Restaurants Remain Shuttered, American Cities Fear the Future They were crying about that in downtown Montreal too. Especially all office workers being encouraged to work from home and with the restaurants closed down too after the retail reopening starts, all it would leave really is retail stores. But with half the streets on one side being taken away to allow for social distance walking, and lowering/eliminating cars & parking spaces, they figure that'll kill Montreal's downtown too.

Domestic violence shelters in financial crisis because of COVID-19 'pandemic within a pandemic' Women's shelters, cops, social workers and everyone else involved in this segment of society should've seen this coming and made contingency plans for shelter overflow from the start.

Greater Montreal COVID-19 reopening put off as cases in region surge We have been waiting patiently almost 2 months now for stores to reopen at least temporarily so we can get some much needed computer parts so my husband can finish fixing my computer someday. Hopefully this century if not this year.

Greyhound Canada suspends all bus routes in Canada due to COVID-19 I thought they had abolished all Canadian bus routes a long time ago.

SQ arrests 2 after string of Quebec cellphone tower fires I'm not saying that the cellphone towers cause anything, or even validating their paranoia, all I'm doing is stating facts: All radio waves, micro waves, sonar & radar waves, x-rays etc all fall in the light spectrum and while the scientists may want to deny that any exposures to them except x-rays won't hurt you. Anyone in their right minds already knows microwaves will and there were even towers set up around the white house that basically disables all electronics of anything flying nearby and causes them to crash and some reportedly (in the 70s at least) burned the bodies of the occupants of those disabled craft. At the time they were said (I believe if my memory serves me correctly) to be microwave dishes on towers to bring down any aircraft that would have the audacity to fly in the restricted airspace over the white house. I think the corpse burning was an unintended feature, that may have been rectified since that report was aired, but we don't know. So yes various waves on the light spectrum scale can and do hurt, injure and kill people. Whether this particular frequency does or not, I don't know. I just know it's patently absurd and downright lies when scientists comes out and says the only thing on that spectrum that can hurt you is x-rays and in the UV spectrum itself. So do the frequencies involved in cellphone transmissions of any technology level hurt the human body? We know without a doubt that the cellphone itself does. It's the radiation emitted from it, that does.  We know high tension  power lines on the towers that conveys power to everyone's households causes leukemia in young children, if they live or go to school within 600 yards of such a tower. That is known. So I don't know about this. I'm not saying those 2 are right, but then again I don't know if they're wrong either. I know when cellphones started to take off, schools and churches and places where people congregate, those buildings' rooftops were being rented out as prime real estate to cellphone tower companies. Then there was a loud outcry about an uptick and in cancer cases (and I don't know if was proven or not) and they made the cellphone companies remove their towers from their rooftops and find another place to put them, as a result. In any case, like the saying goes "it's better to be safe rather than sorry". So maybe on the side of caution, I'd back those two until science proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's harmless.

As Quebec opens up, Canada's top science adviser questions province's lack of COVID-19 testing  But whyyyy? Why would they test everyone? Especially if they're not interested in knowing how many have had it, how many have it and how many haven't had it yet! They only want to know if those with symptoms has it or not, that's all. They're not interested in finding out how prevalent is has been in the population and how many may already be immune to it (or at least have some antibodies to it). So of course if you don't have symptoms they don't want to test you.

P.E.I. Supreme Court extends bankruptcy protection during pandemic Something other provinces may have to soon start thinking about too.

Splendid isolation: islands prove safe ports in virus storm That's what happens when you have someone who can see past the end of their noses and see what's coming in order to make preparations to deal with it properly. Unlike the idiots in Canada.

Authorities can't enter private property without a warrant, but this defence lawyer still has concerns So in other words an over zealous power tripping cop cannot go onto your property to give you tickets for social distancing or knock on the door and hand you a ticket for it either because you have a relative over dinner or just a piece of cake and coffee.  On public property - just like with your vehicles they can try to ticket you as much as they want (whether you fight them and they stick or not is irrelevant), but not on private property. 

And here's a little tip that I learnt from a friend who happened to be the sister to a cop, they can not hide on private property or in driveways or parking lots belonging to private businesses or individuals in order to watch for traffic violators. If they were in a private parking lot watching traffic and then take off from there  chasing the violator down to give them a ticket you can fight that in court and win hands down as that's illegal too.

Pandemic causing 'unprecedented' threat to beef and pork producers: industry That's why if you have the freezer space and the money you should buy as much meat now, as possible to hopefully last you for a few months until this problem has passed.

Shutdown of tent cities a chance to change housing policy, advocates say  That would be great if it's not just some fleabag hotel with no private bathroom or cooking facilities in the rooms they plan on using instead.  

Canadians trust doctors, scientists and government more since pandemic began I don't know who they polled because everyone I know trusts the government and certain doctors less. 

Planning for a disaster during COVID-19 is no easy task I don't imagine it's an easy task at any time.  So I find this an astonishingly stupid title, if there ever was one.

Nova Scotia's proposed 5-step plan to lift restrictions could take years to complete Years? What are the people who work in the sectors that don't open again for another few years supposed to do for a living in the meantime? Not everyone like raking moss on the side of the road in the fog, nor going out fishing. So what else will they be able to do to support themselves in the meantime?

Quebec School Reopening Rules Will Restrict Students I hope that it's not going to be like that forever, or else we'll be looking at little blimps, akin to the wheelchair robots in the Wall-E cartoon, as they won't be allowed to move an inch to burn a single calorie off all day long.

Quebec relies on hundreds of asylum seekers in long-term care battle against COVID-19 It's because of, all the different personnel that keeps traipsing in and out of those facilities that the seniors are dying. Look at the 2 examples where no one traipsed in and out and all the personnel stayed inside with the seniors until lockdown finished. None of the seniors or other people there had the virus and no one died. Here though the personnel are not only changed daily but at every shift as well. If there's 3 shifts a day there, well there's at least 3 different people that they're being exposed to and just because today the 3 workers had no virus exposure, doesn't mean that this time tomorrow when they come back to work they won't have had, especially if they had to come into contact with other people while buying groceries, getting gas, at the bank, or on public transit. If one or all 3 workers get it and get quarantined at home, that means they'll be replaced by 3 more workers and we're back again with the same story. So it'll never end as long as you keep doing it that way. So stop frantically looking around for a ton of people and find the people who are already doing the job and are not infected and quarantine them inside the facility with the other residents who aren't infected, while removing the infected ones to a medical facility and then afterwards to another holding facility until they can go back to their original one after the all clear is given for everyone.

Ontario fire marshal warns against microwaving face masks It's sad that the fire marshal has to actually warn people about this, but yeah.... He's right.

A record 20.5 million jobs were lost in April as unemployment rate jumps to 14.7% Those are pretty close to the Great Depression unemployment numbers.

Federal Debt Tops $25 Trillion for First Time; Jumped $1 Trillion in Just 28 Days  I'm pretty sure Trudeau's in competition with him, trying to see who can run their debts up the quickest.

German Towns To Reimpose Shutdowns Over Virus Clusters

Dow ends week 455 points higher, shaking off the worst U.S. unemployment rate since the Great Depression   Let's see if that momentum is maintained tomorrow, when the stock market reopens.

How coronavirus — a 'rich man's disease' — infected the poor

Why farmers dump food and crops while grocery stores run dry and Americans struggle  You know I don't get the excuse of restaurants, school cafeterias, etc, being the reason for drastic reduction in food supply, considering that it's the precise same amount of people eating now as prepandemic. So what they ate elsewhere. Just because they ate elsewhere doesn't mean they were eating more. They probably ate the same amount, just maybe then they were eating more junk food than they are now.  So their eating habits have changed, but they still eat and it's still the same amount of people who are eating probably about the same amount of meals as well. So what's the problem here?

Study: Patients Low In Vitamin D Twice As Likely To Develop Severe COVID-19 Symptoms Someone up there is looking out for me big time as this is the third article I've come across indicating that something helps prevent or protect one from the virus and so far I'm batting 3 of 3. This time I was prescribed at the very beginning of January (just before I had what I think was my infection from it), 10,000 units of vitamin D to take once a week.  So, I have the inhaler for my asthma that they use to help people fight the disease while on the ventilators, I have the vitamin D necessary to ward off severe symptoms and according to that nicotine story out of France, I was a heavy smoker for a few decades (though I haven't smoked in 11 years now, I guess - yeah June 2009 is when we quit, so yeah 11 years) - don't know if that's been too long to be of any good, but maybe....

The latest fallout from COVID-19? A ‘tsunami of hate’ across world, says UN chief I hope that they don't decide to turn their rage against the seniors figuring it's all the seniors faults that they were quarantined and that if there were no seniors around there would've been no quarantine. Because I can see that coming, considering how the officials kept saying to stay home to protect the seniors (which made no sense to me considering the seniors were also told to stay home and go no where and see no one - so if the seniors did that, then everyone else could've done as they pleased and it wouldn't have had any affect on the seniors). But hey I guess everyone needs an excuse which hopefully doesn't wind up being a scapegoat for the quarantines.  Though I can see it becoming that. Like I said before I think the gov'ts have devised the perfect way to kill the seniors off altogether. If they can't infect them and kill them in the death camps called seniors residences and long term care facilities, they'll try to starve them by forcing a 21% increase in the cost of living on them with no additonal money to cover that cost of living increase given to them. Which will make them fall behind in payments because they won't have the money to keep absorbing that extra 21% charge and so wind up getting kicked out of their dwelling or starving or maybe both. That is if the credit card doesn't max out first - which will surely cause starvation as they won't be able to pay for food any other way over the phone or the internet (even if they have money in their bank accounts). If none of that gets them then maybe the ensuing backlash and rage that is bound to be directed at them by those who lost everything due to the "quarantine to protect the elderly" BS.

What To Know About 'Kawasaki Disease Symptoms' In Kids And COVID-19

Jim Cramer reveals his 'Mad Covid-19 Index' of stocks for this 'tricky environment' Anyone looking to make money now on the stock market might want to invest in some of these stocks.

Pandemic nesters: what it's like to move back with your parents during lockdown

Global report: Madrid told not to ease lockdown as Italy warns rule-breakers

Could you pick four lockdown friends? Belgians must make tough choices as restrictions ease I could, that would be easy. I just don't know as it'd be as easy for them though. They might decide they'd rather see other people than us.

Canada finance minister denounces 'unacceptable' leak of jobs data Well of course they don't like the leak because they haven't had a chance to put their fancy shiny optimistic spin on it yet.

No photos allowed at this year's Canadian Tulip Festival It's a CANADIAN Tulip festival. So CANADIANS ACROSS THE COUNTRY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO AT LEAST SEE PICTURES OF IT.  This gov't is so freaking insane they make no sense at all.

PAY DAY New bill could give Americans $2,000 monthly coronavirus stimulus checks for up to 90 days after pandemic $2,000 a month seems to be the new magic number that everyone's trying out, except the seniors they're still stuck with their piddly little subsistence cheques, and their sudden 21% cost of living increase, here in Canada, at least.

Statistician argues that COVID-19 figures hint at ‘staggering number’ of deaths ahead

Feds reject eight million N95 masks from a single distributor

Canadian invention that helps patients recovering from COVID-19 approved in U.S. Well at least the US uses the stuff we Canadians invent even if the 3 stooges in Ottawa won't.

Here's the real American Way and our Road to Recovery

Trump says coronavirus will 'go away without a vaccine' Well if a vaccine is never developed, it'll kind of have to go away on it's own eventually after enough people become immune to it.

Community gardens open to delight of green thumbs Wondering when or if the community gardens like this will be opening soon in Montreal? Right now I have my own gardens but I don't know as I'll be planting them this year because the growing season seems to be rather shorter than usual due to the cold weather we've been having lately.

In the early days of the pandemic, the U.S. government turned down an offer to manufacture millions of N95 masks in America, I swear both our governments in the US & Canada couldn't be any dumber if they tried. Both of them managed to do all they could to make sure they weren't equipped for this virus. Accidentally? Or accidentally on purpose? I think the whole thing world wide (well at least in the Western G whatever countries) this was all orchestrated and timed on purpose, including the PPE shortages etc.

Armed With Swabs, Covid Hunters Stalk Their Prey

As many as 75,000 could die from "deaths of despair" as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. One expert says economic turmoil has always led to an increase in suicides.  Not to mention solitary confinement which is what's being forced on many of us, especially seniors, who aren't even allowed out to buy their own groceries, or to see anyone at all.

Death toll grows to 3 for children in New York with COVID-19-related syndrome

'Found Unresponsive at Home': Grim Records Recount Lonely Deaths Very, very sad. There's no excuse for this.

China 'shocked' by U.S. reversal on U.N. coronavirus action: diplomat

Jim Bakker’s Prepper Village Is Having the Worst Apocalypse Ever Remember Jim & Tammy Bakker from the 70s and 80s and all their legal woes? Well Jim Bakker is back at it again! This time he's being charged with fraud in connection with an alleged COVID19 cure. He just never knows when to quit, does he?

South Korea's Moon warns of COVID-19 second wave as cases rebound

Protesters Battle Toronto Snow in Call for End to Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions Even Canadians are now protesting for an end to this nonsense. That's quite something for Canadians. Normally we're all just a bunch of sheeple following the wolf off the side of the cliff.

Coronavirus CAN enter the body through the eyes: Scientists find eye cells are a prime target for the deadly virus to attach to We already knew this. The Chinese doctor that was silenced and then died  from coronavirus first told the world. That's why ever since then everyone's wanted face shields if not safety goggles.

As deaths mount, Trump tries to convince Americans it’s safe to inch back to normal

Amid coronavirus news, many need to step away Precisely. That's precisely why I've been posting pages of links to other fun, fascinating and informative sites. To take my mind and maybe yours off this dreary neverending deadly virus.

Coronavirus spread accelerates again in Germany

US virus patients and businesses sue China over outbreak I think while they're at it they should also sue Tedros from the WHO if not the WHO itself.

Virus Conspiracists Elevate a New Champion I'll let you decide for yourself if she's a conspiracy theorist, a doctor, or something other than either of those by allowing you to read the article (allegations against her are in the article) her book (mentionned in the article) downloadable here via the longfiles link: Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science - it's an epub.  The official Plandemic Movie Site -  And concerning her this is something that ought to have you questioning the "authorities" version versus her's: ‘Plandemic’: Was Judy Mikovits Arrested Without a Warrant and Jailed Without Charges?  

I highly recommend that if nothing else, that if you don't want to read her book, you should at least listen to her "Plandemic" video while you can.  I have been enraged at the doctors not speaking up and sitting on their thumbs while the pandemic raged on, and not understanding why they weren't speaking up. Until now. See the whole medical establishment's rules and methods of working seems to have changed a lot since I was in nursing over 40 years ago. When I was a nurse the system seemed to be for the most part straight up and honest. Doctors were there to prevent people from getting sick in the first place and help those who did to recover and to advise the public health officers of any potential contagions in the community. Public health officers contacted quarantine officers who were responsible for ensuring the contagious patient & their contacts maintained quarantine.  That's how all things like this were handled since modern medicine started. NOT THE BS WAY IT'S BEING DONE NOW! To understand better what's going on and why and who's behind it. You really do need to see that video and if you have time (and since we're all under lockdown now, who doesn't?) read her book.  The mainstream media is trying to paint her as an anti-vaxxer (or someone who doesn't believe in vaccines), she herself says she's an immunologist meaning she does work with and believes greatly in vaccines. Just I suppose not BS vaccines that will probably never exist or if it does, it'll just be a bogus vaccine that doesn't do anything except make  Fauci & Gates a ton of money.  Anyhow watch the video for yourself and decide for yourself whether the mainstream media is right or if she might be right instead.

Anxious About the Virus, Older Voters Grow More Wary of Trump Here in Canada I'd grow more wary of Trudeau as well, since he seems to be doing his best to ignore the seniors and their plight. So far as he's concerned they're locked up out of sight and thus out of mind and that seems to be the way he wants to keep them. He doesn't even want to have remember them for anything either, especially helping them out financially since by his edicts he's gone and increased their overall cost of living by 21% (credit card interest charges tacked onto all their purchases). I guess he figures they can continue to pay those interest charges forever with no help, even though they barely get enough to live on as it is. So yeah, the seniors should rally together to demand the opposition parties call for a non-confidence vote and have the little idiot kicked out of office.

As if Covid-19 was not enough, other virus outbreaks are erupting around the world

Cargill meat-processing plant south of Montreal says 64 workers infected with COVID-19 As if having one plant down wasn't bad enough....

'Families face impossible choice': Boris Johnson's new back-to-work rules condemned

COVID-19 pandemic prompts urbanites to rethink 'grand bargain' of dense city living "Grand bargain" is that what you call all the crowds, the middle of the night party makers, the sirens, and all of that? Really. Could've fooled me.

The wages of fear: The pandemic and the future of low-paid 'essential' work

Here's why a positive test doesn't always mean you have COVID-19 Because a lot of tests being used are faulty that's to start.

Here's how Torontonians vulnerable to COVID-19 are celebrating Mother's Day Since it is still Mother's Day after all. Here's wishing all Mother's a Happy One again!