Showing posts with label Astra Zeneca Vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astra Zeneca Vaccine. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Totally Burnt-Out Reading & Posting Headlines About....



March 16, 2021

Finally! It's been a complete year since this blog started and so now I'm putting it to rest. It'll remain online as long as google permits it to, but the only updates I'll be doing from now on are spontaneous at best and will be things that I find of interest and think might interest others, along with the much promised Bill Gates - Great Reset post when it's ready, though I can't promise when that'll be so keep checking back from time to time if you're interested in it. 

I'd like to thank my visitors for visiting and reading the posts, Google for hosting my blog and Pixabay for the many free graphics I've availed myself of over the course of this blog.

I'd like to say it was fun, but it wasn't really. What it was though, was eye-opening, I can tell you that. Even though I was a nurse, I never realized or knew how political the medical profession was. Yes, I knew that here in Canada we were all basically employed by the government - seeing as how medicare is a government construct allowing patients to get treated without out of pocket or bank costs and physicians, clinics and hospitals to get paid. 

In the beginning I was totally mystified as to why the gov'ts world wide were handling the pandemic the way they were, with total mass lockdowns, when it should've been only the infected and those in contact with them, being STRICTLY quarantined for the STANDARD 40 DAYS. That would've not only stopped the virus from spreading like it did, but allowed the economy to continue and not ruin people financially because of the disease. But more than that when the Drs. in Wuhan were describing what was happening there even though they still hadn't identified and named the virus yet, people around the world should've been alarmed enough to start closing their borders to foreign travellers, to keep whatever that disease was out of their countries. But no one did and in fact Mr. Moron Face, the witch doctor and the art teacher who are all in charge of Canada and it's public health decided not to because they didn't want to hurt the feelings of Chinese travellers. Or so that was the excuse they used, but I think it had more to do with a global plan to initiate the "Great Reset" as I will talk about in a future post on here.

Suffice to say ALL OF THE WORLD LEADERS, THE HEAD OF THE WHO, WEF & BILL GATES NEEDS TO BE TRIED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY & MASS SENICIDE IF NOT GENOCIDE (which is what it amounts to). And the heads of the public health agencies world wide - assuming they are actual doctors, ought to be held for criminal negligence causing senicide and or genocide, because as Doctors they should've known better and spoken out against all the gov't BS dictating how this plandemic was treated, legislated, regulated and handled overall. That's besides the mad scientists that engineered and released that virus to begin with.

Untold billions of people have suffered NEEDLESSLY, just because Gates, & Schwab wanted 1) to vaccinate everyone in the world (for whatever f'd up reason they might have) and 2) have a "great reset" to reset the economy and ways of life etc.... 
People have lost their lives, people have lost loved ones, people have lost their jobs, people have lost their homes, people have lost their businesses, couples have broken up because of too much together time,  more incidents of women being abused, people have lost friends because of lost connections with them, people have gone hungry due to loss of income, kids have lost several months of schooling and socializing (which is detrimental to developing social skills) and now it seems more and more people are losing their minds because of being constantly alone and depressed. Some are even taking their own lives now and it's not just the virus doing it anymore. There's been uncalculable amount of harm done to people, society, the economy and mental health. 
Just because of two greedy guts ash holes, neither of which has a half hour's worth of medical education and it would seem, any kind of education. Bill Gates is good at one thing and only one thing and that is stealing other people's computer code and rewriting parts of it in order to claim it as his own (CP/M and Apple's GUI). CP/M was the forerunner of DOS and Apple's GUI was the forerunner of Windows. That's all that conniving lying cheating ash hole is good at and as for Schwab, I'll find out as I do more research on him, but I think his claim to fame is as an economist or someone in finance. Neither of those two clowns probably doesn't even have a First Aid medical certificate, let alone a Ph.D. in medicine.
And having seen all of this unravel before my very eyes over the last year, I am even more skeptical and cynical about this plandemic than ever and it's getting to the point where any whiff of a falsehood being planted in the public mind as fact makes me see red and I want to strangle someone or something. So before I lose it completely and wind up with a stroke or with a bazooka to hunt down those clowns in order to do them in, I should quit while I'm still ahead. Still maintaining my sanity and innocence by not acting on the very crimes I'd love to commit just out of pure rage.
Therefore I am not quitting this too soon. So this will be the last headlines post here. From now on you'll be on your own to stay on top of the shennanigans of this plandemic and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of all the restrictions, rules, laws, fines, and whatever other BS regarding this major disaster there are. So all I can do is wish you good luck with it and hope that all my visitors manage to avoid this disease like the plague it is and stay well. Here's wishing everyone the best. 
Now for the final time, get your reading glasses and a good stiff drink (because by the time you get to the end of this post you may need it)....
Meet the Toronto nurse who REFUSED a COVID test and quarantine Here's a nurse that's a current day nurse and here's what she has to say about it. BTW, pay attention to (and pause the video if necessary in order to see it) the text that is shown on the screen at the start of it after the BS warning from YouTube. It's time Canadians woke up to the reality and stopped being made to fear and cower before the draconian overlords who get their jollies from putting their boots to us, ticketing us, fining us, jailing us etc.... ALL FOR NOTHING! It's time we put our foot down (or collective feet) and stood up to them and told them where their votes and pay cheques from their constituents crossed the road.  That WE ARE THEIR BOSSES & NOT THE REVERSE WHERE THEY SOMEHOW THINK THEY'RE OUR BOSSES. They NEED to be taught a lesson by THE REAL BOSSES. THE SOONER THE BETTER. So I HIGHLY COMMEND THIS NURSE FOR SPEAKING OUT! MORE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS NEED TO DO THE SAME!
'No culture, no future': Actress in naked lockdown protest at French Oscars Some people have no qualms about making statements, no matter what's required. Good for her!  More people ought to start parading around France naked, to make a more forceful statement,  although the French would probably like that. 

I guess being in almost the same boat as we are as far as vaccines go, they're desperate enough to approve of it too and also use not only it, but the Sputnick one as well.
The Latest: All Duke University undergrads must quarantine And these are undergrads? Not the brightest crayons in the box, are they? How'd they make it that far in university anyhow? Must've had someone else doing their work for them. 

After a dark year, Broadway sees light at the end of the summer They should. Considering they're probably in the only country in the world with hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine at their disposal and ordering and hoarding as much as they can possibly get their greedy grubby paws on. There's not even 400 million people in the US so why do they need bajillions of doses???? What are they going to do with it? Inoculate everyone 60 times each? With the same vaccines? I mean I know there's a lot of them that are inbred village idiots, there, but all of them???? Gawd, you'd figure that someone would tell them that they don't need more than double the amount of doses they have in numbers in population, if they have 2 doses vaccines, even less if they're using 1 dose vaccines. So yeah they'd better see light at the end of their tunnel, or else if they don't it's because it's collapsed and all their hoarded vaccines went bad on them (which is what they'd deserve if they hoarded them and wouldn't use them even though they have expiration dates on them).

US workers faced harrowing year on pandemic front lines Oh boo hoo, woe is me! Hello there people.... It's not JUST the US workers who faced a harrowing year on pandemic front lines, I would imagine that all front line workers the world over, faced the same thing! Some worse than in the US though as some countries have zilch for a social safety net, so many front line workers either went to work amid those dangerous conditions or they didn't eat or have any sort of financial help from anyone least of all their government.

Merkel party suffers heavy losses in German state polls  I hope the same thing happens here in Canada and the Lieberals get wiped out as a party and the same with the CAQ in QC. It would serve both of them right. 
Yo-Yo Ma marks second jab with surprise concert in clinic I have to say that that's a very kind and thoughtful gesture to the people doing the vaccinations and the ones receiving them too. It probably cheered up a lot of people and put them at ease as well. Kudos to him.

Fauci: US weighs 3-foot distancing rule, a major change  I would think if everyone was fully vaccinated there wouldn't need to be any foot rule. But hey they've got to keep us apart for as long as possible using any excuse possible, I guess. Well one thing it does is teaches more of us to stand on our own two feet and rely on ourselves to get by and some people need that. 
US administers 100 mn Covid shots: official data Quoting the story now: 

Health workers in the United States have administered more than 100 million Covid-19 vaccine doses, an official tracker showed Friday, around 30 percent of the world's total of shots in arms so far.

A total of 101,128,005 shots have been administered, according to the latest tally posted Friday afternoon by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That's since January 20th of this year. BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE VACCINES AVAILABLE TO THEM UNLIKE CANADA WHO DOESN'T & AS A RESULT HAS ONLY MUSTERED 3 MILLION OR SO SHOTS SINCE MID DECEMBER 2020!  That figure of 101 million is MORE THAN 3 TIMES OUR ENTIRE POPULATION!!!! We can't even get 1/10th of our population done in 3 months time because we don't have any vaccines with which to work and our so-called friends and allies won't share any with us. 

 India A DEVELOPING COUNTRY SHARED SOME VACCINES WITH US INDIA!!!!! NOT THE US & NOT EUROPE!!!!!! The ones we got from Europe we not only paid for in advance, but had to fight tooth and nail to make them honour their contract with us and send it to us, but it definitely wasn't given to us. 

As for the US all they've given us is a bunch of f'n headaches over everything to do with this f'n plandemic that they and China probably started in cahoots with each other.  Well hey.... The Wuhan lab was Chinese for sure, but Gilead Sciences was American and so is the Gates Foundation and the WEF (even though they like to call it the World economic forum - it's mostly the US since the UN is based in NY USA).  

The Latest: Mexico's president knocks US over vaccines  This story very succinctly makes the same case as I was making above.... Quoting text: 

MEXICO CITY — Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador took a dig at the U.S. government Sunday, saying the United States has not helped Mexico with coronavirus vaccines.

López Obrador thanked India and Russia, which have each sent small amounts of vaccines, and China, whose firms have promised millions of doses.

López Obrador said “I hope that soon I will be able to say thanks to the U.S. government, because I am sure they are going to help too, it is just that that haven’t done so so far.”

Sputnik V in eastern Europe: Propaganda tool or godsend? 

Australia says working on travel bubble with Singapore 

Double-masking not necessary, proper mask usage more important: Singapore experts   I agree. I mean what's the point of wearing a mask if you're just going to wear it down around your chin anyhow? So if you wear two is the other going to be worn above your eyes on your forehead while the other covers your chin? If so, how do you figure they'll help you worn there, anyhow? 

Western Australia re-elects state govt after strict Covid-19 closure Those who used their brains to protect their people like this guy did, will win re-elections, but those who were too stupid to be able to even think about what should be done, or who do have brains, but did everything bassackwards like here in QC, probably won't be re-elected. I know for sure numbnuts in Ottawa proabably won't be. If he is, then all that proves to me is that the Cdn public are even stupider than I already give them credit for being.

Beyonce makes history, Taylor wins top prize and Megan slays at Grammys

After long pandemic year, a changed New York shows renewal 

Goldman CEO’s Year of Empty Offices, Island Getaways and Strife 

Israeli anti-vaxxers submit ethics complaint to ICC - report 0.25% is still 22,500 people roughly. So that's not insignificant. The percentage makes it look insignificant but when you realize it's that percentage of over 9 million people, then it adds up and is way more significant than the percentage makes it look and if you're one of those 22,500 people it's really significant to you.

Treatment for COVID-19 is better than a year ago, but it still has a long way to go

Pandemic redefines ‘public’ access to government meetings Just the way the gov't likes it too, that way there's no one to be transparent and thus accountable to and no one challenging them on their draconian laws, pet projects (that they personally want but maybe no one else does), on secret spending (like on their own perks and pensions - hidden increases on them maybe) and all sorts of nifty things they can now get away with. It's not blue murder but it might as well be.

States Are Finding More Unreported Covid-19 Deaths 

Call of the wild: Great outdoors is great escape in pandemic Unless you have ash hole cops following you with tape measures and ticket books, like the Montreal cops seems to like to do. 

Elon Musk has cast doubt on the safety of the second COVID-19 jab in a tweet to his millions of followers

Point: Why It’s Important to Completely Open the Economy 

Three people in Norway treated for "unusual symptoms" after AstraZeneca COVID-19 shots That's scary. Maybe it's good Canada didn't get all of these vaccines as soon as all the other countries did. That way we can see what's happening to the other people who get these vaccines (assuming it's not hushed up and we're told the full truth), that way we can make better decisions on which vaccines to get. 

AstraZeneca finds no evidence of increased blood clot risk from vaccine

Why Europe may no longer be a COVID-19 infection barometer for the U.S. Don't be so smarmy there US, you're not out of the woods yet. A lot can happen between now and then. Maybe one of these variants (not yet known) will become dominant and super contagious and virulent that none of your vaccine stockpile works on. Then we'll see who's ahead of who and for how long. And in your case, it would serve you right.

'No doubt' further waves of infections to come, warns head of ONS  Yup Bill Gates' wet dream.... A never ending supply of clients for his vaccines and boosters - once he gets through vaccinating a few billion of us, he gets to turn around and give them all booster shots over and over again, until the end of time. Like I said before this virus is proving to be a cash cow for the pharmaceutical companies. 

'Considerable degree of normality' possible by July, Fauci says; Duke in lockdown; learn status of your stimulus cash: COVID-19 updates 

Trump Should Encourage His Supporters To Get Vaccinated, Fauci Says 

AstraZeneca's lower EU vaccine supply target hinges on factory approval: document 

Diplomat hotel workers protest to keep their jobs after a yearlong furlough 

Spend on haircuts, home renos and restaurants to stimulate recovery: economists We already do spend on restaurants, but we do our own home repairs and reno and haircuts. We're not the richest people on the planet so we have to save money however we can.

Mayor: Baltimore will maintain COVID-19 restrictions

Exclusive: AstraZeneca to seek U.S. authorization for COVID-19 vaccine this month or early next - sources What for? They don't need it. They already have enough vaccine to vaccinate everyone 25x over.

Canada is lagging in vaccine distribution, but that could change soon: Microbiologist   He's counting on us getting and using the Astra Zeneca vaccines - the one that no one wants.... So that begs the question, why should we want it? Are we really that desperate that we'll take anything? Or is this merely another means for the Cdn gov't to kill off certain people - like certain age groups or those with certain health problems?  

Officials declare COVID-19 outbreak at B.C. glass company, exposure at Yukon mine 

Quebec moves to temporarily cap fees charged to restaurants by food delivery apps 

Saskatchewan's cutoff age for booking COVID-19 vaccine appointments drops again 

How the pandemic put excuses in perspective and pushed these people to make positive life changes Well at least "some" good came out of it.... Though we need a lot more good to come out of it, to compensate for all the bad it's caused.

College students celebrating spring break despite continuation of COVID-19 pandemic

Is Working From Home Ruining My Vision? If you work in the office on a computer and you work at home on a computer, how's that any different for your vision? If your vision is getting worse it's not because of where you work but the type of work you're doing (working on a computer). 

Indigenous-only COVID-19 immunization clinic launches Monday in Calgary

Contrary to sensational reporting, Indigenous people aren't scared of a COVID-19 vaccine 

Ontario's COVID-19 vaccine booking system ready to launch for those eligible: Ford

French must avoid lockdown as infections hold above 26,000: PM says 

'This is what we do': Ontario family clinics join COVID-19 vaccine campaign 

Edmontonians step up to keep food bank open at Africa Centre That's good to hear, food is such a vital resource for everyone. No one should have to go hungry anywhere in North America, considering how rich the countries are and how much food is available on this continent. There's more than enough for everyone, considering the amount there is, on top of the amount that's wasted daily.

Bookings to close soon for AstraZeneca vaccine in Alberta as supplies dwindle

More provinces expanding vaccine rollouts as COVID-19 cases rise nationally Yeah sure expanding alright.... At a ridiculously slow snail's pace.

Coronavirus: Ford says province capable of administering 4.8 million vaccines monthly, asks for more supply  That seems to be ridiculously slow too, considering that in each of the videos and news pictures that I've seen of these vaccination centers there's at least 30 "vaccination stations" set up in them. So that means there would be at least 30 people there giving the vaccine. Now let's say each person can give say maximum 10 shots per hour (even that's dreadfully slow, but we'll allow about 5 minutes or so per patient to come sit down roll up their sleeve, get the shot, pick up and move on), so in an 8 hour day that would be 80 shots per station. Multiply that by 30 and that's 2400 shots at that one vaccination center PER DAY (that's 8 hour days now if they operate 24 hours per day like some are said to do that would be even more). Now if you have ONLY 10 of those centers in the province that's 24,000 shots a day.  In a month that would be about 720,000 shots given at just those 10 centers. Now we KNOW Ontario is going to have more than just 10 vaccination centers in the entire province. Hopefully they'd have more than 60 such centers (which is the amount you'd need to make that goal of 4.8 million shots in a month) across the province, because it is a HUGE province. You'd need several in southern Ontario alone, from Toronto on south and then in places like Kingston, Cornwall, Ottawa, Pembroke, Wawa, Sudbury, Barry, Thunderbay and so on because you can't expect someone living in one of those named places to travel to another of those mentionned places to get a shot, as there's considerable distance between them. So at least one center in each of those places, but lots of those places will require way more than 1 center for sure. So there should be at least a 100 such centers if not more across the province giving shots, so you should be able to manage completely vaccinating the entire province in one month.  The same could be said for all the provinces especially the ones with the smaller population sizes. But even Quebec should be able to manage if they'd get their act together and start being serious about vaccinating the entire population and not just those in Montreal & Laval.

Netherlands halts use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine A lot of countries have stopped using this vaccine because of problems but yet our unqualified snowboard instructor that's our PM says the shots are fine and we have nothing to worry about. 

Canadian travellers reflect on being repatriated at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic  OMG, I remember this. Our friends who live next door to us asked us to look after their dogs, while they took a trip to Cuba, which they needed as a reprieve from the year before where they both were being treated for serious medical conditions. In the spring they saw an awesome deal on a trip to Cuba for 2 weeks with airfare and hotel included and so they decided to go (this was before the plandemic was declared by that fraud at the WHO). So they got us to look after their houseplants and dogs while they were gone. Then the plandemic was declared and the gov't was going to shut the border down at such a date (which was before their scheduled return) and if they didn't get back before then, they could be stuck there until who knew when. So I tried to email her several times to let her know about it because I wasn't sure she'd find out in Cuba, about what was going on in Canada. But where she was there was no internet so she didn't get the emails I sent. Fortunately someone in the hotel where they were staying had found out from someone and told them. So they managed to get home the day before the border was supposed to close. Phew, because we were worried they might not make it and one of their dogs was old and having health problems too and we just wouldn't have known what they would've wanted us to do about it if they couldn't make it back to look after him themselves.

Canada's ex-central banker gives country low marks for pandemic preparedness, A+ for benefit spending  This guy should've been our finance minister or maybe even PM as he has more brains in his little finger than all the clowns together in the Lieberal party in Ottawa. 

'Patchwork quilt' approach to COVID-19 vaccine rollout frustrates worker groups

China announced easier visa requirements for foreign travelers who are vaccinated with the Chinese-made COVID-19 shots Like as if anyone wants to go to that two faced back stabbing country to begin with.

Survivors struggle as scientists race to solve COVID mystery

Boris Johnson and fellow leaders back day of reflection on anniversary of first COVID lockdown 

Lagging vaccination rate puts Canadian factories at competitive disadvantage

Protests erupt in Jordan after COVID-19 hospital deaths scandal 

Art workshop for people with mental disabilities battles through pandemic challenges

How a Viking-themed meadery opened in a rural P.E.I. gas station during a pandemic Well now, that'll give me an excuse to finally take a trip to see the one and only province I haven't yet seen.  Anne of Green Gables house isn't that big of an appeal to me, nor is Confederation House, or Confederation Bridge either for that matter, none of which I've been dying see. But Viking Mead.... I'd love to try and if I only have to go to PEI to try some instead of Scandinavia, then I'll pack my bags to head there once the plandemic is over and we can go. Geez, maybe they can open a Viking Mead pub kind of thing in Nfld near L'Anse Aux Meadows - we went there and they had animators dressed as vikings, doing some of the stuff viking men did back in the day that establishment was built. So I'm sure a Viking Mead Pub just outside the park (because it's a Federal park and I'm sure they won't allow alcohol inside the park) would be a nice addition to the whole area's theme. Just an idea...

Analysis: A sobering strategy for pandemic times: Japan brewers bank on alcohol-free beer boom   It's sold here. I don't know how big of a seller it is, but I guess for those who used to guzzle beer like it was going out of style but can't drink anymore due to health related problems, they still drink it. I know that whenever our son mistakenly picks up a pack of it and discovers it's alcohol free, he promptly drops it off here, because he knows that even though we don't drink it, I will find a use for it in recipes. It is good for cooking with, that's why I like it.

Airport to arm: How AHS is moving COVID-19 vaccine around the province

Alberta identifies 1st Brazil COVID-19 variant cases in the province Oh oh! Try to keep that sucker contained, okay!?! Don't let it spread around the place.

From restaurant staff to pilots, pandemic is pushing people in hard-hit professions to retrain for new jobs

Coronavirus pandemic restrictions can help or hinder schoolchildren with anxiety disorders 

The pandemic has disrupted childhood vaccinations, dropping by 11 million doses in the past year: CDC director  Covid has disrupted all aspects of health care for all age groups and all conditions. So this isn't much of a surprise. 

MPs’ report scathing on UK’s handling and sharing of Covid data  I wish we could get a report on how Bozo Brains, the Genocidal Witch Doctor and Kindergarten Art Teacher handled the plandemic here in Canada. But that's doubtful because they don't want people to know how atrociously negligent and bad they were. 

UK firms see sharper 2021 rebound than international peers: Accenture

Joanna Lumley: Covid pandemic has made environmental crisis much worse But there's another side to that coin, air pollution has dropped a lot due to less travelling by automobiles and planes. So while there might be more garbage - plastic garbage generated because of the plandemic, there's less air pollution too.

N.B. pharmacies busy taking appointments for COVID-19 vaccine

In a Regina retirement home, boxing and pool keep pandemic loneliness at bay Everyone living in a retirement home should be so lucky as to have amenities like that available to them, but the sad fact is most don't. Most are locked in tiny rooms with nothing to do but stare out a window or read and maybe go to a common room to play cards and watch TV with others.

When March Break never ended and the COVID spring began

Governments delay access to public records during pandemic So much for transparency and accountability eh? But this doesn't surprise me. Governments are using this plandemic for more nefarious things than just keeping us locked in our homes forever. They're using it as an excuse to crack down on people, fine and jail them, deny them their rights and hide their real agenda from their taxpaying voters. AKA bosses who hired them and pay them their salaries. Too bad we have to wait 4 years to fire them though. When we work for companies when the boss figures he's had enough of us and our shennanigans we're shown the door immediately, he doesn't have to wait 4 years or even 4 hours to boot us out. It should be the same for those imbeciles in parliament. We should be able to boot their sorry ashes out the moment we've had enough too.

Coronavirus: Brits shop closer to home due to lockdown while half of spending is online

Indigenous Grand Council, Tribal Council hold virtual variety show to lift spirits I know I'm posting about this story too late for anyone to see it live, but maybe if you visit their facebook page you'll get to see it or parts of it maybe. I know I would've liked to have seen it, if I could've.

Federal government adding more hotels to its quarantine list  I hope they have better prices, accommodations and  food than some of the others were reported to have.

Check your paperwork or you may wind up with an $8M tax bill like this barista  Gawd the CRA is not only getting super sloppy it's also getting crueler than ever. I remember once upon a time I got a call from them, but they were actually nice to me, explaining the mistake I made and telling me that instead of owing them money like I thought I did (this was before tax software and internet income tax sites were around) that they owed me money. I mean they actually checked the returns to make sure they were right and didn't just see a figure and automatically assume that was the right figure and base their judgement on a cursory examination like that.  

COVID-19 won't be our worst pandemic, says epidemiologist who helped end smallpox

Police called to disperse funeral gathering near a place of worship in Montreal: no tickets given Oh that's amazing that they didn't give tickets. They must've fallen on their heads, or they were late to get to Tim Hortons for their donut break. 

New COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospitalizations all drop in Quebec 

Montreal company brings resting pods to COVID-19 fatigued hospital staff Oh, I KNOW they could use these. Even before the plandemic started medical staff were working crazy hours. When I was hospitalized for 24 hours in 2018, I had one nurse from the time I arrived until I was discharged. She was looking after me the entire time including in the middle of the night and she was even there the next day when I got discharged around lunch time. She said she had worked 36 hours straight. That was a whole 2 years before the plandemic started. So I can imagine now, how much they need something like this. I know the staff that got those pods are probably super grateful for them.

Sex life looking dull? Expert-approved ways to reignite a burnt-out flame   In case you need some ideas and inspiration....

Alone and Apart: I miss the smell of other people 

'We failed the most vulnerable': Dr. Tam's biggest takeaway after a year of COVID-19  Oh you, you cracked in the head genocidal witch doctor didn't only fail the most vulnerable YOU FAILED EVERYBODY! THE WHOLE COUNTRY! THE ECONOMY! AND EVERYTHING IN CANADA!  That's who you ash holes failed! But MOSTLY YOU WHO'S RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE OUT OF THE 3 OF YOU, TRUDEAU, HAJDU & YOU - YOU WERE SUPPOSEDLY THE ONLY ONE WITH A MEDICAL LICENSE!!!!! SO YOU SHOULD'VE KNOWN WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO DO IT AND WHEN TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU DIDN'T YOU NEGLIGENT GENOCIDAL WITCH!

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world March 14 Here's the grim figures for the 14th of March according to this story:  

As of Sunday, more than 119.5 million people around the world had been reported to having COVID-19, according to a tracking tool maintained by the U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University. Of those, more than 67.7 million were listed as recovered. The global death toll stood at more than 2.6 million.

Quebec gym owners feeling pumped as re-opening date approaches 

A new study will examine the devastating toll COVID-19 has taken in long-term care homes I hope they're not just going to study it, but they're going to do something about it. Like act on it and hold those responsible for it, criminally responsible and press charges and then learn what went wrong and make improvements so that doesn't happen again. Canada's answer to everything is "oh we're studying it now". You can study something until your eyes fall off your face, but if you never do anything about it after studying it, what's the point of wasting all that time and money to do studies that nothing comes of it? I'm so sick and tired of hearing "we're studying it". Instead of studying, do something, to improve the situation and hold people accountable!

Why is B.C. on its 1st age group when Alberta is opening vaccination to anyone 65+?

B.C.’s oldest COVID-19 survivor to celebrate 105th birthday in Vernon Good for her! And I must say she looks amazing for her age! If I live to be that old I can only hope to look half as good as her and I'd be happy! Happy Birthday to Ms. Chura!

Third Covid wave sweeps across EU and forces new restrictions  And on it goes..... 

Italians Flock to Parks, Rush to Get Haircut Before New Lockdown  

 Merkel party suffers heavy losses in German state polls   That's what's going to happen here in QC, at the next election too! Guaranteed. 

COVID-19 vaccination: 73 cases of facial paralysis, 7 anaphylactic shock There's many more people who suffered many more side effects as mentionned in this article. The vaccine in question is the Pfizer vaccine and this is out of the vaccinations given in Israel.

Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine neutralizes Brazil variant in lab study  I guess that's good but do you really want to let yourself be used as a guinea pig for mRNA based vaccines, especially the one  that might cause some of the side effects mentionned in the article above, just because it's effective against the Brazil variant?  

Lab tests suggest Israeli-made face mask eliminates over 99% of coronavirus 

Third stimulus check and more: 7 ways to get money from the Biden COVID law 

EU defends vaccine distribution as nations complain it is uneven 

Unthinkable? EU considers getting a vaccine boost from Russia's Sputnik Why not? If it works, it works. It can't be any worse than the Astra Zeneca one is.

The Latest: China donates vaccine doses to UN peacekeepers Nothing like trying to suck up to the UN in order to try to either be shielded from repercussions for the virus or to be absolved from blame for it altogether.

A look at COVID-19 vaccinations in Canada on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Tips and strategies for managing burnout one year into the pandemic Yeah, no, I doubt I'll be paying much attention to this advice in order to keep this blog going. I need my life back. I need to do other things that I enjoy doing. 

Stop telling people not to travel. Health officials should be teaching us how to do it safely.  Actually I totally disagree with the whole premise of this article considering the virus is so insidious and mutating into more and more dangerous strains all the time, I think the borders should be closed to ALL INCOMING & OUTBOUND TRAFFIC (LAND, SEA & AIR) and tighter than a drum (in other words NO EXCEPTIONS WHATSOEVER EXCEPT IF IT'S TRULY EXCEPTIONAL - like for instance the massive fires in Australia - to send or receive help to fight that - otherwise they're closed for everything else including diplomatic exchanges etc.... We have Skype and Zoom and telephone and fax and email and all sorts of ways to communicate and send documents that we don't need actual face to face visitation for those things). Whereas fires can't be put out virtually or through telecommunications. Even banking is done electronically these days and even if it wasn't there's still snail mail & courier services - like we used to use in good old days to send cheques, bank drafts, money orders etc... The only people who want to travel are those who want to see someone in person and to see a different place (like maybe a nice beach or a tourist attraction they haven't seen before), but business people do NOT need to travel at all. Even those who have things like construction contracts - there is such a thing as hiring competent people to oversee the progress on your behalf and getting reports back from them, without you having to go there personally to check on the progress. So I can't think of any excuse other than something detrimental like a half a country being on fire, to cross international borders during this plandemic of ours. If you don't like that, send thank you notes to Gates and Schwab. Since they're the architects of this plandemic and how it's being managed.

Review: The Grammy Awards reflect a year of solitude and protest

Covid vaccine: How many people has India vaccinated? 

EU's Breton says Pfizer can help offset AstraZeneca vaccine delays Yeah??? How's that??? By confiscating the doses already destined for other places like Canada???? Might that be how???? I wouldn't doubt it if that's how they have planned to manage that.

Pandemic sets back Italian women's long fight for jobs  I think that's pretty much global. I think the plandemic set back women's fight for jobs globally and not just in Italy. 

Major European nations suspend use of AstraZeneca vaccine

Much of Europe tightens anti-pandemic rules as virus surges 

EXCLUSIVE-Regular booster vaccines are the future in battle with COVID-19 virus, top genome expert says Like I said before, this virus is a wet dream for investors in vaccines like Gates and pharmaceutical companies as it's the gift that just keeps on giving and giving and giving.... on into eternity.

Vaccine brawl riles House

Florida's pandemic response gets a second look from the national media 

COVID-19: How common have blood clots been after the AstraZeneca jab - and should we be worried?

The latest news on COVID-19 developments in Canada for Monday, March 15 

Trudeau offers reassurance on AstraZeneca safety as European countries suspend use  I'm sure the ski board instructor knows all about it.... He's a daft idiot who has a hard time to tie his own shoe laces, so I don't know why anyone would believe that he can even grasp half of what they say to him about such things as vaccines, let alone regurgitate properly back to us without half of what they said having gone right over the top of his little pea brained head, or gotten garbled up when he tries to repeat it.  

New research suggests vaccines reduce risk of COVID-19 spread through nose and mouth Well considering that's how it's spread via coughing, sneezing, spit, heavy sighing/breathing and not via flaking dry skin or dandruff, or secretions from our pores, um yeah.... I mean if they prevented the spread through any other means then it means that no one has diagnosed diddly squat about this disease correctly.  So I hope it cuts down on spread via nose and mouth, as those are the only 2 means by which it's spread (unless you spit in someone's face or morning cereal - but that's still by mouth). 

Working women report poor mental health, with stress higher among working moms: Poll 

Canada-U.S. border has been shut down for a year — and there's no reopening plan As far as I'm concerned it can stay shut down for a few more years too. 

Nearly 100,000 Ontarians book vaccine appointments despite technical issues

Volunteers help Ontario seniors get COVID-19 vaccines That's good of them. Here in QC the senior either has to get there on their own or have a family member or friend who can take them because there are no volunteers to help them, that I'm aware of.

Few people in China receive COVID-19 jabs despite vaccine development  I'd be wary of the Chinese donated vaccines, especially if the Chinese people themselves don't want it. There must be a reason why and given that I think China is nothing but a crooked conniving snake in the grass, it's probably got something wrong with it. Either it causes bad/dangerous or downright lethal side effects, doesn't work, or has a latent effect that only shows up much later after having had the jab.  Because if it worked so great you'd think the Chinese would be lining up around the country to get the shot after what they allegedly went through in Dec 2019 and early 2020. 

The people who found a fresh start during the pandemic   I guess my new activity was working on this blog, but after this post gets posted it's coming to an end as I can't do this forever, or even anymore. It's just too much work to do alone and too many disturbing, anger inducing, frustrating and blood boiling stories to go through - not only 1x but 2x. Once when I first come across it and then the 2nd time when I go to post the headline in here.  

Siksika Nation and Strathmore anti-racism agreement making progress after COVID-19 delays

Dr. Bonnie Henry on the early days of the pandemic and what’s ahead If you want early days of the plandemic, right on up until now, this blog is your answer. Read it from beginning to end and you'll have a more complete idea than anyone's hazy memory can give you as it was taken from headlines and stories fresh at the time of the post. Like the headlines in this post. That's not relying on my made up memories or fantasies about it or anything else, it's actual events and rulings that occurred and were publicized in the media, often with supporting links and documents.

Philippine president's spokesman tests positive for COVID-19

Dane who died from blood clot after AstraZeneca shot had `unusual symptoms', agency says 

Biden downplays Trump’s potential role promoting Covid vaccines to ‘MAGA folks’  While Fauci is trying to encourage Trump to get his supporters to get vaccinated. I guess in the US the right hand doesn't have a clue what the left hand of the same gov't is doing huh?  

Study Suggests 3 Feet May Be Enough Distance Between Students for Them to Learn Safely  Oh really? So now they're discrediting all the studies that supposedly proved the the virus could spread from a sneeze or cough miles away like they tried to say before? It was always 3 feet that was thought to be the distance that sneeze, cough and talking droplets could spread in the air, but then with this plandemic it became even more than the 6 feet measure that they used for separating us physically. I read one story where it basically implied that it could cover  a whole room. Like I said there's been a lot of BS which I've regarded with nothing but skepticism and a lot of walk backs too. Like this one, finally after a year of this BS and ticket happy cops chasing everyone around with measuring tapes and ticket books.

We need more doctors. Do doctors need less medical school? COVID-19 forces the question. OMG, LESS MEDICAL SCHOOL????? Noooooooo..... If anything in my humble opinion we need BETTER DOCTORS - ones who knows something as simple as how to control a contagious outbreak and prevent it from spreading - which even nurses knows, and doctors who have a back bone and can stand up to moronic imbeciles that happens to lead their country and their country's public health system, when what they're doing and saying is wrong. That's what we need! Not more dumber doctors but SMARTER DOCTORS. More dumber doctors would pretty much equate nurses. So why not a few smarter doctors and more nurses instead? Comes out the same as what you want, but with better results as the doctors in business will actually know what they're doing and be able to delegate proper procedures and prescribe better medical care for nurses to carry out on their behalf.  In fact nurses with their Ph.Ds in nursing are pretty much equal in knowledge to most doctors now. But they don't get the same salary as doctors do.

Vaccinated care home resident, husband await 'light at the end of the tunnel'

Islanders filing taxes early to get ahead of COVID-19 expenses, accountants say 

School system 'on the brink of collapse', says local union president  Is this plandemic going to wind up pushing us back to medieval times? Where people were on their own  to scrounge for their own subsistance and kids didn't go to school and where scientists like Galileo were tortured to death because of heresy? I mean if it keeps going on, putting people out of work and out of school and eventually out of money and house and home and on the streets..... It may come to that, if things don't change soon. 

East Coasters proud of COVID record, but some worry over heavy cost to mental health  Hehehehe..... I'm sorry I just find that hilarious "heavy cost to mental health".... As if any of them ever had a healthy mentality. Gawd, you want to talk about cliquishness, clannishness, back biting, jealousy, paranoia, gossip and knowing everyone's business probably down to the colour of underwear they're all wearing today and wore yesterday and the target of all those uncivilized emotions. Like if you're the one they're excluding from their cliques, or clans (even if you're a family member), or jealous of or paranoid about (and everyone is the target of one of those at sometime in their lives - probably several times from middle school right on up until widowhood and death usually) or the sanctimonious beitche that thinks her sheite doesn't stink that pulls that sheite on everyone else and what happens to her when she gets her upcomence!  I'm sorry but I don't know of anyone in NS that's mentally sound. Men drink themselves to death and women are always in a tizzy about what everyone else around them is doing, wearing, thinking, saying and who they're going out with or cheating on etc....   If that's good mental health then my ideas about it are totally screwed up.

COVID cases are now rising in 1 in 4 areas – map shows rate where you live This is in the UK.

She hasn't hugged her kids in months. Now, this N.L. rotational worker has a chance 'for normalcy'

Coming week will see trickle of COVID-19 vaccine doses before floodgates open Something I have to see to believe. 

From depression to self-harm, teens are struggling during COVID-19  Poor kids. It's during the teenage years that they need some freedom to learn to deal with things on their own and to help them become more independent and learn to use their own judgement and abilities to deal with life situations. They can't do that if they're always couped up in their bedroom alone because they aren't allowed out to socialize with anyone outside their immediate household. 

N.L. government won't release COVID-19 modelling that Furey said justified election call  Another crooked gov't with something to hide. What's new? Seems to be par for the course here in Canada lately. 

Online school will still be around post-pandemic, so what have we learned?

U.S. Democrats push to make COVID-19 relief bill aid to the poor permanent 

All living ex-U.S. presidents, except Trump, appear in ad touting COVID-19 vaccine

Brazil eyes July for full local production of AstraZeneca vaccine 

U.S. airlines see recovery 'with legs,' shares climb to pre-pandemic levels

Too bad. I think our atmosphere could do without all that burnt fuel being expelled into it from all those daily flights. One flight burns hundreds of tons of fuel, apparently. For example this is what a search about that turned up:

The four engines of the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet burn approximately 10 to 11 tonnes of fuel an hour when in the cruise. This equates to roughly 1 gallon (approximately 4 litres) of fuel every second. It can carry a maximum of 238,604 liters of fuel and it has a range of about 7,790 nautical miles.
Then they have the nerve to gouge our eyes out in carbon taxes over gas for our cars, because OMG the exhaust is so bad for the environment. And people like Di Caprio, Gore, Fonda et. al. all flit around the planet on private planes or even commercial aircraft while screaming and crying at poorer people to stop driving their cars and instead bike to work because of the CO2 the cars emit. Hypocrites R Us.
So with that in mind I actually think it's good we weren't flying or driving that much during the pandemic. It cut down on air pollution, a lot! 

Ocugen seeks to sell 100 million Indian vaccine doses in U.S. in 2021 This is another vaccine, I've never heard of before. Wondering if Canada could get some.....  


Pups dying of parvo as California pet buyers turn to backyard breeders online in pandemic  I'm not trying to encourage "backyard breeders" but honestly what's the difference between that and someone who has a dog that went into heat and got pregnant and had a litter of pups at the person's home? If you want a pup that you're getting from someone, the first thing you do is schedule a visit to a vet to get the pup examined and all their shots and the vet will advise you which shots are necessary for that area of the world and maybe even time of year (like here in Canada the vets advise us about flea and tick and heart worm in warmer seasons). Following the advise of the vet will probably prevent the pup from getting that disease and any other disease they're vaccinated against. We've gotten all our dogs from all sorts of places, from it being a starving stray, to a pound, to a farmer, to someone bringing the dogs to us (that happened 2x), to a family who lives 30 miles away from us. But every single time we've gotten a new dog, no matter how, we've taken it to the vet, within the first day or 2 of having it. We've gotten all the recommended shots and procedures (like deworming it, etc...) and followed the vet's advice and never had a dog die on us like that. Yeah they all died of something but eventually and sometimes usually when they were quite old. Except one, refused to die and he was damned near 20 years old, was half blind, totally deaf and could barely stand up by himself, but he stuck around until he started doing things like falling down stairs or off the couch and things like that. Then we were afraid he'd wind up hurting himself really badly, so before that happened we put him down. But they shouldn't die if you get them regular and proper vet care and follow the vet's advice.

Drugmakers are synonymous with drug pushers. Because that's what they are, only legalized.
How the West Lost COVID How did so many rich countries get it so wrong? How did others get it so right?  Because the western rich countries were going along with Gates, Schwab, and the WEF and following their BS guidelines, while the poor countries were relying on the actual medical knowledge of the doctors they entrust to protect the public health, instead of BS from greedy money grubbing ash holes like Gates and Schwab.  That's how and why and later on when I get around to getting that article about Gates, Schwab, the WEF and the Great Reset done, you'll see. Actually you can see anytime you want now, just look for Event 201 in my righthand sidebar and go watch that video or look for it in a search engine and watch it. It's pretty longish - at least 40 minutes or more - so it's not a little clip of a few minutes in length like a lot of the links to Event 201 seems to host.  Because you really need to see it all and then you'll recognize EVERYTHING the creeps in power have done since the start of this. That's why I call it a plandemic, because it is. Everything and every step of it has been planned out in advance. The poorer countries probably couldn't afford to send a delegate to that "event" and so were clueless about how everyone else in the world would be managing it, so managed it the way prescribed by actual medicine and not a bunch of clueless greedy money grubbing business suits.



Montreal police COVID-19 ticket tracker  This is for those of you who think I've been exaggerating  about the ticket happy cops.... You can check on this weekly for updates. 

Bulgaria suspends rollout of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine Along with 18 other countries now, apparently. Except Canada of course.

Can antibody treatments be used in fight against COVID-19?  It should be able to, considering it's antibodies that fight the disease off in the first place.  

The question here is, is the disease causing the depression or are the people becoming depressed due to their circumstances and what they go through on a daily basis because of the disease? 
Retired general Rick Hillier leaving role as Ontario vaccine task force head: Ford Good! It's about time as he appeared to be about as useless as tits on a bull like my uncle used to say about nitwits who didn't know what they were doing. 

Canada’s immunization advisory committee to start recommending AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine for those 65+: source  Is this an additional effort to add to the Senicide numbers? Just wondering, why it's so safe for senior Canadians but not for any other seniors in the world.
How Europe’s ‘Batsh*t Crazy’ Vaccine Delay Could Derail UK’s Unlockdown Boy that's some professional journalism right there. Gotta hand it to the editor for being so batsh*t crazy they actually published this story. First because of that title and then second because of unnamed scientists that are talking about dangerous emerging variants that could escape the vaccines.... Well there are some already out there and the fact that that scientist doesn't know that, doesn't say much about his qualifications as such. 

Eligible Ottawans travel to Kingston area to get COVID-19 vaccine That's quite a drive. It's crazy that they'd have to go there when Ottawa is the bigger of the two cities.

Quoting the story: Social media companies are not perfect at removing content that violates Canadian law, such as child sexual exploitation material or terrorist propaganda, but they’ve improved considerably in recent years. Where they struggle, however, is in dealing with “lawful but awful” content that is legal under the laws of most democracies, including Canada’s, but is known to create real-world harm.

Consider the vast amounts of pandemic-related misinformation on YouTube and Facebook, or the casually racist or misogynistic memes that populate many Instagram feeds.

Now back in the real world again.... If that's the case all the lamestream media ought to be policed and censored too, considering that most of that reposted misinformation first appeared in the lamestream media as an actual news story. I have tons and tons of that on this blog, but ALL OF IT came from mainstream media and then walked back or just ignored and brushed off as if it never happened or was never published.

Pandemic-era Oscars lose glitz as movie buffs forced to stream films at home I prefer watching movies at home and always have. I like being able to sit comfortably, pause the film to be able to have bathroom breaks without missing stuff, being able to have whatever snacks we want without having to mortgage our house in order to do so and talk without being shushed by others. When we used to smoke, that too, we could have a cigarette whenever the urge struck without having to suffer through distracting nicotine fits the whole film through.

From group texts to delayed funerals, Cape Bretoners mourn through COVID-19

Rogers fines 91-year-old woman unable to return equipment due to lockdown Cable companies are among the most unscrupulous mean spirited companies there are in Canada. A local cable company in our area, came after a friend of mine who lost everything she owned in a fire in her apartment building. She got out of there with just the clothes on her back and that's all and the cable company hounded her and hounded her for their equipment they lost in the fire. As she didn't have tenant's insurance - she was a single woman on OAS and getting a pittance per month to live off of and the apartment she was living in wasn't the fanciest or most expensive in the area either. So suffice to say she was pretty poor and couldn't afford much especially not insurance payments that weren't mandatory like the car insurance is. To the cable company that wasn't their problem. Their problem was she owed x amount for this, x amount for that, x amount for the amount of time used on the subscription for that month before the fire occurred and late fees and fines and you freaking well name it that they could find to gouge her for. It was just unreal. Anyhow as she had a credit rating and wanted to keep it, she made a deal with them to pay so much a month until it was paid off. That's the only way they'd leave her alone.  But I thought it was totally mean-spirited and miserly, it's not as if they couldn't have written it off in their books/taxes as a loss and told her to forget about it and have a little compassion for her.

Protesters gather in Montreal for annual march against police brutality  This is an annual thing, but it means so much more this year because of the heavy handed way the police have been handling this plandemic and coming down on people hard needlessly. Just because they get a power tripping rush out of it and perhaps a percentage from the tickets they hand out. 

'Disaster waiting to happen': probe finds staff at Montreal nursing home not at fault  Seriously????? Staff not at fault???? Well I certainly hope the administration is then considering they had ONE NURSE FOR 100 PATIENTS!!!!!!!! I don't even know how that nurse managed to do whatever they were able to do. I wouldn't have put up with that, back in the day we wore nursing caps, well I'd have thrown mine in the floor and stormed out and told the management to shove their job up their ash. There's no way I'd look after 100 patients on my own - at least not willingly and at least not longer than a few hours if I was forced to, at most. After that like I said the cap would be thrown on the floor and I'd be gone. Discipline me, revoke my license, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't put up with that. 

Quebec's workplace safety board waited 10 months to make N95 masks mandatory after first recommendation  You can tell how seriously they take things here in QC and how quickly they act on them just by this story and then you wonder why we're in the shape we're in, in this plandemic? It's a miracle anyone in QC is left alive to carry on, considering all the misinformation, bad advice, lousey medical help etc we've been given since day 1.

A baby girl born to a partially vaccinated healthcare worker has COVID-19 antibodies That's really good news for pregnant women! That should mean (theoretically anyhow) that if they're pregnant and get the vaccine their baby will automatically be immune to the disease. How long that will last is another question, because with maternal immunity that babies generally acquire much of it is only good for the infant for the first few months of life and then after that they need vaccinations to start to develop their own immunity that they should have afterwards for the rest of their lives. Would the immunity to Covid from mom, be the same, shorter, longer or potentially for life? 

Pandemic's reach far outstripped official coronavirus case counts, study suggests  Same thing here.... I am sure I had it in January last year. Our 2 neighbours are sure they had it then too. Then in February last year our son & his wife thinks they had it as well.  But none of us know for sure as none of us were documented cases. At the time we had it though, most doctors and the medical establishment here, weren't even aware of it, let alone the name of it or how to test for it. So we wouldn't have been documented even if we went to see a doctor back then. We'd probably have been classified as having a flu, a pneumonia, or a bad cold and not covid. The only way we'd have been documented is if we died and our corpses were stuck in a morgue freezer for a month or more before an autopsy was performed on it to see what we died of. Then maybe just maybe we'd have been classified as a casualty of the disease.  But that's the only way. We couldn't even and still can't get antibody tests to see if we had it already or not, which I'd dearly love to know for sure, one way or the other. 

The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada for Monday, March 15, 2021

Province's physicians and nurses say government needs to tighten screws on private CHSLDs Really? Ya Think? Whatever gave you that idea???

A year of Covid restrictions has meant friendships have struggled – but they will become ‘more meaningful’ in the long-run    As I mentioned above about friendships being lost due to loss of connections...

Curfew in Quebec red zones to be pushed back to 9:30 p.m.  And apparently everyone who wants a vaccination will be vaccinated before St. Jean Baptist Day which is June 24th. So we'll see about that one too. But if it's for real, the plandemic looks to be almost over and if that's the case, I'm proud to say I covered most of it and the most crucial parts of it, before ending it.

'There were no experts': Inside a Montreal hospital's COVID-19 intensive care ward a year into the pandemic   And sad to say there still doesn't seem to be that many experts out there, no matter if it's in a hospital or on the news or in government, or wherever.  

Quebec based Medicago to start late-phase clinical trial on COVID-19 vaccine  Good I'm hoping they have some of their vaccine available for us before QC finishes their vaccine campaign. Because I'd rather have either theirs (depending on how good it is) or J&J's (also dependent on how good or bad it is in comparison to the others).  

Now before I post this final headlines post I am going to post the official numbers to-date.   

CANADA wide there has been 915,868 cases todate, with 31,517 active cases and 22,519 deaths in all.

GLOBALLY 120,656,989 cases with 2,670,056 deaths. 

USA there's been 29,547,243 cases todate with 536,885 deaths as of March 16, 2021 11:25PM.

As it'll be St. Patrick's Day in a matter of minutes after I post this I'd like to wish you all a....


I have one final link that you may enjoy.....

No parades? No problem: Here are a few St. Patrick's Day events going on in Quebec


So here's wishing everyone a safe and healthy rest of plandemic, hoping you manage to avoid the virus like the plague it is. So take care everyone.... And stay well.