Showing posts with label Rhubarb Jam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhubarb Jam. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Rhubarb Jam, Raspberry Picking, BBQ'd Steaks & More Anger Inducing News About...



October 6, 2020

As the headlines of this post suggests, I spent the day making Rhubarb Jam,
using the recipe found there, which made 2 full 500ml jars and one other 500ml jar almost full, but not full enough to can. Then I went outside and picked a bunch of raspberries, so I see some raspberry muffins in our near future either muffins or cupcakes, can't decide. Plus I made a macaroni salad to go with the steaks my husband BBQ'd for supper tonight. 
The anger inducing news that I'm talking about won't show up in this batch of headlines, because it was from today's news, where they're basically telling us flat out to stay home, but not having the guts to call it a lockdown. Because it isn't really a lockdown when everyone is associating with everyone they normally associate with at work and school, but bringing whatever  they acquired out there at those venues home to their families, which could be COVID19, like it could be seasonal colds and flus or other things. So essentially it's alright to get sick if you're risking your health and lives and potentially that of your family's as well, so long as you're being a good little cog in the economic wheels, but it's forbidden for you to enjoy yourself ever or at all, because the only reason you should be risking your health or lives is for the sake of the economy but not for your own sakes.  
Well, I don't give a flying F what they say. They can go screw themselves royally (excuse my language, but I've had it with their draconian authoritarian BS presuming to tell me what's good for me when in reality it's only good for them and their economy) as far as I'm concerned. I've stopped listening to this sheite altogether and am doing the equivalent of sticking my fingers in my hears and going lumlumlumlumblahblahblahblah as fast and loud as I can to block out their BS noise makers, namely the talking heads of gov't and health depts and doing my own thing. But because I don't feel like contributing to their illicit coffers where the politicians all have their grubby paws pilfering the contents of what's in them, paid by poor unsuspecting citizens who were set upon by eye gouging cops with tickets for the stupidest sheite, I'll wear my mask and pretend to be going along with all their crappiola just so I don't impoverish myself more and enrich them at my expense. But not because I believe it's helping me or anyone else beat this BS plandemic. Because as Trump says "don't be afraid of it, it's no worse than the flu". For once people ought to believe him, because he is telling the truth, for a change.

I'll tell you who isn't telling the truth though. I don't know if any QC'ers have seen it yet or not, but everytime I see this commercial on TV of a woman who appears to be in her 30s or 40s telling everyone how rough it was having covid and how she couldn't walk to the bathroom unaided because she couldn't breath even after she was released from the hospital and how she had to "teach herself to breath again"..... My head just spun.... Teach herself to breath.... Now that's a good one. Who taught her to breath when she was first born? Who consciously helps her breath while she's sleeping? Gawd I want to crawl through the screen and choke her good so she really has a problem breathing then, everytime I see that commercial. Breathing is a autonomous reflex - we don't consciously breath, it's automatic. We can't consciously make ourselves breath nor make our hearts beat either for that matter. We can control them, through meditation or breathing exercises, but our hearts would beat whether we did or not, and our diaphragm would continue to push our lungs in and out so long as we're alive. That's controlled by our nervous systems. So for the gov't to be airing that commercial to try to make people be compliant, is just another lie on top of all the rest of the lies associated with this plandemic! No wonder people don't believe them and don't want to obey them, because all they do is lie. It's one lie after another. Like my mother used to say "they lie worse than a frigging  rug".

I will continue to post the headlines, in case something changes, or there's a glimmer of hope at the end of this BS authoritarian tunnel, but I doubt it. I think it'll just go from bad to worse and keep right on going in that direction until the population masses grows a brain and a backbone and decides enough is enough and instead of just protesting they take it one step forward and decide to overthrow the ash holes and put them all in jail for crimes against humanity. 
But I don't see that happening here in Canada because Canadians for the most part are nothing but a bunch of sheeple.  Instead the authoritarians in parliament will start sheiting their pants and decide to resign en masse without us needing to revolt, when they see what's happening around the rest of the world. Making sure they go into hiding to ensure we never find them in order to make them stand trial for the same crimes all the other leaders and head honchos of the health depts in those governments had to endure. Because when you come right down to it, the Canadian government dictators are just as chicken as the rest of the population is.
Now on to what might be more aggravating news.... I don't know as I'm pretty far behind in the headlines. So strap yourselves in it might be a bumpy ride..... We'll only find out at the end of it how bumpy it really was.
Canadians are still flocking to parks and businesses as country braces for second wave Quoting this story: "It feels to me like a lot of people just threw up their hands and said 'I'm tired of this. I'm hugging, I'm going out, I'm seeing friends,'" he told Sunday on CTV News Channel.  -> Of course we're tired of this because if you think about this logically and sanely, you'll realize that until 1) you have immunity from it - gotten either by having had the virus yourself, or a vaccine or 2) there's herd immunity - where enough people in the population had it to protect those who haven't had it, you have no hope of ever having a life worth living again. Merely eating, sleeping, breathing air, watching TV and talking on Zoom/Skype or your smart phone with friends is not a life worth living. It's not even living. It's an existance that's all. 
For those who have jobs that they love going to work might be enough to keep them happy even if they're deprived of a social life and fun outside of work, but for the rest of the population that have jobs merely for the paychecks and essentially can't stand their jobs and just barely tolerate their coworkers, it's not a life worth living. It's a drudgery, a thankless and rewardless chore as they have nothing they can spend their hard earned money for fun, other than booze or weed. Oh yippie kay yay! We can get wasted out of our skulls on our off hours, but at home and probably alone.... Yeah that's a party and a half too. 
In the first half of the pandemic people went along with all the mandated rules and laws etc, and stayed home during the lockdown, trying to make the best of it, because we were initially lied to, in that they said it would only be for a couple of weeks.  Those couple of weeks dragged out to be a couple of months and then some and the authorities only started loosening the screws when they saw the population was getting antsy and ready to basically revolt if need be.  

I guess they thought by letting us out to cool our heels for a couple of months that would take care of that itch and they could lock us down again, except that while they let us out, they didn't let us do anything as everything was still basically closed or so restricted (like allowing 50 people into a movie theatre at a time) it might as well have been closed for all intents and purposes, so what was the point? Most people got out to bike and walk and jog (which they did while there was a strict lockdown in effect too), but they couldn't really do anything of interest or fun and were limited in the people they could see. So the fun and socialization factors weren't requited. There's still a longing and a need for actual fun and companionship and to celebrate big celebrations (like holidays, birthdays & anniversaries) with extended family & friends. Which we never got to enjoy.

Now they want to take whatever little freedom we had away again, in the name of this plandemic while jacking up the numbers drastically. It doesn't mean because they said there were x amount of cases or deaths out there, today, all week, or all month that there actually were. We have no way of verifying any of that for ourselves so we have to take their word for it. They could be exaggerating everything for all we know, as an excuse to reimpose strict measures on us. 
Maybe we should force these politicians to play the SIMS for awhile so they can see how a SIMS vitality drops when they're not allowed to have fun or make friends and can only study & work. Gawd, even kids who played the SIMS could've figured that out without having to be told.

So you wonder why .... "It feels to me like a lot of people just threw up their hands and said 'I'm tired of this. I'm hugging, I'm going out, I'm seeing friends,'" he told Sunday on CTV News Channel. -> to repeat the quote I started with.



Here are 7 potential COVID-19 vaccines that Canadians should know about We only need to know about the ones that actually works and that will actually be available to Canadians. The rest are irrelevant.

Oh pulease, this company has plenty of money and they don't need to be using the virus to beg for some. 
Premier limits gathering sizes provincewide as Ontario reports 407 new cases of COVID-19 At least they're allowed to see others unlike here in QC. 

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr THIS is the anger inducing news!!!!!!!!! Stay home but it's okay to go to work (and keep our economic machine running) and school (because we're too cheap and stupid to figure out how to implement remote learning here in QC), but go directly home after work & school and stay home. Don't try to climb out your bedroom window or sneak down the fire escape because the gestapo police will find you and fine you a gazillion dollars for that your first infringement. If it's a lockdown why doesn't the chicken face call it that? Afraid of a revolt? Well guess what moron face!!!! People are apt to revolt anyhow, especially the large majority of the population who have jobs they don't really like and feel like they're being taken advantage of just to keep your economy going - risking theirs and their family's lives for the mere sake of being a cog in the wheel, while not being allowed to enjoy their lives at all. After all it's their lives so they should be able to determine how they want to live it and the risks THEY ARE WILLING TO TAKE WITH IT. NOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I feel the same way. My life belongs to me and if I want to risk it to have a few hours of enjoyment in it, rather than live years in confinement, I will. And I defy you to try to stop me. There is after all a constitution and you clowns are seriously over reaching it!!!!!! And if the others in this equation are consenting adults - like my kids, then what have you got to say about it anyhow? They don't have kids so they won't be endangering their lives! It's just us and them and we're all consenting adults. So try me! I defy you! I hope there is a revolt and soon! Because you deserve it.
Superspreader events the biggest threat in surging coronavirus cases, deathsYeah like all those intimate family Thanksgiving dinners are ought to be.... Gawd, the morons need to figure out what's causing the problems and it's not a small gathering of less than 5 people that's the problem here... It's events like this. But hey, it's easier to go after the small parties as there won't be as much resistance on a case by case basis.

Good! And while they're at it, maybe they can look into why the seniors got next to nothing, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE TARGET GROUP THE GOVERNMENT WANTED TO PROTECT & HELP THE MOST!  We saw how little monetary support the seniors got and what kind of "protection" they got too. If that was protection, then I hope we never have  war because they'll put all the defenseless women, children and old disabled men on the front lines and let the enemy/ies have at them, before they bring out the actual armed troops. 

New study makes curious observation: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients were less likely to wear glasses I wear glasses most of the time except when I have a mask on that wants to steam them up on me all the time, then I have to take my glasses off, because gawd forbid we're not allowed to take the masks off.
'A heartbreak': Ranchman's searching for new owner amid COVID-19 pandemic I know this bar isn't the only one suffering and closing down and hoping to sell.  By the time this plandemic is done with all the governments in Canada will make sure there isn't one bar left standing because after all they own the liquor commissions and so they'll have the total monopoly on the liquor being sold in the province and the asking prices too. I'm sorry but I see too many greedy grabby paws in government in relation to this pandemic and while you may think it's a stretch, I can easily see it getting there. Sooner rather than later too. Our government is hell bent on destroying anything where we might socialize or have fun and bars are number one places in our society for that.

Legault says Quebec's fight with COVID-19 not over, asks youth to help convince skeptics Yes, definitely ask the youth to convince skeptics, because the youth haven't got two clues about what they're talking about and they've been brainwashed by all the BS they keep hearing about in school and in the media, without doing any actual research on the subject themselves, so all they're doing is regurgitating the government line. Yeah that ought to convince skeptics alright. I think skeptics are a little more savvy than that.

Surprise surprise! It's ONLY our LAND BORDERS that are closed. So if you're trying to cross the land border forget about it. But if you fly across from anywhere or on your way to anywhere, it's wide open. Basically. 



COVID, hurricanes, wildfires, politics: 2020 is an American nightmare that's wearing us out Wait, the year isn't over yet. You never know what the remainder of the year will bring. 

There are several story headline links in this blog alone that depicts how they handled or more accurately mishandled it from the beginning from the head of the CDC's admission to a congressional hearing that the virus was around in January but was misdiagnosed and mistakenly attributed to some other causes of death on death certificates, to their 7 page mandate they sent out to hospitals directing them to label all deaths as being COVID related. Regardless of the actual cause of death - in order to cut down on time spent doing autopsies. 
Floating concert on river in Czech Republic provides comfort from Covid-19 stress They couldn't do anything like that here in Canada because that might've provided some fun for some of us.




Apple picking and COVID-19: What to know before you go Assuming you're still allowed to go apple picking.





Reopening the art world in a time of COVID I would love to know if this is the same case in Canada.


Of course it does! How else did they think a respiratory illness spreads? Via hamburgers or? Or maybe silk sheets? Oh I've got it.... No via ice cream cones. Those must be the perferred mediums for the virus to spread. Of course it's aerosols in the air. Ummm duhhh.....
LAST ORDERS UK lockdown: Pubs to close at 10pm across England as covid alert level RISES to 4 This is because it's a super smart virus that knows precisely what time it is and stops being dangerous or spreadable after 10pm.



Really???? Erroneously???? Wow.... Talk about mind-boggling reversals!!!!

Covid: Is it time we learned to live with the virus? Is there another option? I mean if there's no vaccine on the horizon, how long do you think it'll be before there's a massive revolt due to all of these lockdowns?

Even still who would want to go on one of these cruises anyhow?

Too bad we can't replace the art teacher masquerading as our health minister in Ottawa. 
Anyhow that's about it for now. Until next time take care and stay well.