Showing posts with label Economic Depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economic Depression. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Keeping Cozy & Covering ....


March 2, 2021

I spent most of the day trying to stay warm as it was horribly cold with the windchill out there. I don't even know what it was but when I walked by our weather station gizmo this morning it said it was -18C or basically 0F outside and the winds were up around 50 and 60 kmh. Way colder than normal for this time of year around here. The weather lady said we had windchills around the -30Cs. So much for Global Warming eh Di Caprio, Gore et. al? 

Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know why, but I'm starting really late on this blog today - it's already 8:50pm as I write this. So it's highly unlikely I'll finish posting all the headlines before passing out for the night. I know I intended to start this at the usual time that I normally do, but for some reason I guess I got waylaid... There goes that "missing time" thing again... Awk blame the aliens, they must've kidnapped me for a little fun and brought me back too late to do anything. (Just kidding but I'm not kidding about not knowing why I'm so late getting this started). 👽

So I'll post what I can and the rest will have to wait for the next time.... So dig in to whatever's here and get enlightened....

This sounds almost like what was proposed in Argentina, to pay for the cost that the plandemic did to their society.  

Taking their cue from the Legault gov't are they? Sounds like what the QC enacted during the first lockdown in the province.
White House declarative on whether U.S. will share vaccines with Canada, Mexico: 'No' You know if they were the ones without the vaccine but Mexico and Canada had some, that wouldn't stop the US. They'd just invade the 2 countries with their military and take the vaccines, like they do with everything else around the world that they want. Saying NO to them doesn't stop them, they just mount a military incursion and take it anyhow. They're nothing but the greedy guts of the freaking world. Them and China, put them both in a bag and shake them up together and see who falls out first - betcha it would be a freaking tie. Maybe China hasn't been on a par with the US's methods yet, but they're getting there. Getting more and more bellicose and antagonistic all the time. Thinking that they now rule the world. And like I said before in relation to our other so-called friends and allies, with friends like that who needs enemies anyhow (applies equally to the US and China)?
Quebec spring breakers arrive in B.C., despite warnings against non-essential travel Okay well I've been to BC and other than the mountains I don't see the attraction especially for young kids. To see the mountains it's better if you go by land vehicle like car, bus or train rather than fly right over the top of them. So why any teenagers would want to go there in the first place (other than to see the country and scenery along the way) is beyond me.

YES! Along with the formula for creating these vaccines, as it's vitally important. The countries could agree to pay royalty fees based on amount of vaccines made and used, if it helps get the companies interested in doing such a thing to speed this whole process up at least a tad.

Just another example of China's antagonistic and in this case downright criminal ways.
Coronavirus: Xi Jinping offers Poland access to China’s vaccines and a bigger market for farm goods Wondering if that dangled carrot will work, after all a number of countries don't seem all that interested in that deal that China's trying to finnagle with the EU and I wonder what one country's influence will over the rest who obviously see China for what they are, conniving snakes in the grass.

Good for him. That way we Canadians can sit back and see what kind of side effects these vaccines have on the American guinea pigs. If any of them start growing a 3rd eye in the center of their foreheads or perhaps a tail with horns on the head, or maybe a 3rd leg. Maybe with any luck if that former CEO of Pfizer was right, their population will wind up dwindling so badly they won't even be left with the population size that PEI currently has - then I wonder where their precious world hegemony will be.... If any of that happens it'll serve them right for being so stingy with their precious vaccines. There's more than one way for this to come back and bite them in the butt. From refusal of  help by countries they refused to help (like Canada and Mexico) on their next military incursion for instance, to winding up with severe side effects peculiar only to the batches of vaccines made in the US, to the former Pfizer CEO being spot on with what he said about those vaccines. Anyhow, here's hoping you choke on it Biden and selfish Americans.

Peel Region recalls flyer suggesting solo self-isolation for children How loco do you have to be to even think about suggesting that? Or was that proposed by a teenager? Which I could easily see being the case, as they'd think it amounted to a 14 day never ending party time without any adults around to supervise, infected, or not.

Liberals' two-year-old pledge to revamp EI, CPP appeals body delayed due to COVID-19 Yeah, yeah, yeah.... Excuses, excuses.... That's all he's good at doing is giving excuses. 

Coronavirus: Toronto mayor outlines 'largest vaccination effort' in city's history Wow! Talk about a short and selective memory! What about the H1N1 vaccination campaign in 2009?????

Of course not because the Great  Reset hasn't even technically started yet, nevermind being near completion, so we've got to keep this BS going for as long as possible so you can accomplish the Great Reset's goals. So even if the COVID19 plandemic were near ending (for whatever reason, due to inoculations or it just petering out on it's own), you'd find a way to keep it going anyhow - by releasing as many variants as needed in the areas needed, but one way or another you'll make sure this doesn't end until you're good and ready for it to end.
Federal NDP unveils election-style promises to support small businesses in pandemic What happened to all your wonderful pie in sky schemes you were opting for before? Like pharmacare, dental care for the elderly, eye care, a national basic income, etc???? Now you just care about businesses? Not all of us have a business or even work for one. Some of us are seniors with no work and a fixed income and can't afford certain things like dental care, eye glasses, hearing aids etc... Or homeless who can't afford a decent meal at a restaurant let alone a place to live or any other normal everyday amenities most other Canadians have and take for granted, or disabled who have little to no income and no help or have to rely on friends and relatives to help because they can't afford to pay a professional to come and help on any kind of regular basis. I mean I thought the NDP were for the people and NOT the businesses.... Guess I was wrong. The plandemic didn't only hurt businesses, those at the bottom rungs of society are even worse off now than they were before the plandemic hit, so why don't you concentrate on them????



Algerian students restart weekly protests cut off by virus In case anyone needed any proof that life would just pick right back up from where it left off before the plandemic struck, here it is.


I wouldn't mind being one of the ones used as a guinea pig for this vaccine. In fact, I'd prefer it over the others that are approved for use in Canada.
350 Montreal pharmacies to administer COVID-19 vaccines by mid-March: health minister Buttttt as usual the rest of us outside of Montreal will have to wait until there's no more vaccine left to inoculate us before our campaign even starts, right????





Chatham-Kent moves to ‘Orange Restrict’ Lucky them. We've been in the red zone since forever. 


I agree artists are essential. 

I wish our restrictions would be eased or we had some hope of getting vaccinated or something to give us a glimmer of hope. But as it is, it's nothing but a huge pile of crapiola living in Monteregie QC, where we're not allowed to move or breath or do anything especially after 8pm.
Ontario LTC minister says she didn't go public with concerns because she's no expert In law, ignorance is no excuse so she shouldn't be allowed to plead ignorance either, especially since she's one of the freaking lawmakers.

Wondering if that's because you want to reserve it for the younger child bearing aged crowd and foist off the possibly sterilizing RNA based vaccines on the older crowd? Is that it?


Lucky them!
Who is essential? Unions in Ontario want to know as COVID-19 vaccine rollout picks up speed I'm pretty sure we're all essential, to something and someone, so who should go first then? I think all of this should've been ironed out in advance. 

Even if the senior themselves opt for that one over the others?

5 Cases in such a small population is actually quite a big chunk of it that are the new cases.
The longest spring: Quebec's battle with COVID-19 revealed in new book  I'd love to get a copy of that book and see how well the alleged facts jives with what's in my blog here. I didn't make any of it up, or rely on memory or anything else. I have the actual links to the actual news headlines here and most of it is to do with what happened in Quebec, so I'd love to see how accurate that book is.

COVID-19 Immunization Plan Update This is directly from the NS gov't website. For more on the virus, from the NS website, visit: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Government’s response to COVID-19.
Coronavirus: What's behind France's AstraZeneca turnaround? What's new? It was a political put down of the vaccine by Macron (the SUPER DOCTOR of France - a specialist in everything ESPECIALLY IN POLITICAL BS) and not anything to do with the vaccine itself - except for the fact it was made in the UK that recently went through Brexit and left the EU. Doncha just love how politics has basically governed this whole plandemic fiasco without a shred of science or medicine involved in it somehow? Seems the political BS behind everything to do with this plandemic just never stops.

According to this site to date there's been 114 million confirmed cases, 2.5 million total deaths, world wide with the daily global deaths for March 2, 2021 being 5,322 and 284,484 new daily cases. It has a lot of different statistics and data here, with an interactive world map and lots of charts and graphs.

Can physics prove if God exists? Yes, there is a tie-in with what we're going through now, in the story.

Popular flea collar linked to almost 1,700 pet deaths. The EPA has issued no warning. Okay this is not directly related to covid and only is through the fact that so many of us got a furry four legged companion to keep us company during the plandemic lockdowns etc. That being the case, most of us try to care for our friend and provide everything they could possibly need and maybe want as well. So some of us may be buying flea collars to protect them from ticks and fleas. If you are and you bought or are thinking of buying the flea collar mentionned in this article you should remove it from your pet immediately if you already put it on them, and not put it on them, if you haven't already done so. Keep it away from all pets and all humans too - as it's also caused problems with humans. Just as a precaution. We don't always buy flea collars for our dogs but when we do it's usually the Hartz flea collars and we've never had a problem with them.


I hope not as I hate buying stuff online. I'd much rather go to an actual store and inspect the items I want to buy in person. 

Chinese vaccines sweep much of the world, despite concerns People are getting desperate for vaccines, any vaccines, especially if the ones they want aren't available or they can't get, they'll settle for whatever they can get including the shoddy crappy Chinese ones.

Gov. Greg Abbott says it’s time to open Texas 100%, end statewide mask mandate Wow! Nothing like diving in head first off the high diving board, blindfolded!

Pat Kessler: ‘Will We Ever Shake Hands Again?’ Why wouldn't we? I mean it's ridiculous to think that this social distancing and mask wearing and all the rest of it, is going to go on forever.




Kids are resilient they'll learn to cope and adapt. 
These Black women are on the frontlines of the fight against Covid-19 I know a couple more who are also on the front lines. One is a nurse at the Montreal Children's Hospital and the other is a social worker.

What brains could teach scientists about the lasting effects of Covid-19 I've been thinking along the same lines about what brains could teach people about this virus, but not in the same way this article means. My connotation is that if they had any brains they might actually learn a thing or two about the virus, but in this instance the article means if they had a brain or brains to study (as in physical specimens for examination).

Spring break gets a new look from vaccinated seniors Why not? It's about time seniors had some fun after being sequestered in their homes for an entire year!

Experts sound the alarm on declining birth rates among younger generations: "It's a crisis" It may wind up being worse than that overall if what the former head of Pfizer said is true....

Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19 needs better promotion: experts That's for sure! Given all the bad press it's gotten lately, thanks in large part to Macaroni head in France and his political biases.
The tiny micronation receiving a 'boom' in calls from people trying to buy COVID vaccines I guess the EU screwed themselves as well as Canada. Good! Serves them right!

Amazingly enough I managed to get through all the day's headlines despite my missing time and starting later than usual. Anyhow until next time take care and stay well.





Sunday, February 28, 2021

Snowy, Rainy Day, Relaxing at Home and Reading Headlines About....



February 27, 2021

Sometimes I just need a lazy day like this, where I can basically just sit here and browse the internet and do whatever I have to do by phone, like order dinner and pay bills. A day to recharge my batteries and even get so bored as to actually want to post another post in here. 
That's getting rarer and rarer as I get more and more ambivalent about this whole plandemic BS and see the leaders world wide now jockeying to find ways to still keep us home, scared and compliant even though there's vaccines available and being used out there now. Which should theoretically (as is the case with all other known vaccines in history) provide full immunity a couple of weeks after being fully inoculated against the virus (so if your vaccine requires 2 shots for full inoculation - it would be 2 weeks after you get your 2nd shot). 
But now they've got new boogey viruses to keep us home and afraid.... Namely scary variants that keep popping up all over the place and if that's not enough there's now a new Ebola out break in Africa, which apparently the border authorities in the US are preparing for in case it comes to the US.  As a new potential threat to keep us scared and compliant in case the variants aren't enough to do that. And after pretty much a whole year of that, I've had my fill of it and really don't give a flying F what's going on out there in the crazy covid plandemic now.  I'm just trying to keep my promise to myself and the few visitors who visit the blog every now and then, that I made about posting the headlines until March 16th - making it a full year since this blog was started. So.....
It's doubtful I'll get through all the headlines today as I collected them since I last posted and there's a lot to get to. Anyhow you can delve into the following ones posted here...
Police issue over $900 in tickets to two BC Ferries passengers for not wearing masks Wow they basically got off scott free considering what they'd have to pay here in QC.

Oh what a surprise! But then I guess the way Ontario's going with their vaccination campaign it won't even have started until after Labour Day.... So I guess that's understandable given the circumstances.
This must be last lockdown, northern Tories tell PM I think the whole world feels like this better be the last lockdown or else.

Montreal health officials racing to delay dominance of U.K. variant to April Hopefully by then Astra Zeneca will have tweaked their vaccine to take care of the variants. 


Wow! Just wow! Thought our property taxes covered policing costs! Didn't know individuals were now being charged for policing costs involving themselves!  If cities are going to be doing it that way, then they should not have the right to charge for police services on our property tax bills!!!!!!! 

Of course! Because that's what this is a real world test with the vaccine recipients being used as guinea pigs!!!!! Glad they admitted that it was a "real world test". 
Plan to camp this summer? Better book your spot As the snowplow goes by my house, yet again today, others are thinking about booking campgrounds for their summer vacation.... I haven't even thought that far ahead yet. I'm just thinking about spring arriving and my perennial vegetable and fruit plants and what kind of shape they'll be in after the spring thaw arrives.

Government to reconsider child-care situation for essential workers if 'circuit breaker' extends I like how they've renamed lockdowns as "circuit breakers".... It's not going to change the fact that everyone's caged up alive in their houses and forbidden to do anything except maybe breath, without being ticketed to death. 

Wow! That's scary! I'd have hated to have been that baby's mom, having to hear that and worrying myself to death over the poor little thing, knowing there was nothing I could do to help it. Well that's kind of like what happened to me in real life. When my daughter was born she developed "scalded skin syndrome" and nearly did die. In fact, her survival was so rare the doctors gave me a paper attesting to the fact that she had it and survived, in case other future doctors wanted to argue with me about it. Or needed to know all of her medical history even the unheard of survival of that disease. In my case though, the infection was caused by the unsanitary conditions of the hospital where she was born.

Police not enforcing airport quarantine order Probably because there's either no quotas they have to meet or they're not getting a cut of amounts of the fines given out. One or the other. Here in QC they have that downpat by giving officers monthly quotas of fines to give out and probably given the propensity they all suddenly have for giving out the hefty fines for breaking pandemic rules, they're probably getting a percentage on the fines they give out too.  So it's more lucrative to give a $1,500 fine to a couple walking too close together - as that's $3,000 than a $120 fine for not using your flashers while turning a corner while driving. I mean hmmmm if I was an officer getting a percentage, let me think which would be more lucrative to me too..... Ummmmm nope not the $120 fine.... yup, the $1,500 x 2 fine is way more lucrative even if I get the same percentage. 10% on $120 is only $12 but 10% of $3,000 is $300.... So yeah, I can easily see them opting for that form of ticketing than the highway code violation ticketing. Guess the cops in Ontario aren't getting the same incentives or quotas, so that's why they turn a blind eye and don't do anything.
COVID-19: Are you coronamüde with coronafrisur? Learn some of Germany's new 1,200 words I pity them, they not only have to learn about the virus and the ways to deal with and defeat it, but practically a whole new language surrounding it too.

Are there really that many 95+ citizens in Manitoba that they need their own category because they'd be too numerous to handle lumped in with the 85+ group? I mean sheesh, I knew we were living longer overall, but to have a demographic in that age group that is numerous enough to require their own age category is mind boggling to me. 
Vaccines to be delivered at 102 pharmacies in Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer: Shandro That should make it a lot easier for everyone in those areas.


I don't blame them, especially when they see their QC counterparts already starting to be vaccinated.


Quoting the story now: Though the program is still in the planning stages, Dubé likened it to a similar effort in 2009, when the province issued a paper record of vaccination against the H1N1 avian influenza. Only this time, it will be digital.
Only one problem with this digital passport. Not everyone has a cellphone nor wants one and some of those who do, don't drag it around with them everywhere they go. Some of us actually feel like it's some kind of ball and chain, rather than feeling naked without it. We as a couple have ONE cellphone for the 2 of us. If we go on a road trip we bring it with us for a variety of reasons, but mostly in case we need road side assistance, or want to use google maps to see how to get somewhere. That's all. Unless one of us gawd forbid has to go into the hospital then they will have the cellphone with them, so the one at home can call them or they can call the one at home or others they'd like to talk to during the day.  Those are the only reasons we use the cellphone. Most of the time it's sitting face down under some papers uncharged. We charge it the night before we need it for one of those purposes named above. Or when I went out west to visit my brother, I brought it with me as it has free across Canada calling on it. So I brought it in order to stay in touch with my family back here without having to run my brother's phone bill up on him.
But let's say we as a couple did drag it with us everywhere we went. What happens if we both get the vaccine but have only one cellphone to record a digital passport on? Will both passports go on the same phone together? Or only one? If it's only one, how's that fair to the other person?  Besides what's wrong with the paper passport anyhow? That way he can carry his in his wallet and I can carry mine in my wallet. No phones needed. Besides cellphones aren't free. So if the gov't insists on using our cellphone to record the passport on, maybe the gov'ts should pay for the cellphones for us, that way we can load it up with all their aps and passports and whatever other junk they want us to carry around on it. Naw.... I prefer paper passports, that way there's no hidden tracking BS hidden in QR codes etc that are potentially found on those cellphone passports. 
WHO panel to recommend deeper probe into farms that supply wet markets in Wuhan You can look in the chairman's grandmother's underpants too but you won't find any traces of it there either. Where it started is where you HAD to look, as in past tense.... As in just shortly after it started before they had time to sanitize things and relocate certain personnel who worked on it. As in that Wuhan lab. Hey why don't you go grill the Gilead techs who worked on redemsivir in China with the Wuhan lab in question? Maybe they can answer the questions if you bother to ask them, that is.
COVID-19 cases and deaths are starting to rise again. How worried should we be? I'm not worried, I think for now it's just a mild ebb and flow of the numbers. When they really start to surge as they did in the autumn after the UK strain escaped it's bounds in the UK and sauntered across our borders driving the numbers of daily cases up, I'll start to worry again. But for now, it's just a normal ebb and flow of the numbers I think.

Health Canada approves AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine Whoo Hoo! That's awesome news! That's the one I want if I get one. My husband too says he'll take this one if he has to take one.

Confusion remains around vaccine rollout in Ontario, family doctor says Well look they put Canada's equivalent to GI Joe in there to coordinate the efforts. They might be skilled in combat and walking hundreds of miles in scorching hot heat with 100lb backpacks on singing marching songs, but I wonder how skilled or well trained they are in medicine and in giving vaccinations in particular.

China approves two more domestic COVID-19 vaccines for public use Good for them. They can use it on their own people. I wouldn't trust anything they made or approved for use on anything.

COVID-19: Face masks may not be needed indoors over summer, deputy chief medical officer suggests Good for them. Because even though we have vaccines now and may have a large percentage of the population inoculated by then, according to Tam our genocidal witch doctor, we'll probably need to go even further than just masks now, by then we may need full body biohazard suits along with chemical and biological warfare masks and have to socially distance by a few kilometers in each direction from everyone else. 

Okay? What's going on here? Is Ford that desperate to know about everyone's every move now?

That's how QC operated with the flu shots given out in November.

New vaccine brings optimism amid rising threat of variants, high case counts Apparently it's also the only one that can easily be tweaked to provide protection against all the strains out there.

As I talked about above.
CPP Investments CEO Mark Machin resigns after travelling to UAE for COVID-19 vaccine As he should. I guess he thinks he's special. That he deserves a vaccine ahead of those who's pensions he's in charge of. 

First we have to make sure everyone already here, has a job and a place to live after we finish with this plandemic fiasco we're currently dealing with here. Doncha think? When everyone here is all settled into a place to live complete with decent paying jobs and we still have more job vacancies and housing or apartment vacancies  then we can worry about filling them with more people, but in the meantime let's just take care of those who are already here, properly, before we start importing more people to house and feed on the public dime.


U.K. Takes Stakes in 37 Firms After Covid Loans Converted Is this what the "debt forgiveness" part of the Great Reset is all about? Where the gov't doles out money to help the companies/people who's affected financially by this plandemic and then forgives their debt if they let the gov't take it over? Is that going to apply to personal real estate property as well, as on mortgages? I think I'm beginning to see the machinations behind this "Great Reset" BS of Gates and Schwabs. 

Sudbury holds its first mass vaccination event against COVID-19 in local arena It's good to see they're not dithering and dancing around in panic and fear like the rest of their province is. 

COVID-19 cancellations mean Canada Day parade and fireworks will not take place in East York and Beach Of course, got to make everyone has nothing to look forward to, despite the vaccination campaigns. Oh yeah I forgot, in Ontario they'll only just be beginning the campaign considering they aren't even getting to the 60+ group until then!

BS! What happened to the H1N1 pandemic response plan? What'd you do with that? I mean, gawd, what do you take us for anyhow? Total idiots? Or what?

Well when you have the vaccine manufacturers in your own country and can issue mandates to make the stuff and then organize vaccination campaigns that's what happens. But when you're blessed with blithering moronic idiots at the helm and no vaccine manufacturers you'll be lucky if you get 100 vaccinations in weeks. I mean look at Ontario.... They have the vaccine now, like the rest of Canada does but it's going to take them over 3 weeks just to start vaccinating anyone. So imagine....
Beware of social media: warning for UK dog owners as thefts rise That's very scary. That's why there are no pictures here - except that one sunset picture. Good luck figuring out where that was taken though...

Joe Biden marks 50M vaccine doses in 37 days; South Korea, Hong Kong administer first vaccinations; 508K US deaths: Latest COVID-19 updates Gawd it's been 2.5 months or roughly 85 days,  since we started here in Canada and we haven't even gotten 5 million vaccinations done yet!

They don't say if she got the Pfizer, Moderna or the Astra Zeneca one though. Which would've been interesting to know.

Good then it should go relatively quickly. 

Ahhh poor creatures. I wonder if the vaccines will work on them? Or if modified ones might? 
Bond markets left smarting from worst rout in years as reflation goes global As I'd never heard of "reflation" before, I had to read this article to get the gist of what it means. Lucky, I did, because it has to do with the plandemic as well.

COVID-19 shots for 80+ residents in Windsor-Essex will start Monday. Here's how it will work Welll whatd'ya know!?! There ARE a few people in Ontario, that can figure out what a vaccine's for and how to use it.... My, my, my, wonders never cease.

Afternoon matinees aren't big adult draws. So the only ones who'd be going to the movies at those hours are small kids. Even teenagers would rather see movies at night rather than in the afternoon.

That's weird, considering  a few days ago, I posted the headlines to a story where they were all mystified as to why suddenly the cases and deaths were declining. 

Victory for Dutch government over legal challenge to COVID curfewWondering if they have a constitution that guarantees rights and freedoms like Canada & the US does? If not, then I can certainly see why the courts sided with the gov't.

Oh you mean like all the misinformation published by the lamestream media? Because I have tons and tons of headlines posted in here mostly all from the lamestream media and mostly all of the misinformation, conspiracies and outright fake news originated in the lamestream media - the headlined articles prove that all on their own.
Canada approves AstraZeneca's COVID-19 shot, 500,000 doses to arrive next week That's just totally awesome! Doing a small happy dance right now! 


So you mean they're able to live a normal life without the gov't interfering and trying to keep them terrified of leaving their bed to go out and live life? Unlike the genocidal witch doctor's efforts here in Canada, where if she has her way we'll be dressed in full biohazard suits with biowarfare masks hiding from the virus and all it's mutations under our beds and in our closets, too afraid to leave the house, even though we're all fully vaccinated and suited up for a biowarfare zone.
‘I Am The Proof That God Exists,’ South Florida Woman Beats Coronavirus 150 Days After Being Admitted To Local Hospital Orrrr you just have a very strong will to live..... Could that be possible maybe?

That's very sad.

That is just awful! Who's going to care for, look out for and teach those kids?  What's going to happen to them now?

These hospitals are in India.

I guess Texas isn't enough of a disaster zone after that major freeze & thaw. Now he wants to make it into a covid death zone too, I guess.

Well not here, if people are flocking to beaches it probably has more to do with either ice fishing or skating than sunbathing or swimming. As for parks, yup, because that's the only places they can go really for fun, except to afternoon movie matinees maybe.
Covid-19 Death Toll In California Tops 50,000; Highest In The US That's probably due to that rough Californian variant they have going around there.

Like I said before, this is just total stupidity period. It's not those people that everyone should be mad at about this virus. Unless the head of China, his party and the lab workers who worked on it and released are in that crowd of people in the US everyone is prejudiced against, and I sincerely doubt that. 
New coronavirus variants, possible third wave will impact whether Canada gets back to normal: Trudeau And the 4th and the 5th and the 999th and the 3,999th wave.... There's over 4,000 variants already identified and I'm sure there's more out there than just those 4,000. Like I said it's like the waves on the ocean - just never stops.  So at some point people have to say "hey, we've had enough of these waves, we're just going to have to take our chances at living or issue us all pill to take to end it all right now". I mean what's the point of waking up every morning if it's going to be another day of doing nothing and going nowhere because of some virus, that we've supposedly been vaccinated against? I mean if that's the case, why bother getting vaccinated to begin with because there will always be another variant on the loose trying to get us and do us in, vaccination or not, so might as well say "F it, I'm going to live until I die - whichever way that might be, but I refuse to be kept as a prisoner of the state in my own house" and just resume living life normally - whether the wanna-be dictators like it or not.




Well according to the QC pharmacists association's newsletter the first known patient was a woman from NY who came to visit in Montreal around the holidays of 2019 - so late December 2019. So this is a bunch of hogwash like everything that came out of Arruda's mouth back then - CTV Montreal news showed a "flashback" of the news reports from a year ago as a means of "commemorating" the year. He lied like a rug and he knew it, given the smirk all over his face. I remember being furious at him when I saw him on TV feeding us a line of BS about how we didn't need masks and with washing our hands we'd be fine. I wanted to jump through the TV screen and strangle him on the spot then. Since then it's just been one lie after another from everyone to do with this plandemic. CTV news DID have a doctor on once (and I wish I made note of his name) who WAS TELLING IT LIKE IT IS, but like I said it was once and only once. Guess we're not allowed to hear the truth, only BS by the shoveloads so whatever doctor is willing to violate his oath by lying to the public about it, they'll get to put on TV in order to continue feeding us BS.



Why we need to rethink COVID-19 risk as the weather warms up Allow small risks to counter fatigue? Is it? Or is it to counter all out revolt? I think the all out revolt is more likely.




That's a pretty hefty amount there. With almost 2 Trillion Dollars they should be able to put a pretty good dent in whatever damage the virus is wreaking across their country - health and economy wise.
Coronavirus editorial cartoon gallery There are several cartoons here going back to the beginning of the plandemic I think. Anyhow we all need a laugh every now and then so why not check it out?

Or maybe not at all.
Feeling unmotivated? Here are 12 ideas for sparking and maintaining motivation Yup, I know the feeling about not feeling motivated.

This is seriously scary. I do hope that anyone needing help gets it, before it's too late.

Very sad.
New Zealand's largest city, Auckland, goes in lockdown after 1 new Covid-19 case found That's a lot like taking a sledge hammer to kill a flee. Big time overkill going on there.


Another one of those totally unexpected covid headlines.... 

That seems to be par for the course when it comes to this disease. No one is going to tell you. They won't tell you if you had/have antibodies, they apparently won't tell you if have a variant. But they WILL tell you even if you're asymptomatic that you have it and need to self isolate for 14 days.


Now if only Canada would approve of their vaccine, it'd give us that much more to use.
One of the strongest weapons against COVID-19 variants may be a vaccine the FDA hasn't approved yet Yes! I'm glad this one is turning out to probably be the best one out there for several reasons!

Wondering if they'll do that in Canada too....

Wow! I don't believe it! I actually managed to get through all the headlines I'd accumulated in my bookmark folder! So until next time, take care & stay well!