Showing posts with label Health Emergency Act Renewed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Emergency Act Renewed. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Final COVID19 Post

At Least For Now....

July 8, 2020

Wow! The lifting of the Public Health Emergency Measures Act in Quebec came a lot sooner than I thought it would. It was due to expire today and unless they renew it between now (8pm) and midnight, it runs out without being extended. Which you can verify for yourself in this document: Order in Council No. 690-2020  Though I think they still wish for you to abide by the guidelines set forth in this document: Activities Resume Lets Continue to Protect Ourselves. There may be other directives issued - like about wearing face masks etc, but we are no longer under quarantine and are free to resume our lives while following those guidelines in the Activities Resume document. Both documents are downloadable and in PDF form.   

It looks like they DID renew the Public Health Emergency at least until July 15th. So this WILL NOT BE THE FINAL COVID19 COVERAGE FOR NOW. So stay tuned, looks like there's lots more to come! And here I was so happy that live would be able to return to normal. But it looks like it won't be for at least another week. If they have anything to do with it, probably lots longer than that still.  That new order comes from this mandate: Order in Council No. 717-2020  And I think the reason for that is all the new cases we're seeing again.

One of the things I will be posting as time permits is the post about Bill Gates that I promised previously. I haven't forgotten it's just that he's got his paws into everything and it's like one giant balled up knot that I have to try to wade through and untangle first before I can even make any sense of things to know what's fact, fantasy or plain old conspiracy.  

Now for the  COVID19 Headlines that I've collected since the last post a couple of days ago. They should be up to date as of now (8:12pm, July 8, 2020). Anything after this time and date will not be posted unless it's super major (like they found a cure and we all have it in our medicine cabinets, a vaccine (which I refuse to take), or enough of us has had it that we have herd immunity, or it's just fizzled out on it's own).  If it returns with a vengeance and we're all put under lockdown again then yeah, I'll resume comprehensive coverage as I imagine some things (help info and directives) might change while others stay the same, so I'll need to stay on top of things in order to post those changes etc.  But until then, this is it folks!  So let's all congratulate ourselves on managing to keep ourselves healthy and alive long enough to see the old emergency act expire!  🍻

‘America First’ vs. ‘The People’s Vaccine’   If anyone expected anything different from the US, they are living in a fantasyland. Of course they're going to use whatever they have for themselves first and if there's any left, well then maybe others can get some too.

Ford government introduces omnibus COVID-19 recovery bill that changes 20 laws  Ontario residents would be doing themselves a big favour if they read this article, because it seems to me the things I see that he wants to change has little to nothing to do with the pandemic and more to do with family law like marriage etc...

New studies confirm bizarre COVID-19 symptoms  Some of them are really bizarre, for sure.

Canada to post largest deficit since WWII on COVID-19 spending I'm sure we all saw that coming, considering Santa Trudeau was out doling out money on his steps every afternoon pretty much, except of course to those who needed the help the most like the disabled and seniors.

Man believes he may be vaccinated against COVID-19 Let's hope he is, because if he is, then we can be too.

Coronavirus: Why surviving the virus may be just the beginning Some people are having a very hard time getting over the disease and the collateral damage it left on the body.

Wuhan: City of silence Looking for answers in the place where coronavirus started I hope someone manages to find some answers from them somewhere because we deserve them and they should be forced to give them.

US hits 3M coronavirus cases – about a quarter of the world's total. What number will spark societal changes to slow exponential rise?  Maybe when they get to 10% of their population which would be about 40 million, they'll start to reconsider their lifestyle and habits and change them a little? Maybe? Who knows? I mean we are talking about a country that loves their guns more than their fellow citizens or even their children, because they hold their guns more near and dear than they do people, and protect them more ferociously than they do ethnic minorities (namely blacks) who are being killed by authorities left, right & center and for no reason. Which makes no sense at all to me. None. So maybe they won't change their ways until there's only 40 of them left and then they turn around and look at each other wondering what happened to the other 440 million. Maybe not even then. 

Border agency failing to promptly remove many people from Canada, auditor says   The border agency is also failing to keep people out. 

CBSA did not know whereabouts of 34,000 foreign nationals slated for removal: AG report  And I bet half were COVID19 carriers who didn't even bother self isolating either... 

Canadians' COVID-19 fears are rising again — and the U.S. might be to blame  Yup leave it to the media to start trying to brainwash everyone into wanting to go into quarantine  again, just as the emergency health act is lifted in QC & Canadian gov't. 

And I have several of the charts and graphs released recently that shows this, which are posted below. You can enlarge them by clicking on them if you wish.

Self-isolating Quebecer warns visitors to avoid New Brunswick after confrontation on beach  Oh wah, wah, wah.... Even though I live in Quebec and I love it here now I can tell you that for decades - from the 70s on until around the beginning of the 90s, I didn't. It seemed like every second day I was being called a maudit tabernacle d'anglaise sal or something of that nature and told to go home (like as if I didn't live in Quebec). So you're just getting a taste of your own medicine only it's not based on language but something else. So what. Put up or shut up or like he said go home and stop crying to the media about it.

Alleged Rideau Hall intruder cited need for wake-up call in letter: sources  It just seems like this poor guy had issues and lots of them. I actually feel sorry for him, I hope he gets the help he needs.

Where will Canada’s coronavirus economy go next? Here are 3 possible scenarios  Well the most optimistic one would be my choosing, but then I have nothing to do with it.

Coronavirus: Canadian experts say not to get hung up on term ‘airborne’ transmission  Good! I'm glad there's finally someone out there that can explain things to the public so they aren't getting so paranoid their hermetically seal their houses off and then suffocate because no air is getting in. Because I can just see a lot of people doing exactly that if they think it's airborne and just floating around in the air willy nilly.

Basic Income Could Cost Less Than Money Spent On CERB: Watchdog  But what's the gimmick here? Do they dole out a basic income to everyone and then at the end of the year tax it all back again? I mean how's that going to work that we're going to be able to afford such a scheme anyhow?

Passengers on Toronto-Halifax flight may have been exposed to COVID-19

EPA approves first two cleaning sprays that kill the coronavirus in 2 minutes  So now those products are going to be hard to find for the next 3 months and when they're finally around we'll be paying through the nose for them as the retailers will hike their prices sky high like they did with everything else especially the hand sanitizers. We used to be able to get 2  -  8oz. or 236ml bottles from the dollar store for $1, now you can't even get one that size at most retailers for less than $13.  So um yeah.... I can just imagine how expensive those products will be because they're about $5 - $7 now depending where you buy them.

Canada: Legal Responses to Health Emergencies  This is not a news article but a legal article about Health Emergency Acts and if you read it you will see, that normal quarantine measures are explained very clearly in here (which is what I've been saying how they should be done all along), there is nothing in there talking about locking down all of society! So I'm wondering if the governments didn't overstep their bounds by doing that and if they could be sued for all the economic and financial damage they caused by doing that? Is that possibly why Trudeau was out on his steps everyday doling money out? Trying to prevent not only the economical and financial damage but having the government sued as a result of it? I'm not a lawyer so I don't know if what he did has any bearings on whether the government can or can't be sued on account of the lockdowns. I'm just kind of wondering out loud as it were.