Showing posts with label airlines refusing refunds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label airlines refusing refunds. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Busyness, Birthdays, BBQs &



August 22, 2020

Phew, what a relief. I can finally sit down and relax a bit and let the piled up dishes wait until tomorrow.... 

Between my sore foot, exhaustion, trying to deal with food before it goes bad, having to go out and do errands, get the love of my life a card & something for his birthday and treat him at a restaurant, and having the kids over today to celebrate his birthday with him, I'm running on wake up pills and adrenaline at the moment. Trying desperately to stay awake at least for the next little while, so I don't skew my circadian cycle more than it already is. 

Anyhow I took him to the Scores restaurant in the area for dinner as he wanted ribs and so that's what we had yesterday - the day of his actual birthday. Today we had the kids over to have BBQ'd filet mignon steaks with veggie and potato kababs (separate skewers for the veggies and separate for the potatoes), along with a southwest salad (that was a salad kit I bought). But the veggie skewers I slathered some sweet & sour sauce on, and the potato skewers had mandarin orange salad dressing slathered over them. The kids liked them enough they wanted the leftovers to take home. My husband didn't want any cake for dessert - instead he wanted the banana ice cream I made the other day. So that's what we had for dessert. 

Looks like tomorrow I have my work cut out for me with a ton of dishes to wash and more food to take care of and it'll probably be like that for the next little while too. 

So before I fall asleep here on the keyboard, I guess I should try to get some of the COVID headlines into this post, because after all that's more than likely the reason you're here. You're probably not interested in my blatherings about my day/s. I post those more for me than anyone else - just as a record of what we were up to during the pandemic and that it wasn't all doom & gloom, that life still went on almost as usual.

Home prices climb to record in coronavirus pandemic as buyers seek space   I'm pretty sure, it's basically the same picture here in Canada.

Customers attack Chili’s hostess over socially distant seating, Louisiana police say That's not her fault. I truly can't understand why some people feel entitled to take their anger out on people who have no say in the matter, because they're just employees and just work there and have to go by the boss' orders, or maybe government's orders.

Russia offered to help the US develop a coronavirus vaccine, but the Americans said no because they don't trust it, report says  If they did accept it, it'd be about as stupid as Canada accepting China's help with their vaccine (which we did and for the life of me I cannot figure out why, considering how they've been treating Canada, Canadians and Canadian products sent in trade). Personally I wouldn't trust China with our vaccine either, but I guess numbnuts et. al. have different ideas, but why they do, eludes me, that's for sure!

Prison Inmate Hanged Himself With Coronavirus Mask, Officials Say  That's just unbelievable,  I can't even imagine how he'd do anything like that with one of those masks. Were the elastics super long? Was the mask itself made out of super strong material? Because all the masks I've seen wouldn't be adequate enough to hang our dachshund, as the elastics are super short and flimsy, the mask material itself isn't all that strong looking (like it would tear easily if enough weight was pulling on it, same with the elastics). So I'd have to see that one to believe it. Really.

Experts worry that a COVID-19 vaccine won't help if not enough people are willing to get one  Maybe more people would be willing to get one, if companies and countries would prevent Gates from getting his grimey paws tangled up in all of the vaccines and vaccine research. People are leery about Gates and his subterfuge regarding vaccines. We've all seen, read and heard the horror stories in relation  to him and his vaccinations, and we're all more than just a little leery about him being involved with the vaccines for this virus, especially considering his organization and the WEF held a conference on the "next pandemic outbreak", just before the actual pandemic occurred, and how it'd be handled, by his organization and the World Economic Forum (NOT the WHO which is the World HEALTH Organization, INSTEAD he held it with the World ECONOMIC Forum). That should tell you all you want or need to know about his pandemic.  So in case you missed the connotations here.... This is all about economics and not so much about health. And at the very least the economics has to do with the amount of money Gates envisions making on all of those doses of vaccine - if the entire world population is forced to get one, then that's upwards of  7.8 billion doses, times x amount per dose and we're talking gazillionaire Gates, not billionaire Gates. That's the most innocuous connotation. There are other more sinister connotations that I'll get into when I get into the whole thing just on him alone. 

Trump has dealt seniors, who represent 23% of registered voters, 2 devastating blows in a matter of days This may or may not have anything to do with COVID19, but it does affect Seniors. Albeit American seniors and not Canadian seniors, but given that I seem to have a larger audience coming from the US than Canada, why not. Seniors are seniors no matter which side of the border we're on, eh?

Bangladesh: Losing my job as a garment factory worker  That doesn't make any sense, given that most clothes made in Bangladesh are more casual type clothing and not really office quality clothes and forgive me for thinking if we're working at home now and unemployed, won't we be needing more casual clothes than we did before? Or are we just going to stop wearing clothes and sit around in our pjs and bathrobes from now on?

Kanopy is the Best Streaming Service You Can Get Completely for Free  For those who're quarantining still and have watched everything on offer, maybe you can find something new and interesting here to watch.

US developing coronavirus strain for human 'challenge' trials  Yup, just what we need, yet another strain going around to contend with, that also mutates into other strains to further deal with. I'm telling you, scientists seems to know no bounds and have no clue on when enough is enough and to just stop, like right now.

Teams of Genomic Researchers Identify 73 Novel Variants of Covid-19 Strain in Odisha  With that new strain the US is developing for "human challenge trials", that makes 74 strains.

Forty percent of U.S. Covid-19 tests come back too late to be clinically meaningful, data show  As in Canada, that was evident from the start, given that it was taking up to a week more to get the results back. I mean that was just plain lunacy and stupidity. The results should've been available much much sooner than that, 48 hours at the very most, but sooner than that if possible.

New CDC guidance says Covid-19 rates in children are 'steadily increasing' My daughter in law is a nurse at the Montreal Children's hospital and she's black. She says that no one, including herself has gotten the virus. So I have to question if the kids are the silent spreaders and the blacks are the most susceptible to the virus, why aren't the nurses who work with the kids especially the black ones getting the virus? Or as she surmises, she, along with our son and I already had it back in January? Then if that's the case, we're proof positive that the immunity from it doesn't fade.

The Fun Police Should Stand Down  Hallelujah, Amen to that! Exactly. Precisely why the lockdowns are ushering in  the new roaring 20s with covert house parties and the like. People have had the life breathed out of them, depriving them of all forms of fun and enjoyment, even things like swimming in some areas is "verbodden". Wondering if this isn't this a means of preparing us for austere miserable wanna shoot-yourself existances,  that we'll have to look forward to in the future due to lack of everything including money, or maybe the powers that be want to impose a religion on us that will have that affect on us, so they're trying to acclimate us to that reality now. I mean I noticed this back in May when the governments didn't want kids to have any form of summer fun. No camp, day or otherwise, no swimming, no going to parks, closing all the camp grounds, forbidding interprovincial travel and basically anything and everything that was fun or a kid could look forward to this summer. Of course they had to take some of that back and allow some form of release otherwise I think they'd have been looking at a full fledged revolt by the masses.

Business Booming At Local Pizzerias Even As Cheese, Pepperoni Harder To Come By Why not? Everything else seems to have taken a hit, so why not cheese & pepperoni too?

Trump’s Ex-Wife and a Kennedy Push Wild Bill Gates Coronavirus Conspiracy   There you go, the basic story about Bill Gates and the vaccines in a nutshell. In the research I've done on the creep so, that seems to be a valid theory and not a conspiracy theory.  More on that in another separate post on Bill Gates, at a later date.

No plans to change course in B.C. as COVID-19 rebounds to peak levels. Here's why.

Russia Starts Production of Coronavirus Vaccine Even as Doctors Say it ‘Lacks Sufficient Data’

Cancellation policies for the 4 major airlines show it’s almost impossible for customers to just get their money back   Guaranteed if any of the CEOs from the airlines had bought something that they wanted refunded or cancelled and couldn't get their money back from it, especially from companies that seemed to be big enough and rich enough to withstand repayments of monies not earned, they'd be the first ones going to the governments demanding that they do something pronto or they'd start suing the companies and the CEOs personally.

190,000 Canadians Had to Give Back the $2,000 CERB: Make Sure You Don’t!