Showing posts with label 4 Horsemen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 Horsemen. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

More Concerning ...

Covid19 News

May 13, 2020

You would think that considering everyone is considering slowly lifting restrictions that the news about the coronavirus should be getting better, not worse. But having taken a gander at the following headlines, I think it's worsening rather than improving. Judge for yourself.

Virus Conspiracists Elevate a New Champion - first of all the talking bobble heads in the media can't seem to distinguish between an actual immunologist and a conspiracist.  Second of all, they didn't even bother to check out her credentials and information. They just jumped right on Fauci's line and believe him, hook, line & sinker. That's akin to someone who has no journalist credentials at all (like say me) swallowing the line of the mainstream media that wishes to discredit a real journalist because s/he isn't towing their mainstream media line, and just repeating it verbatim without even checking to see if they were a real journalist or not. There doesn't seem to any integrity in any profession anymore , considering how shabbily rundown the professional standards are for doctors and journalists these days. They don't have to adhere to anything apparently. They can just do and say whatever they want and it's alright apparently.

Whistle-Blower Exposes Infighting and Animus in Trump’s Coronavirus Response  As you will see in this story most of the mess about this whole coronavirus BS, has to do with cronyism and money making. That seems to be what all of this is about now.

US risking a second wave and a depression, Mark Zandi warns

U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Top 80,000 as States Expand Moves to Reopen  This is what I was talking about above.

'Four Horsemen are ACTIVE’ Bible scholars claim Book of Revelation seals broken This gave me the chills when I read this, because a few years ago there were people recording eery sounds that seemed to come from the sky and a lot of them sounded like trumpet or horn blasts, or loud thunderous claps of metal against metal. Just really strange. They were only recorded and heard for a certain period of time and then after that no one talked about them anymore, but they were  heard in various parts of the world and recorded and put on the net. The first time I heard one, I immediately thought oh oh isn't that's Gabriel's trumpet? Isn't that supposed to signal the beginning of the apocalypse? Then this story came out earlier this week. 😱

As The World Is Distracted By COVID-19, A Series Of Large Earthquakes Is Rocking “The Ring Of Fire”  Then this story came out after the one of the 4 horsemen. But those stories along with the previous stories of the locust plagues in Africa, the middle east and China kind of has me wondering now..... Is it all connected? 😉

George Soros: Coronavirus endangers our civilisation Actually, I think George Soros is more of a danger to our civilisation than the virus itself is.

Bartering is back: When life gives you lemons, trade them for a neighbor's hand sanitizer Yup, well.... As the economy bottoms out there will be more and more bartering going on.

Paris remains deserted as France prepares to lift its lockdown tomorrow and Macron's poll numbers plummet

France will still ban Islamic face coverings even after making masks mandatory Well yeah, I mean the face mask is to protect oneself, other than hide your hideousness, the abuse you suffered at the hands of your husband,  or your identity what do those Islamic face coverings do anyhow?

As nations reopen, warning emerges about virus tracing voids 

Hidden defaults set to soar as recession squeezes companies

Scarred and Scared, the Reshaping of American Consumers Begins

Ominous trend in American West could signal a looming "megadrought"  I know this isn't COVID19 related, but could it be related to all the other stuff mentionned above?

One Idea for Speeding a Coronavirus Vaccine: Deliberately Infecting People  Well until a vaccine is developed (if it ever is), this is the only way to ensure everyone or as many people as possible have immunity to it.

Coronavirus: One leader looks hell-bent on turning COVID-19 into a catastrophe for his country

Justin Trudeau's Offer To Help Kids With Homework Backfires On Twitter, I'm sorry, but I just can't help but finding this as comic relief. Him? Help with homework? Hope it's not harder than 1+1= , because he'll be stymied and need help from someone to figure it out for himself in order to tell the kids. As Trevor Noah from "The Daily Social Distancing Show" said only a PM could get away with that, anyone else would have the cops crawling all over them due to pedophilia and he said he hopes that he won't be giving the kids any makeup lessons while holding up Trudeau's black faced turban wearing picture. 😃

Trump Lambasts '60 Minutes' After Episode About His COVID-19 Conspiracy Mongering

Latin America's indigenous shield elderly 'cultural guardians' from coronavirus  Most of these people are primitives who never set foot in a school in their lives, but even they know enough to not let the disease into their community in the first place, unlike the idiots at the helm of Canada and basically the rest of the countries world-wide except 17 or so.

Ontario residents bracing for mental health crisis triggered by COVID-19, poll suggests I think the rest of Canada should brace for it too.

Twitter to label disputed COVID-19 tweets I would suggest that until or unless all the personnel working at Twitter were qualified doctors that actually knew and understood the issue, that they shut up sit down and stay out of it. Otherwise it's nothing more than arbitrary censorship. Which I do believe is illegal both in the US & here in Canada.

Russian medical students slam 'forced labour' in coronavirus wards While it's true I never worked in Russia so things might be a lot more stringent there than here, even in the best of times, I can't imagine this. I mean even here  interns can be on 48 hour shifts during normal times, I don't even want to hazard a guess as to what their hours might be like now, so I can only imagine what it's like in Russia for intern doctors now. But it might be equally as bad here too. Don't know.

Study: Most Extreme COVID-19 Cases Can Be Treated With Standard Techniques

Coronavirus Infections In Children May Start As Stomach Troubles, Not Coughs

Coronavirus: Crowd concerns as Australia’s restrictions ease

Coronavirus lockdown around the world in picturesABC News Corona Virus Health and Science Does warmer weather slow coronavirus? They've been saying for months now that when summer comes it's apt to disappear and reappear in the fall.

How can antibodies be used to treat COVID-19: Blood plasma explained This is a short explanatory video.

Use of masks during COVID-19 not always the answer, says epidemiologist For some of the paranoid that thinks we all ought to be living in masks.

H.R. 6666 a devil of a COVID-19 government surveillance plot Gov't surveillance of any type for any reason is evil as far as I'm concerned, but there's 1 too many 6's in that bill number for the number of it to be evil.

KILLED BY A VIRUS Mexican drug lord Moises Escamilla May, 45, jailed for string of ruthless beheadings is killed by coronavirus in prison 
Even the virus can do some good for this world I guess. So Coronavirus keep going after people like him and rid the world of their ilk for us and maybe you'll at least be a partial blessing and not a total nightmare.

COVID-19 expert: Coronavirus will rage 'until it infects everybody it possibly can' Finally someone who understands what's going on out there with the virus.

Gloves and masks litter Middle East amid virus panic It's a wonder it doesn't look like that around here too, with the lack of garbage cans and all.

Lives Lost: Victims of the virus, remembered for tomorrow They shouldn't just be remembered today, but everyday. They were people who had lives, loved ones  who cared about them, maybe jobs, or people who depended on them in some way.

Quebec universities, CEGEPs holding fall semester online  This will probably go over like a cement balloon.

Companies are dropping big hints about the 'new normal' once coronavirus lockdowns end

City of Montreal launches new at-home fitness program for seniors  and it can be found here:  Protection and prevention Le GO pour bouger! program It's for all fitness levels and you can choose the program you want to use out of the 5 near the bottom of the page. Just choose the program you want according what you see in each of the 5 coloured squares and click on it. I don't live in Montreal proper, and it seems to be working for me, so maybe it'll work for anyone anywhere or at least in Quebec.

Bottle deposit-refund services to resume in Quebec following COVID-19-related closures  Apparently some Maxi stores gave people a chance to refund their bottles and cans this past weekend, but no one knew about it until after the fact when the news told us about it. Now I guess they clued in to the fact that a lot of us would've liked to have known about that before hand as we have a ton of bottles and cans to return. I know we do and they can't reopen that service fast enough for me because we have so many.

China Claims U.S. ‘Sabotaged’ Global Coronavirus Efforts

Maria Branyas: 'Oldest woman in Spain' beats coronavirus at 113 Good for her! At least one good news story here.

Coronavirus: Number of people infected probably much lower than first thought, WHO warns Nothing like causing a panic and then saying "oops" we over estimated it.

Chinese coronavirus vaccine could be tested, manufactured in Canada So they think that Canadians will be the first in the world to be vaccinated against it. Knowing the shoddy junk  China has been foisting off on us, lately, I say they should be the ones to get injected with it before we Canadians do. That way we'll be able to see what the side effects and fallout from it is without actually having to be the ones to experience it.

Gov. Cuomo Says New York Now ‘Safe’ to Reopen on May 15 as Coronavirus Cases, Death Toll Drops  Really because we saw him on Trevor Noah's "The Daily Social Distancing Show" last week I believe and he was saying they had a long long way to go before they could even consider reopening. So what changed his mind all of a sudden?

Male coronavirus patients with low testosterone levels are MORE likely to die from COVID-19, German hospital finds

There’s Plenty of Meat in America — For Those Who Can Afford It Like I said, something fishy going on with the food supply because if they can get that meat to the stores, why can't they get the rest of it there?

More Mexican beef headed to U.S. dinner tables as American supply crunch bites

What Doesn’t Kill Fast Food Makes It Stronger  Maybe that has more to do with them having drive-thrus than anything else. Most sit down restaurants don't have drive thrus and as you can't go inside and sit down to eat, they're losing out while fast food chains with drive thrus are taking up the slack.

Loud sex, thunderous dancing: how coronavirus strains neighborly ties  Geez, I lived in more than a few apartments in my life and I never heard the neighbours having sex loud or otherwise. Stomping overhead on the floors above - yes, but that was generally the people who had kids and who let them run and play inside the apartment.

New Normal 2.0 for U.S. Economy Looks Awful, Long, Perilous

Fear, Isolation, Depression: The Mental Health Fallout of a Worldwide Pandemic  The authorities have no one to blame but themselves for the way they handled this whole fiasco.

Inn at Little Washington Chef Will Fill His Socially Distanced Dining Room With Midcentury Mannequins I couldn't help it, when I saw this story. I thought wow, what an ingenious way to impose social distancing while making it seem crowded and with a particular ambiance.  Very creative.

Coronavirus drains Vatican coffers as income falls, deficits loom

Colombia Militarizes Brazil Border Amid Jump in Virus Cases   Is that what we can expect in the future? Militarized borders everywhere? Especially as countries try to reopen but neighbouring countries cases start to sky rocket again?

Bizarre clothing rules for lockdown baffle South Africans They sound equally bizarre to me, because their winters are no where near as cold as ours are yet they want people to wear "crop bottoms worn with boots or leggings," and t-shirts under other shirts and jackets. I think they're trying to ensure the virus gets boiled out them if they have it.

Increased border traffic likely as Canada, U.S. economies reopen: Freeland  More ambiguity and confusion.  Trudeau said he didn't want to reopen the border yet, but Freeland is saying this.... So which is it?

Ontario to extend state of emergency to June 2

Legal Aid wants to help Nova Scotians facing steep COVID-19 fines I think Legal Aid should be helping everyone right across Canada with those exorbitant gouging highway robbery fines.

‘We may have to rethink the toilet seat altogether’: How the coronavirus could change bathrooms for the better

More Americans turning to drugs and alcohol as coronavirus stress rises, survey shows Um, I wonder why.... Considering those are the 2 favourite crutches for boredom & depression.

Your Boss Is Watching You: Work-From-Home Boom Leads To More Surveillance Now your boss can see inside your house as well. And maybe see and hear how you interact with those at home around you.

From botox clinics to wellness spas, antibody tests become the rage. Are they the real thing?

Grocery prices are soaring. Here's what's getting more expensive

Rick Bright will warn Congress of 'darkest winter in modern history' without ramped up coronavirus response Oh boy, isn't this guy full of sunshine and cheer?

Should you wear jewelry during COVID-19? Experts weigh in It's true as a nurse we weren't allowed to wear jewellry, nor were we allowed long nails and nail polish either. Even facial makeup was forebidden.  The makeup for aesthetics and cleanliness (in that if we perspired we didn't have masquera and makeup running down our faces). No long nails because dirt accumulates under them along with all kinds of nifty and dangerous bacteria and no nail polish because it cracks and flakes and we can't have someone's flaked nail polish in our liquid medicine, open wounds, food, or wherever.  No earrings and no necklaces for the same reason no rings but also because patients could accidentally get hooked in them if flailing around, or purposely pull on them, injuring you.

PM wants answers from China, other countries on early days of COVID-19 It's about time he started standing up to them.

Symptoms of COVID-related inflammatory syndrome in kids are 'not subtle' — here are the two key signs to look for What I can gather from all the various news reports I've seen & read about this virus is that it's basically the same as most other flus, affecting the elderly and the very young the worst. Only this one took longer to get to the kids and went to town rather quick on the elderly.

Coronavirus patients report range of symptoms A video describing the range discovered so far.

Coronavirus: Child deaths could rise by 6,000 a day worldwide due to disrupted health services This news comes at precisely the same time that Quebec decided to open the elementary schools.

Hong Kong’s Been Beating COVID-19 With Moderation, Not Magic Bullets

“If Seoul falls, the country falls”: 8,500 Korean police are moving to quash a new Covid-19 cluster

'Long-term care is fundamentally broken': Thousands petition to protect seniors in COVID-19-stricken homes If you wish to sign the petition just click on the picture that says "Protect People In Long Term Care". Or visit this link: Protect People in Long-Term Care