Showing posts with label Great Reset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Reset. Show all posts

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Arrrrrgggghhhhh New Neighbours FROM HELL and.....

Covid 19 

First the new neighbour from hell has the  
And then....

June 18, 2021
Oh don't worry for me, that's not slander nor defamation in the least, considering I have witnesses galore, security cam footage, pictures taken by me, neighbours, other friends and family and you freaking well name it. That ash hole hasn't seen nothing yet, but I'm not going down without a fight. He thinks he's Mr. Big Shot and he can just do as he pleases, well he has another think coming. That's for sure.
See the difference between us and him is we've been here on this exact same spot since 1986, this prick only just arrived and comes in like he owns the place, while we've been here and tried to remain as un self assuming as possible. We got along with ALL THE NEIGHBOURS in the vicinity over the years. Yeah a lot have come and gone and we got along with all of them, including those that previously resided where those ash holes are now building.  We even got along with the bikers that lived across the street from us in the early 1990s and other less savoury types that lived on the street.  But this jerk who thinks he's Gawd and can just do whatever he wants however and whenever he wants (which includes have his men start work at 6:30am - a whole half hour before noise ordinances allow for) and Nurse Ratchet (his anal beitche of a wife who happens to be a nurse - pity help her patients is all can say) is another can of worms altogether. So much so they've already alienated all the neighbours who've all gravatated to our side with all sorts of help to combat those ash holes. I guess that's the difference 35 years of quiet un self assuming behaviour versus a half hour's worth of brash bald faced brazeness gets you. 
His problem is and I know it, is when they bought the other two lots, they wanted to buy our lot and we said no, because they have 2 kids that they wanted to live on either side of them. As it is now they are going to be living right next door to us and  baby boy brat (that thinks he's superman because he's a volunteer fireman, but admitted to being afraid of me - hehehe.... a senior citizen woman, what a laugh) will be living on the other side of them. Apparently they wanted their other brat situated where we are. 
So I guess the objective here is to try to antagonize the sheite out of us until we get tired and do one of a few possible things (I'll leave what the others might be to your imaginations) among them, just get tired and put our place up for sale and leave. NOT happening. If they think that's what they're going to do, force us to sell by antagonizing us to death, they'd better be able to cough up some mega bucks because this place is NOT FOR SALE and if I'm forced to sell it because of some antagonistic sheite, then I won't be settling for less than a million dollars and the property will be sold as is, no warranties of any kind expressed or implied. 
But wait, I'm not finished with the pricks.... There's a lawsuit or two coming up and with all the documented evidence and witnesses I have on my side, they lose automatically, as per the law as everything is 100% on my side including the law. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it. That's once I finish having the CCQ inspectors crawl up their ashes over all the construction site safety violations and breeches of law concerning that.  They'll wish they never met me or dicked around with my property without my permission. Maybe by the end of it, I'll wind up owning their two properties free and clear. That would be awesome then we could have our son live in one and rent the other out. Or here's an idea....

For any Quebec lawyers out there that work on contingency fee basises and want to take this on, we'll give you the lot furtherest away from our original lot as your fee if you win the case for us, if we can keep the lot next door to ours and the one we currently reside in. If you wait long enough I'm sure there'll be tons more infringements and infractions we can use in the case against them, as I'm sure that what I said about antagonizing the hell out of us is precisely what they have planned.  I know what we have right now won't win us that, but they're going to try encroaching on our "compelling possession through acquisitive prescription" even though we have long time neighbours going back to the 1990s that can attest to the fact that the land in question was given to us by a former owner and there's been a fence there that long delineating that boundary. Even the sister of the owner who gave us that strip of land will testify to that fact (the original owner is dead now) and her husband.  When I say we had no problems with neighbours and most have been very nice to us all these years, I meant that and can prove it any day, anytime in any court of law you care to name. I'm sure the ash hole will try to take back the land given to us by the previous owners. That's a given. They've already tried moving boundary stakes as  it is. Oh and BTW all lots have a view of the water, and rights of passage to the water as well.  So, much sought after qualities in the real estate market.

We're usually a pretty even keeled and laid back couple that can pretty much get along with anyone, no matter their station in life, from engineers and librarians, to university profs and doctors, to lawyers and cops and even bikers and others on the lower socio economic scales (like people on welfare or homeless). We're the type that if you are decent with us we'll be decent with you. If you're nice and friendly with us, we'll reciprocate, but try the BS like those ash holes tried and we'll be crawling all over you like fleas on a dogs back.  Our motto has always been live and let live, and treat others with the same respect and courtesy we wish to be treated with ourselves. But when you can't be bothered to show us the same respect and courtesies then all bets are off.
That along with not being able to get to see our doctor because like all other doctors in the province now, they aren't booking appointments with their patients and so the ERs are being over run with people who just want/need to see a doctor even if it means waiting hours in an ER waiting room, as per this report: Many Quebec ERs stretched to capacity even as COVID numbers shrink  Though we're not that desperate to see a doctor yet, but I'm telling you if our neighbours keep driving me crazy I may need to see one about blood pressure meds. 
As for our own COVID vaccination situation.... Well we got Moderna and as Canada has only just taken reciept of more Moderna doses, we don't know when we can get our 2nd dose. I tried several times in the last few days to make an appointment but haven't been able to. Maybe one day soon. I hope so, because it's been more than 8 weeks now since we had our 1st dose. 
Forgive me for unloading on you like that, but this wasn't only supposed to be a repository for all the COVID19 news, but also a kind of running diary about what our lives were like during the plandemic and well given that it's not over, this is part of what our lives were like, complete with a few photos to prove it.
But aside from that there's other worrying news going on out there in regards to this plandemic, which I seem to have accumulated a lot of headlines about since I last posted here, so get comfortable and sip on whatever can get you through this without having a stroke, like I'm apt to have if life doesn't cut me a break somewhere soon: 
Mixing COVID-19 vaccines in Canada: AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can be used interchangeably between doses, experts say When it's convenient for the gov't they'll say anything they think they can get away with.

I know that has nothing to do with COVID19 but here in Canada on Sunday June 20ieth, it's Father's Day coming up. So maybe you'd like to make a nice brunch for Dad on his special day. I know my husband is going to be treated to a nice restaurant dinner (not sure if we're going to the restaurant or getting delivery but it'll be whatever he wants) by our son & me. I'm sure if our daughter were still alive she'd pitch in her share too. 
6 Real Examples That Prove The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Working Hmmmmm Well I wouldn't be too sure about this example: Vaccinated people directly exposed to COVID-19 aren’t getting sick, because if you read the headlines out there it seems that even people who've had both doses of vaccine are still coming down with the Delta variant. Not in all cases, but enough that it makes you wonder what's going on. Is it a fault with the vaccine itself (and if so which vaccine was it?) or the person's immune system or perhaps length of time between last vaccine dose and contraction of the Delta variant.

This is not good news either. I know that I read elsewhere that that was the case with Moderna as well. 
Covid origins mystery continues to spark speculation and tension There's no mystery there. The only reason there's a "mystery" is because they don't want to antagonize China, and so they're pretending that it's still a mystery when in reality we all know it came from the Wuhan Labs, just as I said it did. I mean how else did Gilead Sciences and the Wuhan Labs come up with redemsivir to fight the infections and start squabbling over patent rights in 2016 if they didn't have it and were experimenting with it back then and probably right on up through November 2019 (when people first started getting sick with it and coincidentally right after the Bill Gates and WEF's Event 2001 held in Wuhan in October 2019). I mean there's tons of evidence linking that virus to that lab, Bill Gates, Schwab and the WEF and this plandemic.


Funny but for virtually a year, we've been hearing high vitamin D doses did protect against the virus (maybe not to the point of warding it off, but maybe to a point of causing less severe illness anyhow). So for there to suddenly be new science saying it doesn't leaves me highly suspicious about both studies, the one that said it help and the other that says it doesn't.  And as for the blood supply scenario.... I find that highly suspicious too, considering that antibodies, and all the cells that fights infections are found in our blood, so if someone had the virus when they donated blood, it's in the blood supply don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise. Just like they argued up and down with me until everyone was blue in the face that "oh no, cancer can't be transmitted via blood transfusions because it's not in the blood supply" back in 2013 when my daughter died of cancer after having had blood transfusions given during an operation she had to fix a severely broken leg that required surgery to put in 11 screws. Turns out a few years later, there was a study done in Scandinavia somewhere indicating that yes indeed cancer IS detectable in the blood with the right blood tests - now years later we have various blood tests that detect certain cancers, before they're otherwise detectable. So they might say it doesn't affect the blood supply now, until the start finding cases where it did. Then Ooops we didn't know.... Well my answer there is you should've known considering white blood cells, and T cells that fight infections ARE BLOOD CELLS. So if someone had this virus before or when they went to donate blood it's in the blood supply and would definitely be in the plasma supply. It's as simple as that. It's not rocket science. 
Quebec to move up appointments for second COVID-19 vaccine doses  Except for those who need the Moderna shot, apparently. We have to wait. 

Of course not, because that way they can keep playing at their authoritarian regime they're trying to establish. 

hehehe They probably never were meant to be. They probably were only meant to be offered up to the world as a means of enticing the would be recipient countries to kowtow to their demands and requests in exchange for so many doses of their "vaccine" which was probably nothing more than vials filled with Yangtze River water labelled as a vaccine. It the effluviant that accounts for the cloudy brownish yellow colour and not vaccine.

Hmmmm I wouldn't be so sure of that myself, considering the news I've seen coming out of Alberta in regards to people having had both doses but still getting the variant anyhow. 


Fake Covid-19 Vaccines Pose New Threat in Africa I had it pegged right above when I said that China's vaccines were fake.... 

Americans re-emerge after pandemic isolation: ‘Like the end of Prohibition’ I can imagine as some of our neighbours were talking about a massive neighbourhood party too (that everyone but the Carriers would be invited to) when this is over and we're declared plandemic free.

More than $28M in fines issued in Quebec during lockdown Told anyone that wanted to listen that it was just a money grab for the money hungry gestapo bootied crooks.

What a f'n farce. The gov't pretending to be oh so lenient on those who are fully vaccinated. No sheite sherlocke if they're fully vaccinated they should be allowed to get back to normal life, without any more of that quarantine, masks, wash your hands, and social distancing BS. I mean otherwise if you don't let them return to normal, why would they bother to get vaccinated in the first place especially if it's just going to mean continuing on like they have been for the past year already, on into infinity with no end in sight for those measures? I mean what's the point first of all (other than for the gov't to keep feeling their kahunas and almighty power and give them an excuse to keep fining people for breaking those rules)? I mean what's the point of it all if you're only going to keep the same measures in place indefinitely anyhow???? That would just be an abuse of power if you ask me.

Trudeau should quarantine in same hotel as other travellers, Conservatives say Oh he did but unlike others he was allowed out after 10 hours of being there. They must've ran supersonic speed tests on his samples unlike the speeds they use to test everyone else's samples.

The pandemic-induced emissions decline didn't last, but it did save lives Did you seriously think it would last? The only way that would've happened is if we were under lockdown & curfew forever where no one was allowed to go anywhere at all. If that state of affairs lasted forever so would the emissions decline.


hehehehe..... If this doesn't make a mockery of the ash hole in parliament then I don't know what does, especially after the clown had the audacity to thank them for their steady supply of vaccines to Canada and they've been the best supplier and yadda, yadda, yadda, when he sauntered through their European plant where our supply comes from sporadically. But even though they withheld doses from us for a month or more earlier in the year, setting our vaccine schedules back by months, the little bozo used false praise praising them for their unrelenting and steady supply they've been supplying us with since the get go. So of course less than a week after he said that, there's more shipping delays. Wondering what the excuses are this time around.



New Study Finds Slightly Elevated Risk of Bleeding Disorders After AstraZeneca Vaccine If it's not blood clot disorders it's bleeding disorders. Wow. No shortage of problems with Astra Zeneca it seems.


Covid-19 Deaths This Year Have Already Eclipsed 2020’s Toll  Well in all fairness here, the plandemic was only declared on the 16th of March. So April being the 4th month of the year, which was the 1st full month means there was only 8.5 months of it last year (and we are almost 7 full months into this year). During the first few months there were less people infected with it, so less chance to catch and spread it yourself. Since the start of this year though there's been hundreds of millions world wide who've been infected with it, ergo that many more chances to come into contact with it yourself and spread it even further. So that's probably got a lot to do with those numbers. But I know it always seems to be convenient for the powers that be, the scientists, the media etc to basically ignore those facts and just use the "already eclipsed 2020s toll" line to keep you ever scared and compliant as usual.
WASTED SHOT Johnson & Johnson ordered by FDA to throw out 60MILLION Covid vaccine doses after ‘possible contamination’ I hope the rest of J&J's products aren't as contaminated as their vaccines always seem to be, or else it could become downright scary putting a Bandaid on a cut. I mean they should clean their act up, big time.

When will the pandemic end? And will you need a booster shot? Where we'll be in 2022, The way things seem to be going out there now, I'd say we're not apt to be much further ahead than we are now.

These are the world’s most livable cities in 2021 Yes this is very much plandemic related.
Maxime Bernier arrested, charged after attending anti-COVID restriction rally in Manitoba  So much for freedom of expression and opinion in Canada eh? Even political party leaders are being arrested now when they dare speak out against the restrictions and repression going on here in Canada these days.

Good they're just turning the tables back on that backstabbing two faced country China and doing to them like they had originally wanted to do to  the rest of the world in the first place!


Nearly half of COVID-19 deaths were immigrants at start of pandemic: StatCan Because they were probably the ones that brought it into this country to start with.


'I don't think it's something we have to panic about': Delta variant is 50 per cent more transmissible, but Canada isn't on verge of fourth wave, doctor says Until we are. Then what? I mean it's feasible that we do wind up being hit and hit good with that variant, considering Moderna took it's time to arrive and now Pfizer is delaying shipments once again (after Trudeau praised them for their steady flow of shipments - which couldn't be further from the truth). 

Calgary Stampede rodeo performers and staff get federal COVID travel exemption Special rules for special people apparently. We weren't allowed to have Christmas with our son because we might get the virus and give it to someone else, but apparently there's no worries about hundreds if not thousands of people coming in who might have the virus and transmits it to others (probably on an exponential basis compared to the transmissions we'd have had if we got the virus from our son - as we basically stayed home and to ourselves - so I'd have gotten it and given it to my husband, but these performers are going to be together with competitors, friends, fans and workers at the stampede, who in turn all have their own friends and families they can transmit it to). But I guess that's okay because it's the stampede.


COVID-19 hot spot mayors want shorter dose interval for AstraZeneca recipients Whether it's good for the person being inoculated in such a short time frame with 2 doses of that stuff is irrelevant, just so long as they can get their economy back up and running again, regardless of the number of people that have to suffer in order to do it.

Why a Tree Is the Friend We Need Right Now And the ash holes next door had to destroy mine on me. A beautiful Norwegian maple with full foliage - only now it looks more like a lopsided palm tree with dark maple leafs instead of palm fronds. And the gall of those idiots is most of the branches they cut were overhanging OUR PROPERTY & NOT THEIRS. Even if they were overhanging their property they had no right by law to touch even a single leaf on it, without our permission. Which they never got.  We waited from 1986 until now for it to get this mature and full enough to provide shade, and protection from the setting sun glaring through our windows, in the summertime and the high winds coming off the water, which they took away in a matter of minutes on June 4th while we slept. If I had even one of the branches from that tree, I'd use it to club the ash holes who did it senseless and let Nurse Ratshit (oops was that supposed to be spelt Ratchet? my bad) take care of the brainless imbeciles for their rest of their sorry miserable lives.

Chile shuts capital Santiago once more as vaccines fail to quell rampant cases We seriously have to wonder what's going on here.... Why aren't the vaccines working? Why are there so many resurgences of the virus all over the place despite vaccination campaigns?

Violators of Summer Games virus rules to face fines I seriously don't understand why any athlete would risk their lives for a few metals that aren't even worth $10 each. I mean if they're that desperate for a metal why don't they go buy themselves one? It's worth about the same only they wouldn't have to risk their lives to get it.

So what's the gimmick here, then if a country that's almost totally vaccinated is going to be seeing that many cases in the next week or so? There's something else at play if you ask me. Maybe some biowarfare is going on where someone took the virus and jerry rigged it to outsmart the vaccines and be way more lethal in order to advance certain agendas maybe? Or else the vaccines are just water after all and not worth the needle used to inject it.  My husband seems to think that might the case. 

Covid 'alarm' that can SMELL if someone has infection: Ceiling-mounted device can detect if someone in a room has virus in 15 minutes by picking up their 'odour' Ah shaddupyouface.... That's all we need now the fire depts will not only be wanting carbon monoxide and fire alarms but also covid alarms installed everywhere too, even though it has nothing to do with fire.

Fed explores ‘once in a century’ bid to remake the U.S. dollar Yup that's part of what this plandemic was all about  - apparently the same thing is going to take place in Canada too. This is part of the Great Reset talked about at Event 2001 in Wuhan China in October 2019, by Bill Gates, Carl Schwab and his organizaiton the WEF.

U.S. report concluded COVID-19 may have leaked from Wuhan lab - WSJ No sheite Sherlock! Um duh, it sure took you long enough  to come to this conclusion when the facts spoke for themselves and anyone who couldn't put them together had a serious problem with logical reasoning, believe me. I've been saying this since day one because of the colossal fight that China had with Gilead Sciences over patenting remdemsivir which they finished working and started fighting over the patent in 2016. So obviously they had the virus in their labs if they were working on an antidote for it in 2016. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to reach those conclusions given those facts.


Yup and next week they'll change again to include skinned knees, swollen bruised toes, and paper cuts - all to do with clumsiness caused by COVID.  The following week, it'll be cateracts, burns and browning of the skin normally associated with being outside in the sun too long but instead it'll be associated with coronavirus.


What the steep climb toward herd immunity looks like Whatever BS unachievable fairytale they want it to look like, at this point. I mean that's basically what that 90% figure is, a BS fairytale, concocted to keep us under their draconian thumb even longer. Now that they've had a taste of absolute power over us and have used this plandemic to fine the eye teeth out of our heads, and for them to get away with blue murder going where ever, whenever and however (sans masks, holding hands with complete strangers, playing hoochy koochy together with their colleagues and going on exclusive golf vaccations etc, while we're confined to our houses and forbidden to go out even for a walk after 6pm unless we have a dog on a leash). I mean they must've been having a blast going to various venues for certain affairs and celebrations and getting away with it because there was no one else around to see them beside staff. I mean who wouldn't like to have whole swanky hotel or dining room to themselves with all the staff at their beck and call and a whole plane to themselves etc... And having to only quarantine at a hotel for 10 hours while for everyone else it was 3 days at least. So why would they want to give any of that up anyhow? 

7 in 10 young Americans say they’ve had a health ‘self-awakening’ during the pandemic I suppose then that's at least one benefit from the plandemic.

COVID could actually lead to Alzheimer’s-like condition in patients, Cleveland Clinic study warns Is covid also responsible for my hair and nails growing longer too? Just wondering if they aren't pegging it's capabilities with what would've happened naturally anyhow. I mean this disease seems to be a miraculous disease in that it's in everything and can do everything except fly us to the moon or make us breathe Martian air and survive in space without any space suits or oxygen.

Canada to receive 9.5M vaccine doses this week thanks to influx of Moderna shots Hope so because I need my 2nd shot of water that'll protect me from the big bad Delta variant, before it gets to me.  That way I can tell Legault and Mr. Dressup and the two psychotic genocidal beitches to go F themselves if they see me walking around without a mask on and too close to my husband.


Vaccines effective at preventing hospitalization from Delta variant, studies suggest Really? So then why are places like the UK and Chili being hit so hard again?

Pfizer, AstraZeneca preventing hospitalizations from Delta variant in Britain Okay so then what that 100,000 cases by July projection all about then if their vaccines are doing such a great job at preventing hospitalizations?

Covid-19 Ranged From Illinois to Massachusetts Before States Reported First Cases Blood samples show people in five U.S. states were infected early, including some in December 2019 Precisely what I've been saying about here too, as I know I had it the first week of January and the Pharmacists association of QC reported that a woman came to Montreal from NY for the Christmas holidays in 2019 and had it. Everything I've been saying about this is proving to be 100% right on. 



U.S. workers are among the most stressed in the world, new Gallup report finds This poll includes Canadian workers as well (in fact they're lumped in with the US workers).



 So much for more of Mr. Dressup's opaque transparency.

Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine lottery now includes 40 travel-related prizes I wonder if the gov'ts actually intend to award any of those prizes or if they're just being used as the carrot instead of the stick.


Sudden death of 13 vaccinated senior citizens leads to worries  Yeah like is there anything in those phials at all or is it just water they injecting into our bodies?

Fully vaccinated Americans have had looser restrictions for months. Why don't Canadians? I think I explained this above about the tyrants liking the feel of all that absolute power over us, where they can do or decree anything they want and impose insane fines to cover the holes in their coffers. They don't want to relinguish that power and those abilities if they don't have to.

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know on Wednesday Just so long as hockey fans can have their popup vaccination clinics I guess that means everything's fine. Even though the rest of us can't even get an appointment for a vaccination. 

COVID-19 out of control in Afghanistan as cases up 2,400% in a month Karma's a beach, especially when it concerns the Taliban, Al Qaida and the poppy farmers. Let's hope it's mostly those types being affected by it.

Kim warns of 'tense' food situation, longer COVID lockdown This is so sad for the the North Koreans themselves.

COVID-19 A Guide to Home Healthcare A downloadable epub book that you probably could've used last year or earlier this year. But in case you'd still like or need it, download it from the longfiles link given.

COVID-19 might be over, but viral infections in Israel are surging I hope that's not going to happen here this coming winter.

Wow.... Well I finally got through it all. Until next time - whenever that'll be, take care and stay well.





Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Whole Story or Just the Headlines About? ....


February 4, 2021
After learning what I learnt today, vis a vis this virus and plandemic (which it is rightly named here as a PLANdemic), my stomach is still doing summersaults  and I'm not sure even yet as I'm writing this, whether I'm just going to do the usual of posting the headlines and my associated comments, or if I'm going to lay this whole BS PLANDEMIC OUT ONCE & FOR ALL USING BONAFIDE LINKS TO SOURCES & INFORMATION in hopes that this post will attract attention by the revolutionaries of this world so they can take action before it's too late. 

Because lately I've been more than just cynical about all the BS going on out there and just downright flippantly hostile against it, this might be my opportunity to try to put an end to at least some of it. 
Like my little mention to Jeff Rense of the Jeff Rense Talk Show, while I was doing research for him, about the Thursday terror alerts being issued in the US. Which I caught on to, because I was the one doing the research for the topics he covered and at the time the 9/11 attack in NY was a big topic of his. As I had all the newstories I sent him I started seeing a pattern about the terror alerts. So one Thursday, when I sent that week's terror alert to him, I flippantly titled the email with the attached story, "It's Thursday so here's your weekly terror alert". So he emailed me back and asked what I meant and I said that I checked back through all the terror alert news stories and they were all published on Thursdays. So that night on his show, he talked about how the terror alerts they (the Americans) were getting were all coming out on Thursdays and his guest - not sure if it was Jim Marrs or David Icke or someone else like that, commented that that sounds like a psy op operation. That the American gov't was using those terror alerts to try to keep their population afraid and compliant. 
Which sounds very similar to what's been going on with this virus world wide. After he mentioned that on air and over the internet via a now defunct (I think),  player RealAudio or RealPlayer, I never saw another terror alert news story and so gradually Americans stopped being afraid of sheite that was never going to happen anyhow, as it was all contrived by their gov't to keep them in line (like the Kuwaiti babies on the floor before the Gulf War, which was also contrived but managed to cause an uproar and a demand to go into Kuwait to stop that evil monster Saddam Hussein). 
Governments have and continue to use psychological means of swaying us to do what they want. One of those means is this pandemic. 
But it IS a PLANdemic and up until today I was missing the key information about the source for and beginning of this plan for something like what's happening today. All the way along there's been one common man and thread. That man being Klaus Schwab and the founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum). Of course I guess a man like this didn't want the virus to run rampant and kill off the entire population - because then who would he exploit to do his bidding if all the little minions in the world were wiped out by the virus, so he brought in someone who's been literally drooling all over the place to have a chance to inoculate the ENTIRE WORLD against something (I mean lookit how much money he'd stand to make per dose and there's almost 8 billion of us - and well with Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccine - I know he bankrolled Pfizer - not sure about Moderna though but probably - that's 2 doses each so 16 billion doses -  euuuuu boy he must've drooled a pool big enough to almost drown himself in with those figures - I can see the dollar signs just rolling over in his eyes now) - none other than Mr. Bill Gates and his foundation.... That's WHY the WEF and Gates were at the Event 201 together - which I could never figure out until today (Remember I said it made no sense to bring in the World Economic Forum and not the World Health Organization? But that's because I thought Gates organized Event 201 and not someone else namely someone else behind the WEF) - because the Schwab clown was the hidden piece of info. 

And that particular, who in my opinion is an, evil maniac wanted a pandemic in order to create a great reset - which you've been hearing about lately too I imagine. He wanted that back in 2014. 

Now coincidentally or not Gilead Sciences and the Wuhan Lab had the virus and had already concocted an anecdote to it in 2016. So did they start working on it in 2014? They then started fighting over world wide patent rights in 2016,  I imagine - because legal and patent issues were mentioned as an explanation as to why it wasn't available to be used at the beginning of the plandemic.  
So I imagine that knowing that, that they had a virus in question and a kind of anecdote that might help save some lives until they could get full fledged vaccines going (and don't forget Event 201 forecast 65 million deaths world - wide - so is that they're planned objective before they really get serious about mass inoculations?).

Event 201 was held in October 2019 and then about a month and a half or so later the coronavirus appears in Wuhan China. 

Then that smarmy genocidal criminal Tedros at the WHO (another one of the branches of the UN that the WEF belongs to), takes until March - after he's sure it's spread sufficiently around the world, to announce a pandemic but tells all the countries NOT to close their borders and for us to NOT wear masks. Wash your hands and physically distance and you'll be fine, instead. 

I'm sure you know how that turned out right????? 

So now we know who to try for crimes against humanity on a grand scale. Klaus Schwab and his accomplices Gates and Tedros, from what I've read are the culprits behind this. Jail time shouldn't even be an option for them if they're found guilty and with the evidence in the media out there against them, I don't see how they couldn't be found guilty. Unless laws are rewritten between now and then, aimed at protecting mega monsters like them, in my opinion. They should be put to death with lethal doses of their own favourite virus, by injection. With all medical intervention and help forbidden (allowing only basic food & water)  and keep them in strict isolation with no means of communication to the outside world at all - the same sort of treatment a lot of seniors got when they were dying of this. That's how I think those mega genocidal monsters should be sentenced. 

Now.... Here's the story that came out today in regards to our own Alberta Premier Kenney that started it all for me: Jason Kenney takes on COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in Facebook 'rant'
Okay as you probably realize by now, if you've been a regular reader here, I generally don't just stop at the story whose headline I'm posting but I comb through the links given in it too. At first this story just exasperated me because Kenney was doing a whole walk back BS thing. Where first he talks about the Great Reset as if it's fact and then suddenly in this story it's a conspiracy theory that's all made up by crazy conspiracy theorists. Except I checked all the links relating to the story and these are them: 
Answering your questions with Dr. Deena Hinshaw Kenney's facebook video with Hinshaw, walking the story back....  Then there's this link: Trudeau touts Canada's diversity and resourcefulness in Davos
Quoting that story, this is the very first paragraph in it: Klaus Schwab, the bespectacled 78-year-old German economist who presides over the World Economic Forum, has decreed that this year's gathering is to dwell on the notion of a "fourth industrial revolution" — his attempt to summarize the technological innovations changing the way the world works.  ----> First time I've ever seen the name Klaus Schwab and saw he presided over the WEF.... Aha 2+2 suddenly =4, like it's supposed to! Then I remembered at one time seeing a page/website about the Great Reset and so looked for it (if it's a conspiracy theory, it's not a very good one, because it seems to have a huge foundation in fact) and lo and behold here it is: The Great Reset World Economic Forum
Which incidentally has a ton of articles on what they hope to achieve thanks to the plandemic - how they want to restructure everything from business and social contracts to society in general , with lots of links to the Davos 2021 articles and a link to Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. So that looks freaking real to me and not like some kind of conspiracy theory at all. Oh but for the icing on the Schwab/WEF cake.... Read this article: A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020  And the final link from that original Kenney article is this where he himself talks about the Great Reset as though it's a true fact (like I've already demonstrated that it is): What is "The Great Reset?"
Now we'll go back to the Event 201 conference that happened just shortly before the plandemic outbreak. That event was planned and attended by both the Gates Foundation and the WEF (we've already established above who the WEF is). I think by now most of us knows who Bill Gates is and about his Foundation, but are you familiar with the Event 201 which talks about the best way to manage a pandemic - to get things back up and running after such a global catastrophe? Anyhow you can see the Event 201 site here: Event 201
Additional links including this one from Klaus Schwab himself: Now is the time for a 'great reset' 
Where there's links to his podcast and his book and whatever else he can think of to persuade the public that killing off people is the right way and only way to reset stuff, it looks like, - as if it'll work or if it does for how long is anyone's question.  Klaus Schwab
All of the following is my opinion: Where you can read more about this meglomaniac intent on ruling the world no matter how many he's got to kill in order to do it. Talk about Hitler.... This ash hole isn't using guns, tanks and planes and bombs like Hitler instead he's using an insidious rapidly spreading and mutating virus to do his dirty work for him, it seems, but the end game is still the same - global domination. He should be strung up now in my opinion - because biowarfare is against the Geneva Convention - the treaty that governs warfare. 
Now you have an idea of how and why this plandemic got started and so badly mismanaged in the first place. It was PLANNED ON PURPOSE. And the heads of government that went along with this are equally as guilty for mass genocide and crimes against humanity as Klaus, Tedros and Gates are and they should all be tried in an impartial international court of law and I'm not talking about the Hague because it's linked to the UN and it's bodies of the UN that started this sheite in the first place. In fact both Klaus and Tedros work for the UN in one capacity or another. So they won't be impartial at all in a hearing against their contrivance to bring the world under domination and kill off 65 or so million people over all.

As you and anyone with eyes who follows the links can see, those are REAL BONAFIDE SITES & NOT CONSPIRACY THEORISTS SITES!!!!! So the lamestream media is going to have one helluva picnic trying to chalk this post up as a conspiracy theorist's ravings. Good luck with that eh!?! 
Hence the reason we have to throw the shackles off that the gov'ts are trying to place on us. No one is saying the virus is a hoax (at least I'm not) but it IS being used to incarcerate us even though we're innocent of all crimes. It's time we fought back before this is a totally done deal and we have no wiggle room left in which to fight back. Maybe that's why QC has been under the strictest and longest lockdown and curfews - because we're a more brazen mouthier bunch than the rest of the sheeple in Canada are. But it's time some of the sheeple in Canada got the guts to face their wolves in sheep's clothing and defy them and show them who the real bosses are here in this country. Here's a clue:
WE VOTERS GAVE THEM THEIR JOBS - ergo WE HIRED THEM TO REPRESENT OUR BEST INTERESTS AND WE PAY THEM SALARIES OUT OF OUR TAXES WE PAY, SO WE ARE THEIR BOSSES. But being caged in and denied our rights and freedoms IS NOT OUR BEST INTERESTS! AT ALL! So it's time we stood up for those rights and freedoms before it's too late and they've been eradicated altogether by law and don't say they can't do it, because they're doing it now. So NOW is the time to act or cower in your corner crying over lost rights and freedoms that you were too chicken to fight for. 
But I'm telling you our WW vets who fought for our rights and freedoms will be rolling in their graves to see what kind of cowardly chicken sheites they gave their lives defending their rights and freedoms for. Yeah just go right ahead and squander their lives because of your  cowardice. Gawd, I'm an old lady and I'd be out there fighting if I thought there might be others backing me up, but I can't do it alone. I mean it and I live in the most incarcerated and caged in province or district in the f'n world for that matter, the QC of Gestapo land. So imagine....  
Anyhow if you don't stand up for your rights and freedoms first by usurping weasel face in Ottawa and his accomplices across the country from Tam and Haggydudu, to Legault, Dube, and all the other totally unedjumicated medical officers of the provinces and territories and their gestapo bootied authorities (though I think those are mostly here in QC, Sask, Man, Ont - so the 4 middle provinces). Make them ACCOUNTABLE TO THEIR BOSSES FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Make them stand trial for all criminally negligent actions. Make the punishments suit their crimes. 
Seems to me that the way the month of September has been bandied about as to when vaccinations etc would be over with, I think that's the end date they have in mind to start their "great reset". So we don't have much time left there folks. That's why I chose to do this post rather than just the regular headlines post tonight. 
So please pray for the world tonight because it needs a prayer as do we all.  Until next time take care and stay well.