Showing posts with label Canada Day Celebrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Day Celebrations. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Canada Day Amidst This "Wonderful" Plandemic Sponsored by.....

 Covid 19


July 1,2022

I seriously thought we'd be over this by now. Never did I dream this blog would be going on this long as I thought this whole pandemic deal would've been over and done with in a couple of month tops. But as things progressed it started looking more and more like it would never end and the dealings going on, on account of it, the autocratic grabs for power, the money being made on all things to do with it,  the excuses to curb rights and freedoms, to increase prices and gouge our eyes out with inflation and taxes. It basically became every dictator and wanna-be billionaire's wet dream, if they can figure out how to exploit this plandemic in their favour. And there's millions of them that have on their own.  
Then there's enclaves for the political elite to school each other in what to do along with coordinated schedules on when to enact certain measures etc... So that they're coordinated across the globe. There's enclaves (but they like to call them conferences) for the billionaires on how to siphon the wealth off the lower classes so they can get richer and richer (as if they need all that money). So essentially everyone with wealth and power are using this plandemic to gain more wealth and power or both. So that being said, do you think this plandemic will end before they've siphoned off all the wealth there is to get or gone total draconian dictatorship on us? Doubtful. They'll just keep finding more and more ways to subjugate us and rob us blind, unless we put them in their place - considering we have the numbers - there's more of us then there are of them and they might want to take note of and remember that too.
Anyhow before the headlines part of my bookmark file gets to be too long, here's the latest again...


VIRAL WAVE Covid cases close to 300,000 a day and heading for highest ever levels, expert warns Yikes! That's scary even if it is in the UK and far away from us!

'The worst version' of COVID is spreading. Can we update our vaccines in time? How can you update a vaccine that isn't a vaccine to begin with? You mean by creating one from scratch that actually works as a vaccine should? If it does, then maybe there'll be no need to update it.
Tweaked COVID boosters in US must target newer omicron types  Well yeahhhh.... Otherwise what's the point of making newer ones if they just do the same thing the current ones are doing now? 


Trudeau has 'no solid plan' to tackle inflation, Canadians say: Yahoo/Maru poll Oh but he sure as hell had one solid plan creating the inflation though! Standing on his steps outside every freaking day in the spring of 2020 handing out gajillions of dollars to this group and that group and every other f'n group except for the disabled and elderly. That he had no problem with. Guess he thought companies would just sit passively by watching the handouts without drooling about all that money being handed out to potential consumers without scheming how to get their hands on as much of it as they could whenever they were allowed to resume operations again? If he couldn't figure out what all the extra money would do to our economy then he's a total and utter idiot, even I was alarmed at how much was being given out and sometimes for no reason other than he thought that was his voters demographics (like those with kids that needed 600 per kid per month EXTRA to sit home and munch on mommy's cookies while squabbling with each other), when there were groups that were virtually ignored and not given much of any help. 

Canada Day 2022: Flags, celebrants and marchers back in downtown Ottawa  I wish they could get their story straight about that table that was dismantled. Earlier on televised CTV news it was said the table held a petition for people to sign and that's why it was dismantled. Now it's said that first it was selling items in support of the Freedom Convoy and then buttons that said Trudeau should be arrested for treason (yes he should but that's beside the point here) and the table was dismantled because of that and then the Koala Bear that runs Ottawa said it was because hate messages wasn't going to be tolerated. Huh? How is saying Trudeau should be arrested for treason a hate message anyhow? The only hate I see going on there are the authorities against the protesters because they're afraid of them and what they represent.  Anyhow I wish they could get their story straight about that table. I'm more inclined to believe that it was set up for Freedom Convoy supporters to sign a petition intended to be given to the clowns in power, than any of the rest of the crap mentioned in these fake news articles. 

Freedom Convoy protesters return to Ottawa for Canada Day Whoo Hoo! Veterans For Freedom! Yes we NEED you now! If the little autocratic dictators don't resign on their own maybe people who knows how to operate tanks and big defensive weapons like that, will be needed to in order to put an end to this autocratic dictatorship we all face across this country! I mean if they won't listen to their voting taxpayers aka their bosses, then maybe the bosses should call in their army to make sure those morons get the message one way or the other.

Canada Day enforcement in Ottawa sees 275 parking tickets issued as protesters return Which is probably roughly the same amount issued on any given day in Ottawa. I know way more than that are issued here in Montreal.

Physician expects new COVID-19 variants every few months: 'Whole world is a petri dish' Of course our wanna-be dictators will love this and so will Pfizer, Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwabb et. al.

A person caught Covid from a cat, first confirmed case says Scientific American Then that cat was probably handled by (pet, or held) by someone with covid and released. They said that animals could carry covid on their bodies but not get sick by it, like asymptomatic people do, so if that's the case I don't see why they can't "give it to someone" the same way an asymptomatic person would.
In Canada Day message, Trudeau says Canadian flag represents promise of a better life  Only if you come from one of the 10 worst countries to live in, maybe. Otherwise I wouldn't be so sure of that especially not with this moronic wanna be dictator at the helm.

Edmonton's Canada Day fireworks back in full force Lucky them. Here in QC, it's moving day, more than it is Canada Day. So we haven't seen nor had many fireworks celebrations on Canada Day in recent years. 

Ontario reports week-over-week uptick in COVID hospitalizations for first time since May  Nooo Ontario, that's the WRONG direction to be going in!

Canada extends COVID-19 border measures for incoming travellers They just never seem to know when to quit, do they!?! 

Poilievre leads march of convoy protesters beside man with far-right extremist ties Maybe it's not so much hte man with the extremist ties he's there to support, but rather the cause of the march - and that is to stand up to the draconian dictatorships in power across this country who've abrograted all our constitutional rights and freedoms and used and abused their powers in order to do so. Maybe that's what he was supporting there and not necessarily the man walking beside him. Maybe that man put himself beside Polievre and kept pace with Polievre no matter how fast or slow Polievre walked. Is that not a possibility too?????  I mean leave it to fake news to concoct schemes to suit themselves.

Quebec COVID-19 hospitalizations rise again as thousands of health-care workers remain absent Remain absent or layed off/thrown out? Just wondering by the way Gestapo Legault has been going on dismantly our medicare system - starting as soon as he took power in 2018, 2 years before this plandemic began, he started closing CLSCs and walk in clinics - he closed all the ones in our area. Now that he basically has winnowed our medicare system down to "phone a medical professional" (not necessarily a doctor) or go sit 5 weeks in an ER waiting room to be seen, I wouldn't doubt what I surmise about layoffs and firings to be the actual facts rather than "missing thousands of health care workers".

WHO adviser says G7 leaders must prioritize COVID-19 or face economic harm, unrest I won't even address this because anything coming from Tedros is just as crooked as the whole plandemic deal itself is.


Poilievre marches with soldier protesting COVID-19 mandates ahead of Canada Day  I hope he wins the Conservative leadership race, so I can vote for him to be out next PM if numbnuts doesn't find some excuse to usurp our next election, using the too tightly wound turban to back that BS.

Wow! That was a short one.... Glad it didn't take as long as the others have taken me to do! Still took long enough though, for a hot and muggy night with no air conditioning to sit in this pseudo-leather chair with legs stuck to the seat of it.  Anyhow, until next time take care, and stay safe.

And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Grand Finale of...

All the Intense Comprehensive

Covid19 Coverage

For Now, At Least

July 1, 2020

As this will be the last post of thorough comprehensive COVID19 coverage and as I hope to have it all done and posted today, I will make very few comments on them and those that I do comment on I'll try to keep as short & sweet as possible. 

Happy Canada Day Everyone!

2 Links - 1 for your computer or laptop and the other for your cellphone (you'll need to download the app first though). I guess both versions start at 10PM. So enjoy. 

Canada Day Celebration Kit  With 4 different activity packs, that each are comprised of several more activity packs based on that particular theme. Suitable for kids of all ages.

Grand Finale of Comprehensive COVID19 Coverage

Why Coronavirus Cases Are Spiking Around the World  Just as long as they don't start spiking here in Canada too, I'll be happy!

The best edible plants you can actually grow indoors: Which ones are worth it? Perhaps some of us should start thinking about doing something like this.

The best DIY face mask material and fit? Quilting cotton beats bandana, new study suggests  This article has pictures demonstrating just how uneffective these masks really are, when it comes to coughing and sneezing.

2 years of coronavirus pandemic is ‘best-case scenario,’ doctor warns This isn't what they were saying in March when they imposed the lockdowns - back then it was just for a month or so until we got through this pandemic. Now 2 years is the best case scenario? Wow..... Wondering what's the worst case scenario then?

Consumer shopping habits have changed during COVID 19 pandemic, says Couche-Tard I guess so that they have to go out less often to get those things.

Americans' concerns about coronavirus jump as cases surge, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows  My question is, why weren't they concerned when they were out partying at beaches and rioting in the streets?

Lloyd's calls for state-backed 'Black Swan' reinsurance

MUSK GO Tesla ‘fires five factory workers for not coming to work over COVID fears’ despite Musk saying return was not mandatory

Three Months In, These Patients Are Still Ravaged by Covid’s Fallout

COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu

Dozens of goats quarantined after shepherd tests positive for coronavirus  So the goats are under quarantine but not the shepherd?

El Al cancels all flights until further notice

Adam Silver: On track but coronavirus spread may stop NBA

Florida Hospitals Are Flooded With Partying Younger People

Pizza Hut and Wendy’s Operator NPC Files for Bankruptcy

CRA CERB Update: 2020 Just Went From Bad to Worse

Reopening the Canada-U.S. border will be a long, piecemeal process

Not so sweet season for B.C. farmers, cherry pickers due to weather and COVID-19  It seems like lots of things are converging this year to cause food insecurities and price hikes. Even my own garden isn't doing so great. None of the seeds that I planted are growing. The only things growing are the perennials that were planted previously and the seedlings I bought to plant. I have no clue why the seeds aren't growing at all. It's not just one kind of seeds it's all of them.

Coronavirus: US buys up almost entire world supply of COVID-19 drug remdesivir  I knew countries would do this. That they'd hog the entire supply of whatever medications or vaccines that were produced within their borders for their own population first. Except maybe Canada. We'd probably give it to China first.

Coronavirus: 'Super Saturday' revellers told they must drink responsibly as pubs reopen  I'd be equally concerned about them behaving responsibly as drinking responsibly if I were the UK gov't, considering it's the bad behaviour in general that's putting others at risk.

'Boris Johnson is lying': Outrage as PM under fire over 'missing coronavirus data'

'Living in limbo': Canadians with long-lasting symptoms call for COVID-19 research, support

Coronavirus: Immunity levels 'higher than antibody tests suggest', according to Swedish study   That's great news!

This Stock Market Guru Warns: Sell Your Stocks Now!

'We are not guinea pigs,' say South African anti-vaccine protesters

Coronavirus: US deaths could be 28% higher than official figures, warns study

COVID-19 vaccine candidates with early human-trial data

Ex-Bush Aide Lays Blame For New Coronavirus Spike: ‘This Is Trump’s Plague Now’

In a world economy reshaped by a virus, the new North American trade deal takes effect I'm sure the deal is just as lousy as it was before when Freeland was negociating it, coronavirus or not coronavirus.

COVID-19 reshapes Canada Day celebrations from big parties to online shows the links to them are given at the very top of this post.

'Invisible disability': Masks making it harder to communicate, deaf and hard of hearing say

Ottawa 'remotely' inspected Ontario farms while COVID-19 infected hundreds of migrant workers  Remotely inspected!?! How the heck do you "remotely inspect a farm"? Is that code, for didn't bother and let it pass anyhow?

Provicial health officer 'expects' British Columbians to be wearing masks  It's not a law or a rule just an "expectation"....You might as well make it a law now, because those not wearing masks are going to face all kinds of grief from the illiterates who think it's a law, when it isn't.

The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada  and these are the latest charts and graphs they've released as well:

To enlarge any of the charts or graphs above simply click on them.

B.C. to allow designated visits for residents in long-term care after months of restrictions

Free field trips at Orwell Corner a big hit with Island families   I think we're all looking for something fun to do, after months of being cooped up with nowhere to go and nothing to do. We're all kind of bored and antsy now, all wanting something different, fun and interesting to do for a change, I think.

Northumberland Ferries to offer 6 sailings daily as Atlantic bubble opens

What it’s like to go to the dentist during the pandemic

Alberta expands gatherings for outdoor audience events to 200 people

'Catastrophic' Alberta bee population losses blamed on cold winter, pandemic

Coronavirus: Immunity may be more widespread than tests suggest  That's great news!

Coronavirus: The human cost of fake news in India

How Covid-19 is changing women’s lives  Yet another aspect of this virus and what it's doing to us and our society at large.

Despite warnings, the US wasn’t prepared with masks for coronavirus. Now it’s too late  It was already too late in January while everyone from China was still being allowed into our respective countries.

'We won't be social distancing' at Mount Rushmore celebration with Trump, says SD Gov. Noem

'A mask is not a symbol': Restaurants take a stand amid coronavirus pandemic Well well well masks required in restaurants. I guess you're allowed in and to order, and pay for it, but not eat whatever it is you ordered and paid for then huh? Otherwise I wish someone could explain to me how you eat food with a mask on.

RV rentals rise as Americans prepare for Fourth of July road trips That seems like the only viable way to travel this year considering all the restrictions and lack of amenities here there and everywhere.

Reopening the economy doesn't mean Covid-19 is getting better. It just shifts more responsibility to you  Yup now it's up to you to make sure you stay safe after the inept nitwits in control of this world, lost control of the virus, the economy and everything else.

We're students from different generations. Here's what quarantining alone taught us.

He was an athlete in the best shape of his life. Then Covid-19 nearly killed him I could show you before and after pictures of me and what happened to me as a result of a dislocated knee and inept idiots masquerading as doctors for 4 years in my area did to me. When we have a severe or prolonged illness or disability as a result of an injury, we lose strength, muscle mass, or in my case lithness, agility and gained weight as a result of not being able to do much for 4 years solid. So there's usually always a before and after picture in severe or prolonged illness cases.

Grad student mom: This is something I can't fix

Young adults unconcerned by coronavirus "may be killing other people," doctor warns

Groom may have been coronavirus super-spreader at his own big Indian wedding

Potential coronavirus vaccine has ‘right sort of immune response’ in trial: scientist  Hooray! There may be hope after all!

Canada Day during a pandemic: What's open and closed across the country For those who still aren't sure what's opened and closed in general in their region you can take a look at this, because I was surprised to find most everything open in Quebec now.

Suspected COVID-19 exposure on Toronto to Halifax flight  I guess even though they tried to make it as difficult as possible for anyone from Ontario to get there bearing the COVID19 gifts, they still found a way even without having to drive there (which given the impossibility of toilet, food or sleep breaks on the way there, would've made the feat next to impossible).

Windsor medical officer won’t let migrant farm workers with asymptomatic COVID-19 back to work

Quebec announces 66 new COVID-19 cases and 24 deaths  these are today's numbers.

Pointe Claire and SADB reopening pools  At least people in Pointe Claire & Ste. Anne de Bellevue will be able to get some relief from this heat this summer.

BREAKING: Alberta confirms 41 COVID-19 cases Tuesday  I hope we're not looking at a resurgence here in Canada too.

Public health tracking four COVID-19 outbreaks linked to Edmonton restaurants

Coronavirus: Could 'immunity passports' create an antibody elite?
Something I proposed back in January after I had what I am sure was the virus but didn't know if I did or not and the passport idea was as a means of being identified as a potential antibody donor. Which I guess could also be used as a kind of "get out of jail free" card as far as the pandemic goes.

Most People With Coronavirus Won't Spread It. Why Do a Few Infect Many?

5 things we've learned from the first wave of COVID-19

Protest versus Africa's 1st COVID-19 vaccine test shows fear

Lockdown loneliness: COVID-19 quarantine has quarter of adults feeling like they have no friends   This is just sad.

Phew! Finally! I'm finally caught up on all the world's COVID19 happenings current as of July 1, 2020.

Now I intend to only post Canadian COVID19 news with a special focus on Southwestern Quebec, and important incidents/developments in the COVID19 news stories once a week from now on.

 Unless or until there's a drastic change here in Canada, as in we've declared Canada COVID free, or everyone's been inoculated or declared immune, then there won't be a need for more COVID19 coverage here at all in which case I'll leave this blog dormant or maybe keep it quasi active by posting things of interest to me, if not anyone else, just to keep it from being archived and put away off the net by Google, so that it'll remain easily accessible to those who'd still like to avail themselves of it.

The other change that will affect it in reverse is if we have a resurgence here in Canada and laws and rules change again and/or we're put back into lockdown (which we probably will, given that there is a 30 day out of lockdown and 50 day lockdown cycle being bandied about out there). Then in that case, I'll probably resume the comprehensive coverage postings almost every day like I've done so far.

But until then just look for a once a week update on COVID19 happenings in Canada and Southwestern Quebec, with an occasional post thrown in about other things that I might find of interest, in between the COVID19 posts.

I'm not sure which day/s I'll base the weekly posts on, but it'll be near the end of or start of the week - like a Monday maybe (where it might appear on Tuesday as I tend to work on them late in the night and even though the post shows the date I started I generally don't finish them until after midnight, so they don't appear until the following day's date). Anyhow just keep checking back and you're bound to find out.

In the meantime take care, stay well, keep cool and enjoy the summer with your family & friends.

Last Comprehensive COVID Update....

From Now On The Updates on COVID19

Will be Weekly 

June 30, 2020

I may still post intermittent posts about various things. Things that catch my attention, or that I think is important or of interest to others, and also a weekly COVID19 update. That update though will mostly be about Canadian concerns, with the main focus on Quebec, unless there's a major development or incident relating to COVID19 elsewhere in the world. 

I am doing this, because Canada is slowly starting to reopen society and at one point the Quebec government themselves only wanted to release the COVID data once a week, but there was an outcry about that and so they reversed their decision and said they'll continue giving daily data updates to the public.  

As for me and my reasons why is because life is slowly returning to normal for most of us and that means me as well, so I don't have the same amount of time I had before to work on this. As most of the vital information (like government sites, help lines, etc) is already posted here which you can find by clicking on the appropriate labels in the right hand column and all newer vital information being released for Canadians and in particular Quebecers, I will continue to post here. But up until now, as far as I know it's all already here and available for those who need it.

If things should change here in Quebec, like it seems to be doing elsewhere particularly in the United States, lockdown or not, I will resume the comprehensive daily coverage, because quite honestly lockdown or not, I won't want to venture out in public more than I have to. Even now it seems rather risky.  

If things continue to improve though, I may wind up fazing the COVID coverage out altogether and maybe just post other things of interest to myself and maybe others,  in order to keep this blog active - in case.

Now for the final comprehensive coverage posting.....

5 ways to virtually celebrate Canada Day 2020 online  There's even a pet parade as one of the 5 events shown here.

Spice Island Cultural Day  The annual Spice Island Cultural Day has been postponed until 2021 in the meantime you can enjoy this year's virtual festivities at this link.

As Quebec reopens, small towns and provincial parks brace for larger crowds  Well if we're not left with anywhere to go other than to explore our own province, I guess we should expect that.

Ontario reports 178 new cases, six new deaths related to COVID-19

Coronavirus rekindles global trade disputes

Summer will be a lot different this year. Here's how you can make sure your kids still have fun  I don't know when I was a kid we didn't go to day camp and very often we didn't go swimming at the pool or anywhere else either because we had to go with a parent, and they were usually too busy, but yet we had fun. I hung out with my friends either at our place or theirs or at the local park. On rainy days we stayed inside and played or did art projects etc.  We still had fun, even without the fancy electronic gizmos all the kids have today. Card games, board games and puzzles were just as much fun with the actual physical objects as they are on the tablets, and smart phones. Only then we played against each other rather than a machine. So give them a few board games, decks of cards, puzzles and colouring books and they'll be able to have fun inside with their friends rather than by themselves on a stupid electronic device. Give them things to do outside (if you don't have your own backyard - then things they can use in a park to have fun on their own - like balls and skipping ropes etc...). If you have your own backyard, well the sky is the limit. There's tennis/badminton nets you can set up, maybe a swing set, sandbox (for the younger ones) with a pool (wading pool if that's all you can do to keep the little ones cool and the preteens having fun in cold water), balls, croquet sets, skipping ropes, chalk for drawing hopscotch squares etc... Let their friends come over and join them if their friends don't have a place to play outside and cool down.  If you have a paved driveway, even skateboards might be a little bit of fun there, otherwise take them to a park where there is a half pipe for them to use. Buy them bicycles to ride and go places by themselves or with friends. There's tons of ways to make sure your kids have fun this summer without relying on summer camps of any kind or public swimming area. I mean don't get stuck, it's not the first time kids had fewer options. Stop acting like it's the end of civilization as we know it.

Nova Scotia wedding planners toast eased COVID-19 restrictions 
Well see!?! There's hope after all! Weddings are continuing to be planned somewhere in this great country of ours and wedding planners are happy they're able to get back to planning them! Life goes on. So enjoy it, while you can!

New camp aims to get youth excited about farming  Now that would be good. Something that might not only benefit them personally but society in general, if they use some or all of what they learn there in later life to at least supplement their own food supply (as we do here with our gardens - when the seeds planted in them grow that is - this year it doesn't look like any of the seeds I planted are growing at all, only the little seedling plants I bought). It's always good to know something that can help you be self-sufficient if you need to be (like in times we find ourselves in now with all the food insecurity out there and the dubious economic climate we're in). I'm sure the animals will be entice them into it. Most kids like animals and want to be near them and learn about them, so that will be a big help at piquing their interest in the field, because honestly weed pulling isn't all that much fun, nor is harvesting stuff we don't like to eat raw.

The House of Commons just had one of its slowest years in a century, thanks to the pandemic

Student stashes time capsule for future kids to learn about life during a pandemic  That's a neat idea, but I think there'll be enough written about this particular pandemic that everyone who wants to know anything about it in years to come, will have endless sources of information in order to find out.

How COVID-19 is impacting the mental health of Indigenous people

Penticton community groups rally to create art supply care packages for people in need   I think this is a really cool idea. There's lots of people who use hobbies and the like to distract themselves from problems, until they're better able to cope with them.

Calgary scientists hope to find early warning signs of pandemic's 2nd wave — in po  This is a pretty old method of tracking contagious diseases. It was used in back in the early 1900s to track contagions, by a biologist who got the idea that in order to find hot spots in the city (which was Boston) he would take feces samples from various locations around the city to see the prevalence of certain biological markers for the various diseases he was tracking and then they could concentrate on that area of the city to try to lessen the incidents of that disease before it spread too far and wide to contain.

Japan's retail sales extend slump as coronavirus curbs keep shoppers away

How Japan kept COVID-19 outbreaks under control

Coronavirus: Ghana 'quack doctors' selling 'cure'  There's always bound to be a quack or two selling cures for all ills, whenever they think they can find a way to make some money, they will.

A wife gets answers from a nurse who saw her husband die at Detroit hospital during coronavirus pandemic

Pandemic 'is not even close to being over', WHO chief says Just going by what's happening in the US, I'd say that's pretty obvious.

Nearly one-third of ICU coronavirus patients in a Houston hospital system are reportedly under 50

Covid-19 Drug Remdesivir to Cost $3,120 for Typical Patient  Can you imagine how much a vaccine maker would make if they charge this much per vaccine for the entire population on earth?

Food Bank Lines Reemerge As COVID Paralyzes Households That's why I think being able to grow at least a bit of your own food is so important.

Terror groups aiming to deploy 'coronavirus spreaders' for new Jihad attacks Well it was only a matter of time for the "religion of pieces" to come up with another sick idea like this.

Coronavirus mutation has taken over the world. Scientists are trying to understand why.

Coronavirus: Fiji tries to attract billionaires as nation's PM says 'escape the pandemic in paradise'   Geez it must be so nice to have money and just be able to pick up and move at the drop of a pin to any location on earth that suits your fancy at the time.

Pope Francis Decries Discarding the Elderly Like ‘Waste Material’  Once upon a time, the elderly were the repositories of wisdom, knowledge, and history and also made great baby sitters while the parents were out working the fields or doing whatever the parents did. Now a days though elders aren't needed as repositories of anything as everything is recorded in every conceivable media type there is from books & records/CDs to videos and even in binary fashion on computers in one format or another and on the internet where you can learn practically anything you want to learn. And as for baby sitters well there's government subsidized daycares now, so who needs grandmas and grandpas to look after the kids? So now the elderly are basically seen as obsolete and useless, by the rest of society I guess. Wait'll there's a societal breakdown and all the forms of mass media is destroyed or no longer functions because of lack of electricity or whatever ( you know the post apocalyptic society the millennials keeps envisioning). Then they'll need someone who remembers and knows things that they don't. Just wait...

A cash cliff spells trouble for U.S. unemployed, and everyone else

COVID-19 in Canada: Toronto moves motion to make masks mandatory in city, but Ontario-wide rule yet to come

He quit his job to take a new position — but the job offer was a scam  It's not enough having to contend with the virus, being out of work or on CERB, worrying about financial woes etc, now you have to worry about scams like this as well.

Coronavirus: could it be burning out after 20% of a population is infected?

Mexico Is Reopening Because It Has To. Should You Go? Personally I don't think  any Canadians should be allowed to leave the country for any reason and if they do go anyhow, they shouldn't be allowed back in until the damned disease has been eradicated globally.

Mississippi Mayor Has A Blunt Message For Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists

Economic warning signs emerge where COVID-19 cases spike: Morning Brief

'Absolute nightmare': Boris Johnson admits coronavirus has been a disaster for the country

GAO Can’t Solve the $2.7 Trillion Mystery of Covid-19 Aid   Someone had their hand in the cookie jar maybe? Transferring money to off-shore accounts? After all they did say they found 11 Trillion dollars in off shore accounts recently.

The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada

Can Background Actors Still Find Work in Pandemic-Era Hollywood? Another group being adversely affected by the virus.

The Pandemic Could Become a Debt Crisis, Too Really? I wonder which rocket scientist masquerading as a journalist came up with this one? And what took them so long!?!

Covid Makes Health Care an Even Bigger Nightmare for Trump

Court rules New York leaders wrong to limit worship

Coronavirus: EU to allow in visitors from 15 'safe' countries  But as I said above, I don't think Canadians should be allowed to leave the country under any circumstances and if they do then the border is closed to them so they won't be allowed to return until the virus is eradicated.

Covid-19: China pushes traditional remedies amid outbreak

Coronavirus: Where are global cases rising and falling?

'We will err on the side of freedom': Arizona mayor says he won't cancel events, nor require masks  Oh you gotta love the yanks and their ideas about freedom. Here they won't give up their freedoms even if it winds up killing them (when all that means is wearing a mask or postponing concerts and the like - trivial stuff you know). But yet, they were all cowering under their beds every Thursday when their bogus "terror warnings" were issued in order to get them to give up their rights and freedoms. They didn't mind giving up their rights to check library books of their choosing out of their libraries, or to buy certain things (that the gov't didn't approve of) or wear shirts with certain slogans on them, or to line up like good little ducks at a shooting gallery for the gov't to take psy-ops pot shots at and kowtowed to every gov't demand made of them back then after 9/11. Whereas this disease that's taken out multiple times the amount of American people that died in those 2 towers on that fateful day in NY and the only "freedoms" they're being asked to give up are trivial ones in order to prevent more dying and they decide they're going to "err on the side of freedom".... That tells me all I need to know both about the average intellect and their priorities.  Not very bright at all, and very very very superficial.

'This is hell': Parents and kids hate online learning, but they could face more of it

People are defecating outside the Queen's vacation home Well hey.... You want to close down all public washrooms, but the unfortunate fact about beings that eat in order to live, need to defecate once in awhile and if you take away all the places where they can safely and privately go to do such business, you're going to get things like this happening. That's just the way it is. When nature calls you've got to and there's not usually any 2 ways about it.

COVID Outbreaks Are Being Traced Back To Parties — Not Protests  The protests came after the lockdown was let up and people went out and started celebrating that together. So the protest outbreaks are coming soon.

Think You Won't Get Coronavirus Outside? Think Again.  Well then if we all get it, problem solved. We won't have to worry about a vaccine as everyone will have had it and developed antibodies against it.

Alberta Safeway workers vote in favour of strike Support your local grocery store workers. They're doing the best they can to serve us. They deserve our thanks and respect.

B.C. says show us evidence safe to fly if airlines drop in-flight distancing  I think that's something they should show everyone and not just the BC gov't officials that requested that info.

Japan's fussy food shoppers finally go online amid pandemic

Coronavirus: UK economy suffered biggest fall since 1979 as pandemic struck

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now

Casino workers in Vegas sue over coronavirus safety concerns

Coronavirus: Trudeau confident Canada prepared for a possible 2nd wave of COVID-19

Facing crisis, Cuba calls on citizens to grow more of their own food  Personally, I think everyone should grow as much of their own food as possible.

Nearly half the U.S. population is without a job, showing how far the labor recovery has to go

How Covid-19 will change our shopping habits

Coronavirus: Worst could be yet to come, WHO warns The way it's running rampant in the US now, I'd say that's pretty much a given already.

San Quentin State Prison is 'deep area of focus and concern' in California: Nearly one-third of inmates have coronavirus  

With bankruptcies surging, 2020 may become one of the busiest years for Chapter 11 filings since the Great Recession  I'd say this article is pretty optimistic considering most articles I've read says that this will be as bad or worse than the Great Depression.  I prefer the optimistic scenario because as far as I'm concerned that wasn't too bad and we were able to manage fine. Though I'm not sure about the Great Depression how we'd be able to manage through anything like that if it does get to be that bad.

There's no stopping COVID-19, JPMorgan's top investment guru thinks

As coronavirus lockdown eases, U.K. domestic abuse charity sees huge surge in calls for help

Tracking coronavirus cases proves difficult amid new surge

‘It’s frightening’: Doctors say half of ‘cured’ COVID patients still suffer It seems a lot of people have lingering problems from it.

Serious coronavirus-linked condition hit 285 US children

No singing allowed and faces must be covered as places of worship reopen in Quebec

Spike in Cleveland coronavirus cases rooted in days immediately after May 30 protest and a rise in social activity

Keep Your Eyes On The Skies: City-Sanctioned Fireworks Displays Begin Across The 5 Boroughs  At least they're getting fireworks for their national holiday whereas all we're getting is an online concert like all the other online concerts.

Fauci warns U.S. could see 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day  That's easy to believe, the way they're going. Need To Know Americans are living in a big 'anger incubator.' Experts have tips for regulating our rage.

In Midst of Covid Chaos, One Latin American Nation Gets It Right

As virus roars back, so do signs of a new round of layoffs That's got to be devastating not only to the economy but to the people and their morale.

Packed country concerts roil Nashville's ravaged music industry Yup the lyrics to that guy's song just about describes it - what I said above.

Government plans to extend quarantine rules requiring self-isolation for travellers: federal official  I certainly hope so, otherwise what was the point of all those measures and the lockdowns etc, if we're just going to let anyone and everyone who might be a carrier waltz in here without even so much as spending time in self quarantine after arriving? This time though make it a mandatory quarantine & not just voluntary! Otherwise we're going to have the same problems we had before.

Donald Trump Willing To Sacrifice ‘Greatest Generation’ To COVID-19 In GOP Group Ad  I don't think he's the only leader willing to sacrifice the seniors, for whatever reason that suits them, because a lot seem to be doing it.

I have to leave it there for now as I'm falling asleep on the keyboard here. I think though that by the end of July 1 (my target date) I should be finished with the comprehensive postings though.

Happy Canada Day! Here's hoping you have fun festivities despite the government grinches that stole them on us!