Showing posts with label divorce rates in US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divorce rates in US. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Labour Day & Lazy Day Reading...

Covid19 Headlines


Sept. 7, 2020

I was going to do some canning today, but for the things I wanted to make I was missing a few ingredients to make them with. So forgetting that it was Labour Day we went to a local store to buy some of the stuff I needed. When we got there we were astounded to see a completely empty parking lot. Not even 1 car parked in it and that's highly unusual around here. But there was a sign on the door saying closed for Labour Day, so that explained it. So we came home. 

When we got home I looked in the flyers for this week to see if that store had the stuff I wanted at a decent price or not, and found out that they didn't have any of what I want at any price, nor did any other in the area. But starting on Thursday there will be some of what I wanted at least, so if I can just keep the stuff I have to go with the ingredients I can get on Thursday, from going bad (which is only 3 more days to go) and take care of the other stuff that I can't get the ingredients for, by finding another recipe to use instead, that'll be good.

My asthma was really getting to me last night and today. It kept me partially awake for most of the night as I was unable to draw a deep enough breathe to sleep properly, but I wasn't awake enough to realize it might be my asthma doing that and so take a shot from my inhaler. It kept me coughing during the day until before we went out when I took a shot from the inhaler. So as a result I wasn't feeling all that great to do much anyhow and in fact felt pretty tired and went and had a nap from after we got home until suppertime when my husband woke me up. Then I pulled out the veggie salad I made yesterday and made some hot chicken sandwiches with leftover chicken to go with it and that's what we had for supper. That's what you call a meal ready in 5 minutes or less. Even Kraft Dinner isn't that quick to make.

Anyhow I guess that's enough rambling for the moment.... Now to the headlines... Get a coffee and get comfy because there's a lot of reading coming your way...
'So much sadness': more British Columbians dying from overdoses than Covid   I'm sure there's more people dying from all sorts of other things than COVID, because they aren't being treated. Only COVID patients, apparently they're the only ones who's lives matter and merit treatment. Others like cancer patients, heart patients, chronic disease patients etc apparently their lives aren't as worth saving as COVID patients lives are. That's what it seems like to me.

Extracurricular school activities may resume Sept. 14 if COVID-19 cases don't spike: Legault  What's he mean if they don't spike? Because there's already been cases in at least 50 schools, but because the numbers of cases in those schools aren't listed, it's hard to know how many and if any of them constitutes "a spike".

Divorce rates in America soar by 34% during the COVID-19 pandemic with marriages crumbling three weeks into quarantine and newlywed separations doubling to 20 percent   That's just sad. My husband and I have been together almost from the beginning have been together for much that time, we either worked together at the same places sometimes - in fact a lot of times, or we were layed off together (company slow downs or closures), and in our later years put on disability (me I have a lot of them, he has a couple) and then finally retired. My mother used to say it was like we were joined at the hip. Yes I was a nurse, but I didn't like it and I had such bad and frequent migraines they put me on disability (which was a laugh and a half in regards to what I was getting per month on that, so had to find other work, so my husband wound up getting me jobs where he worked a lot of the time, until I finally worked from home doing research for an American radio, talk show host). That allowed me to be home with the kids and my husband who by then was on disability. After the research job ended, and I tried to find a job outside the home, I found one that lasted all of 3 weeks and then I was off for 1 week with a migraine. So I was "layed off" but it felt more like a firing to me. Anyhow they wrote the reason on the slip as to why I was being "layed off" which allowed me to apply for provincial disability - which is another joke. Anyhow... We're both retired now, so no more of those stupid games. But we've been together for 45 years now and for most of that time we were together. So it's no different now. 
MASKING THE TRUTH Up to 10,000 coronavirus conspiracy theorists who think pandemic is a HOAX – including David Icke – march on London   I don't think it's a hoax, I think it's very real, but I don't think it's anywhere near as serious and scary as they're making it out to be. Just the sheer numbers would belie the panic the authorities are spreading over it. I think they're using it as a means to do something else, that they know we would not allow them to do if we knew any better (as in what's really going on and why) and as a means to control and track us and confine us to quarters (that being our houses - it's like we're all under house arrest now - without the ankle bracelets). I believe they have something quite drastic in the works for the world economic systems and maybe even work life (as in no one but robots works but everyone gets the same basic salary). In other words no class differences any more either. We'll all be welfare bums with no hoity toity snooty look down our noses upper classes (except those who own the businesses the robots are working in) and no middle classes either. Just one big group of welfare bums world-wide.
Jobless Afghans Turn to Opium for Cash amid Double Whammy of Coronavirus and War   Yup it's said that's why the US troops went there in the first place, to protect the opium trade and to help protect a pipeline being built from the Caspian sea down to the Pacific through Pakistan, while making it look like they were there after Osama Bin Laden. They got him years ago, in 2011 I think it was, but yet they're still there. Guess the pipeline isn't finished being built yet? Or there's more poppies to protect than they thought there would be when they first went over? So this is no surprise.

Macron in new lockdown warning as France sees 'exponential rise' in infections   Is this maybe to quell the disbeliefs of those protesting it as possible hoax? That's what I find awfully funny. Everyone's starting to not believe the authorities hype, warnings and threats and starting to protest those "facts" as being a hoax and then suddenly there's a "exponential rise in infections" as though it's a 2nd wave. But you know the political heads who've been telling us first to wash our hands and then it's so drastic we have to lock all of society down and not just those affected by it, and then let everyone out for a duration of time, knowing full well what they'd do, in order to create a scenario when they can use a "2nd wave" as a threat to keep control longer. But this second wave is perhaps coming earlier than they planned because they probably planned on having it a little later when it got a little colder and people would be less likely to balk against being shut inside, instead it's coming now to quell the suspicions and protests. But these politicians are the one who have the real numbers on it and the numbers they choose to release to the public on it and it doesn't necessarily mean the 2 sets of numbers are the same. In other words the real set may be a lot lower than we're being led to believe, but we have no way of knowing that since they are the ones gathering and collating the numbers from all sources. Are they telling us the  truth? Or aren't they? Because while they say there's x amount of cases, x amount of deaths and x amount recovered, it doesn't mean there is. And if like us you and most other people out there don't know of anyone who had it and only know of a 4rd party who had it like your neighbour's father for instance, through word of mouth from your neighbour but you don't actually know his father personally, then you might have a hard time believing it even exists. If everyone you know is like you are - not knowing anyone who had it, then it gets rather hard to believe considering most years even mild flus are going around we all know someone who had it, even if we didn't have it ourselves. I'm just finding these "2nd waves" (when we haven't even got through the 1st one yet) all too convenient for the authorities to put the kibash on things they don't like and to use it as an excuse to lock things down again.

Canada Revenue Agency: 4 More Weeks of the $2,000 CERB!  Before you get too excited this was posted on the 29th of August, so from today there's roughly only 3 more weeks.

Ontario long-term care residents allowed to leave for day trips, overnight  It's about frigging time. It's been nearly 6 solid months already!
Coronavirus: Canada’s top doctor comments on Quebec’s decision to reduce isolation period to 10 days  Personally I don't care what she thinks. What she  thinks or was incapable of thinking of despite her claiming to be a doctor (which I'd have to see her license to believe - but even then it could be forged or gotten out of a really expensive cracker jack box especially those sold in China), Legault has more compunction, brains and honesty in his little finger than that genocidal beitche has in her whole, lying, freaking body, and he never claimed to have attended med school, not even for a minute. But if he had've attended even for just a half hour he'd have known she was a lying beitche who was purposely wrong all along and maybe he and Ford could've acted sooner based on that scant medical knowledge he'd have attained in his 1/2 hour in med school. Which would've made the rest of the country act, despite numbnuts et. al. sitting around twiddling their thumbs and watching Canada burn. 
Pandemic financial hardships worse for Islanders with disabilities, survey suggests   It's not just those with disabilities living in PEI who have it hard, disabled people across Canada have such meager incomes usually that they basically all have hardships year around, not just during the pandemic, though I imagine that's making it even harder for them.
UK head teachers concerned about COVID test and trace scheme: survey  Teachers here in Canada are also concerned about such schemes or lack thereof. 

First college football game of COVID-19 era kicks off Saturday night: Austin Peay vs. Central Arkansas Paul Myerberg USA T  I guess this game has been played already. Maybe you can check on the score by now.
'Without evidence': Once again, FDA expands use of COVID-19 treatment without research to back it up  Redemsivir has been the one used most widely in field tests on actual patients. When are the media going to start to realize that if we apply the same standards to this vaccine as we do most other medicine, it'll be obsolete by the time it's gone through all the channels and jumped through all the hoops as everyone will have acquired natural immunity to it by contracting the virus and survive, or they'll be dead and there won't be any use for a vaccine then!?! Or are they all that obtuse?
A farewell to arts? Teachers fear coronavirus budget cuts may target art, music classes  That's what they're trying here in QC, labelling them "extracurricular" when in fact they're part of the regular curriculum or always were when I went to school.
Europe's migrant crisis is worsening during the pandemic. The reaction has been brutal  I can't say as I blame the Europeans. Enough is a enough. It's like here in Canada we were the country with the smallest tax payer base, but took in more refugees per taxpayer, than any other country in the world and then the UN had the nerve to tell us we had to accept the people walking across the border at Roxham Rd. after numbnuts et. al. invited every refugee, runaway brat, criminal and deviant in the world to come here and we'd take them in. Most of them went through what was deemed a safe country (both US & Canada are deemed safe countries) and they're supposed to make a claim for refugee status in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY THEY ENTER - ERGO THE US OF A, since they are crossing INTO Canada FROM THE USA. You do see the word "FROM" in the previous sentence do you not? Meaning: They were ALREADY IN THE FIRST SAFE COUNTRY! Canada would've been the SECOND SAFE COUNTRY & NOT THE FIRST!! So why were we being forced to let them in? I'm of the mind that anyone telling someone else they have to take people in, that those doing the telling, should be the ones covering the costs of such things. Bet if the UN were being held financially responsible for covering the costs of all the refugees they told countries to take in, they wouldn't be telling many countries anything anymore as they'd be bankrupt by now. It's all fine and dandy to tell others to do something, when it's those others who'll have to pay for and live with the consequences of doing so.  

In the shadow of a pandemic, Rohingya challenge our ideas about refugees  Well I've already stated my thoughts on immigrants and it doesn't matter which religion, creed, or race they might be, it's the same. We already have enough people to take care of that we imported while several Canadians - disabled, poor, homeless, elderly, veterans, who go without and get put at the back of the lines for everything while all of these imported peoples gets put ahead of everyone else, for financial and medical help (even medical help taxpaying Cdns don't and can't get like dental and eye care), education, affordable housing etc... While many Canadians in the groups listed above get nothing but ignored. When we learn how to take care of all of those living here already  and make sure everyone has a  home, adequate income, food, warm clothes, the medical care they need and educational opportunities, then we can think about importing more people, until then, we already have enough people here that the government and country can't take care of. So importing more would just be criminal.
Plasma therapy is no surefire cure for Covid   Maybe not, but it does give the patient more of a chance than shoving ventilators down their throats and otherwise standing by and watching them battle it on their own or die.

Paradise islands reopen only to visitors who've had Covid-19 That's different. Most other places want you to test negative and not have had it at all.

Cat drugs may fight coronavirus in humans, study says I guess it might be worth looking into to see if it might work. At this point almost anything that might stand a chance at fighting it would be welcome to most I think.

Friday night takeout is keeping U.S. restaurants afloat during economic, COVID-19 crises  Here too, because even though they're allowed to open some restaurants haven't and are still relying on takeout and deliveries. 

'Disaster inside a disaster': California wildfires and COVID-19 form twin crises Those fires are really awful and I hope they get them under control soon. 

Federal firefighter units juggle COVID-19 infection on fire lines  I don't even know how fire fighters who have COVID19 which is a respiratory infection can be near smoke, that would just exacerbate everything for them and make them feel so much worse.
'Absolutely on track': Health officials say 30,000 enrolled in COVID-19 vaccine trials so far   That should be a large enough test sample for them to find out if it works or not and what the side effects if any might be.

In tiny llama antibodies, researchers see hope for a coronavirus treatment  Cat medicine, llama antibodies, blood plasma, they're all worth a shot if they stop the virus and save lives.

MGM to cut 18,000 workers who were previously furloughed  It's no surprise that movie studios would be affected too, considering that movie theatres are. 
Berlin deploys thousands of police officers in preparation for possible violence from far-right  I don't think it's only the far  right. I don't think you have to have any political affiliation to be fed up to the eyeballs with all this BS going on on account of the plandemic. 
3-year-old bakes and delivers more than 1,000 cookies for frontline and essential workers  This is just so cute and so awe-inspiring. Keep up the good work Mia!
Controversial coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine administered at 2 nursing homes, senators say  What this article fails to mention and I for one am curious to know, is how the patients who were administered this drug fared after receiving it. If their condition improved or worsened. That's something no one is telling us and I suspect because the Democrats are against it's use since Trump started touting it. This seems to be more of a political issue rather than a scientific - medical one. Because I am sure if the drug was administered to that many people as this article said, and a lot of them died after having received it, we'd have heard about it loud and clear as the Dems would be belly-aching about all over the place. But as we didn't hear of any massive amounts of deaths from patients who got this drug, we have to assume that at worst it didn't do anything at all and at best it made them better, but we won't be hearing about that though because of the bias of the media. So the conclusion I come to here myself is that it probably works at least to some extent and didn't cause anyone to get worse and or die (otherwise that would've been broadcast world - wide by the Dems and the Dems controlled media). 

Coronavirus warning: Mass use of hand gels could CREATE unstoppable superbugs - expert  Precisely! I said this before in here somewhere. Over use of hand sanitizers and disinfectants that kills bacteria and viruses are no good. They cut down on our exposure to those germs and then our body doesn't know how to handle them so when we come into contact with them naturally we get super sick. Some of us might even wind up like those kids who have to live their lives in a sterile bubble because they have either no immune system to speak of or a super weak one. We could wind up doing that to ourselves if we're not careful with all those hand sanitizers and wipes. 

New Yorkers Are Fleeing to the Suburbs: ‘The Demand Is Insane’  I don't blame them really. I'd rather live in the suburbs than in a crowded, noisy, dirty, crime ridden city, too.

Chaos erupts in Germany as hundreds STORM Reichstag building in huge 'anti-corona' protest  Like I said people have had it up to the eyeballs & then some.

7 Signs You May Have Had COVID-19 Without Realizing It, According to Doctors  Now they're finally admitting that you may have had it without having had a test to say you did? Wow that's a change for sure! 

China emerging as winner in vaccine race as jabs reach phase-three trials  Of course they are because they stole our vaccine! That's probably our vaccine that they're using there! Thieves, liars, bullies and warmongers R us!

This Mercedes-Benz Sprinter camper van conversion that can sleep 6 skyrocketed in popularity amid the pandemic — see inside the $68,900 Doc Holiday It's not something I'd like. I'm sure I could get a much better and comfortable & convenient  arrangement in a van or RV for the same price as what that thing costs.

That's all for now. Until next time take care & stay well.