Showing posts with label bars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bars. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cooking & ...

COVID Craziness


July 21, 2020

I am almost totally wiped out for the day. It turned out I had a lot more things to do today than I thought or planned on. First I found several more packages of meat that needed immediate attention, then a colossal mess in the fridge (because the meat was in bags, and the bags leaked), along with my planned on household chores, which still aren't totally finished.  

I will have to thank my husband for picking up the slack for me today though. He helped out a lot especially when it came to the deep frying, mostly I guess because he was afraid I'd hurt myself (well I am a super clutz at the best of times, so don't put me around anything as dangerous as an open pot of bubbling hot oil at 375 degrees and expect everything to go fine, because it probably won't). Then at suppertime when I was just so tired I didn't care what I put in my mouth or if I put anything in my mouth to eat or not, he prepared it and also some dessert, using his resourcefulness and imagination. He made something like little raspberry shortcakes using ready made sponge cakes, raspberries that he found in the fridge (that was from the freezer and previously thawed out) that he sweetened up and then put some dream whip on. So he added a touch of sweetness and niceness to my day from hell. 

Now, I'm going to try to relax and hopefully not fall asleep at the keyboard here, while I do some Coronavirus updates (they just never-end). So if you're interested get your favourite refreshments ( I know I'm going to make myself a double espresso)  and pull up a chair and dive into the following reports:

 Coronavirus updates, July 16: With cases on the rise, Quebec mulls shutting down bars again Well the SAQ has been deemed an essential service so even if bars close, you can still get your alcohol. You'll just have to find some bartenders recipes and make your favourite cocktails yourself, that's all.

Bank of Canada Hints at No Interest Rate Hikes Until 2023  What I'm always afraid of is when the interest rates goes into negative territory and it starts costing you money to keep your money in the bank. If it does that we'll need to pull our money out and stash in under our beds, at least it won't be losing value there. It's bad enough with the difference in value between the US & Cdn dollar seesawing up and down all the time.

Russia to mass produce experimental COVID-19 vaccine -wealth fund head  Based on their own formula or someone else's formula that they stole? That's the question.

Nearly One-Third Of Florida Children Tested For COVID-19 Test Positive   And they've been telling us for months now, that kids can't get it. If that's the case, how come so many are testing positive for in Florida?

A British mother died from the coronavirus after giving birth and didn't get a chance to meet her baby Very sad, but many mothers die in childbirth without ever getting the chance to meet their babies with or without other extenuating circumstances.

Coronavirus: 'My once-in-lifetime holiday hasn't been refunded' Why does this not surprise me? If it were a small company in Canada trying to rip people off like this, not only would the BB, but some government agencies would be all over the company's case, but there'd be writes ups about it in all the consumer reports across the nation and CBC would do several segments about it on Market Place probably. I bet the same is true in the UK, since we're pretty much modelled after them, their laws, practices and accepted standards of operations.

Brazil tops 2 million coronavirus cases, with 76,000 dead  Just so sad that so many have to get this disease and die from it, like that. 

An Arizona man who was in a medically induced coma for 20 days because of the coronavirus woke up paralyzed This is so sad, waking up paralyzed after coming out of a coma would be one of my worst nightmares. I'd rather die than wake up paralyzed. 

America Is on Track for a Million Coronavirus Cases a Day, and at Least 800,000 Deaths, by the End of 2020  In that case, by the end of next year everyone there will have had it and they won't need a vaccine or anything else to contain or control it. 

In interview with Fauci, Zuckerberg says U.S. failed on coronavirus response Finally Suckerberg said something I can agree with. It's not often that happens.

Get used to fewer employees for the next three months: Statistics Canada  I guess coupled with CERB and employers only being allowed to recall a certain percentage of their workforce for the time being, that might account for it.

Home renovation sector, fuelled by COVID confines and government cash, on bust  Well now's the time during lockdown and temporary layoff or vacation time to get those remodel, patio and shed projects done. It's a little difficult to do in the winter time or while working full 40 hour weeks or when you're short on funds.  This book which is an epub, downloadable at the longfiles link,  might help: Black & Decker The Book of Home How-to, Updated 2nd Edition

64% distrust Trump on coronavirus pandemic; approval declines as cases grow: POLL I don't know how anyone could trust him on the coronavirus pandemic. I mean I can't even perceive of 1% nevermind 36% trusting him on it. 

Long-distance couples must show coronavirus 'love contract' at Dutch border before reuniting  Isn't that just nonsense? Who has a "love contract" anyhow?

As Australian COVID-19 cases surge, state bans "dancing, mingling" at weddings Yeah let's have the most stoic, boring puritanical, all dressed in black with black top hats and black bonnets and long stiffling hot black gowns and black suits on and stay 2 meters away from everyone in the room including your own spouses and kids, weddings.  And let's use those dollar store extensions to pick things up off the floor without bending over, or off high shelves without climbing, to clink our glasses at the toast to the new bride and groom because we don't want to get too close or friendly or have too much fun. Having fun and enjoying life is not allowed during this pandemic, even at weddings. I mean come on.... No mingling? So you can't stay 6 feet away from a relative you haven't seen in a blue moon to say hi and catch up on things, and have to stay relegated to your own little corner the entire time the wedding goes on? So what's the point of going if you're not allowed to talk to people you haven't seen in a dog's age, or have fun? Might as well just stay home and send a wedding gift and card and save yourself the other expenses then.

Is international travel allowed? See reopening dates for Canada, Mexico, Maldives and other spots  Even if it's allowed, I doubt I'd want to go, considering that I wouldn't want to put myself at risk in a foreign country where I might get it and die there. If I get it, I want to be here in Canada so in case I die, I can be buried or cremated here, because I'm quite sure airlines won't carry coffins with corpses that died of COVID19 onboard. So I'd wind up having to be buried or burned in the foreign country. That's besides the cost of hospitalization and treatment, if my travel insurance refused to pay or only paid for certain things and not all of it.  And I wouldn't want to spend 14 days of my vacation quarantined in a hotel or some place like that at my cost. 

Don’t Expect to See Concerts Before 2022, Top Touring Exec Marc Geiger Says  That's fine by me. I haven't seen a rock concert since around 2008 or 2009 when the Australian Pink Floyd group played the Bell Center in Montreal. So I'm quite sure I can live a few more years without seeing another one.

Russia denies hacking attempt on COVID-19 vaccine trials, Pompeo says China will pay price for pandemic  Right. We believe you, thousands others wouldn't, but we do. 😉


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Much to My Dismay ....

Coronavirus Coverage Continues

July 13, 2020

I erroneously thought on July 8th the public health emergency act had run out because by 8pm of that day (long after government offices typically close) there was no extension of it and no new order posted. However the following day, I found that it had been extended at least until the 15th of July and as I promised to keep the coverage going on a weekly basis at least while under the act even though we're not in total lockdown, this is my weekly post about this subject. Though it does contain more than just what's relevant to us Canadians or Southwestern Quebecers - as it's international in scope still because some of the really important stuff to do with this scourge is happening outside of our borders (and for the most part we ought to be thankful for that much, considering what it is that's happening). 

Once the public health emergency act is lifted though, I will not be posting updates on the subject until or unless it's re-enacted and/or we're put under lockdown again.  Because I do believe that for the most part the vital information of relevance to seniors in Southwestern Quebec is already posted here and if they lift the emergency act, there aren't apt to be many items of relevance on the subject for anyone including seniors. 

Though on the off chance there is something of vital importance for the seniors, I will post it no matter if the act is lifted and we're back to normal times or what. You never know one faction of the government or other might start feeling guilty pangs over how they treated the seniors during the emergency act times and try to rectify the situation some how or other and so if that's the case and I know about it, I'll definitely post that information here too. For sure they do need to do a lot of rectifications and apologies and improvements over how the seniors were treated and in a lot of cases families should be compensated for the loss of their loved ones who were more or less handed death sentences in those "death camps". 

Conversely if the public and/or seniors decides to launch class action suits against various bodies like nursing homes, governments etc in regards to what happened during the pandemic here in Canada, that will be posted here too for those who wish to join those actions.  

Anything to do with the aftermath of this that might be of importance or relevance to seniors in particular but to all of us as well (like say vaccinations being offered, or compensation cheques being offered but you needing to apply for them etc...) will also be posted here, regardless of emergency act or lockdown status. 

But weekly update reports will only be posted during the health emergency or lockdown. Well if we're in lockdown mode, it'll probably be a little more frequent than weekly. Probably more along the lines of what it was before.

July 15, 2020

I would've posted this earlier maybe, if I could've but moments after I wrote the blurb above I discovered to my dismay, that our upright freezer was self defrosting (and it's not a self-defrost freezer - it's a DIY defrost freezer) all over the floor. So we had to get the huge camping cooler we have here that we bought specifically to put the food in whenever we had to defrost it ourselves, and haul all the food out of the freezer and put it in there. My husband found the food that had defrosted already and put it in containers where we put it in the fridge. At the time we had no idea if the freezer worked or not, because the sides of it on the outside were freaking hot to the touch, as the compressor had been working overtime I guess trying to keep the food cold, to no avail because as we now know the door was ajar ever so slightly (and no there is no door alarm on it, as it's an older model from the 1990s).

So I called our son and asked if he wanted some of the food that would've been thrown out as there's no way we'd have been able to eat it all before it went bad and he wanted it, but he said he didn't know if they'd be able to go through it before it all went bad either as it can't be refrozen. Since they both work, I decided to give them a hand (and us too as we kept half of it), by cooking most of it. So at one point I had a pan full of chicken legs, and 2 meatloafs in the oven, with a dutch oven full of spareribs ontop of the stove boiling, with a whole duck cut into pieces going in the instant pot while I fried up ground beef with some corn (that was also in the freezer) for use in things like tacos or shepherd's pie or stuffed peppers or whatever, kolbasa (hot polish sausage), meatballs that I made with spices in them,  made butter chicken with mixed veggies (more frozen veggies that thawed up) and pineapple jerk pork strips with veggies. We each got half, so we have already prepared meals for awhile. Which my son and his wife will freeze and use whenever and which we may also be able to do as well, as my husband thinks the freezer still works, which is what we'll find out as soon as he gets it totally defrosted. If not, well I don't have to think about cooking anything really for awhile to come.

And as our daughter-in-law's sister went to work on our behalf (without us knowing it) searching for a freezer that we could get ASAP, and found one that we can get within a reasonable amount of time - don't know if we'll be able to keep all the food frozen until then if this freezer doesn't work, though, but at least we'll try and I'm sure our son won't mind more food if we can't manage to. I'm hoping it does work though, so that we can at least keep the food we have until we find another one, but we'll only know that in a few hours from now once it's completely defrosted and turned back on again. Then if it doesn't come on, we'll have to be making a panic trip to the store where our daughter-in-law's sister found it, to try to get it ASAP.

In any case this probably won't be finished today and may only be a partial post as in times past, because whether we go out to buy a freezer or stay here I'll be busy either way, because if we don't need to buy a new one, I'll have to restock this one, with the food that was in it. 

Aside from that, today would be our daughter's 39th birthday if she hadn't died of cancer in 2013. So it's a rather sad day today, at least for me.

So now get your cuppa whatever it is you prefer to sip on while browsing headlines etc.... and settle back for more Covid craziness, corruption, and confusion....

The Dangerous Race for the Covid Vaccine

More grim job losses as U.S. hits record high on new COVID cases

‘A hot mess’: Americans face testing delays as virus surges

Fauci: States with severe coronavirus outbreaks "should seriously look at shutting down"  Yeah that's just what that vulture and others like him, wants I'm sure, so he can prey on the pickings of the economic devastation that causes.

Money talks: U.S. town prints own currency to boost coronavirus relief   I suppose that's one way to do it.

Biden Outlines $700 Billion Economic-Revival Plan  The original name of this story was "Biden Looks to Curb Covid19 Economic Damage With Buy American Plan". Which is what Canada should also do, implement a buy Canadian plan - like what Trudeau senior did while he was in office.

200,000 seafarers fear there's no plan to get them off ships Wow! I thought they'd have all gotten off of them by now! Sheesh what are the various governments waiting for?

UK could face second lockdown 'within months, if not weeks', public health adviser warns  I think the same can be said about the US too.

Coronavirus cases in Canada: More than 107,000 infections and 8,800 deaths

CERB Is Coming To An End As Feds Focus On Wage Subsidy

CRA for Students: You Can Get Up to $22,600 in COVID-19 Support While the seniors who are supposed to be the targetted protected group, gets SFA in comparison.

Stocks Drop on Coronavirus Spread; Treasuries Jump: Markets Wrap

'A scary number' of retail companies are facing bankruptcy amid the coronavirus pandemic

Once a Fiscal Stalwart, Canada Suddenly Looks Vulnerable  If you think that's bad, wait for the next headlines link just below....

Bank of Canada holds rate, forecasts decline in GDP of 7.8% this year

'Broken heart syndrome' on the rise during coronavirus pandemic That's a really sad commentary on the situation. This rotten disease has found more than a few ways to do us in, not just cause our physical demise, but to cause us to endure such loneliness and heartbreak as that, to cause us to become poor, or hungry, or homeless or just plain desperate. It seems to be the disease that just keeps on going like the freaking Energizer Bunny.... and giving and giving (nothing you actually want to have though) like a Santa Claus from hell.

‘We’re Back To Square Zero’ On Coronavirus, Warns Infectious Disease Expert

Quebec bans bars from selling alcohol past midnight to limit COVID-19 spread  I seriously don't understand the logic here. Most of the patrons who are out to have a drink with friends usually leave around midnight anyhow. It's only the riffraff and thugs who usually enter bars after midnight and well having them come down with the virus might be a good thing. At least it'll get them off the streets for at least 14 days while they quarantine, if not succumb to the virus itself. Otherwise I don't see the logic in this considering the virus will spread just as well before midnight as it does after midnight.

Canada handled the coronavirus outbreak better than United States, PM Trudeau says  He could've handled it much much better, had he closed the borders the minute the Chinese gov't let us know about this epidemic going on in Wuhan! And it wasn't him who started the process on handling this pandemic here in Canada, Premier Ford was and then Premier Francois Legault - but they are the first two who actually decided to take the bull by the horns and do anything about it. All Trudeau did was dither and dance around it, while Tam the disgrace to the medical profession said "wash your hands" ( it's a respiratory disease and she was saying you don't need masks just wash your hands). Two genocidal idiots at the helm with the art teacher masquerading as a Health minister should all have to stand trial for genocide and crimes against humanity. So while he might want to pat himself on his back for handling it better than Trump the truth is he didn't handle anything Ford and Legault did, but not him!  He did about as much as Trump did and that's it. In fact he'd probably still be behaving like Trump about it, if his wife and mother didn't get it themselves.

Canada not ready for second wave of COVID-19, Senate committee says   What's all this talk about 2nd wave anyhow? We're not even through the first one yet! While there's still cases floating around out there, it's still the 1st wave. We'll only be in the 2nd one (if we have one) when all the cases from the 1st wave world wide seems to be extinguished. In other words there's very very few - almost indetectable amounts out there in some obscure area of the world, where it seems to have gone for all intents & purposes, but suddenly out of seemingly nowhere comes roaring back to life. That is what a second wave would look like. But given the sudden resurgence of the 1st wave and all the other little clusters of it here and there, we're still in the 1st wave. And it doesn't look like it's anywhere near close to being over. So this talk about 2nd wave is rather premature to say the least.

Coronavirus antibodies seem to disappear after just a few months in many people. Here's why you shouldn't panic. I'm pretty sure that I'm still immune since I had it in January, given that I run around everywhere without a mask, gloves or anything and then forget what I'm doing and stick my hands in my eyes and all over my face and nibble on things we buy while out without even thinking twice about it. I mean I've basically been operating the way I always used to before the pandemic started and since I got fed up with the N95 mask steaming my glasses up on me and making them sit cockeyed on my face. So that means back in February even before the quarantine started, I haven't been wearing anything to protect myself and basically forgetting all the "health & safety rules" about it. Even though as a former nurse, I should probably know better, but it's too easy to forget things and revert to old habits. And knowing that I had it and probably have immunity to it, I'm not too concerned about it. All I know is I must be immune given my lack of precautions and downright "unsafe" practices like eating stuff just bought (like fruit or a candy bar or chips) without washing my hands etc...  So either I'm exceptionally lucky that I didn't catch it, or I'm immune. I'm immune - for more than 7 months now. As far as I'm concerned I'm immune for life. That's all. So to start wearing masks now, is just freaking insanity to me.

More than 1,000 TSA employees have tested positive for coronavirus  Yup and they're in contact with travellers travelling hither & yon around the globe. So countries that've rid themselves of the virus only needs to let one person who's been exposed to the virus via the TSA agents they have to come into contact with in order to board a plane, and it just starts right back up again, in no time flat.

NYC cancels all large events through September 30

Can You Report Americans Crossing The Canadian Border To Travel?

Cell-Based Meat Benefits Include Helping Save Our Future, Advocates Say

Canadians Say ‘Keep It’ To U.S. Congress Calls For Reopened Border As far as I'm concerned they could keep that border closed forever.

Thousands of health workers, others, ineligible for 'essential workers' bonus That's not right. When the gov't has $600 per kid to stay home playing monopoly or snakes & ladders around the kitchen table munching on mommy's cookies, they should be able to find money for those who are actually doing something to help society in this pandemic, besides slapping each other, calling each other names, whining and crying because the other brat got a bigger cookie than the one doing the whining. These people who are getting nothing are putting their lives at risk to help us. What are the whining snivelling little brats doing to deserve their money they got?

WHO panel to review handling of COVID-19 pandemic Oh he's got that right that it's time for a self-examination, especially as far as it concerns him personally.

Coronavirus: How Mexican cartels are taking advantage of pandemic Geez even more crime and corruption related to this pandemic, how the WHO & world governments treated it, wasn't enough for a crime & corruption wave linked to it, apparently. Now we need actual criminals figuring out ways to use it to their advantage as well.  Forget trying to kill off the elderly and immune compromised while starving everyone else and making the economies crash that's not criminal enough the other criminals (you know the ones not in governments or World Health Organizations) have found other ways to capitalize on this disease as well.

Coronavirus: Quarantine rules end for dozens of destinations

Medics are down to their last defense with coronavirus swamping their town

The US is diving into a dark Covid hole -- and there's no plan to get out Oh yes there is, but it involves Gates and Fauci making bazillions of dollars on it.

'It's the heart of the brand': Disney World reopens as coronavirus cases spike in Florida

Everyone wearing face masks could save America from a $1 trillion GDP loss Yup, just in face masks alone they'll make almost a trillion dollars off of the US population who need them in order to comply with laws.

Pandemic "dream job": Company offers $1,000 to play Animal Crossing  I'm sure there must be a teenager or 20 something somewhere who would jump at this chance.

Feds charge phony church with selling toxic bleach as COVID-19 cure More covid craziness...

COVID-19 pandemic in Africa is now reaching 'full speed'

Analysis: Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue bar shutdown casts doubt on Quebec's new rules

Older people don't take more precautions against coronavirus - Like I said above. Nor do I. As far as we (when I say we I mean me and my husband) are concerned, is when it's our time to go it's our time to go and nothing we do or don't do will change it.  So we might as well live life while we have it rather than waste it sitting alone in a room by ourselves and pining life away.

China Signals Shrimp Virus Risk After Salmon Debacle If we were to go by everything China says, they'd have you believe the waters are infested with Coronavirus, that they had nothing to do with the virus (even though they along with Gilead Sciences had an anecdote against it since 2016) and they don't know where it came from or how it started or what it does to the human body. They're totally innocent and clueless about it all and yes the coronavirus (that is supposed to be from bats) crawled up out of the ocean and started affecting everyone around the world.

Canadian economy adds 953,000 jobs in June, unemployment rate falls

Ghislaine Maxwell Requests Bail Release Due to COVID-19 Pandemic  Oh this skank has a nerve and a half, doesn't she!?! Using COVID19 as an excuse. Well I'm glad the judge she had didn't see it like that and refused and is keeping her in solitary confinement until next July when her case will finally be heard.

Wimbledon to disburse prize money in lieu of cancelled Championships Another affect this pandemic is having.

Tuberculosis vaccine may be limiting COVID-19 deaths; dormitory screening urged  Didn't most seniors have a BCg vaccine back in the 50s & 60s? I'm pretty sure if one was given back then I got it, as my mother herself almost died of TB and so if there was a vaccine to prevent me getting it, I'm sure she made sure I got it.

Why Black patients receive worse care at the hospital

How Covid-19 will change air travel as we know it

Remdesivir and COVID-19: New data suggests the experimental drug can shorten how long people are sick  To think it wouldn't would be pretty dumb, considering that Gilead Sciences and China engineered this antecdote specifically to fight this coronavirus and had finalized the formula in 2016 and were since then fighting over patents on it. I think when this virus got released last year, China thought it would have full and final control over the patent, by virtue of the fact that Gilead Science's lab that worked on it was in China too, under Chinese gov't control. They weren't considering the fact that Gilead Sciences is a US company that probably had all their data and info on servers in their US offices and could recreate it all there if need be. But since they were still wrangling over the patent as late as February this year I think Gilead Sciences may have decided to start producing remdesivir in their US facilities to be used by Americans and whoever else, without the Chinese gov't having any say in it. I think the Chinese gov't released that virus thinking that because the patent rights and control of it would be a given, that they could release the virus and let it do its' dirty work and then dangle remdesivir as a carrot to governments in exchange for whatever the Chinese government wanted. That's what I think.

Summer Road Trip PDF Activity Book For Kids For those who are stuck at home or wish to have an activity or two to keep the kids occupied while on an actual road trip this summer, this is a downloadable PDF activity book about a summer road trip (focused on the US though).

Robert De Niro's finances take a hit due to COVID-19 pandemic, his lawyer says 

WHO says countries may have to return to "total lockdown," after cases double worldwide in 6 weeks  And stay in lockdown for how long? What if this virus never goes away? Does that mean we'll be in lockdown forever then?

Coronavirus gender gap: Scientists try to explain why men are much more likely to die of COVID-19

Health expert Zeke Emanuel says 250,000 Americans could die of COVID by end of year

Moderna says everyone in coronavirus vaccine trial developed antibodies  That is good news! Now let's hope they are antibodies that lasts!

Young people of color with preexisting conditions face elevated COVID-19 risk

COVID-19: Fines of $200 to $400 for mask noncompliance, but focus is on education, says city GM  $200 - $400 for mask non-compliance. Lemme guess in Montreal that'll be between $2,000 & $4,000 for mask non compliance then, given the way they gouged everyone with social distancing tickets.

As you can see by the date this post was started several days ago. Since then we've had major freezer problems involving lots of food that we didn't want to go bad. At first we thought the freezer completely died on us, so we unloaded a lot of the food into camping coolers stashed with ice and gave some of the thawed up stuff to our son (which I cooked in advance of them picking it up). Then my husband was able to get it running again, but first we had to completely defrost it and clean it up. Then restash the food back inside. Upon doing that we discovered some (actually almost all) the food in the coolers had thawed up. We looked around for places to give it to including charities and so forth, but they wouldn't take it because "we don't know if it's tainted or not". Fine, you don't want our "tainted meat", we'll keep and eat it and I'm sure our son won't mind to have some more of it. 

So I cooked some more of it to refreeze and then I went on the net to find some recipes in order to make some preprepared meals a little outside of my normal repertoire and wanted to print the recipes I found. But I couldn't because even though I have black ink, my printer won't print when it's missing ink from any of the colours - and I guess there's a couple that it's really down on and the other is getting pretty close to it.  Anyhow we had to Bureau En Gros (Staples in Quebec) for something we ordered previously that came in finally after a month of waiting for it. So while there I scouted the prices for the ink cartridges and I almost croaked. Holy crap! For a set of 4 cartridges we could literally (and so we did) buy a completely new printer, that uses those bottled inks that supposed to print a few thousand pages compared to about 20 or pages (like what is the actual reality of the situation regardless of what the manufacturer claims is the case with our current printer), with the ink bottles inlcuded. That's not installed yet - hopefully it will be on Sunday. But that trip to pick up the part that we needed for my computer, and then our son coming back over again to pick up more meat and stay for supper is what's been holding up me posting this.

So while it's nowhere near finished and the more time drags on, the more gets added to it, I will post this one for now and start the sequel to it to post as soon as possible too.