Showing posts with label genetic tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genetic tests. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2020

COVID Coverage Comingled

With Cooking


June 19, 2020

I can't believe how much food a 14 cubic foot freezer can hold! About a quarter of the contents remained frozen so we put them back in without doing anything to them except wiping the packages off. We gave a good quarter to third of it away to our son and I still had the rest to deal with here to try to salvage by cooking up ready for use on short notice (basically throw in microwave to defrost and heat et voila - good to go). Of course I've been dealing with the most expensive contents to the least expensive in that order so that it's not as much lost as if I just did it willy nilly. Now I've finished the meat and almost the all fish contents and am working on the veggie & fruit contents. Fruit is easy it can be used in all kinds of things from muffins (depending on what it is) and compotes to pies etc. The veggies though I've been working diligently trying to figure out what to do with them to cook them into some kind of tasty meal to be frozen and thawed and used like the meat contents. I guess I'm not vegetarian or vegan enough to figure things like that out, so I might have to look for specialized recipes for those things. But right now I have a variety of soups in the works, like chicken veggie soup, cream of asparagus and corn chowder. After those are made and put away I'll work on the more elaborate veggie dishes if I can find any.

As that's taking a lot of my time I don't have as much time to devote to the blog and the headlines, but I am  trying my best to get a few of them in everyday until caught up again (which isn't likely to happen in the very near future considering the nature of the coronavirus beast and the news stories associated with it).  But from now on, no matter how complete or incomplete the post is, it'll be posted before midnight my time and a new one started the next day.

Anyhow, as they say in showbiz..... On with the show....

FDA expands list of hand sanitizers to avoid due to methanol risk with more being recommended for recall Another list to check to see if the ones we have is on it or not. Seems like they are coming out with new ones every week or so.

Is the summer road trip spreading the coronavirus?  Probably. I know if we let them be and cross our borders it'll be making things worse here, for us. 

Woman refused entry to hospital emergency because she can't wear a mask  The hospitals have a lot of stringent and I believe in some circumstances detrimental rules for entering a hospital. I know a little girl that could die, because while the virus is raging she's not allowed in a hospital at all, so she and her parents have been quarantined at home since the lockdown came into effect here in Quebec.

From Flour to Canned Soup, Coronavirus Surge Pressures Food Supplies  This is one of the reasons I'm going to so much trouble and effort to try to salvage the food that was in the freezer that thawed up, rather than throwing it out. First we can't afford to restock the freezer the way it was stocked originally, second that would be a colossal waste of food to throw that out and third I see how and tenuous the food supply has gotten out there, that just that alone makes it immoral to throw out salvagable food like that, because a lot of others may not be getting the food they need due to the ravaged food supply.

Florida reports largest, single-day increase in COVID cases  This is the first of such daily increases they'll be reporting.

Seniors reflect on how they're enduring COVID-19 seclusion The seniors in this house at least are tired of it already. 

India's growing Covid-19 waste challenges workers  That's one big massive pile of coronavirus right there. That alone should be a public health problem.

Anonymous letters providing solace in the pandemic  Maybe I'm paranoid or more than just a little leery but after watching the movie "Greta" last night, I wouldn't want to get too chummy with totally unknown strangers. 

'No one is safe until everyone is safe': Vaccine nationalism threatens global coronavirus effort Of course the vaccine makers love pushing that idea, because of course that means that every single individual on the planet will be a client of theirs. So if there's 7 billion of us, that's 7 billion times x amount of dollars per dose at the minimum. If it's made by one manufacturer in the world that company will basically be the richest company ever in the entire history of the world and then some. Basically a wet dream for the person who owns that company or has the most shares in it. 

Florida woman took dishwashing job so she could visit husband with Alzheimer's during pandemic That's what you call devotion. For sure. I'm wondering how many other spouses would do something like that if they could.

AOC suggests NYC crime surge due to unemployment, residents who need to 'shoplift some bread'  Maybe or maybe it's just Americans being Americans. This is normally how they behave when there's no lockdown. 

French bus driver dies after brutal attack by passengers who refused to wear face masks  This is just plain savagery killing people over something like wearing a mask or not. So if the virus doesn't get you, the fallout from the laws and rules will, it looks like.

Fuelled by U.S. and Brazil, world sets new record in daily COVID-19 cases  I'm sure that'll be a new daily norm at least for a while. 

Nearly 90 per cent of Ontario's new COVID-19 cases reported in people under 60 I guess it's already killed off all the seniors it could find, now it's going to work on the younger generations.

Bars not required to report COVID-19 infections or to close for cleaning: Quebec health authorities  Doesn't that make you feel all snuggly cozy safe and secure? 

US warned coronavirus will last 2 more years and force 'American way of life to change'  I suppose that means that that goes for the Canadian way of life as well, given that the 2 ways of life are indistinguishable from each other.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Bollywood star known as 'world's most beautiful woman,' tests positive for COVID-19   I  guess this virus won't spare anyone, not the beautiful, not the rich and not the famous either. Everyone is and equal opportunity victim of this virus.

Honk for Bingo: Bingo lovers get their fix from their cars in Windsor Church services, bingo games, rock concerts and movies by car. 

Heat wave shows plan needed 'right now' to keep care homes cool  This should've been done decades ago. There's no excuse because air conditioning hasn't been an expensive luxury for decades now.

Quebecers must now register online with NB and PEI to travel to Iles-de-la-Madeleine  Wondering if they have to also register online with Quebec if they want to travel through Quebec's territory?

Coronavirus crisis may get "worse and worse and worse", warns WHO I sure hope not. Things are already pretty bad as they are already.

Woman infects 71 people with coronavirus after 60-second elevator trip  How the heck do you fit that many people in an elevator anyhow? The most I've ever seen be able to enter at once was perhaps 20-30 people. 

Coronavirus masks, gloves polluting Europe's rivers  And everyone was having hissy fits over the single use plastic shopping bags before, talking about how bad they were for the waterways. Now you have everyone having to have these masks and gloves - single use by law, everyday, everywhere they go, so what can you expect?

Families of Italy’s virus dead seek answers, solace, justice  I guess we can pretty much say the same for all families who are grieving, they all want answers, solace and I imagine justice too.

Coronavirus lockdown leads to less air pollution, more clean energy  Well at least that's a positive side to this pandemic.

Weather forecast wrong again? Researchers say COVID-19’s impact on air travel is to blame Even when planes were flying and able to help them out, they still weren't getting it right. So what was their excuse then?

Mystery as Argentine sailors infected with virus after 35 days at sea   Obviously 14 day quarantines aren't working when 40 day quarantines are the proper way. Then you'd find all the people who had it but didn't fully recover from it, or the ones who developed the disease more than 14 days after exposure. 

Police levy thousands of fines as Indians chafe at mask rules  I'm sure the cops here in Quebec will be doing the same in short order. They were issuing physical distancing tickets like there was no tomorrow, before. So I'm sure they'll do the same in regards to masks.

Former Fiat engineer aims to put the brakes on COVID A weird impractical device that sounds about as useless as it does stupid. 

Swiftly waning COVID-19 immunity poses vaccination challenge But are the antibodies really waning or would they fire up again if they were exposed to COVID19? I mean if you think about it a bit, all of our antibodies we've developed over the course of our lifetimes can't all be raging in our blood at the same time and all the time. I mean I had measles when I was a kid, I'm in my 60s now and I haven't had the measles again in my life, but I bet unless I'm somehow in contact with measles again my measles antibodies are there but taking a back seat to other more relevant antibodies I need at the moment. When or if I come into contact with measles again they'll come raging back into play to protect me. I somehow don't think all our antibodies are at full force all the time, and that's probably true of the antibodies for this virus as well.

University wants students to sign liability waiver to return to class during pandemic  That doesn't surprise me. Nearly everyone and everything in Nova Scotia tries to weasel out of responsibility of any kind. 

Record Numbers of Americans Try to Buy Guns Apparently it's because of Coronavirus. What can I say? I'm not American and don't understand the mindset involved in needing guns.