Showing posts with label CDC failed public. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDC failed public. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2020

Cutting Branches, Cuddling the Pup, and .....

 Covid 19


Nov 5, 2020

It's a beautiful 19 C degree day outside. Warm by November standards here in QC and we're set for a few more warm days just like this one. Whoo Hoo! Just the right temp for me, I wish it was around 19 - 21 C all year long! But unfortunately here in QC, we get maybe a couple of days like that in spring and then another couple in autumn but for the most part it's either boiling or freezing around here. It's rare that we have mild temperature days like today. 
So I took the opportunity to do what I still had to do before the cold weather and snow set in previously, and went out to cut back the raspberry & blackberry bushes. I was also going to cut down the brussels sprouts plants I had and I noticed they were growing tiny brussels sprouts on them. So as we have another week of good weather I'll leave them there and see if they get any bigger. If they do, that'll be awesome! My chives, and kale are still growing too despite all the cold weather (it's been down to -5C at night here) and snow (we had a centimeter or two earlier this week). I knew kale was a cold weather crop but I had no idea it could survive temperatures that low. The strawberry plants look viable too but they don't have any berries on them, but the leaves and flowers look just as chipper and perky as if it was mid-summer out there still. Not bad for the 5th of November in our area. Lots of years, we'd have had a couple of inches (not centimeters) of snow on the ground by now and it would stay and not melt because it would stay cold.

Other than that, I've been spending time petting and cuddling our dog, because she knows things are different (like she's really restricted in the places she can go and things she can do now - not because of her physical restrictions, but because they're imposed on her to stop her from injuring herself more) and she's bewildered and I guess feeling a little insecure because of it. I don't mind though, cuddling and petting her is as good for me as it is for her. I get my zootherapy that way. đŸ¶  It does wonders for the stress and blood pressure.

So now that it's lowered somewhat and I'm feeling less stressed, I'll try to elevate it again by blowing a few fuses over the following headlines I'm about to post: 

Feds unveil plan to get coronavirus shots to nursing homes Those who are in or have relatives in Canadian nursing homes don't get too excited over this announcement because it's for the US.
Yeah we need to further reduce our contacts, when we're limited to our household family members. So how are we supposed to do that? Throw a family member out? Get a divorce? What? Dimwits R Us run this country now.
Wow! Just wow! The sickness and depravity that some people have. I hope that pedophile gets a nice long time behind bars for doing something as brazen as that in front of a teacher and other kids online. Wow....
Tobacco Plants Contribute Key Ingredient For COVID-19 Vaccine It would be wonderful if it included nicotine in it and that was felt for as long as the vaccine was working. Kind of an indicator as to how long the benefits of that vaccine lasts. It might also reduce smoking as smokers would no longer have to smoke in order to get the nicotine their bodies crave. I haven't smoked for 11 years now, but every now and then the urge crosses my mind to take it up again. Sometimes it's a hard urge to resist too, but then I remember what I went through to quit (as I went cold turkey with no patches, pills, gums or injections to help). So that's what stops me from taking it up again but if I had've quit the easy way with all those medical aids, maybe taking it up again wouldn't bother me as I'd just re-rely on those medical aids to quit the next time I wanted to. 

How are they going to know what the 2 tier couples are doing in one of their homes together? Do they have monitoring devices installed by the government in everyone's homes in every room including the bedrooms and bathrooms? If not, how's the government going to know what they were doing together? I mean the gov'ts are just going over the top draconian now banning things one can do in the privacy of one's own homes, without anyway to monitor, or police such activities. That's just over the top insanely stupid. And all the monies siphoned off the taxpayers for the legislative sessions required to come up with that insanely stupid law, should be reimbursed to the taxpayers. Sometimes I think legislaters have run out of ideas for laws and so they come up with over the top insane laws that can't be enforced even though they've been enacted. I think they do that just to give themselves something to do to make it seem like they're working, in order to get paid. That's all. It's a legislaters form of "busy work" - you know like sweeping the floor in other companies would be - just something to make an idle employee do until the work bell rings. Wondering though if they're allowed to have sex outside? 

Like I keep telling you, watch out for the operative words in these stories like "could" which doesn't  necessarily mean  it "will", it just means there's a possibility of it happening, but that word is a trigger word to keep everyone scared and compliant. So just remember that when you see headlines like that in the future and take it with a grain of salt.

Really? When they didn't want to close the borders to the US and wanted to continue to let the virus in and Pence had to order the borders closed instead of them???? And when they decided to bury all the covid cases as flu cases in early January as the head honcho at the CDC testified to in a meeting at congress? And who also ordered all the hospitals to mark all deaths as being covid related in order to cut down on time doing autopsies? And they're the ones that's going to criticize the gov't on how the gov't handled it???? Really???? Isn't that worse than the kettle calling the pot black in this case?????? Seriously, the CDC is as bad as or even worse than the US gov't was at handling this. Probably on purpose too, because I can't see how they could figure out how to manage and contain Ebola outbreaks in Africa but couldn't figure out how manage and curtail this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lying hypocritical ahems!  
Food delivery apps cut some restaurant fees amid surging demand due to COVID-19 All the restaurants I've ever heard of all have their own delivery service with people employed by the restaurant itself just for that purpose and so far as I know always have had. Every single restaurant in the area, from Dominos and Chinese restaurants, the Indian restaurant, the everyday "family restaurants", the pizza restaurants, chicken restaurants like St. Hubert BBQ & KFC, all of them deliver and always have. The few who don't probably are small startups with hardly any clients because they're not well known or are the snoity types that thinks everyone should want to pay $20 for their soup du jour, when most people are thinking $20 or thereabouts would be a reasonable price for a whole meal and not just the soup.  Those are the types of restaurants around here that rely on those services and since I don't frequent those types of restaurants at all, not even for celebrations, I'm not familiar with their food and thus whether it's worth the price or not, so simply don't bother with them at all. 

Speaking of which - the following is an article from CTV Montreal today:
Leaked report from Montreal public health urges reopening gyms, libraries and museums  You will note that the PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS OF MONTREAL has recommended these measures - to work in public health you are generally speaking supposed to hold a degree as some form of health practitioner - ergo these are doctors and maybe nurses too recommending this, but what does the pencil pushing pinhead that masquerades as a health minister have to say about that? This is what the miserable moron says about that: "We have not yet come to a place where we're comfortable, at the level where we should be," Quebec Health Minister Christian DubĂ© said at the daily press conference on Thursday, when asked about tweaking COVID-19 restrictions. You've seriously got to wonder what qualifies someone like this: 

Christian DubĂ© has had a brilliant career in finance in some of Canada’s largest businesses and was MNA for LĂ©vis from 2012 to 2014, before becoming until very recently senior vice-president at the Caisse de dĂ©pĂŽt et placement du QuĂ©bec. This highly competent administrator known for his mastery of public finance issues completes the CAQ economic brigade with the goal of transforming the government of QuĂ©bec into a well-managed, efficient and effective organization.
What qualifies a pencil neck like that to 1) be Health Minister of anything anywhere and 2) contradict actual medical doctors??????????????????  
I wanted that little article from today's news November 5th in here to demonstrate that most of what's going on is purely political and has SFA to do with the actual disease itself, when DOCTORS are recommending they loosen their grip on the population and let people out to enjoy themselves and it's the ash holes who are purely number crunchers who are locking people up and tightening their grip on them instead!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? IT HAS LITTLE TO NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE PANDEMIC ANYMORE, IT'S PURELY 100% POLITICALLY MOTIVATED ALL THESE LOCKDOWNS & DEPRIVATIONS WE'VE BEEN FORCED TO ENDURE!!!!! I hope you can finally see and understand what's happening in the name of this pandemic. I'm not quite sure why they want us continually locked up and separated - probably to make it easier for them to find and handle us once their plans are finished being made as to how to force us to do something they know we won't want to do, whatever that might be could be anything from taking the vaccine to winding up going to a gulag style camp as forced labour for all I know....


A freaking Mazing they got a green light. Aren't they afraid that the people in the ski lifts will sit too close together? Or maybe there'll be a big pile up of fallen skiers near a tree? Or maybe too many huddled together by the fire in the ski chalet? Or did they get the green light because one of the biggest resort areas in QC is Mont  Tremblant and they are worth billions and maybe someone there greased a gov't palm or two to be allowed to open? Just wondering how come it's not too dangerous to ski when it's too dangerous to swim and probably skate too, and for sure play hockey. 

Paradox???? What paradox? You can have a work shortage in a certain field while there's tons of unemployed, because not all those unemployed people might be qualified to work in that particular field. Like unemployed golf grounds keepers are definitely not qualified to be nurses or doctors, or unemployed road repair crews aren't qualified to be architects or structural engineers. I mean even the dumbest of the dumb at that forum must be able to figure that out on their own. Hey I have an idea for all the unemployed workers, take them and assign them as the head health officials of various villages and what not.... I mean it seems that qualifications for that job doesn't matter when we have an accountant as our provincial health minister and for the federal health minister she's an art teacher. Most other provinces also have number crunchers and pencil pushers as their health ministers too. Only a few provinces have actual doctors and I think those are BC, AL & Nfld. The rest rely on totally unqualified idiots to masquerade as health ministers. So we can do that with the unemployed here in QC, assign them as the head health honcho of all the villages and hamlets across the province.
Coronavirus: Insurance claim for $6,000 cancelled trip denied after airline offers woman voucher Maybe from now on, we should pay our insurance companies using Cdn Tire Money, grocery coupons and AirMiles instead of cash. Wondering if they'd accept those forms of payment in lieu of actual good ole Cdn currency? It's doubtful because they can't pay their bills using those forms of payment. Nor can that woman buy her groceries, pay her rent/mortgage or other bills using an airline voucher. She paid money for the trip so she should get money back. PERIOD. END OF FREAKING STORY. And any insurance company that doesn't agree with that statement should then agree to accept any form of voucher valid in Canada or even gift cards to certain stores like Walmart's or the Dollar Store as payment too. Hey if it's good for the goose it should be good for the gander as well. Big companies like Insurance Companies and Airlines have been bending the rules and laws to suit themselves far too often now, as far as I'm concerned. Whatever laws that apply to the rest of us, should also apply to them as well. Meaning if I'm forced to pay back a debt in the same form of payment I took for a cancelled service - say I accepted a debit card payment, so by law I have to pay it back as a debit card payment to the same account the original payment came from (all stores have to do that) or pay back cash because it was paid for in cash, then I don't see why Airlines can get away with something else and Insurance Companies can back up the airlines "right" to do that, when no one else in Canada can. 

Well not even that apparently according to a story I heard on the news tonight, where they said if one family member has it, that by the time they find out they have it (as there's an incubation period before symptoms show), the rest of the family has it too. So empathy or not, if someone in your family has it, you do too. Your symptoms will be manifesting themselves shortly.

Global coronavirus rise by one-day record of 400,000 While that looks like a staggering number you have to keep in mind that that's only a tiny fraction of the entire global population - that being close to 8 billion. So again another scary looking number to keep you scared and compliant. 

Oh yes, jolly blowhard, trying to make it rain money again as if there were no limits on the amounts of money he can throw at people to try to make people like him and so he can keep his job.
Is Pandemic Unity Between Ottawa And The Provinces Starting To Slip? (Analysis) Unity???? You mean there was actually unity between them at some point???? Because I never noticed. At least not here in QC, where Legault and Ford were the first ones to actually act and do something to try to prevent the spread of it, while bozo brains, Damn & Haggy Doodoo sat on their hands and twiddled their thumbs. THEY ONLY STARTED ACTING AFTER LEGAULT & FORD DID!!!!! I probably have the stories linked in this blog somewhere as I'm sure the blog started on or near then. 

You know I don't know who cares about those 2 but in case someone does, here you go...
When I see headlines like this I always wonder if it's only on the packaging on the outside and not on the contents inside as well? I mean if someone at the processing and packaging plant had coronavirus isn't it safe to assume that the people that handled the contents were infected with the virus as well? Then my mind wanders on to, well if it's on that could it be on plain paper box and tin can packaging and maybe on fresh produce in the produce section - as that's pretty much left in the open for everyone to paw over and cough and sneeze on.... Then I just stop wondering because it's driving me crazy when I realize that no matter what, we have to eat, and unless we can grow and or hunt and fish for all our own food, we're going to have to contend with supermarket food and possibly being contaminated with the virus.  I mean there's no other choice for most if not all of us - except the native populations who still have aboriginal hunting and fishing rights and if they have a yard where they can plant a garden and raise chickens, they're all set. 



When I see stories like this, I always wonder how many hospitals Pegleg Lucien closed down when he was premier? Were there any hospitals in those regions that he closed down? If so, and they weren't replaced with another equal capacity at least hospital (and that's doubtful because so far as I know the only place in the province where a new hospital was built was in Montreal - the super hospital), then no wonder they don't have the capacity. Couple that with intervening decades and probably corresponding population growth for those regions, well ummmm duhhh.... Build new hospitals to acommodate more people, it's as simple as that. (Which I know in this bureaucratic nightmare tied up with miles of red tape gov't we have, that could still take at least another half a century to accomplish - a hospital was promised for our region over 40 years ago and they still haven't started on it yet). 


Nothing like using this plandemic to become a police state, is there?
Covid reinfections 'to be expected' as virus spreads, say government scientists Maybe so, but I think they'll be pretty rare, given the very few times we've heard of any cases like that. I think maybe in total there's been 3-5 cases like that world wide, that I'm aware of and considering there's been over 40 million cases of it in the world so far, 3-5 is a drop in the bucket. So again something else to try to panic and scare you with. So don't worry about it.

Hundreds queue in Yiwu, China for experimental Covid-19 vaccine Wondering if that's the vaccine they stole from us???? If it is, I hope it's useless - as effective as shooting water into their veins for protection against the virus. It'll serve them right.

Who will care if things keep going the way they are now, by then, everyone will have had the virus and acquired their immunity naturally. So we won't need those pie in the sky vaccines anymore.

Yeah, I keep forgetting to buy rolling paper and I'm tired of baking so brownies is out of the question for the moment.
Schoolgirl awarded $25,000 for developing potential Covid-19 treatment We need more 14 year olds like her in the world! The kid sounds like she's a genius! I'm glad she won the award, she deserves it!

Eight passengers test positive for COVID-19 on Costa Cruises ship Here we go again.... I guess some people never learn, not even the hard way....

Scientists worry as more Americans say they’ll refuse COVID-19 vaccine  Well they should've made sure that Gates kept his big ugly mug out of the picture altogether and then maybe more people would trust the vaccine.

THIRD WAVE????? Even Anthony Fauci said they weren't in a second wave yet, that it's merely a large resurgence of the first wave, so how and when did they manage to skip right over a second wave altogether into 3rd one???? I swear to gawd, some journalists make sheite up out of thin air and then try to pass it off as news. No wonder there's a huge bruhaha about "fake news". If there is such a thing, this article is a perfect example of that, either that or just an idiotic blowhard trying to pretend to be a journalist.



Of course this pencil neck who's never set foot in one of those homes, probably not even to visit aging relatives, knows more than the nurses who are into the aches, pains, viruses and bacteria in these homes up to their eyeballs on a fulltime daily basis. 


Oh huge surprise here!

They were already saying on the 17th that some of those restrictions would last beyond the 28 day period, not even waiting to see how things went.

So it's okay to let kideny transplant patients die, but not the COVID19 patients? What difference does it make? A patient is a patient and all should be treated equally rather than making one patient take a backseat for another one. It's not fair at all. 




Coronavirus Pandemic Putting Damper on Holiday Shopping Season  As I said before I refuse to contribute to the economic machinery by doing any shopping. I'll make some stuff to give to family, friends & neighbours and give money but I'm not buying a damned thing. I'm sick of seeing people being valued only for keeping the economic machine running and not for themselves, by only allowing them to work but not to enjoy their lives, outside of work and not everyone enjoys their work. So for those people life has become a drudgery that maybe a lot of them don't care if they keep waking up day after day to face it or not anymore as they have nothing else to look forward to other than that.



On that note, I'm finished for the night... Until next time take care & stay well.







Friday, October 30, 2020

Giving It Another Go at Trying to Get This Done Soon.....



Oct 29, 2020

Wow! Only 2 days to go and I know right now I'm NOT going to get this done on time! The reason I know that is because I won't have the time because we have to go out hunting for an affordable new toilet and then someone's coming to install it on the 31st, I think. So that's going to drastically cut into the time I have to devote to getting this done. 

I still have hundreds of headlines to go and I'm sure between now and Oct 31st, there'll be a few hundred more headlines too as it just never ends. It's constant. To quote Trump, "Covid, Covid, Covid, Constant Covid in the news". So he was right about that even if everyone thinks he wasn't right about much else.

So I'm going to give it my best shot to get as many headlines in here tonight as possible, but be forewarned, I've been nodding off, off and on all day long so that's apt to be the case while I try to work on this. So that may drastically cut into the time I have to do this, and thus cut down on the amount of articles I can get posted before I nod off for my 8 hours of sleep. I don't know what's wrong me because it's only the last few weeks I've been like this. Most of my life I've been an insomniac, now I struggle to stay awake for any length of time. It's awful.
So I'm going to be getting started now, so grab your glasses, beverage of choice and easy chair and start reading...



Vancouver Christmas Market cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic  Of course. Just wondering when they're going to cancel life altogether. 

The Cdn gov't site on border measures being taken in regards to the virus along with immigration, refugees, family abroad, etc... If you want/need any official information on those subjects directly from the government itself, this is where you go.
Coronavirus: Levels of anxiety and depression rising among Canadians during pandemic In my case it's not anxiety & depression that's getting to me, it's pure unbridled anger and hatred of the governments and all their sycophants in the medical establishment and media that let them get away with this charade and continue to support them in the efforts in it. Now don't misinterpret what I'm saying here. I'm not saying that Coronavirus isn't real and infecting people and killing some, what I'm saying is the way it was handled from the get go was all wrong and anyone who attended med school or even nursing school for a half hour KNOWS THAT and KNEW THAT IN ORDER TO PREVENT A VIRUS FROM SPREADING YOU SEGREGATE YOUR SOCIETY FROM IT.  In other words you  PREVENT IT FROM GETTING INTO YOUR COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE BY CLOSING ALL BORDERS THE MOMENT YOU HEAR ABOUT IT IN ANOTHER COUNTRY.  So the moment they heard about it in Wuhan, knowing that we have a lot of people who travel to and from China on a regular basis, hurt feelings on behalf of the Chinese community or not, it was IMPERATIVE THAT WE CLOSE ALL BORDERS AND STOP ALL INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY FROM ANYWHERE.  Because air travel allows viruses to spread so rapidly around the globe and not knowing where a person has been before they came to Canada or who they rubbed shoulders with along the way, was enough cause to close the border down completely BACK ON JANUARY 21st WHEN WE FIRST OFFICIALLY HEARD ABOUT THIS DISEASE IN WUHAN.  NEVERMIND WAITING FOR THE CORRUPT BRAINDEAD IMBECILES IN THE WHO TO DIRECT ANYTHING. When that wasn't done, then what should've been done and is outlined in our constitution on how to handle pandemics should've been followed to the T, because THAT IS THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT. You isolate the sick and their contacts, for the full 40 days. So you remove them totally from the population and so technically if they were the only ones who got into Canada with that disease they and their contacts won't be spreading it hither and yon. And you set up quarantine officers to check on them (like they're finally only starting to do now with the cops checking on them - but that should've been done in the very very beginning). Anyone else you find with it you do the same with them and their contacts. But you let everyone else go about their daily lives. Then to cut down on the risk "in case" you didn't catch/find them all, you make the rest of the population wear masks. Nevermind this BS hand washing BS. It's a respiratory illness that spreads via droplets and aerosols in the air that you breath in, that's the main way it's contracted. Sticking your hands in your mouth after touching a contaminated surface might do it too, but honestly how many adults goes around sticking their hands in their mouths for no reason all the time? We're not 2 year olds who constantly have our hands or fingers in our mouths. All the doctors and nurses in Canada KNEW THIS and if they didn't then they have NO BUSINESS HOLDING A LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE OR NURSING. NONE.  ZILCH. ZERO. As there's NO EXCUSE FOR NOT KNOWING THOSE PROCEDURES. I mean how the F do you ISOLATE CONTAGIOUS PEOPLE IN HOSPITAL WARDS IF YOU DON'T KNOW THOSE SIMPLE CONCEPTS?????? So for them to sit idly by and let this happen, means they should all lose their licenses. Either that or put up and shut up, since you bunch of idiots did this to yourselves (I'm talking about the exhaustion and over work etc...). And for the media - well they don't know which way is up to start with so we can't expect miracles out of them. But they should say "Whoa" what's going on here when they find little nuggets out like the one Arruda dropped tonight on the news admitting that the Coronavirus deaths might be inflated, because if there was a death that they think could be related to the disease but aren't entirely sure it is, like in the example he gave about someone having Cancer and dying but also had Covid, that person's death will be listed as a Covid caused death and not by Cancer.  So they're using the same tricks here in Quebec (probably right across Canada) as they use in the US, where just about all deaths are deemed to be Covid related, because the CDC issued directives to the hospitals to label them all COVID caused in order to cut down on time doing autopsies. There's a link to that 7 page CDC document, somewhere amongst all the links on all the pages in my blog. I'm not sure now if I put a label to it or what it would be called if I did. So if you want to find it, comb through the labels on the right hand side and see if you can find anything that might look like it in there and click on that to get taken to that page, or failing that do the good old fashion detective work of combing through all the pages until you find it. That's all I can suggest if you really want to find it.  I mean you'd think the media would go "oh yeah, that's interesting" I wonder what else it is that they're hiding or doing crookedly that they're not telling us and start investigating rather than sitting on their lazy stupid ashes swallowing whatever BS the gov't tells them hook, line and sinker. Once upon a time being a journalist meant you were also an investigator of sorts, now a days it's just an idiot with a microphone and tape recorder recording whatever the other idiot is telling them and then copying it verbatim onto a worksheet for print or broadcast. No investigating involved. I doubt any of them would know how, these days.

Canadians will pay the bill for COVID-19 in higher taxes — here’s how it will likely happen Oh I can't wait! We're already taxed to the eyeballs here in QC, so um yeah just add 'em on.... Pretty soon we'll be drowning in them with no hope of ever paying. That's when the gov't will confiscate all property (like they did in the USSR) and proclaim it all belongs to the government and we all work for them now for mere subsistance salaries. That's what it seems like this is all working towards.


Canada ‘desperately’ needs people to dig in, stay home in coronavirus fight: Qualtrough Actually we desperately need leaders who knows what they're doing and how to handle the situation and to be advised by REAL DOCTORS & N O T WITCH DOCTORS (Tam), ART TEACHERS (Hajdu) & PENCIL NECKED ACCOUNTANTS (Dube), WHO KNOWS DIDDLY SQUAT ABOUT MEDICINE & INFECTIOUS DISEASES!!!! AND I N V E S T I G A T I V E JOURNALISTS WHO WANT TO PUBLISH THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON AND NOT JUST TOW THE MAINSTREAM BS LINE!!!!! We need people who will stand up for truth and justice and who will do the right thing by the people & NOT JUST THE MONEYMAKERS!!!! That's what we need the most. Not more lies, massaged data, manipulated numbers, and paranoid propaganda put out by the governments! 

Ontario doctor says he was told to expect fewer flu vaccines in this, the year of COVID-19 We were contacted the other day by our pharmacist offering us the flue shot, but I didn't know at the time my husband wanted one, so I declined. Then I found out last night he wanted one if he could get it and so I called her today to try to get one for us, but now she's not sure she will have enough. So I told her if she has at least 1 shot left to give it to him. She said she'll get back to us and I thought she would by the end of the day before she closed, but we didn't hear anything from her. 


23 workers test positive for COVID-19 at food distribution centre in Delta, B.C.  So obviously this is a super spreader event, that is NOT a social gathering of any kind, but rather a work place. It's about time that the authorities started recognizing that a lot of work places are equally capable of being super spreaders and not just bars, restaurants and family gatherings. The reason they don't do that though is because they don't want their precious economy to falter and fall apart if the workers all suddenly deem it too dangerous to go to work and decides to stay home instead.


Could that be due to a high fever perhaps? Fevers can induce hallucinations. So maybe that's what's happening here too?
CDC revises coronavirus guidance to acknowledge that it spreads through airborne transmission Look the mere fact that it is a coronavirus means it spreads through air, so how come it took the CDC 10 f'n months to figure that out and admit it????? I'm sorry but I'm beyond aggravated with the criminal negligence and stupidity emanating from that criminal organization called the CDC. 
The Post-Pandemic 'New Normal' Looks Awfully Authoritarian Nevermind post pandemic. It looks awful authoritarian now. 


So keep taking your medications regularly.
‘Babies are doing well’: Infants born to moms with COVID have few complications That's good to know. Let's just hope they don't have hidden latent problems that show up years later, instead of immediately at birth.

Well of course it can spread indoors. If there's air, it can spread, doesn't matter whether it's indoors or outdoors. It's even in some lakes, so maybe it can spread via water too, for all we know.

It's good to see a company show some compassion & decency in this  time of pandemic.
Ottawa has been Canada's hottest market for new home prices during COVID-19 I seriously can't understand why anyone would want to live in Ottawa unless they had to (as in their job is there like in parliament for instance).

Haven't we all eaten a lot over this pandemic? Everyone I know has, so you're not alone Adam.

There was a chart posted on the net somewhere that I printed out and posted on our fridge. It outlined the differences between the flu, a cold & coronavirus. That was the only place I could think to put it where we'd both see it and be able to consult it immediately, without searching the computer files or around the house for the printout of it.

Cargo carriers warn that getting a COVID-19 vaccine to everyone on Earth could take up to two years I'm sure there'd be some places where it would be locally produced and could be moved by ground carriers to the local population.



Well I guess I'll end it here for now.... Until next time take care & stay well.



Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Rhubarb Jam, Raspberry Picking, BBQ'd Steaks & More Anger Inducing News About...



October 6, 2020

As the headlines of this post suggests, I spent the day making Rhubarb Jam,
using the recipe found there, which made 2 full 500ml jars and one other 500ml jar almost full, but not full enough to can. Then I went outside and picked a bunch of raspberries, so I see some raspberry muffins in our near future either muffins or cupcakes, can't decide. Plus I made a macaroni salad to go with the steaks my husband BBQ'd for supper tonight. 
The anger inducing news that I'm talking about won't show up in this batch of headlines, because it was from today's news, where they're basically telling us flat out to stay home, but not having the guts to call it a lockdown. Because it isn't really a lockdown when everyone is associating with everyone they normally associate with at work and school, but bringing whatever  they acquired out there at those venues home to their families, which could be COVID19, like it could be seasonal colds and flus or other things. So essentially it's alright to get sick if you're risking your health and lives and potentially that of your family's as well, so long as you're being a good little cog in the economic wheels, but it's forbidden for you to enjoy yourself ever or at all, because the only reason you should be risking your health or lives is for the sake of the economy but not for your own sakes.  
Well, I don't give a flying F what they say. They can go screw themselves royally (excuse my language, but I've had it with their draconian authoritarian BS presuming to tell me what's good for me when in reality it's only good for them and their economy) as far as I'm concerned. I've stopped listening to this sheite altogether and am doing the equivalent of sticking my fingers in my hears and going lumlumlumlumblahblahblahblah as fast and loud as I can to block out their BS noise makers, namely the talking heads of gov't and health depts and doing my own thing. But because I don't feel like contributing to their illicit coffers where the politicians all have their grubby paws pilfering the contents of what's in them, paid by poor unsuspecting citizens who were set upon by eye gouging cops with tickets for the stupidest sheite, I'll wear my mask and pretend to be going along with all their crappiola just so I don't impoverish myself more and enrich them at my expense. But not because I believe it's helping me or anyone else beat this BS plandemic. Because as Trump says "don't be afraid of it, it's no worse than the flu". For once people ought to believe him, because he is telling the truth, for a change.

I'll tell you who isn't telling the truth though. I don't know if any QC'ers have seen it yet or not, but everytime I see this commercial on TV of a woman who appears to be in her 30s or 40s telling everyone how rough it was having covid and how she couldn't walk to the bathroom unaided because she couldn't breath even after she was released from the hospital and how she had to "teach herself to breath again"..... My head just spun.... Teach herself to breath.... Now that's a good one. Who taught her to breath when she was first born? Who consciously helps her breath while she's sleeping? Gawd I want to crawl through the screen and choke her good so she really has a problem breathing then, everytime I see that commercial. Breathing is a autonomous reflex - we don't consciously breath, it's automatic. We can't consciously make ourselves breath nor make our hearts beat either for that matter. We can control them, through meditation or breathing exercises, but our hearts would beat whether we did or not, and our diaphragm would continue to push our lungs in and out so long as we're alive. That's controlled by our nervous systems. So for the gov't to be airing that commercial to try to make people be compliant, is just another lie on top of all the rest of the lies associated with this plandemic! No wonder people don't believe them and don't want to obey them, because all they do is lie. It's one lie after another. Like my mother used to say "they lie worse than a frigging  rug".

I will continue to post the headlines, in case something changes, or there's a glimmer of hope at the end of this BS authoritarian tunnel, but I doubt it. I think it'll just go from bad to worse and keep right on going in that direction until the population masses grows a brain and a backbone and decides enough is enough and instead of just protesting they take it one step forward and decide to overthrow the ash holes and put them all in jail for crimes against humanity. 
But I don't see that happening here in Canada because Canadians for the most part are nothing but a bunch of sheeple.  Instead the authoritarians in parliament will start sheiting their pants and decide to resign en masse without us needing to revolt, when they see what's happening around the rest of the world. Making sure they go into hiding to ensure we never find them in order to make them stand trial for the same crimes all the other leaders and head honchos of the health depts in those governments had to endure. Because when you come right down to it, the Canadian government dictators are just as chicken as the rest of the population is.
Now on to what might be more aggravating news.... I don't know as I'm pretty far behind in the headlines. So strap yourselves in it might be a bumpy ride..... We'll only find out at the end of it how bumpy it really was.
Canadians are still flocking to parks and businesses as country braces for second wave Quoting this story: "It feels to me like a lot of people just threw up their hands and said 'I'm tired of this. I'm hugging, I'm going out, I'm seeing friends,'" he told Sunday on CTV News Channel.  -> Of course we're tired of this because if you think about this logically and sanely, you'll realize that until 1) you have immunity from it - gotten either by having had the virus yourself, or a vaccine or 2) there's herd immunity - where enough people in the population had it to protect those who haven't had it, you have no hope of ever having a life worth living again. Merely eating, sleeping, breathing air, watching TV and talking on Zoom/Skype or your smart phone with friends is not a life worth living. It's not even living. It's an existance that's all. 
For those who have jobs that they love going to work might be enough to keep them happy even if they're deprived of a social life and fun outside of work, but for the rest of the population that have jobs merely for the paychecks and essentially can't stand their jobs and just barely tolerate their coworkers, it's not a life worth living. It's a drudgery, a thankless and rewardless chore as they have nothing they can spend their hard earned money for fun, other than booze or weed. Oh yippie kay yay! We can get wasted out of our skulls on our off hours, but at home and probably alone.... Yeah that's a party and a half too. 
In the first half of the pandemic people went along with all the mandated rules and laws etc, and stayed home during the lockdown, trying to make the best of it, because we were initially lied to, in that they said it would only be for a couple of weeks.  Those couple of weeks dragged out to be a couple of months and then some and the authorities only started loosening the screws when they saw the population was getting antsy and ready to basically revolt if need be.  

I guess they thought by letting us out to cool our heels for a couple of months that would take care of that itch and they could lock us down again, except that while they let us out, they didn't let us do anything as everything was still basically closed or so restricted (like allowing 50 people into a movie theatre at a time) it might as well have been closed for all intents and purposes, so what was the point? Most people got out to bike and walk and jog (which they did while there was a strict lockdown in effect too), but they couldn't really do anything of interest or fun and were limited in the people they could see. So the fun and socialization factors weren't requited. There's still a longing and a need for actual fun and companionship and to celebrate big celebrations (like holidays, birthdays & anniversaries) with extended family & friends. Which we never got to enjoy.

Now they want to take whatever little freedom we had away again, in the name of this plandemic while jacking up the numbers drastically. It doesn't mean because they said there were x amount of cases or deaths out there, today, all week, or all month that there actually were. We have no way of verifying any of that for ourselves so we have to take their word for it. They could be exaggerating everything for all we know, as an excuse to reimpose strict measures on us. 
Maybe we should force these politicians to play the SIMS for awhile so they can see how a SIMS vitality drops when they're not allowed to have fun or make friends and can only study & work. Gawd, even kids who played the SIMS could've figured that out without having to be told.

So you wonder why .... "It feels to me like a lot of people just threw up their hands and said 'I'm tired of this. I'm hugging, I'm going out, I'm seeing friends,'" he told Sunday on CTV News Channel. -> to repeat the quote I started with.



Here are 7 potential COVID-19 vaccines that Canadians should know about We only need to know about the ones that actually works and that will actually be available to Canadians. The rest are irrelevant.

Oh pulease, this company has plenty of money and they don't need to be using the virus to beg for some. 
Premier limits gathering sizes provincewide as Ontario reports 407 new cases of COVID-19 At least they're allowed to see others unlike here in QC. 

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr THIS is the anger inducing news!!!!!!!!! Stay home but it's okay to go to work (and keep our economic machine running) and school (because we're too cheap and stupid to figure out how to implement remote learning here in QC), but go directly home after work & school and stay home. Don't try to climb out your bedroom window or sneak down the fire escape because the gestapo police will find you and fine you a gazillion dollars for that your first infringement. If it's a lockdown why doesn't the chicken face call it that? Afraid of a revolt? Well guess what moron face!!!! People are apt to revolt anyhow, especially the large majority of the population who have jobs they don't really like and feel like they're being taken advantage of just to keep your economy going - risking theirs and their family's lives for the mere sake of being a cog in the wheel, while not being allowed to enjoy their lives at all. After all it's their lives so they should be able to determine how they want to live it and the risks THEY ARE WILLING TO TAKE WITH IT. NOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I feel the same way. My life belongs to me and if I want to risk it to have a few hours of enjoyment in it, rather than live years in confinement, I will. And I defy you to try to stop me. There is after all a constitution and you clowns are seriously over reaching it!!!!!! And if the others in this equation are consenting adults - like my kids, then what have you got to say about it anyhow? They don't have kids so they won't be endangering their lives! It's just us and them and we're all consenting adults. So try me! I defy you! I hope there is a revolt and soon! Because you deserve it.
Superspreader events the biggest threat in surging coronavirus cases, deathsYeah like all those intimate family Thanksgiving dinners are ought to be.... Gawd, the morons need to figure out what's causing the problems and it's not a small gathering of less than 5 people that's the problem here... It's events like this. But hey, it's easier to go after the small parties as there won't be as much resistance on a case by case basis.

Good! And while they're at it, maybe they can look into why the seniors got next to nothing, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE TARGET GROUP THE GOVERNMENT WANTED TO PROTECT & HELP THE MOST!  We saw how little monetary support the seniors got and what kind of "protection" they got too. If that was protection, then I hope we never have  war because they'll put all the defenseless women, children and old disabled men on the front lines and let the enemy/ies have at them, before they bring out the actual armed troops. 

New study makes curious observation: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients were less likely to wear glasses I wear glasses most of the time except when I have a mask on that wants to steam them up on me all the time, then I have to take my glasses off, because gawd forbid we're not allowed to take the masks off.
'A heartbreak': Ranchman's searching for new owner amid COVID-19 pandemic I know this bar isn't the only one suffering and closing down and hoping to sell.  By the time this plandemic is done with all the governments in Canada will make sure there isn't one bar left standing because after all they own the liquor commissions and so they'll have the total monopoly on the liquor being sold in the province and the asking prices too. I'm sorry but I see too many greedy grabby paws in government in relation to this pandemic and while you may think it's a stretch, I can easily see it getting there. Sooner rather than later too. Our government is hell bent on destroying anything where we might socialize or have fun and bars are number one places in our society for that.

Legault says Quebec's fight with COVID-19 not over, asks youth to help convince skeptics Yes, definitely ask the youth to convince skeptics, because the youth haven't got two clues about what they're talking about and they've been brainwashed by all the BS they keep hearing about in school and in the media, without doing any actual research on the subject themselves, so all they're doing is regurgitating the government line. Yeah that ought to convince skeptics alright. I think skeptics are a little more savvy than that.

Surprise surprise! It's ONLY our LAND BORDERS that are closed. So if you're trying to cross the land border forget about it. But if you fly across from anywhere or on your way to anywhere, it's wide open. Basically. 



COVID, hurricanes, wildfires, politics: 2020 is an American nightmare that's wearing us out Wait, the year isn't over yet. You never know what the remainder of the year will bring. 

There are several story headline links in this blog alone that depicts how they handled or more accurately mishandled it from the beginning from the head of the CDC's admission to a congressional hearing that the virus was around in January but was misdiagnosed and mistakenly attributed to some other causes of death on death certificates, to their 7 page mandate they sent out to hospitals directing them to label all deaths as being COVID related. Regardless of the actual cause of death - in order to cut down on time spent doing autopsies. 
Floating concert on river in Czech Republic provides comfort from Covid-19 stress They couldn't do anything like that here in Canada because that might've provided some fun for some of us.




Apple picking and COVID-19: What to know before you go Assuming you're still allowed to go apple picking.





Reopening the art world in a time of COVID I would love to know if this is the same case in Canada.


Of course it does! How else did they think a respiratory illness spreads? Via hamburgers or? Or maybe silk sheets? Oh I've got it.... No via ice cream cones. Those must be the perferred mediums for the virus to spread. Of course it's aerosols in the air. Ummm duhhh.....
LAST ORDERS UK lockdown: Pubs to close at 10pm across England as covid alert level RISES to 4 This is because it's a super smart virus that knows precisely what time it is and stops being dangerous or spreadable after 10pm.



Really???? Erroneously???? Wow.... Talk about mind-boggling reversals!!!!

Covid: Is it time we learned to live with the virus? Is there another option? I mean if there's no vaccine on the horizon, how long do you think it'll be before there's a massive revolt due to all of these lockdowns?

Even still who would want to go on one of these cruises anyhow?

Too bad we can't replace the art teacher masquerading as our health minister in Ottawa. 
Anyhow that's about it for now. Until next time take care and stay well.