Showing posts with label flu vs COVID19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flu vs COVID19. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2020


August 14, 2020

Well it certainly has taken long enough for Goggle to uncover or provide answers on how to get back to the "legacy blogger". I only just discovered where to access it late last night, and while I have accumulated a ton of story links since I last posted a post in here, I don't know when I'll be able to start posting them all again. Because as is par for the course in my life, when a void is created where I used to do something but don't currently for whatever reason, something comes along immediately to fill the void.

One of the things filling the void is doing errands that needed to be done for eons now but not being able to due to the lockdown and pandemic and gradual reopening of things.

So today we took our dog in for her nails to be cut.  And I'm telling you, this insolent brat (well she's a 30 something or 40 something year old brat, to me) with her own brats I wanted to just slap like the little beitche she was/is. If she were my daughter I would've hauled off and smacked her one in the face for behaving like this one did. I'm walking into the pet shop where we have an appointment for the dog's nails and I have the dog on the leash. The dog (like most dogs) is ahead of me, almost to the door. I'm almost to the door myself (given that the leash is only about 2 feet long, that means I'm not more than 2 feet behind - not 2 meters - which is 6 feet, but 2 feet). Then I see this tub of lard with her brats en tow hustling toward the door as fast as she can literally jiggle the blubber there and the brats running ahead of her. They get to where I am (and I'm about ready to open the door - less than an arm's length away from it) and I said to her "so much for physically distancing eh?" and she replies "yeah so? no big deal!" I replied "well it is, to me, because my husband is a senior" (not to mention I am too but that's beside the point to this beitche apparently). So then she opens the door and holds it for her kids and well she couldn't just slam it in my face, so held it for me too. So then she says snidely "thank me for holding the door for you" and I turned around and said "why? I could've held it for myself, I didn't need you to do it" while thinking "yeah thank you for holding the door for me and possibly exposing me to COVID19 because you're too ignorant and stupid to physically distance yourself and your brats from others especially seniors".

It's people like her and her ilk I've had the hardest time restraining myself over since this all began. Most people including me, tries to defer to others when they see they're going to be crossing paths etc, and they or I stop and let the others go first. It's called common decency and manners, but some are ill bred swine who have no manners and acts like the world belongs to them and they can do whatever they want without regard for others. But I was ahead of her, way ahead until she started boogeying towards the door,  like there was a fire up her butt, instead of noticing I was there first and stopping and keeping a distance and letting me enter first, no she had to beat me by a half a second to get to the door first, without any regard for physical distancing at all. That's what irked me, not that she was necessarily at the door just ahead of me, but seeing the effort she made to be just ahead of me, instead of taking her time and behaving as is socially acceptable now - by deferring to someone who was ahead of her and keeping her distance and then to be so cavalier about it by saying "yeah so? no big deal!".  But the snideness about holding the door open remark was the icing on the cake as far as I was concerned and what would've merited a good slap upside the face if she were my daughter. That one wasn't brought up, she was thrown up as we used to say in elementary school. And she's a wonderful example for the two brats she's throwing up, all over the place.

This being August and one of the few months of the year where vegetables are being harvested or are cheap, I've found myself overwhelmed with food that I need to work with.  This includes still some of the food that I had to work with when our freezer went on the fritz last month.  So lately I've been consumed with taking care of various kinds of fruit, a large quantity of pumpkin puree, while tons of tomatoes came in the door from the garden as well. Not to mention zucchini. I am trying my best to take care of it all, before it goes bad, so I don't really have a lot of computer time on my hands lately. After all my first duty is to myself and my husband and as we require food like everyone else, I need to look after it, while I can. So the computer and thus this blog etc will be as I can and when I can, so in other words second fiddle, as long as Goggle doesn't mess the editor up again or force me back onto that mess they called an upgraded blog editor.

But there are a few  links at least that I really want you to see and be aware of. The first one, as far as I'm concerned is the most important of them all:

Details emerge of Vaccine Choice Canada lawsuit over coronavirus response  Because this lawsuit isn't just about vaccine choices, it's about all the damage done to the economy, the oppressive measures taken like lockdowns and forcing mask wearing etc, to stem what appears for the most part to be no worse than a bad seasonal flu. The only thing that I wished they hadn't included in this lawsuit is the 5G cell towers, because that may give the judges who may decide whether or not to hear this case pause and wonder if the plaintiffs aren't just conspiracy theorist freaks and dismiss the whole thing out of hand without even hearing it, despite all it's other valid points of contention. I really do hope that a judge gives it the go ahead, because it deserves to be heard and sorted out in a court of law, assuming that is if the lawyers on both sides knows the pertinent questions to ask and asks them, and doesn't just gloss over certain parts because it wouldn't be good for their side of the case, if the truth were known.

Health officials are quitting or getting fired amid outbreak  Too bad this isn't also the case in Canada.

The Coronavirus Is New, but Your Immune System Might Still Recognize It  Hence the possible reason some of us show no symptoms when we have the virus or we fight it off easier than others.

Canadians worried about side-effects of COVID-19 vaccine: poll  And they should be, considering that many pharmaceutical companies will be exempt from any legal liabilities due to a result of their vaccine's side effects - harmful or otherwise.

More than 1 billion students face 'generational catastrophe' due to COVID-19, UN warns  Is this being used as yet another excuse to dumb students down even more than they already were compared to past generations?

Having difficulty buying appliances during COVID-19? Here’s why   Finally a plausible explanation as to why something as fundamental as a freezer, ordered in mid July couldn't even be hazarded a thought of delivery before mid September.  It's lucky my husband got our freezer going again or we'd have literally been up the proverbial creek without a paddle, otherwise because there's no way whatever food we had we'd have been able to keep in a fridge or camper coolers for longer than a week tops and there's just no way we'd have been able to consume all that food in that short a timespan.

Scientists Uncover Biological Signatures of the Worst COVID-19 Cases

An impassioned obituary for a 79-year-old coronavirus victim blames Trump for his death, then calls out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and people who refused to wear masks  People are starting to have had enough and are opening their eyes to the reality of the situation now and laying blame where it ought to be laid. Canadians should do the same and start naming Tam, Trudeau, Hajdu and their provincial premiers and health officiers too. Because it's their fault that it got into the country and provinces to begin with and let to spread rampantly all over the place before they even bothered to even acknowledge it, nevermind decide to try to curtail it's spread. Not only should they be named and shamed in each and every COVID19 obituary  posting, but all of these people should band together and demand legal action - to have those people removed from their posts and replaced with more competent honest people and tried for their negligence and crimes against humanity, or at least sued for gazillions of dollars each, if nothing else.  Seriously. I'm not joking.

Coronavirus did come from bats, say WHO scientists sent to Wuhan  No one is saying it didn't. What they are saying is this: it may have come from bats originally, but that didn't stop man (in this case the Chinese), from taking that virus and modifying it to suit their purposes.  Or as Gilead Sciences was also involved, it might've been an American / Chinese joint effort to make a bioweapon and the anecdote for it, in order to gain leverage over other countries and make dictates and demands for certain things with the anecdote being held out as the carrot for cooperation.

The Pandemic Is a Dress Rehearsal   In this case, "For what?" is the question. Is there something even more sinister and drastic they want to pull on us, in order to achieve some malevolent goal that we would not allow them to achieve if we had a choice in the matter? Is that what's waiting in the wings of this dress rehearsal?

What Lockdown 2.0 Looks Like: Harsher Rules, Deeper Confusion  It's inevitable. We know it's coming. They've been talking about it since before we got out of the first lockdown. Back then it was proposed that there be a 30 day out of lockdown and a 50 day lockdown cycle.  Well we endured 2.5 months of lockdown (at least here in Quebec) and it's about that long since we've been out of lockdown but even though we are having less than 100 new cases a day reported and our curve has long since been flattened, they're talking about a 2nd wave and lockdowns again or at least threatening them.

'We're in for a bad and rocky ride:' Ex-WHO doctor who helped eradicate smallpox predicts COVID-19 turmoil for years  And we have the WHO to thank for that, because they could've averted the whole situation by merely alerting the world to the severity of the epidemic going on in Wuhan and advising everyone to close their borders to all foreigners immediately, before the Chinese gov't even announced the virus to the world.

Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims  

Pet owners urged to support lonely animals during return-to-work transition after lockdown  This is important because bored pets become destructive and disobedient. If you want your pet to remain obedient and docile you need to provide for your pet's mental and physical well being while no one is home to entertain, exercise, or discipline them.

Early Covid-19 Spread Greater Than Initially Reported, Disease Was Far More Widespread in Wuhan: Study

These Symptoms Could Tell Covid-19 Apart From Flu This Winter  In case you might have a need to know before this winter arrives.

This posting was very short in comparison to most other posts on here, because as I stated above I don't have a lot of free time to spend on the computer these days due to having to take care of food. In this case that involves, baking, preserving (making pickles, jams, relishes, chutneys, etc), dehydrating, and blanching. Which also increases the amount of dirty dishes I have to contend with too.  So it's almost a steady stream of cooking and washing dishes, cooking some more and washing more dishes etc...  Right now I'm facing the dish washing part of the cycle, that I have to take care of. I just wanted to post some of the more important and salient headlines for you to be aware of, until I have time to post more headlines later on.