Showing posts with label Online Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Games. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Trying to Blow Off Some Steam

And Have Some Fun

May 2, 2020

Since the lockdown is loosening up, we thought we'd have a little "fun" today by inviting our son & his wife over for a BBQ dinner in the front yard where all the prying eyes of the neighbourhood could keep close watch on us, in case... We wanted to see his motorcycle that he just picked up earlier this week and they wanted to go for a ride on it and show us, so we combined the visit to show us the bike with the BBQ.  Normally I wouldn't use the disposable dishes when hosting a dinner, but COVID19 gave me the perfect excuse to be lazy, while claiming it was for safety. That way they disposed of their dishes and stuff directly into our garbage themselves.  Everything basically went off with only a few hitches, fortunately none of them were snitchy neighbours. That's one thing I have to say, I have always loved this area for, are the really great neighbours we have surrounding us. Today was no exception.

Now that the kids have left, because it is getting rather chilly out there and might be too chilly to ride on a motorcycle too much longer tonight and I gathered that's what they wanted to do, as they came over as soon as she came home from work today so didn't get much chance to really go out for a ride and it's been raining pretty much all the time since they got the bike. It's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow and maybe Monday as well, so I can understand them wanting to go for a ride tonight even though it's rapidly cooling down outside. 

So now that I'm back inside and relaxing, I thought I'd check out some more fun sites and share them with my blog visitors who might be getting equally as bored as I am with the restrictions placed on day to day life, limiting what we can do and where we can physically go. They can't limit where we can visit virtually though (well yes they can technically and have, more about that tomorrow in tomorrow's post, for now though, we're all about fun).  So let's try to have more fun visiting even more places virtually. 

Cute Crafts Kids Can Make For Special Mothers Day Gifts  This will be fun for kids confined at home, and maybe for an adult to help them with.  There's a few unique looking gifts for them to make here. I like the fingerprint butterfly mug, myself.

Funny or Die They have a variety of information that's mostly funny and or just downright amusing, like a story about scientists teaching rats to drive - and showing a video clip of it there as well. After watching a polar bear try to play ball with a couple of men the other day and then rats driving.... I'm beginning to think it's good animals can't communicate as effectively as us and have opposing thumbs like us, or we'd be in trouble. Big trouble.

The Onion   Where you get to read headlines like this: Biden Addresses Sexual Assault Allegations: "My Advisors Told Me to Say They Aren't True".   hehehe.... He sounds almost as bright as the daft dimwit we have running Canada. I guess that's the calling card of liberals or democrats, the super low IQs they require in order to run for the parties.

9GAG: Go Fun the World  There's some pretty entertaining and amusing clips, pictures and articles here. Check out the Canada link. 😄

Comedy Central Stand-Up  This is a YouTube channel with lots and lots of stand up comedy videos. 

Dilbert Homepage  Dilbert's comic strips online. 

The Laughline Thousands Of Really Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh If you need or want more laughs there's lots here too.

Netflix Party  For Chrome users you can now watch Netflix shows with others remotely. So if you are missing your movie get togethers with friends (whether that's going out to theatres together as  group, or getting together as a group to watch movies at home together), you can now do it, at least with Netflix using the Chrome browser.

Watch2Gether Allows Chrome users to watch YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Soundclap and Netflix together.

This is what a review of this site had to say about it: 
 Metastream lets you watch Netflix with friends via a web browser. The company has not developed standalone desktop or mobile apps. As well as Netflix, several other mainstream video sites are supported, including YouTube, Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Twitch.
In addition to synced Netflix playback, the Metastream interface provides a chatbox and video queuing for continuous watching. Inviting friends to join your Netflix party is as simple as sharing a private code.
Before you can use Metastream, you will need to download and install the accompanying browser extension. Extensions are available for Chrome and Firefox.

Vsauce Videos that feed the curious and illuminate the amazing  A YouTube channel with lots of content to educate & entertain.

Mental Floss  A large variety of articles and information. When I saw the article about 9 things you can make in your instant pot and since I have one, I was intrigued. When I got there and discovered I could make wine using my instant pot, that was it, I had to bookmark it for future reference.

Cracked  Humour site with political content

Attack of the Cute  Lot of cute pictures of kitties, bunnies and doggies among other cuties.

Lifehacker Do Everything Better  They try to provide life hacks to make life easier or better or both.

This Is Why I'm Broke  For the professional window shopper, who can't resist browsing items that are for sale.

Overstock  Upscale bargain hunting online.

Thisissand - art, creativity and relaxation  If you liked making sandart as a kid, you can now continue  in digital form.

PopCap Games  Where you can play several different games online for free.

Bigpoint Games More online games that seem to be a little faster paced than the others at PopCap, probably better suited to a younger crowd like the young adults and teens.

TED Ideas Worth Spreading Inspirational talks on just about anything or lectures on various subjects can be heard here.

Later on this week, there will be more virtual tours coming up, and I hope to devote a whole page to cooking and various cuisines of the world. And as this blog is about COVID19 more of that, as there never seems to be an end to it. Though it was fun pretending at least for the time the kids were here, that there was finally an end to it. It'll be nice though when there finally is an end to it!  Until then, I guess I'll be doing my utmost to stay on top of all the COVID19 news, at least so far as it affects us here in Canada, and trying to lighten the mood every now and then with articles providing some relief from the gloom & doom in the form of links to various sites of interest, and other information that I find that I think might provide some benefit in some way to me or the visitors here.