Showing posts with label lockdowns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lockdowns. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

Things Seem to be Getting Worse, Not Better, and We're Definitely Nowhere Near the End of this Plandemic Caused by....

 Covid 19


July 15, 2022

Happy Birthday Steph! 

I chose this picture from Pixabay today, to represent what this virus is all about. In more ways than one too. First it has affected the global economies badly, the repercussions of which we're starting to feel now. Second it's been a giant money maker for all the companies who made vaccines, and PPEs and other supplies that are Covid related (body bags maybe, syringes, cotton swabs, alcohol swabs, etc...). Not to mention it was planned to use this plandemic to introduce digital currencies or is that one single digital currency world wide? So in it's entirety it all revolves around money. Money made  treating the disease for the hospitals, money made protecting ourselves from the disease (as in vaccines and PPEs), money made via share dividend payouts, and the future of money. Money lost due to the plandemic, more than likely having been incurred by forced lockdowns, shutdowns of various types of businesses and curfews. Most lost directly from loss of business but also lost now, due to the lockdowns having caused massive shortages and backlogs, so that if you want anything from those shortages & backlogs now it's going to cost you a pretty penny to get and not what it should cost.  Affecting everything from basics like food & clothes to furniture and cars and everything inbetween.
I believe MOST if not ALL of this was planned in advance. I mean you can't tell me that there's not one single economist out there that couldn't foresee what all the machinations they had planned would do to our economies and thereby warn the supposedly well intentioned  national leaders about it, so they would be able to circumvent and prevent the fallout of it in their own countries or maybe together, globally. For those economist to not have warned them is due to the same reasons all the scientists and doctors who didn't go along with the BS lines of the wanna-be power hungry dictators, weren't heard either, I'm sure. They were silenced by those wanna-be dictators, probably, - so no doubt the economists who saw this coming and could've recommended ways to stop it, were prevented from doing so.
 Because like I believe - like a guest on Jeff Rense's talk show once said, the elite are siphoning the wealth off all the lower classes. And a previous event (not sure if it was 9/11 or the 2008 collapse) had already siphoned a lot of it off, but there was yet another shoe to drop and that one would be designed to siphon the rest of it off. I believe that that's what this was about, considering the Event 201 held by Bill Gates and the World ECONOMIC Forum (not the World HEALTH Organization but ECONOMIC Forum) that talked about such a pandemic and how to handle it JUST BEFORE THIS VIRUS GOT LOOSE FROM A LAB IN THE SAME CITY WHERE THAT EVENT WAS HELD. Maybe some of that Event 201 wasn't recorded and it was just talked about in that room with that cabal of money grubbers.  Maybe the ways to siphon the remaining wealth off were discussed in private then and there and used and abused to their benefits ever since.
I wouldn't doubt that the vaccine manufacturers (and their supporters - like all the shareholders, and companies that make things for the vaccines - like packaging, needles, and other products used to administer the vaccines) are secretly wishing the plandemic continues so they can continue to make money hand over fist like they've done the past couple of years. So I wouldn't doubt it if a few nefarious individuals from that group, have either suggested, encouraged financially or helped engineer new mutations of the virus, in order to keep the plandemic going and as an excuse to keep making new vaccines and give more and more booster shots. Because everytime we think it's waning, ooops a new variant appears on the scene.  That just doesn't make sense. When most other viruses appear to be waning, it's because they're on their way out, not this one, it just mutates into something else. So I have a feeling that when the vaccine manufacturers figures it's waning and on it's way out and they won't be able to sell anymore vaccines or booster shots, they just mutate some of the viral specimens they have in their labs and release it. Then it gets going again like crazy, so they're able to continue producing their vaccines and booster shots because now the public is all panicked about it again and clamouring for a booster or vaccine.
Now on with the headlines....

Ontario woman enduring effects of long COVID begins process for medically assisted death So now someone wants to use medically assisted death because of being poor???? So I guess that means that all the people living on the streets, all the people on welfare and all the people declaring bankrupcty can now be put to death because they're deemed to be too poor to live? Wow. There goes half our population right there. Is this being used as a means to start a precedent whereby we can use that medically assisted suicide to rid society of the impoverished classes because the upper classes deem them to be "useless eaters"????? If it is, we need to think of a way we can start a precedent to rid society of the stingy malevolent money grubbers, too, then. To even things out on the "useless eater scales".


COVID-19: Quebec reports 23 deaths, more than 2,000 cases A staggering increase in just 1 day - 3 days ago now.


Not Again. Another Cruise Ship Has A Major Covid-19 Outbreak What else can you expect from a floating petri dish anyhow? If it's not Covid, it would be something else, but you are going to have an outbreak of something on one of those things. It's pretty much a given.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Current Therapy Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery  This is what I was talking about in my lengthy preamble above. They actually have a synopsis dealing with investing in anything to do with COVID. Here it is. It forecasts forward to 2031, so if you want to invest long term, you might find the strategy here, to do it. I mean other than tweaking and re-releasing the virus everytime it seems to be on the wane. 

Pushing Buttons: Is it game over for gaming’s pandemic boom?  See? Apparently even the electronic game industry made a killing during the plandemic! I bet the same is true for toddler toys, and kids arts and crafts supplies too - but maybe not to the same extent as the electronic game industry. 


Covid warning over symptom of new strain that affects sufferers at night In this heat, I'm not sure I'd know the difference, whether it was caused by Covid or just by the ambient night air.

Long COVID patients going broke, traveling overseas for unproven ‘blood washing’ treatment Blood washing treatment? That's a new one on me.... Unless they're running the blood through a kidney dialysis machine, that's the only way I'm aware of that blood can be "washed". 

COVID-19 virus could be hiding in the meat in your freezer for weeks Who did or sponsored this study anyhow? PETA or a group of Vegans? The same ones that are trying to convince us that global warming is all due to cow flatulence? Wouldn't surprise me anyhow. Anyhow, whether it lurks in my meat or not, I'm still going to be eating meat.

Brace for winter lockdowns I'm positive that if Gestapo Legault gets re-elected that's exactly what we'll be facing. 

Canadian incomes went up in 2020 amid uptake of pandemic benefits: census data I didn't much of an improvement in my income in 2020.

It's unanimous: Canada's health care is crumbling, frustrated premiers agree  Really???? Ya could've fooled me! I thought according to Bozo Legault, that phoning 811 and talking to the janitor who just happened to be passing by the phone when it rang, was a great thing for our health care! Or at least that's what he says.



Blood donations desperately needed as Quebec enters 7th COVID-19 wave I encourage all those who can give blood to do so, it's always needed. I myself needed a transfusion a few years ago. I literally had only a little more than 30% of my hemoglobin left in my body by the time I got the transfusion. The doctors who saw me were all astounded that I was still alive and able to walk into the hospital under my own - albeit mostly dwindled- power. At that point I was so weak I needed help getting my medicare card out of my wallet. But things worked out in the end. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the 4.5 people who donated the blood I needed to survive.



Statement on the twelfth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic As you can see by article 9 here the WHO IS STILL INTENT ON HAVING IT SPREAD INTERNATIONALLY. Someone or something at the WHO needs to be investigated for incompetency at the very least if not corruption.  Anyhow you can see all the other meetings since the beginning of this plandemic there too, along the right hand side. 

WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic 'nowhere near over' Of course not. It's a great cash cow for all those who have investments in it one way or the other. In fact from what I could see in a financial synopsis on how to make money investing in it, they plan for it to go on until at least 2031. Though I can promise you, I'll quit doing this blog long before then.

COVID-19: What you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic this week This is from the World ECONOMIC FORUM and their agenda for July 2022. ECONOMIC FORUM Folks. The instigators of this whole plandemic AND HOW TO MANAGE IT (INCLUDING THE MEDICAL PART OF IT - NOT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - AS SHOULD BE THE CASE - NO - INSTEAD IT'S THE WORLD $$$$ ECONOMIC $$$$$ FORUM!!!!! This should set off several alarm bells that they actually have an "agenda" for this month of this year, considering we were all (or basically 99.99% of us uninitiated and uninformed) thinking and hoping this plandemic BS would've been over by now, and not have an actual agenda for this time period for it.
Qantas Ends Vaccine Mandate For International Flights I think this is basically the same as the previous headlines except that this is Australia's airline company and the other above is the gov't. Well at least they seem to be on the same page, unlike lots of other places in the world.

Biden administration set to extend COVID public health emergency: report I'm sure Mr. Dressup in Ottawa will follow suit. He's more like Monkey See & Monkey Do than the Monkey that does it first. Because he's too stupid to think to be able to do anything first.

Xi’s COVID authoritarianism meets red line at vaccine mandates and this is primarily why: China’s first attempt at a vaccine mandate was abruptly scrapped last week within days of it being announced by municipal officials in Beijing. The plan to stop people entering public venues without proof of vaccination sparked an outcry online, with Chinese social media users calling it an illegal cap on their freedoms and questioning how effective the vaccines are against immune-evasive variants.
The nitwits in QC meanwhile are trying to insist that even those of us who did get the vaccine shots are no longer immunized if we got them longer than 9 months ago and that we need to get them again or we'll be considered non-vaccinated. I don't give a flying F how many 9 months ago it was, I am NOT getting another one primarily for the same reason the Chinese don't want them either.
Which Coronavirus Stock Could Fetch Higher Returns? This one brought to you courtesy NASDQ. Like I said, money, money, money..... 
That's what this is all about and nothing else. Another reason I won't be getting any more shots - aside from the fact that I don't need them - because if out of the 2.5 years this plandemic has been underway my immunization was only good for 3 months (because that's basically it) - I mean our last shot was at the end of June last year - ergo 12 months ago - and out of that 9 months ago was the tops it was good for - meaning 3 months for TWO SHOTS.... Nope, uh, uh, no more. It means we were only protected for all of 3 months out of the whole 2.5 year period? Because that's what it boils down to. So I think we've done pretty well for only having 3 months protection out of the last 30 months. So why would I need any more shots if that's the case?  It's a money gimmick and I bet bogus numbers of cases and deaths and ICU admissions are meant to keep us scared and compliant so we'll get those bogus shots that last a week's time tops. But as the numbers show - that was in yesterday's headlines post - there were over 500 million cases world wide up until now but only about 6 million died from it. So a little more than 1% of the people getting the disease die from it. So what's the big f'n deal about the shots anyhow? Especially considering they're mostly useless. All they're good for is for the companies and shareholders to make money on.

Canada’s response to the initial 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison with peer countries Yeah????? Really???? I'd like an independant review not one bought and paid for by sheitehead & the too tightly wound turban. How about an international independant organization doing a review and presenting their findings instead? Bet in such a review we wouldn't be looking so great compared to other countries then, because they might factor in things like gov'ts resorting to draconian measures and dictatorships. Then that would put us way at the back of the entire pack for sure, if that were taken into account.


COVID-19 Cases Expected To Break Pandemic Record That's not good. Not good at all. Wow.



3m adults in England still have no Covid vaccine Well even though we do have our 2 shots we were just informed on the news tonight that it's like we have no immunization against it because we had our shots more than 9 months ago. Yeah 12 months ago.... So our 2 vaccinations were only good for 3 months after we got them???? If I'd have known that I wouldn't have bothered even getting those. I figured they'd be good at least for 9 months to a year. But obviously that's not the case. So no more shots for me ever again.

Henan: Violent clashes after hundreds show up for China bank protest Is this the Chinese way of siphoning the money off the lower classes than the Chinese elite????? 
Premiers want Ottawa along for 'generational opportunity' to modernize health care The premiers all want to take care of their citizens...... All except Legault. He wants to take care of his own personal bank account and his pet projects like Bill 96 and others. Oh and maintaining the gestapo dictatorship here in QC. That's his priorities. Not us or our health. That's the last thing on his mind. 


Charter not violated in denying transplant to patient who refused COVID-19 vaccine, court rules Wow I've never seen a drug with so many laws, loopholes and legislations not only enforcing it, but protecting it from lawsuits as the Covid vaccines have. 


N.B. has no plans for mandatory COVID-19 measures, says top doctor That's what they always say a week or two before implementing them.

Mandatory random COVID-19 testing for fully vaccinated air travellers resuming next week  See what I mean about "lifted measures" as opposed to abolished measures? 

Parents, experts laud COVID-19 vaccine approval for Canada’s youngest: ‘It’s a relief’  My question to these parents is: If the kids survived this long (30 months) without it, why are you in such a big rush to get it now? Don't you think they'll survive another minute longer without it and perhaps, miracle of miracles be able to get completely by without it altogether? Don't forget these vaccines are still experimental and we don't know what they'll wind up doing to our DNA in the long run.

Surprise! These emails about returning CERB payments aren't scams Since when do you think the gov't jokes about wanting their money or their money back???? If you do, then the joke's on you, because they NEVER joke about it.

Now I am officially up to date with the headlines once again.... So until next time take care and stay well....
And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:






Monday, May 2, 2022

A Nightmare of Neverending Headlines Dealing With.....


May 1, 2022
 Since my last post in here, I got that horrible chafing torture device off my thumb. I went down to the Montreal General Hospital on April 26th and saw the doctor and she took that horrible thing off my thumb (not a moment too soon either, as all the back side of my thumb was rubbed raw with and the underside along with the palm of my hand where that thing covered was starting to develop blisters too). She prescribed physiotherapy twice a week, but once a week bare minimum for me if I can't afford doing it twice a week, but as anyone on OAS knows, that's a joke and a half. How the F are we supposed to afford $200 a week? I guess if I want to go on strictly a water diet, I might be able to, but that would entail getting my husband to do the same as well and I don't think he's up for that especially since he's diabetic. 

Without telling Mme Savard the head of that department for Metro our financial situation, I did tell her what it would cost to have physiotherapy done - whether I got it done in the area, where it would cost minimum $100 per session, or if I had to pay for a taxi ride into Montreal and back for a free session, that would likely cost more, because back in 2018 when I came home from the airport, it cost me $40 for the ride from the airport to the tip of the Montreal Island where my husband drove to wait for me to arrive - as it would've cost more the moment we left the island. That I know for a fact as someone I know who's father is one of those airport taxi cab drivers told me that. At the time, they (the Montreal airport cab drivers) weren't allowed to charge more than I think it was $40 for a trip anywhere on the Montreal island, if they went off island it was free game basically. And the Montreal airport is literally less than half way between here and the Montreal General Hospital, so that's at least $40 one way and that's IF I get my husband to drive me onto the island so I can take a taxi from there and then another $40 back to that point IF the rates hasn't gone up since then and IF the rates apply to ALL taxi fares no matter their origin or destination point. In other words if those fares do not only apply to airport taxis and apply to all taxis on the island. IF that's the case then maybe instead of $100 per session it would be about $80 per session (for the taxi fare), as my husband doesn't like driving in Montreal at all and I don't drive.  
Despite the fact that she tried to convince me when we were on the phone together that she was a very compassionate person, I've yet to see any signs of that. She offered me only $1,000.00 for my injury due to their negligence and I refused. I'm glad I refused because at the bare minimum it would've cost me over $1,000 just for my physiotherapy - given that the doctor prescribed 2 times a week for 6-8 weeks (depending on progress and need). So if I accepted that original offer of hers I'd have been out $200 - $600 just to cover the therapy costs, not to mention the $200 it's already cost me to get there and back 2x (the first time on March 22nd, when that torture device was put on and then on the 26th of April when it finally came off). Like I told her, gas isn't cheap and hospital parking isn't free. 
Which is why I believe it would cost me way more in taxi fare now than it did in 2018 - for the simple reason that gas is almost double in price now compared to what it was then.  So with that in mind, no taxi driver is going to go into debt just to drive people around - they need to pay for their costs which right now is highway robbery prices of $1.92 per litre or close to $8.00 a gallon (for those still working in gallons) plus make a living. So I'd hazard a guess and say that that $40 limitation on fare prices has gone out the window.

So as of today's date, I've gotten nothing but being treated like a criminal by Bruno Lemay (a member of the family that owns that Metro Plus store where I fell on the ice and broke my thumb on March 8th because I merely wanted two boxes -  which contained 100 gloves each, I think - of those flimsy charcuterie gloves their employees use to handle the meats at the deli dept., to cover my thumb splint when I needed to wash something as those big rubber gloves sold in the cleaning dept don't cut it as they're too big for my hands & for my purposes like being able to clean my teeth and hold my toothbrush without it disappearing in the glove, or to cover when I needed to wash veggies to prepare food etc, as the surgical gloves I ended up having to use were expensive - 30 for $10,00 and hard to get on over that stupid device and hard to take off again, so I wanted those flimsy gloves to use and thought as a gesture of goodwill for a loyal client he should give me at least one box considering I hurt myself on his family's property, if not sell them to me). Instead he refused and started acting like we were trying to rob him - he was backing away from us and towards the phone where I figure he was getting ready to call the cops, so we left and haven't set foot on his stupid property since. 
So much for being a loyal customer of theirs since they had their one and only store on the island behind the shopping center where Steinberg's and Consumer's Distributing was located, back in the early 1980s. Nice to see how we loyal customers of 40 odd years are being treated. We were customers of his family's store, I'm sure,  before he was even born, and that's how he treated us. 
IF he had've let me have at least one box of those gloves with some sign of contrition or sympathy on his part, that's all it would've taken. I would not be going through any of this now. But each time I'm faced with obstinance, opposition and callousness, the more dug in I get. Like my mother used to say I can out stubborn the stubbornest. 
All any of them from him on through Mme Savard had to do was be fair and decent with me, but none of them were, so my demands escalate with each new insulting dealings I have with them.  The more insulting their dealings are with me, the more it makes me want to get as much as I should rightfully be entitled to and I can tell you it's far more than I've been offered so far. All I've been offered so far are insults - as far as I'm concerned.
As witnessed by the run around given me by Francois Lebel (the first corporate contact at Metro Richelieu head office), and Mme Elaine Savard, the supposedly compassionate one, who offered me $1,000 and refused to even entertain my needs and costs in that "settlement", which I refused.  
That would not have even covered my therapy sessions (or transportation to free sessions if I can't find any other closer hospital that does hand therapy in my region and I already know I can't as there's only 1 hospital in our area and they don't do it), let alone the pain and suffering and humiliations I endured while I had that stupid torture device on my thumb, because being righthanded and having a useless thumb on my other hand, I had no means of doing my clothes (zippers and buttons and snaps) up on my own (not to mention a lot of other things like cutting my own food, opening the prescription pain pills bottle - that was prescribed specifically for the pain of my broken thumb - I couldn't get into them to get one without someone who had a working thumb's help and a lot more things I couldn't do on my own either and needed help with). So whenever we went out somewhere and I had to undo or take my coat off, my husband had to do it up for me, that's not to mention when I had to go to the washroom, I'd have to hold my pants up and pull my shirt down over the front of them and hope no one noticed that they weren't done up, and get my husband to do them up for me. So if they didn't get the idea that my pants weren't done up, up until he did them up for me, they  did then. I can't even explain how embarrassing and humiliating that is. 
When we were at restaurants, I had to make sure to not order anything I needed to pick up to eat, like hamburgers, anything on pita, ribs or wings or fried chicken - only things I could pull apart with a fork - so fish and pasta and things like that. I couldn't do any cleaning which may have caused us to lose a potential sale on our house, due to it's state of disorder and needing to be cleaned. I couldn't even put dishes in the dishwasher as I had no grip at all with that thing on - partly because of my thumb being broken but I couldn't even grasp things with my fingers and palm because that thing basically made sure whatever I was holding slipped out of my grasp onto the floor - ergo broken things and lots of spilled liquids and even food onto the floor. When I wanted to pick up a cup or glass to drink I had to use both hands and hold it the way a baby holds their own bottle to drink. You can't live in this world without a thumb, EVERYTHING REQUIRES A THUMB EXCEPT the keyboard and a trackball - it does technically require a thumb too, but you can use it with your index finger replacing the thumb quite easily. So the only things I could spend my time with was online, reading, or watching TV, as I couldn't do much else - no housework, no cooking, and definitely no hobbies even making that item I made for my friend I needed help with as some of the steps I couldn't do on my own.  So it severely affected me in more ways than one (and may have contributed to losing a house sale on top of that).
In fact, the doctors that I spoke with, all said having a broken thumb is considered a major disability. Now imagine having a broken thumb on your dominate hand and a useless one altogether on your other hand - ergo NO thumbs at all, not just a broken thumb and a thumb that would have to learn to take over doing things for the one that's broken. I wish. I wish I had a thumb that could do that, but the sad fact of the matter is, I don't. I have a useless deformed thumb on my left hand.  I think that deserves some compensation just for that too. The fact that I was basically totally incapacitated because of my broken thumb and continue to be to large extent, as I still don't have anywhere near the full use of it that I had before, because to get to that point I would need physiotherapy which I can't afford on the wonderful generous pensions Canada gives it's seniors (which is basically a subsistance allowance) and Metro refuses to compensate me for.
So because of that, now, I'm just fed up with always being victimized and bullied by everyone and everything out there (as evidenced by the NHL player related ashholes that moved in next door and their first act was to cut branches off my beautiful maple tree - without us asking them to, or even provoking them into anything and all the other crap they did to us since they moved in including trying to have me arrested on false charges). Then I fall on the ice at Metro, because they didn't salt or sand it and I'm the one they're treating like a criminal and they can't even be bothered to offer fair and just or even a consolation item of  restitution to me for my injuries. They act like it's my fault when it's their fault for not keeping their sidewalk free of ice. Since it was after dark and that day had hovered around the melting point I did see the dark patch on the ground but had no way of knowing that the temperature was back below 0C and so it was no longer water and had turned into ice. I assumed it was a puddle of melted snow there - ergo water and safe to walk on, because like I said it was after dark, so it was hard to see whether it was water or ice and I just assumed it was water. But either way even if it was ice, there was no way to get by there without stepping in/on it or getting off the sidewalk as the patch was rather wide and went from one side of the sidewalk to the other, right up to the edge of the curb (the entire width of the sidewalk and about 1 meter long).
Come to think of it, I haven't gotten my Metro & Moi money lately either. I'm pretty sure they owe me between $10 & $20 of Metro & Moi money as well and that's got nothing to do with my injury. That's got to do with the points earned while I was still shopping there so it's what we earned by buying from them as a rebate. So not only won't they pay anything for restitution on my injury, it seems like they don't even want to give me the Metro & Moi money they owe me. Unless they just haven't been paid out to anyone yet and will be later on this month. But I do believe that they are normally paid out in March or April and as both months are gone by now, I wonder....  But if what I believe is really what's happening, then that's super petty of them. I guess I'll know for sure by the end of May, because I know that I'd have gotten one of those Metro & Moi money things by then if they aren't deliberately withholding it from me. Just putting that out there, in case what I think is really the case so I don't forget to mention it in the class action lawsuit and/or to the mainstream media, as a demonstration of their pettiness. 

So because of all of those reasons, I am now going to be launching a fully public campaign aimed at finding ALL of the injury victims who have not been fairly compensated for their pains and suffering and costs related to it, caused by negligence of Metro Plus, Metro Richelieu and just plain old Metro stores all across Quebec & Ontario where they are located, and any injuries or illnesses caused by their Selection brand products in order to launch a class action suit against them. 
As an afterthought after speaking to a store owner friend of mine, I think maybe the class action lawsuit could also include store owners who are renting their shop space from one of those Metro entities, who've lost business due to shut downs caused by building damage (like leaky  pipes for instance) and had stock ruined by such building damages that the Metro owner of the space refused to or neglected to pay the  commercial tenant back for and if the commercial tenant had to assume the cost of repairs themselves even though that's not stipulated in the lease, they can also join the class action suit to recuperate the costs they put into repairing Metro's property for them, even though the building damages weren't caused by the commercial tenant and for all other damages & losses incurred due to that building damage.  

So in essence anyone seeking reparations and damages for injury, illness, loss of business and stock or cost of repairs effected on Metro's property in order to be able to continue to function as a business there, even though Metro refused to pay for the repairs, would be welcome to join this class action lawsuit I think - unless whatever lawyer we get to represent us, thinks differently - but maybe by joining us now, you'll find all the others in the same boat and be able to band together to launch your own separate commerce related class action lawsuit.
I will be opening very soon, a Redit, a Snapchat, a Twitter, a Facebook, and an Instagram account and starting a new blog only for that purpose and ALL of them will be linked here too. I will also open an email account where anyone can leave a private message dealing with their claim and I will also try to engage the mainstream media in their investigative journalist segments to find out what's going on and why they're behaving like this. I plan to basically plaster the internet with this, but they won't be getting off scott free like they're trying to do now. 
Hopefully when word gets out how ruthless and uncaring they are towards clients of over 40 years, people will wake up and realize what they're all about and start boycotting them too. Boycott Metro stores everyone! 
So stay tuned for the email and net addresses dealing with that situation.  If you or anyone you know has been injured on a Metro property or by one of their Selection Brand products get in touch at one of those upcoming addresses and add your/their name to the list of plaintiffs. Or if you're a commercial tenant at one of their properties, that's taken a financial loss due to their negligence - whether that's something like burst waterpipes or not sanding/salting properly and as a result a vehicle went through the window causing stock damage and days of lost revenue while things were being repaired. Or if you had to pay for repairs yourself but were never reimbursed by your Metro landlord, you can join our class action lawsuit, to try to recuperate those losses.
Other than that, I had to do our income taxes last week as well. I tried to get all the unsavoury stuff over and done with in as short a time as possible, so the day after getting that torture device off, I did our income taxes. But really it wasn't that bad. It's gotten a ton easier since the gov'ts started dumping their data directly into your tax forms at H&R Block's site. The worst part of it was trying to remember SIN numbers and finding all our stupid papers. Once those were found and access codes were entered it was basically a breeze. Good thing it's getting easier to do because my brain isn't getting any younger and I don't think I'd be able to handle it myself if it got more difficult and complicated.  
Aside from that not much else happened since the last time I posted here, except we went out for dinner tonight at a restaurant. Yikes the prices have skyrocketed! If I'd have known what it was going to cost before we sat down to eat, we either might've had something different or gone somewhere different. Well we would've gone somewhere different and in fact tried to, but it looks like it's fallen a victim of Covid. Too bad as it was a nice restaurant. So that's why we wound up at the restaurant where we fell victim to the price shock Covid is probably being blamed for.
Yup, so on with the MAJOR NIGHTMARISH BACKLOG of Covid headlines. Egads it's scary looking in my bookmarks folder and with the new Rolling Thunder protest this weekend, the headlines section of my folder isn't getting any thinner. So before the next protest happens, I need to get rid of some of those headlines backlogged in there by putting them in here. So get a beverage to sip on as this is going to be a long one...... I know it won't be all of them but I'll try to get through as many as I can.
Scandinavian country moves into 'very high' risk category for travel  Remember these are old headlines - that you may have missed back then. So this is not the current situation.


Unvaccinated Americans falsely say the need for booster shots proves Covid vaccines don’t work, Kaiser survey shows Booster shots or not, the vaccines DO NOT WORK. If the Smallpox vaccine worked as good as those COVID vaccines worked, Smallpox would still be going around and around and around the globe on a non-stop basis.

YouTube is banning prominent anti-vaccine activists and blocking all anti-vaccine content You know you have to wonder why, they're making such an effort to censor anti-vaccine activists and anti-vaccine content if what those people are saying is so wrong and unproven. You'd think that if the vaccine worked as good as these censors think it does, they wouldn't need to censor anyone about anything as the proof would be in the pudding as they like to say. But obviously it's not, and there's plenty proof to the contrary of what these censors assert, so that those anti-vaccine activists might have a point or be more right than they know.  Maybe people's reluctance to get the vaccine has nothing to do with what the anti-vaccine group is saying, it might have more to do with the pro vaccine group trying to ram their "truths" and "facts" down everyone else's throats without it being given a fair chance to hear both sides of the story. All the pros and cons before making up their minds. Maybe the fact of the matter might be that they're terrified of the vaccine simply because they're terrified of what it might be those censors are trying hide by censoring the anti-vaccine groups. Guess they never thought of that though as they're too narrow minded and stupid to be able to think of that. 


YouTube's CEO says free speech is a 'core value' even after removing videos by Putin critic Alexey Navalny  Liar! If that were the case you would NOT be censoring anti-vaccine groups!

Are People Angrier Nowadays? And What Can We Do To Manage It? Of course we are after being told to socially distant ourselves from everyone else. We've forgotten how to be sociable, polite, have empathy for others and just good old fashioned manners. Then we have ass holes treating others the way I've been treated lately (with the ass holes next door, and how Metro has been treating me) that makes people who usually go by the motto they were raised on as in "live and let live" - in other words you treat me decently and with respect and I'll do the same with you, want to retaliate. Up until last year when that NHL player's family just blew my lid by them deciding to cut the branches off my tree and try to use our property as if it were theirs and then how I was treated by Metro after me injuring myself due to their negligence and them refusing to even give me a box of flimsy cellophane gloves, just blew my lid and I've decided I've had enough of being treated like crap by everyone and their dog and decided that if I had to blow my lid in public and stand up for myself to make this sheite stop that's precisely what I'm going to do. In my case my anger stems from having had enough of being bullied and victimized and now I'm fighting back. 




Over half of Canadian businesses struggling to find workers: report Those businesses should examine their hiring practices and how they manage their human resources. Because I can guarantee you that the businesses that pay well and have good employee benefits and treat them humanely instead of like indentured slaves, probably have no problems finding employees. 

Ukraine faces new jump in COVID-19 infections This was back in September. Now I'm sure Covid is the least of their problems.

Majority of restaurant operators say business conditions are worse now than three months ago, survey finds Again this was back in September. I know that around here 2 of our favourite restaurants went out of business. One of them we went to go to tonight but it was closed and the restaurant's overhead sign was taken down. The other one was a Chinese restaurant that was sold earlier this year, to another Chinese owner - who's food is very very good. Different menu with different prices, but the food is excellent and if you know how to order you get a large selection of food for cheaper prices than the Dinner for x amount of people dinners were from the other restaurant owner.  It was the new owner that gave us that trick for ordering a large selection of dishes from 2 different "dinners" for 2 which basically wound up being more than enough for 4 people but at half the cost of the previous owner's menu for 2 people with way fewer dishes.  So I think I like the new restaurant food as much as if not more than the other restaurant's food and the prices way better. But that's to say that even in this area there's a been a few restaurants that suffered from the plandemic. Also there was a Greek restaurant we used to like, I don't know if that one closed due to the plandemic or if it closed this location and moved elsewhere.


Broadway's "Aladdin" shuts after only one performance since "Re-opening Night" due to breakthrough COVID cases Just in case you forgot and need reminding a breakthrough covid case, is a case of covid in a person who's been vaccinated. A testimony to how well those vaccines work.
School Officials Beg Biden and FBI for Protection Against Threats From ‘Angry Mobs’   Well we do know that our American friends can be over-the-top crazy and over-the-top paranoid as well, so this is no surprise. Strange and out there even for them, but not surprising.

COVID lockdown was a ‘live social experiment’ revealing how women, men behave during pandemics This whole plandemic has been one massive live experiment on everything to do with working from home, how far you can push a population before they push back, how to hoodwink a nation into giving up their constitutional rights, how to crush a nation and keep them crushed under your thumb, how to bankrupt certain industries and filter money to favoured industries and gov't cronies, how to rid the world of x amount of "useless eaters", how to destabilize whole economies so that new financial measures can be introduced (read digital money), to determine how to censor one group while seeing how gullible the rest of the population is, if the mRNA vaccines will have any effects or repercussions on our genetic pool and our individual DNA and a whole lot more, I'd say. Basically it's a massive experiment to see just how f'd up they can make things before everything falls apart or they get strung up for crimes against humanity. Whichever comes first.

The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a 'system collapse' Andddd did anyone listen???? Apparently not because we're seeing the results of that now....

COVID may cause 'restless anal syndrome' - report I have restless leg syndrome which I've had for years now. At least since 2016, I think it has to do with low potassium and magnesium levels in me because when I take those supplements or eat foods high in those minerals, it stops. The thing is though it mostly starts when I'm in bed trying to sleep or when I'm sound asleep and I hate waking up during the night to eat anything so I take the supplements but because the pills are coated they don't act as fast as if say I ate a banana or avocado. 

Bacon prices have reached record levels. Here's why they might not go down anytime soon That's part of it, but mostly it's because they don't have to go down. Everyone in business is maintaining all these higher prices and a lot of them aren't because it's costing them more, but simply because they see everyone else charging more, so they think they can get away with charging more too, whether they need to or not. It's called greed and gouging.  It's as simple as that in a lot of cases.
Fully vaccinated B.C. mom urges vigilance after testing positive for COVID-19  Because that snake oil elixir we've been sold on as being vaccines work so wonderfully. NOT.

Due Process — And Normal Social Relations — Are Being Destroyed By COVID Snitching Culture Yup, it sounds a lot like what we were told the old USSR & KGB were all about, and how that was such an awful society to grow up in, and ours was way better because we didn't do things like that. Righhhtttt....




'It's really scary': Alberta physicians face more aggressive, misinformed patients That's because they've not been allowed to hear both sides of the debate and have been force fed gov't lies and propaganda for the most part. 

Rex Murphy: More reasons some Canadians distrust the powers-that-be   He's usually right on the money. He's good, you ought to read his articles. 

Bacon prices reach all-time high in Canada This week at least the Giant Tiger in our area is selling 500grs of Spalding Bacon for $2.97. That's a pretty good price from even before the plandemic came along and drove the cost of breathing up by a gazillion percent. 




Quebec politicians clash over using COVID-19 vaccine passports in National Assembly The rules only apply to us little minions and not to the rule makers apparently.



Hopes rise that Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be authorized for use in children aged 5 to 11 by late October, and Russia suffers worst one-day death toll I don't know why anyone would hope for that, but I guess so.... Grasping at straws for any panacea that might work.... Like in the days of the old snake oil elixirs.


New preliminary evidence suggests coronavirus jumped from animals to humans multiple times This is pure unadulterated BS speculation as you will see later on in articles from this year when I get to them which definitely won't be tonight or even in the next couple of posts. It'll take a while before I'm there as there's just sooooooooooo many headlines to do with this plandemic.

Vaccinated pregnant women pass antibodies to unborn child: study So if that's the case she should also pass the antibodies she acquired naturally (as in having had the disease herself or her own natural immunity to it if any) to her baby as well. This wouldn't just apply to vaccination generated antibodies but all manners of acquisition of such antibodies.


Covid restrictions force some retailers to rethink Vietnam as a manufacturing hub Personally, I think what this whole supply chain fiasco is teaching us, is the old adage of "we're never better served than by ourselves". So in other words instead of contracting all our work out to other countries we could make & grow most of the stuff we need in our own country. We're a resource rich country so instead of mining, drilling and harvesting everything to sell over seas in order to reimport it as some kind of product, why don't we just make it ourselves? It would create jobs and save a ton of money on transportation (which would cut down on CO2 gases - so win/win there) and we wouldn't be left waiting on things that never come due to some problem in some other country - be it covid related, political upheaval, labour related, or whatever problems other countries might experience. At least if it were made here we could deal with our own problems and get them resolved so they could continue to manufacture said goods. Right now we're held hostage due to everything being made in China and China's basically under a total lockdown where nothing's working or being made. Earlier there was a report about shipping containers held up at ports due to lack of dock workers - if it were made here, it wouldn't matter if there was a dock worker shortage or not as everything from harvesting/mining and drilling for the raw materials to the final production of it would be done here in Canada. But hey what do I know about the world economy and globalization except that I don't see anything good in it, for us Canadians.




Up to 90% of Americans may have some form of Covid immunity after delta wave, Dr. Gottlieb says Here they're saying that up to 90% of Americans may have some form of immunity after Delta, but yet they started really pushing the boosters in December and January. Claiming that everyone needed them.

‘Biggest crash in world history’: Personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki predicts economic crisis in October Oh for sure. He's a little premature with his time line, but yeah it's a comin' and we're right on the cusp of it, I'm sure.

As it's past my bedtime yet again, I'm leaving it there for now. In the meantime take care and stay tuned. Don't forget  BOYCOTT METRO PLUS, METRO-RICHELIEU & METRO STORES  in Quebec and Ontario and stay tuned to this blog if you or someone you know wants to join the class action suit against them for any injuries or illnesses sustained because of their negligence. I will be getting to work on all the various social media platforms in the coming days and setting up an email address where you can contact me privately if you wish.