Showing posts with label survivors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survivors. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Catching Up to

The Current Coronavirus News

Looks Like It Might Take Awhile


June 22, 2020

The way things are going lately, I'll be amazed if I ever catch up with the current day's coronavirus news. You'd think being a senior and being at home 99% of the time, there would be plenty of time to attend to a blog or something of interest like a hobby or something.

Nope. Not in my life, not so far. Things just consistently keep going wrong and causing me never ending work. Murphy's Law  is working on me overtime I think. My mother used to say "there's no rest for the wicked". So I guess that means I must be plenty wicked as I can't seem to catch a break at all. 

One thing, I'll say is I don't have time to get bored and time is flying by like crazy. So at least there's that.

Anyhow, as per usual, I'll post what I can and have it published before midnight so that the date on the post is current. 

Early research suggests people with Type O blood are slightly less likely to get the coronavirus  I can back up the less likely to develop a severe case if they get it, contention, based on my own experience.

4 dead, 26 hospitalized in Arizona after ingesting tainted hand sanitizer  I guess people have lost their taste for Lysol and nail polish remover, now it's hand sanitizer the new cheap high in town. 'Cept the bottles of hand sanitizer I've bought recently weren't all that cheap - $15 a bottle. You can get some pretty decent wine or even small bottles of the hard stuff for that price even here in Canada. So why are they drinking the stuff there anyhow? Talk about hardcore alcoholics.

Coronavirus: US v other countries... did it mess up its reopening?  The way I see it, is the people there were getting sick of the lockdowns and would've broken them anyhow, if they didn't reopen when they did. Americans don't take kindly to being ordered around by their government, because they are probably the only population on earth that realizes the government is supposed to work for the people and it's the voting taxpaying people who tell the elected government officials what to do and not the other way around.  Like most other populations on earth who believe the people are the pawns of the government and supposed to do the government's bidding instead of it being the opposite, where the government is supposed to do the people's bidding. 

Capt Sir Tom Moore knighted in 'unique' ceremony  Remember this guy? He well deserves the knighthood, at least he worked for his and it wasn't bought, like most of the others are. And this is the reason the Queen came out of lockdown as reported earlier. So good for him. 

Coronavirus tests: Swabs don't damage the brain and other claims fact-checked  hehehehe That's a good one, "swabs don't damage the brain". Who even thought they would to start with? hehehehe...

Uncounted millions had COVID-19 symptoms, but no positive test  They're finally starting to clue into what I've been saying since the virus was announced by the Chinese gov't in January.

Nurse: Despite coronavirus pandemic, hospital patients need their loved ones at their side  This should've been allowed since the beginning. It was just cruel and heartless to forbid them to be there and in some cases probably downright dangerous as there was no one there to advocate for their loved ones who might've been comatose or on a respirator and sedated much if not all of the time. 

How close is Russia to developing a Covid-19 vaccine? Probably pretty close if they're stealing all the formulas of the western vaccine manufacturers, given that they claim they're close themselves.

Inside a factory producing vials for a potential COVID-19 vaccine  For those who are curious about how things are made...

Without Wi-Fi, low-income Latino students resorted to doing homework in parking lots to access public hotspots  Because of all the shutdowns of places like libraries and schools and not having wifi at home, some have had to resort to this.

Active coronavirus cases in Canada plummet as Quebec changes recovery criteria  This should've been done long ago. Why'd they keep those who recovered on the active cases list for so long anyhow? 

TikTok video shows Sault teen buying alcohol in LCBO dressed as senior, wearing mask   I guess that's one example of why masks shouldn't be made mandatory....

The risk of catching COVID-19 from contaminated surfaces, objects is ‘negligible,’ scientist says  I think this study was done some time ago and they found that the virus was able to remain active on different surfaces for different periods of time. So what is it? Negligible, or a few hours to a day or more? 

Young people living with their parents could receive $11.8 billion from CERB  Yup, sounds like the  Trudeau government, always helping the well off while ignoring those who actually need the help like the seniors and disabled etc....

Bank of Canada exploring digital currency that would replace cash, track how people spend money  I hardly think that most people  would see the "benefits of a digital currency include the sharing of personal information with police or tax authorities". I know I wouldn't. Not that I have all that much money to hide or do much with, just I don't think every Tom, Dick and Harry with a keyboard needs to know my income and spending habits.  I personally wouldn't accept this at all. Allow them to do this, then you might as well have them install video cameras and microphones in your bedrooms and bathrooms too, where all the data goes directly to the police and government departments (probably health and social services and then maybe the census dept, so they can figure out how many people are going to be having babies this year and how many died in bed and do the actuaries in real time). I mean where does it stop? If you allow this, they'll just keep right on encroaching more and more in your lives so it's time you told them where the line is drawn and you won't accept this. I won't and I hope that I don't live long enough to see something like this enacted here in Canada, because then we've really become a police state for sure. And is this why they're trying to crash the economy anyhow, using this pandemic as the opportunity to do it? 

J&J in talks with Japan, Gates Foundation over COVID-19 vaccine  And this is another one to be wary of. Anything Gates has his hands in (and so far they seem to be in everything to do with this virus - when I have the time for that article you'll understand this comment) I wouldn't go near with a 10 foot pole as that saying goes.

Coronavirus: Fauci says U.S. currently in a "difficult situation' due to COVID-19 I'd say it's a difficult situation alright. That was pretty much a no brainer. I'd go one further and say they're in the throes of a massive pandemic, as is the rest of the world.

Baby contracts coronavirus in outbreak at Vancouver neonatal ICU  Well that definitely contradicts the contention that kids can't/don't get it. I know they do, because my daughter-in-law who is a nurse at the Montreal Children's had to deal with a baby that had it. 

Russia Can’t Afford to Trip Up in the Vaccine Race  Maybe that's why they're busy hacking everyone else's data?

Jamie Oliver's wife Jools reveals she suffered a miscarriage during lockdown   More casualties of the lockdowns around the world.

'They should not be going ashore': U.S. vessels in B.C. waters rattle Vancouver Island boaters  They're not going to be content until the entire North American continent is raging with this virus like they are in the US. They're bound and bent they're going to come up and do whatever they want whether they have the virus or not.

Sask. Opposition questions differing approach to northern, southern COVID outbreaks  I found Saskatchewan to be one of the most prejudiced provinces in Canada when I lived there and when I last visited there in 2018.

Australia PM delays parliament as coronavirus spreads  They're starting to sound like Trudeau and his gang of merrymen & women.

Coronavirus LIVE Updates: Banned Due to Covid-19, US Passenger Flights to India Can Resume from July 23; In a First, World Records 1 Million Cases in 100 Hours I don't know why any country let alone India would allow Americans back into their country right now with the high case & death counts going on in the US right now.

Iran estimates up to 25 million virus cases since outbreak  Well then if that's the case, the WHO's numbers are all off!

Collecting CERB? Here’s How Much You May Have to Pay in Taxes to the CRA Next Year Typical government. Give with one hand and take away with the other.

Feds order supplies to give two doses of COVID-19 vaccine when its ready By the time it's ready we'll probably have acquired our own immunity the hard way, so they may not need so many doses. 

Parisians pull out swimwear, masks and head for sand-free Covid-wise beach  This doesn't look like much fun, but I suppose it's still better than dying of heat stroke.

Coronavirus: Feds expand COVID-19 disability grant to include more groups  Finally some of the disabled people in Canada will be getting something. Though what they're getting and what the seniors got (two of the most vulnerable groups in Canada) in comparison to what most everyone else got, is more or less an insult, rather than any real help.