Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

New Toilet Installed, Motor Cycle Accident, Waiting Anxiously For News, & Posting Headlines on...



November 7, 2020

This is how our day started. Our son called early this morning to wake his father up to tell him that he and his friend were going to be here shortly to install the new toilet we bought last week. So my husband got up and got ready to be of help if he could (with his back messed up the way it is, it's a wonder he could be of any help). While he's waiting for them to show up we got 2 more phone calls, one right behind the other. The first one was from our son's wife telling us our son was in a motorcycle accident with only a few details. Immediately after he hung up from her the phone rang again and it was one of our son's work colleagues who happened to be there on the scene when the accident occurred so he stopped to check on our son when he recognized the bike and saw it was our son lying on the road. Because he was on the scene when it happened and because he talked to our son (that's how & why he called us), he was able to get a few sketchy details about the accident and how our son was feeling at that moment and the information on which hospital the ambulance was going to be taking him to.

As soon as he hung up from talking to our son's colleague, he noticed our son's friend (who does a lot of the construction work for our son & his colleagues - who are all interior designer/architects) was already here and out of his car and standing in our driveway, so he went out to greet him and the guy came in the house and at first he wasn't going to change the toilet, instead he was just going to try to fix the problem with the one that was there and come back later when our son was able to. Then for some reason he just decided to change it and so my husband went with him to the shed to bring the new one in and unbox it and take it in the bathroom after he took the old one out and checked the floor underneath and the flanges etc...  Made sure everything was alright before installing the new one, which he did an excellent job of. Our son had told us that he had a sweet tooth and liked baked goods, so I got out a previously made and frozen pumpkin cheesecake to give to him as a kind of tip to go along with the payment for his time along with travel money to cover his gas. He didn't want it. None of it, not even the cheesecake until I told him he'd offend me if he didn't take it and if he didn't want it to take it for his daughters, so he smiled and accepted that, but he wouldn't accept any money even though my husband tried to force him to take it by trying to put it directly in his hand. I am not quite sure why he refused to be paid for the job, as it's an excellent job and he doesn't know us personally from a hole in the ground - only our son. 

Meanwhile while the guy was still here working on the toilet inbetween all the happenings at the hospital on my son's end, he called to talk to us directly to let us know directly from him, that despite the speed he was travelling (100kph or 60mph) he was alright and according to him only a sprained ankle, but he still hadn't been seen by any doctors - just paramedics and nurses doing the preliminaries like vitals and stabilizing etc...  Then later on his wife called me to tell me about some of the things they'd done, like x-rays of his foot and CT Scans and other tests, to make sure there was no internal bleeding or other injuries and she said she'd call me with the results. 
So I waited and waited but no call came so I went to have a nap as I had only 3.5 hours of sleep when we were awakened with the 1st phone call from him saying he was coming here to help his friend. 

After I got up, I waited some more and still no phone call. So I decided to rattle their cages by phoning each of them but wound up going to voice mail. But, as soon as they got the voice mail they called back and told me that all the tests were fine, but when they went to release him and he tried to stand up or change position on the bed, he got dizzy. So they tested him for a concussion (as they x-rayed his head to make sure there were no fractures of the skull already) and sure enough he has a concussion. So they're making him stay there until he's not dizzy and can stand and walk on his own. Then when they do release him he has to stay home and stay quiet for a few days before he can even resume doing design work - which is done on a computer using AutoCad 3D & auxillary programs that compliments AutoCad.  Then he's only supposed to gradually resume working, if he's able to.

Given the stressful day we endured as parents, of a son in a motorcycle accident, I decided to make a spontaneous change to the planned dinner, by jazzing it up a bit. It was supposed to be BBQ chicken drumsticks with baked potatoes and green beans, instead it turned into Orange chicken drumsticks with baked potatoes & green beans.  As I wasn't in the mood for cooking I used a trick I found before when making Canard a l'orange using a mandarin salad dressing (Kraft brand), and orange marmalade. So I poured the salad dressing over the drumsticks before I baked them and then about 20 minutes before serving, I daubed each drumstick with a teaspoon of the marmalade. My husband loved it and he's not a big chicken fan and of course our dog loved it too. It made it extra yummier than it would've been had I just used my Chicken wing sauce.

As I said last night in the previous post one of my hygge moments is the sunset we get to see across the water. Tonight's sunset was particularly beautiful. Maybe the universe understood I was in dire need of a hygge moment to end off the day.  So, even though I don't normally upload any pictures in here of my own, I'm going to make an exception tonight to share this with all others who may also need a hygge moment of their own or in good ole English a zen moment.... Just to zone out and relax with....

While typing what my day was like, I just turned my head towards the window and this is what I saw. So I couldn't resist taking a picture of it. I must have hundreds of sunset pictures and all of them are unique, some prettier than others and some not quite as much. This one is in the top half of the prettiest ones and very unusual for this time of year as the sun is usually rather bleak looking and so are the sunsets. This is more akin to a spring or summertime sunset especially late summer. The difference in this between the spring and summertime sunset pics is the lack of leaves on the trees in the picture.  I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I do and I hope it provides the same soothing benefits to your mind and soul as it does mine. 

So now that we've had our zen moment and lowered our blood pressures a bit, it's time to get them jacked up again with the COVID19 headlines. I am still slogging my way through to the end of the month of October here and I'm sure I'm not going to be finished it tonight either.  But trust me when I do finally reach the end, I will not be doing this again, unless there's a drastic change in how this plandemic is going either for the good (hopefully good) or the bad (hopefully not), but considering it's pretty much the thing over and over again with no real drastic changes, there's no point in keeping this up unless I intend to become the internet's repository for all articles COVID.... But I'm not up to that on my own, or what I'm getting paid for doing it. So when I finish October's headlines if I resume because of a drastic change in the direction of the plandemic I'm only going to do what I can and will not be as thorough as I tried to be this time around. It's too time consuming for me alone.

So on with the show.....


Apparently it's getting to be like that around here too. Gawd, ordinary bungalows are now selling for $1.5 million  around here and when I say "around here" I don't mean in the exact same area where I am where we have beautiful views of  the water & sunsets like posted above. I mean around here as on a busier road than this with only houses across the road to look at and behind the house just trees (like a forest) on roughly the same size land our house is on. They have no rights of passage to the water and none of the tranquility we have as we're on a deadend street at the edge of the water and they're on the main road of the area.  So we're actually starting to think of listing this place for some insane price and sitting on it until we get it, if we get it. If not, we'll still be living here happily until we are no longer of this earth, hopefully as we both refuse to go to the seniors death camps that pass as seniors residences here in QC. 

It's long past our tobogganing and skiing days (though we never did ski to begin with - I'm not allowed because of an operation I had on a leg when I was a kid) and as for skating I would love to but I hate skating alone and my husband won't skate (not that he can't, because he used to play hockey when he was young - not professionally, just for fun) and so I haven't skated in years and I'm not sure I'd be able to again without sustaining severe injuries in the process.  So we'll just do what we've been doing in the wintertime since the kids have grown and that is keep busy inside. Though my husband loves it when it snows because then he can get the snowblower out and snowblow. For some crazy reason, he loves doing that.


I wouldn't call it traumatized, but I was surprised to learn from my son's wife today that she was only allowed to visit with him for 1 hour (until she got special permission from a nurse on duty there) and that the patients there are only allowed 1 visitor per day for 1 hour, supposedly that's to do with COVID19 too. That's not much time to spend with a loved one per day, especially if they're very sick or very young or maybe elderly and senile and who don't know what's going on or understand what the nurses and doctors are telling them.
'Verge of burnout': COVID-19 a factor for universities, faculty in contract talks Based on my son's experience teaching during the spring semester, I can certainly understand why.

Canadian business sentiment improves, but remains weak amid COVID-19 uncertainty Well no wonder with lockdowns and heavy duty restrictions being threatened every few days, I can understand their uncertainty. It's amazing that the imbeciles who impose those lockdowns can't see or understand that.
Canada’s woeful track record on children set to get worse with COVID-19 pandemic I have nothing against helping needy families get by, by adding more programs to support and help their kids, what I have a problem with is extending those same programs to the so-called "Middle Class" (which is really the lower upper class) and upper classes. They are already affluent enough to be able to afford to raise their own kids without the gov't's help or very little help compared to those in the lower tax brackets and indigenous communities who have no tax brackets. And it's the middle and upper classes that are the ones fomenting the most about getting more child support in the way of monthly benefits and tax breaks and subsidized this that and the other things and year long maternity or paternity leave etc...  But not because they want the lower classes to have those benefits, no it's because the greedy guts generation needs more, more and yet more at the expense of everyone else in society especially the poor, disabled and elderly. Those are their favourite punching bags - to be kicked and trod on when they're down (and not necessarily their targets being the ones that are down but the ones doing the kicking and punching - them being down as in not having gotten their own way and so taking it out on the other groups).


Pages accuse MPs of ignoring distancing, mask rules Of course they do, because 1) they think they're above the law and 2) They KNOW that this isn't so much a pandemic as it is a plandemic and that there's little danger of getting seriously sick and dying from this, no more so than with the annual garden variety flu would be and they know it. Don't forget these are the people who really knows what's going on behind the scenes, because they're the ones pulling all the strings and enacting all the laws. So if they feel it's safe to wad their masks up in their barehands or not wear masks or physically distance themselves from each other they probably also know the risks of such actions. 
Canadian ski resorts face winter without international cash cows As did the rest of the country during the summer months when tourism was forbidden then too. 

Coronavirus: Belgium facing 'tsunami' of new infections Wow! Those are staggering figures for a population of just over 11 million. We have a population of 8.5 million here in QC and Legault thinks it's the end of the world and he has to go all gestapo on us because we have a thousand cases a day. I'm wondering what he'd do if we had cases of 7,000 more a day like Belgium. He'd probably lock us inside our houses and forbid us ever going out again for anything at all for at least a month or two. We'd be ordered to stock up on whatever supplies we need for the duration and given a few days to accomplish that probably and then we'd go into full lockdown mode where the only people allowed out of their houses and be able to do anything would be REAL essential services like cops, firemen, paramedics and medical personnel. Like when everything used to be ordered shut down on Sundays and Christmas Day. Nothing operated then not even gas stations - everything was closed except for those essential services and media types had an exception too, in order to keep us informed of the weather and news and that was it. I wouldn't put it past him if we even remotely approached the same daily cases as Belgium has.
Covid: What the tier rules say about the split between science and politics The same thing is going on here in QC & ON. In QC everything's locked up tighter than a drum unless of course it's something that isn't any fun like manufacturing, warehouse work, and commerce, but gyms, bars, restaurants, etc are shut down, whereas in ON, the neighbouring province those things are open.


What do you want to bet that now that Biden's been declared president they'll start approving and distributing the vaccines right away? I wouldn't doubt it.

We have a small room air purifier, which I'm hoping will be sufficient if we should ever need it for that purpose.


That's probably true of businesses all across Canada.




With such a nice story, I will end the postings tonight and hope you take care & stay well.