Showing posts with label Online ebook libraries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online ebook libraries. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Indescript Pains, Cranberries, Laziness &



October 13, 2020

When I woke up in bed this morning with our dog lying beside me and a pain in the back (I was on my side facing away from her), I thought it was because she had shoved one of her paws into my back inbetween 2 ribs or something. Not that she's able to I don't think, because after all she is a small dachshund, with short little legs, but nevertheless, that's what I thought it was. Until I turned over and saw that yeah she was facing me with her head on my pillow too (so close enough) but her paws weren't anywhere near my back - more like near my head and neck.  When I got up out of bed, it hurt to take a deep breath, so right away being a former nurse I start wondering if I developed pluerisy in my sleep or maybe a collapsed lung or what. I wasn't sure and the pain persisted for awhile until it silently faded away and disappeared. 

Then this afternoon I decided to tackle the cranberries we had in the fridge to do something with them and found I had way too many to make the recipe I have in mind and tried to find a way to use up the excess. I managed to come up with a couple of ideas (but basically they were the same idea just in different forms you could say). So I spent the afternoon making a brie & cranberry quesadilla along with brie & cranberry crescent rolls. But I am still left with more than enough cranberries for something else on top of that.  So the cranberry bread I have in mind to make and probably cranberry muffins - those use different recipes so hopefully will taste somewhat different from each other. More so than the quesadilla and crescent rolls do. Though the crescent rolls I put a little dusting of icing sugar on those just to add a touch of sweetness to them and to make them taste a little different than the quesadilla (which has been cut into 8 pieces like a pie). So it looks like muffins and bread are what I'll be working on tomorrow. I also want to make either muffins or cupcakes with the raspberries I have too. If I'm able to - but it's not just a question of if I'm able to, it's also a question of baking time and how long is it going to take to bake everything as I also need the oven for making dinner as well. 

I don't mind cooking and the like, but after awhile I get tired of it and wish it was over with and that's the case now, but it won't be over with until I manage to take care of all the food before it goes bad. I still have leftover turkey from our Thanksgiving dinner I have to get to and make something with - probably a soup or maybe depending on how much meat there is left there, fajitas or enchiladas or maybe something with a fancy name to make it seem like we're living it up a little. You know the story about the rose by any other name.... 
Well leftovers by any other name flies better around here. Like tonight, in order to use up most of the bolognese spaghetti sauce I made last week, I decided to coat some pork chops with bread crumbs and parmesan cheese, fry them and then smother them with the spaghetti sauce and since that dish actually exists and has a name called "Pork Parmesan", he was more receptive to it than just telling him we were having coated pork chops with spaghetti sauce slathered ontop. He actually helped make it by frying the meat after it was coated, because he thought it was a fancy dish he was helping make. That coupled with the leftover mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving and some broccoli and he thought it was a sumptuous dinner. Meanwhile it helped clean out the fridge from some of the leftovers. He thinks it's just lucky happenstance that I happen to have all the things on hand to make those dishes, rather than me planning those dishes around what I already have on hand and that needs to be used.

Oh and I forgot, still have an apple cake to make yet too. That was a request from my husband, which I promised him. So um yeah, I still have that as well to work on. 

Anyhow after the brie and cranberry creations were made this afternoon I suddenly felt weird, like as if I was getting a migraine again, but I knew I wasn't, this time, but it felt like it. So, I decided to sit down before I fell down from the dizziness and wait to feel better. While waiting to feel better, I just got comfortable and lazy and decided to stay sitting down browsing the net. Besides it was miserable and raining outside, so what else was there of interest to do anyhow besides more baking/cooking? 

Anyhow that was my day today. Nothing really to write home about but since this is not only a running chronological list & comments about the pandemic, it was also intended to be somewhat of a diary/journal for me to keep track of how we spent our pandemic time in incarceration aka lockdown, and what I or we did to keep busy and keep sane during that time. So that's why you see my daily doings ahead of the headlines. 
Though because of the sheer volume of headlines out there, I've sadly fallen way far behind in posting them, because it's just me finding, reading, bookmarking and then posting them in here for you to see too in case you missed them.  There's only so many headlines I can post in a night after a day spent doing other things, including trying to read and bookmark as many of the new headlines as possible for posting later (whenever that might be). But at least for the most part they're still in chronological order, so you can see the progressions of the outbreaks, the resulting reactions and laws, the discoveries along the way, the stories of people who had it or were involved in fighting it or had some other interaction regarding the disease (as in frontline workers, or relatives of the deceased, etc...). 

I'm trying to provide as full and comprehensive record of the pandemic as possible for future reference. Though I'd be surprised if many of the linked news stories are still around months down the road from the time they appeared, but at least the headlines and sometimes my comments on the side gives the gist, so while it may be a terse record, it is still somewhat of a record, maybe not a detailed thorough one, but nonetheless, the best I can accomplish on my own.

Now onto the headlines and I don't know how many I'll get to tonight because I started much later than usual, so it probably won't be near as many as there has been in the past few days.

Before I start posting the headlines there's a couple of links I wanted to post that may be of interest to you. 

This is where you go to find almost anything from movies, books, website pages to anything archivable on the net, they probably have it. 
The Price of Panic A book about how "experts" turned a pandemic into a catastrophe which is in epub format and downloadable at the longfiles link.

Another epub format book, with some intriguing looking connotations for COVID19, 9/11 etc..., downloadable at the longfiles link as well.
Those are just a couple more angles with which to view what's going on with this plandemic we're all enduring. 
Now for the actual headlines.....
As Quebec rolls out COVID-19 ad campaign, experts wonder if it will reach target audience Who's the target audience anyhow? Just wondering? The gullible or just plain idiots? Because the ad I saw, had untruths in it that anyone who took basic grade 4 health classes in elementary school would see through, since we were all taught that certain functions of the human body are autonomous, like breathing, our heart beating, digesting food, etc.... Those are not things we can teach ourselves to do. Either our body does it on it's own or we're dead. It's as simple as that and there's no two ways about it. I'm pretty sure most grade 4 kids knows that too. Or when I went to school they did. Now-a-days it's questionable if college grads even knows that considering all the dumbing down that's been going on between then and now.

But it's still being made much less complicated and time consuming to attain a warrant. Just one stop inbetween getting an ordinary warrant and no warrant at all. Wait the next step of no warrant at all is on the way very soon. 

Men 62% more likely to die from COVID, greater inflammation may be why Men with auto immune and inflammatory diseases like diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, cancer, cardiovascular, etc... really need to take care and try to avoid getting this disease as much as possible. Well anyone with those problems should really, but as men seem to have a 62% greater risk of dying they ought to take extra precautions.
Experimental cancer drug stops SARS-CoV-2, other viruses from infecting cells  I hope it holds more hope than the others that seemed to show promise but wound up not being so great after all.

I guess they just see it as some kind of zombie apocalypse scenario we're all living through and maybe took pointers or tips from such movies to negotiate and navigate the virus and resulting gov't orders. 


Losing Your Hair Can Be Another Consequence of the Pandemic Someone needs to learn how to elucidate their thoughts..... Losing your hair isn't a result of the pandemic or we'd all be bald, it's a result of having had COVID19 and probably only those who had very high fevers while they were sick with it. So no need to panic. Your hair isn't going to start automatically falling out just because we're in the midst of a plandemic here.

Wow over the top gestapo type tactics being used there over a MASK. Some power tripping thugs ought to have their badges rescinded and not allowed to ever hold another one again either. 

Secret, powerful panels will pick Covid-19 vaccine winners I wouldn't doubt it if Bill Gates had an undercover agent on each of those panels, to promote the vaccine/s he has an interest in. 


Yes, You Can Still Have a Festive Diwali, Even Though It's Going to Look a Little Different This Year I have no idea when this festival takes place, so I'm sorry if this is too late to be of any help. I must say though, everything shown in those pictures is so pretty and enticing. Kind of makes me want to celebrate it right along with you. 

Canada's COVID-19 cases: Alberta's top doc doesn't agree with Trudeau's assessment; Ontario, Quebec report more than 140 new school infections I agree with Dr. Hinshaw. What does the dimwitted airhead snowboard instructor know about anything to do with medicine, anyhow? He probably still needs mommy dearest to put bandaids on his little booboos for him. He's such a idiot bereft of a brain and a backbone, it's not funny. The laughing stock of the universe really.
Ontario Hospitals To Lay Off Over 100 Nurses Despite Staff Shortages And they want us to take this plandemic seriously eh???? And stay home and literally go into pure hibernation except to go to work or school to cut down on patients being hospitalized to give the hospitals a break eh???? So then if the hospitals are having such a hard time and can't cope with the personnel and resources they currently have, WHY ARE YOU CUTTING BACK ON STAFF IN THE MIDDLE OF AN OH SO GRAVE (Or as you would have us believe anyhow) PANDEMIC?????? You see, it's BS like this that makes us not believe you. One side of your ugly faces is making liars out of the other sides of them. Only you're too stupid to see or understand that.
2-year-olds are getting kicked off planes for refusing to wear a mask. Is that fair? No, but then again, nothing about this plandemic is fair. 
It's all a pack of lies and BS orchestrated for some unknown ungodly purpose, I'm sure. We'll eventually find out all the connivings and machinations behind it all. Then we'll be able to mass arrest (I mean if need be we all come out en masse and surround and round up the culprits) all the conniving culprits and try them for the crimes they committed against us. But we CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!! They need to pay for their actions!
No one likes wearing a mask — but with COVID-19 cases rising, you should put it on more often than you think Given that I spend more time fighting with the masks to keep them at least under my eyes, or wrapped under my chin so they don't ride up to my forehead, I don't see how they're helping. But anyhow...

Missouri crowds amid pandemic prompt real-life 'Footloose'  First it was singing, then it was Spanish dancing classes, now it's dancing period, that's being banned. No one is allowed to enjoy themselves at all. Everyone, everywhere is forbidden to do anything except eat, sleep, use the toilet and breathe (but that is if they don't exhale too exuberantly otherwise it might spread the virus) oh and keep the good ole economic wheels turning by being a good little cog in the wheel for the establishment.

Then I guess it's a good thing everyone has taken to baking as a means of keeping busy, during the pandemic.
Wilson: 'We're like the canaries in the coal mine' Whatever you say there dear.... You weren't the forewarning of this if that's what you're trying to say. I kind of think Wuhan had you outranked on that score. I know some of you celebrities like to think you're the be all and end all of a lot of things, but honestly you take the caboose, nevermind just the backseat, on this compared to Wuhan. So please do get over yourselves there dearies.

Don't fear Halloween: Fitzgerald At least one Dr. in one province has no problems letting at least the kids enjoy themselves a little. Too bad most of the other "health" ministers in other provinces couldn't get on board with that. Only they're too stupid when it comes to health basically as they're basically accountants, kindergarten art teachers, pole strippers, lumberjacks, kneecappers for the mafia and slackers who never worked a day in their lives in a real job,  by trade and have no clue about actual medicine. 

Infectious disease specialist knocks Ontario plan to test for COVID-19 in pharmacies I'm not sure what the problems are as I couldn't view the video. Wondering if they're real problems or made up problems due to some political bent this one has with someone or some aspect of it. Because a lot of times what I hear aren't so much problems as excuses which usually defies logic and reason and I can only conclude that maybe they're using those excuses to try to change things to something else that they prefer (either because of monetary purposes or political reasons or just personal preference without having any real data to back up their preference against what's being proposed).  

Here's what life is like for southern Alberta teens living in rural towns during a pandemic I bet it's the same story the country over for teens in rural communities.

Hmmm that's strange.... I seriously can't imagine whyyyyyyyy..... Well you doctors had your chances to prevent all of this, merely by calling that genocidal beitch Tam out in the very beginning and forcing her to come clean about the Wuhan epidemic and how it shouldn't be allowed into the country no matter how many Chinese nationals feelings got hurt on account of it. If I AS A LONG RETIRED NURSE (I haven't worked as a nurse for 4 decades now) KNEW THAT AS SOON AS WE HEARD & SAW THE NEWS COMING OUT OF WUHAN IN LATE DECEMBER, EARLY TO MID JANUARY, THAT OUR BORDERS SHOULD'VE BEEN CLOSED DOWN AT LEAST TO ALL INCOMING TRAFFIC FROM CHINA (IF NOT TOTALLY CLOSED ALTOGETHER) THEN YOU DOCTORS MUST'VE TOO!!!!! And the fact that NONE OF YOU DID OR SAID ANYTHING & LET THIS HAPPEN is AS MUCH ON YOUR SHOULDERS AS IT IS TAM'S! BECAUSE YOU COULD'VE CALLED HER OUT TO THE PUBLIC ANYTIME YOU WANTED & IF YOU ALL STOOD TOGETHER IN SOLIDARITY WHAT WAS SHE GOING TO DO TO YOU ANYHOW?????????? So I'm sorry if you don't like the treatment you're getting now, but you are the causes of your own demises, since you had a chance (a window of a month or more to act) and NOT ONE OF YOU DID! YOU LET THIS HAPPEN, JUST AS MUCH AS TAM DID! But at least you're doctors so maybe from here on in you can be honest and treat the taxpayers with the honesty and integrity they deserve instead of like the pencil necked accountant in QC and the art teacher in Ottawa!!!!!! 
CP Holiday Train won't roll across Canada this year due to pandemic Of course not, because that might be something else fun the people might enjoy after this dismal bleak no fun year we've had.
Online tool calculates your 'COVID age' Whatever this is eludes me entirely. I mean what's a COVID age? Is that like a dog's age? Your physical age, vs your actual age? Maybe it's like the ice-age.... Who knows and how is it even calculated? From what I see how the Canadian gov't calculates it, it basically means 90% of us are at risk because most everyone I know or have ever known has one or more of the factors listed for putting us at risk. It's rare that you'll run into a totally 100% healthy person with no underlying risk factors. But that tool only works if you have a US zipcode to feed it before you start.

Look from what I understand from people I've known who worked for Sandoz and then Novartis and Abbott Pharmaceuticals, there are lots of drugs that are made and put on the market with no testing at all and a lot of them are over the counter medications - ergo widely available and widely used and the only time they're "tested" is when Health Canada gets enough complaints about them that they see the manufacturer about them and tell them to fix them or remove them from the market. There's plenty of medication that have killed people that were released to the market with little to no testing. Prepulsid is a case in point. It was marketed as an anti GERD drug, but was pulled from the market when it was found to cause heart attacks and then President Clinton was taking it, and so it was urgent that it be pulled from the market.  There's been other dangerous drugs that have been marketed even though the manufacturers knew of the dangerous side effects they could have on some people. While I get that no one wants to be a victim of any of these drugs least of all a vaccine, people shouldn't be getting their shorts all knotted up over this just because it's a vaccine, while letting other medications off the hook. I'm a big proponent of "what's fair for the goose is fair for the gander". So it should be the same standards for one and all, whether it's a vaccine or other medication that is potentially widely used. And not more stringent for some and lenient for others.

Government report finds fault with operators of Herron seniors' residence Well all I have to say about that is that I hope whoever is managing it now, doesn't run like the wind the first hint of COVID19 to appear there and leave all the residents there by themselves like the former management did. In fact those people should all be in jail as far as I'm concerned.

I'm always afraid about that as my daughter-in-law is black and a nurse working at Montreal Children's Hospital which is annexed to the super hospital in downtown Montreal. So I'm always worried that my son will call me one day in a panic because his wife got it. And I hope and pray that that doesn't happen at all, ever.  She's such a beautiful soul, I would hate to see anything bad happen to her. 
Saskatchewan health officials fine person $2,000 for not self-isolating while symptomatic Yup, Gov't Gougers R' Us, seems to be par for the course here in Canada.

World in disarray: Angry exchanges at top UN meeting on COVID-19  Well the UN can thank their own genocidal ash hole Tedros as being the primary figure behind the way the world handled or more aptly mishandled this plandemic. 

I'll leave there for the night and let you ponder on those articles for a bit. Until next time take care and stay well.



Saturday, March 28, 2020

It's Saturday! Time For Fun, & Good Food!

March 28, 2020

As our gov'ts have pretty much grounded us and we're not allowed out even on weekends, I've spent the day in my jammies and wandering the net, finding all sorts of fun & interesting things, from free epub and pdf books to fun videos and interesting articles. Like anyone else in this situation, I'm starting to go a little stir crazy, because the weather is still not good enough for planting yet. In fact we still have some snow in our yard, so I have to wait for that to melt at least, before I can go out and survey the damage the winter left, and clean it up. So since, I'm needing things to keep me occupied until then, I've been browsing the net, doing some reading, playing games on my iPad that a friend gave me. My daughter-in-law downloaded a few games for it for me including Sims Free Play and I used to love the Sims on the computer when my daughter got me hooked on it. So I've been killing a lot of time that way. But, today I decided to do something a little different by just randomly browsing the net, here and there and came up with a lot of interesting sites, some of which I'll talk about here, so others can fritter away their more lonely and bored moments too, if they wish. In any case, it'll serve at least as a back up bookmark file for me.  😉

Having talked about planting in the paragraph above, I found a link to a gardening site that might be of interest at Seed Savers How to Plan a Garden
It's an American site and so a lot of the vegetables I listed on my page about growing vegetables in SW QC is missing. Cantalope, for one doesn't seem to be there, several herbs and some other veggies aren't there either. For the most part though it seems to be pretty good, at least the basic information for beginning gardeners is there.

I was killing myself laughing watching a few funny pet videos this afternoon. I'm not sure if it's because I was laughing so hard or if it's the sound of the barks, growls, howls, meows etc that attracted Sweetie (our dachshund) to want to come and sit with me and watch too, but she sat on my lap and snuggled against my shoulder while watching some of these right along with me:

Adorable dog moments  - not only Sweetie, but my husband watched this one with me and thought they were pretty funny too.

These next 4 links are to YouTube "Funniest Dogs & Cats" videos:

Funniest Dogs & Cats Video 1
Funniest Dogs & Cats Video 2
Funniest Dogs & Cats Video 3
Funniest Dogs & Cats Video 4

Now I know that I and a lot of others are wanting to learn how to do new things with the free time we all suddenly find ourselves with, from developing current hobbies to learning new ones and cooking or baking and just learning new stuff for the sake of it (like a history buff that I know who loves learning new things about history). Or religious people wanting some religion related material to further their studies with. Or just wanting to enjoy the old classical literature and fairytales. I found sites of interest there too.

As previously posted one of the largest and oldest libraries on the internet with books in several languages dating back to the antiquities of all genres is Project Gutenberg

This site claims to have 50,000 free books, but I don't know what sorts of books those are, because my previous foray into that site left me wanting. I was looking for cookbooks and all I could find were ancient cookbooks using obscure equipment, measurements and language (like old English for example), so I don't really know if the "free" books there are worth any more than that or not, but maybe for a future excursion there when I have more time to kill, I'll mosey on over to Many Books.

The following sites have several genres of books and magazines, including novels, science, medicine, cooking, do-it-yourself, computer related, crafts, religion, and more in pdf, epub, azw3, mobi, etc . You're sure to find something of interest at one of these sites.

Free Bookspot

Dinner Time

Dinner tonight consists of Souvlaki on Pita, but it can be served on rice if no pita or tzatziki sauce is available. It can also be skewered and grilled on the BBQ as a kebab and then served on pita or rice. Either grilling or frying the meat is acceptable. It's one of the simplest and quickest meals possible. Perfect for a lazy day. All that's required is marinating the meat cubes a couple hours beforehand and the marinade is super simple:

1-2 lbs 1 inch pork cubes - depending on desired servings - should feed 2-4 people
1/2 cup oil
1 Tbsp greek seasoning or Souvlaki seasoning
juice of 1 lemon

Combine all marinade ingredients together and then pour over meat, making sure to coat as much of it as possible. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before cooking.

To make a souvlaki on pita, you simply spoon the cooked meat into the middle of a pita bread down the center, top with chopped onions, tomatoes and tzatziki sauce and fold pita together to form sandwich.  Otherwise just use it with rice or oven fried potatoes (with a squeeze of lemon juice on the potatoes and/or rice), with cooked spinach for a full course meal.

If you don't have tzatziki sauce you can make your own using this recipe: Tzatziki Sauce Recipe

If you're stuck at home as we all are, and need pita bread, you can use the recipe for Peppy's Pita Bread

If you're lacking the seasoning perhaps you can making your own mix using this recipe for Greek Seasoning Blend

Or if you would prefer to try to find another seasoning blend that you can make at home, all of their homemade spice blends can be found here: Homemade Spice Blends

A few more cooking related links to try to help you make the best of the food you have on hand to make delicious meals and stretch it as far as possible, since we don't know what's happening from one minute to the next these days and how soon it'll be before we're all locked down and no one can go anywhere, and having to stretch our food we have on hand for as long as possible.

All Recipes
Delish - Recipes Party Food & How Tos
Life Made Delicious
Canadian Living Food Section
SAQ's Cocktails Recipes
Crosby's Molasses - lots of recipe booklets & recipes
Schneider's Recipes
Saputo Recipes

All the Canadian sites listed from Life Made Delicious on down, probably have a French option as well. So for French speakers who'd prefer the recipes in French, you can probably get them in French by clicking on the Fr/French option.  All Recipes and Delish are both based in the US so I don't know if they have other language options, but I'm pretty sure the others do have at least an English & French option.

Here's hoping your Saturday was just as interesting if not more than mine was! Talk to you again soon.