Showing posts with label Pfizer vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pfizer vaccine. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2021

From Lockdowns & Curfews to Senicide and Pigs at the Taxpayer Trough - Cdn gov't Actions During....



March 7, 2021

First off, I have no idea how many of the headlines I have accumulated over the last couple of days that I'll be able to get through, but I'll give it my best shot. 

Given the story links I have in my bookmark file, I thought they amply demonstrate what kind of BS the Canadian government has been putting us all through for the last year or so, from lockdowns and fines to curfews and senicide (YES!!!! SENICIDE FOR WHICH THEY SHOULD BE HELD CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE) to them now taking advantage of their positions and power to get themselves and all their family members inoculated ahead of most of the freaking taxpayers out here!!!!!! 

So let that be a warning to all starry-eyed wanna-be Canadian immigrants. Despite what you might see and hear from bozo brains et. al. this is NOT A LAND OF MILK & HONEY & SMOOTH SAILING! Only for the f'n political elite, the rest of us are walked on and treated like dirt. 

Anyhow if you take the time to read the stories who's headlines links I've posted in this blog over the last year or so and the ones I'm about to post you'll see. Pay special attention to this link - you'll need at least 45 minutes to get through it though as it's a video from W5 (it aired on TV last night but I found the YouTube link to it to post here). W5: Tough lessons from a year of fighting COVID-19
It's done by one of Canada's most trusted lamestream media news organizations. It's an eye-opening documentary on things that have gone down in Canada for the past year, regarding this pandemic. But that's only the tip of the ice-berg (as they realistically can't fit it all into that one show). To get a better and more complete picture - go through my blog, from start to finish. 
So now that you've finished watching that eye-opening documentary, get your glasses, a nice glass of iced tea or wine and settle in for some heavy duty reading....

Is it really because he doesn't want to cut in line, or is it because he knows what the former CEO said about the vaccine is the truth and so is reluctant to get it?
World's Worst Covid Crisis Is Unfolding in Brazil, Where No Fix Seems to Work  I hope the numbskulls in charge of our borders aren't letting people specifically from Brazil into Canada, but not only specifically from Brazil but from neighbouring countries as well, or those who've got a stamp in their passport indicating they've been in the region lately, even if they're not coming directly from there.

I guess we'll just have to wait to find that out, because until it starts to fade, if it does, we won't know how long that is.

Europe staggers as infectious variants power virus surge The vaccines should've been available sooner.

Vivienne Westwood Is Making Us Lust After Platform Heeled Sandals And Knee-High Boots This was originally titled "Versace Says We're All Wearing Platform Heels When Pandemic Ends". I can tell you though no matter the title, I won't be wearing them. Been there, done that in the early 70s and have an ankle that was busted in 3 places to show for it. So thanks but no thanks.

There is a link at the end of that article for more uplifting stories like this.
Jimmy Doherty on the meerkat, the alpaca and the chic that were spooked by lockdown I'm sure they weren't the only ones spooked by lockdown, because I know of several people who were also.
COVID-19: Test and Trace barely used check-in data from pubs and restaurants - with thousands not warned of infection risk in the UK. After all it's not as though there's many of those establishments open here in Canada.

$1,400 Stimulus Checks Are Still Coming – But Who’s Eligible to Get One? Americans of course are the ones who're eligible. Sure not Canadians. We don't seem to be eligible for anything at all these days except indefinite incarceration. 

Really???? And what might that real world evidence be? Because when you decided the 4 month option, no one had already been vaccinated for 4 months yet. So what real world evidence are you liars once again talking about here? In fact we still have 11 or so days to go before it'll be 4 months since the FIRST ONES GOT THE VACCINATION and most of those got their 2nd dose already. So I'd love to know where you get these real world evidences from.  I guess you think we're all like you clowns are, with memories of a flea and an intellect of one too. 
‘Someone Had to Go First’: Europe Kickstarts Vaccine Nationalism War Yup, I called it a war about a month ago in here, when Pfizer and Moderna first stopped shipping vaccine to Canada. But you honestly have to look at the difference in mindset and operations between the so-called 1st world and the so-called developing world. Where the first world nations Europe and the USA are all stingy hoarding greedy ash holes who don't want to share with anyone even allies (oh but they'll have no qualms whatsoever calling those allies to arms when another Hitler comes along and expecting them to not only show up with their own weaponry and craft (air/water/land) and men, they'll expect them to bear the brunt of the cost of that equipment and craft AND the lives lost of their soldiers who are there fight on THEIR BEHALF). Trust me, it's good I'm not PM of Canada, because I'd remember who helped Canada and Canadians in time of need and who didn't. So I'd be more inclined to pull out all stops to help India over any one of our so-called allies. India was prompter and more generous with us than any of the nitwits in the G7, NATO, or US of A and it's good Canada calls them friends, because I sure don't. Like I said before in here, with friends like those who needs enemies.

Quebec does too, but in the year 3021 instead of this year.


Gawd, I'd want a whole bottle of champagne after waiting eons to get a vaccination, it would seem like a much deserved celebration if you ask me. We have wine on a regular basis here, because we can buy it everywhere basically and on top of that the liquor stores are deemed essential so they've remained open the during entire pandemic. So wine, beer, alcoholic drinks like canned 5% alcohol iced tea, bloody ceasar mixes in cans and bottles, beer & wine coolers etc can all be bought in grocery stores and convenience stores, so there's never a shortage of that here. Hard liquor and higher alcoholic percentage drinks like hard liqueurs are available at the liquor store that's been open since the start we've had too. Well I make my own liqueurs & some wine, if truth be told, but as I don't have a still that's about the extent of my making alcoholic libations. But champagne is something I can't make and would dearly love to consume to celebrate my inoculation if I'm ever in line for one before I die of natural causes.

Hey if I can't get the one I prefer which is the AstraZeneca one, then I'll settle for this one. In fact, I'll take any vaccine OTHER THAN the Pfizer and Moderna ones, because of how those 2 are made.
Windsor court ruling puts COVID-19 'hoax' belief at centre of custody fight I seriously don't get how people can think it's a hoax. It's not and never has been since people were dropping like flies from it in Wuhan in December 2019 and it's still not whether we know of anyone who's been affected by it or not personally. It's not a hoax by any means, BUT IT IS BEING USED BY THE POWERS THAT BE AS AN EXCUSE TO ACCOMPLISH A LOT OF GOALS & SET NEW AGENDAS. There's NO denying that, as much as they might want to try there's too much evidence point to the contrary.
Mexico experts recommend approving Indian vaccine For sure. Since they seem to be the only people on earth who aren't super stingy and greedy with their vaccines and actually want to help others with them. I have nothing but praise for India in this regard!

Maybe while he's at it, he should outline what his response to a request to fight on behalf of any of those ash holes would be in the event of an invasion or a war (think along the lines of Hitler type war). If I were him, I'd tell them in no uncertain terms, "fine you want to be like, just wait until you need something from us and see what happens then". 
WHO says patents should be waived to get more vaccine made in more countries Wow! For once there's actually something I agree on with the WHO. That's amazing!
Houseplants 'a hot, hot trend,' and a lifeline in the pandemic Since we moved into this house I haven't been able to keep a houseplant alive for very long at all. In fact, I'm amazed that I've had an Aloe Vera for going on 2 years now and one of it's babies for almost a year, plus this poor houseplant that a friend gave me, that's in one of the darkest corners of the house that's still alive. We used to have a large variety of houseplants at one time, but not since we moved here. So I'm glad we have our own house and thus the right to have pets if we want, because if we would be depending on plants to keep us occupied and our minds off the plandemic, it wouldn't work as none of the plants we currently have requires much of anything. One doesn't even require much sunlight either. 

Well they do say that they like to be talked to and to have music played for them, so I guess it's a kind of antidote to loneliness.


The poor souls lost to Canada's senicide for which the powers that be, including the public health officers and health ministers, along with those directly responsible - like the heads of the nursing homes, and all staff that abandonned their charges, bear responsibility and should face criminal charges, in ALL CASES.
COVID-19 enforcement blitz coming to Windsor-Essex You mean some gestapo boots are coming to Windsor-Essex too? How sad. 

Good for them!
Exclusive: Oxford study indicates AstraZeneca effective against Brazil variant, source says That would be awesome if it's for sure! That's the vaccine I want, but knowing the QC gov't I won't be allowed to have for some f'n stupid reason, especially considering I'm in the age group that the rest of Canada wants to use that particular vaccine on.


COVID outbreak reported at Brucelea Haven I'm beginning to wonder if they don't send infected people into those places on purpose now. I mean I find it ridiculous to believe that this is all just happenstance or happening by fluke of nature, considering we have all kinds of tests now to see if anyone is carrying the virus or not, including rapid tests that give the results within minutes. So what's wrong with subjecting these employees to those tests before they're allowed to enter the premise? Or what's wrong with keeping all personnel quarantinned inside with the residents during the plandemic to ensure that nothing gets in to infect anyone inside? It's been done in a few places with total success, so what's wrong with making that the rule for all these places until the plandemic is over with????? Because to do otherwise seems to be willful and on purpose and definitely not happenstance or a fluke of nature, thus purposeful senicide. 

Yeah but how can he regulate the minimum distance between people there? I mean when we were there in the early 80s there were swarms and swarms of people on the streets and sidewalks - wall to wall people if you want to picture it that way. I mean it literally took almost 3 hours to DRIVE through the "strip" which is only 4.2 miles or 6.8 kms (now, maybe it was shorter in distance then seeing as how the casinos now are much bigger and probably more in number as well ergo the strip being longer now at 4.2 miles than it might've been when we were there), because of so many people milling around on the road in front of us. There's no way there would've been more than a couple of feet between any of them even disassociated groups. Inside the casinos was just as bad with everyone packed side by side at the gaming tables etc... So how would he regulate that anyhow? I can't even imagine it and I can't imagine any cop/s being able to enforce it either, as there's just too many people there together.
‘Seismic shift’ in Ontario vaccination program; those 60+ expected to get a shot months earlier It's probably only those in Montreal & Laval, here in QC who'll get their shots before hell freezes over, because I know even though we're in the red zone right along side the Montreal and Laval red zones, we're not getting dick all. We can't even begin registering for our vaccines yet. I literally live less than 5 miles off the island of Montreal, and are in the red lockdown curfew stop breathing or we'll gouge your eyeballs out of your head zone too. But yet we're NOT being inoculated!!!!!! 


The way I intend to manage my burnout, is to stop posting the headlines about covid on the 16th (that'll be the last post) which will mark a whole year since I started this blog. As it's way too time consuming and getting to me - I can't continue and so will stop posting these headlines. I may post other things like some fun, interesting, creative or other types of posts in here - something to lighten my mood and the load of all this plandemic BS. But I will still do the Schwaf/Gates/WEF/Great Reset story.... Behind this whole thing.
Coronavirus: Should food processing workers get vaccine priority? If you want to eat, then those who are responsible for our food supply (from farm workers to food factory workers and slaughterhouses etc) should be protected. 

Canada to take COVAX vaccines, won't share doses until every Canadian is inoculated: Anand The way QC is going the rest of the world will already be inoculated and won't need anything we might have left to share.

Quebec to honour COVID-19 victims on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic  Meanwhile they're waiting for millions more of us to die before they start rolling the vaccines out.


What a bunch of bull malarky that is! The only people who got any help were people with kids or those who were out of work. The rest of us who either don't work because we're retired, disabled or homeless, got SFA. Oh but the six figure a year earner like doctors etc got extra money per kid they had, whether they needed it or not, meanwhile elderly people were told to stay home and order everything online or by phone which requires credit cards - who charge interest. Other than the small extra amount given 1 time for GST, we didn't get any extra help, with anything. 

Travellers complain about food, organization at Canada quarantine hotels I wouldn't doubt it, because the people are literally held hostage there and are at the mercy of the hotel administration, so if they think they can save a buck here or there on the backs of the poor hostages held there, they will. I saw this coming, I don't know why the clowns in power didn't. Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot, I do know why.... Because they're idiots. That's why.

Coronavirus: Canada to receive 23 million vaccine doses between April and June Good then we'll only need 15 million more to cover the entire population, assuming those are single dose vaccines. 

I wouldn't trust anything coming from China and as for Russia, they seem hellbent at destroying confidence in the vaccines developed in the west. 

Wow that's an amazing amount! 




Some advocates say people with disabilities should be prioritized for vaccines Like I said before, everyone should be prioritized. That way there is no problem.


That's in the US. Sorry Canadian domestic abuse victims there doesn't seem to be any help for you other than phone numbers to call.
COVID assessment issue keeping loved ones apart Look at the picture at the top of this post.

Are they donating it because they don't want to use it themselves? Or are they donating it to be charitable and helpful? I completely understand though if it's because they don't want to use it themselves. They're smart people if that's the case because any Chinese made vaccine is dubious quality to say the least, like everything else made in China.
Restaurant staff and bricklayers most likely to have suffered pay cut during pandemic Bricklayers? Huh? Why bricklayers? If the construction trades were operating and even here in gestapo bootied Quebec, for the most part it was, then the bricklayers were being employed too. So why would they suffer pay cuts as opposed to say roofers or electricians or drywallers? Makes no sense.

Doesn't sound like they're trying very hard to avoid what happened with the Sturgis Rally though.
Europe staggers as infectious variants power COVID surge; one million test positive in a week Well pretty soon they won't need to worry about vaccinations at that rate, as the entire population will have natural immunity gained on their own.

Oh isn't this cute? They're busy denying others some of their supply (and were before the number of infections cranked up sky high) but now they're trying to bum some of the US' supply from them! I hope the US responds the same way to them as they responded to Australia and the rest of us! It'll serve them right.

I swear to Gawd, if the morons in QC don't get their act together soon and start vaccinating us, I'm going to pick up roots and move to another province like NS or Man just so I can get my shot. It's incredible how f'n slow and obtuse and plain old moronic the clowns in QC are when it comes to vaccinating people.

One year later: Why Canada's COVID-19 crisis is being called a 'senicide' Exactly! Except it's not just a senicide, it's a genocide, because Canadians of all ages have died by the thousands.

Gawd! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks/said this!!!!! In fact a couple of posts ago, I was raging about this very thing. Which is really easy to find in the post titled: Anger, Confusion, Despair, Ready to Outright Revolt Over the BS Surrounding.... ----- It's the headlines that has a multi-coloured rant in it.  That's how angry I was and continue to be about this. But I'm glad the lamestream media picked this subject up and publicized it and amazed that they actually found a couple to talk to about this very thing, in the Monteregie region (though a different part of it from where I am). But yeah. I agree with what they're saying only perhaps more vociferously than they are. 


Oh Whoopdie ding dong! A half a million in 3 months time... There's supposedly about 8.5 million of us here in QC, so at that rate it ought to take  only 51 MORE MONTHS to complete the job! That's 4 more years and 3 months in case you're wondering!  Almost as fast as the Federal gov't at it.... Gawd, I can't figure out who is more pathetic, the feds or the gestapo bootied bozos. 
Making sense of Quebec's vaccination regulations  How do you make sense out of idiocy concocted by idiots, I wanna know!?!

Coronavirus: Canada to receive 1.5M additional Pfizer vaccine doses in March, Trudeau says | FULL Like I keep saying in response to what this buffoon keeps saying is "I'll believe it when I see it". 

Not just NS that tripped the whole freaking country tripped and then QC fell on it's head and fractured it's skull so badly the brains are seeping out all over the ground, because they've completely lost it.

Health Canada and PHAC Boy they're expecting a lot from seniors.... Expecting them to know where and how to find this message to them in the first place (well you can through this link) and then knowing how to use twitter in order to avail themselves of the ability to talk to someone else. I made that a broad offer here, where they could use the comments sections on the bottoms of each post to leave messages to one another about whatever interests they might have and they haven't. But I know it's not because they don't know how to type in a message box, which is much simpler to use than hashtags at twitter are. So if they don't use simple message based media to do that, do you honestly think they'll be using twitter? I'm sure most of them probably use things like Facebook to communicate with each other and family and zoom and other methods which are easier than twitter. 

In my area, nothing changed, it's still the same as it was before the March Break.

I hope they also have to pay reasonable interest on that money as well. Considering it was basically like a loan that they've had with customers for a year now. So there should be a year's worth of interest paid with the refunded money!

I guess that didn't get cancelled because of the pandemic huh? 


I honestly don't see how setting a monthly goal, like this month getting my spring cleaning done and next month getting one of the Christmas presents I want to make done etc... is going to want to make me continue quarantining and wearing masks etc....Because it's not. No matter if it's learning to make sourdough bread & knit, or do my spring cleaning it's not changing the fact that I still have to stay in inside the same 4 walls as I did a year ago and still do today. So in my opinion the person who thought this strategy up is grasping at straws for a strategy to get people to be more compliant and continue following the BS rules. Yes, it makes the time pass quicker and gives us something to do besides sit on our thumbs while watching TV, but it doesn't change the fact we're still confined in our homes and still have to comply with the health measures all the time, without let up or reprieve, and the feelings that that brings on us. 

I wouldn't know about that because as I write this the actual temperature outside is -13C but feels like -18C with the windchill. For those on the farenheit scale still its 8F and the windchill makes it feel like 0F. So.... Springtime is just a wishful thought at the moment, as far as we're concerned.

Widespread vaccinations are seen as one path on the journey back to normalcy in the Covid-19 pandemic This article starts off by being all optimistic about the vaccines and reopening of society, but then later on down somewhat further in the article it says this:

Case numbers for variants are growing

Some health officials are worried about states relaxing those measures as the number of variants circulating in the country continues to grow -- a combination that means "we're walking into the mouth of the monster," an infectious disease expert said.
Soooo.... that seems to be a rather confusing article if you ask me....
Some children's hospitals see a surge in rare Covid-19 complication MIS-C This sounds really scary and I'd advise all parents to be aware of the symptoms of this rare covid complication, in case.



Fake tax preparer gets six Covid-19 bailout loans worth more than $1 million  Wow... it's just mind boggling that someone would have the guts to try that 6 times. I guess they figured if they could get away with it, once and then twice and then five times.... the sixth time they'd get away with too. Looks like their luck ran out there. But that's just mind boggling that they'd try it that many times. Most people if they tried it once and got away with it, they might try it again but I don't think they'd continue trying after that, trying not to press their luck. 

Virtual event to mark the 56th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" Of course it's virtual because they couldn't hold a real one due to the plandemic.

Health officials urge caution as states ease COVID-19 restrictions Wondering if any of them will listen though....

What's going on there is very scary and those in control of international borders ought to try to prevent it getting into their country! So Canadian border guards don't let anyone with a Brazilian passport or a stamp in their passport indicating they've been to Brazil lately into Canada!


If you live in QC, that's the site where you go to find out about the vaccination campaign and register to get a vaccination.


Sorry but I don't think criminals deserve priority. They should be at the end of the line after everyone else has had their vaccinations then if there's any left over for them they could get theirs.

See even Tennessee agrees with me. They put their prisoners last on the list there, as it should be the case everywhere.

That's fine for stopping death and hospitalizations.... For now.... But what are the mRNA vaccines going to cause in the future? We don't know as they're done using a new method using RNA that replicates itself over and over again. So what would or could it do to the human genome (human body it's residing in)? Could it cause weird diseases that basically work on replicating cells like cancer and psoriasis? Or worse, genetic defects in embryos? Or maybe sterilization like the former CEO of Pfizer apparently said it could? Or what about deformations - like growing extra appendages maybe? We don't know what the long term effects of those vaccines are, because people are only just getting them now and they are the human guinea pigs in the population at large. The other vaccines developed using the already proven methods of producing vaccines, like AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson "should" theoretically be alright to take, but again they were approved for emergency use without a thorough study of them being done. Anyhow it's your body and totally up to you about which if any vaccines you take. 
Swimming Canada cancels 2021 national championships Of course, this wouldn't be a regular post in here, if I had no cancellations to post.

Wondering if a bigwig politician like Mr. Monkeyface in Ottawa or Mr. Gestapo Boots in QC did that if they'd face some kind of reprimand or what? 
Why hospitals are beginning to reuse or recycle masks, IV bags, drills they used to throw out And they wonder why there's so many bacteria that are drug resistant and I guess they can't remember why things became disposable in the first place either eh? To cut down on reuse and thus possible transmission of contagious germs from one patient to the next and the big one AIDS. Remember that? I guess you want to make sure the bacteria are totally resistant to all antibiotics and other treatment and that diseases spread rapidly and easily between patients and AIDS gets spread around much faster and easier as well too eh? Because given the lack of sanitation in hospitals now, I can't see this working very well. I mean if medical staff barely have the time to wash their hands properly as they should and instead use a quick squirt of those hand sanitizers placed outside each room, instead, I don't see anyone having the time to properly autoclave or otherwise sterilize all this extra equipment all the time. Patient hygiene took a flying leap off the top floor when nurses became over burdened with taking care of patients (as in tending to the sick and injured to try to help heal them rather than bathing and helping them groom theemselves each day). So if they don't have the time to help patients get clean and stay clean (part of sanitation) how do you expect them to have the time to constantly be cleaning all this stuff inbetween each use???? Unless you're going to get the already overworked orderlies to do it.... 

Something that DuMbe and Dumber here in QC can't even fathom let alone organize.
Audio chat app Clubhouse explodes in popularity Another way for seniors to find someone to talk to.

Gougers R' Us are at it again, only this time in Regina. Guess they're learning Mr. Gestapo Boots here in QC's tricks!




Euuuuu just euuuu gross. As the younger ones would say.



I'm definitely not a young person, but I am definitely on the brink of revolt whether that brings a revolution or not is irrelevant. All I want is for this sheite being pulled by our powermongering and power tripping dictators to stop and for them to start doing things properly so we CAN GET OUT OF THIS SHEITE. But they won't. 
Blood plasma might be the weapon we’re missing to control COVID-19 I suggested this last year before there were any vaccines in existance and nothing else worked and I was told to shut up I'm an idiot. 


That's an interesting statistic. Wonder about other countries and how they compare, especially Canada.



That's really too bad. For some place to be virus free for this long and just get it now, is awful.
Over-56s invited for Covid vaccine jabs as July target date on track Don't get excited Cdns as this call is for the 56+s in the UK.

Anyhow, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open, so this is it for now. More next time. Until then take care & stay safe.