Showing posts with label parliament prorogued. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parliament prorogued. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Shopping, Errands, Canning & ....



August 25, 2020

Wow, things are changing fast out there, as in getting back to "normal", or whatever will pass for that from now on, I guess. I mean today was the first time I've been able to actually pay a bill at the bank rather than calling the phone center to do it. That was unexpected and refreshing, to say the least.

Then we went shopping for more of that meat that my husband spent the day the other day butchering, because our son decided he wanted some too. So we went and got that and a couple of the ingredients I was missing for the planned zucchini relish. 

While I was waiting in the car while my husband got the meat, I was listening to the news on the radio and well it just seems to me, like things aren't anywhere near as bad as they thought they'd be, or else they ran into a few problems with their nefarious plans and so won't be implementing them anytime soon, so are backing down and away on the various controls and measures to keep tabs on us etc.... 

Like now the QC said they won't be using a contact tracing app for it's population, the QC education minister basically thinks it's alright for kids to go to school without masks on for much of the day and they're starting to clue into the fact that many people don't want the vaccination. And are they starting to clue  into the fact that not as many people believe their BS and so are not as scared as they were? So they're not as controllable anymore as they were in the beginning? Is that what's happening here? 

Are they waiting until things are just about ready to be implemented and then there'll suddenly be a big bad scary 2nd wave that they keep talking about? Is that what they're going to use to clamp down on us, track & trace us and vaccinate us forcibly or else we won't be allowed out of quarantine until we succumb to their BS? Is that what's planned now instead of dragging this "1st wave scare tactic" on forever? That they'll let up and let things return to normal (or what they'll allow for the sake of the charade to pass for normal) until they're near ready to implement the 2nd part of this great reset of theirs and then suddenly they clamp down on everyone and everything to ensure we all get the vaccination (that probably contains Gates' digital currency chip in it). 

That's what I was thinking about when I heard the news about how laid back the gov't seems to be getting over this whole thing now. Like they're getting ready to drop the whole thing for the time being at least - but still hanging the 2nd wave over our heads like a rotting bucket of stinking fish getting ready to drop on us any time now.

Anyhow, after we finished supper I made, and managed to get 6 - 500ml jars & 1 - 250ml jar of zucchini relish from.  I had  a taste of the leftover floating pieces that I suppose I could've made another small jar of it from, but I don't have any decent sieves to use for dumping something that's going to be in a jar for a long time through to get rid of most of the liquid. So what's left of it, looks like zucchini relish soup, but a really thin soup. So I had a taste of that to see if it tastes good and it's yummy, just the way I always remembered it being. If you wish to get the recipe see the previous post - it has a link to the recipe itself. 

Sooooooooo...... anywho.... I guess I should get on with it.... So here's the headlines I'll be posting today....

Antiviral clothing is on the rise: Can it protect you from COVID-19?  Not unless you're wearing it over your nose & mouth, since COVID19 is a respiratory disease and spread by aerosols in the air that you breathe in.  

More infectious coronavirus mutation may be 'a good thing', says disease expert  Is it merely more infectious or also more deadly? 

Sharon Stone endorses Joe Biden, says 'don’t vote for a killer' after sister catches COVID-19  Nothing like a liberal Hollywood type in panic mode over her sister, for hyperbole.

Japan's pandemic woes unravel benefits of 'Abenomics'  Economies the world over are having their surpluses and positive benefits wiped out on account of this "virus". Maybe if the powers that be did things the right way - instead of locking everyone down, they locked down only the sick & contacts of the sick like is the right way and normal way of doing things, everyone's economy would still be humming along fine. But when it's the WEF, and not the WHO who was invited to that convention held by the Gates Foundation in Wuhan about pandemics, what can you expect? It was planned and contrived in order to crash the economies. There's no other logical, valid explanation for the way they handled it than that and given that the  World Economic Forum, were the ones invited to "Event 201"- who have SFA to do with health issues and oversee economic issues instead, that has to be the case. 

Daughter of coronavirus victim speaks at DNC: 'His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump'  Wondering how many Canadians have died from this virus who's only pre-existing conditions were trusting Trudeau?

Pandemic accelerates power shift in fashion, advertising Fashion? You call what was pictured there "fashion"? What kind of "fashion" might that be anyhow? The slovenly slob fashion? The wobby-eye fashion where they can't figure out what to wear and what might or might not go together? The "too lazy to care" fashion? What???? I'm sorry but I didn't see any "fashion" there. 

Parliament prorogued until Sept. 23 as Trudeau government reels from WE Charity controversy  Long term plan on recovering from the pandemic to be laid out then eh? That little dirt bag has a hard time planning what to have for breakfast without his wife's & mother's help, so I seriously doubt he'll be able to handle anything as complicated as that.

What if 'Herd Immunity' is Closer Than Scientists Thought?   I'm sure it is, considering it's been around a lot longer than most "scientists" will admit. It's been here in QC at least since the Christmas holidays of 2019. So if it was here then, it's been around a lot longer than we've been told, ergo probably a lot more people have had or been exposed to it already than anyone knows or will admit to knowing (lets put it that way as there's so many lies about this virus going around, it's unreal).

Texas Just Hit 10,000 COVID Deaths, and It’s ‘Flying Blind’   Wow! Our whole country Canada hasn't hit that number yet! (knocking on wood).

COVID-19 complications: High oxygen flow from ventilators changes microbiota, makes lungs vulnerable to damage This kind of goes along with what the nurse said in that post of hers that I copied and pasted into my blog - click on label in sidebar entitled "The truth about COVID19 intubations & hospital treatment that everyone should know", to read it.

South African smokers empty shops of cigarettes after ban lifted  Good idea, it's always good to have as many cigarettes as you can possibly hoard during a respiratory pandemic. You never know when you'll need to cough and hack your way into a hospital bed and be intubated.

COVID-19 may trigger autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis which leads to extreme muscle weakness and fatigue  And what else may it trigger or cause? It seems like the list is endless already. I mean we're getting pretty close to the end of diseases and conditions that afflict humans, that this aggravates, triggers or causes, it seems like. 

Coronavirus vaccine: Australia secures access to Oxford-AstraZeneca trial  I would want this vaccine if I were to have one, but only if Gates had absolutely nothing to do with it. No funding, no additives of his own, no nothing, because Astra-Zeneca seems to be a good pharmaceutical company. 

The troubling ways a heatwave can warp your mind   Ahhhhh don't worry.... They've found a way to tie-in COVID19 to this story too. 

Perhaps it time we took some advice from books such as this: Blueprint for Revolution  an epub downloadable at the longfiles link.

Coronavirus vaccine should be mandatory in Australia: PM   Guaranteed, if they make it mandatory there, they'll make it mandatory here too. 

Mystery grows over virus spread via contaminated food packaging Is it the packaging and/or the actual food inside the package too? I read another story that said frozen food was contaminated with the virus but they didn't mention anything to do with packaging.  But I would assume that if there's contaminated meat it will contaminate the machines that package it too or the handlers of the meat and packaging if done by humans.

Dr. Fauci is 'cautiously optimistic' that by the end of 2021 there will be enough coronavirus vaccine shots for all Americans  By then you won't be needing it, because all Americans will either have had it and be immune to it, or be dead. So don't bother.

Canada's economic growth seen outpacing U.S. as virus containment pays off  We'd have been blazing along like we were on warp drive if Tam, Haggydo & Trudeau didn't let the virus in in the first place and then impose lockdowns and used normal quarantine measures instead,  in the 2nd place. 

Trudeau unsure about sending his kids to school, as poll suggests he's not alone  If the schools aren't safe enough for his kids, then they're not safe enough for anyone's kids.

P.E.I. food banks to receive 75 pallets of food through federal food surplus program That's good. I'm sure there will be a lot of grateful people there.

Covid-19 Pounds New York Real Estate Worse Than 9/11, Financial Crash I can't say as I blame the people wanting to move out of there. I can't stand city living anymore and could barely stand it when I lived in them.  I much prefer the "country air", greenery, (in my case, seeing the water), the quietness, the breezes/wind that moves uninhibited through the area, the heat being dissipated instead of accumulating causing the area to be hotter than it should be if there weren't so much cement around etc... Not to mention less noise, traffic, crime etc... 

Movers in N.Y.C. Are So Busy They’re Turning People Away  Just to reinforce what the other article above said.

Sweden has recorded its highest death toll since a famine swept through the country 150 years ago  Euuuu that's not good. Let's hope he's right about the 2nd wave & his country, then.

Coronavirus AstraZeneca Vaccine: Those Who Refuse Should Have Freedoms Restricted, Says Sydney Doctor  Like I was talking about in the "prolog" of this post. Only it makes no sense to restrict freedoms of those who refuse if 90% of the population gets the vaccine.  But it makes you wonder why and what's in the damned vaccination that they want you to have it so bad.... Is it Bill Gates Digital Currency Chip maybe?