Showing posts with label Coronavirus Rhapsody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus Rhapsody. Show all posts

Friday, June 5, 2020

Covid19 Coverage....


June 4, 2020

I wasn't going to post more COVID19 related news until after the weekend presumedly considering that I wanted to transition back onto my computer from my husband's plus there's a birthday coming up on Saturday and I also have other things to do around here. Buttttt I just happened across this announcement by Trudeau complete with a date, quoting verbatim from this story:   COVID-19 in Canada: COVID-19 is slowing in Canada but don't think we're in the clear yet, PM urges

11:45 a.m.: Seniors to get additional one-time aid payment week of July 6

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced seniors in Canada will receive the one-time Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) top-up aid on the week of July 6.
Seniors who are eligible for OAS will receive $300 and those eligible for the GIS will receive an additional $200.
“If you are one of the 2.2 million elders receiving both OAS and GIS, you’ll get an additional $500 to help you with everyday expenses,” Trudeau said. “This COVID crisis is tough on seniors and that’s why these additional funds will make a difference, with up to $900 for single seniors and up to $1,500 for couples.”
The prime minister also said new modelling data on COVID-19 will be released later on Thursday, teasing Canada is “continuing to make progress.”

As I've been waiting for that date announcement, and you probably have too, I thought I'd better make another post today and catch everyone up to speed, especially if I may not have a chance to do so before Sunday or Monday.

Coronavirus Rhapsody (based on Bohemian Rhapsody) - Covid19   This is a music video that you can sing along with and that Queen fans will love.

'Please, I'm not a criminal': N.B. doctor who exposed patients to COVID-19 speaks out Not a criminal eh? How come you're not a criminal but when others do it, they are?

New Canadian modelling shows COVID-19 waning but relaxing restrictions still risky

As the following charts and graphs illustrate or at least attempt to:

Arrested Protesters Say They’re Being Kept In Overcrowded Pens, Fear Coronavirus Could Spread Inside Holding Cells

'Assume you are infected': Governor Cuomo says ALL protesters have a 'civic duty' to get tested for coronavirus to prevent them from becoming the next 'super-spreaders'

Lawsuit says Amazon failed to protect warehouse staff from virus

A triple whammy of crises tests Trump's support ahead of November's election  He sure has his work cut out for him, after the way he mishandled the pandemic and the race riots. Hope he does better at handling the economy otherwise he doesn't stand a chance in November.

Trump campaign, RNC to resume in-person campaigning next week for first time since pandemic hit  Well at least that means the news cycle won't be totally taken up by the pandemic and race riots. They'll be focusing on how many time Trump stuck his feet in his mouth during his campaign, as well.

Something in the air More about the 5G cell tower conspiracy.

Covid vs. Climate Modeling: Cloudy With a Chance of Politics Well as long as I've been alive anyhow all the scientific predictions have been 100% flat out wrong. In the 70s we were supposed to be dead by the end of the century because of an impending ice age. Also we were supposed to run out of oil by the end of the century as well. In the 80s if the ozone hole didn't close or got any bigger we'd all have to be living in lead lined houses to keep the radiation out, by the year 2,000. Then in 1999, the Y2K panic, which we knew was nothing more than the media trying to stir up panic over nothing, because everyone who worked with computers knew that was nothing but BS about the clocks not turning over to 2000 at the stroke of midnight on Dec 31, 1999.  Then Gore and all his mouth piece actors and actresses have been predicting we'd be fried alive every five years hence from their predictions. I don't know but it looks like we're all still here no matter how many times they've predicted the end of the world due to Global Warming (which conveniently changes in the wintertime to Climate Change).  I'm pretty this pandemic was another one of those over blown BS things to keep us scared and compliant. Why they'd want to crash the economies though.... That's another thing....

Epidemic of wipes and masks plagues sewers, storm drains Maybe if there were more garbage cans placed in appropriate places (like outside commercial buildings where people are supposed to wear those things) we wouldn't be having problems like that, as people would throw those things in the garbage cans made available to them instead.

France to transform surplus wine into hand sanitiser Wine? That's 71% alcohol? Are they sure it's wine? And not Alcool or just plain alcohol? Because I thought for hand sanitizer to be effective against the virus it had to contain at least 71% alcohol.

Generational shift? Historian sees virus encouraging new values Maybe especially when they see the people doing those jobs being recognized with praise and glory.  But then if they go into those jobs later on (whenever they finish school after the pandemic is over with), and they aren't praised and glorified anymore like those who worked through the pandemic were, they'll become disillusioned and disappointed with their decision to do such a job. And may change career paths to do something else.  Kind of like teenagers that all wanted to be rock stars, because of the fame and glory that they got. But when the teenager picked up an instrument to play and found out it was a lot harder than it looks to play music or the aspiring singer found out they couldn't sing and just quit.

Former MI6 head claims COVID-19 was made in a Chinese lab The escape was accidental? Or accidentally on purpose?

Jobless claims, total unemployment level worse than expected

Wall Street Warning to Corporate America: Get Cash While You Can  Warnings about what the economy may look like a few months from now, especially if a second wave hits us.

Millions Of Americans Skip Payments As Tidal Wave Of Defaults And Evictions Looms This is just really really sad.

Is America headed for a post-apocalyptic currency collapse?  There's not much else to say here, except we have to hope they're wrong.

Spike in coronavirus in Israel’s capital spreads nationwide

"Quarantine (is Not Quite Over)" - Billie Jean Parody  Sorry I couldn't resist. I had to add this Michael Jackson "Billie Jean" parody song in before signing off for the night. Enjoy. It's hilarious.

Not caught up, again.... Hopefully tomorrow now... Anyhow take care and stay well...