Showing posts with label People's Convoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People's Convoy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Now on With More of the Canadian Convoy Circus Concerning.....

Covid 19


May 23, 2022

Sorry not trying to belittle or ridicule the truckers and the Freedom Convoy by any means as they are my heros. But I am ridiculing the circus antics the morons in power pulled, surrounding this event. Also it was a way of pointing out,  what appeared to be the atmosphere in the air - like a carnival feeling complete with music, bouncy castles, hot tubs, street hockey etc.... from all the YouTube videos I saw that was posted - BEFORE CENSORS R' US REMOVED THEM. 

Doncha just love today's society? Where you don't even need a court order to have something censored or removed? You can just abrogate anyone's rights that you wish just because you don't happen to agree with what they're saying, but yet you want to operate a media site where everyone is welcome to post their videos on anything - from tutorials to jack-ass stunts (that a lot kids imitate and wind hurting themselves or dying on account of it (but that's okay)), or videos of porn, or murder - that too pretty much sticks around until there's a huge bruhaha over it and then it's taken down. 
But truckers with their kids around bonfires, playing music or street hockey while the kids play on bouncy castles is something that's to be censored and removed IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT ANYONE ASKING THEM TO & DEFINITELY NO COURT ORDERS NEEDED. Which is what blew my mind in my last post. 
All the entertaining and fun videos that the convoy participants posted showing what was happening there and how much fun everyone was having - it was literally like a carnival atmosphere, and explaining why they were there and what they wanted, were removed. The only ones that remained showing that or what the media REALLY WANTED YOU TO SEE (which was their hardlined BS) were all from the lamestream media. If a lamestream media news site posted it, it stayed, if a non-lamestream media entity posted it, it disappeared. 
So the only real unbiased truthful reports showing the real atmosphere and what was really going on were basically Tucker Carlson and overseas news sites like those  in the UK and Australia. 
I now know I have enough dandelion petals to at least make the jelly, but I may also have enough to make the wine too. That would be awesome!
We had to go exchange the Jeep's battery as it was brand new - but it was deader than a doornail when my husband tried to start it earlier last week. So we took that to Canadian Tire this afternoon and boy we really had them confounded and confused because they just couldn't believe that a brand new battery could be that dead. They tried testing it with one tester, nothing registered, the needle didn't even budge. So they tried another one, same thing. So then they took all the batteries in that tester out and threw them in the garbage and put another half dozen new batteries in that tester and tried again. They were totally flummoxed because they said even bad batteries usually show a reading on the testers even if they barely register, but that one was stone cold dead and they couldn't figure out why. So they gave us a new one. 
Then I went to get some things at the grocery store that I needed at this other store in the area where the staff are super nice - they actually go get the things for you that you can't find, instead of telling you it's in aisle X, and for the most part really friendly.  And I got  a few things I didn't need, I  at Metro - just to use up that Metro & Moi money they sent me before. Then I told the girl at the cash to keep the Metro & Moi card and cut it up. She asked me why and when I told her, I was fed up with Bruno, she laughed and the other cashier that was there doing the packing, laughed too and they both shook their heads in agreeance with me. So, that says a lot about him to me.  

So now I have everything I need for this week's meals plus to make the jelly & wine. So I'll be doing that this week and maybe making Watermelon Rind pickles too - I hope to before the rinds go bad. I also noticed my rhubarb is growing like bad weeds, so I might have to get to that soon too. Have no idea what I'll do with that though.

Now I'm going to continue on from where I left off in my bookmark folder and hope that some of the interesting and honest stories are still there or that I can hunt them down and find them elsewhere on the net, or this will probably be one of the biggest and most egregious expunges of Canadian history on record. 

Tucker: Justin Trudeau is attacking human rights You've got that right Mr. Carlson.

Tucker: Crumbling regimes always resort to this Yup. For sure. You should also read some of the comments made by some of the astute viewers of this video.


🇨🇦 CANADA IS WINNING 🇨🇦 (THIS IS HUGE) - YouTube Yet another deleted video, conveying much the same message apparently as the one above was conveying - a message they didn't want us to get.

🇨🇦EX-RCMP 🇨🇦 UPDATE ON WEAPONS IN ALBERTA - YouTube This one too, was removed and if I remember it (as what was said was pretty hard to forget), it's easy to figure out why as the former RCMP officer was saying the weapons they were "finding" were planted there by the cops. In other words alleging that the cops planted those weapons on the truckers in order to be found, confiscated and used as evidence against the truckers as a form of proof of their alleged plans (which I'm sure some criminologist somewhere drew up as a scenario for the cops to allege was what being cooked up by the truckers). Yeah the biggest criminals in this country are in legislatures or wear badges and carry guns.
 Having had a brother-in-law that was an RCMP officer who also had friends in the Montreal police force who attended many a party that we were also in attendance - where they talked "shop" or some of their "antics" (more like crimes), I know that to be fact. I'm not just making unfounded allegations, I know they've stolen goods that should've been used as evidence, I know they've closed their eyes to certain crimes or criminals, I know they've commited crimes themselves and then pretended to be working on solving them but never being able to. Yes, folks thats at all levels of policing in Canada. So now don't you all feel so safe and secure, after that little bit of a knowledge leak there, eh?.....
BREAKING UP WITH TRUDEAU! International Left and Right Agree: PM is a disaster I knew that the moment the Bataclan massacre happened and how he reacted to that. He was a total freaking asshole and a total embarrassment - I was never so ashamed of a PM in my life as I was then. He's been a total moronic, conniving, domineering and tyrannical asshole since day 1, when HE ARBITRARILY ALONE DECIDED WE WERE GOING TO IMPORT A GAZILLION SYRIAN REFUGEES AT OUR EXPENSE. But yet he can't be bothered to OUTRIGHT GIVE ANYTHING to the Ukranians that need refuge from the war in their country. He's making it as hard and expensive as possible for them. Guess they're not Muslim.... Maybe that's why. Because it seems he has a special place in his heart for Muslims and Gays (but Muslims hate gays - so I don't know how he can reconcile those differences but hey whatever...). And before everyone pounces on me, NO I AM NOT Xenophobic, NOR racist (to be a racist where Muslims are concerned, they'd have to be a race, but they're not - they're a religious group comprised of people from all races) .  I have no animosities towards anyone of any group. I am merely pointing out the little bozos preferences and how differently he treats people based on who they are - not who they are as in Mr. or Ms. So and So who may be a friend or colleague, but who they are as in what group or affiliation they hold. Obviously if you're a trucker you're a died in the wool terrorist according to him, but Muslims obviously aren't and don't dare suggest some of them are (despite all the proof to the contrary) or he'll chew your head off. Oh and my gawd, don't use normal language to refer to someone's gender at one of his rallies or he'll bite your head off for being politically incorrect too - like he did to some poor woman who was just talking plain old English to him using normal plain old pronouns.... Wow....  That's what kind of ass hole I've seen since he took office.  A conniving, lying, domineering to the point of dictatorial, genocidal maniac.  I have never seen any good in him, except for when he tried to provide financial relief to people during the plandemic. But now I see why.... It's part of the plandemic game... Which I won't go into on this one comment..... Too long and convoluted for one thing.
Trudeau humiliated by EU Parliament: "You're a dictator!" This is what I said before.... If anyone should recognize dictators it would those in the EU Parliament since a few of the countries in that assemblage of nations were previously run by dictators.

CBC Lies about Standing Ovation in EU Parliament For Trudeau - MEPs Walked Out THANK YOU for pointing this out! I couldn't believe the BS I read when I saw the CBC story about the standing ovation.... For a moment after I read that I thought I was losing my mind, so I reviewed the other news stories I had bookmarked to see and the only one who lost their mind was the CBC reporter. Probably Paul Hunter as he seems to live in an alternate universe from where the rest of us live, as I've seen many more of his BS stories and fairytales. So either it's him or his protege.

Tammy Bruce: Trudeau needs to admit this Oh don't hold your breath waiting for this sheitebag to admit to anything or you'll be as pretty blue as that wall behind him that video.

Laura Ingraham: This was never about the virus How about instead of another dose of vaccine you get a little dose of the truth for a change? It'll do you good, probably much better than the stupid useless and probably DNA altering vaccine will do for you.  

driving a truck with my high heels on.  Just a fun trucker song video.

Driving My Life Away Another good trucker song - in support of all the truckers out there.

trucker convoy 2022 Where you can find several Freedom convoy related videos. Probably all the Canadian ones are mostly negative, but if you watch some of the ones posted internationally you might start to see a glimmer of the truth. 

Thinkathon – Health Care and Lessons From COVID | Thinkathon Playback They were busy "hitting" my blog - I mean making the hit counter climb like crazy. So I decided to go see what they were all about and this is just one section of Thinkathon.... So here's looking right back at them. 

Freedom Convoy Canada This is their official site. You can check out some of their information, videos and provide moral and whatever type of support you wish via this site.

Download or order the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights So you can have a copy at your disposal at all times if you wish. It's free to download and order. It's your right to have a copy of it, you don't need to be a lawyer to have one. 


Vernon trucker who joined Ottawa protest says he doesn't agree with everything, but would do it all again Good! It's people like him, that this country needs more of and less of people like sheitehead in Ottawa!

CDC says waiting longer between Pfizer, Moderna doses may reduce rare myocarditis risk for younger men Never having any of those vaccines will TOTALLY REDUCE THE RISK ALTOGETHER!

Canada Instructs Banks to Unfreeze Freedom-Convoy Accounts The pretentious prick thought he was God Almighty and could just do whatever the F that pleased him, including freezing people's bank accounts without justification. I'm glad the Senate showed him where the bear crossed the river. Hopefully they also directed the bear to his backside so the bear could take out a good chunk of it.
Plans for U.S. Trucker protest convoy prompts the National Guard to deploy in Washington This WAS a story in Yahoo, but they took it down. Funny. If it were about a national guard (if we had such an equivalent) deployment in Canada over the trucker convoy it would've stayed up.

Convoy organizers potentially face lengthy prison time, that's what you get for organizing a protest in Canada where we have a constitutional right to protest. But if you organize one you can be sent to jail for a good long time. Too bad the assholes at the helm who violate all our rights can't be sent to jail for a good long time too.
Alberta to proceed with Emergencies Act challenge despite it being lifted: Kenney Good! Someone needs to hold that little tyrannical prick accountable!

Trading relationship with U.S. unaffected by border blockades, says U.S. ambassador See? All the melodramatic BS of screaming our hair is on fire was just that melodramatic BS. 

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel: We're likely moving into an endemic setting It's amazing how after the truckers got together to protest the whole plandemic and vaccine BS, all the politicians AND even CEOs of the vaccine manufacturers all agree the plandemic is over and there's no need for all the BS and that it's turning into an endemic viral infection that'll be around for centuries longer but that we just have to learn to live with.  The week or even day before this protest started everyone was still basically stringently opposed to the lifting or removal of even the slightly mandate and we had to keep all the stringent laws and requirements in place forever. Amazing how quickly their perceptions and ideas change. 



Reinfections from Omicron subvariant BA.2 seem rare, study finds, making 'new wave' unlikely That's the exact opposite of what they're saying now. Now they're saying it's probably going to be endemic and go on forever and forever with reinfections over and over again, ad infinitum.

COVID-19: Omicron can reinfect people multiple times, Danish study finds Geez another study done the same day says the exact opposite of what the other one above said. I don't think the scientists knows their ashes from their elbows when it comes to this disease.




Pfizer, Moderna and Other Drugmakers Make Billions Responding to Covid-19 Pandemic Well of course, how could they not, when they had all the gov'ts around the world literally PUSHING THEIR DRUGS FOR THEM! 


Rapid emergence of new SARS-CoV2 variants due to the virus' ability to momentarily accelerate its evolutionary pace  Probably with a lot of help from scientists who have an interest in keeping this plandemic going - like governments the world over, now that they've gotten a  taste of autocractic dictatorship they don't want to relinguish the reigns of power any sooner than they have to.... Or pharmaceutical companies who are making gajillions of dollars on their vaccines and other treatments for this disease just to name a few possible people who could be modifying the virus and re-releasing it every now and then. Because I'm not sure it would mutate this much this fast if it were based on natural selection and "evolution" because according to Darwin those processes aren't that quick.



Public health mandates could return, Tam warns, but favours lighter touch in future Hopefully you could also see the inside of a jail cell too.

Anywho.... That's about it for now. Can barely keep eyes open now, so have to pack it in for the night. Will be back soon with more headlines. Until then hang in there and take care.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: