Showing posts with label Event 201. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Event 201. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Whole Story or Just the Headlines About? ....


February 4, 2021
After learning what I learnt today, vis a vis this virus and plandemic (which it is rightly named here as a PLANdemic), my stomach is still doing summersaults  and I'm not sure even yet as I'm writing this, whether I'm just going to do the usual of posting the headlines and my associated comments, or if I'm going to lay this whole BS PLANDEMIC OUT ONCE & FOR ALL USING BONAFIDE LINKS TO SOURCES & INFORMATION in hopes that this post will attract attention by the revolutionaries of this world so they can take action before it's too late. 

Because lately I've been more than just cynical about all the BS going on out there and just downright flippantly hostile against it, this might be my opportunity to try to put an end to at least some of it. 
Like my little mention to Jeff Rense of the Jeff Rense Talk Show, while I was doing research for him, about the Thursday terror alerts being issued in the US. Which I caught on to, because I was the one doing the research for the topics he covered and at the time the 9/11 attack in NY was a big topic of his. As I had all the newstories I sent him I started seeing a pattern about the terror alerts. So one Thursday, when I sent that week's terror alert to him, I flippantly titled the email with the attached story, "It's Thursday so here's your weekly terror alert". So he emailed me back and asked what I meant and I said that I checked back through all the terror alert news stories and they were all published on Thursdays. So that night on his show, he talked about how the terror alerts they (the Americans) were getting were all coming out on Thursdays and his guest - not sure if it was Jim Marrs or David Icke or someone else like that, commented that that sounds like a psy op operation. That the American gov't was using those terror alerts to try to keep their population afraid and compliant. 
Which sounds very similar to what's been going on with this virus world wide. After he mentioned that on air and over the internet via a now defunct (I think),  player RealAudio or RealPlayer, I never saw another terror alert news story and so gradually Americans stopped being afraid of sheite that was never going to happen anyhow, as it was all contrived by their gov't to keep them in line (like the Kuwaiti babies on the floor before the Gulf War, which was also contrived but managed to cause an uproar and a demand to go into Kuwait to stop that evil monster Saddam Hussein). 
Governments have and continue to use psychological means of swaying us to do what they want. One of those means is this pandemic. 
But it IS a PLANdemic and up until today I was missing the key information about the source for and beginning of this plan for something like what's happening today. All the way along there's been one common man and thread. That man being Klaus Schwab and the founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum). Of course I guess a man like this didn't want the virus to run rampant and kill off the entire population - because then who would he exploit to do his bidding if all the little minions in the world were wiped out by the virus, so he brought in someone who's been literally drooling all over the place to have a chance to inoculate the ENTIRE WORLD against something (I mean lookit how much money he'd stand to make per dose and there's almost 8 billion of us - and well with Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccine - I know he bankrolled Pfizer - not sure about Moderna though but probably - that's 2 doses each so 16 billion doses -  euuuuu boy he must've drooled a pool big enough to almost drown himself in with those figures - I can see the dollar signs just rolling over in his eyes now) - none other than Mr. Bill Gates and his foundation.... That's WHY the WEF and Gates were at the Event 201 together - which I could never figure out until today (Remember I said it made no sense to bring in the World Economic Forum and not the World Health Organization? But that's because I thought Gates organized Event 201 and not someone else namely someone else behind the WEF) - because the Schwab clown was the hidden piece of info. 

And that particular, who in my opinion is an, evil maniac wanted a pandemic in order to create a great reset - which you've been hearing about lately too I imagine. He wanted that back in 2014. 

Now coincidentally or not Gilead Sciences and the Wuhan Lab had the virus and had already concocted an anecdote to it in 2016. So did they start working on it in 2014? They then started fighting over world wide patent rights in 2016,  I imagine - because legal and patent issues were mentioned as an explanation as to why it wasn't available to be used at the beginning of the plandemic.  
So I imagine that knowing that, that they had a virus in question and a kind of anecdote that might help save some lives until they could get full fledged vaccines going (and don't forget Event 201 forecast 65 million deaths world - wide - so is that they're planned objective before they really get serious about mass inoculations?).

Event 201 was held in October 2019 and then about a month and a half or so later the coronavirus appears in Wuhan China. 

Then that smarmy genocidal criminal Tedros at the WHO (another one of the branches of the UN that the WEF belongs to), takes until March - after he's sure it's spread sufficiently around the world, to announce a pandemic but tells all the countries NOT to close their borders and for us to NOT wear masks. Wash your hands and physically distance and you'll be fine, instead. 

I'm sure you know how that turned out right????? 

So now we know who to try for crimes against humanity on a grand scale. Klaus Schwab and his accomplices Gates and Tedros, from what I've read are the culprits behind this. Jail time shouldn't even be an option for them if they're found guilty and with the evidence in the media out there against them, I don't see how they couldn't be found guilty. Unless laws are rewritten between now and then, aimed at protecting mega monsters like them, in my opinion. They should be put to death with lethal doses of their own favourite virus, by injection. With all medical intervention and help forbidden (allowing only basic food & water)  and keep them in strict isolation with no means of communication to the outside world at all - the same sort of treatment a lot of seniors got when they were dying of this. That's how I think those mega genocidal monsters should be sentenced. 

Now.... Here's the story that came out today in regards to our own Alberta Premier Kenney that started it all for me: Jason Kenney takes on COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in Facebook 'rant'
Okay as you probably realize by now, if you've been a regular reader here, I generally don't just stop at the story whose headline I'm posting but I comb through the links given in it too. At first this story just exasperated me because Kenney was doing a whole walk back BS thing. Where first he talks about the Great Reset as if it's fact and then suddenly in this story it's a conspiracy theory that's all made up by crazy conspiracy theorists. Except I checked all the links relating to the story and these are them: 
Answering your questions with Dr. Deena Hinshaw Kenney's facebook video with Hinshaw, walking the story back....  Then there's this link: Trudeau touts Canada's diversity and resourcefulness in Davos
Quoting that story, this is the very first paragraph in it: Klaus Schwab, the bespectacled 78-year-old German economist who presides over the World Economic Forum, has decreed that this year's gathering is to dwell on the notion of a "fourth industrial revolution" — his attempt to summarize the technological innovations changing the way the world works.  ----> First time I've ever seen the name Klaus Schwab and saw he presided over the WEF.... Aha 2+2 suddenly =4, like it's supposed to! Then I remembered at one time seeing a page/website about the Great Reset and so looked for it (if it's a conspiracy theory, it's not a very good one, because it seems to have a huge foundation in fact) and lo and behold here it is: The Great Reset World Economic Forum
Which incidentally has a ton of articles on what they hope to achieve thanks to the plandemic - how they want to restructure everything from business and social contracts to society in general , with lots of links to the Davos 2021 articles and a link to Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. So that looks freaking real to me and not like some kind of conspiracy theory at all. Oh but for the icing on the Schwab/WEF cake.... Read this article: A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020  And the final link from that original Kenney article is this where he himself talks about the Great Reset as though it's a true fact (like I've already demonstrated that it is): What is "The Great Reset?"
Now we'll go back to the Event 201 conference that happened just shortly before the plandemic outbreak. That event was planned and attended by both the Gates Foundation and the WEF (we've already established above who the WEF is). I think by now most of us knows who Bill Gates is and about his Foundation, but are you familiar with the Event 201 which talks about the best way to manage a pandemic - to get things back up and running after such a global catastrophe? Anyhow you can see the Event 201 site here: Event 201
Additional links including this one from Klaus Schwab himself: Now is the time for a 'great reset' 
Where there's links to his podcast and his book and whatever else he can think of to persuade the public that killing off people is the right way and only way to reset stuff, it looks like, - as if it'll work or if it does for how long is anyone's question.  Klaus Schwab
All of the following is my opinion: Where you can read more about this meglomaniac intent on ruling the world no matter how many he's got to kill in order to do it. Talk about Hitler.... This ash hole isn't using guns, tanks and planes and bombs like Hitler instead he's using an insidious rapidly spreading and mutating virus to do his dirty work for him, it seems, but the end game is still the same - global domination. He should be strung up now in my opinion - because biowarfare is against the Geneva Convention - the treaty that governs warfare. 
Now you have an idea of how and why this plandemic got started and so badly mismanaged in the first place. It was PLANNED ON PURPOSE. And the heads of government that went along with this are equally as guilty for mass genocide and crimes against humanity as Klaus, Tedros and Gates are and they should all be tried in an impartial international court of law and I'm not talking about the Hague because it's linked to the UN and it's bodies of the UN that started this sheite in the first place. In fact both Klaus and Tedros work for the UN in one capacity or another. So they won't be impartial at all in a hearing against their contrivance to bring the world under domination and kill off 65 or so million people over all.

As you and anyone with eyes who follows the links can see, those are REAL BONAFIDE SITES & NOT CONSPIRACY THEORISTS SITES!!!!! So the lamestream media is going to have one helluva picnic trying to chalk this post up as a conspiracy theorist's ravings. Good luck with that eh!?! 
Hence the reason we have to throw the shackles off that the gov'ts are trying to place on us. No one is saying the virus is a hoax (at least I'm not) but it IS being used to incarcerate us even though we're innocent of all crimes. It's time we fought back before this is a totally done deal and we have no wiggle room left in which to fight back. Maybe that's why QC has been under the strictest and longest lockdown and curfews - because we're a more brazen mouthier bunch than the rest of the sheeple in Canada are. But it's time some of the sheeple in Canada got the guts to face their wolves in sheep's clothing and defy them and show them who the real bosses are here in this country. Here's a clue:
WE VOTERS GAVE THEM THEIR JOBS - ergo WE HIRED THEM TO REPRESENT OUR BEST INTERESTS AND WE PAY THEM SALARIES OUT OF OUR TAXES WE PAY, SO WE ARE THEIR BOSSES. But being caged in and denied our rights and freedoms IS NOT OUR BEST INTERESTS! AT ALL! So it's time we stood up for those rights and freedoms before it's too late and they've been eradicated altogether by law and don't say they can't do it, because they're doing it now. So NOW is the time to act or cower in your corner crying over lost rights and freedoms that you were too chicken to fight for. 
But I'm telling you our WW vets who fought for our rights and freedoms will be rolling in their graves to see what kind of cowardly chicken sheites they gave their lives defending their rights and freedoms for. Yeah just go right ahead and squander their lives because of your  cowardice. Gawd, I'm an old lady and I'd be out there fighting if I thought there might be others backing me up, but I can't do it alone. I mean it and I live in the most incarcerated and caged in province or district in the f'n world for that matter, the QC of Gestapo land. So imagine....  
Anyhow if you don't stand up for your rights and freedoms first by usurping weasel face in Ottawa and his accomplices across the country from Tam and Haggydudu, to Legault, Dube, and all the other totally unedjumicated medical officers of the provinces and territories and their gestapo bootied authorities (though I think those are mostly here in QC, Sask, Man, Ont - so the 4 middle provinces). Make them ACCOUNTABLE TO THEIR BOSSES FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Make them stand trial for all criminally negligent actions. Make the punishments suit their crimes. 
Seems to me that the way the month of September has been bandied about as to when vaccinations etc would be over with, I think that's the end date they have in mind to start their "great reset". So we don't have much time left there folks. That's why I chose to do this post rather than just the regular headlines post tonight. 
So please pray for the world tonight because it needs a prayer as do we all.  Until next time take care and stay well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Links of Interest - A Back History on the Virus

Links of Interest:

On this page I hope to provide links that may be of interest to you, such as articles, videos, and editorials that may have some back history to this disease or other ideas about it. I'm not saying I believe or endorse them all or even any of them. But those that seem to be substantiated with documented proof and facts, I'll lend more credence to than those just generated out of thin air (which I will TRY my utmost to not post here). I like to verify and substantiate things as much as possible for my own edification. So, I'm posting some links here that as far as I've been able to research do have credence to them - enough so that the facts outweigh the falsities, in my opinion. If any visitors perusing this section knows of other such information please feel free to inform me of it or if you know of any verifiable information that would prove what I've believed to be fact, false then by all means let me know that too. After all I at least am on the hunt for the truth behind this virus. I do have several theories in mind, but as I don't know for sure, I can't post them. I can only post links to the information I've found on it and you can take it from there for yourselves:

US CDC Director Admits COVID-19 Deaths Misdiagnosed For Months -- I had what sounds very much like this virus back in January of this year, and I live in Quebec and have never left the province to go anywhere. If anyone else in Canada also had what sounds like the symptoms being described for this virus earlier than January 21st (when the Chinese gov't alerted the world to it) and also didn't travel outside the country, I'd love for you to leave a comment describing your ordeal and when exactly you experienced it, in the comments section.

Corona Virus & The Owellian State - YouTube Video - Provides some back histoy into what was going on in China shortly before the outbreak and most importantly the back history of Tedros the head of the WHO (one of the reasons I did not include a link to their site on front page).

Scientific Focus is currently reporting that the people with blood type A is more susceptible to the virus than those with blood type O.

Zerohedge is reporting that a legal analyst for MSNBC is advocating that Trump  be investigated for negligent homicide and manslaughter due to his handling of the corona virus situation. Personally I think Trudeau and his gang should also be investigated for the same things and reason.

Zerohedge is also querying whether the Fed in the US purposely tried to crash the stock market, in this article.

Event 201 A pandemic exercise in October 2019 hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with WEF, using a coronavirus as the virus in this "exercise". Leading me to wonder if this whole thing wasn't planned in advance by these 2 parties. Parties who have the most to gain by causing something like this globablly. Considering the Gates foundation wants to vaccinate everyone on the planet for everything and the WEF are made up of the elite of the elite who have a multitude of purposes, but mostly to control the economy and stock markets and said to have other nefarious goals.

CTV News is reporting on the Canadians stuck abroad and them begging the government to help them get back home.  Now, I don't know about anyone else out there, I hope they do help them free of charge, considering they had no problems importing several thousand Syrian refugees at $10,000 each and as far as I know they never made them pay the government back for that. So Canadian citizens should be treated equally and as fairly as that, in my estimation.

Updated April 2, 2020

F - In a Recent Simulation Coronavirus Killed 65 Million People This details the simulation run at Event 201 held by the Gates Foundation and the WEF in October 2019 (just a few weeks before COVID19 starting spreading).

CTV News Report about China exonerating the Chinese Doctor Reprimanded for Warning the World about the Coronavirus Outbreak in Wuhan.

Feds Miss Chance to Test Universal Basic Income For All Canadians This article's original title was: COVID-19 Crisis Is Opportunity To Test A Basic Income For All Canadians, but has since been renamed. Makes you wonder what was planned and why and why they changed their minds and scrapped it.

I'm a Doctor the U.S. Response to Coronavirus Has Been Nothing Short of Criminal I have to say I agree. I was a nurse and I think the whole echelon from the WHO right on down to not only the US, & several other countries, but Canada as well, has been nothing short of criminal in their handling of this pandemic. And if there are any survivors in the aftermath, I think Tedros, and all the country leaders that let this happen to their citizens should all be charged with and held on crimes against humanity because it's nothing short of negligent homicide and manslaughter (at the very least if not genocide).  And, if what is being said and thought about it being planned is true, those who planned and carried the plans out by releasing the virus, should also be rooted out and held. 

WHO Warns Health Systems Are Collapsing Under Coronavirus I find that rather hypocritical, considering it was the WHO's own weak warning is partially to blame for where we find ourselves and our health systems now. Their warnings in the beginning were no where near as strong or dire as they should've been. They just consistently said it was nothing to worry about and to wash your hands and you'll be alright, instead of saying, it's coming and you either better close your borders to all foreigners now, or prepare for it's arrival any way you can. Because after-all it is the WHO's job to alert the world to things like this.

Quantifying the Coming Recession This article is calling what is coming a "recession", though I would be surprised if that's all it is. Somehow, I do believe that whatever it will be called was planned, and this virus was a vehicle in which to usher that in, by forcing everyone into quarantine around the world. Ensuring people lost their jobs and businesses were forced to close and or go bankrupt.

Goldman sees unprecedented stop in economic activity, with 2nd quarter GDP contracting 24%
Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but aren't those  depression figures? I know my parents who lived through the depression told me that double digit contraction and unemployment figures signalled a depression and not merely a recession.

UK Plans to Buy Antibody Tests Which May Be a Game Changer that's for sure. In more ways than just the ways mentionned in the article here. Antibodies can be harvested from those who have them, via blood donations, to give to medical workers to provide immunity to them, and to patients who need a boost to help them fight it off.

Best & Worse Case Outcomes Projections of what the best and worse case scenarios might look like in the end. And....Why This Nobel Laureate Predicts a Quicker Recovery

Tylenol, soup and the internet can treat most symptoms of COVID-19 (whether you have it or not)  As I believe I already had it, back in early January of this year and as I felt like my lungs were filling with fluid, I took Robitussin along with the Tylenol to try to beat it and I was better within 3 days of falling ill. As I took the Robitussin as soon as I recognized the fluid in the lungs feeling (felt like they were filling with water like as if I was drowning), and the medicine started to work, the drowning feeling went away and I was left only with a vicious nasty cough, that felt like I was going to cough my lungs out onto the floor. Robitussin is an expectorant that relieves chest congestion, so that probably helped a lot since I took it as soon as it started. I'm not recommending that anyone rely solely on Robitussin and Tylenol if they've got this virus though. If you do try to self medicate using Robitussin and it doesn't work, don't wait for it to get worse, because it could be quite detrimental to the outcome, so seek medical help immediately. This aspect of it, is the reason it's so bad, as it can get quite bad, quite quickly and it's akin to drowning and that's exactly what will happen to you if you don't seek prompt medical attention. But back in early January when I got it, so far as I was aware it was just a flu, we didn't even know about this virus' existence. So I believe it was around much longer than the authorities are making out - especially considering the head director of the CDC testified to Congress in Mid March, that they've been covering COVID19 deaths up for months in the United States - which borders on Canada. So it's no stretch of the imagination to think that if was there for months it's been in Canada equally as long, given the amount of cross border traffic our countries share each day.

IMF outlines pros and cons of Central Bank Digital Currency  I'm wondering if what's been going on with the governments around the world trying to crash their own economies by forcing everyone to stay home, doesn't have something to do with this - as in forcing a new one world digital currency on us?  I know maybe it's just me and my suspicious nature, but I'm wondering why all of sudden they talk about it in the media now? Is it because they're hoping it'll go unnoticed because everyone's focus will be on the virus or what? Especially considering their other concern stating, IMF warns coronavirus recession could be worse than 2009.

As I mentionned above, I believe I had this virus in early January and the CDC director admitted that they've been covering up coronavirus deaths for months, Italian scientists investigate possible earlier emergence of coronavirus as well.

Like I said, Blood from cured coronavirus patients could help treat infection. Which I think should be done as soon as possible to prevent more deaths from occurring. Test the entire population to see who's got the antibodies they're doing in this story Why coronavirus antibody testing in one Colorado town could provide a way forward and then ask them to donate blood for this purpose. The sooner we can get everyone to build an immunity against it, the sooner life can return to normal, because waiting 18 months for some people is just not an option.

8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the globe. Here's what clues they're giving scientists.

Dismantling democracy? Virus used as excuse to quell dissent. Is this one of the reasons everyone's being forced into their homes and told to stay there on pain of fine or imprisonment? Is that because the governments have something rather distasteful that they want to try to foist off on us in the near future and so they're making sure we're terrified of going outside - either we'll die from contracting the virus, get fined or wind up in prison? No seriously folks, this is no joke and no conspiracy theory either. But there has to be way way more going on than just a virus here.

Now it appears that a year before the outbreak occurred Suspected SARS virus and flu samples found in luggage: FBI report describes China's 'biosecurity risk'. So you seriously have to wonder now if it didn't start simultaneously in the US & China, with someone's help.