Showing posts with label lack of vaccine protection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lack of vaccine protection. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Starting a New Era in the World and in......

 Covid 19


September 1, 2021

Starting today, September 1st here in Quebec, passports that I promulgated for is coming into use (well a form of them anyhow as I didn't want it in any kind of code, just basic typed/written card). Anyone wanting to do anything that isn't deemed a necessity by the provincial government will have to be bearing one of those certificates on them, in order to avail themselves of such services.  Though what I was promulgating for since February 2020 wasn't anything like this. It was simply a paper (maybe plasticized card) document certifying that you  had the virus and were immune to it (because in Feb. 2020 there were no vaccines against it at the time) and so should be safe to be around, once recovered. It was for a paper document that the bearer of such could read and understand what was there too. 
Not for some QR code that the human bearer can't decipher and so has no way of knowing which and how much personal information might be contained in that code, or what might be added and hidden under that code later on. 

Digital documents that do NOT contain some mysterious code that humans can't readily read and understand are NOT what I had in mind. Even a freaking bar code would not be acceptible to me. It was merely a vaccine record and proof much like all other documents we have. Put our picture on it too like the driver's license and medicare cards, if you must to make sure it's not a hacked vaccine record  like Legault's stolen code.  But DO NOT PUT MYSTERIOUS CODES & SYMBOLS ON IT THAT ONLY COMPUTERS CAN READ & UNDERSTAND. The bearer of that document has a right to read and understand it too! And I'm sorry but I don't know of any humans that are able to read and decipher not only QR codes but bar codes or any other kinds of computer generated codes either!!!!!! 
Because we humans have no way of knowing what sorts of information is hidden behind those codes, that those with the appropriate readers will have access to! And how long we'll be having to use those codes and if they'll just be another added document that we have to drag around with us everywhere for the rest of our lives, much like all the other gov't issued documents we have stuffing our wallets now. So if we have to continue to use it after the plandemic is over with, we'll need to be able to see and read and understand the information that's hidden behind those codes on us, I think. If we can't see, read and understand the information those codes contain then I don't see why we permit the gov'ts to force those things on us, because as I said before it could contain our whole life history and financial information etc for all we know, and not just the fact that we've had 2 jabs against this stupid ever mutating virus. 

It's one thing to carry a card in your wallet that's officially from the gov't and laminated against damage (like driver's license and medicare cards are) that you can show upon request and it's another to have a QR code that could contain anything, but that you still have to show other documentation with it as well, as in proof of identity. 
Just get the frigging thing done right and we won't have to have codes only computers can read. Use the pictures presently used for medicare cards and put it on a card, indicating the manufacture of the shots and when we got them (so the holder can read and understand the info as well) and make it official with all kinds of stamps, seals, watermarks and whatever and then laminate it and send it out to everyone. That would be a lot less suspicious than these stupid QR codes are right now. And a lot easier to use because all the required info - such as name and photo are on the same card as the name, date and manufacture of the vaccine jabs recieved. But hey, I guess we have braindead politicians to thank for this cumbersome BS suspicous crap of carrying cellphones with QR codes (maybe they have embedded tracking codes in them too?) and also having to show other ID as well.  
All I know is ours isn't going anywhere near a cellphone for any reason. Right now they're printed out and in my husband's wallet because the stupid paper folded up is too big to go into one of the card sized compartments in my wallet and I don't have a billfold section to it. Sooooo.... It's super cumbersome and idiotic all the way around.
And my husband wanted to try it out to see if the paper print out for us worked or not, so we went to a restaurant we normally go to and to our amazement it worked. I was kind of hoping it wouldn't work because I wasn't in the mood for anything there really.  Anyhow we stayed and had dinner there. Even though it wasn't exactly what I was in the mood for I enjoyed it anyhow and our waiter made the most awesome Long Island Ice Teas and Mai Tais. In fact, I think it's probably the best Long Island Iced Tea I've ever had.  So we're fresh back from trying out the paper print out passports and a delicious restaurant meal (even if it's not exactly what I had in mind for dinner). So we're among the first guinea pigs to try those things out. Despite the fact, that I never wanted to use it at all, if I didn't have to and tonight was such a case, where I didn/'t have to, but wound up using it anyhow, out of curiousity.
On top of that, I started writing this around 1:30pm this afternoon. It's now 8:53pm, which means I resumed writing this about 10 minutes ago now, so 8:45pm or so. Where have I been except to the restaurant to keep me away from this? Where you might ask? 
Trying to salvage what my whipper snipper happy husband cut down in my perennial garden. Very few things grew in it this year, primarily because of the weather, but the few things that did, and just started to get revived from the recent rainfall we had, after a scorching and pretty dry summer we had, he decided were getting too tall and needed to be cut down. So he cut down my onions among other things, but the onions were the only things that were salvagable, because all he mangled were the stems. The onions were still buried in the soil and the self propagating onion bulbs atop each stem were still pretty much intact too. So I had to get the onions dug up and then find all the onion bulbs all over the garden (whipper snippers can fling things far and wide, let me tell ya). I finally found all the bulbs (I think) and put them in a jar for any future use I might have for them - like say another perennial garden (that I'm going to make husband proof - by making the surroundings look like they were designed by someone in estrogen overload - pink and frills and bows as far and wide as the eye can see, if I can, might even throw in some glitter and sparkling sequins too just to make doubly sure (though that'll likely attract the crows as they like bright shiny things)  - that even makes me cringe, but it'll definitely keep him far away from it).  
I can't win when it comes to gardening. I'm either battling events beyond my control (like demands put upon me by others or just things that has to be done now despite what might have to be done in the garden at the same time), nature & the elements, garden pests (like rabbits, birds, and other animals), bugs, plant disease,  my own health and my freaking lawn mower, chainsaw, whipper snipper happy husband who has to cut down everything that's taller than a blade of grass on our lawn. So most years it's a wonder I get anything at all out of it. This year I got even less because essentially besides the rhubarb, chives, mint and tarragon, the only other things left to get were the onions but at the end of the growing season, not now.  I got a large bag full of those and a whole jar full of the onion bulbs - enough to seed an acre or two with just onion bulbs now.

So now I have a bunch of small onions that basically aren't much good for anything besides pickling. So I'm going to have to try to find a decent sweet pickled onion recipe - like the small sweet pickled pearl onions we buy in stores, if I can find a similar recipe that is. I don't want just pickling brine (aka vinegar, water & salt) for it, as they're already strong onions. I want something that will mellow the flavour out and soften them up a bit. As they're really hard. The hardest onions I've ever come across in my entire life. I don't know what kind they are. A neighbour of ours who's from the Dominican Republic gave them to me and said they were "special onions", when he planted them in our garden. That's all I know, but when you want a strong onion flavour for something, they're the onions to go to. 

On top of that I had to stop my husband from cutting down the asparagus ferns, as they have tons of seeds on them and I want to gather those - as those plants are the only asparagus I've ever had that actually grew. I've had aspargus seeds and seedlings that I've planted several times over the years in well delineated spots that were strictly off limits to my chop happy husband (and he didn't touch those areas for sure, I know that by the plant growth that was in those areas), but the asparagus never grew. I finally got a few seedlings from a nursey and planted them a few years ago. 3/4s of them grew, FINALLY.  So I want to keep the seeds from those plants for replanting (if we sell & move) if I can, as I think I'd stand a better chance at getting something from those seeds than I would any other seeds or seedlings.  And yes, I'm aware of the time it takes for asparagus to grow - up to 5 years. But trust me after being here for 35 years we've had lots of 5 year intervals where nothing grew at all. So we're well aware of that and that's why I want the seeds from these ferns before he gets whipper snipper happy on them too.

So um yeah, because of that, I'm not apt to get too many headlines posted in this post tonight, but I'll try my best. So here we go:

How to escape the 'productivity trap' Remote workers are being especially hard hit by this, as more seems to be expected from them then they'd be required to do if they worked in the office.


Many U.S. workers unaware of COVID-19 sick leave protections Maybe that's part of the problem in the US and why the virus is spreading so rampantly, because sick people are going to work and spreading the virus around, because they're unaware of those protections. So the gov'ts should do a better job of making those protections known to their populations if they want people to take time off work while sick, so they don't spread it to so many more people. I mean hello, that should be a no freaking brainer. It's sad that that needs to be pointed out. But then from what I've seen of elected politicians in both countries (Canada & US)  having an IQ higher than their shoe size is forbidden and they won't get elected if their IQs are too high. 
Woman becomes first young adult with brain inflammation from mild case of COVID This virus has no shortage of ways of causing problems to us, it seems. That's a scary thought, in and of itself.

Back-to-school COVID jitters have parents and teachers more anxious than ever before Considering the vaccines don't seem to be providing all that great of protections for us, I can understand them.

France, Italy Require Covid-19 Passes for Restaurants, Bars  As do we here in QC also, as you might've gathered by my long winded spiel above.


Where does Quebec's vaccine passport plan leave Canadians from other provinces and Americans? I personally don't even understand why we even care where it leaves Americans!!!!! As far as I'm concerned they shouldn't be allowed in this country with their sky rocketing rates of infection going on there and us not being allowed in there despite lower infection rates and higher fully vaccinated rates!


Israel faces COVID surge despite sweeping vaccinations That doesn't say too much for the vaccines themselves does it!?! If they were decent 100% viable vaccines they wouldn't be having those problems. 
Nurse in Germany suspected of switching COVID vaccine with saline solution  There's malicious people in every profession and all over the place. 

Stevie Nicks cancels all 2021 performances over coronavirus I guess at this stage of her career and life, she doesn't have to worry about money, so other things are probably bigger considerations for her when planning her concerts than just making more money. 

Vaccines, Masks, And More: What Can Stop Covid Delta Variant Hmmm.... I think it'll take more than masks and vaccines because if that were the case we people who are fully vaccinated and masked up wouldn't be getting it too.

What Everyone Should Know About the New Lambda COVID-19 Variant I read that article and I still don't know what it is that we should know except that they are still studying it themselves and still don't know that much about it.

We won't know how dangerous COVID-19's Delta variant is for children until after school starts And why are we experimenting with full regular school schedules and classrooms? Won't it be a little late when a whole school's worth of kids is shut up in isolation or the hospitals ICUs on ventilators? Do we really want to subject our kids to that, I wonder? Why not just start off in incremental steps, like say half the school's worth of kids going half days and the other half of kids the other half of the days (like say all kids in odd numbered grades attending classes in the mornings and the even numbered grades attending classes in the afternoons). When it's been established that there's no problem with that, then maybe a half a day every 2nd day with a whole day the every other day. So Monday's 1/2s Tuesdays whole Wednesdays 1/2 Thrusdays whole and Fridays 1/2 for while to see if on the whole days that many kids can be in the school at the same time without any problems and if it goes well, then whole days 5 days a week for all. Instead of just throwing them all in all at the same time to see how it goes. What if it goes disasterously wrong? What then? It's easier to help/fix a little rather than a lot all at the same time. If you get what I'm saying. Like my husband says it's too complicated for them to figure or work that out.

New data on coronavirus vaccine effectiveness may be "a wakeup call" There's another study that discovered that Moderna's vaccine provides almost 3x the amount of antibodies in the blood compared to Pfizer's which will be posted on this blog. If not tonight, eventually, when I get around to that particular bookmarked headline.

A Black Market in COVID-19 Vaccination Cards Was Inevitable Yet another reason we shouldn't have opened our borders to the US considering the high infection rate coupled with black market vaccine cards.... I mean we're just asking for trouble here in Canada. As if we don't already have enough trouble of our own to deal with.

Hawaii to reimpose COVID-19 restrictions as Delta variant surges Canada should do the same. But of course numbnuts had to call an election so in effect we have no one to do such things in gov't at the moment. 

'No doubt' Canada now in 4th wave of COVID-19 as cases spike across much of the country After awhile we'll have gone through so many waves we'll be sick of counting them and so will stop. But like I said before, it's neverending. They'll just keep right on coming until they get the vaccines right and have a vaccine campaign like they did in 2009 where the entire world or just about, got inoculated against the virus in a matter of a few weeks to a few months. None of this drag your ash forever and year campaign like we have now.

The developer of the AstraZeneca shot says the Delta variant has made herd immunity impossible because vaccinated people can still transmit the virus  Well you know what!?! If you vaccine manufacturers got your acts together and decided to stop f'n around with vials full of homeopathic vaccines and made some real vaccines that worked like a vaccine should, we would be able to get rid of the virus. So stop laying the blame on everything else when it's your failings that this virus is still making the rounds. It must be nice to be able to sell faulty sheite and collect a fortune for it from the gov'ts and not have to take it back (can't get back all the stuff that's already been injected into people's arms) and issue a refund for it. You companies are almost as much a shyster as organized crime is or at the very least unreputable insurance companies (you know the ones who love to take your money and issue policies but when time comes to pay they fight it tooth and nail and refuse to unless taken to court and forced to). So stop laying the blame everywhere else and admit your shoddy crappy products don't work and FIX THEM SO THEY DO!!!!!!

How an Ontario man's forgotten email password resulted in a $6,255 Quarantine Act fine at the U.S. border I swear to F'n gawd, I wish I had a rocket launcher to shoot some mother f'n over the top SS gestapo bootied gov'ts. Poor unsuspecting and BERATED (the more he was berated I bet the more befuddled he became and the more befuddled the less he remembered of anything) VICTIMS of this gestapo regime are robbed alive in order for them to use it to pay down the deficit. That's how it's getting paid down by robbing poor gestapo victims blind in order to do so!

Some NYC Restaurants Pushing Back Against Vaccine Mandate: ‘I Just Don’t Think That We’re Gonna Be The Vaccination Police’  Too bad the little sheeple here in Canada don't mind being kowtowed into doing the gov'ts dirty work for them. 

Broward County hospital admissions lead US, as Florida COVID cases hit another daily high at 24,753 Wow! That's a massive huge number for a single state! Our whole country doesn't even register that many in a month usually! 

Poll Reveals 1 In 3 Florida Pet Owners Experiencing Post-Pandemic Pet Regret Those poor pets. It's people like them, that I worry about having kids because if they treat their kids the way they treat their pets, no wonder there's so many messed up, suicidal, drug addicted kids out there. 
Covid-19 Vaccine Scammers Target Authorities in Dozens of Countries Including Italy and Colombia  It's a wonder the universal idiot in charge of Canada didn't give them the keys to the kingdom in exchange for a few false promises... 

Israel, Widely Vaccinated, Suffers Another Covid-19 Surge  A testament to how efficace and wonderful the vaccines are. Or in this case Pfizer is.

New Zealand hopes to relax border controls next year Brder controls - a foreign concept to Mr. Dressup Waterhole.

COVID-19 in Canada: 'A fourth wave is underway' -- and one group is leading transmission, Dr. Theresa Tam says What group is that? The witch doctor group? Or how about the gestapo gov't group? No?  What about the fake health anythings that masquerade as health ministers across this country? Could they be the ones leading the transmissions? Seems likely to me given all their BS policies that haven't done a damned thing except deprive people of their freedoms, rights and monies (in the way of excessively brutal fines for everything from having a lousey memory to walking 2 millimeters too close to someone else).

The most vaccine-hesitant group of all? PhDs Hmmm wondering if maybe they know something the rest of us don't. Undoubtedly, with their PhDs they've been able to examine all the data and evidence and literature on the subject and know a BS story when they smell one and this is probably just exactly what that smells like to them too. They're probably right about it too.

Hundreds of students in Palm Beach County forced to quarantine because of COVID days after school starts Already!?!? Like I talked about above, the stupidity of throwing all the students in a school together all at once and all at the same time without starting out incrementally in stages to see how it goes first. Nope, obviously it was way too complicated for school authorities there to figure out on their own and so this is the result of it.

Update: Three Broward County Educators Lose Battle With COVID-19 In Less Than 24 Hours Yup but why cut back the number of students on campus at any one time (and thus teachers as a result of that) and do it incrementally? Why do it that way when you can do it the way you're doing it now and ensure as many students and teachers as possible gets it all at once and maybe dies off all at once too!??

I swear to gawd, if anyone out there alive today stopped and thought about anything for longer than a microsecond, the rest of us would  be in trouble because they'd have out thought the majority of us on any one subject at any one time. Seriously, it's just super pathetic how quick to act and slow to think everyone's become. The gov't or boss says, so without thinking or questioning they do.... And then we see results like that.....


Vast majority of Canadians in favour of proof of COVID-19 vaccination: Yahoo/Maru poll I have a problem with polls in that pollsters always manage to find the results their client is looking for and as we get the results of these polls given to us, we rarely get the name of their clients who commissioned those polls. That's one problem  another is unknown pollsters like who the F is Maru anyhow?

US coronavirus: 'This is starting to look really ominous in the South,' expert says, as US is among nations with highest rate of new cases  Yup and they have a nerve telling their citizens not to travel to Canada because of our case rates. Like I said above, we don't even get in the 20,000 range number of cases in one month like Florida's been having in 1 day recently. I don't think we ever had even close 3,000 cases in a single day COUNTRY WIDE NOT JUST IN A SINGLE PROVINCE like the STATE OF FLORIDA IS A SINGLE STATE & NOT COUNTRY WIDE.

Federal government to require vaccines for air, rail travellers What about interprovincial buses? Are they going to require passengers to be fully vaccinated too?


Wearing Visible Proof Of Covid Vaccination Status Might Be Coming Soon To Film & TV Productions What's next? Tattooing on your forehead? Or perhaps on top of your right hand? What about an injectable chip that can be read with some kind of scanner? Would that do it for you?

France sees fifth weekend of protests against Macron Covid pass Good except they shouldn't let up on the weekdays! It should be non stop protests - 24/7 until the wanna be dictators get the message.

Sydney lockdown fines increased to $3,700, stay-at-home orders extended Yup, another jack bootied gov't who wants to pay off their deficits via the fines on their poor gestapo victims backs. It's gov'ts like these that I would love to see overthrown and the members of given the same treatment their gave their constituents while in power before placed in front of a firing squad. And we have a few of those gov'ts here in Canada too. 

Canada to buy 40 million Moderna COVID-19 doses in next two years: Trudeau So folks.... What do you think that's for? Just to stockpile and let spoil or to use? If it's to use how do you think they're going to get us to accept those shots if not via a mandated booster shot (that is if you want to keep your passport you'll have to get too, or you'll be back to square one like the totally unvaccinated are now). That's what's coming and it's not even because we need it, it's because they bought it and if they don't want to waste the money spent on it, they'll have to use it and who are they going to use 40 million shots on if not the entire Cdn population? They're certainly not going to use them all on the parliamentarians themselves or even all the Federal employees, as there's no where near enough of them to take care of 40 million shots. So it's going to be us folks. Just a heads up, in case you don't see this coming. It's coming alright and from a long ways off, before it's even determined the virus will still be around in 2 years from now.

Protests Against Vaccine Passports A protest held here in QC recently.

Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021

'Easy money': How international scam artists pulled off an epic theft of Covid benefits 

Does COVID cause babies to develop differently? - prelim data Wow.... That does not sound good and it's not necessarily because the mother or infant had covid either. So is it the isolation? In that infants aren't being as exposed to different people (and ways of talking) and stimuli as before? Because everyone was forced to stay home and isolate? So no daycare, few outside trips to parks, libraries, play dates, or even family friends or extended family - like grandparents - so less people playing with, talking to and reading to the kids? 

Restaurants Become the New Covid-19 Vaccine Enforcers—for Better or Worse Well in Quebec here in Canada they do anyhow. 

South Dakota governor calls the Sturgis rally with hundreds of thousands of attendees 'a fantastic event' as COVID-19 cases spike And how is the population supposed to interpret that remark? As a permission to just do as you please or what? I mean that's how I'd interpret it, if I were a citizen of S.D.

Delta COVID Surge in Iceland Is Very Bad News for the U.S.

COVID Delta Plus Variant: Mumbai Sees 1st Death; Maharashtra Toll Reaches 3 

How COVID-19 changed infectious disease screening, helped pandemic management in India

COVID-19: Long queues for vaccines in Ireland as 12 to 15-year- olds able to get coronavirus jab 

What Does COVID Have In Store For Us Next? Experts Are Weighing In

Mortgage rates take the biggest leap in 8 weeks as clock ticks on refinancing This story concerns the US mortage rates.

Demonstrators take to streets of Montreal to protest upcoming vaccine passport They shouldn't be letting up at all. They should be protesting day & night non-stop until the gov't comes to it's senses and relents and abolishes that stupid law.

Trudeau says Canadians deserve a say at pivotal moment, triggers Sept. 20 election The excuse was we deserve a say in how we finish the fight against Covid. We "deserve a say", like he'll listen. That little self centered, self entitled, self-serving prick doesn't listen to anyone but himself. 

Police use tear gas at Paris COVID pass demo Here in Montreal the crowds don't have to be protesting anything but rather celebrating stuff like when the Canadiens were in contention for the Stanley Cup and won a few hockey games towards that goal. Crowds outside the Bell Center in downtown Montreal were sprayed with some noxious gases of some kind - tear gas I think because I remember seeing the CTV girl reporter Kelly Greg with tears in her eyes trying to report on what was happening there. So imagine what they do when there's an actual protest against something go on and what they use on the crowds then.  

Drop-in centre hosts pop-up event to bring young people out of isolation from pandemic

COVID-19 in Sask.: 122 new cases, no new deaths, 77 hospitalizations August 14th.

B.C. parents and educators call for better COVID-19 protection this fall 

Australia purchases Pfizer vaccines from Poland as COVID-19 infections spike Why Pfizer when they're the inferior of the vaccines? Why not Moderna?

Ontario reports 511 new COVID-19 cases and no new deaths on Sunday August 15th.

BONK-I BEACH Couple caught having sex on Bondi beach cliff top in front of shocked sunbathers during Sydney lockdown To me what's shocking here, is that people are actually allowed to sunbath on the beach during lockdown. Lockdowns here were strict where we were barely allowed to go out for walks and if we did we had better not have been too close to anyone else who might've been out walking too. Swimming and sunbathing were totally prohibited. They even closed the beaches and pools down in the summertime until there was a loud outcry about the inhumanity of that - making kids and people suffer in the heat. 

Simple blood test can tell whether patients will suffer from ‘long COVID’

Free Society Dwindles as Permission Requirements Grow No sheite sherlock! 

Get the vaccine or get fired? In Shenandoah Valley, some nurses choose termination. Our daughter-in-law might be facing the same situation soon as the QC jack bootied gov't wants to make it mandatory for all medical personnel to be vaccinated.

One Virus Case Puts New Zealand Into Nationwide Lockdown Wow... Just wow.... Does anyone not see and realize what's going on here? All 3 commonwealth countries - OZ, NZ and Can are ALL practicing draconian authoritarian rule using this virus as an excuse and is this perhaps a dry run for future endeavours like perhaps declaring all rights null and void and everyone gets house arrest until or unless they comply with all gov't rules and measuers and in which case they get a pass permitting them to do things like leave the house and buy food? Otherwise they get to stay home and starve maybe? I mean all 3 countries are just using over the top measures supposedly against this virus. But if that's the case, then why did NZ lockdown the whole nation? You can't possibly expect me nor anyone else for that matter to believe the whole nation as small as it is, came into contact with that one person? So since it's one person, why not just lockdown that person, and ALL of their contacts - from family members and their contacts, to colleagues and their contacts and their kids contacts (teachers and classes). I mean IF we want to make a tree of all the contacts there's probably 3-4 levels on it with maybe 10 branches (points of contact like work, school, stores)  at the most and 1,000 leaves (individuals) to lockdown. The rest of the nation should be free to carry on as per usual. Only when I say lockdown here I mean the 40 days a normal quarantine comprises, rather than the skimpy 10-14 days everyone is advocating these days.  Do that and I guarantee you in 40 days your 1 case and all consequential cases will be eradicated, without any drastic shutdown of society at large. But nooooooo that's not a good practice run for the upcoming BS. So of course they can't do it that way.  They have to go the draconian gestapo way, instead.

Weak Retail Sales Offer Preview of Coming Attractions as Delta Variant Spreads Well what else can you expect when people aren't sure if they'll be able to afford to buy food tomorrow, the way the prices keeps sky rocketing! Or they don't have jobs, or the goods they want to buy aren't available due to shortages for one lame reason or another, or they just don't feel the need to buy stuff like it was going out of style and learned over the past 18 months or so to be content with what they already have due to forced lockdowns and store closures.

Travelers are canceling trips with COVID numbers rising again: "It was really kind of heartbreaking"

More protection: US likely to authorize COVID booster shots Of course they did. At the behest of Fauci, a major share holder in Pfizer.

After a Year Without Rowdy Tourists, European Cities Want to Keep It That Way 

Ontario announces mandatory vaccine plans for health, education workers; 3rd doses for some Monkey see, monkey do. They've got to mirror whatever Legault & DuMbe do here in QC.

These three Quebec regions are currently on the health minister's COVID-19 radar

Quebec reports 323 new COVID-19 cases, 67 per cent of those were unvaccinated So that means almost 1/3rd of the cases WERE VACCINATED. So again, what's the point of that passport declaring someone's been fully vaccinated?

COVID-19 updates, Aug. 16: Quebec’s daily case count could soar to 2,000, Legault warns Remember those little words like "could", "would" and "should" doesn't mean anything as they are not absolutes, they are mere possibilities and it doesn't mean because it's possible that it WILL happen, only that it could. It's a lot like saying tomorrow morning the moon could crash into the earth. I guess theoretically it could, if something else out there unforeseen went askew causing it to, but it doesn't mean it will, nor that there's any other forces out there that will so affect it, as to cause that. Those "could"s & "should"s are trigger scaremongering tactic words. To scare people into compliance. They'd rather do that then to come flat out and mandate vaccines because then they might be held liable under the law for abrogations of rights, or even possibly for lawsuits involving wrongful deaths or serious harm brought by those who were injured by the vaccines or families of those who died from the vaccines, because they were forced to take it by the gov't. So they'd rather scare people into taking the vaccines of their own volition that way if anything happens they can't hold the gov't responsible because they can weasle out of it by saying they never said anyone absolutely had to get vaccinated by law, that it was always only suggestions and people did it voluntarily.

Winners of Manitoba’s vaccine lottery announced  I'd like to say that either I or my husband will be the big million dollar winner this coming Friday here in QC. Though I'm positive I won't be because I have an English name, however my husband has a 100% typical French Canadian name - you couldn't get a name more typically French Cdn if you tried, trust me. So he stands a chance, but he's not a positive thinker so I don't think so, because you attract to you whatever your mind desires or can percieve of - so he hasn't got that universal magnetism required to attract such great  things to him. Mostly it's either mundane, boring or who give's a sheite stuff he attracts to himself. In other words not always the greatest things. But maybe this time the universe will just feel sorry for him and pick him anyhow. Well hey he/we have as much chance as anyone else does - actually he has a better chance than me, just because of his name. I'm going to say, he will be chosen this Friday, just because I'm a positive thinker.

COVID-19: Province to roll out school vaccine clinics; Ontario reports 526 new cases with 353 of those identified in unvaccinated people So that's 173 vaccinated people with only 60 of them partially vaccinated, which leaves 113 FULLY vaccinated. That's still an awful lot of people who are fully vaccinated getting this virus. I wish though they started keeping track of the ones who had vaccinations which vaccinations they got. Like are they mostly Pfizer, or Astra Zeneca or Moderna or what or an equal mix of the three? So we have an idea of which vaccine seems to be providing better protection, out of the 3. 

Fifteen children got COVID-19 after kid with symptoms sent to Ontario childcare centre  So 15 PRESCHOOLERS at ONE daycare WHERE ONE KID WITH SYMPTOMS WENT, GOT COVID. Despite the fact they/'ve been telling us over and over again that kids that young only carried and spread the virus but didn't actually come down with symptoms from it. Hmmmmmm.... Seems to have been plenty contagious amongst those kids there.....

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know on Tuesday

Unprecedented COVID-19 spending makes economic recovery top election issue That's never going to happen. Waterhole has dug us into a hole so deep the only way we'll ever get out of it again is if the IMF, WEF and World Bank come along and in exchange throwing us a rope long enough to hang ourselves with, they get all our resources and assets we have now and centuries into the future. That's the only way we'll have an economic recovery. 

Everything you need to know about traveling to Canada this summer I can save you lots of time reading this article by telling you everything you need to know about it. It's simply this: Don't. Don't travel to Canada. Period. End of story.

Canada mandating COVID-19 vaccination for all federal workers, airline passengers by Oct. 2021

27 people aboard Carnival cruise test positive for COVID-19 

Ontario hits pause on plan to lift remaining COVID-19 restrictions as it mandates vaccine policies for some high-risk settings

Cruise ship docks at Paphos after COVID ordeal 

Workplaces consider COVID-19 vaccine requirements

CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19 vaccination proof not needed for international travel: MOFA 

Asia Today: Hong Kong lengthens quarantines for 16 countries Not all countries have the same quarantine periods. Some countries have to quarantine for 21 days upon arrival while others like NZ as little as 7 days for fully vaccinated travellers. 

Four New Travel-Related Cases of COVID-19 in NL, Another Two Recoveries

Did you lose your B.C. COVID-19 immunization card? Here is what to do 

Imagine COVID-19 in a world with water and sanitation for all Since it's a respiratory illness to start with, where it's inhaled, I doubt sanitation good or bad would have that much of an impact on the spread of it. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be sanitation for all, I'm just saying that this virus is inhaled and clean hands or feet or whatever isn't going to change much about it. That hand sanitizing BS I've stopped practicing long ago when my hands were getting dried and cracking because of it. Now I only do it when I have to and that's upon entry to a commercial establishment with the hand sanitizer near the door and that's all. I used to hand sanitize again soon as I got in our car with our own private little bottle we brought along in the car. Not any more. Sanitizing because I have to to get into the store is more than enough for me and trust me, after going through the store and coming home and putting things away I sometimes ate a snack or a meal without thinking twice about it and I was never any worse for the wear. Not even a slight cold or sore throat or anything of the sort. So I'm sorry if I don't go along with that unadulterated fairytale crap here. I know there are a lot of underprivileged areas in the world that require clean water as a matter of a basic human right and they don't have it. I know that. I wish they did have it and could have it tomorrow, so they could wash their hands until the cows came home or their hearts content. I don't wish to deprive anyone of water or the ability to wash their hands or the rest of their body either. I just abhor people spewing BS and fairytales about how little covid there would be in the world if we all just washed and sanitized our hands until they bled. Because that's just f'n nonsensical BS, especially since it's a RESPIRATORY DISEASE THAT PEOPLE CATCH BY INHALING THE VIRUS. It has SFA to do with soap, water, sanitizer, or anything of the sort, unless you have the virus on your hands and stick them up your nostrils. I mean I've proven that sticking food my hands touched in my mouth or even quite possibly my fingers too, didn't cause any problems so I don't see why such actions would cause anyone else problems either - unless they have a compromised immune system. The virus being a respiratory virus needs to infect your respiratory system, which it's not going to do if you swallow it with your food, drink or just plain saliva as that goes to your stomach and NOT your lungs, which is where that virus needs to head to start to do it's damage. If it goes to your stomach you stomach acid will attack and kill it before it gets a chance to do anything. I mean gawd people just use your brains for once and figure this simple sheite out on your own. Or did any of you take any form of health or human anatomy courses in school at all? I mean y'all do realize your brains are in your head, your nose has airways that goes to your lungs, your eyes are connected to an optic nerve in your brain, your lungs, heart, liver, stomach and other small organs like gall bladder and pancreas are all in your torso (which is protected by your ribcage) I mean you know all of that already don't you? So if that's the case, how come you can't figure simple sheite like the fact that the virus needs to get to the lungs to do it's damage first before going to the bloodstream to do further damage whereas if it gets swallowed, your stomach acid will kill it before it can do anything? I mean gawd it's a no freaking brainer here people. So continue to sanitize and wash your hands until they bleed if it puts your mind at ease, but honestly it's not helping you at all. Standard normal daily hygiene should be sufficient without having to wash or sanitize your hands every 5 minutes of the day.

Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News | Sept. 2

Russia’s COVID-19 tally rises by 21,624  If anyone's curious about the Russian numbers - here they are.

Long lineups at Pearson as passengers say they’re waiting hours on parked planes or in crowded rooms without air conditioning Ah typical summertime air travel in Canada made worse by the plandemic BS going on.

Melillo frustrated with the Liberals lack of concern for US border closure The only thing Mr. Dressup Shiete Face is concerned about is himself, his image and chances for re-election. That's all.

WHL mandates jabs for all Do the players for that league get paid? Like as if they were employees even if they're rather badly paid? Because if not and it's strictly a league where players play for fun and at their own expense (in other words like when my brother played he had to pay for all his goalie equipment, jerseys, sticks, helmets, even for the trips they went on when they were competing against other out of province teams, he had to pay his own way or fair share). So if that's what that league is, something like that, I don't think they can mandate vaccines for all. If on the other hand they pay their players and for all their equipment and trip costs then yeah I guess they could because they'd be like they were their employers.

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Aug. 17

The Health and Legal Consequences of Using a Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Card 

U.S. border agents say they're seizing counterfeit COVID-19 vaccination cards from China 'every night' From China? I dunno there's a story just above this headline that talks about fake vaccination cards being rampant in the US - and I assume they're all made in basements right there in the US.

Immunocompromised Canadians anxiously await third COVID-19 vaccine dose

N.W.T. COVID-19 case count rises to 34, outbreak spreads to Inuvik 

Sydney COVID-19 cases set to rise, hospitals under pressure

State of emergency declared in Fort Good Hope, says chief 

Mask requirements to remain in place for Edmonton's public, Catholic schools

Alberta's post-secondary schools saying no to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations Good for them. 

Cardinal hospitalized with COVID, breathing with ventilator

COVID-19 updates, Aug. 17: As cases mount, Quebec makes vaccines mandatory for health workers  Like I said before.... My daughter-in-law is overjoyed about this. NOT. To the point where she absolutely does NOT want the vaccine at all and is even considering giving up her career over it if it comes to that, which she's hoping won't come to that. 

Federal agents seize thousands of fake covid vaccination cards destined for locations across U.S. And the Chinese didn't have anything to do with creating the virus and releasing it to the environment eh???? BS. The fact that they're trying to help the virus spread farther still using fake vaccination cards, doesn't tell you anything???  I know it's probably not the gov't doing the fake card scams and probably Chinese scam artists, but still. 

EXCLUSIVE-U.S. plans to extend transportation mask mandate through Jan. 18, sources say

US pharmacist arrested for selling vaccine cards on eBay Those were real but blank cards that he had access to.

Georgia Couple Dies of COVID-19 Within Hours of Each Other, Leaving 2 Teenage Children Behind Very very sad. 

Texas Gov Greg Abbott Tests Positive for COVID Hours After Photo Op With Unmasked Music Star I sincerely doubt he caught it from the music star, as it just wouldn't have established itself in his system quickly in order to be detected that soon, I don't think. Unless he has a severely compromised immune system too.

Ontario pauses reopening, issues vaccine policy for some workers as Delta spreads

Philippine health ministry says no corruption in $1.3 billion pandemic funds Euuuu I hope for his sake that none was stolen, otherwise who knows what'll happen to him in that regime?

Tories surge to upset majority win in N.S. election with a campaign focused on health Whoo Hoo! They ousted the Lieberal party there - that's all I care about is seeing the Lieberal Party Canada wide crash and burn. Especially the Federal one under the little dipsheite known as Mr. Dressup, Snowboard Instructor, Genocidal Maniac Extraordinaire! 

Parent fined after allegedly sending child with COVID-19 symptoms to Vaughan daycare

Workers try to flee Vietnam's biggest city as coronavirus crisis worsens 

Trudeau warns of 'consequences' for public servants who duck COVID-19 shots I hope he faces consequences for ducking his responsibilities as PM in keeping us safe from harm and let the virus into the country by refusing to close the border or ENFORCE STRICT QUARANTINE for the Chinese nationals that first entered the country with it and were under "voluntary isolation" - meaning the minute it didn't suit them they could go out because it was only voluntary. I hope he faces consequences for his derelict of duties that allowed hundreds if not thousands of seniors to die of covid for senicide and for the mass genocide he caused by NOT closing borders when it was prudent to do so. By March it had already entered the country and was running rampant. The Borders should've been closed the very day they learned about what was going on in Wuhan China. Some might want to say that was January 20 something 2020, but actually if anyone watches the news you'd have seen Chinese doctors in Wuhan having nervous breakdowns because of the hundreds of patients a day that they were seeing all with the same symptoms, so you'd have known right then and there to close the borders especially to those coming from China. But Tam the witch doctor didn't want that because she's Chinese and I guess maybe had friends and relatives that she wanted to get into this country first before the borders closed. So her and Waterhole need to face the consequences of that.  Without question.

'Give us info, we need to make an informed choice': Canadians react to initial federal election campaign promises

Fauci dismisses study claiming Moderna more effective than Pfizer against Delta variant Of course he is, given his vested interest in Pfizer as a likely shareholder.

UPDATE 2-UK regulator approves Moderna COVID-19 shot for 12 to 17-year-olds

US set to approve third dose of Covid vaccine – what that means for you  That like it or not, you'll need a 3rd dose in order to maintain your rights and freedoms.

Delta's surging and antibodies are waning: What to know about when we'll need COVID-19 booster shots See?

Canada enters supply deal with Moderna for COVID-19 vaccine beyond 2021 Which is probably one reason sheitehead bought 40 million doses from them to be delivered over the next 2 years - as a bribe to get them to build a facility here.

Saskatchewan offers extra COVID-19 dose to vaccinated residents who want to travel

State Board criticizes Broward, Alachua schools over mask mandates. No penalties yet. 

Federal government drops court quest to keep lab documents under wraps These are the people suspected of stealing the documents and work done on the CanSinovac vaccine - the supposed to be collaboration between Canada and China to make a vaccine against the virus. Except they absconded with all the data and materials back to China and decided to continue working on it alone. Which is just as well, as it turns out it's a lousy vaccine that doesn't work. So they can keep it all to themselves. 

Anyhow.... That's as far as I can make it in my bookmark file tonight before I pass out here on the keyboard. So until next time, take care & stay well.