Showing posts with label privacy concerns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label privacy concerns. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Nov. 1 And Nowhere Near to the End of the October 31st Headlines Dealing With



November 1, 2020

As the title suggests, it's now November 1, 2020 but I am nowhere near the end of posting the headlines up until October 31st's datelines. Over time they just accumulated and accumulated because there was so freaking many of them, that it was near impossible for me to get them all posted in a timely manner. So now I guess I'll be making several more posts over several more days to get caught up on the headlines going up until October 31st. After that date I am no longer keeping track of them unless there's a major occurrence (like say the case to death ratio changes radically for the worse, or a vaccine is finally available,  or the whole country or several whole countries are put into strict lockdown). Changes akin to those will cause me to reopen and continue blogging about COVID19. Until or unless that happens I'll just get to the end of the headlines I have and let it be except for the Bill Gates article and maybe a few other fun articles here and there so that the blog isn't totally dormant. 

As for what kept me from working on it recently well there's a new toilet, The Old Guard (movie), takeout dinner with son who helped us pick up the new toilet (he has a jeep Cherokee and we have just a car), he stayed for dinner and the movie. 
Then today we're dealing with a dachshund that seems to have a problem with a shoulder joint or something like that. It's a sudden new thing, but we don't know what she did to cause it, or if it's even a joint paint and not a rib pain, or something like that. She walks around and all, and climbs the stairs no problem but is hesitant to come down the stairs. All I know is the pain seems to be near her shoulders.  We still need to look for a pet bed for our dog so she can sleep downstairs instead of upstairs where she normally sleeps. So tomorrow if we can we want to take her to see the vet. 

Plus we've had to go exchange a defective glucose meter my husband had at the pharmacy, who was obviously still on DST as she was locking the door just as we got there and we got there an hour before she normally closes when she's on same time as the rest of us.
So like everyone else, real life sometimes gets in the way of all my best laid plans too....
That being said, I'm now settling in to add as many headlines as I can to try to get caught up as soon as possible. So get comfortable and dig in....



I've always found solace in nature and so that accounts for why I live where I do. Though suburbanization is slowly encroaching on it, so soon there won't be any more of the pristine beauty that drew us to the area. Instead it'll be filled with houses who's front yards will looked like used car lots with the amount of cars the owners have. Like the neighbours across the street from us. There's 2 people there but they have 3 cars. They have 3 garage spaces for those cars, but do they park them in them? Nooooo instead they have to park them all out front in our faces destroying the beauty of the area - because now instead of seeing grass and water we see ugly cars and water.  The person who used to live there always had their vehicles parked in the garages so there was never a problem. It was a beautiful scenery here, as the houses blended in with the scenery. Now we have his ugly mansion and his used car lot blighting the beauty of the landscape. It's enough to make us want to sell our house and move somewhere nicer. Though I will miss some of our neighbours if we choose to go that route. 

Gawd, I hope not. I'm already to the point where I detest wearing masks. Being asthmatic, I sometimes have a hard time to breath with one on and at those times I just want to rip the mask off my face, but don't because I know the backlash I'll get from all the sanctimonious idiots who believe all the hyperbole from the media, hook, line and sinker and believe they'll die the moment I remove my mask because they've been brainwashed to believe that.



Coronavirus updates: Wisconsin, Dakotas scramble for hospital beds; COVID outbreak kills nearly 8K minks at Utah farms; 212K US deaths That's sad that it's that lethal for mink considering they're such cute little creatures. It's equally sad that that many Americans have lost their lives to it too. Or for that matter than anyone loses their life to this disease, especially it could've been controlled and stamped out basically at the very beginning if the leaders and head honcho witch doctors weren't so gung ho to let it into all their countries "just to see what happens" (I bet that was one of the main ideas on why they let it in, as in an experiment - a real live pandemic that they could use to experiment on - mostly social, economic and psychological behaviours and problems). Because honestly most of those nitwits are too blind to even see to the ends of their noses, nevermind what could happen as a result of........ (fill in the blank which ever way you want as there's plenty of ways this pandemic has affected us, our society, our economy, etc...). They probably thought whatever affects it might have they'd be minimal with minimal impact, but just enough to be able to study them. Or at least that's what they'll tell us if we ever ask such a pointed question.


I suppose this was to be expected, considering everything else has been cancelled, shutdown or postponed indefinitely. 




‘Schitt’s Creek’ Actor Sarah Levy Cast in COVID-Inspired Indie ‘Distancing Socially’ (EXCLUSIVE) It's not as if we're not already immersed in this nightmare, so I don't see why we need shows to add to it. 

The riskiest activities during COVID-19  I'll save you time and make it short & sweet, because it's basically the truth. Anything that brings you pleasure, fun, happiness or makes you feel loved is forbidden.  It's as simple as that.

I wasn't even aware they could get into the Atlantic Bubble, if they drove there. And forgive me for asking,  but how else are they moving there if not via road or railroad? Unless they're gazillionaires and can afford to fly all their belongings there. So how are they managing to move there if the minute they approach the NB they're forbidden entry? 
Zoom calls and online shopping: Life on Canadian farms in 2020 Pretty soon we'll have to figure out how to pixelize ourselves so we can live in that virtual world we're creating for ourselves because of this plandemic.

Urgent action needed to prevent 2nd wave of COVID-19 deaths in long-term care: ombudsman Yeah like that's going to happen, because if it was, it would've happened by now or should've anyhow.

Ottawa announces new rent relief program for businesses hit by COVID-19 closures From what I understand no one even knows how to go about applying for this assistance, and for most it's needed TODAY - November 1st.



New, voluntary COVID-19 restrictions in Edmonton as cases spike Didn't you learn from the start back in February when the Chinese travellers came here and we told them to voluntarily isolate and they didn't!?! Don't you understand that asking someone to voluntarily isolate is like asking someone to voluntarily stop eating completely? They won't, even if they could or wanted to.


COVID-19 pandemic reveals major gaps in privacy law, says watchdog I agree even the Telemedicine which is in QC isn't safe from CSIS. At least I know if I went to my doctor's office CSIS wouldn't be listening in there, but now we're forced to share our health problems with others outside our doctor's offices. At the very least CSIS if you're only on the phone, maybe the NSA and one of the other 5 spies (depending on which one it is that's listening to Canadian citizens on behalf of Canada this year). So it's not just the online video conferencing folks who have to worry about breaches of privacy but even those just talking on the phone do too.

COVID-19 vaccination lessons from Canada's largest-ever mass immunization effort Yup I remember that. Our whole family had the H1N1 virus before a vaccine was ever even available in our area. It's probably a good thing we got the virus too, considering the most it did to us was cause us to be foggy headed for a few days, but ever afterwards immune to just about everything else that came afterwards. None of us ever got a cold, or anything after that, except maybe this pesky virus (which we're all pretty sure we had but can't prove) which we also managed to slough off pretty easily too, compared to a lot of others out there.
‘Never had such high demand’: British Columbians keen on flu shots amid COVID-19 We finally got an appointment for our flu shots. I wasn't going to get one, but my husband wants one, so I might as well get one too then. So anyhow we get ours near the end of this month. 

China joins WHO-backed vaccine program COVAX rejected by Trump Why? So they can steal the research and samples and run off with that too like they did to the one they were working on with Canada? So in that case Trump was smart not to get involved as those who are involved aren't apt to see any of that research nor vaccine from it, now that China's involved. 

25th Amendment: Democrats pitch bill on presidential succession commission, citing Trump's COVID diagnosis It's supposed to go to Pence if Trump is unable to remain as president, and then if Pence can't assume the responsibilities for whatever reason then itchy fingers Pelosi gets the job and I'm sure that's why her panties are all in knots over this because she probably wants to make sure everyone knows her rights to ascension to the throne. She might even be devising ways in her head to get Pence out of the picture so she can just head directly to the throne, which she'd probably pass directly over to Hillary the Witch. I'm sorry but I've been looking at those 2 witches chomping at the bit for the past 4 years and I can very easily see that happening, if Trump weren't able to resume his duties as president. But in retrospect, he has, so, what a shame those 2 conniving witches weren't able to get control. 


How convenient. They were not only able to mention the 2nd wave but also prepare for it, et voila a couple of weeks later, one manifests for them.

I think that's pretty much true of all governments and if it isn't you'd have to question "why?". Is it because they have a slower than normal group of citizens - as in brains working a lot slower (and I'm beginning to think that might be the case here in Canada), or are they just a bunch of gutless conformists? Personally, I think it's both here in Canada, considering the QC government went all gestapo on us recently and no one batted an eyelash about it. Like it's perfectly normal and acceptable to have cops waltz into private home parties and break them up because of amount of people (not because of the substances being consumed there or the noise but because of the amount of people). I mean once they got their way there, what's stopping them from taking that one step further later when it seems beneficial to them for some reason or another and then one step further and so on, until everyone is obliged to provide lodging for 1 cop, so he's their in home gestapo boots.  And just to make sure you don't get too friendly with your inhome cop, they'll be rotated out every couple of days so you never ever get a chance to know or make friends with them. And those cops won't be posted for your protection.... No no no as that'll distract from their real job and that is keeping you in line. Your protection will continue to rely in after the fact calls to 911 and so on, who'll dispatch a squad car to your house to deal with that problem, while your cop detailed to watch you so you don't break the law, still continues to do that without let up. That's what's coming I think, if we don't revolt en masse. 

Anyhow enough of this for one day... More later on until I've reached the end of the headlines current to October 31st.... Until then take care and stay well.




Monday, August 31, 2020

Pineapple Zucchini Bread, Dinner at a Restaurant &



August 30, 2020

This afternoon I made a batch of PINEAPPLE ZUCCHINI BREAD using the recipe found at that link. I've had that recipe for years now, even before I had a garden. I went looking for recipes to use zucchini after a neighbour of ours gave us a humungous zucchini - was almost as long as the kitchen table and must've weighed at least 20 lbs, by itself. If not more. I found that and a few other recipes to use the zucchini with, but this one was the all time winner hands down. Everyone, that I've ever served it to or given it to has loved it. Some have asked me for the recipe as well. Some people have thought it was a kind of Christmas cake or festive cake of some sort, though I generally keep 1 of the 3 loaves it makes in the freezer to serve around Christmas time, it's not a Christmas cake or a cake of any kind per se. I give one loaf to our son, as he loves it and the other I keep for us to have whenever the mood strikes. 

After they came out of the oven my husband suggested we go out for supper and so that's what we did. The restaurant was almost packed and here everyone is saying that no one wants to go to restaurants yet as it's "too dangerous". Rightttt....  

We just got home a few minutes ago and I'm ready to go to bed, because  we ordered drinks with our dinners - Mai Tais to be exact. My husband drinks about 40% of his and then decides that he doesn't want to drive somewhat impaired and so he waited until I'd drank about 1/2 of mine and poured the rest of his in my glass. So now, while I'm not drunk or even tipsy I am sleepy and would like to go crawl in bed. But if I do, that'll really do a number on my sleep-wake cycle then.  So I'm trying to force myself to stay up until my normal bedtime, meantime doing some of the things I normally do or should do at this time of night. One of those being add in some headlines about COVID19 on my blog here....

So let's get crackin'!....

Concerns over Canada's reliance on China-made COVID-19 vaccine  Rocky relations may be to blame???? Seriously? You think?

Advocates worried as COVID-19 cases among transit workers continue to rise  That's probably true on all public transport systems.

Fraser Health confirms COVID-19 outbreak at Abbotsford long-term care home I'm just wondering if that's because they do in Canada like they did in Scotland, and that is send in patients from hospitals or workers who have it or tested positive to it, on purpose.

Some people use fear, avoidance to discriminate against health-care workers, study suggests  Look before COVID19 came along there were plenty of people who didn't like doctors, dentists and other health professionals for a multitude of reasons from not trusting them, to being afraid they'd get hurt by them while being treated for something. So this isn't anything new.

As Freeland takes finance job, crisis will dictate spending plans, experts say  In case you're interested in her writings that questioned the plutocrats you can download her book here: Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else it's in epub format and downloadable at the longfiles link.

COVID-19 and lack of queen bees caused delay in honey season  Is there a problem with selling it nationally across provincial borders, that we're not aware of? If not, then why not do that?

Global coronavirus deaths exceed 800,000   Considering there's over 25 million cases world wide, that's nothing in death rate. Comparable to a bad flu season basically.  Orrrrrrr...... If you want to do like the scaremongerers do.... We'll use their own examples and throw this back in their hypocritical faces.... 800,000 deaths in a world population of 7 billion? Like your 50 million deaths in a world population of 1.9 billion for the Spanish flu. Some how I don't think they compare. Even the death rates compared to case numbers doesn't compare considering there were 500 million cases of the Spanish flu world wide with 50 million deaths... So 800,000 deaths with 25 million cases in a population of 7 billion is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the Spanish flu. That's putting it into perspective once and for all. So anyone who can even do simple math can tell the difference in severeity between the 2.

Thomas Restobar Club: Crush kills 13 as Peru police raid party violating lockdown  More tragic COVID related deaths that won't be classified as such, but is as much COVID related as if it was since it was caused by the COVID laws.

Coronavirus: Missing school is worse than virus for children - Whitty  Agreed. Kids need to interact with their peers in order to develop social skills and learn some valuable life lessons and coping skills along the way, and not just the academics.

Coronavirus pandemic: Children aged 12 and over should wear masks - WHO  Personally, I think if it's the kids that are the spreaders and super spreaders of this disease they should all be made to wear masks as soon as they're old enough to understand they have to wear one and keep it on - say around age 3 and up.

China-US comedians: 'We hope jokes travel faster than the virus’  Personally, I don't think there's anything funny about China and this virus. It originated there and then they screwed Canada over for the vaccine we developed together with them. We have nothing while they're starting to vaccinate their population already.  The way they've treated Canada and Canadians over the last few years in my mind is enough to throw the clowns in the Chinese embassy out on their ears and bring our ambassadors home from there and if I were a warmongerer (which I'm not but in this case, they'd be tempting me a lot if I were the one in charge of this country) I'd say drop a few mustard gas grenades on them and their cities.... Cut down on a few hundred million Chinese (useless dog & cat eaters) - that would be cutting down on population, but without using biological weapons like they unleashed on the world with this virus, but instead using chemical weapons to rid the earth of the infestation while keeping architecture still standing.  I would never normally advocate anything so cruel and awful for anyone other than ISIS (but they deserve it and I'm sure I pretty much have the concensus of the world behind me on that one), but the Chinese and their behaviour towards Canada and Canadians has made me think differently about them too and would love to see Canada retaliate against them even just by cutting all ties and trade with them and seizing all Chinese owned assets in Canada and kicking them out of the country. That would do too. 

I don't want to hear any Canadian Chinese whining at me about racism. It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with politics and how they've treated Canadians. Even if they were white, but treated us the way they have I'd still advocate the same treatment. So no, it's not racism, it's political and called standing up against political bullies for ourselves.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19; 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable'   That was the total on August 23, a week ago now, so I'm sure it's higher than that today. But that's atrocious that lawmakers would consider that many deaths acceptable. If they had as many as that die in a bombing or a skirmish somewhere, they'd be singing songs about it forever and a year about all the lives lost during that battle or bombing, but from a disease "that's acceptable". UNbelieveable how callous they can be.

Laptop shortage threatens back-to-school plans as COVID-19 pandemic causes delays  I just never even would've thought of this as being affected by COVID19. 

Keeping endorphins flowing during quarantine That's probably why a lot of people are feeling depressed, because of lack of endorphins due to inactivity or not having anything really of interest to do,  or any incentives to do anything of interest.  When it's the same old, day after day followed by the same thing at night (in other words confined to the 4 walls of your house, and not going anywhere, not seeing anyone, or anything new and just staying home in the same rooms doing the same thing day after day where days segue into sleepless nights where you find yourselves just basically doing the same old thing and watching the same old routine shows), it gets to be monotonous and boring and you just begin to wonder why you even get up out of bed at all anymore. Because you don't feel any joy, excitement, anticipation about anything as it's always the same thing, with nothing to look forward to, except maybe what you'll have for lunch or supper - maybe not even that either. So when there's no anticipation even, never mind excitement or joy, and you can't exercise to increase the endorphins, you start to sink into depression or at least a non-chalence that borders depression, where you really don't care if you get out of bed or not because other than needing to relieve yourself in the toilet there's almost no other reason to get up. I think we are all starting to feel like that a lot these days.  Even though we have things we could do, as in baking or cooking, or making things (like hobbies) some of us wonder why bother? Who are we going to share all this wonderful food that we make with, because we're not allowed parties of any kind anymore. Making things - unless it's something we ourselves want or need, what's the point? We can't go to craft fairs to sell it, we can't even see the people we maybe made it for because they're not in our immediate bubble, etc... It's like, why bother with anything. We even feel like that ourselves from time to time, especially more so now, than in  the beginning. 

Two Florida teachers turned their students' desks into little Jeeps to make social distancing less scary  You've got to go see this story, if only for the picture. They are sooooooo cute.... Wish I had fun teachers like that when I went to school. Maybe I'd have turned out better, and smarter than I am, if I did. Who knows?

COVID-19 treatments: What's taking the clinical trials so long? In Canada's case, it's because we don't have a vaccine to trial. China stole it.

COVID-19 isolated me from my normal life — and allowed me to see what had been wrong with it I guess for some it allowed them to slow down enough to meditate on their lives and realize the error of their ways etc, but for seniors who were already basically living life like this, all it did is make their lives even duller and more boring, by limiting their social circles and activities that they could do outside the home.

Undeterred by tragedy, Lebanon's youth continue to fight for change  This added burden to their survival on  top of the hunger due to Covid19, is just heartbreaking.

Richard Eskow Nursing home COVID-19 death tolls reveal America's shameful elder-care crisis  Oh it's not just in the US that it's shameful, Canada has plenty to be ashamed about in this case, especially Quebec & Ontario. 

COVID-ravaged Brazil becoming vaccine lab for English, Chinese researchers  The Chinese should use their own citizens to test their own stinking vaccine on and not use everyone else as guinea pigs. Besides what do the Chinese even need a vaccine for anyhow? They brewed the virus up, released it, let it infect a few hundred thousand of their population and kill off some of them before spreading it to the rest of the world. Now that the rest of the world has it, they don't and can walk around like as if nothing ever happened. So what gives there anyhow? How'd they get clear of it and stay cleared without a vaccine anyhow? Or do they secretly have one and had it all along while they hijacked ours on us? If they had a vaccine all along then that means that virus was manipulated into a bioweapon and released by them on purpose.  Just wondering why and how it is, they're suddenly so squeaky clean and rid of the virus while everywhere it else it just keeps going around and around like a freaking carousel!?! 

Coronavirus updates: Florida COVID-19 cases on verge of grim milestone  How could 1 US state have 600,000 cases on it's own anyhow? Canada is a whole freaking country and we don't have anywhere near that many cases all provinces & territories combined!

Instagram deletes account advertising ASU COVID-19 parties I'm sure they found other means of getting the word out even if their account got shut down. 

END OF AN ERA KFC drops ‘Finger Lickin’ Good’ slogan from ads after 64 years as it’s not Covid safe   Yet another thing this stupid virus is affecting. Wondering why they didn't drop the slogan during the Hong Flu in 1969 then? It too was a pandemic and affected way more people that I knew even as a young kid, than I know who's been affected with this virus now.

Tourist Hotspot Bali to Remain Closed to Foreigners All Year  Very smart of them. Shows that they at least care about their people, unlike some countries I could name but shall refrain from doing as the list is way too long for me to recite here and now.

Covid Victims Are Forced Into Filthy Warehouses in Venezuela  Is there any end to the misery forced upon people due to this virus? Any? At all? Anywhere? It just seems like one steady stream of misery associated with this pandemic.

Economists see a chance of a double-dip recession, survey shows  That's in the US, but the way  Trudeau has spent us into oblivion during the pandemic we're apt to see much worse than that, before it's all over, here in Canada.

First documented coronavirus reinfection reported in Hong Kong  Again, reinfection? Or merely a relapse as the person wasn't totally over it? Or false negative tests? Even with the flu, lots of people have relapses, because even though they're thought to be all better they aren't and the virus is still there but weakened, and when the person's immune system or body is affected by something that causes their body defenses to weaken or be lowered, that's when the virus comes flaring back to life. That's happened in many diseases and cases in the past, so it's not necessarily a "reinfection", it's merely the same infection that was thought to be gone, but wasn't totally flaring back to life again. Or like I said false negative tests (there seems to be plenty issues with the tests for this virus, so that's a possibility there too).

SFO opens first airport COVID-19 rapid testing site in the US  I hope they prove to be more accurate than a lot of other tests out there that were highly faulty.

The TV Industry Will Never Recover From the Coronavirus  Oh, com'on gimme a break will you!?! There's so many articles out there claiming this industry or business or way of life will never recover from Coronavirus. You want to see how fast life goes back to normal once the virus is gone? Even right now, there's lots of people out there acting like there's no virus, never was, and never will be. As far as they're concerned all these rules surrounding the virus are just hype and BS and they have no time for them and that's now in the dead center of a global pandemic. When it starts to wane and is banished completely or dissipates on it's own, you'll see everyone will be back to normal again, including all the industries and businesses that weren't ever supposed to return to normal again. This is just sheer hyperbole.

People are loving this button hack to stop glasses steaming up while wearing a face mask  I'm just wondering how that'll feel on the bridge of my nose if I'm wearing both the mask and my glasses all day? I mean won't the button or the knot underneath, from sewing the button on, eventually irritate the bridge of my nose? I don't know as I never tried it, but looking at it, it looks like it probably would.

Ten countries kept out Covid. But did they win?  Well even though we let COVID in, we didn't win either considering our economy almost got wiped out and millions of people lost their jobs and we have no tourism to speak of either. But hey, let's make believe we won anyhow, that way we can feel superior over the ones who were smart enough to protect their people (at least they protected something in their country - whereas here we didn't protect anything BOTH the PEOPLE & THE ECONOMY GOT HIT & HIT HARD) even if their economies got hit badly. So yeah they won. Hands down.

Anyhow, I'm leaving it there for now.... Until next time, take care and stay well.