Showing posts with label Opioid crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opioid crisis. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2020

Shopping, BBQ'd Hamburgers &

Covid 19


Sept 11, 2020

Ahhhh the infamous 9/11 date. I remember precisely what I was doing on that date in 2001 and continued for the next 4 years or so.... Researching it, for my boss - a talk show host on the internet. That's a date you don't soon forget no matter which nationality you are.

This September 11, I spent shopping. I went out initially to find some jars for canning, but could only find the size of jars I use to make my mint jelly. I had originally wanted some 500ml jars to make other things than just the jelly, but it was just as well as IGA didn't have the pears on special (which I wanted to make gingered pears with), but they did have a large bag of apples, so got one of those and might (though it's doubtful) make some apple jelly along with the mint jelly later on this week. Plus I bought some long sleeved tops for myself, the ones suitable for this time of year and not the really thick winter ones, which I already have a ton of. 

And the research this September 11, was about COVID19 and all the angles and aspects it affects us, our lives, our laws, our institutions etc...  

Plus the new blogger. I am currently using it and before I wrote this much text, I tried to link a headline to the URL to see if it worked and it looks like it works. The only beef I have now about this new blogger is the stats area. It is lacking big time, as far as I'm concerned, because this blog was specifically set up for Canadian seniors, and even though the "classic blogger stats" doesn't give me the age of the visitors it does show how many visitors are visiting from various parts of the globe, so I can tell when/if I have Canadian visitors visiting the blog or not.  There are large periods of time where the visitors are primarily from elsewhere in the world and they're all welcome, but after extended periods of time where there's no Canadian visitors at all, it gets discouraging, because after all it was set up for them. So when I see that there's been at least one Canadian visitor out of the total number visitors from other places it provides some encouragement to keep going. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all the visitors coming to this blog from everywhere. The more the merrier as they say, it's just I want to know that the relevant Canadian help information (like certain programs or help lines etc, set up for Canadians in general or for certain regions of Canada) is being of use to someone out there. I know the visitors in Portugal, India and the UK aren't going to be availing themselves of the helplines set up to deal with mental distress, or the CERB program put out by the Federal government, because they live outside the jurisdiction areas and access points. So it would be SUPER NICE IF THEY WOULD REINSTATE ALL THE INFORMATION SHOWN IN THE PREVIOUS CLASSIC BLOGGER STATS and maybe beef the stats up a bit by showing additional information as well.  That would be really nice then, if they did that. 
So now let's proceed and see how things go with the headlines....
Canada has contracts for up to four COVID-19 vaccines but they won't be mandatory   So they say now, that they won't be mandatory. Wait until they're actually available and there's enough doses to ensure everyone gets the required doses. Then they'll probably become mandatory.

Well, well, well...... That did NOT last long! I managed to put that one link in above, but when it came to adding the label for it (Vaccines) so that it could be found again by readers wishing to read all articles discussing vaccines, I couldn't. So then I figured maybe I could add it in the "search description" area instead - at least use that temporarily until the Label option was fixed, but couldn't add anything in there either.  SO THIS NEW BLOGGER HAS MILES TO GO BEFORE IT'S EVEN UP TO PAR WITH THE OLD ONE! 

 Anyhow I had to come back into the "classic blogger" in order to add in the labels and search descriptions for the various subjects touched on in the post.  Because as there are more posts added to the blog the various topics are interspersed all over the place and harder to find without the aid of the labels or a search description. So that would make using the blog to find various articles or subjects impossible to say the least. The Labels and Search Description is almost like the index at the back of a book except to use it, you just click on the appropriate words, to automatically be taken to all pages with articles about that particular subject. 

That being said, it's doubtful I'll transfer to the new blogger until it's up to snuff. I can't understand why people insist on fixing things that aren't broken and then breaking them, while they're alledgedly  fixing them.  If they take the classic blogger away before things are up to snuff in the new blogger, I'll just simply quit doing this. I don't mind doing it, when it's doable and I don't have to jump through hoops to do it, but the moment it becomes more like work that I'm not being paid to do, rather than a service that feels like a hobby (at the moment), is when I quit doing it. At the moment it's something I enjoy doing - it keeps me informed on the topic at hand, lets me keep track of how I spent my pandemic and hopefully provides some help or information to others. But if it's going to become more difficult and provides less capabilities (as in not being able to find subjects in a timely manner via Labels or Search Options or whatever else they might want to call similar functions) and just make this blog seem like one big unwieldy mess, then what's the point? Might as well not continue if that's going to be the case.

Now let's resume......

Parent hopes mandatory COVID-19 vaccination bill becomes election issue  They said it wasn't going to be mandatory, so why do we need a vaccination bill that becomes an election issue?

Third virus vaccine reaches major hurdle: final US testing 

Toronto Public Health probes COVID-19 cases at JOEY Restaurant, Foot Locker in Yorkdale mall 

CRA CERB Extended: Finally, Some Good News   

Opioid epidemic: The other public health crisis killing Canadians 
It's not just drug overdose victims that are dying because COVID19 patients takes precedence, it's most everyone else who have some kind of fatal condition that doesn't involve COVID19, too. 

She got ill when the pandemic hit - and still is, six months later 

COVID forces us to keep our distance. But some of us were already used to being avoided.  This is a very sad everyday reality for the deformed, and disabled, which shouldn't be. It doesn't mean because they have a disability or deformity that they're not smart, kind, decent people that would do anything for anyone. They're like everyone else out there, with hopes, fears, likes, dislikes, wants and desires too. But you won't know that until you take the time to get to know them, instead of trying to keep your distance from or avoid them. 

Coronavirus live updates: US to shun world effort to develop vaccine; Here's who should get first vaccinations; Fauci debunks COVID theories   As for Fauci's contentions that some COVID deaths aren't real, they aren't! We know that here in the blog because we do have the story about it, and the documentation put out by the CDC on how the hospitals were to classify all deaths, from the point that document was made, onwards. Anyhow for one story on it click on the Hospitals Incentivized label on the right hand side.  It's an eye-opener for anyone still believing the Fauci BS that he keeps spewing. 

Some scammers hide behind sites selling face masks 

Cuba closes off Havana to stamp out spread of coronavirus 

White House Says CDC Will Halt Evictions Using Quarantine Rules 

Officials: Sicklerville Homeowner Charged For Hosting ‘For-Profit’ Pool Party With 300 Unmasked Guests   Well the town will definitely be sporting the appropriate name in the not too distant future, that's for sure.

UFO Spotting Has Replaced Bird Watching as Pandemic Obsession  Are there really that many UFOs around to watch? I mean are they as numerous as birds in the sky are? Do they have as many variations and colours as birds do? No I'm not making fun of UFO watchers or witnessers (I won't say believers because that implies something other than having seen or witnessed in some way a UFO, believers I think, implies the fringe group, who've never actually or witnessed a UFO or UFO related event but nevertheless believe they're real - whereas us witnessers know they are real, without needing to believe anything). I'm just wondering if there's suddenly that many more UFOs in the skies to be seen now or if it's still roughly the same average amount as before, just that more people are seeing them than before? 

MASS HORROR Shocking moment priest in face mask drops dead at the altar in front of screaming congregation during sermon in Cameroon  Wondering if he had the virus or if his death was totally unrelated....

From sex dolls to kissing through plastic sheets: How Hollywood is filming intimate scenes during the pandemic  Yet another way this virus is affecting things.... 

U.S. refuses to join 170 countries teaming up to produce a coronavirus vaccine  Can't say as I blame them. There's something to be said for maintaining control over your own R&D & supply chain. That way you know what's in it, who to go to if there needs to be revisions, who is mass producing it, who is distributing it and to who and you know that your citizens  will not be put at the back of the line waiting to receive the doses your country requires. Unlike Canada and Canadians because bozo brains felt compelled to trust the Chinese, though for the life of me I can't figure out why, after all they've done to Canada since we held the tech woman for the US. So now yeah he's finnagled a deal or 4 with other vaccine manufacturers for doses for Canadians, but when are we going to be getting those doses? Will our 80 million doses be at the front of the line of production (in other words we'll be the guinea pigs for the world), in the middle (after several other countries have gotten their doses) or at the end (when it's basically irrelevant because we've all already had the disease, or died from it, or because everyone else in the world has gotten the vaccine by now, they're providing herd immunity to the rest of us)?  If we had and maintained control over our own vaccine production we wouldn't have to be worrying about any of that. 

Coronavirus Is Surging In the U.S. Midwest. Here's What's Going on Across the Region

Powerful photo tribute to over 900 people who died of COVID-19 gives 'people a last look at their loved ones'

Coronavirus: Apple iPhones can contact-trace without Covid app  Here's something I bet a lot of  Apple iPhone users didn't know about....

Large antibody study offers hope for virus vaccine efforts

Infectious disease specialist lauds Canada's multiple COVID-19 vaccine deals  It's always good to have more than 1 source for something especially something as important as a vaccine against a super contagious virus.

We spoke to 7 people in line to rent U-Haul trucks in NYC and asked why they were moving. Fewer than half were leaving the city.  

Watch: Pregnant Aussie Mother Arrested for Allegedly ‘Inciting’ Coronavirus Lockdown Protest  I'm with you there girl! In fact, I'm to the point where I don't give a flying F about the pandemic and it's stupid rules and regulations. At this point in my life, I don't have very many years left to live (the key word there is "Live") and that's what I want to do with whatever little time I might have left is live, not stay couped up in my house, doing tons of nothing, so much so that it feels like I'm already dead. I want to be able to go and do things I want to do, see things I want to see, see people I haven't seen in ages and enjoy whatever little time I have left. If Legault calls what we're doing on a daily basis "living" then his life must be as boring as hell. Because to me this isn't living this is merely subsisting and I'm fed up with it. I'd rather go out and enjoy life and if I die doing it, well sobeit, at least I enjoyed my last little time I had left, rather than sitting home doing nothing day in and day out and basically (to paraphrase Meatloaf) praying for the end of time so I can end my time being bored out of my mind. That's basically what it amounts to as far as I'm concerned. So anyone wanting to protest this BS quarantine lockdown BS has my full support and blessings.

College Students, Told to Report Covid Parties, Ask: To Snitch or Not to Snitch?  I have little to no tolerance for snitches. I think that might come from what we were taught in school about how the USSR had the KGB spying on the KGB and that people, family, friends, neighbours, coworkers, school kids, basically everyone was encouraged to snitch on anyone going against the party line. Then based on the word of the snitch alone (even if it wasn't true and was just because the snitch had a vendetta against the person they were snitching on) that person being snitched on could wind up with a lot of repercussions ranging from losing party membership status - meaning put at the bottom of the pile when it came to attaining government services or "favours" (like being allowed to have a telephone for instance), or as extreme and awful as getting sent to a gulag in Siberia - prison barracks in the middle of Siberia - kind of like sending someone in Canada to a prison barracks on the shores of the Arctic Ocean or something akin to that, where they were subject to corporeal punishment and hard labour. That's what snitching connotates to me and very often the snitch themselves got little to nothing out of it. Except the satisfaction knowing that the gov't was now dealing with that person for their perceived crime against the state. So if I caught a snitch, snitching on someone.... Euuuuu I don't even want to think of what I'd say to them or how small I'd make them feel by the time I finished giving them a good tongue lashing. One thing snitches should remember is - what goes around comes around....

New Virus Cases Are Below Summer Peaks as Concerns Rise About Testing Decline

Man who lost 7 relatives to COVID-19 becomes first American to trial Oxford vaccine  I can't even imagine losing 7 relatives to anything let alone this virus. I don't know of anyone who's even had the virus let alone died from it. So this basically stretches my imagination a lot. I certainly hope he doesn't wind up with the supposed side-effect that the female trial patient came down with - if it was a side-effect and not something totally unrelated to the vaccine.

COVID-19 cases in Europe back to March level, EU health body says

Sickened at ground zero, dozens of 9/11 first responders have died from COVID-19   Tying the two 9/11s together here.... 

Covid Flares in New Hot Spots as Americans Let Guard Down  

Kirk Cousins just fine with getting coronavirus: ‘If I die, I die’  

U.S. Debt Is Set to Exceed Size of the Economy Next Year, a First Since World War II  

‘I fear that I will never be the same again’: Here’s what it’s really like to be a COVID long-hauler 

Overwhelmingly strong results could end COVID-19 vaccine trials early, Fauci says   I'm sure he'll approve of and agree that his and the Gates Foundation collaboration on making a vaccine, will wind up producing overwhelmingly strong results just when the vaccine trials need to end or Trump pulls the plug on it. 

School boards will need to "collapse" some classes, trustees group says  Well at least some students are given the option of online learner there in Ontario, unlike here in QC.

Bradley Cooper Jokes He's 'Running A One-Man Preschool' For Daughter Lea  

What You Should Know About The Latest COVID-19 Face Mask Study

Australia falls into recession after almost 30 years of growth

Journalist Dies While Waiting for Ambulance at Covid-19 Facility in Pune, Ajit Pawar Orders Probe

It Doesn’t Matter Who Is Pushing for Masks, This GOP Governor’s Answer Is No

Professor who called COVID-19 ‘Chinese Communist Party Virus’ is on leave at Syracuse  Truth speakers are being ostracized more and more these days. Now it's en vogue, to basically lie to protect the feelings of other ethnicities  and to stand up for them even against your own ethnicity, even if it means lying in order to do so and firing those who'd dare speak the truth. Truths are not something anyone wants to face anymore, hard truths especially. 

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine could be on the market by end of 2020 - Italy minister  Such high hopes only days ago now....

Quebec karaoke bar linked to growing COVID-19 outbreak, cases at three schools

Uruguay, Latin America’s City Upon a Hill for Post-COVID Production

Coronavirus in South Africa: 'Frightening' findings of Covid-19 funds audit  Guess the Cdn government doesn't have the monopoly on graft & corruption...

Masks and disinfectant for schools will no longer be paid for by FEMA, which says they're not a 'direct emergency protective measure'  Wondering who pays for that stuff in Cdn schools?

Gabrielle Union Says Pandemic and 'This Racial Reckoning' Have Sent Her 'PTSD into Overdrive'

Dog days of the pandemic create a thriving economy for man's best friend 

Okay I'm leaving it here for the night.... Until next time take care & stay well.