Showing posts with label coordinated response. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coordinated response. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Headlines Update For...


November 25, 2020
I know the last post in here was posted less than 10 days ago and I said I wouldn't be posting more on COVID19 until or unless things drastically changed.
Well in my part of the world that being Quebec, Canada, nothing really has. We're still averaging about 1,000 new cases a day, we're still under lockdown and the gov't are still being lying, conniving, authoritarian nazis. 
But there have been enough different stories of importance out there over the last 10 days that I felt I should at least do any update post, for those who still care about this whole BS plandemic of theirs.
Even my own doctor has the same opinions about the whole thing as I do. Only she was shocked to find out that the Gates Foundation and the WEF had a conference in Wuhan China, shortly before this pandemic started, specifically to discuss and plan for ways of making, marketing and distributing vaccines in the event of a world wide pandemic. What'd ya know!?! A couple of weeks later the very city where that conference was held obliged them with just such a pandemic. 
There has been a bit of good news (well a lot actually if you're American, British or German - because you can have a vaccine available to you in the next couple of weeks or thereabouts). 
However, if you're Canadian you might want to start hanging the nooses around parliament hill now so we can start stringing the criminally negligent genoicidal idiots that are in charge of this country up ASAP, since bozo brains let our one and only chance at a vaccine in a timely manner get taken out of this country by the Chinese and now we'll have to wait in line behind everyone else out there in the world (and I know Mr. Loosey Goosey the UN ash kissing pandering moron he is, will let all the 3rd world countries in front of Canada in the line for the vaccines produced in foreign countries, so we'll be the Bangladeshis of  the coronavirus world, like the Bangladeshis were when it came to eradicating smallpox from the population).  
I know capital punishment has been banished off the law books here in Canada, so that was only wishful thinking above, but they should STILL BE TRIED FOR THOSE CRIMES (and in Mr. Loosey Goosey's case, a lot more crimes can be added to the roster too).  
Anyhow without further ado here's the headlines I saved over the last 10 days that I thought would be of importance and interest to many out there:
Immunity to the Coronavirus May Last Years, New Data Hint   So if you've already had it, like many of us have or think we have, you're probably not going to have any problems whether the vaccines are available or not. 

If they mean by as in by the time 2021 gets here, then we - even us Cdns might have a chance at getting vaccinated before the end of this millennium. But if they mean by the end of 2021, then ho hum, half a billion could be dead by then or just plain not need it as they'll have acquired their own immunity to it by having had the disease.

While it's basically about the same and stable here in QC, I do see that the numbers are increasing in various areas across Canada and around the world, but it seems to me, it's hitting the areas that it hardly touched during the 1st go around. At least here in Canada. So given that scenario, it's not worse than ever, it's just striking different areas than before and in those areas, it's worse than it was, but is still comparable to how other places were hit by it before.
Heading into holidays, US COVID-19 testing strained again  Especially since the American Thanksgiving is this  Thursday - or technically tomorrow now.
One-in-four Canadians can’t afford Christmas/holiday season this year  Very sad. That's why those of us who can needs to try to help those of us who can't, have a better holiday than they'd otherwise be able to afford on their own, by donating food, toys, Christmas goodies (like candies, cakes, nuts and other treats), pet toys, personal care products and even things like hats, mitts, scarves etc.... to the various organizations across Canada that can deliver such things to those in need. 

Like I said above it's increasing mostly in areas where it didn't hit before. 

Oh now this is one humdinger of an article to say the least. Just about every symptom imaginable for every disease imaginable is listed here as being a symptom of COVID. Um yeah..... If you buy that one I have a few tropical islands and bridges I can sell you  too.  

It should've read when you're most contagious. Just in case you wish to know.
Ethiopian army accuses WHO chief of supporting Tigray leaders This walking lump of turd with hair on it, needs to held responsible for the pandemic killing millions and infecting millions more world wide, so that army can get behind any humanitarian court that would be willing to try to that piece of crap and put him out of our misery. 

Well let's hope the other 7-8 manufacturers get it together and get their stuff available soon. 

He's 100% right but on the other hand we need this. We NEED a time to celebrate to take the edge off of things and to see family & friends again even if it is only for a couple of days and for a few hours. I mean since about mid-March QC has been under one form of lockdown or another pretty much the entire time. Most of the time it was stringent lockdown where we weren't even allowed to socialize with a neighbour or an extended family member even at a distance. In the summertime when everyone wanted to get out and blow off steam they made sure we couldn't because they basically closed all the fun venues down and those that were left open their restrictions were so restrictive no one knew if they'd be allowed into the place or not, or if it was already packed, and so half the time didn't bother going.

I haven't been in quarantine, but I have spent most of the year under lockdown and while I'm not 100% alone as my husband is here too and we do get along for the most part, but like any other couple we have our ups and our downs. Fortunately for us we haven't had many downs together over the past several months, but even still life is so boring and monotonous, I'm beginning to wonder why I should even bother getting out of bed in the morning, because it's just going to be a repeat of the last couple hundred days again. It's starting to feel like that old Bill Murray movie Goundhog Day on a neverending loop. So while I haven't had suicidal thoughts, I have wondered what's the purpose of living anymore as we can't do anything, see anyone or go anywhere, so what's the use.
Un petit avant-goût de nos partys des fêtes  As the French title says "A Little Taste of Our Holiday Parties to Come" - it's a video and while I believe the video was in English originally, I can't be sure as my speakers don't work, but nevertheless, you can still watch it with no sound and enjoy it just as much. 

All countries should learn this lesson. 

Like I said, they're all working in collusion with each other. Why? I mean I don't understand why the least affected countries have to march in lock step with the most affected ones. Unless it has nothing to do with the virus itself & more to do with other things.
Covid: First Americans 'could get vaccine in December' And the first Canadians will get theirs in the year 3,000 on December 31st, just before 3001 is ushered in. Thanks entirely to Mr. Loosey Goosey and his gross negligence not to mention gross stupidity. Gawd, that clown should win the trophy for the universal idiot of our times. Nevermind the village idiot, he's too stupid to qualify in that category as he's an all-time winner of idiocy.

Annnnnndddd it starts, using this as an excuse to track our every movement. I thought that's what the stamps in passports were for - to show which country someone has been to and when. So what's this other BS about and what will it do more than a passport stamp already does? 


Oh no sheite sherlocke! Especially not after you let the Chinese abscond with our vaccine, leaving us high and dry. Sheite for brains idiot. You seriously need to be held for gross negligence causing mass deaths - you Tam and that art teacher of yours. 

BUT: What I wonder is, did the Chinese also abscond with the facilities that the vaccine was to be produced in too? Or are they still here? What's wrong with getting certain pharmaceutical companies here in Canada to produce it? I know that Sandoz Novartis is here in Canada, also Abbott Pharmaceuticals and probably a few others as well. Maybe that pharmaceutical company that lost it's founder and the founder's wife to murder a couple of years ago, wouldn't mind having a contract to produce so many phials of vaccine for Canada, in conjunction with the rightful owners of the vaccine's patent. I mean there must be a way to work this out rather than making us stand in line until everyone else in the world has had their injections. Even India will have it before us, because they are going to be producing the Oxford vaccine for their own country.  So if India can do it, I don't see why Canada can't unless we've fallen behind even previous 3rd world countries, under numbnuts and the witch doctor we have in charge of our medical & health care system.
A Homebound Nation Goes All Out With Lavish Christmas Decorations  Same thing around here. I noticed that we're still a month away from Christmas but yet we're seeing more decorations now, than we did last year even on Christmas Eve. It's beautiful out there at night now and I thank everyone who is putting those decorations and lights out for the rest of us to enjoy. 

I sure hope that's not the same case here, though I have seen and heard of a few people who have been tossed out of their homes and some are now living on the streets or in their vehicles. That's very sad.
Belgian Police Will Knock on Doors at Christmas to Enforce Coronavirus Rules So now Belgium is adopting the same gestapo policies we have here in QC I see.... I guess we were the test population for that policy and since it seemed to fly and the gov't got away with it, other govts around the world are adopting the same policies. 

Soooooo that explains why Mr. Loosey Goosey numbnuts doesn't want to allow rapid testing here in Canada, because we might be able to eliminate the virus altogether if we get those tests and we can't have that, because then Legault et. al. wouldn't have any excuses for all their draconian policies anymore then, and he'd have to abolish those laws.
Quebec's Christmas exemption 'dangerous,' Manitobans should plan for a virtual holiday: Pallister Finally one last headlines just to tell the meddlesome busybody in Manitoba to keep his nose out of our affairs. Quebec is the province in Canada that's been shut down the longest out of all the provinces since March.  We've been in pretty much total lockdown since March with the exception of mid-June to late September (but even then we were under such strict measures we couldn't go anywhere or do anything - UNLIKE MANITOBANS who UP UNTIL LAST WEEK could do pretty much anything they pleased - they could go to restaurants, shopping, have get togethers with family & friends in limited size groups - and pretty much live life as normal NOT QUEBECERS).  So IT'S OUR FEW HOURS IN THE COURSE OF A FEW DAYS WHERE WE CAN ENJOY OURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR POPULATION HAS HAD IT IN REVERSE WHERE THEY'VE ONLY HAD TO ENDURE A FEW DAYS & A FEW HOURS OF LOCKDOWN - so they're barely feeling the pain of it yet. Wait until they've been under lockdown for as long as we have and then take the advice of a meddelsome busybody premier from some other province saying you shouldn't let your citizens breath or move because that might spread the disease more. Watch what happens to you and your gov't if you're dumb enough to take that advice and from what I see, you probably are dumb enough, given people had to plant fake tombstones on your grounds in order for you to get the message your people were dying from your LACK OF MEASURES TAKEN!!!!!!!!!  So shove it!!!!!
In closing I thought I might let you know that I might (that's a very tentative might the closer we get to Christmas though - so it's probably more like might not) be posting the occasional update of headlines if I see there's enough and it's merited, unless like I said things change drastically either way. So far that's not happening really.  
So anyhow to all the American visitors have a Happy, Healthy & Safe Thanksgiving holiday!