Showing posts with label mask mandate lifted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mask mandate lifted. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Wonderful Weather, Rearranged & Strange Plans, With Ever Increasing Amounts of Headlines about.....

 Covid 19


May 18, 2022

As tomorrow is Father's Day here in Canada, let's raise a toast to all father's everywhere!

We celebrated Father's Day last night with our son and his wife. We were planning on the weather being nice so we could have a BBQ, but it poured. So everything was done inside, so instead the steaks were cooked in a grill pan on the stove and instead of skewered veggies on the BBQ, we had poutine (the fries, gravy & cheese concoction Quebec's cuisine is known for) with salad and copious wine and beer. 

It rained today too, but it cooled the place off to a comfortable 13 to 15 degrees celcius instead of the horrible 27C with a humidex factor of 33C.  I'd much rather have today's temperatures all summer long rather than yesterday's. It felt like I was in a freaking sauna here in the house with all the doors and windows closed and no air conditioning put in yet. Mainly because it's been relatively cool this summer with the  warm or hot day thrown in here and there just to appease the heat lovers once in awhile. So I'm finally enjoying summer weather here in QC - I think this is a first really. Most of the time it's so freaking hot you begin to think you're living in hell. So I'm just enjoying the temps, while I clean up after last night's party and relax afterwards doing this. Oops have to go stick a couple spuds in the oven to have with supper tonight.... Be right back.... Not having anything fancy for supper, just some baked potatoes, with pork chops & mushroom & onion sauce with a salad. 

As our daughter-in-law has a birthday coming up this week, we asked her what she would like to do for her birthday, and she didn't know, so of course our son suggests things HE would like to do, like go go-carting or axe throwing. I looked at him flabbergasted and asked him if he really thought his wife would like to do that and he said well she likes new experiences and I'm like well yeah new experiences but new experiences SHE WOULD LIKE TO DO. So I guess she figured there was going to be an argument over that or something (and she hates conflict of any kind) so she said she'd like to go axe-throwing. So it looks like that's what we're going to be doing later next Friday. I hope I don't drop an axe on my foot or accidentally release it before it's in forward motion and hit someone behind me with it. That is NOT something I'm looking forward to, but I know my husband who looks like he stepped out of either a Viking movie or a movie about bikers, will ace it, hands down. Yeah, he desperately needs a hair cut and to cut his beard off. 
Personally I'd rather go sky-diving, bungy-jumping, or zip-lining, camel riding, and a lot of things on my bucket list rather than axe throwing. Go-carting I've already done and wasn't enthralled about it. Anyhow that'll just add to another one of my unexpected experiences I've had in life to go along with go up in a hot air balloon, an elephant ride, operating a Flight Safety flight simulator and doing a damned good job at it (it's the real flight simulator inside a real cockpit on a mechanical/hydraulic set up that moves the cockpit according to whatever the pilot does in the cockpit, something that back then in the 1990s pilots or their companies paid $1,000 an hour to use). Basically having ridden in/on everything on the ground - ground vehicle except an army tank. The only modes of transportation I've yet to experience is submarine, bathyscaphe, cruise ship, on or under water. In the air, space craft, super sonic anything, wind only powered aircraft, like gliders etc - except hot air balloons. On the ground, the only thing I can think of is camels and donkeys and army tanks - and race cars, otherwise that's pretty much covered including horse & buggy - as I actually drove one in Montreal in the 1970s as a summer job - was one of my favourite jobs of all time. The horse I was given (not to keep but as my horse to use for the job) was a super smart and awesome horse. Super sweet temperament too. Loved him lots. 
Met tons of celebrities, a couple of them even tried to "pick me up". One of them while singing one the hit songs his group sang which he was the lead male singer on - California Dreamin' - so if you know your rock n' roll music and groups you have a pretty good idea who that is, without me naming him. The other tried to pick me up in a bar by buying me a drink and he's well known for the songs Cocaine and I Shot the Sheriff, - if you don't know who that is.... Then you don't know rock n' roll at all. While I drove the horse and buggy the country singer who sang Rhinestone Cowboy and Galveston.... was one of my passengers that summer. We ran into a Canadian actor who was in a couple of movies one with the guy who played Crocodile Dundee, in the elevator at the hospital where our daughter was being treated for cancer, he autographed an envelope of hers that we were bringing to her. When I was a young kid (15 or 16) my mother pushed me into a room where the Irish Rovers were giving autographs and told me to get one for her, but they wouldn't, they signed it to me and said if she wanted one she had to go get one for herself. I also almost ran Ella Fitzgerald over with my horse & buggy as she got out of a car parked on the left side of me as I was going down Crescent St. in Montreal and she tried to cross directly in front of me with her security detail. I just barely managed to keep the horse from trampling them. Then my passengers who were all American women, recognized her instantly and started screaming her name and telling me to stop so they could get her autograph and a picture with her. I won't say what happened next, but trust me it didn't leave me with a good impression about Ella Fitzgerald. I wondered after that how someone like that could have fans at all.... Anyhow, I guess she does.
I was the president of my husband's construction company which was the best in the city we were living in at the time, until the interest rates went up to 21% and clients could no longer afford mortgages at that rate....  
Not to mention stalked by a bunch of bikers who even took up residence right across the street from where we live now, until they were thrown out. 

A movie production company's scout knocked on our door one afternoon asking if they could use our house to shoot a movie in (a French movie). Up until that point I had no clue they even did that, I thought all or basically all movies were shot on movie lots with cardboard houses as backdrops. And because I didn't know anything about it, like the fact that they pay so much a day to rent it, they pay for any expenses involved - like if they need to remove our belongings for the movie they'll pay for storage of them, and living accommodations for us etc.... Those are all the things I didn't know but wish I knew now, because if they did use this place for a movie, that would've added to the cache of this place and made it sell quicker than it's doing now. And we could've made a ton of money considering they generally paid (back then) between $1,000 to $5,000 a day - for houses in Quebec at that time.  Plus if they needed to do redecorating for the movie (like maybe repaint or repaper or add some architectural feature) they paid for it and if you liked it you could keep it, or they would restore it to what it was before they redecorated/renovated. Now that I know all of that, no other house scout came along since, so I can say yes this time around. Just my luck.
I was a nurse but hated it with a passion - that's actually what my formal education was - nursing. I didn't remain in that long, even though I had the top marks in my class and got hired right away. It just wasn't for me. It was what my mother wanted for me, not what I wanted for myself. Geology or archeology were my main interests at the time I was in school, not nursing. But girls couldn't do those things as that entailed digging in dirt and girls just don't do those dirty things. No instead, they contend with bedpans, vomit and if in operating rooms, the innards of the body. Dirt is no where near as gross and revolting as the other things I just mentioned. Despite not working as a nurse for decades I can still remember a great deal of the stuff, as I proved to myself by trying to coach my daughter-in-law when she was studying to be a nurse. She didn't know the stuff, but I did and was amazed to find that out too, which she verified for me when we both doubted me. I thought I had basically forgotten the most part of it, but it seems I didn't. Guess it's like riding a bicycle.... You never forget.... 
I probably would've made a super nurse if it didn't involve me actually have to do the practical side of it, as I loved the theory and all the science of it, I just couldn't stand the practical side of it. It wasn't just the goriness of it that got to me, it was how I was treated, by senior nurses (one in particular), some of the patients especially male patients as at the time it was basically free game for them to do whatever they liked to women from pat or pinch bottoms to making lewd gestures or comments to trying to grope you etc... Or patients' visitors like relatives and friends who thought that the only thing you had to do was revolve around to serve or look after the person they were visiting and had no qualms about reaming you out in middle of a whole ward of patients with their visitors because you didn't respond to the call button 2 seconds after it was pressed. And having to suppress yourself and hold your tongue. We weren't allowed to defend ourselves, we had to just take the reaming out gracefully and hold our tongues. That was ultra hard for me to do as you may have surmised by my blog here. So after a few too many incidents like named above, drawing the curtain in the morning on one of my patients and finding her dead and a few too gross for me to handle situations (where it was a case of the nurse needing a nurse), I decided that was enough nursing for me and quit.
In the mid 90s to the mid 2000s I did research for a talk show host based in the US, who had a show on the net and radio too I guess. He discussed controversial topics like UFO & paranormal activities, conspiracy theories (examining them to see if there was any truth to them) and current events - especially when 9/11 happened. It's through me and then via him mentioning it on the air, that the "terror threat alerts" stopped happening. Because I notice through my research that I did for him, that there were new terror alerts being issued every Thursday for one part of the US or another, so I sent him a flippant remark appended to that week's news story of the terror alert for that week, saying "It's Thursday again Jeff, so here's this week's terror alert". So then he emailed me right back and said what do you mean it's Thursday so it's this week's terror alert and I told him that they issue one every Thursday - haven't you noticed that yet? He replied he hadn't and asked me how I had notice and I said I have all the stuff I send you in email still in my email sent folder so it was easy enough to find out, all I had to do was look back through the dates the alerts were issued and I found out it was always on Thursdays. So he mentioned that on his program that night and they never had another terror alert in the US after that, especially after the guest he had on that night surmised it was probably a psy-ops operation to keep everyone scared and compliant. I believe his site still exists and that he probably still broadcasts over the internet at:
Kind of like Covid was this time around but not just for the US but for everyone world-wide. 

So this old girl has had experiences, those mentionned and many more besides.... So axe-throwing will just be one more "different" experience I guess.  My father and my husband both tried teaching me target practice with a rifle. My husband who is a marksman told me the trick to it and after that I had no problem. Axe throwing though... Hmmmmm.... Guess I'll find out, come Friday....
Anywho, enough strides down memory lane and back to the present.... 

H A P P Y    F A T H E R' S   D A Y   TO   A L L   F A T H E R S !!!

Now on with the neverending backlog of Covid 19 headlines, they just keep piling up on me.....

Professor files Human Rights complaint in bid to get Moderna vaccine for his children Which according to a missing Ottawa Citizen story he won around mid April. He wanted Moderna because it was 94% effective at preventing illness in basically anyone of any age compared to the 12% effectiveness the recommended children's doses of Pfizer's provided. So I don't blame him. I'm glad he won too.



Fear and Loathing of the Unvaccinated Gets Another Boost If the vaccinations worked properly like vaccinations should, then there should be no fear & loathing going on amongst the vaccinated, as they'd be properly protected from getting the disease from anyone else period, whether they were vaccinated or not vaccinated. As it is now, the vaccinated can not only get infected from the non-vaccinated, but from the VACCINATED AS WELL BECAUSE THE VACCINATED CAN ALSO SPREAD THE DISEASE. So that's just irrational idiotic logic or maybe the the gov't and media fear mongering to get the vaccinated to apply more pressure to the non vaccinated group to get vaccinated (because after all we need to make as much money as we can on our precious vaccine shares we have and we can't do that unless more people get vaccinated). 
COVID-19: Most Canadians didn't ask guests to take a test before spring holiday gatherings  Those tests are pointless anyhow as most of them give false results. You could have it and even be showing symptoms of it, but still get a negative results, as happened to my daughter-in-law who works at a hospital. Even though she got a negative results the hospital made her do a proper PCR test and the results of that were positive (which she knew it was by the way she was feeling despite the rapid test saying she didn't have it).

Quebec's sixth wave of COVID-19 on the wane, experts say  Don't worry there's another one or two waves on the way from all the stories about all the new waves going on elsewhere in the world with new variants.


Covid deaths no longer overwhelmingly among unvaccinated as toll on elderly grows Because the vaccines provide such wonderful protection, doncha know? 😡

'Rolling Thunder' protesters drawn from 'Freedom Convoy' ranks return to Ottawa Yup and I hear that the upcoming Canada Day celebrations are going to feature ex military protesting the usurping of our rights and freedoms that's been going on under the little draconian dictator pig and his too tightly turban wound cohort. Hopefully they'll form a militia and arrest the two wanna-be dictators and throw them in the brig and hold them on the charges of treason and genocide and crimes against humanity. That would be an awesome Canada Day present to Canada and Canadians in general.

Bikers descend on Ottawa to protest government They have my full support. That's for sure!




'Will Punish Trudeau In Court' | Canadian Law Firm Vows Action | Canadian Emergency Exclusive |NewsX I hope that little prick gets his comeuppance and gets it good. Seriously.


Is Justin Trudeau A Coward For Fleeing Canada During Freedom Convoy Protests? The overwhelmingly resounding answer to that question is YES HE IS!

This is how financial freedom dies (CBDC) Only self-entitled, self-centered, egotistical maniacal millionaires and billionaires are allowed financial freedom the rest of us should be happy with the few crumbs and scraps the gov't deigns to dole out to the rest of us, apparently.

Toronto Police prepare for weekend of rallies and protests Well if we didn't have such draconian dicatators in power we wouldn't be having these protests. So instead of arresting people standing up for our rights and freedoms why don't you go arrest the REAL CRIMINALS WHO ARE QUASHING OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS! Instead of arresting the victims, go arrest the criminals!!! I swear cops are such moronic idiots from what I can see.





😑[DISTURBING] 🚨 OTTAWA POLICE HEAVILY ARMED FOR PEACEFUL PROTEST (ROLLING THUNDER) Yup the braindead gov't gestapo thugs who are too stupid to realize they're going after the wrong people. They're going after the victims of the REAL CRIMINALS WHO ARE IN PARLIAMENT AND ABROGATING ALL OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS UNDER THE CHARTER OF RIGHTS & FREEDOMS WHICH IS THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF CANADA. But the f'n cops are so f'n braindead they don't seem to understand that that IS THE CASE, THE CONSTITUTION ******IS THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF THE LAND****** WHICH THE ASS HOLES IN POWER ARE BUSY ABROGATING LEFT RIGHT & CENTER ON US - IN OTHER WORDS IT'S THEM THAT ARE THE CRIMINALS HERE AS THEY ARE THE ONES BREAKING THE LAWS, BY TRYING TO REMOVE OUR RIGHTS UNDER THAT LAW!!!!!!!!!!! But hey leave it to the cops to be that f'n dumb. Like my husband always said to be a cop, all you have to do is pass a test where the tester shakes his hand (not the wanna be cops hand but their own hand while dangling their fingers loose) and says pick a number and no matter the number the wannabe cop picks, he passes the test.
Unwelcoming Party for the Rolling Thunder Ottawa Event - Mayor to Make Parking an Issue I wonder what the Ottawa citizens who need parking spaces thought of this....
14 ways to PREPARE for food shortages around the world Because of the inflation caused by a ton of factors including COVID chain supply problems.
Bill Gates warns 'we've NOT seen the worst of Covid': Microsoft billionaire says there is 'way above five percent' risk of pandemic generating more transmissive and 'even more fatal' Coronavirus variant Of course not, because he's probably ensured that we will face more fatal variants by having them made and released so he can sell yet more vaccine doses to the world. He's a crooked, conniving little prick and always has been since he stole CP/M from Digital Research in order to make MS-DOS. 
South Africa's Aspen COVID-19 vaccine plant risks closure after no orders-executive They're saying that there's not enough vaccine supply to meet global demand but yet they're closing this vaccine plant because they didn't get any orders.... Wow... Just wow.
More Albertans with gastrointestinal symptoms test positive for COVID-19 Hmmmmm North Korea recently started reporting a  gastrointestinal illness that they don't seem to know if it's associated with covid or not.... Wondering....
CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders Canada just tracked all the phones on that app of theirs just because they felt like it.
COVID-19 infection could age brain by 20 years, lower IQ significantly So if we get COVID 5 times it'll age our brains to 100 more years than it is biologically? So if that happened to me my brain's age would be in the vicinity of 160 -170 years old? I dunno, about that... Considering I've had it 2x already - so my brain's age would be about 100 - 110 years old according to that study... Now I know I'm not able to be an unbiased judge of my brain's functioning but I hardly think my brain is functioning at an age of 100 to 110 years old. If it is, then I would've been an awfully lucid, articulate and outspoken 100 or 110 year old, if I made it that far.
COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know Tuesday  Marking a rather grim milestone - where more than 15,000 people in the province died from the disease since the plandemic began.
Going back to the office? It will cost you At the price gas is now, that's for 1000% sure!
Saskatchewan airports see increase in passengers since COVID restrictions lifted They're not the biggest airports in Canada, so in comparison to other airports the increased numbers they are experiencing  probably wouldn't be noticed at the larger airports. 
1,000 pieces of germ-fighting antimicrobial copper installed at YVR to combat COVID I just hope this works and it's not another expensive useless piece of junk Canadian taxpayers have to pay for.
Carnival Cruise Line Is Now Sailing Its Full Fleet Even before COVID came along I would never get on a floating petri dish that I would be stuck on for x amount of time. Nevermind COVID Norwalk virus makes its rounds regularly on such boats and when you're stuck there with no way off or to get away from the illness, like that, that's not for me. 
Switzerland Has Now Removed COVID-19 Entry Restrictions for All Travellers It seems like everyone around the world is removing restrictions except for sheitehead in Ottawa.

Study suggests link between air pollution and COVID infection in young adults That's what I first suggested about why China was getting hit so hard back in the beginning of the plandemic (while their economy was still going full steam ahead) that part of it was probably the air pollution to blame. People told me I was nuts.  

Canadians line up for days in attempt to renew passports amid travel resurgence I guess everyone is in a hurry to get out of here, now that they can. Can't say as I blame them.

Today’s coronavirus news: Quebec judge bans father from taking son to protests against COVID-19 health orders  That judge should be banned from sitting on the bench or even practicing law of any kind as he's obviously a gov't shill and a moronic idiot that doesn't have 2 clues about what the laws of Canada or Quebec are.

Is the U.S. really out of the 'pandemic phase' of COVID? Ummmm as much as they'd like to think so, I don't think so given all the news coming out of there about this variant, that wave, these cases and those deaths and so on....





Sask. COVID-19 patient marks 279 days in hospital that's a very long time to endure hospital life for any patient. If it were me I'd be looking for a way out for myself. Geez I was hospitalized 3 weeks once and at the end of it, I was getting super anxious to get out of there. 


Moderna blows out first-quarter earnings expectations, triples Covid vaccine sales In the immortal words of Pink Floyd.... money,money,money,  mon--ey.... 

5th Wave? New York COVID Hospitalizations Top 2,000, Nearly Tripling in a Month  This is one story that seems to indicate that the US is NOT out of the pandemic phase as they were speculating about in an above linked news story.


China Bolts Residents Reluctant to Lock Down Into Apartments in Desperate Pursuit of Zero-COVID I'm wondering just how inhumane that gov't can get.... Doesn't seem to be any end to it, really. Tienanmen Square was just the tip of the iceberg I guess....


Vanishing Variables: Lessons from Gamma, Iota, and Mu I forgot about those variants. Too bad all the other variants don't disappear too.


Even as COVID cases rise, mask mandates stay shelved Everyone is free to continue wearing their masks even if the mask mandates have been lifted, if they feel more comfortable doing so. I carry a mask with me at all times in case I feel like I might need it or in case I go somewhere and I'm asked to put one on.

COVID-19 warning: Newest BA. 4 and BA. 5 subvariants evade natural immunity, expert says So another reason you might want to continue to wear a mask.




N.S. reports 22 COVID-19 deaths, 2nd highest weekly count since pandemic began  Not good. Not good at all. In fact that would seem to indicate things are going in reverse for Nova Scotia.


Canadians' trips to liquor stores, pharmacies tracked via phones during pandemic From a story posted & linked in the labels side bar here, from last year, they did a lot more than that than just track. They basically spied on Canadians using that app.

Pandemic death toll at end of 2021 may have hit 15 million people, WHO estimates Because apparently the numbers aren't scary enough to get us to take our vaccines that they so desperately want us to take.






Poilievre slams Charest over trucker convoy stance As he should. Charest has proven himself to be a hard assed wanna be dictator too, especially when the student protests were going on here in QC when he was premier of the province. Not to mention if anyone can LEGITIMATELY BE SUSPECTED OF BEING A CRIMINAL OR AFFILIATED WITH SUCH IT'S CHAREST & NOT POILIEVRE!!!!! Charest was under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION under the Charbonneau commission - for which he was NEVER CHARGED NOR CLEARED. He had to ASK TO BE CLEARED SO HE COULD RUN IN THE LEADERSHIP RACE. Poilievre WAS NEVER UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TO BEGIN WITH. All he did is show solidarity with those truckers who were STANDING UP FOR OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS and because of that, the hardnosed half baked moronic Buggy (Charest in English) is trying to smear Poilievre with being a criminal or associating with criminals JUST BECAUSE THAT CAN LEGALLY AND TRUTHFULLY BE SAID OF MR. BUGGY ASS - he's buggy in more ways than one, lemme tell ya....

Coronavirus wave this fall could infect 100 million, administration warns Again fear mongering to try to regain compliance from the masses.


Nearly half of Canadian moms reaching their breaking point due to pandemic, survey finds I feel for them. I'm glad our kids were grown and gone (well one died several years before) by the time the plandemic lockdowns began, because I think I'd have either hung them or myself or all 3 of us, because I wouldn't have been able to take the squabbling and fighting & sheer noise after being confined in a house with them for that duration of time. And in comparison to a lot of other siblings, our kids got along pretty good, but when they didn't oh boy you knew about it. 

Canadian authors, booksellers say COVID-19 has both helped and hurt their industry  In our area, for most of the lockdown times we weren't allowed to buy anything that was deemed to be non-essential, so non food/pharmacy sections of stores like Walmart were cordoned off - even clothes were cordoned off - apparently we don't need clothing to survive we can run around butt naked in the wintertime and be just fine according to the lamebrained gov'ts. So books, games, etc - especially if it meant it was entertaining or fun, was something we didn't need and weren't allowed to have or indulge in either.  So any new reading material I had was whatever I found on the net. 

Should Canada be doing more to boost global vaccine equity? Of course it should. In fact we can give them all of the vaccines currently held by Canada and it won't hurt us one bit.

Unwelcome guests: Montreal cockroach infestations up 'between 10 and 15 per cent' during pandemic: expert Between this story and the one above about rodents it just sounds euuuuu yuck....  Glad I'm not living in Montreal then.

Quebecers under 60 can get a fourth dose -- but they probably don't need it, say experts Well considering that the 4th dose actually doesn't do anything according to scientific studies, no one needs it. 

Immunocompromised want masks to stay Like I said elsewhere in this blog.... If YOU want to wear a mask, wear a mask, don't make ME wear a mask JUST BECAUSE YOU have a health problem. Like I explained in that comment elsewhere on the blog, I have a health problem too. It's called migraines and just because I have one, doesn't mean I try to make the rest of the world comply to MY wishes everytime I have one. I have to try to cope the best I can with the noises in the environment like kids playing outside, dogs barking in the neighbourhood, planes flying over head and traffic going by the house. I can't reasonably expect the neighbours to keep their dogs and kids inside and to stop driving by the house and airplanes from flying overhead just because I have a migraine. That won't happen, so I have to learn to find a way to cope with it on my own. Either by going to a room in the house where those noises aren't so loud, or using noise muffling devices like ear plugs for instance or just toughing it out. Just because WE HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS DOESN'T GIVE US THE RIGHT TO DICTATE WHAT OTHERS DO AROUND US. That it's up to us to find a way to deal with it, because it is our health problem and not everyone else's too.


Editor of the British Medical Journal tells the FDA about Serious Concerns over Pfizer Trial Data Integrity Once again we see the crookedness of Pfizer and the lengths they go to to get approvals and to sell the public on the safety of their snake oil elixir that they're trying to pass off as vaccines.

Videos of People Dragged Into Quarantine Censored in China That's no big surprise what WOULD BE SURPRISING THOUGH is if they showed those videos nationwide on their TV news and broadcast them around the world. THAT WOULD BE SURPRISING.

The lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more about it I know my husband didn't and I can only attribute it to the fact that he got that anti-viral pneumonia vaccination before the plandemic began. 




COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns led to a global rise in loneliness No sheite Sherlock, that was one of the intended consequences of the lockdowns. Part of the psy-ops experiment they were conducting - to see how people would cope with that loneliness and what portion of the lonely people would take their lives etc... 


Got to sign off for now, because I can't keep my thoughts straight and my eyes open any longer. Don't worry there's lots more headlines where these came from... So until next time take care and stay well.

And remember.....

And in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:



Friday, May 27, 2022

Dandelion Syrup, Dandelion Jelly, Bad Vibrations HORRIBLE MEDICAL SERVICES IN QUEBEC & Neverending Headlines About...

 Covid 19


May 26, 2022

Naw, I'm not a chef, but sometimes I feel like one, especially when I have a lot of food to take care of of or cooking to do.

If you read my previous posts you know I picked a ton of dandelions to make dandelion jelly and hoped for dandelion wine too. Well I managed to pick enough dandelions to make the jelly but not the wine, but I did happen to find a recipe for dandelion syrup and made that instead as I had the exact amount of dandelions required for the syrup.  The recipe for dandelion jelly that I have, makes a jelly that reminds me of apricot tasting jelly. Which is good as I love apricots but haven't had any since I was a kid. 
Now all we seem to be able to buy in grocery stores are peaches and nectarines. Apricots are mostly sold in the bulk dried section now. Yuck. Nectarines are so f'n bitter I don't know why anyone would want those awful things. If we want something that tastes like that there's still plums but they're much smaller and so don't last nearly as long as a bitter nectarine does. Bring back FRESH Apricots to the grocery aisles would you Canadian Grocers!?! I mean if we can manage to get papayas, guava, mangoes, persimmons, dragonfruit, cactus pears,  and all sorts of other exotic fruits here while they're still fresh, we ought to be able to do that with apricots too, considering they were able to accomplish that feat back in the 1960s, so I don't see why it's suddenly so hard to do now.

The dandelion syrup, tastes like, well, syrup. Looks like syrup too. So now between our supply of Maple syrup and that we have syrup to last the year, I think. As we don't use syrup often (considering my husband is diabetic). 

I gave one of our neighbours a jar of both - so less sugar for us to consume. She was wondering about the wine, because I gave her some the last time I made it.  I think the dandelions have pretty well had it for this year, by the looks of things outside. Otherwise I would make some more dandelion wine if I could find enough dandelions to make it, now that the jelly and syrup is made. 
The other neighbour that we usually exchange goods and favours with isn't home, so they didn't get either of them. If there's still some left when they get back home from wherever they went, then I'll offer them some.
Euuuu and the badddddd vibrations.... Wow... I am sure several readers who have lived on roadways  or streets that were repaved, will identify with the vibrations caused by the road rollers - what used to be called steam rollers. OMG since they start at the crack of dawn almost I was literally shaken awake by them a few days in a row already. And they can't make up their mind about when it'll be ready to be paved. They thought it was going to be today or tomorrow, but now they're not sure because the municipality has to take a look at it, as they said there's instability in it and they don't know why. That's for sure we tried to get up the hill yesterday, but we couldn't and the flag man had to go smooth over one of trenches in one of the driveways so we could turn around to come back down the hill and try to get out of here another way - we did, but we might not have been able to as they are working on that road too. Well this is Quebec where summer is known as road work/construction hell. Literally every road in our area is being worked on and there are detours here there and everywhere and most of them are closed to general traffic and only open to local traffic. And they don't have the foresight to post signs saying you can't get all the way through and can only get to a certain point before the road is closed altogether. So you drive 5 miles just to get stopped by a flagman telling you, you have to turn around and go back where you came from and take a long, long way around to get to where you almost got to before they turned you around. Grrrrrrrrrr.....  And gas is sooooooooooooo cheap, we can afford to waste it like that because we're all soooooooooooooooooo rich.... 


My gawd, I used to bemoan the witch doctors we had in our area. Ones that were too stupid to figure out what to do about my dislocated knee that I was forced to hobble around on for four years before I got a 10 minute session with a physio therapist (but only after my husband offered to rearrange the quack's knees for him, first), who gave me some exercises to be able to get my knee back into joint and straighten my leg out and to be able to walk again. It was super bad then, but at least we had walk in clinics where we could go when all you needed was a simple tetanus shot for instance, or when you had kids who had super bad soar throats and needed antibiotics in order to prevent strep throat and medical requirements similar to that. Now for the entire south western part of the province from where the western dividing line on the Montreal island is all the way out to past here, there are FOUR WALK IN CLINICS and TWO OF THEM ARE NOT REALLY WALK-IN CLINICS BECAUSE YOU NEED TO HAVE AN APPOINTMENT. So.... 
Otherwise you get to sit in hospital emergency rooms for 14 -36 hours waiting to see a doctor for whatever ails you unless you might have 5 minutes left to live then they'll deign to see you before then. Otherwise sit there, shut up with your f'n mask on for that amount of time and don't dare "bug them" about anything or they'll keep moving you to the back of the already miserably long wait list to see a doctor. Well when you cut yourself on metal you NEED A TETANUS SHOT WITHIN 72 HOURS OF GETTING THE CUT.  It's no good going to your family doctor or even a walk-in clinic because they don't do tetanus shots anymore. At one time ALL WALK IN CLINICS did tetanus shots, now apparently you can only get them done in hospitals (with the insane wait times and being potentially exposed to everything from COVID to Monkeypox and everything inbetween) or CLSCs where again you have to make an appointment. With the clock ticking on those hours and the CLSCs not answering their phones after 4pm (and you don't know that and are calling at 4:45pm even though they're open until 9pm) and STILL NEEDING AN APPOINTMENT WITH THEM FOR THE SHOT, it's like pretty near impossible to get the tetanus shot within the time you need to get it. So my husband said F it, there's no way he's going to sit in a hospital emergency room for 14-36 hours just for an injection. So he'll take  his chances. Tomorrow will be the 72 hour period in question. 
So if he starts grimacing at me in strange ways, I'll know why... Then I'll be able to sue the idiots in charge that dismantled our already lousy medical system to make it even lousier. I'm sure I'll be able to find a lot of others who'd want to join that class action suit. Probably 80% of the population wouldn't mind joining that one. That one would be naming Gestapo Bozo Legault as the main tyrant in charge.  Hopefully, it doesn't come to that though, not because I wouldn't love to sue his ass  off and even have him thrown behind bars, but because I don't want my husband to wind up with Tetanus on account of all the medicare cutbacks stingy sheitehead Legault did.
The assholes in power that did that, are the CAQ. Now they are messing things up further with phone numbers you're supposed to call instead of going to see a doctor. Like I demonstrated above, how the f are kids with strep throat supposed to be diagnosed and treated or someone given a tetanus shot over the phone? Or put someone's dislocated knee back into joint or listen to someone's heart or lungs over the phone? 
So essentially the CAQ are stripping our medical services down to close to non-existant. WHY? Where's that money the Feds give them towards medicare going to if not to medicare????? Swiss bank accounts belonging to the head honchos of the CAQ maybe????? Kind of like the money that Parizeau skimmed off the top of things and buried 9 BILLION dollars worth in a Swiss account? Allegedly for starting the nation of QC if they won the referendum. They didn't win it though, so what happened to that money after that? No one ever bothered to try to find out, apparently. So is Gestapo Legault taking lessons off of Parizeau and skimming all the monies given for medicare to the province and getting put into his private Swiss account now? Is that why our medical services have declined so steeply under his leadership? Just wondering..... Because I know without a doubt that we DID HAVE WALK-IN CLINICS STILL IN September 2018 as that's the last time I remember being at one. Since then they disappeared and Gestapo Legault formed gov't in Quebec as per this statement from Wikipedia: On 1 October 2018, the CAQ won a majority of seats in the National Assembly of Quebec, allowing it to form a government for the first time. 
So 2 weeks after my last walk-in clinic visit, they gained power and since then they've been systematically closing ALL MEDICAL SERVICES DOWN. And they want another term in office?????? I'm sorry Gestapo Bozo Legault you have ALREADY DONE MORE THAN ENOUGH DAMAGE TO THIS PROVINCE IN SO MANY WAYS IT WOULD TAKE ANOTHER ENTIRE BLOG TO ITEMIZE THEM ALL AND CENTURY TO GET BACK TO WHERE WE WERE BEFORE YOU & YOUR WRECKING CREW CAME ALONG!!!!! 
And your office had the nerve to call me to ask me to help campaign for you in the next election. I'd rather die than help you do anything. Hopefully, that'll wake some Quebec voters up so they can see what Legault is all about incase they have a selective memory that only remembers a few things here and there.
And just try to find a hospital phone number in a hurry either in a phone book or online.... I dare you.... You have to know the long BS societe de bulsheite regie, de je ne sais pas quoi ou qui a la droite d'allez pour quelle probleme de Quebec name in order to find it. My gawd, they have renamed every hospital to something else and it's not a hospital anymore it's a societe or a regie je ne sais pas quoi. If you don't know that name good luck at finding the hospital's phone number. It took me over 2 hours to find a hospital number near here one day. By the time I found it, it was irrelevant, because I was trying to call them to tell them we'd be late for our appointment but I only found it 2 hours after the deadline of calling them, as I wanted to tell them we'd be there but maybe an hour or two late because of a car problem. Except I couldn't find the damned phone number for that long. Sooooooooo.....
Now on to some more headlines about Covid, starting from where I left off in my backlog of bookmarked headlines.....
A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board  Wondering how many Americans knew about this then, or even now?

Mounties used emergency powers as a 'big deterrent,' says head of RCMP How could they use powers that weren't even invoked? Ergo not made law? Think about that for a moment folks. The Emergency Powers were NOT invoked (at least not when they were using them), ergo THE MOUNTIES WERE OPERATING ILLEGALLY *****OUTSIDE THE LAW******.  And here they are bragging about using non-existant powers - powers that THEY USED ILLEGALLY. Think about that for a moment longer and try to digest it while you're at it. If you can't, then you know what must be done. We MUST DEMAND THE QUEEN, GOVERNOR GENERAL & THE ARMY STEPS IN TO REMOVE THEM & THE TYRANTS IN OFFICE BEFORE MORE BS LIKE THIS OCCURS!
Nearly $2M in COVID-19 tickets issued in B.C., but less than $400K paid Even that $400 thousand was $400 thousand too much paid. ZERO CENTS SHOULD'VE BEEN PAID considering people were being fined for the gov't breaching their fundamental rights and freedoms. The gov't breaches them by telling them oh you can't walk too close to that person or gather with more than your own shadow and when you do they fined you for it. If anyone needed fines it the gov't for breaching fundamental rights by trying to forbid you to walk with or near anyone else or gather with others beside yourself. 


N.S. renoviction ban likely ending with COVID-19 restrictions next month Out of all the provinces I've lived in I think NS has the worst tenants rights (if any), in all of Canada.

'Wall of sweet words' spreads cheer to Montreal seniors dealing with COVID-19 isolation Oh whoopdie doo.... I can assure you  that most seniors want more than "sweet words". Don't do anything that might actually cost a few dollars. Gawd no.... We wouldn't want you to do that.  I mean would it hurt you to band together your coins and do a little shopping at a local dollar store for things like candy bars, chips, maybe batteries, or decks of cards, or crossword puzzle books or little craft kits they could do to kill some time? If you want to spread some cheer to isolated seniors that would be the way to do it. Give them something to do to kill the time, or sweet sweets instead of words, even batteries for their electronic gizmos like radios etc...  Stop doing nothing and then trying to make it look like you're so f'n wonderful for doing nothing of any effect, gawd you look like a bunch of politicians to me. I don't care if it's school kids or not. School kids should be made to understand the realities of the situation and that saying something sweet isn't going to go very far in helping seniors in isolation deal with it. Perhaps something to keep them occupied and their minds off their loneliness would work a helluva lot better and it's not that expensive to pull off especially at the local dollar store.  Just sayin...... 
Perhaps a contribution of $1.50 per kid would be all it would take to spread cheer to 40-50 seniors in a home or on a ward. So stop pretending that that's such a great thing, when it's not. It's bullsheite - you're teaching kids young to be cheap ashed hypocrites that pretend to be doing something when in actual fact all it is is more cheap talk and hot air, like we get out of our politicians. I guess that's what it's all about teaching them how to grow up to be politicians - lots of talk and no action and definitely no money, unless it's towards themselves or their pet projects. That's what it looks like to me.  
If you want to teach the kids activism to improve people's lives teach them the right way and that isn't just plastering a wall with platitudes and "sweet words". Do something to actually MAKE THEIR LIVES BETTER besides blow out a lot of hot air (aren't you the demographics that are worried about hot air and global warming? if you are, why are you blowing so much of it out your pie holes anyhow?). Put your energies and money where your hypocritical little mouths are and DO SOMETHING OR GIVE SOMETHING TO HELP THEM, don't just blab at them. How the F does that help anyhow?





Edmonton’s Valour Place home experiences pandemic baby boom That must be one of the only places that experienced a plandemic baby boom.
Hawley reiterates call for Canada to be placed on religious liberty watch list as pastor remains jailed But I bet if an Imam addressed the truckers, he wouldn't have been jailed. No matter what he said to them.


Court extends rare order to freeze up to $20M in crypto, cash donations to 'Freedom Convoy' Obviously these judges in those courts are totally IGNORING OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and should be thrown out of office and off the bench entirely ALL OF THEM. 


Moderna Faces Patent Lawsuit on Covid-19 Vaccine Fauci, Gates and Schwab must be getting pissed because Moderna is making money - money they think they should be making instead.
Quebec mom loses appeal to prevent kids, aged six and eight, from getting COVID-19 vaccine This is CLEARLY GOVERNMENT & JUDICIAL OVER REACH. The judge in this case needs to not only be thrown off the bench and out of court but disbarred altogether as that's clearly abuse of power if I ever saw it.



CDC estimates 140 million US Covid-19 infections This is a new thing, instead of going with the already high enough numbers, all countries and jurisdictions feel that those aren't high enough now they seem to be doubling and in some cases 10x'ing them. Talk about inflating the numbers. Trying to make it look worse than it was apparently as what it actually was, doesn't look bad enough to them, I guess.

Scott Morrison sick, cancels event to light up Sydney Opera House with Ukraine’s colours In case anyone is wondering who he is.... The PM of Australia.

White House to unveil blueprint for the next Covid phase  See? They're already planning the new phase for the plandemic. 

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine less effective against infection for kids 5 to 11, study suggests Probably why they're suing Moderna, because they're losing money and have to make some some where even if it is via lawsuits, suing successful competitors.

Explosive Scenes as New Zealand Police Move to End Weekslong Occupation Because PM Ahem, oh sorry meant PM A Hernia, has to follow her dreamboat loverboy Sheite for brains in Ottawa's every move. He farts, she's got to fart twice as long and as smelly, he pees, she's got to see if she can make her stream go even further than his, he acts like a dickhead, she has to be an even bigger dickhead. Get the picture of what's going on now?

Two years into the pandemic, is the end in sight? If the architects of this plandemic (which includes Pfizer) has anything to do with it, then no it's not over and never will be over, so long as they can keep releasing new mutations of the virus in order to sell more doses of their useless vaccines and the powermongering power tripping assholes at the helms of all the countries that went autocratic control, have anything to do with it, they won't let it be over either as they don't want to let go of all that power that they wielded while the plandemic was in full swing.

The 'grey zone' hindering efforts to count Canada's COVID-19 deaths How? There was a document that I provided a link to, early on in the plandemic, put out by the CDC telling hospitals how to count covid deaths and essentially it boiled down to this.... If the person died in a motorcycle accident for instance, but KNEW a person with covid - whether they were ever in contact with each other was irrelevant - just as long as they knew the person and it could be proved they knew each other, that was a covid related death. If they died of cancer but contracted COVID while in the hospital (even if they recovered from it before they died) it was a covid related death. If a family member had covid and died and a related person died from a broken heart or suicide, that was a covid related death. In other words anyone who died of anything - it was determined to be a covid related death. That's probably how they still count them now.
As for me, I'm falling asleep here at the keyboard now, so I guess it's time to go pack it in for now. Until next time take care and stay well.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: