Showing posts with label "hero pay". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "hero pay". Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Never Ending Saga of ......

Covid 19


July 14, 2022

Even though the majority of us wishes it were over and done with and treat it as such, unfortunately it doesn't appear to be. Not by a long shot according to the headlines out there. They just don't end and in fact the stories seems to be getting graver and more serious by the day. 

Despite the fact that most of us don't seem to care much about the plandemic and the headlines it generates anymore, I've decided to at least post this post anyhow. If the visitor count continues to plummet the way it has this past few weeks, I doubt I'll be posting more posts. Because we ourselves since we're not being confined to home and are allowed to live our normal lives I won't be needing this as a reminder that we did do stuff despite all the bans and lockdowns, like I used it for before.

Since there seems to be so much financial chaos caused in large part by the plandemic and resulting hardship out there, this might segue into more of a how to get by within your means blog than a Covid news headlines listings (for posterity) blog. With examples and links to various sites and information on how to do things to save money - but I think this blog already gave plenty of those links, before in the first year of the plandemic when we were forced to stay home and manage on our own. Which when you think about it, that learning curve might've been preparing us for what's to come when we have to cut back on spending and have to learn how to make do with what we have and how to make and fix things ourselves.  So you may want to revisit those posts and links on those posts, and feel free to do so, that's what they're there for. 

We had a boil water advisory where we live - except our city didn't publicize it in the news - until it was half over with. In the beginning they sent out only text messages to citizens who are signed up with cellphones to get the alerts - we aren't because we rarely ever use our cellphone. So one of our neighbours informed me of it. They said we had to boil the water before consuming it. So I did, for the time the original txt message our neighbour sent me - which was until Sunday. But I didn't know about it before and so was drinking water from the tap like there was no tomorrow and then the day after I regretted it. On Sunday though I went to the city's website to see if the boil water advisory was still active and didn't see a dammed thing there about on the English section - so I thought it was lifted. So I've been drinking the tap water since Sunday up until now. It was only tonight that my neighbour sent me another message telling me the boil water advisory was lifted at 7pm tonight. I guess the worst of the problem was last week when it started, because like I said I've been drinking the tap water since Sunday and am no worse for the wear. Definitely not like I was the day after the advisory was issued without me knowing about it and how I felt the day afterwards.

As for us and what we've been up to lately....  We were invited to a Bon Voyage party for someone who is going to Vancouver BC for a week or so with a companion. 
I started a small weaving project *sigh* again *sigh* for probably the umpteenth time in my life which I hope to finish this time as I only ever finished one before now. Not because it's hard, but because I loose interest in it half way through. It's too easy so I get bored. Except this one is driving me nuts as there's a couple of mistakes in it already and without redoing it from scratch I don't know how to fix it. So I keep going trying to hide the mistakes every time they crop up. Whether it'll work or not, I dunno. I guess I wasn't paying attention on the first few rows and messed up and now it's perpetually messed up. So I may wind up giving up on this project too, before it's finished, if the mistakes are too glaring. Oh well.... 
Tomorrow would be our daughter's 41st birthday if she were still alive! Unfortunately though she died in January 2013 from cancer. Anyhow I just wanted to mark her birthday in here too. 
Aside from that, I've collected several more news headlines about COVID and it seems things are getting worse instead of better. I know we've all had COVID up over the tops of our heads and are just plain fed up with it all, but as the saying goes it's still better to be safe rather than sorry. So to achieve that, we still need to know what's going on out there in the world with this stupid pestilence that won't go away and leave us alone, so we know how to deal with it for our personal  safety and level of comfort. 
As much as I hate masks, I am thinking that if I have to spend any length of time in a building with multiple people (like a store for instance) I may resume wearing masks again, just for those purposes. Because I don't want to get it yet again and I don't want any more shots either and the masks did a pretty good job protecting us from it in the beginning, so they ought to work just as good now.  Hopefully anyhow.

Now on with all those headlines....
N.S. man died awaiting surgery delayed by pandemic. His widow is 'angry at the system'  Yup I've been saying since the beginning it's not fair that covid patients takes priority over all the other patients out there. Before covid came along, people were treated on a first come first served and triaged basis - so that if a few people showed up at the same time, the one with the worst problem would get priority over the one with the next worst and so on until they were all handled. Now it doesn't seem to matter what you have as long as it's not covid, you won't get treated. I wonder if most of that hasn't got to do with something similar to what was going on in the US. Where hospitals were getting more money given to them for each covid patient they treated, than for the other patients. Ie: It was reported that one hospital was given $20 per covid patient extra by the gov't than other patients were getting. Since they don't work on a medicare system like Canada does, you have to wonder what was going on in Canada where the gov't pays for each patient (no matter type), if they were doing the same, which only encouraged hospitals to treat ONLY covid patients (for the extra money they were getting) AND TO DECLARE ALL DEATHS COVID RELATED (whether they were or not) in order to get that extra money too.



Doctor prepared to take legal action if Ontario doesn't expand COVID-19 booster eligibility  Wondering how much money he has tied up in those stocks????


How the COVID 'hero pay' scandal prompted Ottawa to make wage-fixing illegal Good! I hope Metro gets slapped with a few huge penalties and fines, because they don't give a flying F about anyone or anything except themselves and their bottom line. I hope they are enough to bankrupt them too. Too bad the Feds didn't include those huge penalties for when they don't honor THEIR LEGAL LIABILITIES TOO - as in someone getting hurt on their properties! AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW! They and their insurers should be given those penalties if they don't honour their responsibilities to those who get hurt on their premises as they are required by law to do! Like I've been asking everyone to do.... Boycott Metro stores - in Quebec and Ontario. 
Canadian, American officials optimistic on democracy despite 'concerning cocktail' of threats The biggest threat to Canadian Democracy are the 2 assholes at the helm Turdeau and the too tightly wound turban depriving the brain of oxygen Sing-Sing. The oxygen deprived brain is propping up the airhead wanna be dictator until 2025 - giving them time to devise a way to circumvent the constitution and the elections, so they can stay in power indefinitely. 

Veterans for Freedom And I hope if those 2 assholes mentionned above tries what I said I have a feeling they might try to do, that these Veterans for Freedom prevents that from happening.  I mean things must be pretty dire, because I am in my 6th decade of life and this is the first time I'm hearing of such a group. So things have to be pretty darn scary "democracy" wise in Canada for a group like this to form in order to try to RESTORE our rights and freedoms (meaning they've been USURPED ALREADY and are needing to be RESTORED TO US). Let that sink in for a moment before moving on. 


Faced with rising COVID-19 hospitalizations, Quebec doctor calls for health system improvements  One MAJOR IMPROVEMENT would be re-instituting walk-in clinics, so we don't need to take appointments days in advance for things like broken thumbs, or sit for eons in ER hospital waiting rooms for such things either. I mean to remove the walk in clinics and deny us visit with our family physicians (because you need an appointment and we can only give you a phone appointment as the doctors aren't seeing anyone in their offices due to covid) and now it's an 811 call to speak to whoever answers the phone - for all we know it could be the janitor that answers and attends to our call. I mean how could things get any worse.  Believe it or not, I remember when doctors made house calls (that is when you were sick in bed, you could stay there and the doctor would come to your house and treat you while you were in bed). Then there were walk-in clinics to treat things like skinned knees, sore throats and bad colds etc... anything more serious that they couldn't handle they'd give you a referral slip to be seen asap in ER at the local hospital. Then came family doctors who were supposed to be available within the same day or the next day to treat their regular patients. Then Legault (pronounced Le  Go rhyming with) the Bozo came along and started closing all the walk-in clinics. Then the plandemic happened and whoops now we can't see our family doctors either and can only talk to them on the phone. Hospitals also now aren't accepting many people in their ERs due to COVID.  So basically we were left whistling dixie with no where to go and no one to treat us. So ya think we need to improve it, do ya???? Whatever gave you that idea???? I thought having the janitor at 811 was the way to go - it would save us massive amounts of money in the medicare system. This has deteriorated to what they said the socialized medical system under the USSR was like at the very end, where it was probably preferable to have a shaman or witch doctor treat you rather than what was left of the medical system there. 


How Pfizer Won the Pandemic—in Profit and Influence  I bet the fact that Fauci had any influence there wasn't mentionned at all....

The Holy Anarchy of Fun  This is what I was talking about in the first year of the plandemic where they didn't want kids to do anything except stay home and sweat. They weren't allowed to play with other kids at a playground, they weren't allowed to go to a public pool or beach, they weren't allowed to do anything that might be considered fun. Not only them, but adults as well. That's when I realized this was more about "conditioning people" than health measures and I really realized it on December 30ieth 2021 When Gestapo Legault declared a lockdown and a curfew (literally the night before New Year's Eve). We weren't intending to celebrate New Year's Eve with anyone but we were intending to have our son over for New Year's Day for dinner (had all the fixings and backing and everything ready to cook and serve and that asshole Legault pulled that stunt, I was ready to carve him up instead of our turkey we planned to have I was so angry).  Then later on when I saw that news report where it was admitted that there was NO REASON FOR HIM TO DO THAT, I was livid. It was just a power ploy to make him feel all giddy with power - just because he could do it and get away with it. It wasn't for anything to do with our health system, our benefit, or anything else - just his power mongering.  That's all it was for. His life was probably so miserable as he had nothing to do over New Years he wanted to deprive everyone else of theirs as well. That's what it looks like to me. A mean little spiteful vindictive man, who has no rights to hold power of anything. 



Quebec’s Roxham Road on track to see record number of asylum seekers — but they face delays and despair in post-pandemic Canada 'Scuse me a second there.... POST pandemic Canada.....Hmmmm.... when did we move from being in the thick of it, to "post" pandemic????? Because I really, really, really DO NOT REMEMBER that phase of it. Considering this blog is still posting headlines about it as though we're still right smack dab in the middle of it. Whether we want to acknowledge that fact or not.




Beijing mandates COVID vaccines to enter some public spaces  Trying to do like Gestapo Legault tried with us eh?

Got COVID? Doctors warn powering through it — even from home -- can worsen health toll As one of our neighbours came near finding out recently. 

COVID-19 vaccine acceptance is increasing around the world I don't know if it's so much as "acceptance" as it is just being sick and tired and worn down by the badgering. I know my son has not changed his mind about it one little bit. His wife was forced to get the vaccine against her wishes because she's a nurse. She's one of the few that I know that actually likes being a nurse and wanted to keep her job.


COVID Boosters Might Be Less Than 20% Effective After a Few Months: Study  So that means every few months you'll need a booster to maintain immunity???? Really??? That'll probably go over like a lead balloon with the majority of  the public, considering how much free time they have to keep running back and forth to health care providers for boosters and how much many of them love getting needles. Yeah.... I know Fauci and Gates would probably prefer that we get a new booster every second day or so, much more doses sold and so money made.... 

Food Prices Squeeze Poorest in Rich Countries There are so many ways to save money on food and not waste any. There are several sources of information about that on this blog, not to mention a few of my own tips & techniques that I've shared with readers. That once you manage to buy food you should do all you can to stretch it to it's max. Use it for a meal, save leftovers to make another meal with, conserve/preserve it, freeze in meal sized portions for your family, use every last usable scrap of it including juices and sauces and fats - even bones and marrow can be used for other meals. Get cookbooks that have recipes you are likely to use, learn cooking techniques to teach you how to make the most of your food, buy in bulk when you can and package and freeze, butcher & freeze in family meal sized portions, or preserve if too much to eat all at once before going bad. Comparison shop, use coupons, don't spend more on gas than on the amount you'll save on food costs if going out of way to a store advertising sales. Then there's plant your own garden or grow what you can on windowsills. Or if you live in an area amenable to it, forage for wild edible plants (berries, nuts, and several others like dandelions and cattails are good examples). Make all of your meals yourself rather than buying ready made or from restaurants. Generally speaking a homemade soup will be more economical than several cans of Campbells or the local store brand's soup cans and taste better than those commercial preparations too. Homemade pizza is usually 1/4th  the price of  restaurant versions. A nice Steak Frits dinner can be made at home with a decent recipe at a fraction of the cost using chuck roast cut into steaks. In fact if you can get chuck roast cheap enough and in a large enough piece, you can make pretty much all your beef cuts out of it, from steak, roast, cubes, sandwich steaks/strips and even ground beef.  Buy whole chicken and spatchcock it yourself, or debone and remove the skin to make your own boneless thighs and chicken breasts. The money you'll save between the cost of the whole chicken and those cuts of meat bought at the grocery store will astound you. So it's a matter of learning to do it yourself and to save and preserve/conserve food that won't be eaten right away, that will save you big time on the cost of food.



Editorial: Quebec's COVID plan is everyone for themselves, it seems   That's pretty much Quebec's whole health care plan, it seems.

'Massive wealth' Canadians stockpiled during COVID being eaten away at Dunno what massive wealth that was as I sure didn't manage to stockpile any of it. But then again I'm not a parent of umpteen dozen brats that got $600 each per brat. 

Hotels report being understaffed amid 'revenge travel' phase of pandemic "revenge travel" is a new one on me.... Never heard that term before.

COVID: China's Shanghai says new Omicron subvariant found Oh freaking wonderful.... This thing NEVER STOPS mutating and spreading. Does it!?!


PQ calls for independent observer to oversee Quebec's COVID-19 response We don't just need one to oversee the Covid response, we need one to oversee the whole medicare system in QC and what kind of destruction Bozo Legault is doing to it.

CEOs at Canada’s largest companies saw 23-per-cent pay increase in 2021 The 2nd year of the plandemic. While everyone else was having hard times making ends meet, the CEOs of the LARGEST companies were rolling in the dough, with 23% pay increases.


Temporary ArriveCAN app may be here to stay The gov't has collected far too much information on us already. There should be a revolt against using this ap and sheitehead et. al. ought to be told where they can shove it.

More than 1bn Covid vaccine jabs wasted in pandemic, data analysis suggests No doubt, knowing how gov'ts the world over work and how corrupt they all are, this doesn't surprise me in the least.

U.S. allows pharmacists to prescribe Pfizer's COVID-19 pill Of course because they've got to find ways for Pfizer and all it's shareholders to make money as quick as possible on it.



Ford reports worst quarterly sales in China since onset of Covid pandemic Well if everyone's under lockdown there, they can't work and if they can't work, they can't earn money and if they can't earn money they can't buy vehicles. I mean it's not rocket science to figure out why this is happening now.


Worldwide coronavirus cases cross 549.9mln but yet only 6.7 million have died. That's a little more than 1% of those who were infected with it. So you can see from the numbers it's not one of the most deadly diseases we've ever faced. 

Could a universal coronavirus vaccine be the silver bullet that ends this pandemic—and the next? That would be nice, but if it's any kind of genetic coded vaccine like Pfizer and Moderna's are now, there's no way I'll take it. A standard manufactured vaccine that's been PROVEN to work EFFECTIVELY LIKE VACCINES ARE SUPPOSED TO & LAST LONGER THAN A HALF HOUR, I might think about it, otherwise if it's just a repeat of the repeated reruns we're facing now. Nope. No way.




COVID-19 restrictions could be reintroduced if rise in cases hits NHS backlog, minister warns  I guess we should all prepare for similar likelihoods in our respective regions. I am guaranteed that if Gestapo Legault wins the upcoming provincial election, in the first week after he's elected he'll reimplement all the draconian BS he had going before including lockdowns and curfews.

N.L. is at more risk of a COVID surge than anywhere in Canada, says researcher Really I don't get how!?! I mean it is separated from the rest of the world by several miles of ocean. So it should be one of the relatively few safe places from covid, if the gov't there implemented measures to keep it out.


Will try to finish the rest of the headlines tomorrow. In the meantime I need sleep. So take care and stay well. 

And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: