Showing posts with label traveller exemptions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traveller exemptions. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2020

More News, Projections, Charts & Graphs About ....



December 13, 2020

Another day that seems to be a repeat of many days already. Of having nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to see and basically no purpose to even get out of bed, except that our dog needs us to look after her and spend time with her. I don't know about anyone else out there, but I've basically had enough of these types of days already and I want to be able to live and enjoy whatever life I have left.

So upon wasting time browsing the net, I notice that the Witch Doctor that heads up our medical community here in Canada has her panties all in knots again, making dire warnings that never come true, in an effort to scare us into compliance.  Which you'll get to see in due time as I get to that story in question. 

Anyhow, let's get started, so we can get finished before bedtime again....

I hope it's not at the expense of Canada, like with the PPE equipment that was shipped to the US destined for Canada, before the US gov't hijacked it on us early on in the pandemic. I hope that this won't happen with the vaccines destined for Canada because for some reason Pfizer has to ship our doses from Belgium to the US before we can get them in Canada. Why that is eludes me, considering we have airports in Canada too. We're not a total 3rd world nation yet.
COVID-19: A third of people have seen 'harmful' coronavirus vaccine conspiracy theories  But are they actually conspiracy theories???? And not actual facts that the mainstream media and gov'ts are trying to hide from us? I'll tell you how hard they tried to hide it on us, by trying to eradicate it from all available news stories and mainstream search engines, if however you use a divergent search engine you can and will find those news stories with links to Oxford vaccine researchers, the former Pfizer employee that caused the "conspiracy theory" BS in the mainstream media to start. Because of course as we all know media pundits and talking heads who've spent 0 as in ZERO HOURS studying medicine or science all knows more than someone who headed a pharmaceutical company (even if it was years ago, I was a nurse years ago and I still remember a good percentage of what I was taught and put into practice - as I'm sure he does) and probably had years of scientific &/or medical training in university before becoming the head of Pfizer years ago, unlike all those media morons that think they know more than he does. Or like the Witch Doctors that head up most medical depts in countries these days. I mean the heads of the health dept of Canada is Tam the Witch Doctor, Hajdu the Art Teacher and here in QC the pencil necked accountant Dube. NONE of them not even the witch doctor given her past performance here are even qualified to put a bandaid on a paper cut let alone head up health departments of countries, nevermind make determinations on science like that. That's so far beyond their scope of comprehension we might as well ask our dog if she approves of it or not and to do so by licking the Yes or No spot on a particular page. She might oblige by licking the spot that smells the best to her, or turn around and pee on the paper too. Who knows? But her determinations will be as qualified as any of those morons cited above. So I think the ones who actually knows what they're talking about here are the ones we're being asked not to believe by the mainstream media and society in general labelling what they have to say as "conspiracy theories". If you want to see the actual articles and information I was able to find on that click on "population sterilization" in the right hand labels column to be taken to the post with that in it, or just continue reading after you've read this post by clicking "next post" or " continue" or whatever words are displayed at the bottom of posts to allow you to continue reading the blog's posts. 

In a year where everything else has been cancelled or taken away due to COVID you'd think these greedy grubby pawed dickheads would honour agreements like that at least for the kids. But nope, they had to find a way to use people to get free publicity instead of honouring their deals. Well I hope they not only go bankrupt, I hope that in doing so the building crumbles to the ground and they are faced with so many lawsuits for damages, injuries and problems caused by the collapse, that the owners of it don't live long enough to see the end of the lawsuits coming at them. That would serve them right. I'm just wow, over the top blown away by such callousness, greed and opportunistic dishonesty it infuriates me.  
Holiday charity work in Canada a challenge for fundraisers and donors during pandemic We can make it easier for them by donating, whatever you can, whether that's a little bit of money, a can of food or an hour's worth of your time.


Not sure if this guy is super stupid or super stubborn - probably a heaping helping of both.
Dogs trained to detect people infected with COVID-19 – by sniffing their armpits Poor pooches. I'm sure if they had've had their say, they wouldn't have enlisted for that. At least not if they were going to get it too.


This is definitely not good.

Another Grinch stealing Christmas out there in the world, I see. 

And we wonder why we can never seem to get rid of the virus no matter what we do. How's it help us if we rid our population of the virus but in the meantime foreigners are bringing it in with them? That's how this plandemic all started by people coming into Canada with it and spreading it around hither & yon.
This is the story I was referencing above in my opening paragraphs.... 
 And here are her illustrious charts, graphs & diagrams she's using in hopes of influencing you to be compliant.... 
You may enlarge the diagrams by clicking on them if you wish....

Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine should be safe for most Americans, but 5 groups may want to wait for more data before getting shots

You "Should Not" Take COVID Vaccine if You Have This Condition, Alerts FDA Everyone, whether Canadian, American or any other nationality should try to find out as much as they can about any vaccine for anything that they wish to take before taking as there are risks with all of them pretty much. Most aren't serious, but some are, like the alleged sterilization risk for this vaccine which Pfizer itself won't talk about but, it's former CEO does along with other people in the scientific & medical communities, see "population sterilization" in my sidebar and click on it to be taken to the post with several articles about the perils of this vaccine. 

BioNTech scientist Katalin Karikó risked her career to develop mRNA vaccines. Americans will start getting her coronavirus shot on Monday.

How ironic that a woman would be behind the vaccine method that has the capability of sterilizing 70% of the population.... 

Here are the common side effects you should expect if you get Pfizer's coronavirus shot 

Coronavirus: Elliott says surgeries can’t be postponed again despite increasing COVID-19 cases Unlike here in QC, where hospitals were recently told to not handle any other cases except COVID19 basically. 

Coronavirus: Hillier says Ontario will ‘err on the side of caution’ in reserving COVID-19 vaccine doses

So in other words you're holding some doses back from the frontline workers and elderly incase some dignitary or two or dozen needs shots too? Like numbnuts mother and he & Ms. Piggy, and  Homer & Marge Simpson, like them? Sounds like that's probably the case to me, if you won't be giving them to the people who need them first and want to hold some in reserve in case....

'This vaccine is liquid gold at this point': Ontario completes security checks, will receive 6,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

The US 'could have every nursing home patient vaccinated' by Christmas, Azar says That would be amazing compared to here in Canada where we'll be lucky if we have even 2 nursing homes residents taken care of by then. 

Pfizer's vaccine authorization means 2.9 million high-risk people will get the shot within days - the first step in a 9-month path to normalcy

Canadians don't get your pee all hot, because they're talking about Americans here and not us. We'll be lucky if we have 2.9 people inoculated in days, the way things are going here.

The Vaccines That Could Use a Shot in the Arm If they want to question transparency why aren't they questioning the Pfizer vaccine? And instead of welcoming any & all information that can be obtained about it, they spend most of their time trying to quash, hide, stifle and ridicule it - calling it a conspiracy theory when in fact it's not. Hypocrites are us I can see....

Walmart Canada offers bonus for employees through COVID-19

Since we're talking about Walmart here, why isn't Walmart Canada helping with the vaccine campaign like they're doing in the US?

Federal authorities warn of holiday coronavirus case count spike 

Maj.-Gen. Dany Fortin on getting the COVID-19 vaccine to Canada

COVID SCIENCE-Drug combination improves COVID-19 pneumonia outcomes; five genes linked to severe disease 

s Head of Pfizer Canada says current Canadian policies stalling domestic pharmaceutical innovation 

COVID-19 vaccines arriving in Canada on Sunday night That's tonight folks. So if we don't hear that it's arrived on the late news or tomorrow's news then it's been hijacked by the US again and maybe then numbnuts will learn to demand anything that's to come to Canada, comes directly to Canada without going through the US. Why it goes  to the US first, makes no sense to me. It should come here. It's not like we have only 3rd world dirt landing strips for biplanes and the like. 

Musician didn't know his song was used as CERB on-hold music

I hope he hits the Feds up for tons of money in rights and royalties. It'll serve them right.

How Islanders are staying occupied during P.E.I.'s new lockdown 

La CDC Région Matane distribuera 350 bas de Noël à des enfants de La Matanie

That's awesome! I'm sure the kids will really appreciate it, after the year we've gone through!

Inside Canada’s race to get a COVID-19 vaccine: ‘Unlike anything we’ve ever seen before’ 

Coronavirus: Germany to go into lockdown over Christmas

Welcome to the club! We've already been placed in lockdown over Christmas.

Covid vaccines: Will drug companies make bumper profits?  I'm sure they will. They're aren't doing this solely out of the goodness of their hearts, there's some profit oriented goals in there too.

No pickers, no coffee: How Covid threatens Colombia's harvest

OMG I'll be in trouble if there's no more coffee. That means I'll never be able to wake up again even for a few minutes at a time.

Anyhow.... For now take care & stay well until next time.....