Showing posts with label authoritarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label authoritarian. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Confused & Upset While Researching Things About the Great Reset & ....


February 10, 2021

Okay..... Besides my own issues, I've been dealing with some major confusion and upset relating to some of the stuff I've read in relation to both the Great Reset and this "plandemic". 

This post probably will not have any headlines in it, because for now, I'm not going to post any until I have time to figure things out because the more I delve into the things, the weirder, scarier and just plainly insane some things sound. I mean, I dunno.... I just don't know.... All I can do is hope that it's a weirdo luney tune's conspiracy theory that has absolutely no basis in reality. But the problem is that a lot of it does have a basis and in reality and given that our PM is nothing but a freaking mental case, who knows? Yeah I know I'm going to be one of the ones in those incarceration centers for one reason or another if it winds up being true. But given I've expressed my thoughts about that idiot, over and over again and my opinion about him hasn't changed, I wouldn't be surprised if I do wind up there. 

Second thought, in order to clarify what I'm talking about here, maybe it is necessary to post a link with the pertinent portion of the text, about what I'm talking about here, in order to enlighten you about my babblings.... So here's the link to the story in question:  World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program” which includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements
Which you can read for yourself in it's entirety, or if you wish to cut to the chase, this is the part that's spooked me, baffled me, and made me think I'm reading a sci-fi article from some dystopian future, but then again we have moron for a PM, so everything is possible especially when he's being manipulated like the mindless puppet he is. So here's the portion of that text that's getting to me: 

2020 lock down tyranny is just the beginning of a much larger plan

The upcoming lock down plans are congruent with the “Great Reset” plan outlined by the World Economic Forum and Event 201, both funded and pushed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which seeks worldwide compliance with vaccine experiments and genetic modification of humans. The Prime Minister’s National covid-19 Advisory Commission (established in lockstep in March 2020) is now advising and pushing the Canadian PMO and the Department of Prime Ministers and Cabinet in Canberra to carry out these totalitarian plans.

The whistle-blower said at least thirty percent of the committee members strongly oppose these plans but their voices are being drowned out. It has been made “very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes,” said the whistle-blower.

The Canada’s Office of the Prime Minister has laid out the plan, which includes a secondary lock down by December 2020, that will implement restrictions on a rolling basis, beginning with major metropolitan areas and expanding outward. The media will project that daily covid-19 cases exceed testing capacity and must be curbed using a complete and total secondary lock down much stricter than the first and second rolling phase. The unemployment program will be configured into a universal basic income program by the end of quarter one, 2021.

As the vaccines are rolled out, all viral shedding, mutations, and vaccine injuries will be blamed on a “third wave” which includes a higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Anyone who does not agree to the vaccines will be stripped of their right to travel freely and will either be detained in the isolation centers or monitored on home arrest until they agree to comply.  {Scarily enough this is a new news story hot off the CTV presses tonight:  'Ugly' third wave of COVID-19 around April 'inevitable' for Ontario, expert says }

During this time, medical facilities will reach peak capacity, and government will enhance lock down restrictions, implementing a Third Lock Down by quarter two, 2021. Large inventory shortages, supply chain break down and economic instability is expected, as all individuals are put on a universal basic income program to curb hunger, homelessness and civil unrest. By quarter three, governments are expected to deploy military personnel to major metropolitan areas and roadways to create travel checkpoints. These tactics have already been tested out in 2020. Everyone who is dependent on these systems will be forced onto the HealthPass vaccination schedule. Anyone who disagrees will be deemed a “public health threat” or “enemy of the state.”  {Another news story hot off the presses tonight: Quebec mulls spring break roadblocks to prevent COVID-19 spread }

The whistle-blower said that dissenters will not be tolerated. “Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individual’s best interest to participate.”

“When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer, we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. Those who refuse “refused to participate” in the debt forgiveness program “would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities.”

“Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.”


I don't know.... But that is pretty f'n scary if you ask me. And while I'm not sure how the Soviet gov't confiscated all private property in the USSR, I know they did and so it can be done. Did they use the same methods of debt forgiveness in exchange for the property? If so, what happens to the property that people own, who have no debts? Do they get to keep it? Or will it be confiscated too, under some false and drummed up corrupt pretext?  

That coupled with the news that came out of the UK today..... England: Lying about high-risk travel upon arrival could land you in prison for 10 years

I don't know that's sound super over the top draconian. Dictatorish, in all it's forms. Wondering if the lizard lady aka QEII signed off on this one too? Like the thousands of other parliamentary bills she signed into law (even though she's not supposed to have a say in the matter & is supposed to merely be a figurehead).  

Those 2 stories in red parenthesis above were found after reading the article that I copied & pasted a portion from here. So you can see it evolving.... It's almost like they have a play by play book and are playing from it directly. 

Anyhow.... That's what's got me discombobulated today. The deeper into this plandemic we get the weirder, worse and more worrisome the news and information surrounding it and the great reset get, especially for us poor sitting ducks here in Canada and especially in QC where the gestapo bootied gov't is just on a power tripping high, that they can't get enough of.  

Until next time, take care & stay well....





Monday, October 5, 2020

More Mint Jelly Making, Stacks of Dirty Dishes & ....

 Covid 19

October 5, 2020

Using the last of the mint harvest I decided to make mint jelly instead of dehydrating it for tea. Since I already have a large quantity of dehydrated mint and we use more jelly/jams than we do teas - we're not big on tea, and usually only drink it as a remedy of some sort. Like when we have colds, we use ordinary tea with lemon and honey in it. When we have upset stomachs we steep finely chopped ginger in hot water to make a tea out of it. Or maybe my dried mint as a way of relieving stomach problems or for me anyhow it's a go to remedy for headaches and when I just need to relax after a hectic day. Being retired and all you can imagine how many hectic days we must have and now with the covid lockdowns and all.... Well you get the picture, I guess. So my dried mint lasts awhile to say the least. Hence the reason I felt maybe we might want the jelly more than the dehydrated mint itself. 

On top of that after my husband finished cooking supper tonight, using up all the biggest of everything he could find in the cupboards in order to do so (so biggest sieves and colanders and dutch ovens) to make his dish for supper,  plus the dishes I used to make the mint jelly (also large) and the dishes from  the day's meals it was like trying to do the rubics cube in order to load the dishwasher tonight. A real brain teaser on how was I going to fit all this big stuff plus all the other stuff into it, so I could get them done. I finally managed, but had to leave a frying pan and a drinking glass out of it. But I managed to get the rest of it in there.
Now for some more of those neverending COVID19 headlines....
Time to start wearing that mask — or risk a $240 fine People in QC, should be so lucky. That's a miniscule fine compared to what QC'ers would get. Not sure what it is exactly, only I'm sure it's way more than that.

We probably won't be wanting to have many more of those for this year anyhow so we shouldn't have to worry about it, until next year.

Bleach touted as 'miracle cure' for Covid being sold on Amazon Now that should be ILLEGAL!!!! I know for a fact that in Canada it would be, as we have laws against false advertising and that's the epitome of false advertising if you ask me. 

Tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts traveled to the Lake of the Ozarks for a bike rally weeks after a similar event in Sturgis was linked to COVID-19 cases in 8 states Wow, they just never learn in the US do they? They have to keep repeating their lessons over and over again before they learn anything at all apparently. Sturgis wasn't enough for them? Now they have to go to the Ozarks and see if they can repeat the lesson? Well it's true, bikers always were more brawn than brain.... Not the brightest bunch that's for sure.

Far-right conspiracy theorists say 94% of US COVID-19 deaths don't count because those Americans had underlying conditions. That's bogus.  Really? Personally I don't know how anyone would know anything about why anyone died in the US after that CDC mandate dictating that all deaths be labelled COVID19 in order to save time doing autopsies. So yeah the numbers are all wrong because  everything's been determined to have been COVID19 related whether it was or not. Even motorcycle accidents that killed the riders. Those weren't necessarily "underlying conditions" - though maybe you could say mangled everything is an underlying condition, but they didn't start out with those conditions before they died, just that they didn't have COVID19 either.


2nd COVID-19 surge could mean long-term health-care strain for chronic illnesses Don't worry, here in QC, they've figured out how to handle that..... Unless you have COVID19 they won't bother with you. That's how.


Police intervene after hundreds pack Ancaster, Ont., parking lot for event What's the difference between that, the drive-in comedy festivals, or drive-in movies, or drive-in bingo games, or drive in church services or even the stupid drive in or drive by graduation ceremonies they had in the spring? People are just getting sick and tired of being told what they can and can't do. Has it ever occurred to the authorities that not all people like doing the same mainstream stuff that some have  interests in the way of the obscure or fringe or maybe totally not mainstream and they might want to get together sometimes too? We're not talking anarchist clubs or anything like that here, just you know car buffs, or maybe off roaders or people who have other interests that don't necessarily fall into the church, bingo and drive-in movie categories.
Coronavirus: Ontario restricts social gatherings amid COVID-19 case surge But I bet the head honchos in government are still going to attend all their dinners and banquets they had lined up.

It's true they have almost no cases to even worry about, so having festivals isn't a problem for them. But it shouldn't be a problem for any event organizer who can figure out how to keep large groups a part and separated into individual family groups. It should be relatively simple if they have well defined entrance gate rules, with signs posted telling them to stick to the group they arrived with and don't commingle with anyone else (even if they know the other person in the other group). It's okay to wave, and maybe kind of yell hi, but not to approach and if they do, they'll be tossed out of the venue and forfeit the entrance fee. To keep their distance from all other groups at all times or again forfeit entrance fee and be tossed out. And that management reserves the right to refuse service and can terminate the attendees presence at the festival upon their discretion. As simple as that. Signs like that worked for other things (from shirts and shoes to bad behaviour to illegal or contraband items being brought in and all sorts of other things). That's all they have to do is set up strict conduct codes and enforce them. That way the majority of the people can still have a life and some fun in that life and do things without being treated like criminals and told to stay home under house arrest all the time. Like the saying goes "where there's a will there's a way". Trouble is the event organizers who say they want to have these events and stuff don't have either the will or the way (not sure which it is, maybe both - maybe they're just a bunch of lazy clueless idiots who can't chew gum and walk at the same time so doing and thinking of things like that is a stretch for them). 
Quarantine exemption for billionaire | Sunday Scrum One rule for us little minions the cogs in the economic engine, and another rule for the billionaire owners of some of that engine, apparently. 


Coronavirus is inspiring Halloween costumes, from Trump masks to tiaras: 'Most feared monster out there' Let's hope there is a Halloween and they get to use their costumes for some fun in this miserable cancel all the fun year we've been having.

Sounds like the same thing they had to endure here in Quebec and probably all of Canada, because unless you're a COVID19 patient (no matter severity), you don't count, even cancer and cardiology patients don't count anymore it seems. It seems like the hospitals have devolved into large units that specialize in one thing and only one thing and that is COVID19 - not even other respiratory illnesses count anymore  either, just COVID19.

Coronavirus: WHO sets rules for testing African herbal remedies I bet if any of them work they'll confiscate them and tell the people there that stuff is illegal and they can't have it and meanwhile reap as much of it as they can for their own purposes and keep all the seeds from the plants to sow in greenhouses on some other continent where they'll put that herbal remedy to use and into large scale production. And the people in Africa who discovered it will get no mention and no compensation for it's discovery. Instead some ivy league scientist with seniority, who's had his head up his ash for most of his sad, miserable life, will get the credit for it's discovery and development and get a Nobel Peace Prize from it too probably. Sorry if that sounds super cynical, but I've seen stuff like this happen before. 
Why falling immigration isn't that bad for the economy during COVID-19 It's actually great! I don't think we need all those immigrants anyhow. Canadians should be encouraged to procreate to replace themselves and keep the population numbers up, without having to import people from everywhere.
Roy Green: It’s time Canada’s members of Parliament shared the financial pain Are you dreaming in techocolour there Mr. Green? Because you know & I know what's more likely to happen here in Canada is they'll share in the financial gain - all the money they're stealing from the poor in the way of fines for stupid shiete. That's what's more likely to happen. There's no way any of those lousey flea brained slouches would take a pay cut because OMG they're just so self-important & must be the be all and end all of all our lives here in Canada. That we just wouldn't be able to get along 2 seconds without them. 

On that note, I'm ending the segment for today.... Until next time take care & stay well.