Showing posts with label bartering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bartering. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

Bad News, Wasted Time & Veggie Preservation Along With....

The Inescapable COVID19 Headlines


Sept 3, 2020

I guess I'll start this off in the order of the title, it'll be easier that way.

The "bad news" isn't all that "bad" per se, unless it turns out to be COVID19, as our son called us tonight to postpone our weekend plans that we had to get together for pizza on the BBQ, that I was going to make for us. Turns out he's not feeling well, with a sore throat and sniffles. No coughing and no fever so far as he knows yet. But his wife is a nurse so she should be able to take his temperature and make sure of that.  The thing is if it turns out to be COVID19, and if we didn't have it already (but I think we did), we'll be getting it as they were here on the previous Sunday gone by. Though he thinks he's already had COVID19 back in February, so maybe it's just a cold or the flu, let's hope that's all it is and not COVID19, because I don't want to have to sit around and worry about him. But whatever it is, he's sure it's because he rides a motorcycle and when he stops to fill the tank with gas (they're small tanks), he uses his bare hands and has no hand sanitizer on the bike with him, like he does in his Jeep. I'm going to have to tell him to buy surgical gloves and always keep a pair in his pocket so if he needs to fill his tank with gas he can put a pair of those on first and dispose of them immediately afterwards. I didn't think of it while I was on the phone with him. 

On top of that we (both my husband and I) were flat out exhausted for the last few days and I do believe we slept almost all of yesterday and got up really late today. We can't figure out why we're so frigging tired like that all the time and it's driving us crazy. Though I did blanche a bunch of cauliflower, then some turnip & carrots together (we mash them together as a veggie side dish usually for meals like Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, or we use them in chunk form - the form they're blanched and frozen in, in stews etc...) plus cut up some peppers to freeze as well.

Today most of the wasted time involved going to the pharmacy for my ventilin pump and the pharmacist there (the one who fills in for the owner when the owner can't be there) I frigging well hate. She's the one that chases me around the store grabbing whatever over the counter medication I want like say potassium supplements (because I need them, otherwise I'm all cramped up and in horrible pain and can't move at all). My body works overtime excreting potassium through every pore in my body as well as through the usual channels, so I'm always getting all kinds of muscle cramps all over the place. One night I had cramps simultaneously in one arm (the arm I needed to use at that precise moment in time), my thorax and my abdomen, along with one in one leg calf and my toes on both feet. OMG, I was crying and basically screaming in pain, so my husband ran and got the potassium pills for me and peeled a banana and told me eat this now - maybe it'll be able to help before the pills kick in. Anyhow she has a habit of chasing me around the store and grabbing just about everything I pick up off any of the shelves out of my hands and telling me I can't have it. I'm almost 2x her age (hence I have experience, wisdom & acquired knowledge over the years that she hasn't attained yet) plus I was a nurse. 

So one day a couple of months ago when she did that, I flipped out and basically called her every name I could think of that wouldn't turn everyone else's faces red. Her I didn't care if her face turned, red, green or blue, it was the other people that I didn't want to shock or offend. I'm sure my behaviour shocked them because it's not often you see someone my age flip out like that. But I was beyond exasperated at that point with her taking everything out of my hands and putting it back. Mostly it was things like potassium, women's vitamins, and other supplements. Basically the only thing she allows me to buy are my prescription meds, toothpaste and toilet paper. 

Anyhow that being said, today I went to get my ventilin pump and she was there, but she wouldn't give me my pump right away (there was no one else but her, me and her lab technician in the store). Apparently she wanted to play nice and decided she'd delay giving me my pump until she was able to have a "nice friendly chat" with me, which lasted about 20 minutes or so. Then again I was getting exasperated by this delay as I had things I wanted to do today, so I insisted on getting the pump so I could leave. So she gave it to me and I left, but I guess she was trying in her own weird way to be sociable with me. 

Then I wanted some lids - actually the screw bands for the lids, for the mason jars, but they don't sell those by themselves so you have to buy the whole thing usually they're sold in a box of 10 or 12. So we went to the nearest grocery store to find they were all sold out, so we went to the next nearest one and they too were all sold out.  So that was another colossal waste of time. 

So when we came home I went out in the garden and got some of the herbs (curry, chives & tarragon)  that I wanted to dehydrate and brought them in the house and arranged them on the dehydrator. Started that going and then looked around for some screw bands that aren't rusty and stumbled upon this box that we must've bought last year, of completely new and unused jars with the lids on them.  Whoo Hoo. So now all I have to do is wash them in the dishwasher tonight in order to use them tomorrow to make my stuff. Not sure what I'll start with as I have lemons, tomatos and cucumbers that I need to work on. I think I'll probably start with either the lemons or the tomatoes, depending on which one looks like they'll last longer than the other one.  If it's lemons I'm making lemon ginger preserves and if it's tomatoes I'm making chicken wing sauce and if I have enough left over maybe a hot sauce. I plan on making dill pickles with the cukes though. So now we have an idea of what I'll be doing tomorrow, assuming things go my way. I'd also like to make gingered pears - we have the pears but we also like pears just for munching on for snacks, so it's doubtful I'll be able to do that. We also have a watermelon and maybe I'll make watermelon rind pickles as well when we've gone through the watermelon. I know I've got to try to find the mint in the garden (if the morning glory didn't strangle it all, yet) so I can make mint jelly, mint liqueur (like creme de menthe), dried mint for tea, and maybe even a mint ice cream.  So I will have days I won't be posting in here because of all those things I have to take care of before the frost comes. Not to mention getting the other veggies like carrots, kale, mustard, etc out of the garden and blanching them too. So that's just a warning in advance....

Now for the headlines....

COVID-19 leaves bucket lists in limbo: 7 in 10 fear poor health will cut memorable life experiences short Maybe, but it's been my experience that most of the memorable experiences happen just out of the blue - suddenly with no warning and no planning. 

Coronavirus in animals: Chimpanzees, deer, dolphins among species at high risk Oh nooooo those poor sweethearts. I sure hope that even if they can get it, that it's no where near as severe or lethal in them as it in us.

Nearly half of breast cancer survivors experienced treatment delays due to COVID-19  I'm sure most other cancer patients also suffered delays as well. Not to mention patients suffering other illnesses.

What Is PIMS-TS? Doctors Identify Markers Of New Illness In Children Linked To COVID-19   Canadian COVID-19 clinical trial scrapped after China wouldn't ship potential vaccine  I hope they choke on it. And that they give it to their own citizens but it doesn't work and in fact has weird side effects that are dangerous and annoying and last their entire lifetimes. That'll fix 'em.

Battling starvation during COVID-19: Struggle for survival intensifies for tribal families in Maharashtra's Palghar   It's not only there, as there've been reports of a lot of people in the US going hungry too.

Retired con artist explains how to avoid a COVID-19 scam, and why seniors are the biggest target   Read & heed.

Does A Face Mask Protect Me, Or Just The People Around Me?

'What am I going to do at 55?': More temporary layoffs could become permanent during COVID-19 recession It's been my experience that time just magically has a way of filling itself. There's always something that needs to be done, it seems.

Coronavirus: Vaccine front-runner China already inoculating workers   Of course they are. It's the vaccine they stole from us. Here's hoping the vaccine turns them all into ugly little frogs that no prince in his right mind  would even dare to kiss.

Germany to end mandatory tests for travelers, bans protests

Ultra-Rich Club Stockpiles Cash as U.S. Economy Fears Grow

Unemployment Claims Remain Historically High

Could bartering become the new buying in a changed world? 
If that's the case there's an awesome site on the net that lets you do just that. It's called just visit them to find a chapter in your area.  They allow people to exchange items for free. So say you have a toddler's tricycle and want to trade up to a 2 wheeler for say a 5 year old, you may be able to do it there. Or you can offer something to someone on Freecycle and pick something up from someone else. So say the tricycle is wanted by a certain person, but another person is offering that 2 wheeler you wanted you can still get it. So long as you already offered something to someone else. I'm not sure if you can trade services, like say babysitting for a hair cut or things similar but you can look into it.

Five Months Without a Kiss: Parents Plead to Visit Children

Masks imposed on Paris; 20% of France in virus red zone

Coronavirus hits isolated Indian island tribe   Now that's too bad. I hope they are able to withstand it and aren't decimated by it.

Report uncovers dramatic spike in children abusing parents during COVID-19 pandemic  That should come as no surprise to those who've had teenage kids before.

Coronavirus saliva test? Spitting into a tube just as effective as deep nasal swab

Media study says hundreds of Canadian radio stations, TV outlets risk closure  Yup COVID is even affecting whether or not they stay open or close.

No face masks and no closures: How Sweden kept schools open throughout the pandemic

Pandemic has brought Canada together, pushed Americans apart, poll suggests

Returning Venezuelan migrants find cold welcome amid COVID

COVID-19 test imperfect in children, raising questions about detecting it at school, doctor says

Warnings of 'ghost towns' if staff do not return to the office Well then they'll have plenty of real estate to turn into affordable housing for all the homeless in the inner cities. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

'Help me bring my daddy home': Months after a man died of COVID-19 overseas, his family can't get his remains

Hawaii Is No Longer Safe From Covid-19

Health agencies’ credibility at risk after week of blunders

US and UK are bottom of the pile in rankings of governments' handling of coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus fight 'will be more difficult' in coming months, says Merkel

The University of Arizona says it caught a dorm's covid-19 outbreak before it started. Its secret weapon: poop.

Thousands arrested for 'virus-related crimes' in China

U.S. Consumer-Spending Rebound Cools, Hinting at More Risk Ahead

Canada Revenue Agency: How to Collect $400/Week After CERB

Merkel Says Pandemic To Worsen, Vaccine Key For Return To Normality

Most Americans think the US has handled the coronavirus pandemic badly, according to an international poll rating Trump and Johnson's response worst

Boris and Covid Could Be the End of the U.K.

Your coronavirus risk comes down to these 6 C's, according to the CDC's infectious-disease leader

Staff at a 700-year-old castle are being abused by visitors objecting to COVID-19 safety measures  This pandemic has infiltrated all aspects of our lives, it seems.

Backyard Shed is the New Office for Many as Pandemic Prolongs Work from Home Setup  Good luck in one of those things in the middle of winter when it's -20C and the winds are howling.

Coronavirus spread on flight after asymptomatic passenger used the toilet, study suggests

Anonymous hack exposes Nicaraguan government secret COVID-19 data

As pandemic relief winds down, Canadian banks brace for a new reality

Tour de France teams can be excluded if two riders test positive for coronavirus - UCI

4 People Who Attended RNC In Charlotte Test Positive For COVID-19

4,000 People Died From COVID-19 While The RNC Pretended The Pandemic Is Over This is shameful.

Legal hurdles, pandemic would bedevil Biden efforts to undo Trump immigration overhaul

Coronavirus cases in Canada: Quebec nearing 'possibly critical threshold'; B.C. at 'precipice' to flatten curb Yup just suck all the fun out of life.... Why not?

Canada-China COVID-19 vaccine trials abandoned amid political tensions  Oh that's what you call a blatant theft of the vaccine now eh? "Political tensions"? Somehow it's more than just political tensions, it's theft bullying and a reason to eject their ambassador from Canada, seize all Chinese assets here and boot all the Chinese nationals out of the country. If they wanted "political tensions", I'd give them political tensions galore if I were in charge.

Why some parents of kids with disabilities are making the 'heart-breaking' choice of at-home learning

'It doesn't happen by magic:' top doc says teachers protected by COVID guidance

Ontario's Stage 3 reopening brings no surge in COVID-19 cases after 4 weeks

Families face stress, uncertainty as over 100 Toronto elementary schools deemed high risk for COVID-19

Small Nova Scotia university towns grapple with big COVID-19 concerns

COVID-19 in Canada: New modelling data shows 'dramatic increase’ in COVID-19 cases among young people in B.C., Ontario and Quebec to meet on economic recovery

Coronavirus: Asian parents demand more be done to prevent anti-Asian racism in schools

COVID-19 taking financial toll on Canadians with disabilities: survey  It's always the roughest on those at the bottom end of the financial ladder, like the disabled, homeless & elderly.

Canadian economy posted record drop in second quarter due to pandemic

Top court to sit in person, start session early to catch up on COVID-19 delays

Montreal father creates website to track schools with cases of COVID-19   It's bilingual - you can add a case in a school yourself, or check the cases in the various schools at: Covid Ecoles Quebec

Ok this is it for now. I'm officially passing out at the keyboard now. I don't want to be doing that, as sleeping in bed in way more comfortable than sleeping here. So until next time, take care and stay well.