Showing posts with label UV Light Device. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UV Light Device. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2020

Keeping So Busy I'm Almost Blithely Unware of the....

Covid19 Pandemic


August 27, 2020

Seriously, we've been so busy lately that to us it's like there is no pandemic and things are normal. We've barely had a few minutes to relax, doing all sorts of things, from butchering more meat, - this time for our son who wanted some, to baking, doing errands, good old regular household chores like laundry etc, having our son & his wife over for supper again tonight (they came to pick up the meat my husband butchered for them, we had them stay for dinner). It's almost like it always was before the plandemic happened. The only reminders I've had of it lately is having to wear masks inside the establishments I've gone to and my blog. Otherwise, life feels like it always did with constant stuff to do and impromptu dinner guests etc... Even the regular TV news has been taken over with the storms happening in Louisiana and Texas, the senseless shooting of yet another black man in Kenosha, Wis., and the US election. Covid19 stories seems to have disappeared from the broadcast news at least for now (unless it involves schools and back to school discombobulations, otherwise nothing really).

Butttt.... That doesn't mean I'm bereft of headlines on it, that's for sure. I have plenty for you in case you're missing them 😉 trust me.  So get ready to get your fill of the COVID19 stories, that I'm able to post today.....

2 coronavirus treatments now have FDA authorization, while 7 others show promise — here's the full list of our leading candidates  Looks like there might be some hope on the horizon after all, at least for the Americans. 

The Canadians are being held hostage by the stupid communist country of China and the anal ash holes that rule it. (sorry for the foul mouth there, but I'm beyond infuriated with that whole situation and the naive airhead that runs Canada that even after ALL the BS China put us through with grabbing 2 Cdns, rejecting all our produce we sent to them, executing another Cdn on drug charges bozo brains in Ottawa STILL SAW FIT TO ALLOW them to SEIZE CONTROL OF OUR VACCINATIONS, is just beyond belief and one pill too many for me to swallow on that inept ash hole in parliament). I'm not sure but I think that could qualify as treason if you ask me. In any case, he NEEDS TO GO WHEN PARLIAMENT RESUMES and NOT JUST GO, BUT GO TO JAIL! For all the garbage he's done to Canada and the list is a long one, which I won't reiterate here, as most of it has nothing to do with the virus but letting it in in the first place does! And then letting China hijack our vaccination supply..... Well anyhow.... So everywhere else in the world will have vaccinations and treatments except Canada because moron face allowed the crooked backstabbing Chinese to hijack ours.

Coronavirus blocked from entering cells after scientists design new receptor protein That's good news, but how practical it is, is another story, I think.

Making a homemade face mask? Add a vacuum cleaner filter to make it extra strong  Hmmm.... Are vacuum cleaner bags waterproof or do they fall apart when wet like other paper products do? Just wondering because if you're going to be incorporating the vaccum cleaner filters in masks you make, they'll wind up having to be disposable as you won't be able to wash and reuse them again. So I'd try washing the vacuum cleaner filter you plan to use,  first and see what happens to it after a cycle in the washer and dryer before incorporating it into a mask you make that you plan to reuse again and again. Maybe use the same filter and see how many washes and dryings it can withstand before falling apart - that way you know whether it's worth incorporating it into your masks or not, or if you'll only be able to use your mask 10 times before it's no good, or what. I mean I would, as I basically hate sewing and so wouldn't want to be making masks over and over and over again because one component of them doesn't stand up very long.  That's not to mention the waste of the material and elastic too.  So before you take their word for it, do your own experiments with it to see if it's worth your time and trouble or not, first.

Wear a mask in the men’s room: Urinals can spray you with viruses, including COVID-19, in 5 seconds!   Well here in QC, you kind of have to as it's deemed to be a public space unlike your bathroom at home.

Isolation, inactivity during COVID-19 leaving half of Americans battling more aches and pains  Maybe incorporating some relaxing Yoga exercises, or perhaps for the more energetic calisthenics in your daily routine might help you maintain flexibility, and muscle tone if not muscle mass, which might make you feel better in the long run.  There are tons of books, magazines and videos on those subjects that can help get you started and  instruct you on how to do things properly so you don't hurt yourself. 

Handheld UV Light Devices That Kill COVID-19, Other Viruses Could Become As Common As Phone, Keys Yeah but probably only after the coronavirus is eradicated. As for killing off all other viruses.... That's about as bad idea as all the antibacterial soaps that's been on the market for ages and ages and giving antibiotics to everyone for everything.... That's the quickest way there is to causing everyone to get deathly ill from even the most benign virus or bacteria there is. We need viruses and bacteria in our environment so that our systems get used to them and know how to fight them when we come into contact with them again. Otherwise we'll all wind up like the bubble kids in hospitals who can't leave their bubble because if they come into even one most benign germ there is, it'll kill them because their immune system is either nonexistant or so compromised it's basically like it's nonexistant. That's what will happen to all of us if we start sterilizing our environments with all these anti-viral and antibacterial gizmos, and chemicals.  If you have a hospital that you want sterilized, it's an excellent idea, but otherwise, most of the rest of us, don't need it.

American charged under Quarantine Act amid accusations he ignored pandemic safety rules in Banff  Good! We need to send a message to the Americans that it's not okay to flout our pandemic laws and so he should have the books thrown at him and make him cough up the $750,000.00 or spend 6 months in jail (and I don't mean like the way the Chinese telecom woman is being held - in her posh mansion with an ankle bracelet - I mean jail! ). Once they see those headlines in the US, about one of their compatriots being fined that much or jailed for 6 months for deciding to take the "scenic route" to Alaska instead of going straight there, they might think twice before coming here and trying to pull the same tricks.

A Trans Refugee Shares How Tough It Is With Only $160 A Month For Food Most people on welfare have barely that much per month for food, some have even less, depending on how much of their monthly welfare cheque their rent and utilities gobbles up on them first.  You should've thought of that before you decided to make all the wrong life choices you made, including coming here as a "refugee". I'm sorry, but I have a real hard time feeling sorry for someone who purposely made all the wrong choices in life and then expects others to bail them out of the hole they dug themselves into. There are people who genuinely do need help through no fault of their own - like they're disabled, or some misfortune befell them that wasn't their fault at all - they just had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, type of deal. But you purposely decided to do something that was against the law in your own country and then decided that it wasn't safe for you there anymore so decided to hightail it out of there to some place safer like Canada, without thinking of how you'd support yourself or anything like that. Just thinking that once you get to this new place, they'll be so happy to have another degenerate like you that they'll just ply you with all your needs and riches to your hearts content. Sorry to disappoint you, but sometimes you have to take responsibility for your own plights in life and this is one of those times. So suck it up buttercup and learn to live with all the stupid choices you made and make the best of them.

Housing Crash 2020: Could Mortgage Rates Hit 0%?  Let me know when they do! Then we can maybe sell this place and buy something somewhere else!

Princess Mary of Denmark Apologizes for Forgetting Coronavirus Precautions and Shaking Hands I think there's still a lot of people around who also forget about the precautions, not sure if it's willingly or just because they genuinely forget.

Fact check: COVID-19 is deadlier than the 1918 Spanish flu and seasonal influenza   The authorities have found yet more ways to massage the numbers to fit their scenario to keep you scared, than the bare facts point to, as I've pointed out before. Instead of talking about percentage of population why don't they instead talk about percentage of cases vs deaths overall? That way we can see really how lethal it is. I mean if you have 500 million cases (as is the case with the Spanish flu) and 50 million deaths then you can say that it's pretty lethal because 10% of the victims died, regardless of the world population. Who cares what the population is if 99% of the world didn't get the disease? Like in this case. The total number of people who've gotten COVID19 world wide doesn't even add up to the total population of Canada (and relatively speaking we have one of the lowest population rates on earth) and still way less than 1 million died. I don't know the exact figures for the date, but I'll find them in a jiffy.... Hang on.... There's maybe just under 25 million cases (as the figure is from 2 days ago and it's just above 24 million) with maybe 900,000 deaths or so as the figure shown is just above 835,00 deaths from 2 days ago.  So it's not even 1/25th of those who've had it who've died from it. Regardless of the size of the population and if you want to put it like that 7 billion vs the 1.98 billion in 1918, 50 million deaths vs 900,000 deaths against a 7 billion population figure, that 900,000 figure is mere drop in the bucket compared to the 50 million for the Spanish flu's 1.98 billion population figure. So there's no comparison there, no matter how they try to massage the numbers. It's called "boggle the brain with BS".  That's what it amounts to.

‘We Can Manage Virus’: WHO Says Complete Lockdowns Not Required as Europe Frets Over Covid19 spikes, Oh now they say that, after everyone's wrecked their economies and families are in the poorhouses. This is how it should've been handled from the get-go.

After dining ban, takeaway waste clutters Hong Kong's pavements, parks and waterways  What's wrong with public garbage cans being placed around in various areas where people sit, relax, eat, etc? Geez here in the middle of the woods on the bike/walking path that the community made so that bicyclists and pedestrians wouldn't have to contend with a narrow rural road and fast moving traffic (80kmh), there's garbage cans and even recycle boxes - no seating, but still there's a garbage can and a recycle bin next to each other on the path. So if we can provide that in the middle of the woods on a bicycle/walking path, then a major city ought to be able to provide them near each bench or seating area regardless of whether food is sold nearby or not. That's just basic 101s on cutting down on litter. Then there's some nice hefty fines for littering too, that might work to quell the amount of litter being found everywhere.  But first you need the garbage and recycle bins so that those who don't need to be threatened can use them. If there aren't any to use well then what can you expect? No one is going to carry empty dirty food containers around with them until they get home. That's just totally unreasonable.

Covaxin, India’s 1st Coronavirus Vaccine, May be Available by End of This Year: Health Minister  Good for them! I'm happy they have something that might help to look forward to, unlike Canadians, who might see their vaccine at the end of never, thanks to the crooked, conniving, thieving communist Chinese (if the truth hurts & you don't like it,  bite me), & numbnuts in Ottawa. 

'Living in my car'? Fall semester online means college students are scrambling for housing, Wi-Fi   That is if they're lucky enough to have their courses online. I know that some colleges in Montreal are scrambling to find teachers to teach online. Our son was teaching the last semester at the school where he taught, online and he really didn't like it. He said that he was contracted by the school to teach 4 hours a day, but it wound up being something like 12-14 hours by the time he did all the work he had to do related to the class and course. He was supposed to give each student 1 on 1 time each day too and I think he said he had 24 students and he didn't want to give each one just 5 minutes of time because 3D CAD is complicated and might need more than 5 minutes to explain something, but he couldn't give them each 1/2 hour's worth of time either because then that would be an additional 12 hours, plus the 4 of online teaching, and he still needed to eat, sleep, shower, unwind etc and that didn't even include grading their work that they did. So even though some colleges are looking for teachers and even though he lost some work during the pandemic (interior design/architecture - building trades involved - were put on hold for a couple of months and it's been slow to pick up again because of uncertainty) he's not sure he wants to apply to any of them to teach online because he won't get paid for all the extra hours and even if he did, he doesn't know if he could manage all those hours to begin with. So maybe teachers who've had a taste of teaching online since the pandemic began might not be so gung-ho to do it again. So there might be a teacher shortage, unless things change - like it's better organized or they get paid for the total time they spend doing it, and not just the initial "classroom teaching time".  

107-year-old Maharashtra Woman Beats Covid-19 Days After Undergoing Spine Surgery  Wow! That's amazing! She must have a really strong constitution!

Beijing says residents can go mask-free as China COVID cases hit new lows But yet they still needed to hijack our vaccine for some reason. I hope because they're going mask free, they all get it and die, especially the idiots that decided it was a good idea to hijack the vaccine. It'd serve them right! That alone would cut down on population - just think of all the useless dog & cat eaters we could get rid of. Hey they asked for. Actually they asked for much worse than that, but bozo brains in Ottawa is either too chicken or stupid to give them what they deserve. What they should do with the telecom ahem (I have several names for her, but none of them are nice), is throw her in solitary confinement in one of our worst prisons, like they did to our guys. No more of this posh mansion house arrest for her. I'd start treating her the way they're treating our guys. Or give her to the US, never mind the court proceedings. Why worry about rule of law when the corrupt conniving Chinese don't!?! Like my father used to say "there's more than 1 way to skin a rabbit". 

Would you pay $165 for a coronavirus antibodies test?  That's a little steep, but at this point yeah, I'd pay for one, but below $50, anything above that, I wouldn't. 

How will office life be different in a pandemic?  You mean there's actually office life again? Because everyone I know of is still working from home, except my daughter-in-law who's a nurse, so can't. 

Help us out of internet 'Dark Age,' rural municipalities plead  We had problems getting high speed internet too. We had to go with a cable company because it was the only one who would connect us to their network and we stayed with them for a couple of decades before Bell deigned to add that extra mile of high fibre wire in our area. From about 2,000 until last year we had no choice as the only company that would connect us was a cable company, because we lived too far from Bell's connection box (which was 1 mile away). It took them pretty much 19 years to add that extra bit of wire in order to provide their internet services too, to compete with the cable company. So it's no surprise this is going on in Ontario - Eastern Ontario on top of that as we live in Western Quebec - so near the Eastern Ontario border.

Behind the scenes as Montreal schools prepare for first day back  Some have already gone back and already it's not good. 

Coronavirus antibodies tests 'put public at risk'  I think I'd trust my own antibodies over some manufactured vaccine that gawd only knows what's in it, or who tinkered with it, to do what, etc... Naw I'd take my chances and rely on my antibodies if I have any, before I rely on a vaccine.

The odds of catching Covid-19 on an airplane are slimmer than you think, scientists say  Who were those scientists working for? An independant company, the government (who may or may not have a stake in the airline business - like Canada for instance), or the airline business itself? 

COVID-19's death and suffering could lead us to rebirth, as the bubonic plague did in Europe  The saying goes "there's a silver lining behind every dark cloud", though in this case, it's really hard to see at the moment.

Coronavirus fears spur teacher protests, resignations and retirements  It's not just fear of the virus it's also the rigamarole of teaching online that some of them probably don't like too.

Pandemic pushes expansion of 'hospital-at-home' treatment Maybe in the states, but here in Canada the only thing going on at home is us looking after us because no doctors will treat us at home. 

Pointe-Claire’s Bronya Health gets approval to distribute SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Test  Now if someone would only get approved to distribute rapid antibodies tests that would be amazing.

A 19-year-old has died of COVID-19 in Quebec: health authorities  Just in case you were still thinking that this was exclusively an old folks disease.

Cold and flu convergence with COVID-19 has doctors bracing for service strain  I can believe it, especially in Kitchener, considering in 2012 (ergo no COVID in the picture), it was going to take from the end of August until mid-December for a stage 4 cancer patient to see an oncologist there.  She would've died mid October if she didn't come home for her last Thanksgiving with us, and us taking her to a hospital in Montreal where they managed to prolong her life until after the New Year.  But the night she was admitted to the hospital the doctor in the ER said she wouldn't have lasted the night if we didn't bring her in when we did. We wanted her to go in earlier (when she first came home - which was about a week before she got taken in) but she insisted on staying here to have Thanksgiving dinner with us, so the next day we took her in. If we hadn't have, she would've died that night. So she wouldn't have even lived long enough to see an oncologist in Kitchener after getting her stage IV cancer diagnosis at the end of August. So um yeah I can see them being strained to the eyeballs if under normal conditions they can't manage someone with stage 4 cancer before they die.

Israel opens floating cinema for coronavirus-safe viewing  Sounds like a lot more fun than drive-ins are. 

Can you get coronavirus via secondhand smoke? The smell is a warning sign. Do these so-called "scientists" even hear what they're saying? Seriously? If you can smell the smoke that means you're breathing air that was just in someone else's lungs. Well hello there clueless scientists.... Just walking by someone who is breathing - you know inhaling and EXHALING, you'll probably be breathing in some of the exhaled air, whether there's smoke in it or not. It's just with the smoke in the air,  and you smelling it, it's easier to detect that it was in someone else's lungs, but there's plenty of people who don't smoke and still breathe, who's exhaled air you're breathing in. 

Refrigerators full of food are popping up on streets around Miami. Here’s why  That's awesome. I hope it's helping a lot of needy people during this time.

Dating in a pandemic is tough. So she made TV's first COVID-set romance  You had to know that something like this would eventually be coming to TV or the movies sometime soon.

Inflammation: the key factor that explains vulnerability to severe COVID   Oh boy, that's awful, considering the amount of people with various inflammatory problems! 

Former Navy SEAL from Bin Laden raid banned by Delta for not complying with mask rule  Good for Delta! It doesn't matter who you are, if you have a nose and mouth and breath you should be wearing a mask in cramped quarters like airplane cabins.

Teacher gets crafty with cardboard cutouts of students after school goes virtual for fall semester  That's pretty cool. The kids will probably get a kick out of seeing that.

7 lesser known symptoms of depression  Just in case you were wondering....