Showing posts with label infected donated lung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infected donated lung. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Knee Injury & Headlines About....


February 23, 2021

As you might be able to tell from the featured picture today, mass vaccinations are starting soon in Quebec.  Which is good news!  As it's down near the end of the bookmarks in my bookmark file (as it's one of the last ones bookmarked), in case I don't get that far down, I am posting the link to that story here: Quebec will begin vaccinating people 85 and older next week 
And I am going to post a quote from the story, to help those who wish to know how to arrange to get the appointment in case they miss it in the story. 
 Quebec estimates there are another 200,000 people who are 85 and older who don’t live in CHSLDs or private seniors’ homes. It expects the majority of them to receive the first dose within two weeks.

Under certain circumstances, caregivers who accompany a person 85 or older could also be vaccinated at the same time, the government said. The caregiver must be 70 or older and provide support to their loved one at least three days a week.

People can sign up for their shot online starting Thursday by visiting or calling 1-877-644-4545. The government is strongly recommending people sign up online to avoid creating long wait times on the phone line.

I wasn't going to post a blog post today, because I injured my knee and it's quite painful. It was a near dislocation of a knee that's not supposed to dislocate anymore as it was operated on years ago and I was told that if I injured it again, they may not be able to fix it and I'd likely be wheelchair bound after that. That's not something I want. So have been trying to make the swelling go down and get rid of the pain. Fortunately for me, when I straighten my leg out and put weight on it, it doesn't hurt. But it does when it's bent or try to walk on it. So I'm on anti-inflammatories and mild pain relievers, with Voltaren slathered all over my knee. 

However when I saw the news about vaccines starting in QC, I decided I have to post a post for whatever Quebecois Canadians that might visit my blog but missed the news in the mainstream news media but wants to know about it.  So that's why I'm here, posting a post when I'd rather be lounging on the sofa watching something on TV, with my leg up.  

So now that I'm here, I might as well post the headlines I have for today.... 

Organ Transplant Patient Dies After Receiving COVID-Infected Lungs

Oh oh, that's not good. I don't even know how they would go about checking for that disease being prevalent in a donated organ, or if it's even possible.

Texas leaders’ responses to winter power emergency and COVID-19 are sorely lacking 

Factbox: Latest on the worldwide spread of the coronavirus 

Holiday bookings surge after lockdown exit plans I can imagine. Trouble is though, are the destination points going to want to have travellers arriving from beyond their borders at the precise moment in time the reservations are made for? I mean it's all well and good to want to go to Hawaii to celebrate your birthday in June, but will Hawaii want international travellers coming in (or coming in from your particular country) at that point in time? So I'd wait until things were a little more certain, before I made any costly travel plans, myself.

Vaccinate children as fast as possible, says Sage member 

More German state workers to get AstraZeneca jab as doses go begging 

'Don't waste vaccine!' After early confusion, experts say it's always better to use leftover shots than toss them Well yeah, of course it's better to use it than waste it. As it is with any resource of any kind.

COVID-19: Singapore begins vaccination drive for 50,000 taxi, private hire car drivers

A guide to real-life parenting during the pandemic 

IMF says COVID-19 might widen wealth differences in Europe

Not just Europe, but world-wide from what I can see. 

GSK and Sanofi start with new COVID-19 vaccine study after setback 

India sees new lockdowns as coronavirus cases rise again

What's going on there makes no sense. First the cases are dropping drastically and now they're rising again with no apparent explanation for either case.

How a Lac-Saint-Jean taxidermy shop turned to Hollywood for pandemic survival Yet another interesting pandemic related story.

Card players dealt $5,000 in COVID fines in Surrey

Yup gov't gouging at it's finest. So given that scenario I don't know if I want to get the Bingo game I saw advertised at Hart's today, just to have a little fun with the kids or when the plandemic is in it's final gasps of life, maybe others with a small pot of money that we all pitch into as the jackpot for the winner. I can just see the QC gov't being all over us like ants at a picnic with super gouging fines, just because we wanted to have a little fun on our own.

Some watch B.C.'s COVID-19 briefings 'religiously.' Others have tuned out I wonder why. I can't say as I blame them. People (including me) are just getting super sick and tired of them and changing their rules and laws every 5 seconds, the way they do. It's to the point where it should be super easy to plead ignorance in a court of law for breeching one of their idiotic laws, by telling the judge that you thought the previous law was still in force (especially if they have a practice of changing their laws every few days like they do here in QC). 

British Columbia reports 1,428 new COVID-19 cases, eight more deaths in three days

Survey: German business optimism up despite pandemic burdens It's good to know there's some optimism out there even if it is far away in Germany.

Schools should stay open even if there's a 3rd wave of COVID-19, experts say

Yes, that way we can ensure neverending spread in order to cut down on as many of the "useless eaters" as possible. Now that the feeble elderly have been gotten rid of we can concentrate our efforts at ridding the population of those other infirm people - with chronic illnesses, genetic defects, etc.... Once those are all taken care of we'll think about keeping the kids home perhaps on the 50th wave, if there's anyone left to care about by then. 

Cross-border workers worry COVID 'politics' could complicate their commutes Welcome to the world of the Coronavirus, it's all political BS orchestrations in order to keep us confused, scared, compliant and downright obedient. Yes there is a pandemic raging, but since they're the numbers keepers, the ones who dictate what gets out to the press and doesn't get out to the press, we have no way of knowing how bad things really are and if the measures being enacted against us are reasonable and called for or if they're just because those in power are feeling their kahonas and getting high off their power trips they're able to use on account of this virus and their control of the information about it.

Seniors are locked in again. But this retirement home found the cure for isolation blues

Yes some of us are a little more tech savvy than others are, because after all we're the group that basically bought and brought PCs into our homes for our families - even in the very beginning before they were even very useful for anything other than playing games.

The most vulnerable are at greater risk in a new lockdown, groups say Precisely the conundrum that the homeless in Montreal have been grappling with since the plandemic began.

Why life under COVID-19 is playing into the hands of scammers

This is basically why I don't do anything online if I can help it. I don't bank online, I don't buy online if I can help it, but unfortunately a lot of stores don't help you there - they basically force you to buy online even though they have a bricks and mortar store and you should be able to get it from that location just as easily. As in they don't have it in stock but can order it from their warehouse and let you know when it comes in, as in the days of old before the internet came along. But noooooo..... Why would they do that? That wouldn't jeopardise as many people that way. 

Italy's women and youth were hardest hit by COVID-19's economic impact. Now, its recovery hinges on them I think those are the segments of society globally, that are normally impacted by all downturns in society and economy.

Doctor weighs in on Ontario’s reopening plan amidst a possible third wave

Ontario residents return to usual hydro rates Tuesday as stay-at-home order is lifted in most of province 

Okay well that's weird... I didn't know they had special rates because of the lockdown. I know we don't have any special rates here in QC, lockdowns or not.

Ontario government to have 34 different COVID-19 vaccination plans hehehehe.... OMG, am I glad I don't live in Ontario then! 

There are new requirements for self-isolation in Manitoba. Here is what you need to know

THIS is the PROPER WAY TO QUARANTINE, except for the length of time. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD'VE BEEN DONE CANADA WIDE & SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE PANDEMIC!!!! Maybe that's why we weren't getting anywhere or able to get rid of it, because of the half assed measures, instead of doing things right and once and getting it over with, we had to drag it out as long as possible by doing it the stupid way.  

Quebec's health minister vows to aggressively shut classes when COVID virus variant is suspected

VERIFY: Does the COVID vaccine contain the live virus? In case you're interested.

Regina's rise in COVID-19 cases may be due to variant transmission: expert

Woman claiming to have COVID blows in deputy’s face, gets assault charge, NC cops say  If the cop was wearing his mask like he's supposed to, there would've been no assault there.

California's coronavirus strain looks increasingly dangerous: 'The devil is already here'

Wow.... Just wow.... How do you immunize against something like that? And everyone's worried about the UK & SA strains when THIS IS THE ONE everyone should be concerned about! Those other strains look like they're probably very benign compared to that one!

Face-Mask Skepticism Fades in Sweden as Infection Rates Rise  

Germany defends COVID border curbs 

As all countries should.

French port of Dunkirk proposes ban on public gatherings over COVID surge I'm surprised that there's actually still areas in Europe where public gatherings are still allowed.

ONE STEP BACK Summer of freedom could be brought to crashing end by FOURTH coronavirus wave, scientists warn

4th wave???? We haven't even had the 3rd one yet!!!!! 

Pandemic Loneliness Is Hitting Young Adults Especially Hard 

I can imagine. I can definitely imagine how lonely and upset and down my kids would've been to be excluded from their college group and friends. Our daughter didn't drive nor have a car, but our son did, so I could see him just taking off and going to see friends anyhow, while our daughter moped and moaned about not being able to see her friends.

As more governments mull vaccine passports, critics raise discrimination fears These passports shouldn't be a permanent document they have to carry and provide for the rest of their lives, just as a means of temporary proof that they were vaccinated and thus no longer a danger to others in the venue they wish to have admittance to.

Don't mope - move!: German woman becomes TikTok fitness star at 81

Yes, as long as you can, you should try to move and do things. Like exercise, walk, dance, garden, cross country ski, house work (not just make beds and do dishes but things like spring cleaning etc..). Just keep active. Keep the muscles moving to maintain strength and flexibility.

World-famous 'Naked Festival' goes ahead despite coronavirus superspreader fears What can I say? Idiots R Us? I mean what other kind of people would even attend this in the first place nevermind during a pandemic?

Future Vaccines Depend on Test Subjects in Short Supply: Monkeys

If you're worried about the new strains and the vaccines for it. How about humans who've already got the main vaccine and if you're making booster shots, just make the boosters to work against the strain/s not covered by the main vaccine. Then that way the human test subjects will be able to provide accurate data on the efficacy of such booster shots.

Drug execs face Capitol Hill questions on vaccine supply 

Anti-Maskers Head to CPAC, Setting Stage for a Showdown

Palestinian COVID vaccine plan faces large funding gap, World Bank says 

Where a Vaccination Campaign Faces Skepticism, War and Corruption

Well what can you expect when the adult male population are uneducated, medieval tribal warriors who forbid women from getting educated too, they're basically a totally ignorant clueless violent culture. So of course the campaign faces such obstacles. I'd be surprised if it didn't.

Peel top doctor suggests building relief policies into Ontario pandemic framework The same is true for Quebec, but like the rest of Canada basically all QC'ers who need financial support, can rely on are the Federal programs but if they fall outside of the criteria for help there, well they aren't going to get much from QC except maybe welfare.

The latest developments on COVID-19 in Canada on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine makers tell Congress U.S. supply will surge soon 

Strike threat by South Korean doctors fans fears of vaccine rollout disruption

Democrats want to enact a new stimulus package within weeks. Here's the possible calendar for passage of $1,400 direct payments. 

Despite an incredible year of challenges for schools, they will need to give standardized tests this year

In the US, but not here in QC. Where as far as I can understand there are no tests and everyone's going to automagically pass. So that in the future when they're taxpaying voters they'll be too dumbed down and stupid to understand what's going on and the issues at hand. Which will allow the gov'ts to do whatever they want and get away with blue murder.

Vaccine Delays Leave Latin America’s Economies in the Mud

Can't find details on Quebec's vaccine rollout? You're not alone  Earlier today when I went looking for those particular details this is what I found. It was only later on tonight around suppertime the other story came out that I posted at the top of the page, with the pertinent information for making appointments for your vaccines according to age groups.  This is the QC site for info on the vaccine campaign rollout out and where supposedly you can register for an appointment (when that section is open - supposedly that'll be Thursday): COVID-19 vaccination campaign

In defence of snowbirds: Canada’s quarantine hotel policy is a mess  

'It's absolutely infuriating': Canadian struggles to book mandatory quarantine hotel 

COVID-19 updates, Feb. 23: 'Vaccinations will accelerate,' starting Monday, Legault says  I'll believe it when I see it.

Feds don’t intend to set ‘official date’ to lift all COVID-19 restrictions

Of course not. They want to keep the eye gouging fines and power  trips going for as long as they possibly can.

More businesses to reopen Friday as Quebec COVID-19 restrictions relaxed ahead of spring break 

'Too early' to say when Johnson & Johnson shots will arrive, minister says

Well how about Astra Zeneca then???? When will we see those shots???? After hell's frozen over or maybe the day after the end of the world???

Ontarians will soon find out ‘when and where’ they can get their COVID-19 vaccines, Christine Elliott says Don't forget though there's 34 different "plans" to figure out where and how you fit to get your jab, first. So um, good luck with that.

Suspected COVID-19 variants lead to wave of Quebec school closures

Outrage after anti-lockdown protesters march with torches 

Owners of seniors' residence named in damning report threaten to sue Quebec ministers

If the ministers had any smarts they would turn around and threaten to sue the owners with gross negligence manslaughter or homicide charges. I think if I were in the gov't I'd charge them with that anyhow whether they threatened to sue me or not, because that's what they deserve.

Migrant detainee goes on hunger strike in Laval holding centre, claiming poor treatment amid outbreak 

Students switch to home learning after COVID-19 case at Pierrefonds high school

Quebec Solidaire Proposes 'War Tax' Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with them on this and there's not much that this party comes up with that I do agree with, but this is one rare thing that I do.

In Kahnawake, traditional beading helps community fight through isolation

I can imagine it helps, at least pass the time, while making something beautiful, like that. I sure wish I knew how to do something like that. They're so beautiful all the items I've ever seen made like this. Another thing to add to my bucket list I guess. Learn how to do this.... 

Anyhow, that's it for the day.... Until next time, take care and stay well.