Showing posts with label stigmatizations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stigmatizations. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Getting Almost Current With

The COVID19 News


July 28, 2020

Having finally restocked the freezer with fresh meat, life can return to normal around here for a change. Or for what passes as normal I guess.

So that means I should (I make no promises though because the shoulds very often turn into shouldn'ts in my life) have more time to work on the blog here and try to stay at least close to current with the headlines. Anyhow, I'll give it my best shot and we'll see how that works out.

So now here's today's effort. Get comfortable and ready to do some reading...

Eight killers die of coronavirus on America's biggest death row Well at least the virus was good for something.... 

We Can't Wear Face Masks, Don't Shame Us, Say Those With Invisible Illnesses I know, boy do I know. I suffer from asthma and while I take my medication before leaving home, so I don't have to drag it around with me, it's getting so I'm tempted to, just so I don't have to wear a mask, because if anyone says anything I can pull my inhaler out of my pocket and show them that I'm asthmatic. I hate wearing the masks that much.

ECONOMIST WARNS: U.S. 'cannot carry on for long' with 32 million unemployed  It must be way more than that, considering they said there's 21% unemployment there and there's a population of 400 odd million. So that would presume at least 80 million out of work and not just 32 million.

'They threw everything at me': Coronavirus patient leaves New York hospital after 128 days during which he had seizures, infections, and a drug-induced coma   Wow! He's lucky he was able to leave the hospital at all and not in a body bag, by the sounds of what he went through!

New CDC guidelines say people with mild to moderate COVID-19 need to isolate only 10 days   So much for QUARANTine - Quarant = 40 in French. Meaning 40 days. Even now with the 14 days quarantine that they used as the standard up until now, I don't think was enough, given that boats that've been asea for 35 days started having cases of COVID aboard, even though when the crew originally boarded 35 days prior they had no symptoms. Someone must've been harbouring the disease for those 35 days in question in order for it to suddenly appear aboard a boat that hasn't been near land in 35 days. So I think 40 days is the required amount of time minimum for isolation for this virus. That's probably why it's running amok like it is because the isolation period is too short. I wouldn't doubt it.

Coal should play no part in post-coronavirus recoveries, U.N. chief says  How else are you going to heat a blast furnace to produce and harden steel if not with coal?  These UN clowns have no idea about what they're talking about or how to do things. I don't even think there should be a UN for all the good it's done. Which is absolutely none. The WHO is part of it, and look what they got us into now with this pandemic. They are just a bunch of inept mouthpieces - paid shills by their respective countries to put their countries 2 cents worth into the dialogs going on there. But none of them actually knows or understands what it is they're talking about most of the time.

Hutterite leader says COVID-19 outbreaks leading to stigmatization  Most of the time, the community named is inhabited 100% by hutterites when it's a hutterite community. They've been naming communities all over the country, like Montreal North where it's mostly ethnic minorities and poor people. Do you think they didn't feel stigmatized too? You're not the only ones in the country who's communities are being named and they're not naming the communities in order to shame them, they're naming them so others who don't want the disease can stay away until it's cleared up.  So stop with the whining. I don't see why certain groups feel they're more special than others and so should be treated differently than everyone else. Why? What makes you so special anyhow?

German sniffer dogs show promise at detecting coronavirus The trouble with that is, the amount of sniffer dogs you'd need in order to minimize the spread of the disease.

Many Americans See The Hand Of God At Work In Current Events  I can't say as I blame them, considering what it says in Revelations about the end times.

Flight From the Cities: New Home Sales Jump 13.8% in June—Highest Since 2007  I hope they're not all moving prematurely, thinking that working from home is going to be the new normal, because I've seen reports where a lot of companies aren't too enthused with it. They say there's a lot of problems with working from home, from training new personnel to getting things done immediately, to team collaboration on projects etc. So it may only be a temporary situation and people may wind up going back into work at the office eventually.

Quebec tourists 'invade' public beaches in Gaspe region, fueling tensions  I know what they mean. We used to have a nice lake by our cottage in the Laurentians and then bikers started showing up and not only swimming but taking baths and washing their motorcycles in the lake. Aside from causing pollution, it caused blood suckers and leeches to start propagating in the water too.  Very few cottagers had the nerve to approach the bikers to tell them to leave or to smarten up, so we had to put up with it, as there were no cops around at all.  It wasn't fun, I can tell you that much. So as far as Quebecers go I can vouch for that and that behaviour is still the same despite the many years it's been since we had our cottage.

Boris Johnson tells Brits to lose weight to curb winter COVID-19 outbreak as he says he’s lost a stone He lost roughly 12-15 lbs (stone weight), because he was sick with COVID19 and lost that weight while he was sick.

Mom creates ‘virus veil’ for her kids to wear to school — experts applaud the ‘ingenuity’ but say safety tests are needed  This looks a lot safer than those stupid clothe rags everyone is wearing on their faces these days.

Health experts tell Ottawa to hurry domestic vaccine funding amid China delays  You know other than knowing and realizing that Trudeau is an obtuse moronic idiot that needs to be kicked in the head, shins and groin before he gets a message, I seriously can't understand why we partnered with China on making a vaccine, given all the kicks in the head, groin and shins China's given us over the last few years. You'd think that Ottawa would be more than a little leery of doing any kind of business with China, nevermind something as vital and developing a vaccine for Canadians. That I just wouldn't trust in China's hands at all, if I had anything to do with it. So I don't understand why he does.

N.B. border restrictions could infringe on mobility rights, says civil liberties group They're probably right because I think the constitution allows for unhindered passage between provinces and territories amongst Canadian citizens.

Got a toothache? Don't let fear of COVID-19 keep you from getting treatment, dentists warn

How to socialize safely outside your bubble  I guess until this virus has gone away for good these are some of the things we'll have to get used to doing.

 Could Rt number be a key indicator of whether we need return to lockdown mode?

Asylum claims being filed in Canada continue to rise slightly despite pandemic   You know, I'd think that all those wanting to come into Canada from the US that's being stopped should include these people too. Paying medicare coverage for all the Canadians with coronavirus must be hard enough. Plus all the gov't handouts given out to everyone and now we're letting more people in, to have to pay medical expenses for if they get the virus? And to give them money to survive during the pandemic instead of issuing a welfare cheque or two with stringent requirements that they take a job within a set period of time and get off welfare, we're probably not expecting them to be able to find a job in these circumstances so will continue to give them money until the pandemic's cleared up?  That's a win win situation for most of those people who decide to traipse across our border on a whim. While it's a pay pay lose lose situation for most Canadian taxpayers.

Kenya COVID-19 hospital gears up for surge in new infections

N.L. and Quebec, fuelled by pent-up pandemic demand, leading the way in auto sales growth 

Life's a beach, but some European countries have new COVID-19 fears

Yukon COVID infections reach 14 as resident infected outside territory

Nova Scotia making mask-wearing mandatory in most indoor public places by July 31  Behind Quebec who's already made it mandatory.

Sherbrooke authorizes 300 people to attend baseball game, despite public health recommendations

WhereIsMyName: Afghan women campaign for the right to reveal their name This is a really sad COVID story about a woman who's husband beat her up because she gave a doctor her name for a prescription.

24 million Americans fear missing next rent payment as benefits dry up I swear I think they engineered this pandemic to get rid of as many people as possible, in as many ways as possible. If the disease itself doesn't get them, then maybe poverty and resulting starvation might.

How risky is it to get a haircut, go to the gym? New gov't site has the answers Getting a haircut isn't risky at all, if it's done at home by a family member like our haircuts were.

COVID-19 outbreak declared on Haida Gwaii with 13 cases

Analysis: Two more Montreal bar closings raise COVID concerns

UFO sightings across Canada have spiked during the pandemic, maybe that's because we have more time on our hands and more time to star gaze.  If you're interested in this subject you might be interested in these books:  The UFO Dossier is a PDF,  UFOs: Government Secrets Kept  is a MOBI, and Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs is a PDF, all books are downloadable at the longfiles link. And this following article that recently appeared in the Daily Mail in the UK: Previous Next Pentagon's UFO hunting department was NOT disbanded in 2012 as stated and could now give public reports every six months amid claims it found 'vehicles not made on this earth'

Online shopping has doubled during the pandemic, Statistics Canada says

Treading water: a simple comfort during a global pandemic  I guess if that's all the space you're allotted and all you can do in it, you have no choice but me, if I go swimming it's to go swimming, not to tread water or lie on the beach/pool deck baking in the sun. I love swimming and would swim everyday if there was a place to go swimming that was viable.

Saskatchewan experts say COVID-19 myths cause for concern  Numbers speak for themselves. Today's tally is.....  16,893,532 cases, 663,478 deaths and 10,456,398 recovered. That's world-wide. It looks to be more contagious than lethal if you ask me. Ergo on a par with a bad flu or bad cold. The governments have a vested interest in keeping us scared, because that way we'll comply with their laws more readily than if we didn't believe them and believed the numbers themselves instead.

EU eyes COVID-19 vaccines at less than $40, shuns WHO initiative Looks like it's not only Trump shunning the WHO. Wondering why? Is that maybe because they're nothing but a bunch of negligent genocidal liars? Probably. I know Tedros is. That's a given.

WHO clears air on COVID-19 vaccine being for wealthy people

The-rich-are-looking-to-buy-access-to-covid-safe-havens That was going to be inevitable, I think. It was only a matter of time.

Record numbers of coronavirus cases in every global region - Reuters tally

The Message Behind Gold’s Rally: The World Economy Is in Trouble  I'm not too sure we actually needed a gold rally to tell us the world economy is in trouble. I think that's been pretty evident for a while now.

COVID-19 in Canada: Virus curve is seeing an 'uptick', supply of first approved virus drug Remdesivir 'not plentiful', Dr. Tam warns
I said back in February or March that anyone wishing to make money ought to invest in Gilead Sciences because of their drug redemsivir. This is the one that was made in conjunction with the Wuhan lab in China and that Gilead and the Chinese gov't were fighting over world-wide patent rights for it, since 2016. Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this virus was around since at least that long and known about - you don't make anecdotes for viruses you know nothing about and never saw before. Just doesn't happen. Just the existance of this drug proves the whole Wuhan meat market story a freaking lie.

Coronavirus: Spain drives fears of European 'second wave'

Coronavirus: Obesity increases risks from Covid-19, experts say

College student visa: Trump admin bars new foreign students taking online classes in US And if Cdn colleges and universities are only offering online classes we should do the same, because they can stay home wherever they happen to live and still take the courses online like all the rest of the Cdn kids will have to do too.

Long-lasting COVID symptoms from lungs to limbs linger in coronavirus 'long haulers'

COVID coping: How to make the most of quarantine mood swings

Nearly three-quarters of Americans believe this recession will last until 2021. How will it affect your investments?

Miami-Dade County surpasses 100,000 Covid-19 cases  That's only one county in the whole country. Those figures alone are nearly Canada's total figures for this pandemic so far.

England and Scotland went separate ways on Covid-19. It may lead to a full divorce  I'm sure the Scotts won't mind.

MIT researchers created a reusable face mask that works like an N95 respirator  We each have one but they're P100 masks - what you usually see the cops wearing when they want to make some dangerous drug busts. Those things, with replacement filters.

The pandemic's unlikely pet: Chickens  Well with all the baking everyone's doing, it's no surprise they want their own steady fresh supply of daily eggs, if they can get them.

Huge black bear spotted relaxing in a pool is one big summer mood   Okay this isn't a COVID article, it's another cute wildlife article along the lines of the moose taking a swim in a backyard pool. If you haven't seen this picture, you really ought to. It'll instantly lighten your mood and make you forget some of the terrible news this virus is renown for already.

That's it for now. Take care until next time.