Showing posts with label Stonehenge Summer Solstice Sunrise & Sunset Online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stonehenge Summer Solstice Sunrise & Sunset Online. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020

Constant Conflicting

Coronavirus Coverage...

June 19, 2020

One minute I think wow, it's going away and I won't have to spend so much time trying to stay on top of it for my blog and then the next, BAM! we're right back at it again, only this time it seems to be getting worse instead of better. And this is only the first wave of it. Wondering what the second wave will look like then or if we'll even survive the first one or not. 

Then again there are so many conflicting reports, it's hard to know which ones to believe or disbelieve. And the more reports I read coming out of various places makes me question whether anyone in this pandemic knows what they're doing or what. 

We might as well be back in the dark ages, hoping that if we all  hide in a dark room for 2 hours it'll go away on it's own, or say a few verses of incantations to cast away the evil spirits that are obviously causing this virus, it'll just disappear on it's own, for all the good all the means and methods tried have done so far. 

The obvious one that would probably work, no one wants to try - and that is using antibodies from those who've had it, to inject in others as a means of inoculation against it. I don't know why they're so reluctant to try it out. What do they have to lose by trying? I'd say there's more to lose by not trying.  

Or are they waiting for some nursing mothers who've already had the disease to masticate their teething baby's food for them before giving it to them to eat like they did in the old days when they discovered the mothers who had smallpox doing that and their kids  not getting smallpox as a result of it!?! I mean I have to wonder what's the delay and why no one is trying that yet? 

And again my mind wonders back to what some of the more nefarious "reasons" might be, like collapsing the economies to rejig them afterwards, to culling the herd, to maybe even more nefarious reasons that are too dark to even contemplate. 

I mean otherwise you'd think they'd be frothing and chafing at the bit, trying to get as many COVID survivors as they could to donate blood in order to make the plasma needed for the antibody serum to be administered to others to help them fight off and survive this ordeal. 

Instead no, they're busy testing everything in the medicine cabinet to see what might work and what might not, which is how they found out about that medicine they mentionned the other day, which Canada apparently has none of. 

Canada seems to be dismally ill prepared in everything. We don't have any of that medicine, we don't have any PPEs, we don't have any antibody testing kits, we don't have basically anything that might help us. So we're left at the whims and mercies  of this world. Basically that's it. So it's a wonder Canada isn't the epicenter of this virus for the entire universe.

Getting back to the matter at hand now....

Coronavirus: What will happen to pets after lockdown?  Hopefully, they'll still be kept, wanted and loved like they were during the lockdown.

What outdoor space tells us about inequality I wouldn't know about that. Some of the poshest penthouses in Montreal are near rooftop levels of skyscrapers with no balconies and no outdoor space at all - not even a parking space. And it's only the very rich that can usually afford such places, so I'm not buying that bunch of hogwash. Everything in life (including where and how you live) comes down to personal choices made along the way. If you chose to work at a certain company in a certain city but also chose not to buy a car and instead live near your work, so as a consequence were stuck with the least desirable locations and dwellings being within your budget and so chose to rent/buy that just because it's all you could afford, well that was a choice you made. It has nothing to do with affordability of a cleaner healthier lifestyle that affords at least a balcony if not a yard. There's lots of those around but you have to move out of the city to have those things usually and you usually can have them for the same price you're paying for your cramped ugly little shoebox of an apartment you're paying for in order to live close to your work. If you were willing to invest even in a used car and also commute time you could probably have a lot nicer place to live in in the suburbs or right outside the city in the fringes of the rural area. But you didn't want the commute, so you got what you chose. It has nothing to do with money because even in NY where she lives, there's penthouse apartments and condos that have no outside spaces either and I can assure you they're paying way more for their living quarters than she is.

Poll: Americans not buying White House spin on coronavirus Well considering some of it was super questionnable, that's good to know.

Coronavirus Cases Are Spiking & Experts Say Florida Has ‘All The Markings Of Next Epicenter’  I guess the guy that was wandering their beaches dressed like the  Grim  Reaper had it down pat and knew what was going to happen on account of their behaviour.

Early Data Show No Uptick in Covid-19 Transmission From Protests Good! I hope it continues to stay like! But if the uptick in Florida says anything, that might be that it might take awhile - like another week or two before you start seeing the cases flare up nationwide.

'Ring of fire' eclipse could be sign of apocalypse sending 'darkness over the Holy Land' Oh and they've tied this to coronavirus as well. All, I can say is wow. Just wow. Well in the event that it does end on Sunday the 21st, our whole family will be here together. So at least we'll get to go together if we have to go.  Though, I don't think that'll be the case. Let's just say I'd be very surprised if it were. But then again, these days and everything going on out there in relation to this virus, I'm not surprised by very much anymore. 

As more people lean on online shopping, think twice about how you pay  I hate shopping online, because almost everytime I have, I haven't gotten what we ordered (and in fact didn't get anything at all, and not even a reimbursement) or what was sent was not as expected. So, I try to avoid it as much as possible but since most stores now-a-days rarely stock anything you actually want in their bricks & mortar locations and instead insist on you ordering it from their online site (which we refuse to do unless we have no choice as in it's something we need and there's no one else that has it), then in that case I use a prepaid credit card, even though my debit card acts like a credit card for ordering online, I refuse to use it for such.

Iceland now feels like the coronavirus never happened   Good for them! I hope they continue to remain virus free! But as we're seeing elsewhere they may not be so lucky.

Universities and high schools are readying high-tech ways to curb the spread of Covid-19  Wondering if the neon black lights we used to have in our more or less psychedelic days are the same? I mean we were told they were UV lights and they worked well for checking out the Winnipeg tagging on Canadian postage stamps, which required UV light to read them. 

Will COVID become more dangerous? That's up to us, experts say  From the reports I've read from China, it seems like it's more dangerous or more contagious or something, but it's not the same as it was the first time around.

Mandatory mask laws are spreading in Canada But forcing people to wear those stupid homemade rags and surgical masks is utterly useless. They protect no one. If they want people to wear masks they should at least mandate the N95 masks as the bare minimum to use or else P100 masks. Those provide 100% protection against most toxins and pathogens in the air, both for the wearer and others in their milieu. N95 masks provide 95% protection and the others mentionned above provide 0% protection for anyone. They're a sham. Just placebos that's all.

Quebec eases restrictions at Quebec long-term care facilities, which have been hit hard by COVID-19  Finally! A glimmer of hope for those who've been the hardest hit by this virus and the pandemic lockdown. 

Quebec drops physical distancing rules for children in daycares  They were basically unenforcable anyhow. I mean has any of these people making these rules ever tried to reason with a 2 and 3 year old and tell them they have to stay a certain distance away from their friends and caregivers? Even if you manage to tell them and ask them if they understand and they say yes, do you honestly think they do understand even though they said yes? That's to start.  Then do you think they'll remember those rules whenever they see the people they want to hug or play with? I mean the people making these rules have to have their heads in the clouds half the time I think, because they don't seem to understand the realities of certain situations.

Most Quebecers believe first wave of COVID-19 is over, survey finds Then I take it they don't understand the concept very well, because as long as there's new cases being reported everyday,  without let up, then it's not over. 

Canada expected to see spike in divorces as courts reopen, lawyers say I would imagine so, after all the animosity and fights and maybe physical abuse  too, going on behind closed doors of quarters that are too close for some, it would be a surprise if there wasn't some.

Canada buying 140,000 blood tests to begin immunity testing of COVID-19 Ummm hello.... There's about 36 million of us in Canada. What's that going to do? That'll just barely test the population of say Regina maybe or Halifax, forget cities like Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. So what about the rest of us?

Summer solstice sunrise to be streamed live from Stonehenge amid pandemic So all you modern day displaced Druids can still witness the summer solstice sunrise, even from remote earth locations, at this site: Stonehenge  Their Twitter Account.

Loneliness can directly impair immune system, increase risk of death: study Hmmmm.... I'm wondering if they knew this before they implemented the lockdowns? If they did, then were they also trying to kill off the lonely along with the elderly and immunodeficient? 

UN: Venezuelans, other refugees face huge pandemic hardships Yes people there are other refugees besides Syrian refugees out there in the world, despite what one Canadian news corporation would have you believe. Guess which one that is?

This Father's Day, dads have new respect for duties at home   I would hope that besides doing the easy work, of playing with and keeping kids amused and busy, and helping with school work, that they have pitched in and helped the wife with the really hard work or tiring work like scrubbing floors and handprints off of walls, helped with the spring cleaning, did the dishes or loading of the dishwasher, maybe fold the laundry to put it away and things like that. Because honestly sitting on the floor playing games or combing hair and helping with homework (especially kids in elementary school - unless the father's a totally uneducated boob himself) is not hard work. Those are the easy chores that most women would prefer to do and trade the other chores with their husbands for those anyday of the week & twice on Sundays.

Italian university allows staff to bring pets to work to help cope with post-lockdown stress  Why not? Most university students love having pets around - it alleviates their stress and anxieties too, having a pet (even if it's a prof's pet) around to provide some zootherapy for them. 

Nursing homes represent more than 1 in 4 COVID-19 death  I've heard figures for Quebec, that puts those deaths at between 80% - 95% of all COVID deaths in Quebec.

How to stay connected, while Canadians remain divided over going back to the office It would probably be a lot better for most involved and the environment as well, if they didn't go back to the office and instead continued to work from home.

World Health Organisation's chief declares 'new and dangerous phase' of the pandemic after 150,000 cases in a single day - the highest since the start of the crisis  It's headlines like this that makes me question whether or not anyone in power anywhere has any idea on what's going on and how to treat and stop this virus - hence my references to medieval methods of dealing with viruses above.

Georgia nurses accuse hospital of manipulating COVID-19 test results That's weird.  Given all the other news about incorrect and falsifications coming out of the US in regards to this virus, it's usually the reverse, where they want to increase the number of COVID cases and deaths so they can get more funds because they apparently get more money if they are dealing with COVID (for extra equipment and PPEs) and not the reverse.

Oak Park Woman Says She Contracted Coronavirus Twice We've been through this explanation before.... Like possibly not having recovered fully the first time around or false negative tests or even maybe like some people have relapses of the flu. 

Your Coronavirus Antibodies Might Fade After Just a Few Months Again, "might, maybe, could be, should be, would be" are all possibilities in the future and the only way for us to know for sure is wait for the future in question to arrive.

Virus already in Italy by December, sewers show It was already in Quebec in December too, according to the Quebec Pharmacists Association.

Illinois Coronavirus Updates: Unique COVID-19 Strain in Chicago, Indoor Dining Plan  Now that is interesting that a city has it's own unique strain of COVID. I wonder if that's true of other places as well?

We Will Be Living With the Coronavirus Pandemic Well Into 2021 Boy! I certainly hope not! I'm not sure I can keep on top of it all for that long. 

TSA didn’t do enough to protect passengers, staff from coronavirus, whistleblower says I wonder what's the case in Canadian airports?

The emerging face of COVID: Younger patients, more cases, but fewer deaths Maybe that's because of all the close contact that ensued when lockdown started easing up.

Quebec residents show lowest mental health impact from COVID-19  This is something to be proud of everyone! We do seem to be doing quite well, or else we're all really good at hiding it from everyone else!

Pandemic erases Quebec's projected surplus, throws province into $15B deficit

New CERB bill is punitive for low-income workers: economist Well I guess that was to be expected considering Trudeau's track record with the homeless, poor, disabled, sick and elderly. He has a habit of kicking them while they're down and the maybe coming back a little later and stomping on their fingers or something.

COVID-19 is worse than a bad flu season, despite online claims to the contrary  Really? Maybe they'd like to compare actual figures from a really bad flu season (assuming they can find world wide records for a single bad flu season - which so far I've been unable to find, but even still just the US figures alone speak volumes on that score) to the figures from this plandemic. Because I think the elementary school drop outs that masquerade as journalists at CBC might discover something if they actually do the research themselves and don't just rely on Tam's and Trudeau's and the WHO's say so. And the epidemiologist that they quoted said quoting now: She also cautioned that some influenza deaths may not be recorded as such.  ....... Conversely, the COVID figures are overly exagerated in a lot of cases, considering they're lumping everything including head trauma as COVID for the cause of death. So there's lying one way and then lying in the opposite direction both are at odds with each other and the truth.

Saskatchewan reports more COVID-19 cases, guidelines for schools

Food scarcity is on the rise in America as the economy reels After reading the story about the bogus meat shortages the other day, I'm not so sure I believe this one. It's probably another ruse being foisted off on the public in order to get some kind of special privilege in law from the gov't or to justify needless price hikes.

In celebration of Father's Day during unprecedented times   With a link to his YouTube  channel: Dad, how do I?

What will a COVID-19 vaccine look like? Don’t expect a cure-all, scientists say

Novel coronavirus hospitalizations increasing in 17 states

U.S. teenager who took precautions died suddenly of COVID-19  This is just a very sad story that only goes to prove that you can stay home and not go out anywhere and still die from this dreadful disease.

Montreal Malls Finally Reopen

Coronavirus’s spread is slowing, but one expert warns: ‘I worry about the fall’  Not according to the WHO who reported 150,000 cases in one day recently.

Montreal’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport unveils new health measures  This should've been done since the beginning of the year when the Chinese gov't announced the virus in Wuhan. Maybe then we wouldn't have been in this mess.  So many people fell down on the job and put Cdns lives at risk, it's just unbelievable.

Wow! For once I am totally caught up and up to date on all the Coronavirus news out there!