Showing posts with label Freedom Convoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom Convoy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Now on With More of the Canadian Convoy Circus Concerning.....

Covid 19


May 23, 2022

Sorry not trying to belittle or ridicule the truckers and the Freedom Convoy by any means as they are my heros. But I am ridiculing the circus antics the morons in power pulled, surrounding this event. Also it was a way of pointing out,  what appeared to be the atmosphere in the air - like a carnival feeling complete with music, bouncy castles, hot tubs, street hockey etc.... from all the YouTube videos I saw that was posted - BEFORE CENSORS R' US REMOVED THEM. 

Doncha just love today's society? Where you don't even need a court order to have something censored or removed? You can just abrogate anyone's rights that you wish just because you don't happen to agree with what they're saying, but yet you want to operate a media site where everyone is welcome to post their videos on anything - from tutorials to jack-ass stunts (that a lot kids imitate and wind hurting themselves or dying on account of it (but that's okay)), or videos of porn, or murder - that too pretty much sticks around until there's a huge bruhaha over it and then it's taken down. 
But truckers with their kids around bonfires, playing music or street hockey while the kids play on bouncy castles is something that's to be censored and removed IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT ANYONE ASKING THEM TO & DEFINITELY NO COURT ORDERS NEEDED. Which is what blew my mind in my last post. 
All the entertaining and fun videos that the convoy participants posted showing what was happening there and how much fun everyone was having - it was literally like a carnival atmosphere, and explaining why they were there and what they wanted, were removed. The only ones that remained showing that or what the media REALLY WANTED YOU TO SEE (which was their hardlined BS) were all from the lamestream media. If a lamestream media news site posted it, it stayed, if a non-lamestream media entity posted it, it disappeared. 
So the only real unbiased truthful reports showing the real atmosphere and what was really going on were basically Tucker Carlson and overseas news sites like those  in the UK and Australia. 
I now know I have enough dandelion petals to at least make the jelly, but I may also have enough to make the wine too. That would be awesome!
We had to go exchange the Jeep's battery as it was brand new - but it was deader than a doornail when my husband tried to start it earlier last week. So we took that to Canadian Tire this afternoon and boy we really had them confounded and confused because they just couldn't believe that a brand new battery could be that dead. They tried testing it with one tester, nothing registered, the needle didn't even budge. So they tried another one, same thing. So then they took all the batteries in that tester out and threw them in the garbage and put another half dozen new batteries in that tester and tried again. They were totally flummoxed because they said even bad batteries usually show a reading on the testers even if they barely register, but that one was stone cold dead and they couldn't figure out why. So they gave us a new one. 
Then I went to get some things at the grocery store that I needed at this other store in the area where the staff are super nice - they actually go get the things for you that you can't find, instead of telling you it's in aisle X, and for the most part really friendly.  And I got  a few things I didn't need, I  at Metro - just to use up that Metro & Moi money they sent me before. Then I told the girl at the cash to keep the Metro & Moi card and cut it up. She asked me why and when I told her, I was fed up with Bruno, she laughed and the other cashier that was there doing the packing, laughed too and they both shook their heads in agreeance with me. So, that says a lot about him to me.  

So now I have everything I need for this week's meals plus to make the jelly & wine. So I'll be doing that this week and maybe making Watermelon Rind pickles too - I hope to before the rinds go bad. I also noticed my rhubarb is growing like bad weeds, so I might have to get to that soon too. Have no idea what I'll do with that though.

Now I'm going to continue on from where I left off in my bookmark folder and hope that some of the interesting and honest stories are still there or that I can hunt them down and find them elsewhere on the net, or this will probably be one of the biggest and most egregious expunges of Canadian history on record. 

Tucker: Justin Trudeau is attacking human rights You've got that right Mr. Carlson.

Tucker: Crumbling regimes always resort to this Yup. For sure. You should also read some of the comments made by some of the astute viewers of this video.


🇨🇦 CANADA IS WINNING 🇨🇦 (THIS IS HUGE) - YouTube Yet another deleted video, conveying much the same message apparently as the one above was conveying - a message they didn't want us to get.

🇨🇦EX-RCMP 🇨🇦 UPDATE ON WEAPONS IN ALBERTA - YouTube This one too, was removed and if I remember it (as what was said was pretty hard to forget), it's easy to figure out why as the former RCMP officer was saying the weapons they were "finding" were planted there by the cops. In other words alleging that the cops planted those weapons on the truckers in order to be found, confiscated and used as evidence against the truckers as a form of proof of their alleged plans (which I'm sure some criminologist somewhere drew up as a scenario for the cops to allege was what being cooked up by the truckers). Yeah the biggest criminals in this country are in legislatures or wear badges and carry guns.
 Having had a brother-in-law that was an RCMP officer who also had friends in the Montreal police force who attended many a party that we were also in attendance - where they talked "shop" or some of their "antics" (more like crimes), I know that to be fact. I'm not just making unfounded allegations, I know they've stolen goods that should've been used as evidence, I know they've closed their eyes to certain crimes or criminals, I know they've commited crimes themselves and then pretended to be working on solving them but never being able to. Yes, folks thats at all levels of policing in Canada. So now don't you all feel so safe and secure, after that little bit of a knowledge leak there, eh?.....
BREAKING UP WITH TRUDEAU! International Left and Right Agree: PM is a disaster I knew that the moment the Bataclan massacre happened and how he reacted to that. He was a total freaking asshole and a total embarrassment - I was never so ashamed of a PM in my life as I was then. He's been a total moronic, conniving, domineering and tyrannical asshole since day 1, when HE ARBITRARILY ALONE DECIDED WE WERE GOING TO IMPORT A GAZILLION SYRIAN REFUGEES AT OUR EXPENSE. But yet he can't be bothered to OUTRIGHT GIVE ANYTHING to the Ukranians that need refuge from the war in their country. He's making it as hard and expensive as possible for them. Guess they're not Muslim.... Maybe that's why. Because it seems he has a special place in his heart for Muslims and Gays (but Muslims hate gays - so I don't know how he can reconcile those differences but hey whatever...). And before everyone pounces on me, NO I AM NOT Xenophobic, NOR racist (to be a racist where Muslims are concerned, they'd have to be a race, but they're not - they're a religious group comprised of people from all races) .  I have no animosities towards anyone of any group. I am merely pointing out the little bozos preferences and how differently he treats people based on who they are - not who they are as in Mr. or Ms. So and So who may be a friend or colleague, but who they are as in what group or affiliation they hold. Obviously if you're a trucker you're a died in the wool terrorist according to him, but Muslims obviously aren't and don't dare suggest some of them are (despite all the proof to the contrary) or he'll chew your head off. Oh and my gawd, don't use normal language to refer to someone's gender at one of his rallies or he'll bite your head off for being politically incorrect too - like he did to some poor woman who was just talking plain old English to him using normal plain old pronouns.... Wow....  That's what kind of ass hole I've seen since he took office.  A conniving, lying, domineering to the point of dictatorial, genocidal maniac.  I have never seen any good in him, except for when he tried to provide financial relief to people during the plandemic. But now I see why.... It's part of the plandemic game... Which I won't go into on this one comment..... Too long and convoluted for one thing.
Trudeau humiliated by EU Parliament: "You're a dictator!" This is what I said before.... If anyone should recognize dictators it would those in the EU Parliament since a few of the countries in that assemblage of nations were previously run by dictators.

CBC Lies about Standing Ovation in EU Parliament For Trudeau - MEPs Walked Out THANK YOU for pointing this out! I couldn't believe the BS I read when I saw the CBC story about the standing ovation.... For a moment after I read that I thought I was losing my mind, so I reviewed the other news stories I had bookmarked to see and the only one who lost their mind was the CBC reporter. Probably Paul Hunter as he seems to live in an alternate universe from where the rest of us live, as I've seen many more of his BS stories and fairytales. So either it's him or his protege.

Tammy Bruce: Trudeau needs to admit this Oh don't hold your breath waiting for this sheitebag to admit to anything or you'll be as pretty blue as that wall behind him that video.

Laura Ingraham: This was never about the virus How about instead of another dose of vaccine you get a little dose of the truth for a change? It'll do you good, probably much better than the stupid useless and probably DNA altering vaccine will do for you.  

driving a truck with my high heels on.  Just a fun trucker song video.

Driving My Life Away Another good trucker song - in support of all the truckers out there.

trucker convoy 2022 Where you can find several Freedom convoy related videos. Probably all the Canadian ones are mostly negative, but if you watch some of the ones posted internationally you might start to see a glimmer of the truth. 

Thinkathon – Health Care and Lessons From COVID | Thinkathon Playback They were busy "hitting" my blog - I mean making the hit counter climb like crazy. So I decided to go see what they were all about and this is just one section of Thinkathon.... So here's looking right back at them. 

Freedom Convoy Canada This is their official site. You can check out some of their information, videos and provide moral and whatever type of support you wish via this site.

Download or order the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights So you can have a copy at your disposal at all times if you wish. It's free to download and order. It's your right to have a copy of it, you don't need to be a lawyer to have one. 


Vernon trucker who joined Ottawa protest says he doesn't agree with everything, but would do it all again Good! It's people like him, that this country needs more of and less of people like sheitehead in Ottawa!

CDC says waiting longer between Pfizer, Moderna doses may reduce rare myocarditis risk for younger men Never having any of those vaccines will TOTALLY REDUCE THE RISK ALTOGETHER!

Canada Instructs Banks to Unfreeze Freedom-Convoy Accounts The pretentious prick thought he was God Almighty and could just do whatever the F that pleased him, including freezing people's bank accounts without justification. I'm glad the Senate showed him where the bear crossed the river. Hopefully they also directed the bear to his backside so the bear could take out a good chunk of it.
Plans for U.S. Trucker protest convoy prompts the National Guard to deploy in Washington This WAS a story in Yahoo, but they took it down. Funny. If it were about a national guard (if we had such an equivalent) deployment in Canada over the trucker convoy it would've stayed up.

Convoy organizers potentially face lengthy prison time, that's what you get for organizing a protest in Canada where we have a constitutional right to protest. But if you organize one you can be sent to jail for a good long time. Too bad the assholes at the helm who violate all our rights can't be sent to jail for a good long time too.
Alberta to proceed with Emergencies Act challenge despite it being lifted: Kenney Good! Someone needs to hold that little tyrannical prick accountable!

Trading relationship with U.S. unaffected by border blockades, says U.S. ambassador See? All the melodramatic BS of screaming our hair is on fire was just that melodramatic BS. 

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel: We're likely moving into an endemic setting It's amazing how after the truckers got together to protest the whole plandemic and vaccine BS, all the politicians AND even CEOs of the vaccine manufacturers all agree the plandemic is over and there's no need for all the BS and that it's turning into an endemic viral infection that'll be around for centuries longer but that we just have to learn to live with.  The week or even day before this protest started everyone was still basically stringently opposed to the lifting or removal of even the slightly mandate and we had to keep all the stringent laws and requirements in place forever. Amazing how quickly their perceptions and ideas change. 



Reinfections from Omicron subvariant BA.2 seem rare, study finds, making 'new wave' unlikely That's the exact opposite of what they're saying now. Now they're saying it's probably going to be endemic and go on forever and forever with reinfections over and over again, ad infinitum.

COVID-19: Omicron can reinfect people multiple times, Danish study finds Geez another study done the same day says the exact opposite of what the other one above said. I don't think the scientists knows their ashes from their elbows when it comes to this disease.




Pfizer, Moderna and Other Drugmakers Make Billions Responding to Covid-19 Pandemic Well of course, how could they not, when they had all the gov'ts around the world literally PUSHING THEIR DRUGS FOR THEM! 


Rapid emergence of new SARS-CoV2 variants due to the virus' ability to momentarily accelerate its evolutionary pace  Probably with a lot of help from scientists who have an interest in keeping this plandemic going - like governments the world over, now that they've gotten a  taste of autocractic dictatorship they don't want to relinguish the reigns of power any sooner than they have to.... Or pharmaceutical companies who are making gajillions of dollars on their vaccines and other treatments for this disease just to name a few possible people who could be modifying the virus and re-releasing it every now and then. Because I'm not sure it would mutate this much this fast if it were based on natural selection and "evolution" because according to Darwin those processes aren't that quick.



Public health mandates could return, Tam warns, but favours lighter touch in future Hopefully you could also see the inside of a jail cell too.

Anywho.... That's about it for now. Can barely keep eyes open now, so have to pack it in for the night. Will be back soon with more headlines. Until then hang in there and take care.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:





Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Trucker's Protests, Ebooks, Repressed Truths, Lies & Much More About.....



May 16, 2022

Finally! It rained and cooled the place off a bit. Thankfully, as I frigging hate heat with a passion.

So I managed to get a few chores done, a little bit of shopping that needed doing and made some "Chelada BBQ Sauce" spareribs for supper. It's my own impromptu recipe that I came up with when I realized I didn't have the usual ingredients I use for rib BBQ sauce on hand. As there was nothing sweet in it, it was different. We both liked it enough that I could use this recipe again (and as it's not written down anywhere as of this moment, I decided to post it in here - more appropriate for diabetics than the typical homemade BBQ sauces that uses softdrink as half the mixture). So here it is - for my forgetful memory and anyone else that would like to try it:
🍖Chelada BBQ Spareribs Sauce🍖

1/2 & 1/2 ketchup and canned Chelada 4% alcohol drink (at least enough combined to make 1 cup if not more - depending on amount of ribs)
1/2 tsp dried cumin
1/4 sweet red bell pepper minced
1/4 medium onion minced
(optional - I didn't have any on hand but would put some in if I did) 1/2 celery stick minced and/or 2 cloves garlic minced

Preboil ribs so they fall apart when prodded with a fork or knife, remove ribs from pot with large tongs and place in an oven safe casserole dish. 

Mix all other ingredients well so that the cumin is well blended with the rest of the sauce. Pour over the preboiled ribs in the casserole dish and bake at 350F for 30 minutes.

Or alternately slather the sauce over the preboiled ribs and fire up the grill and lay them over the hot racks turning on  both sides long enough to get those charcoal lines and serve. 
As we had a wicked downpour around suppertime we had to use the first method for ours, but I would've loved to have tried them on the grill instead. Maybe next time. I might even add in the minced celery & garlic cloves to the mix then too. 🍖
During my spare time  today I tripped over and downloaded a few books about Covid - after having found that book about the great Reset by Klause Schwab - the head of the WEF and one of the 2 organizations that hosted the Event 201 conference which is an eyeopener about the plandemic in itself. If you still aren't familar with that event you can find the link by clicking on the Event 201 label in the right hand  label column. It occurred at least a whole month before the plandemic started in Wuhan China. 

Between that, Event 201 which I heartily recommend you watch in it's entirety (yeah it's dry and boring but basically lays everything out about everything), to the 2 Married Pink Elephants (another link in the sidebar for you to follow) which you should not only read all available material there, but also follow all the links in the "bibliography" he supplied and read/watch all of that material too. (Gawd you'll have a doctorate in BS Plandemics - in no time) and read the following books and follow all the links in them (as they're all ebooks with html links in those as well). You can read them on most ereaders or your computer and tablets with the appropriate ereader programs like Adobe Acrobat (for PDF) and Calibre Ereader for almost all other formats (can be downloaded for computers) and for tablets get FreeBook (or FB reader). So you can read them wherever you are - if you have your tablet with you. I'm sure if FB Reader works on Android tablets it also works on Android phones. 

By reading all of those various books and articles and watching all those videos, you will be super well informed about all this BS (and that's precisely what it is now - is pure unadulterated BS) and how the governments lied, covered up and totally misrepresented facts in order to get people to comply with their draconian BS laws. Which (I'm not there yet but in my mind I am) I am sure all had to do with killing off as many people as possible, and jerry rigging the world economy to basically pretty much bankrupt everyone so they (the global and political elite) could suck up everything for themselves.  I intended to follow my own advice and read and watch as much of that as I possibly can, because I really want to get to the bottom of this, as I knew from the beginning it was all being handled wrong and I could never understand why if they genuinely wanted to protect their populations from this virus. 
I always thought that Public Health agency of this country WAS INDEPENDENT FROM THE GOV'T AND ADVISED THE GOVERNMENT ON WHAT TO DO & HOW TO ACT.... 

But piece by piece things are coming together to make more sense..... 

Especially after recent news reports about: Quebec coroner calls for independence in public health director role in final report on long-term care home deaths where this direct quote from the story is copied and pasted verbatim here: 

The government of Quebec needs to ensure the role of the public health director is independent and without any "political constraint"......
So that says a whole lot about why we're in the situation we're in. First Tam acquiesced to bozo brains in Ottawa by continuing to allow Chinese visitors into the country because bozo brains was afraid of offending the Chinese because by then they had the 2 Michaels in custody and were refusing all our goods in trade for one lame excuse after another. 

Then the public health director in QC acquiesced to Legault's power tripping power grabs by declaring whatever he wanted declared so he could basically rule unopposed and mandate all sorts of things from masks and lockdowns to cops entering homes that had one too many people in them (whether they all lived there or not was irrelevant apparently - and using that as lame excuses to give exorbitant bankrupting fines to everyone present in those houses). That's worse than a communist or even a dictator police state. I never heard of cops entering homes with too many people in them, in order to fine them, before. But hey that's what happened here.

Which also allowed Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup to declare an unprecedented nationwide state of emergency and to call the truckers, terrorists, and throw them in jail and confiscate their trucks (means of making a living) and other assets. The only terrorists I saw in Ottawa during that protest was Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup, his entire ILLEGALLY HELD LIEBERAL GOVERNMENT FORMING PARTY & THE TOO TIGHTLY TURBAN WOUND DICTATOR SUPPORTER & HIS NO DAMNEDGOOD PARTY AKA NDP. THOSE ARE THE ONLY TERRORISTS IN OTTAWA THAT I AM AWARE OF FELLOW CANADIANS, Oh Yeah! & THE COPS THEY CALLED IN - THAT BASHED PEOPLE'S HEADS IN RIFLE BUTTS, DESTROYED PRIVATE PROPERTY & RAN PEOPLE DOWN WITH THEIR HORSES.

Anyhow.... I guess I'd better give you the links to the books so you can read them. The other 2 links about Event 201 and the 2 Married Elephants are available by clicking on the label designations for them in the right label side bar. The link to the book about Covid and the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab is available on the previous post, if there's not also a link to it in the sidebar (don't know because in editor mode here, where I'm typing this, all I see is the editor itself). So here's those book links most are available in PDF, EPUB & MOBI:
Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns Part 1 Introduction and Death Counts and Estimates I'd advise you to start with this one - it starts in the beginning of the plandemic. Here's just one of the juicy morsels I found in there that I had no clue about: Oklahoma City hospital closed amid coronavirus spread This is what I mean by follow all the links - you have no idea the information you'll find that lends credence to the fact that this has all been one massive BS hoax in order to gain control over us, our finances, our very existences (as in the seniors old age death camps). 
Not to mention the plea that I posted in here some time ago where a nurse wrote a plea she posted online begging people not to allow themselves or their loved ones to be intubated as there was a good chance they'd come out of that dead, as the intubation process itself tears up people's lungs and airways a good deal of the time and that's even when supposedly qualified people are inserting and removing it. Which in essence is really what kills the person - the intubation process.

When you take all the garnered information together you have no choice but to believe this was planned and the powertripping powermongers who wanted a chance at ruling by decree rather than by a full and fair democractic government took full advantage of this plandemic as we've witnessed world wide. Except in countries where they already had that, like in North Korea. He didn't need the plandemic as he's already an autocractic dictator, so he had no rhyme nor reason to play the game in order to achieve that powertripping high. It's only just now that he claims to have COVID19 in North Korea.

There's another book you should read which was posted in the blog in the last post, but I'll make it easy for you as I seriously do believe you need to read this one as well: Covid-19 The Great Reset schwab2020
As well as visit, read and follow all links posted on the 2 Pink Married Elephants website too (available in the sidebar links).
Now on with the headlines....
Workers are out sick in record numbers, exacerbating labor shortage woes Or maybe the ones being mandated to be vaccinated are pretending to be out sick, while they hunt for other jobs that don't require being vaccinated. Only if they don't find one, will they return and succumb to the mandate, maybe.
The Fed may create a US digital currency and wants your input  If you don't think a Great Reset with a new digital currency is coming, feast your eyes on this article.

Moderna’s Covid Shot Alone Isn’t Enough to Revitalize a Sagging Stock Despite that, on that particular day, Moderna's Stock was valued at $136.26 and Pfizer's at: $50.67

Canada protests against Covid measures gain steam I have never been so proud of my fellow Canadians as when they took these steps to stand up against the tyranny of the Federal and provincial draconian dictators! 

CDC backs Moderna COVID-19 shots after full US approval Of course they only gave full approval months after they gave Pfizer their full approval - and that's only because Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates are heavily invested in Pfizer but probably not at all in Moderna. So they wanted to give Pfizer a head start at making money while holding Moderna off. It's all a colossal money making scam. 

US closely tied to 'nationwide insurrection' in Canada against COVID mandates: Live updates The birdbrains that run Yahoo had no problem hanging on to this headlines - because it goes along with their narrative that anyone opposing this BS  is basically an insurrectionist or a terrorist, but they had to get rid of the headline from the same date of "CDC backs Moderna COVID 19 shots after full US approval", which I had to look for elsewhere. Of course they had to bury that one as quick as possible because after all they want their piddly little Pfizer share prices to increase because right now they're not making any money compared to Moderna's (the stock stories above were taken from the same time frame as this story). The fact that the birdbrains cited above goes along with this narrative shows what kind of morons they are, when they can't understand that the "nation wide insurrection" has to do with fighting back against government tyranny and dictatorship. (I should've done the headlines in hindsight since the beginning - then I'd have had a better idea of what was really going on and why).


Police target fuel supply for 'Freedom Convoy' demonstration in Ottawa So it was illegal to buy fuel in Ottawa apparently.... Talk about gov't overreach.

Ottawa police expect another 24 hours of traffic disruptions, demonstrations from ‘Freedom Convoy’ rally  Now this is the actual headlines that was supposed to be here but can no longer find at all on the web anywhere. Reddit had a copy of it, but Reddit forced the user who posted it to take it down, even though it was originally a CBC report.... "After night of fireworks, calls from convoy organizers for quieter morning go unheard | CBC News". It was originally posted on  But I guess the night of fireworks while noisy wasn't really all that scary or insurrectionist so it had to be removed while the more "news like" or "bad behaviour like" headlines had to replace it. Nothing like changing the facts after-the-fact is there... Except for one thing... I have the headlines from the date they were posted not the new whitewashed versions of them. So that allows me to see what's really going down out there in "fake newsland" and how they rewrite and reword things to suit their version of events after the fact when they think no one's looking, or will catch them.

No end in sight to Ottawa protests, not enough resources, says police chief As this ties in with the narrative they want of this whole affair, they left this story and it's title there and alone as it originally was. Same site - CBC.... Canadian BS Corp.

Impasse in Ottawa as protesters settle in, police are strained and politicians search for solutions | Nation World News Again this is another news story that conveniently went missing at: instead the headlines taking it's place is: Ottawa declares state of emergency as police boost enforcement, target protest's fuel supply a much more hardline stance against the protesters than the earlier "impasse story" sounded to be.  So do you see what's going on here folks? I mean it's right before your very eyes. I have bookmarked headlines in my bookmark folder. I follow them but get an entirely different headlines instead but the actual original story that was there is now available at another site.  Infact, I'll post the actual raw URL here so you can see I'm not making this up....  ----> See the word "impasse in that URL? Now if you don't believe me that it's now the "Ottawa declares state of emergency" story, all you have to do is copy and paste it into your browser's goto line at the top of the browser - usually the long empty white line at the top and hit enter.  Et voila folks, proven once again what kind of BS this plandemic puts all of us truth seekers through. 

Long road to recovery for Quebec's cultural sector after COVID-19 shutdowns Ouiiiiii ca va prendre de temps pour le revenir de poutine et sirop d'erable, en maudit tabernac, et l'hockey. Mais moi je peut oblier ca sans problemes. 
Protests against COVID-19 measures continue in cities across Canada Again, another headline that wasn't there, at this particular URL now: So as you can see, I'm not making this sheite up - the obvious biases these news sites have.

Quebec City convoy ordered to leave the National Assembly Oh but miraculously this one was still there, it's an original CBC news story appearing on Yahoo's news site. Funny how they both have room for the removal of the convoys stories but not for the nicer "fireworks" stories or the stories that demonstrate country wide support like the one above citing protests in other cities across Canada. Do you see their biases and BS yet or not? Because I'm sure there'll be many more examples I'll be able to cite and use if need be but right now I'd rather just post the headlines and if other, comments other than how far and wide I had to chase it down because the original no longer exists or does but has been rewritten, I'd rather just do my own comments on them rather than show how we're being lied to and things are being covered up and expunged from history so to speak.

‘The case for masks became hugely stronger’: scientists admit their Covid mistakes From the git go I was recommending masks, seeing as how it was deemed to be a respiratory virus.  Even now that the mask mandate is repealed here in QC, I keep a mask with me at all times in case, I'm asked by the premises I'm visiting to wear one, or in case there's one too many coughers in the environment for me to feel comfortable, then I have a mask I can put on to protect myself.

What will endemic COVID look like? Not like the flu, more like a cold Yeah like a cold that never goes away. Most colds and flus are seasonal, instead COVID seems to be around all the time. So this "endemic COVID cold" will be around forever too, probably.

Pantyhose found to be effective facemask hack for better protection - study That'll freak the machine gun toting bank guards out a tad too much I think, so don't wear one of those pantyhose improvised face masks if you intend on going to the bank. Just to be on the safe side.




Canadian police make arrests amid 'Freedom Convoy' protests and seize fuel, vehicles So much for our rights to protest, or to buy & own gas in Ottawa....

Alaska truckers form convoy to support Canadian protests  It was nice to see all the support that sprung up throughout the world. Just wish it could've evolved into something with more pressure on the wanna-be dictators out there and made them sit up and take notice and change their draconian BS tunes.

Two years after his death, the Chinese doctor who warned of the virus is remembered. Good, he deserves to be remembered for many more years to come. Too bad  none of the braindead idiots that run this world listened to him.

Police raid on Ottawa protest camp is strongest show of enforcement yet Because this is a hardline headline AGAINST the truckers, this story was allowed to remain. 

'Blockaded by an angry, loud, intolerant and violent crowd': Federal officials say 'unlawful' Ottawa occupation needs to end Yeah, I mean doesn't that guy in that picture just epitomize "angry, loud, intolerant and violent"????? 😒😒 Talk about exaggerations. OMG.... 

The latest on protests against COVID-19 measures in Ottawa and beyond Another one I had to track down as it was no longer on Yahoo, where I found it originally.


Well that's enough for now... There'll be more backlogged headlines soon, so stick around. Until next time take care & stay well.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:







Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Contradictions, Craziness, Confusion, Crushing Dissent, Confidence Votes, Clamor and Commotion & Complicity Surrounding



February 22, 2022 or 2/22/22
Over the weekend we went to see our son to celebrate his birthday with him & his wife and a few of his friends. We had a blast. It was a lot of fun and a welcome relief from all the shit going on out there in this idiotic country of ours.
Never in a million years did I think when I started this blog about Covid19 and the pandemic that it would've touched on anything like what we're seeing out there now. I mean it's just totally insane, if you ask me. Wow.... Just wow....

I seriously can NOT BELIEVE how anyone in the NDP or Lieberal party can claim they have a conscience at all, after voting for that draconian piece of legislation the "Emergency Measures Act". Putting THEIR JOBS ahead of OUR RIGHTS, because it was LINKED TO A NON-CONFIDENCE VOTE - thereby ensuring all the money grubbing pigs at the taxpayer's trough WOULD VOTE FOR THAT DICTATORIAL PIECE OF GARBAGE. Because to vote against it and with the Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois on it, would've jeopardized their jobs and access to that taxpayer's trough for them, as they would've lost the vote and thus been kicked out of parliament triggering a NEW ELECTION and the shitheads there now, KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT THAT WITH THIS STILL FRESH IN OUR MINDS, THEY WOULD NOT REGAIN POWER & THUS BE OUT OF A JOB!!!!!! That's how that was rigged. For them and against us. I suggest Ladies & Gentlemen that the next time you find yourself in a voting booth, you remember where their allegiances laid - with themselves and against us, that's where.

Like I said, time and time before, the ONLY PEOPLE THEY CARE ABOUT ARE THEMSELVES PERIOD. They are there for perks, privileges, pensions, salaries and sense of power they get from it and nothing more. They don't give a rats ass about you, me, or the guy down the street, they are there for themselves and that's all. Don't forget that either. Especially the Lieberals and NDP. 
The clingy needy NDP party it feels to me like they can't afford to campaign for another election or that they're afraid of losing the few seats that they hold, and that's why they keep propping this dictator up and keeping him power. That's all. 

They're about as interested in people's rights and freedoms (this NDP gov't is a far far cry from Jack Layton's, Ed Broadbent's & Tommy Douglas, as you can get - opposite end of spectrum I think). He'd perhaps be rolling in his grave seeing what kind of assholes who've become leader of it lately starting with Tom Mulcair and ending with this dickwad who has his turban wrapped so tight it's cutting off oxygen to his brain that makes it so the only braincell with oxygen is forced to think solely of IT's survival and so cares only about what that dickwad wants for himself. The rest of us apparently can go F ourselves as far as he's concerned - and to think they said they were for the people. Yeah, I guess if "the people" they were talking about were limited to their people in parliament. Otherwise the rest of us can drop dead apparently. Talk about lies, betrayal and back stabbing - that's what this party did to it's voters and constituents.
We already had an idea of what the wanna-be dictator at the helm was all about, after watching him over the years trying by force of will to ram his way of thinking, his vocabulary terms, his draconian BS down our throats. Just watching him berate poor little old ladies for using NORMAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE that he didn't like because he was standing up for FRINGE ELEMENTS IN SOCIETY (LGBTQ). Yeah when he stands up for ACTUAL FRINGE ELEMENTS IN SOCIETY that's fine but when the MAJORITY OF CANADIANS SUPPORT THE TRUCKERS & ARE AGAINST HIM those are FRINGE ELEMENTS & TERRORISTS THAT NEED TO BE QUASHED! 
Yeah, we know about the hypocrisy.... The asshole that gives MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO ACTUAL TERRORISTS, while calling people supporting the truckers &  truckers with bandstands, bouncy castles and hottubs terrorists and seizing their bank accounts. 
Do you see the hypocrisy and irony yet folks????? Because if not, you had better remove your blindfolds and start taking a good look around at the reality here. 

Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the asshole that was on a talk show on CJAD (owned by CTV) yesterday afternoon, that called the truckers belligerents - obviously he's an illiterate idiot because he has no clue what the word belligerent means if he thinks the truckers were belligerent. This is the definition the Free Dictionary gives and I'm copying and pasting it here: 


1. Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive.
2. Of, pertaining to, or engaged in warfare.
One that is hostile or aggressive, especially one that is engaged in war.
Now if any of you noticed any of that from all the videos posted here (or on Youtube or during the entire time the protest was going on, I'd love to know and see it, because  so far as I'm aware the ONLY BELLIGERENTS I saw there were THE COPS. When they came they started bashing people with the butts of their rifles, using their horses to trample people and their rifle butts to damage trucks and smash the windows of trucks. Which of course was NEVER SHOWN ON LAMESTREAM MEDIA TV. 
The belligerent in this case as pertaining to that asshole that called into CJAD, is HIM. An ignoramus moronic belligerent who was in my opinion trying to throw fuel on the fire and is too f'n stupid to get that this protest was done in the name of freedom.  To regain our rights and freedoms that has been usurped by wanna-be dictators over the past two years. It's incredible how pathetically brainwashed and stupid some people can be. Gawd.... And I thought that was only places like the USSR & China. 
Lots of people out there still with huge opinions and zero ideas of what's really going on, I see. 
Here's some advice for more potential assholes like that clown, before you get on a talk show on the radio or TV and start spouting off, at least try to REALLY INFORM yourself of what's REALLY GOING ON. Don't just take the lamestream media's word for it. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH FIRST, OTHERWISE YOU RISK HAVING SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS ABOUT YOU (but naming you publically - which I would've loved to have done except I don't know the jerk's name) and you wouldn't be able to sue them for anything as it would've been the truth. 

Sorry, I had to say something about that in here, as it really freaking irked me. If the guy hadn't have been on the radio but within shouting distance, I'd have had a few choice words for him.  

The lamestream media are complicit with the gov't and head bashing and trampling cops, in usurping our rights and freedoms and letting that kind of police brutality be gotten away with. Once upon a time (yes I am that old) the media reported the news instead of hid it from us or made it up or used their own biased opinion as fact and cut out all opposing facts or opinions from the piece. Now the media assuages the gov't by doing it's dirty work by covering up the real atrocities going on as perpetrated by the gov't and their thugs aka the cops. They don't shine a light on it and report it anymore, now instead they hide it from us. And they want us to trust them???? 
I'm sorry, but,  when I saw the clips of the rifle bashing that person at the Freedom Convoy was getting - for what I don't know.... Walking? Talking? I don't know - as I didn't see the person do anything at all except walk. Then the cops moving through the crowds in with a column of horses side by side trampling some of the people there who were merely walking. Then other cops using rifle butts to breaks windows in trucks and damage trucks. When I saw all of that and the lamestream media not even mentionning it at all in the news, is when I lost all confidence in them altogether. (For background see previous posts - working your way back through them and watch the videos linked there and read the articles posted linked there as well - for a fuller more balanced and rounded picture of what's going on here and who said what and who's lying, who's telling the truth and who the wanna-be dictators are).
It was already pretty low because as I said many times before they tried to lay the blame of the circulation of ideas on conspiracy theorists etc, when I said I had all the original news stories linked in here and they almost always started in the lamestream media who spread them at the beginning of the spread themselves and then later tried to say it was this group or that, when that theory was proven unpopular or fake or whatever. Which was well documented in this blog. But being complicit in the gov't's grab for power and covering up or omission of facts such as the police brutality at that protest, is just mind blowing. 
Anyhow on with more Covid stories - or basically as it seems to be now, Covid lies being outted (or shall we say vaccine  lies being outted). More background to the trucker convoy (videos from before that weren't posted due to time constraints and me basically being fed up to the eyeballs with all this shit after 2 years of trying my  utmost to enlighten Canadians. Which might've worked except there's very few if any Canadians ever visiting this blog, mostly it's Americans and people from all over the world rather than Canadians). Given that fact, I wonder why I even bother.  But anyhow.... On with the show....

If you wish to visit, or support the truckers you can visit their site at:  Freedom Convoy 2022 If you do go there from here, please tell them that you were directed there by this blog, which lends them moral support and wishes them all the best with their endeavors!
Again, I won't be going very far back in the bookmarks because there's just so damned many of them since this convoy started and got crushed by the government gestapo, but I'll do my best. For the most part I probably won't comment because if I do, it'll take too long to get through and make this post super long. So if you want to know, you'll have to watch or read, there won't be m/any spoiler alerts from me along the way. So have fun....

COVID updates, Feb. 15: Quebec dropping vaccine passport as of March 14 Don't start celebrating yet, because they're only agreeing to lift the measures, not abolish them entirely.
Trudeau is treating trucker protesters like terrorists: Turley If that were true, instead of freezing their bank accounts, he'd be giving them each 10s of millions of dollars.  Since that's how he treats bonafide terrorists.

The Catastrophe of Canada | Rex Murphy and Jordan B Peterson It's an hour long, but I'm willing to bet it's more interesting and truthful than anything you'll find on lamestream media these days, so probably well worth your time to watch.




Financial tracking of protest funding will be used in 'transparent and responsible manner' There should be NO FINANCIAL TRACKING BY THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWED!


Protesters need to understand: Canada’s Charter is not the U.S. Bill of Rights  No it's not because we're not American. We're Canadian and it's called the The Canadian Constitution - Charter of Rights and Freedoms and was patriated to us by the Queen. Martha needs to go back to school and actually learn about this Charter of Rights & Freedoms - that's called our constitutional rights. Our rights under God (not under J.Trudeau, or S. Harper or J.Singh or any other wanna-be dictator this country might have had or have) are laid out in that Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Starts off like this: Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:  Not "whereas Canada is founded upon dictatorship principles and recognizes the supremacy of the current dictator and his laws" that's NOT how it starts. To read it online go here: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  That should clarify any questions anyone has about this including misinformed, misinformation Martha.

Tory staffer suddenly departs Queen’s Park after donating $100 to convoy protests Why? Is it illegal for a gov't staffer to support rights & freedoms????




Justin Trudeau Declares Canadian Freedom Truckers TERRORISTS!? | Louder with Crowder Then he should be giving them amnesty and putting millions of dollars in each of their bank accounts, because that's what he did with the real terrorists currently living in Canada. They should be suing him for discrimination. Since he only seems to pay middle eastern terrorists money and give them amnesty while denying the same rights to Canadians that he's declared to be terrorists. So they should sue for equal treatment under the law.



'Dictator' Justin Trudeau blasted by European Parliament member I think a  Romanian should know a dictator when they see one.


We need auditors in Ottawa now ! A cop is trying to prevent a girl from filming/streaming video of a non event in Ottawa. Read the captions on the video itself to see what she really thinks. 





Europe Heads Toward a New Normal as Final Covid Curbs Unwind Except in Canada where Mr. Moronface Dressup is adding new restrictions and measures.

'Stand with Swastikas': Emergencies Act debate turns ugly as opposition grows  So he not only stands with Al Qaida and ISIS but he actually pays their members as some kind of sympathy money or something.  No one rubbed that in his face though, did they? Too bad, because it would show that prick up for what he is, a 2 faced hypocrite.

Group Health Centre issues statement after CEO's convoy donation revealed Yeah so? He  has just as much rights as anyone else in Canada does (or did until the tyrant Turdeau abrogated said rights) to stand up for his rights by supporting groups that are doing that for him, if he can't physically be there himself to do it. 





The 'freedom convoy' protesters are a textbook case of 'aggrieved entitlement' Aggrieved entitlement????? Wow do you have that wrong!!!! The one sporting that psychosis is the shitbag at the helm in Ottawa. Daddy (Trudeau or Castro - depending on who his real daddy is) left the little shitbag thinking that as the spawn of that dictator, that he was entitled to be dictator too, but since our constitution won't let him, he has to find all sorts of ways to try to get around that as he's the one feeling aggrieved here. Those truckers are standing up for OUR REAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS & NOT MERELY ENTITLEMENTS, there shit for brains Fiona MacDonald Prof.  - I want whatever crackerjack box you got your degree out of, so I can have one like it.
Four arrested for conspiracy to murder Canadian police at convoy border blockade Wondering what the cops did to incite such a "conspiracy"????? Since I know the cops will never tell us and the lamestream media won't either and as for those guys their trials will all probably be closed to the public and media so the cops actions are never heard about, nor if there's any video of them, seen by the public, lending justification to whatever these guys are accused of. As it may have been a matter of self defense and life & death especially if the cops fully intended to murder them in cold blood and the "conspirators" knew that. But we won't ever know the truth of the matter, I don't think.
Ambassador Bridge Quiet as Ontario Police Clear Protesters and Vehicles Funny how this, the gov't videos and news media videos are allowed to remain on YouTube but for the most part all the videos posted by truckers or individuals have all been removed supposedly taken down voluntarily by the owners of them. BS. More censorship, only this time by YouTube.  There were tons of videos I had linked to post in the blog, but none of them are on YouTube anymore. Maybe they've all been moved to, I don't know, but I would hope so, as they are a vital part of this historical movement and ought to remain online. 
Why Do Some People Get COVID But Others In The House Don't? The same could be asked of any contagious disease I think. I know I've been around several family members several different times when they had mumps and I never got the mumps. My kids, my mother and other family members were flu magnets, yet I never got the flu. Stronger immune systems? Or maybe just having some sort of acquired natural immunity to it? As in maybe having had a very low grade (almost undetectable) case of it previously? Not enough to really notice (like in the case of mumps maybe what was just chalked up as a bad sore throat was really mumps?, or a mild stomach upset was a mild case of the flu?) But basically everything else going around, my immune system didn't want to be left behind on, and so I contracted just about everything else going besides the mumps and the flu.
N.L. to eliminate COVID-19 restrictions, move out of pandemic phase by March 14 Oh surprise, surprise, the SAME MAGIC DATE EVERYONE ELSE IS PLANNING ON MOVING OUT OF IT TOO! What'd'ya know? I'll tell you what I know... If the world has already planned to move out of this plandemic BS on a certain date either it was planned to last 2 full years to the day, or they all have amazing crystal balls that can foretell what the disease will be doing on that date. Personally, the fact that ALL GOV'TS who are still in this plandemic mode, plan to move beyond it on the 14th of March, tells me that this was planned in advance. So that tells me that this was NEVER ABOUT A VIRUS OF ANY KIND & MORE TO DO WITH A GLOBAL EXPERIMENT ON CONTROLLING & QUELLING THE MASSES MOVEMENTS & ABROGATIONS OF THEIR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS. That's what this was about more than any virus. So if that's the case, we should have no fear of that virus, and more fear of the authorities and what they plan to use it for next.
Convoy protesters pursue new funding, including own crypto token, as feds swoop in Good! Because as we all know that if they were real terrorists they wouldn't have to worry about new funding as the gov't would provide it for them.



Banks are moving to freeze accounts linked to convoy protests. Here's what you need to know Nothing like a massive and most likely illegal money grab eh? 

Protesters who come to Ottawa risk being tied to 'dangerous criminal activity,' minister says Oh yeah playing on bouncy castles, playing street hockey, soaking in hot tubs and carrying Canadian flags are dangerous criminal activities alright.
Emergency Act won’t solve the problems that the Ottawa protest has exposed Oh but if that "invisible money" were flowing into YOUR bank account or the gov'ts bank accounts that would NOT BE A PROBLEM AT ALL. In fact, it would be something you would try your utmost to keep covered up. Wouldn't i!?! There would be absolutely no mention of such a problem as this to the media, would there?




Emergencies Act The actual act itself on the Cdn gov't site.

The Emergencies Act is now in effect. Here’s what that means That we're under draconian dictatorial rule.

Rex Murphy: Trudeau's monumentally misguided emergency measures are an insult to Canadians Well like despotic dictator Daddy (whether that's Trudeau or Castro is irrelevant) like son.

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell and '10,000 pillows' blocked from joining Ottawa protest Yeah he was coming to supply them with such dangerous and revolution changing items as pillows. Can't have that now. I mean gawd almighty I'd understand if he was bringing ammunition and weapons or truckloads of cash, but pillows???? Pillows??? OMG.... That just shows you the level of depraved power hungry monsters craving dictatorial power in Ottawa. I think maybe the pillows would've been a good thing, as it would've allowed them to get a good night's sleep, thereby cutting down on the noise they were making keeping everyone else awake. But hey what do I know? 

Interactive map shows environmental impact of Ottawa trucker protest What about all the pollution caused by all the hot air expelled by the blowhards in parliament????





Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says And she doesn't want Russia invading her homeland because Putin likes to behave exactly like this. But yet it's okay for her and Mr. Dressup to take measures like this. What a hypocrite this big assed lizard bitch it.


CA 0:00 / 1:26 Stuart Varney: Trudeau’s war with Canadian truckers is costing him Yeah but it hasn't cost him nearly enough YET. Hopefully that'll change in the not too distant future.


Brooklyn gang members lived large on more than $4 million in stolen COVID unemployment funds You sure they were Brooklyn gang members and not Ottawa parliamentarian gang members in the Lieberal and NDP caucuses? Sounds like something those money grubbing wanna be dictators would do.


Ottawa Police Use Pepper Spray & Stun Grenades to Clear Trucker Protest Not to mention trampling by horses, rifle butts to the head multiple times, rifle butts to damage trucks and break truck windows. 

Ottawa police push ahead to end trucker convoy protest, more arrests made Yup and more than a few cops need to be busted too for the police brutality and vandalism of private property. 

Pipeline protest or convoy blockade — police should apply the same standards to all illegal demonstrations  Really???? Before you say stuff like that you ought to know what those standards were! If you weren't there and didn't see the videos posted to YouTube (which look like YouTube's censored - as they're not removed as I thought they were instead they start to load and then there's a message saying the user removed them - but that's BS because they ARE STILL THERE and if the user removed them voluntarily why did ALL OF THE USERS DO THAT IN UNISON????)  So I sincerely hope they're also available on so that the world CAN SEE THE BRUTALITY USED BY THE OTTAWA COPS - FOR WHICH THEY OUGHT TO STAND TRIAL FOR TOO. Like the trampling caused by their horses, the person being smashed repeatedly with a rifle butt, the vandalism caused to private property by them smashing windows and vehicles with the butts of their rifles. Yeah we ought to apply those same standards to everything in Canada alright. I guess if you want a gestapo police state, then by all means we should, but if you want a law abiding country with law abiding police forces as well, then I think they ought to be held to MUCH HIGHER STANDARDS THEN THE JACK BOOTED GESTAPO DISPLAY I SAW IN THOSE VIDEOS!!!!! That was not only disgraceful, it was downright shocking and scary - thinking that a cop could do that to any of us and get away with it. And the way YouTube is censoring everything, that's precisely what will happen too as they're hiding all the evidence. WHY????? WHAT INTEREST DOES YOUTUBE HAVE IN CDN POLICIING & POLITICS ANYHOW???????
Ottawa police close in on final protesters, vow to hold all participants accountable I hope they're also held accountable for all the shit they did as well.

Reporters take heat in Canada, U.S. for reaching out to donors who supported protests  Is that what you call trying to expose someone "reaching out to"???? What a nice euphemism for trying to out the person. Gawd what a bunch of lying hypocritical BS Canadian media is FULL OF. 






Thinkathon I saw this "thinkathon" link in the stats log on here and I wondered what that was all about. So I had to go check it out and why they were so interested in my blog and then I discovered the page above about Covid and the NWO. Which gave me the creeps. Seems they're spying on covid based websites/pages whatever to try to get a feel of how the masses feel and think and are responding to the BS by the gov'ts and the plandemic itself and then formulating opinions and probably work arounds - to coerse or cajole people like me into going along with their BS. Which won't happen because when it comes to stubborn.... I can out stubborn the best of them.

Britain should brace itself for a new world order after coronavirus Oh and what'd'ya know.... This was also a current story about covid and the NWO. 









CANADIANS BEING GASSED BY POLICE FOR PEACEFUL PROTEST - YouTube  This is one of the videos that they say was removed by the user - copying & pasting directly what it says:
Video unavailable
This video has been removed by the uploader  and in a box below that it says "Go to Home" and that is  This is one of tons of videos that have been "removed" by the user - but there's tons of users who've done that in unison it seems. Which is highly unlikely unless they've been "removed" (but still there really) to be put on  Let's hope so. 
THE RIOT POLICE ENJOY BEATING PEACEFUL CANADIANS - YouTube  Yet another video with the same message as the one above.

Trudeau - Is This Your Liberal Hero? There were at least 10 more such videos like the 2 above inbetween that one above and this one here. 

Canadian government is treating truckers like ‘terrorists’: National Review fellow Actually no. He  treats terrorists A LOT LOT BETTER THAN THAT. He gives them tens of millions of dollars, instead of freezing their bank accounts like he does to truckers and their supporters.





Most bank accounts frozen under the Emergencies Act are being released, committee hears Well at least there's that. Though they probably shouldn't have been frozen in the first place.

Rumble Videos Where you may find some of the YouTube deleted or censored videos. Not sure how to find things there or wade through the various videos to find specific ones, but I guess with a little effort it shouldn't be that complicated or hard to do.







False trampling death rumours at Friday's Ottawa protests a sign of misinformation campaign, police say Oh the death might've been false info, but I can assure you the tramplings (yes more than one person was trampled) is NOT false information.







New leaked data shows most donors to 'Adopt-a-Trucker' GiveSendGo page were Canadian Of course they would be mostly Canadian as the truckers were standing up for Canadians' rights.

AP PHOTOS: Huddling around fires, dancing at Ottawa protest Yeah if you look at those pictures you'll definitely see a ton of Canadian terrorists in them. It's Trudeau's worst nightmare.

Bill Gates says the chances of catching a severe infection from COVID-19 are dramatically lower but he believes another pandemic is likely Of course there's another plandemic coming as he's going to hire another bio lab facility somewhere else in the world to concoct another pandemic and release it, so he and all the companies he has major holdings in, can create another vaccine for that new plandemic. And saying that we probably won't get any more severe infections from Covid is because both Pfizer and Moderna are selling off their shares due to irregularities to do with their vaccines. As further headlines will show.




'The job's not yet done': Blair says risk that prompted Emergencies Act still exists That risk is you & and the other gestapo propping up that tyrant gov't of ours.

After Trucker Protest, Canada Grapples With a Question: Was It a Blip, or Something Bigger? Something bigger, much, much, much bigger. Massive in fact. Wait until you see all Canadians of voting age on the hill waving Canadian flags and chanting freedom.




Calls emerge for arrest of 'rogue' Ottawa-area MPP Yeah apparently it's illegal for an MP to show decency to people.





B.C. MP claims constituent's bank account was frozen for donating to convoy protest, but won't provide details Good for him! At least he's decent enough to protect his constituents from gov't harassment not to mention media harassment as well. But the gov't harassment is what I'd be most concerned about - about what they would do to her if they knew her identity. I'm sure it wouldn't be very helpful for her, whatever it was.




It’s time for Parliament to end the state of emergency Oh don't worry, now that the little power hungry dictator monster has gotten an unbridled taste of power he won't end it. In fact, he'll let it go until it's expiry date and then renew it again. What do you want to make a bet that he renews it ad. infinitum? Like Legault with his health emergency which he's renewed now for 100 times already!

Pfizer & Moderna Investors Run for the Exits    EVERYONE & I MEAN EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS ARTICLE ASAP. Whether you're an investor or not, it doesn't matter, you still need to know the information contained in this article. I think it's only fair to warn you. 
Kelly McParland: Complacent Canada is changing — and our politicians haven't a clue   Welllll at least Kelly McParland does.... So at least that person has a clue. Good. Yes complacent Canada is changing because we've had enough of the asshole that keeps mistaking us for doormats, just lying there waiting to be walked on. Enough is enough and the politicians don't seem to understand that concept I guess, so we are forced to show them where the bear crossed the river.
Should Quebec scrap the mandatory face mask rule across the province?  They should make it voluntary. For those who feel better with a mask or for those who can't stand them and want to go maskless. 
Pepper spray, tow trucks, and Bitcoin seizures: How Canada finally ended the weeks-long Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa Not to mention tramplings, head bashing with rifle butts, and vandalism done by the police.
Covid infections plummet 90% from U.S. pandemic high, states lift mask mandates  Does anyone else notice how all these infections world-wide are miraculously plummeting in time for the 2nd year anniversary of the lockdowns and when all the gov'ts seem to be planning to reopen? Doesn't it seem a tad suspicious to you?
'Reduced to a joke': Social media condemns Justin Trudeau's 'hypocrisy'  How very true. He's such an asshole he doesn't even realize what an idiot he's making of himself on the world stage. Like I said many times before and this is no different. The Cdn gov't will bend over backwards to help others out there in the world. In fact, they'll go to any length to help anyone else EXCEPT CANADIANS. Canadians are the doormats they use to wipe their boots on and grind into the ground. Because international image is much more important to the Canadian politicians than their image here at home or their citizens. That's why natives have been ignored for so long and treated like trash, why they treat the rest of us like trash as well. That we're here for two purposes and two purposes only and those are 1) to vote them in giving them access to the taxpayers trough and 2) to keep that trough filled with our tax dollars they siphon off us in all manner of taxes. That's all we're good for apparently.
Now I'm done with the headlines for now. Got them all in this post. So I don't know when I'll be posting again. In the meantime take care, stay well and stay out of the reach of the  tyrannical gov't of ours.