Showing posts with label Detroit-Ontario Ambassador Bridge Blockade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Detroit-Ontario Ambassador Bridge Blockade. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Anything & Everything in Our Lives & in this Plandemic of.....


 Courtesy of our neighbour friend

May 20, 2022

My neighbour friend, that I made a plaque for her birthday out of polymer clay, sent me this picture in email tonight, because she wants me to post it here for everyone to see. I made this plaque, while I still had the torture device on my thumb back in April for her birthday - it's the one of the horse superimposed with a dog which is superimposed with a cat on top - as she has had all 3 types of animals and in the case of cats & dogs, many of those over the years. 

Earlier this week our son's wife who is a nurse at the MEGA hospital downtown Montreal tested positive for COVID and so is off until this coming Wednesday. She's fully vaccinated on top of that. My son - on the other hand, who isn't vaccinated at all,  decided to come out here to get his lawn mower that we have in the garage and give his father some papers for the Jeep. So since then I've been keeping a close eye on us and them to see how they're doing and if we develop any signs of it. So far, so good, knocking on wood. Even his wife is improving drastically from when she first came down with it. He called me because he wanted me to tell him what I took when I had it and so I told him, MEGA vitamin C, Robitussin DM, and acetaminophen with codeine (for fever and coughing). So he got that for her and she took it and within a day she started feeling way better than she did the day before.

I had been wanting to go to Michael's because that gift card my husband gave me for Mother's Day has been burning a hole in my pocket and I wanted to get some liquid Sculpey (polymer clay). I had a coupon that expired today, but I had wanted to go on Wednesday, but it rained so we didn't go. Then I wanted to go yesterday but on Wednesday night my husband wrenched his back while crawling under the counter to reach for pots and pans way in the back for me. So we didn't go yesterday, because of that. But the weather wasn't that great then either, off and on rain showers. 
But my friend (the one I made the plaque for) saw this huge (seats 6-8 easy) glass & metal patio table in good condition put out for garbage and our patio table is one of those round cheap metal ones that seats 4 - 5 if you're lucky or everyone's tiny kids. So she told us about it. Because we didn't get there fast enough, she decided WE absolutely should have it (she has one about the same size - but it's a wooden picnic table) and so went up there to see if it was still there and then came down here in our driveway to get me to go get it with her. So we got and brought it home and JG was outside wandering around in pain with his back and our friend across the street the one with the "angel" in his front yard came over to talk to all of us and when she and I were trying to move the table (it's a heavy sucker) he grabbed one end and JG grabbed the other and they walked it from the driveway over to the spot in the front yard where I wanted it. It's awesome. 
Now I have that nice table in the front for having dinner with friends and family while taking in the scenery and getting the breezes off the water, and that other round table either as a side table to keep the plates and food on so the main one isn't cluttered up with stuff, or in the meantime when it's not needed in the front (as it's light enough to carry in the back easily) I can use it to do things on outside (like certain crafts I wouldn't want to tackle inside - like papier mache if I decide to do something like that for instance).

In the meantime - the dry times of those days gave me an opportunity to pick enough dandelions (and believe me we had enough and I think still do have enough yet again) to make either dandelion wine or dandelion jelly. It depends on how much I have when  I finish getting the petals off (which is my task for tomorrow), then I'll know if I have the right amount for wine or for jelly (jelly takes only 1/2 as much as is required for wine). 

Then miracles never cease..... But the insurance company for Bruno LeMay's Metro store contacted me via email asking what I am asking for in settlement. As I don't yet know if there are any private physio therapy clinics in the area that does thumb physio therapy and if so what their rates are, I haven't given them an amount. I just replied telling them I needed to find out what things would cost and I'd let them know once I know. I'm not counting my chickens before my eggs hatch, but at least that's a good sign. We'll see how it all pans out. 
In the meantime though I'm still leaving my statements as per follows at the ends of each blog post until things are resolved. If that happens in an amicable fashion then the people interested in a class action suit - if any - can proceed without me, or disband. It'll be up to them. But I'm not blowing this group off, until things have been settled fairly for me, otherwise I'll continue with that group, until they are settled fairly.
"In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:

Plus today I finally got to Michael's to do some shopping. And I know I can drive a hard bargain sometimes.... But I had coupons - one for $5 off and another for 25% off entire purchase (but underneath it said "Online") - it didn't say ONLINE ONLY though... Plus I get 10% off for being a senior citizen.... They only wanted to give me the $5 and 10% for senior citizens discounts though but I argued with them and got all of them off, saying it says ONLINE but NOT Online ONLY. So I got several different colours of liquid Sculpey (liquid polymer clay).

If anyone's ever seen Grace & Frankie a Netflix series (one I recently got addicted to), Frankie basically epitomizes me (not looks but personality and ways of being). So you get the picture. I can be loud, boisterous, obnoxious and stubborn when I want to be. I have no problems with that and I love making messes with artistic materials. Sometimes out of the messes something passable or even nice emerges, but not always.
I'm on a winning streak now! Now I can't be stopped! 🙋🙌💪
Now on with the backlogged headlines from where I left off before. First though.... What's with this new Monkeypox virus spreading hither and yon? On all the different continents except South America and Antarctica. Something weird going on there - maybe reason to keep wearing masks as it too is a respiratory disease. And as for waiting for pronouncements from the WHO about it, remember last time we waited for them and what happened? We're still dealing from the fallout of that more than 2 years later.... 
If it gets to be more prevalent than it is now, I'll be putting my masks back on again, even though I had a smallpox vaccination - but that was near 60 years ago, so I dunno if it's still protecting me against much. Though it did provide protection longer than they figure it should've - in recent articles I've read, where they figured it provided maximum 10-12 years protection tops. Considering smallpox wasn't eradicated until 1977 and I got my vaccine in 1961, I never contracted smallpox even though it was still floating around 16 years later. So I wonder.... Though I wouldn't want to be the person they use as  the guinea pig to find out how long the smallpox vaccine lasts for. 
But we all knew something like this was coming - given that the vaccines have all but stopped being produced and administered to the public. It was only a matter of time. 
But the timing and manner of the spread of this is SUPER SUSPICIOUS if you ask me..... Just saying...  Remember this headlines? Lab monkey on the run after truck crashes sparks fears it was ‘infected’ Wondering if they had any more of these "accidental" on purpose accidents on other continents at around the same time maybe?

Now for the COVID headlines.... 

Two years into pandemic, politicians still getting tripped up over coronavirus restrictions I guess "tripped up" is a nice way of putting "totally disregarding". 

Two Years Into Pandemic, Shoppers Are Still Hoarding This time though it's got to do more with shortages and inflation.  It's cheaper to buy things today probably than it will be tomorrow, by the way things keep going up and up.

'It has to stop': Trudeau accuses protesters of blockading democracy during Commons debate Oh this is rich the little TURDo, is worried about truckers "blockading economy, democracy and fellow citizens daily lives".... for 2 weeks. Meanwhile the tyrant TURDO had no compunctions whatsoever about "blocking" fellow citizens lives (by locking them down and quarantining them), democracy - when he usurped control from parliament and ruled autocratically and the economy, when he locked the country down and specific segments of the economy were basically paralyzed for 2 years. Nevermind 2 weeks! Two weeks is nothing compared to the 2 years he f'd people's lives up for and continues to do even now.



Saskatchewan ending COVID-19 passport, lifting mask requirement  Funny how the freedom convoy starts with massive amounts of people across the country supporting them and all of a sudden the premiers start feeling the heat and decide to end passport requirements along with lifting mask requirements too. 

Fearful Ottawa residents flee downtown as protest drags on Oh wah wah wah. Why weren't you so fearful when sheitehead grabbed control of parliament, imposed mandates of all kinds and lockdowns? You're more afraid of a few noisy truckers than you are of dictatorial tyrants????? Wow are you clowns f'd in the head!

Liberal MP Joël Lightbound says his party's COVID policy 'stigmatizes and divides people' Oh oh what's this???? A TRUTH TELLER in the LIEberal party???? Can't have that now can we!?! All the LIERS have to stick together. 

Tamara Lich admits accepting award is related to Freedom Convoy in fiery day in court WooHoo! She DESERVES THAT AWARD MORE THAN PRACTICALLY ANYONE ELSE IN THE HISTORY OF CANADA WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE SOLDIERS THAT FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOMS & THE TRUCKERS THAT STOOD WITH HER! Her lawyer Lawrence Greenspon represented someone I know, and he got that person off, so in my humble regard, he's a good lawyer and if anyone can win her court case he can. 

Quebec eases restrictions: 'The population is fed up,' Legault says  Mr. Gestapo boots even got the crap scared out of him by the trucker freedom convoys in Ottawa and Quebec City and decided to acquiesce to their demands. 

Cinemas, concerts and sports venues reopen in Quebec See what growing a backbone can do? You get your rights and freedoms back when the assholes in power realize that it's really WE the people who are in power and we LET THEM GOVERN ON OUR BEHALF, BUT WHEN THEY ABUSE THAT PRIVILEGE WE CAN TAKE IT BACK ANYTIME WE WANT AS THERE'S MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF THEM AND THEY'D BETTER SMARTEN UP & FLY RIGHT IF THEY WANT TO CONTINUE TO REMAIN IN POWER ON OUR BEHALF.


Alberta lifts COVID-19 measures, with restrictions exemption program now over Almost every freaking premier lifted restrictions in the same week that the truckers descended on Ottawa. What do you want to make a bet that if they didn't we'd still be locked down tigthter than a drum, and triple or quadrupled masked up to the eyeballs with 65,000 booster shots mandated for each of us and the 60+ crowd that would be 1 booster shot per hour - even during sleep hours. Or better yet, we'd be hooked up to a continuous IV drip of the stuff, if sheitehead et. al. all their way. Not just here in Canada but where the trucker protests were noticed and supported in the rest of the world, too.

Trudeau appears in House of Commons for 1st time this year, pledges support to manage protests Oh you mean when the real tyrannical terrorist put his big boy pants on and stopped hiding from the "terrorist" truckers and crawled out of his bunker? Yup and doncha just love the support he provided to "manage" the protests????? More like the way the Chinese managed Tienanmen Square protests if you ask me. He's the REAL TERRORIST, not the truckers.


The dominos begin to fall: Most Canadian pandemic strictures should be gone by spring  That probably would've never happened without the Freedom Convoy. 

New Zealand anti-vax protesters inspired by Canada truckers camp outside parliament See Yahoo? Even if you delete the story from your site, I can still find it elsewhere on the net. So just because you eradicate the story doesn't mean it went away and never happened.
Canada truckers: Arrests as police warn of 'volatile' protesters Thankfully, other places in the world also carry Canadian news stories and KEEP THEM. 

Ottawa is canceling police officers' days off as the Freedom Convoy protests continue. Some have worked 2 weeks without a break.  No wonder they were rifle butting people's heads and smashing truck windshields and wrecking private property and running people down with their horses. Super tired, super cranky and in bad moods already due to lack of sleep and R&R. Sheitehead in Ottawa should be forced to work under the same conditions - wondering how long he'd be able to operate under such conditions before someone called a non-confidence vote and hung him out to dry. 


COVID-19 truck blockade in Canada shuts down Ford plant This is the story that was here at the following URL: under this headlines title: Canadian provinces lift COVID restrictions, protests remain As you can clearly see by the actual blue live link, that was supposed to be at that URL (which is STILL THE SAME URL aka https address) is another more hardline story instead of the one that shows the truckers were winning by getting the provinces to lift all their restrictions. Instead Yahoo has to show "the bad side" of things. But really? Is it a bad side for the general population? I guess if you work for Ford or have shares in the company it might be, but otherwise, I don't think so. I think it's only bad for those few who are affected by anything to do with the functionning of the Ford plant. So in comparison to the majority of the population, nobody really except a few workers and some hoity toity fat cats that can probably live quite well without the few dollars on their shares that the blockade affected.

Wednesday evening UK news briefing: Covid isolation to be scrapped  As you might've surmised, the Canadian truckers actions not only drove the point home to the autocratic dictators in Canada they drove the point home to all of them world wide. Suddenly they sat up and took notice, that the "little people" or common man had power after all - even without weapons. Just several big rigs is all it took. Not only were the big rigs not providing the goods and services they normally do (as in basically closing off and narrowing the supply chain down significantly while that protest was going on - so having an economic effect), but they had the power of the massive machinery that they could wield peacefully and sanely or go insane and basically run rampant at parliament itself and basically wreck parliament altogether and if anyone was standing in their way when they were doing that, take them out as well - on purpose or accidentally. I think they all knew that and realized it was time to put their gestapo boots back in the closet and pretend like none of that ever happened, before the truckers made their worst nightmares a reality. 
2 B.C. doctors went on a COVID-19 speaking tour. Colleagues say their misinformation put public at risk Yup anything that didn't/doesn't go along with the gov't narrative is "misinformation" or outright "false information". If you want mis & false information, just listen to the governments. They're full of it.

Canadian police filmed ‘aggressively’ arresting great-grandfather after he honked at ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest The only way we got the truth of what the cops were doing during this protest was from foreign sources and videos that YouTube felt compelled to remove - even though it should've stayed as part of the historical record, so that EVERYONE WORLD WIDE could see what Canadian cops are all about. It's not just cops in the US and Europe that bash people's brains in with rifle butts or break windows or trample innocent protesters - Canadian cops do it as well. The most BRUTAL ABUSIVE COP IN ALL OF CANADA - Blair got rewarded with a cabinet minister's job. That's how the Waterhole dynasty rewards criminals and terrorists. If they're French terrorists they get extended vaccations at taxpayers expense in Cuba and then upon return to Canada cushy jobs in politics or as university professors think FLQ (and daddy Waterhole). Then along comes juniour bozo brains Waterhole and he starts off by giving 3 terrorists $10,000,000.00 each of Canadian taxpayer money and jobs to the biggest criminal cop (by that I mean the cop himself IS A F'ING CRIMINAL & NEEDS TO BE IN JAIL INSTEAD OF PARLIAMENT) a cabinet post in his gov't. That's how the TURDo's operate. By rewarding terrorism and criminality.

Fauci: U.S. heading out of "full-blown pandemic phase" Miraculously even Fullasheite Fauci says the US is heading out of the full blown plandemic phase at the same time everyone else is coincidentally.... Which of course is all coincidental with the trucker protest in Ottawa.  


Despite pandemic, Canada's population grows at fastest rate in G7: census Of course because Loosy Goosy Moronface, has to import as many foreigners as possible to further his father's agenda from the 1970s - the good old melting pot ideal, that was foisted off on us unsuspecting teenagers, not realizing all the crap that that brought with it. It's one thing to not be racist and to want to share your resources with others and tolerate their culture and customs. I don't mind any of that. What I resent though is having to do all that without any reciprocation at all from them. I HAVE TO BY LAW RESPECT THEM & THEIR CUSTOMS WHILE IT'S PERFECTLY ALRIGHT FOR THEM TO WALK ALL OVER OURS & EVEN GO TO COURT TO FIGHT AGAINST RESPECTING OUR LAWS, CULTURE & RELIGIONS AS WELL. We didn't have to allow you into our country and the fact that we did, means you could at least show a little appreciation and abide by our laws and customs and not try to force yours down our throats - that goes for the ALL OUR LAWS, CUSTOMS & RELIGIONS from the Indigenous peoples, to the French & the British's. All other newcomers after those parties were here and established laws and boundaries should have to abide by those laws and boundaries set by us,  and not try forcing your laws, customs and religions down our throats either by coercion, or legal challenges.  But Mr. Loosy Goosy wants to finish Daddy's & the UN's unfinished business by forcing that sheite on us by importing as many people as possible from EVERYWHERE whether they get along with others or not is irrelevant. Multiculturalism only works when BOTH SIDES ARE EQUALLY RESPECTFUL OF THE OTHER, unfortunately that isn't usually the case. 



Vernon trucker in Ottawa protest says mood, actions have been positive  From all the videos I saw of the protest in Ottawa, it too seemed to be a fun almost carnival like atmosphere. But of course the lamestream media here in Canada tried to paint them as close to terrorists as they could get, to appease Mr. Potatohead in Ottawa, the chickensheite who was terrified of the big bad meanie "terrorist" truckers that went to Ottawa planning on nuking the ash hole (in his mind any how).  I mean gawd almighty, what a lamebrained idiot we have for a PM.  Wondering why he didn't treat them the same way he treated the real terrorists by giving them 10 million dollars each? Just sayin.....

Provinces to relax COVID-19 restrictions, say risk assessment lies with citizens So the truckers won but as you will see in later articles (which I can't get to tonight) at a high cost to themselves. 

Take care and stay well. Remember you have two viruses to be on the watch for and protect yourselves from now, COVID 19 and now Monkeypox as well. Masks work against both at least to a point. So don't be afraid to wear one if you feel you must. It's still your right to wear one even if there's no law saying you have to. When/if I feel I need one to be safe, I will wear one for sure. 
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: