Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Celebrating Anniversaries & Lockdown Reopening Because Of Receding.....




June1, 2021

Finally! I never thought I'd live long enough to see the day that Dictator's R Us in QC City would loosen the reins on their draconian measures and allow us to breath a little again, as per this article:  Montreal and Laval to go into the orange zone Monday, no more red zones in Quebec
I guess it took a few hundred thousand rebellious souls to go out and protest a few weekends in a row for them to get the message. So I'm very proud of the Quebecois who seem to be the only really brave souls in Canada, willing to stand up against their wanna-be dictators.
My husband and I actually went to a burger joint "Harvey's" and had a dine-in meal, today. That was a first time in a long time, we've been inside a restaurant, to sit and eat something. I guess because we haven't had a Harvey's hamburger in ages, it tasted almost as good as what we had last night to celebrate 50 years of knowing each other.
For that occassion we had Avocado & Cottage Cheese Salad, Asparagus with Sherry & Bacon Vinaigrette, Garlic Parmesan Duchess Potatoes, Capital Grille Filet Mignon (copycat recipe), all taken from this page: 65 Easy Romantic Dinner Ideas For Two: Best Valentine’s Day Recipes and my Blueberry Cheesecake recipe. Along with Rose "champagne" from Italy to toast with friends and neighbours that came over for the toast with us.  It was so much fun having a get together over champagne in our front yard and talking to others sans masks for the first time in over a year. Just that alone was memorable.
For those wishing to try those recipes for themselves, don't be daunted, if I can do it, so can you. Just follow the directions precisely, and you'll do fine.
I had wanted to go to a fancy restaurant to commemorate the occassion, but none of them in our area were open for business inside because even though they were allowed they were afraid of the big bad boogey man germies that might get them, and most of them didn't have terrasses, nor do delivery. 
So I had to get creative and looked around for some fancy recipes that I could make here at home. Something out of the ordinary to make the occassion memorable because eating at home isn't all that remarkable, as we do it all the time. But those were definitely memorable dishes and all quite delicious. But I impressed myself with the duchess potatoes. Eu la la... Even I can make something that fancy and it so it won't cost me mega bucks the next time I want to have it. No need for fancy restaurants for us, from now on. If we want to change the ambience, all we have to do is drag the food outside and eat it in the front yard, overlooking the water and it's a fait acomplit. 

I've been so busy doing things and enjoying life that unbeknownst to me, I've accumulated a freaking slew of COVID19 headlines here in my bookmarks file. I didn't realize I had accumulated that many. So once again, I don't know if I'll get through them all in this one post or if I'll have to post another post or two to manage to get through them all.  I'll do the best I can, by keeping my remarks, to a minimum or as succint as possible in order to get through them as quick as possible and posted for you to read too. So settle in comfortably with your favourite beverage and start reading....

The greedy grubbied paw gestapo doesn't seem to know when to quit.

They’re Vaccinated and Keeping Their Masks On, Maybe Forever They sound a lot like the paranoid restaurant owners in the vicinity.

COVID Data Tracker For the American stats. 

COVID Data Tracker For the Global stats.


Changed by pandemic, many workers won’t return to old jobs  In a lot of cases, I don't blame them.  

I love these dunces that can't seem to get the "long term" questions out of their heads, even after you've already told them a bazillion times NOBODY KNOWS BECAUSE IT HASN'T BEEN AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW.  Let that sink into your thick skulls and stop asking such idiotic questions.
Worldometer Covid19 A much quicker loading and easier to use stats monitor for global and single country by country stats. 

Canada’s COVID-19 border rules are not to blame: Travel didn't cause third wave, Premier Doug Ford ‘deflecting again’, critics say Of course not. Travel isn't to blame at all. All of those exotic variants from the UK, SA, Brazil and Indian variants just magically travelled thousands of miles on the atmospheric clouds and rained down on us when it rained. That must be how they got here if they didn't get here via human travellers bringing them in from elsewhere. Um f'n duh. How stupid are the politicians in power today anyhow? I just can't believe how pathetically stupid they all are. It's un f'n believeable!

'Reprehensible, callous, and ethically odious': Canada receiving COVAX supply while other countries fall way behind Hey whoa there, hostee tabernacle de sale enfants chienes qui veut dire des chose contre nos autres qui manque notre vaccine propre!  Mange la merde! In my wonderful street language French. In other words the ash holes that has the audacity to say sheite like that ought to take good long hard looks in their mirrors to see what kinds of ash holes they are, since they're the ones with the vaccine manufacturers in their countries stock piling & HOARDING vaccines to the heavens & back and not letting one single simple dose of it escape their grasp, but could be donating that supply to others instead of criticizing countries like Canada that do NOT HAVE ANY VACCINE MANUFACTURERS TO OVER RULE AND OVER RIDE & DEMAND THEY KEEP IT ALL HERE IN CANADA FOR OUR OWN USE!!!!!!!!! So SHOVE IT UP YOUR DEEP DARK SHEITY HYPOCRITICAL  ASHES WHY DON'T YOU!?!?!? 
Canada ‘on track’ to shorten 16-week interval between COVID-19 vaccine doses, Njoo says  That would be nice because I think pretty soon my vaccine will be running on fumes and will need a boost soon. Like what you'd expect from a country with vaccines piled up sky high, while they make all their citizens wait forever for a booster shot. For the brain dead ash holes out there in this world that still don't get the idea that we HAVE NO VACCINES OF OUR OWN. Like all the other countries that don't have any UNLIKE THOSE THAT ARE CRITICIZING US FOR GETTING SOME FOR OUR CITIZENS WHILE ALL OF THIER CITIZENS ARE ALREADY MOSTLY OR FULLY INOCULATED & THEY STILL STOCKPILE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that plain enough for you ignorant morons to understand yet??????????
Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires Yup well I think I mentionned what would happen with the companies making these vaccines in the beginning. I mean it was as obvious as the nose on your face, that they'd wind up making bazillions if not gazillions in profit from this. I mean just think there's 8 billion customers for your product and they're all going to need a 2nd dose so that's 16 billion at x amount per dose, what did you think they'd make anyhow? I mean even if they only had a one cent profit per dose.... What do you think that works out to in dollars? 

Let me know when they've managed to link hangnails and ingrown toenails to the virus as well. Because it seems to me that any new/strange thing to come along medically speaking these days they're linking to the virus whether it ought to be or not. 

Manitoba premier issues ‘call to arms’ for more COVID-19 vaccines from U.S. I agree with him 100%. Instead of everyone coming down on Canada because we're trying to just get enough vaccine to at least inoculate everyone once (and that seems to be a chore and a half to do between all the excuses, delays, and gov'ts overriding companies on what they're allowed to do with the vaccines they produce in those countries) nevermind 2x or in other words fully inoculated, WHY don't those loud mouth hypocritical ash holes come down on countries like the US who INSIST ON STOCKPILING & HOARDING THEIR VACCINES WHEN THERE IS NO NEED FOR IT AS MOST ARE ALREADY VACCINATED!!!!!! And they could save the required amount of doses needed to ensure everyone gets their full vaccine dosage and let the rest go. But NOOOOOO THEY DON'T. But it's CANADA that's the "ethically odious" here apparently...... I hate to disagree with that assessment but I DO!!!!!!!! I'm just freaking tired of waiting and wondering when or if I'll get my second dose or not, while countries like the US have more than they need but won't let one single dose escape their grasp.
COVID-19: Ontario reports 1,691 news cases Sunday and 15 deaths; More than 8 million doses of vaccine administered further down the page it says more than 50% Cdns have had their first dose of the vaccine..... Meanwhile back in the US over 40% of Americans are FULLY VACCINATED or
As of 6 a.m. EDT May 30, a total of 135,087,319 Americans had been fully vaccinated, or 40.7 percent of the country's population, according to the CDC's data. as per this page: States ranked by percentage of population fully vaccinated: June 1 You do get the discrepancy between the amounts of people who've been vaccinated only once versus those who've been vaccinated fully or 2x here don't you? In the Cdn article that declares a victorious 50% have had their first shot that 50% equals 20 million people getting ONE shot, while in the US 135.1 million have had 2 shots totalling 270.2 million shots given just to that group alone, while a large percentage of Americans have had 1 shot already too. So how many shots does that total that they've not only had access to but given to their citizens while we have had a problem getting 20 million doses in 6 months - that works out to about 3 million a month coming. At that rate it'll take 10 months just to give each Cdn a single dose and and another 15 months for them to get both doses! We need 70 million doses to inoculate each Cdn fully. That's 1/4 of the doses already given to those fully inoculated in the US, but yet they can't spare any.

Majority of Canadians support COVID-19 vaccine passports for concerts, travel: Ipsos poll Like this book that I saw recently about a pollster who worked for polling companies who said that they basically engineer the results of the various polls to suit the desired outcome of the client asking for the poll. But aside from that I don't know how Ipsos can claim a majority of Canadians feel this way or that if they didn't ask the majority of Canadians that question - so over 20 million people needed to be polled for them to say "a majority" voted either way on that question and I'm sorry but I wasn't polled for it. Were you? Do you know anyone who was? Because I certainly don't. So that's a load of horse manure if you ask me.

I don't know why people are afraid of Moderna, both my husband & I got it and we didn't have any issues. In fact, so far as I can tell from all the postings in my blog and all I've read about all the vaccines, it's the one with the least issues - both real and imaginary. Pfizer is plagued with conspiracy theories which may or may not prove real in the end - only  time will tell, Astra Zeneca and J&J have all kinds of serious health issues attached to them. The only one that doesn't is Moderna, so it seems to be the safest out of all of them.
Heart condition in some young people linked to vaccine This is scary. Wish we knew which vaccine was causing it though.

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin Maybe they should find a way to do a covert interview with those people to find out what really happened and why. Maybe offer them asylum in the US in return to talking if what they say proves out. 

My dad always said there's more than one way to skin a rabbit. 

Oh really? We're waiting for 2nd doses? How can that be? The know-it-all hypocrites of the world figures we should have more than enough to vaccinate  ourselves a thousand times over, plus everyone else in the world and shouldn't need any imported doses from Covax, even though we paid for them!!!!! So if we have so many doses of vaccine as they seem to think we do, why are we waiting for our 2nd doses then? Could it possibly be because we DO 💥💥💥 N O T💥💥💥 HAVE ANY OF OUR OWN?????? Because if we did, we wouldn't need to wait for the 2nd dose like we are now. Um duh, for the clueless wonders out there, who just don't seem to get it.

That's great news! Too bad, they couldn't have been a little quicker at getting this going then maybe we'd have been able to use this vaccine, instead of relying on the vaccines coming from the greedy guts countries.
Wuhan Researchers Were Hospitalized With COVID-19 Symptoms Pre-Pandemic: Reports Of course they were. There were reports (some posted in this blog) of people in Wuhan being sick before December 2019 in fact there's spy satellite pics that were being used to infer that there was an outbreak there September or October of 2019 because of how full hospital parking lots were compared to the same time a year prior or even just days or weeks prior.

Timeline: How the Wuhan lab-leak theory suddenly became credible  Gawd, I am so relieved that I'm now being vindicated about my thoughts on this whole plandemic with all the dirt that's coming out about it now. 

Mild COVID-19 cases can lead to antibody protection for life I for one don't know how they can know this because it's only been 1.5 years since this disease has been plaguing humankind (so far as we know - maybe it was before in China but we have yet to learn about it). So given that amount of time, unless we're talking the lifespan of a flea, I don't know how anyone can know the protection lasts a lifetime or not. If that's the case, then I shouldn't need to worry about my 2nd dose because I'm sure I had a mild form of it back in January 2020. 

What Doctors Don't Tell You - May 2021 It's a downloadable PDF version of this magazine issue - downloadable from the longfiles link. The reason I'm adding this link is because there is a very interesting and eyeopening article in here about Covid19 that I think you should read. Actually if memory serves me correctly I think there's more than 1 covid related article in there that you might find interesting.

Poll: Over 1 billion people worldwide unwilling to get COVID-19 vaccine, global herd immunity at risk Hmmmm well if that's true I don't see how herd immunity is at risk considering they say we need 70% to achieve herd immunity. Considering there's 8 billion of us, that leaves 7 billion still willing to get the shot, that right there would be 70% even if there were 10 billion of us, so I think there's sufficient people willing to get the shot to provide herd immunity. 


Wouldn't it be easier to quarantine the 12 people along with their families and contacts for x amount of time rather than a whole freaking city???? I mean that just doesn't make any kind of sense whatsoever to me. It's like taking a sledgehammer to kill a fly.
Moderna says 2 million more COVID-19 doses will arrive by the week of June 14 Wondering if that means we'll be able to get our 2nd doses then or if we'll still have to wait for another eternity?

Physician warns Tokyo Olympics could spread variants The scenario he paints here is very scary indeed, especially if what he envisions actually comes to pass - whereby all the various variants out there converge in Japan and wind up forming one super variant from all the strains. Then we could be looking at something that none of the vaccines and/or boosters will have a chance against, if that happens.  

Argentina battles health and economic crises as COVID cases soar I have a friend in Argentina and I hope she and her entire family are okay. Guess I'll have to get in touch with her to make sure.  

Who besides the WHO and China gives a flying F if it's disrespectful to them or not especially considering we're in this mess BECAUSE OF CHINA & THE WHO!?! Personally I hope since the shoe fits they wear it with shame, as they should!
Fauci once argued for risky viral experiments — even if they can lead to pandemic Like I've been saying since the beginning - but maybe not so plainly - I think,  he's an untrustworthy, lying, sleezy, snake in the grass, so far as I'm concerned. This is just one example of what I'm talking about.

As U.S. calls for focus on covid origins, China repeats speculation about U.S. military base Yes, I've heard the Ft Detrick suspicions too - one even came from an American source, though I don't remember who exactly at the moment. 

Researchers held an experimental indoor concert in Spain with no social distancing. No one contracted covid. So what's that actually say about the whole pandemic BS anyhow? To me it says it's not as contagious as everyone was making it out to be and probably on a par or even less to the garden variety flu. 

2020 Was the Year of Lost Friendships I don't know about that. My experience is that we gained friends during 2020 rather than lost some. Probably because more of us were trying to look out for and reach out to others to help or provide some companionship to them. So we seem to have made several friends during that year, considering everything.  

The (very strong) case for COVID-19 leaking from a Chinese lab   I don't want to see stories next month about how this was all conspiracy theories printed in some tabloids and conspiracy theory printouts, because there's been enough "reputable" lame stream media sources for this now, to basically be considered as news, if not actual fact.

Cuba bets on biotech prowess as it rolls out homegrown COVID-19 vaccine Good for them! They've been forced all these decades to be self sufficient and self-reliant and so I'm sure by now they've got certain things like medical research and technology down pat (especially in certain fields like cancer), so I'm sure their vaccine will provide good protection against the virus too.

I was always thinking the same thing, only not for the same reasons. I was thinking it's an airborne disease and air doesn't stop flowing at the plexiglass, it'll do like any other gas or liquid would do - flow around it. That means the air currents will go up, down and around all the barriers they put up unless they're hermetically sealed all the way around (which would not be too too good for the people in those areas).  
Vietnam identifies new, highly transmissible variant of coronavirus  Yup, here's a new variant to take to the Olympics to mix with all the other variants out there to ensure a super duper variant that no vaccine will be able to take down.

NACI COVID-19 vaccine communication sparks some 'confusion' and 'mistrust': Second doses should be offered 'as soon as possible,' group says No sheite sherlock! Vaccines were always supposed to be given as per manufacturers instructions. And not played fast and loose with the guidelines like those genocidal beitches at the head of Canada's health policies, wanted to play. I mean it's akin to giving someone an aspirin for their pain and making them wait a week before they get the next one for their chronic uninterrupted pain they've been experiencing for the past week since they got their first aspirin. But then when you think of it, that kind of mirrors the pain relief policies the medical establishment in Canada has already. You're allowed 1 325mg aspirin per week. Any more than that and you're an aspirin addict and you'll need to spend the next 12 weeks in rehab detoxing from that 2nd aspirin you had the nerve to take 4 hours later (even though it says you can take 2 aspirin every 4 hours). But then like I like to say "hey we're Canadians, so we're supposed to be tough and can take anything you want to throw at us, pain and all, without any help from anyone or anything". Or at least as a patient in the health care system that's been my experience. Literally forcing me to walk on a dislocated knee for 4 years, no pain killers, no walking aids, no knee supports, not even physio  therapy (until my husband threatened to fix that clown's knees for him), or worse yet enduring incapacitating week long migraines without any help whatsoever either, had one each month from the time I was 3 months old until I was well over 42 years old. All I got for those was used as a guinea pig for medical research. So yeah that sounds about par for the course for the Canadian medical establishment. Genocidal beitches and all.

Moderna Scientists And Execs Warn That New Viral Variants Of Covid-19 Coming  I'm pretty sure we didn't need them to tell us that, that we were able to figure that much out on our own. 

OMG! Now we're getting so desperate for vaccines the medical authorities have lost their collective minds and literally gone insane! I mean how many documentaries and news stories have we seen about the results of things that were used beyond their expiry dates in Africa and other places like that? Now here we are, SUPPOSEDLY a G7 country, but acting more like a 3rd world country by the second, extending expiry dates of critical medicine, that anyone with a half a braincell in their heads should KNOW should NOT be done!
Uptick in coronavirus cases prompts Chinese city to lock down neighborhood Good! Too bad it's not the entire country under lockdown!


UK reports no new COVID-19 deaths for first time since March 2020 Whoo Hoo! Awesome news! Now if more countries could do the same soon, that would be even better news.
Wow! I actually managed to get through them all. So it'll be awhile before I'll be posting anything here again. In the meantime take care and stay well.



Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good Riddance 2020! And Happy, Prosperous & .....

 Healthy New Year in 2021!

Free of Covid19!


December 31, 2020

I am very happy that I and everyone I know personally at least, made it unscathed through this year and I hope we all do next year as well, and I wish the same for everyone else out there as well. 

This has been one miserable year on all accounts as far as I can tell and I certainly hope 2021 is much better than this one has been, in all aspects, for everyone!

I also hope I don't spend as much time sleeping as I have lately, because it's getting ridiculous when I spend 6 hours a day awake and the rest of the time sleeping. I'm not physically tired (how can I be, I don't get a chance to do anything), but sleepy. It's like some kind of chemical or hormone in my body gets released into my bloodstream and I'm passed out in seconds. I have to do things (like keep moving) and not merely my fingers on a keyboard, to keep from falling asleep. So I sure hope that changes in the new year. Perhaps with the new year and the vaccines there'll be a lifting of restrictions that keeps us housebound and bored (which may be a huge part of my problem) and that may help.

Other than that, I've been busy preparing things for tomorrow - New Year's Day when the kids are coming for dinner. I thought maybe we'd have something that involved long noodles for long life and round things for good luck. So I settled on an Asian Ginger Beef Soup for the 1st course, coupled with Korean Beef (and a pork alternative - pork is for good luck too), soba noodles, a spinach side dish along with a pickled carrot and cuke salad both sliced very thinly with a mandolin and some seaweed thrown in for good measure. The salad is made, the soup is made and the pork and beef are cut into thin pieces of meat ready for stir frying quickly. Basically all the long tedious work is done, the rest will be done in minutes once started to cook. 

Anyhow, now I plan on trying to take a short look back over the year with some articles doing just that and also catch up with the COVID19 headlines so I start the year fresh. So get your glass of bubbly and get comfortable and get ready to relive the year in retrospect along with get informed about the newest COVID19 headlines....

This isn't a news story, just some recipes that might add some elegance and interest in your first meal of 2021, to kick it off in style - at least gastronomically speaking.
Google's top trending search queries for 2020 highlight one of the strangest years of all time If you want to know what others were most interested in finding out over the past year.

If you are interested in what fellow Canadians searched for the most this is the story.
Science News - 19 December 2020 - 2 January 2021 Science news in retrospect. PDF format download at the longfiles link.
In a year dominated by pandemic, many other dramas unfolded  Other stories that dominated the headlines at least briefly, during 2020.


If this gets posted in time for your time zone you may yet have time to avail yourselves of some of the ideas here.
9 Traditional New Year’s Day Foods to Make for Good Luck This is where I got the ideas about the long noodles and round foods from - in an effort to try to make things better for us and to ensure we all live long lives.

More ideas to help you ring in the new year with health, wealth & happiness as the title implies.

As I suggested this on another internet based site, back in January when I was trying to find out if it was possible that I had the virus myself, and suggesting that those who did, could also donate plasma in order for it to be used as a means of extracting antibodies to be used to help covid patients recover and that those who had the virus could be given a passport to allow them to function normally in society etc.... Because back then they didn't know who had it or how many and there was no treatment available to help anyone severely sick with it, so I suggested that. They were also discussing Wuhan type quarantine and lockdown measures if the virus came here (which it had but they were unaware of). So I suggested a type of card people could carry indicating that they had the virus and were probably immune to it from here on in....


Ontario plans to vaccinate 8.5 million people with COVID-19 vaccine by July 2021 Good for them, because the pencil necked accountant moron that thinks he's qualified to be a health minister anywhere, has said that he hopes to vaccinate all of the people in QC (roughly the same amount as shown here for Ontario) by the end of 2021. So what I want to know is why can Ontario get it done in 7 months but it's going to take bozo brains here in QC to get it done in 12 months? Something's wrong somewhere me thinks....

Sorry, a COVID-19 vaccine doesn't mean you can have a big summer wedding in 2021 Of course not. We can't let people have too much fun all at once, that just wouldn't sit right with all the saddistic powermongering ash holes that create this asinine laws.

Mosaic Stadium's football field in Regina flooded for free, pandemic friendly skating While I'm positive that there's some city, or town in QC that's outlawed skating due to the plandemic - like Pointe Claire closed down their toboggan hill on account of it. 

Pas seulement chez les femmes, mais aussi chez les aines.
Mexico might allow private firms to buy, distribute vaccines I'm sure the cartels love that idea, that way it makes it easier for them to steal the stuff and resell it for a king's ransom. Yeah.... Good idea Mexico, go for it!

Seek help for lockdown stresses, county politicians urge rural women There are phone numbers in the article for women needing help in the Middlesex region of Ontario. 

Concerns grow over new coronavirus variant in Canada As I said before, it's probably been here since at least mid October, considering it was around in the UK since about mid September and international flights between here and there didn't stop until recently. So it's probably here and running rampant which probably is why we're seeing so many cases despite all the measures taken to curtail and contain it. 

This is sad. I can't even get my head around why families continue to keep their elderly in these death camps after the 1st wave killed a large amount of them off. 
Quebecers defy lockdown despite crackdown on rule breakers Because we QC'ers are just fed up to the eyeballs with all the restrictions and lockdowns and never-ending BS. Besides the gov't changes it's mind every half hour so how are we supposed to keep on top of what the most current rule is anyhow? I have because of my blog, but most people I know are totally clueless about what they're allowed to do and not do at any given moment and so they've lost interest in even trying to keep up with it and just don't care anymore and I can't say as I blame them.

Of course, because they don't want the truth getting out.

That's the 1st one they found since they started looking for it. But I bet if they went back amongst all the previous tests and looked for the variant in them, they'd find a lot more than just 1 case of it. That's for sure.




I guess it's not only restaurants and bars being shut down when it comes to entertainment....

Not just nursing home patients but seniors living alone probably are too.



Of course they do. I didn't need a study to know that.   


88-year-old dies hours after COVID vaccination in second such incident This one could just as easily be an age related death or an underlying health issue as it could be related to the vaccine, in cases like these.




Obviously not for seniors because dimwits R us in Ottawa seem to think we get enough money already, considering we got 1 cheque all pandemic long and we individually get less than what 1/2 of a monthly minimum wage would be. Then you wonder why seniors can't make it and have to decide between rent, medicine, food, and heating each month.... I'd like to see any one of those clowns in Ottawa try to live on what a senior gets for one month and see how far they get. So if they're going to institute this universal basic income they'd better MAKE SURE IT IS UNIVERSAL & EVERYONE INCLUDING SENIORS GETS IT!!!!!! Otherwise there's nothing universal about it, if only a select portion of the needy gets it, while others look on in desperation. Seniors who were supposed to be the target group that needed protecting during this plandemic is the group that basically got forgotten (by being pushed outsight - hence out of mind) and little to no help at all. Especially independant living seniors who don't have any organizations helping them with anything at all. So if it's a UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME - it has better dammed well be UNIVERSAL and not just for some but not for others kind of "universal". 
Fact check: Bill Gates, Pfizer CEO both plan to take COVID-19 vaccine But they conveniently forgot to mention which vaccine they'll be taking, but all of these people (except maybe Gates' spawn) are beyond the age for procreation and so even if they wind up sterilized as a result of taking this vaccine it's not going to hurt them. And after googling Albert Bourla  the CEO of Pfizer, I'm wondering how good or efficient any human vaccine that's made by a vet is going to be.... 
Coronavirus latest news: Boris Johnson to move 'heaven and earth' to roll out vaccine and ease tough new restrictions Unlike any of the Cdn politicians who are content to sit on their ashes and dictate all their miserable cancellations and restrictions to us, while they live it up by going to tropical resorts and partying hearty with family & friends etc.... Yeah do as I say, don't do as I do..... Maybe these ash holes should have to face the same repercussions we would have to face if we got caught PLUS LOSE THEIR JOBS ON TOP OF IT. I'm wondering how that clown with 15 people gathered around his Christmas table would like a $22,500 fine for that gathering? Like anyone else would've gotten if they did the same thing. And the others shouldn't have been allowed back in the country at all until the pandemic's completely over with while they lost their jobs and hence source of income. Let them see what it's like living in those areas with no money and cancelled passports etc.... Teach them a frigging lesson. That's how I'd treat the ash hole Cdn politicians who want to party hearty and take extended tropical breaks while the rest of us suffer, when they could be here, trying to find a way to get us out of this pandemic and ways to speed the vaccinations up. Because right now they're being rolled out slower than a freaking snail's pace. At this rate it'll be 3021 December 31st by the time all Canadians have been vaccinated. Gawd even 3rd world countries like Bahrain and India etc are doing better than we are. We're so far behind everyone in everything to with this pandemic that it's pathetic. Well bozo brains and the genocidal beitches Tam & Haggydodo are to blame primarily, but the provincial bozos have something to do with it as well now.
With gigs dried up, Cape Breton's Ashley MacIsaac wants to play in your living room Well this is definitely a different & unique way of entertaining us. I especially like the email approach.
Quebec faces challenges in vaccine rollout but should still hit targets: expert Why is this proving so freaking difficult for you braindead bozos anyhow? How the hell did we manage to basically inoculate almost the entire population against H1N1 in a few months but you can't get this done in less than a year?????? What about taking the vaccines into schools and administering shots to faculty and students there and then using pharmacies, CLSCs and walk-in clinics to do the rest of the population besides those in long term care and hospitals? I mean gawd wake up and fly right for a change you bunch of pathetic idiots.
Ottawa tenant's eviction a symptom of a larger problem, advocate says Like I said before this is just cruel and unusual punishment for being poor in Ontario, considering there was a moratorium on evictions earlier in the plandemic but now because autumn and winter was upon us, they lifted it. Gawd the politicians that run this country needs to be lined up against a wall in front of a firing squad. 
Anyhow, here's wishing everyone a MUCH BETTER, HEALTHIER, HAPPIER & WEALTHIER 2021! Happy New Year! 


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Planning Christmas Dinner with....

 All Kinds of Choices

For All Kinds of Attendees

Author Unknown
(If you are the author & wish for me to remove it
from here, please leave a comment below).

December 8, 2020

Whoever attends your Christmas dinner, I hope, will have better table manners than these guys and will refrain from stealing the utensils. 

In any case, no matter who is at your Christmas dinner table, I hope they enjoy the feast you've prepared for them. 

For those still wondering what to make or even how to make it, here's some ideas on what to make and how to make it. Enjoy....


These are cocktail recipes from the QC liquor commission - in case you don't recognize some of the names of the products here - it may be because they're prohibited from being sold where you live - especially if you're Canadian - as cross provincial borders alcohol products are sometimes forbidden.  


Get Inspired  Martha Stewart's Get Inspired page for Christmas recipes, decor & more.




Tasty Tourtière Turnovers You can probably use the filling recipe here to make actual tourtiere pies with - a staple around a reveillon table on the 24th.












Christmas Heaven 2015 use the longfiles link.







Cedar Cove fans might enjoy this.


Hopefully, you'll be able to find some ideas for your Christmas menu from one of these sources, if you don't already have one of your own. In any case, I hope you enjoy your Christmas dinner & guests (if you are allowed to have any).